#9103 - Apr 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

8<br />


The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Apr</strong>ill991<br />



A TENANTS'<br />


APRIL 14. SUNDAY.<br />

3 P.M. AT<br />

I<br />



A musical theatre<br />

production to .raise ·<br />

consciousness<br />

·regarding the rights<br />

and responsibilities<br />

of landlords and<br />

tenants, and to<br />

transcend the<br />

language and culture<br />

barriers that exist in<br />

our community.<br />

Come to our first<br />

meeting! All creative<br />

and/or interested<br />

people welcome.<br />

Young Women's Days<br />

Making Young Women's<br />

Recreation· a Priority<br />

_ by Jan Borowy<br />

On <strong>Apr</strong>il 12 and 13, Toronto's<br />

City Hall will become a community<br />

centre organized by young<br />

women and specifically devoted<br />

to. their own concerns. This twoday<br />

health and physical activity<br />

event provides young women ages<br />

13 to 19 with the opportunity to be<br />

involved in and organize their own<br />

activities. This is the first time<br />

such an event has beef! organized<br />

in the inner city and the program<br />

has over 32 sessions ranging from<br />

raps on health, sexism and racism,<br />

sessions on creating videos to co~<br />

operative games as well as more<br />

traditional activities found at a<br />

community centre like basketball<br />

and roller skating.<br />

The event's program has been<br />

designed and co-ordinated by an<br />

organizing committee of 15 young<br />

women mainly from the Regent<br />

Park area. One exciting aspect of<br />

the event - a Video Speaker's<br />

Comer is the idea of the Young<br />

Women's group at the Drug-Free<br />

Arcade, a St. Stephen's Hous~<br />

project.<br />

The Young Women's Days<br />

event is co-ordinated by the Centre<br />

for Women's Health and the<br />

Central Neighbourhood Hou·se<br />

sponsored Young Women's<br />

Recreational Research project.<br />

The re~earch project started in<br />

Septembe!· 1990 and focuses on<br />

Toronto's inner city. The researchers<br />

are investigating the<br />

barriers that keep low-income<br />

young women of racially and<br />

ethnically diverse backgrounds<br />

from being equal prticipants. And<br />

when placed in the context of<br />

where government resources go,<br />

an overview of policies at the<br />

federal and provincial level reveals<br />

that recreation activities and<br />

programs receive far less funding<br />

than Olympic sports.<br />

As well as identifying the barriers,<br />

the researchers found that<br />

there was a large gap between<br />

what the young women wanted<br />

and what was being offered at the<br />

centres including who had a say<br />

over designing the programs. The<br />

researchers have found that there<br />

are few programs and opportunities<br />

specifically devoted for young<br />

women.<br />

Overcoming these barriers and<br />

making young women's recreational<br />

interests a priority will be<br />

the focus for the Young Women's<br />

Days. The activities and discussion<br />

groups are being facilitated<br />

by young women or by facilitators<br />

who will run workshops defined<br />

by the young women's interests.<br />

In order to overcome some barriers<br />

identified by the young women,<br />

transportation is being provided,<br />

food is free and childcare is<br />

available.<br />

Butitsnotonlyatimeforyoung<br />

women, on <strong>Apr</strong>il 12 at 1:30 to<br />

3:00p.m. a forum will be held for<br />

teachers, youth workers, recreation<br />

providers, communtty ac­<br />

.tivist and others interested in<br />

making young women '·s recreation<br />

a priority. Parents issues and<br />

concerns can beairedataParent's<br />

forum <strong>Apr</strong>il 17 at the Drug Free<br />

Arcade, 293 Augusta Ave. at 7:00<br />

p.m. .<br />

Further information is available<br />

by calling Jan Borowy, young<br />

women's project researcher at<br />

Central Neighbourhood House,<br />

925-4363 or Kate Scowan from<br />

the Drug-Free Arcade, 920-8980.<br />

On-Going at<br />

The·Arcade<br />

by Kate Scowen<br />

Since the Drug-Free Arcade<br />

opened last June the program has<br />

developed considerably. Aside<br />

from the growing numbers of<br />

multi-ethnic youth we serve each<br />

month our program now includes<br />

a young women's group. We meet<br />

everyWednesdayfrom3:30-5:30<br />

p.m. at the Arcade. Currently we<br />

are organizing ourselves to participate<br />

in the Young Women's<br />

Days which will take place :lt City<br />

Hall on <strong>Apr</strong>il 12th and 13th. Our<br />

