#9103 - Apr 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

4<br />


The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Apr</strong>il <strong>1991</strong><br />

;I ·- I<br />

I<br />

Task Force<br />

continued from page 3<br />

Ticked Off<br />

At Ticketing<br />

A group of Kensington task force<br />

members agreed Wednesday<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 2 to ask the local Metro<br />

Councillor Dale Martin to arrange<br />

a meeting with the chief of police<br />

to convey community concerns.<br />

The meeting Wednesday <strong>Apr</strong>il2<br />

was to discuss how the task force<br />

would react to the east market<br />

report. One section of that report<br />

deals with policing. It calls among<br />

other things for ticketing in the<br />

market to be based on whether or<br />

not an infraction impedes the flow<br />

of people. And the report calls for<br />

police to know a neighbourhood,<br />

and the neighbourhood to be able<br />

to recognize its police.<br />

The <strong>Apr</strong>il 2 meeting was most<br />

interested in the section of the<br />

report dealing with ticketing. All<br />

the business owners at the meet:<br />

_ ing spoke out heatedly against the<br />

present wave ot ticketmg , agreeing<br />

that it is now having a definite<br />

impact on business. People come<br />

to get food and clothing cheap in<br />

hard times and find after paying<br />

the bill that there's an extra $20 in<br />

Metrotax on the windshield. And<br />

they're just not coming back.<br />

The group agreed to convey the<br />

request to Councillor Martin at<br />

the·next scheduled task force<br />

meeting (City Hall, Wednesday<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il24).<br />

Be1ow: BaiJlU/L-t>t and Aicine.. Pulling<br />

ihe "can" in canopy ( wii_h ihe<br />

&1Lt:>-t>ing ot PuPJ!.ic UJo/lk-t>)<br />

Special Assistant - Constituency<br />

To work with and advise the Minister of Culture and<br />

Communications on riding issues. Familiarity with Fort<br />

York riding and experience in community development an<br />

asset. For more information call 325-6200. Send resume<br />

to: Attention: Adrianna Tetley, Minister's Office, Ministry<br />

of Culture and Communications, 77 Bloor Street West,<br />

6th floor, Toronto, Ontario. M7A 2R9.<br />

Deadline for Applications: <strong>Apr</strong>il19, <strong>1991</strong><br />



Most Toronto residents don't know how to go<br />

about recycling fine paper. Well here's your<br />

chance.<br />

The Toronto Recycling Action Committee<br />

(TRAC) otters residents an opportunity to<br />

recycle their waste computer paper, white and '<br />

coloured letter paper, and bond photocopy<br />

paper. Bring it ·to ·city Hall, on Sunday, <strong>Apr</strong>il<br />

21 for recycling.<br />

TRAC volunteers and staf-f will be on hand from<br />

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to collect the paper in Blue ·<br />

· Barrels. The paper will be manufactured int9<br />

new paper products.<br />

PLEASE NOTE: envelopes, magazines, brown<br />

bags, wrapping pap.er, glossy pamphlets and<br />

brochures CANNOT be recycled under this<br />

program.<br />

"By saving fine paper and bringing it to City<br />

Hall during Earth Week, City residents will. help<br />

keep this valuable· forest _resource out of<br />

landfill sites, save trees, and reduce air and<br />

water pollution," says TRAC chair, Paul<br />

Jansen.<br />

This message brought to you by the Kensington<br />

Garbage Action Group<br />

the request for the meeting with<br />

the commissioners to Councillor<br />

Amer at another meeting - the<br />

Western Hospital public meeting<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il 17, which both the councillor<br />

and the task force members<br />

were planning to attend.<br />

And Finally Canopies<br />

Seems like a ray of hope ... Gus<br />

Fisher now has a copy of a letter<br />

from Commissioner V ardin saying<br />

that a canopy near Bathurst<br />

and St. Clair meets his departments'<br />

standards. "It's just like a<br />

good Kensington canopy" Fisher<br />

exults.<br />

Merchant Support<br />

For Mid Week Mall<br />

continued from page 1<br />

Sopro-mallpeopleshiftedplans<br />

to supporting a few car-free<br />

Sunday events in <strong>1991</strong>, like the<br />

Carnival and the Survivors of<br />

Assault festival. Sunday pedestrian<br />

days in <strong>1991</strong>. Carnival in<br />

particular, with vendors, buskers,<br />

bands and lots of people opened a<br />

few merchants' eyes as to the<br />

potential of a car-free Kensington.<br />

But the confusion over Sunday<br />

shopping makes Sunday a very<br />

marginal day for getting things<br />

hopping in Kensington except for<br />

. really special events. People who<br />

don't like total car domination in<br />

the Market are getting restless at<br />

the lack of willingness among the<br />

merchants to try anything new.<br />

Now it seems the merchant tide<br />

is turning. Many merchants say<br />

that ticketing for parking viola-<br />

-tions has reached an all time high,<br />

and many customers are being<br />

scared away for good. Business<br />

has never been worse. So there's<br />

a bit more willingness to look at<br />

the mall option again. No one<br />

wants to jeopardize Saturdaysit's<br />

not the "war on automobiles"<br />

lobby whose livelihood is being<br />

threatened. But for the first time<br />

there seems to be significant<br />

support for the idea of car-_free<br />

Wednesday-s. Stay tuned.<br />

J£]1<br />

City of Torontc-<br />




Instead of throwing your cardboard boxes out with your garbage, let us recycle<br />

them into useful products.<br />

Here's all you have to do:<br />

1. Remove all plastic wrappings, metal and plastic straps, wood or liners<br />

from boxes.<br />

2. Flatten the boxes.<br />

3. Tie and bundle them together.<br />

4. Place the bundles at the curbside before 11 p.m. nightly, Monday<br />

through Friday, for collection.<br />

Remember, only corrugated cardboard boxes can be recycled in this programme.<br />

Please do not include waxed or coated boxes; cereal or shoe boxes; glossy printed<br />

cardboard; or cardboard stained with oil or food.<br />

For more information, please call 392-1040.<br />

Nicholas Vardin, P. Eng.,<br />

City Engineer and Commissioner,<br />

Department of Public Works and the Environment

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