group will be running a "speakers<br />

corner" at the event and hope to<br />

produce a final video by the end<br />

of the summer.<br />

During March Break we focussed<br />

our attention on our 12 and<br />

under group and offered a variety<br />

of free activities; including Kite<br />

making, t-shirt painting and an<br />

outing to the ROM. Everyone had<br />

a great time and we hope we can<br />

offer similar programming this<br />

summer.<br />

We are also in the process. of<br />

hiring one of the older youth who<br />

is a regular at the Arcade to work<br />

· with our 12 and under group. We<br />

hope that by doing this we will<br />

encourage the empowerment and<br />

leadership skills of youth at The<br />

Drug-Free Arcade. ·<br />

To find out more about<br />

the Arcade and the programs we<br />

will be offering this Spring and<br />

Summer, drop by or call us at<br />

.920-8980.<br />

Clases de ·ciudadania canadiense para personas de habla<br />

hispana. Ofrecidos gratis en el Scadding Court Community<br />

Centre. De 9:30 de Ia manana a las 12 der media dia.<br />

Todos los sabados. Para mas informacion !lamar a Maria<br />

Jones al numero 363-5392 del centro o venga a Ia aula<br />

#2 guaderia .en el centro.<br />

E.S.L. classes for newcomers of all languages. Basicintermediate<br />

levels at Scadding Court Community Centre.<br />

Every Tues., Thurs., Fri. from 10 am. to 2 pm. Day care<br />

available for children 2 years and over. Contact Maria<br />

Jones at 363-5392 at the centre or come and register in<br />

room #2.<br />

Clases de ingles ofrecidas gratis en el Scadding Court<br />

Community Centre. Todos ,los martes, jueves y viernes<br />

de 1 o de Ia manana a las 2 de Ia tarde. Guarderia infantii'<br />

para ninos de 2 anos a edad escolar. Para mas<br />

informacion !lamar a Maria Jones al numero 363-5392<br />

del centro o presentarse en el aula #2 del mismo.<br />

Scadding Court Community Certtre, 707 Dundas<br />

St. West, esquina/corner Bathurst.<br />

from participating in community / L-------------'---------------'<br />

and recreation centre youth programs.<br />

While there has been extensive<br />

research on women and<br />

leisure or recreation in Britain,<br />

this · may be the first project in<br />

Canada to focus exclusively on<br />

low-income young women.<br />

The interim research findings<br />

reveal that young women are far<br />

from equal participants at community<br />

centres. Most centres find<br />

that young women make up only<br />

5 to 25% of the young people in<br />

programs. To date, the research~<br />

ers has found that safety, family<br />

responsibilities, workathomeand<br />

in the job force, peer pressure,<br />

school and the nature of the programs<br />

offered at centres all work<br />

together to prevent young women<br />

Bloorcourt<br />

Veterinary<br />

Clinic<br />

Consultation By Appointment Monday to Saturday<br />

Health Care, Surgery and Acupuncture<br />

1079' Bloor Street West<br />

(416) 537-9677 Dr. Jack<br />

·····~·······················<br />


by Pt>igi Rockwell<br />

I<br />

The Artichoke - Fancy but Fun<br />

The most contradictory of vegetables is back in season. It's<br />

pointy and it's soft. It's elegant and you eat it with your fingers. It's<br />

refined enough for posh society but much more fun at a raucous ·<br />

dinner party. It impresses adults and it's my two-and-a-half-yearold's<br />

favourite vegetable. It's the artichoke-_tender but beware the<br />

choke.<br />

Spring is the artichoke's season but according to the Bal brothers<br />

of Oxford Fruit Market it's available most of the year.<br />

The simplest way to prepare the artichoke is to strip off the outer<br />

layer of leaves, chop off the stem at the bottom and slice off the<br />

prickly top. Rub half a lemon over the artichoke and then boil or<br />

steam until a leaf comes out easily and the meaty portion at the<br />

bottom is soft. Allow one artichoke per person. To eat, start peeling<br />

off the leaves from the outside. Dip the edible bottom part into a<br />

sauce (garlic butter, vinaigrette or mayonnaise) and then scrape off<br />

this meaty part with your teeth. Yum. When you get to the centre<br />

· there will be a soft light green cone which is edible. Underneath the<br />

cone is the prickly centre or the choke. Scoop this out and you're<br />

left with the delicious bottom part of the artichoke.<br />

It's a gregarious vegetable which makes a meal a fun event and<br />

who better to ask about this festive addition to a meal than<br />

Kensington Carnival's Ida Carnevale. She gets this recipe from her<br />

Italian-born mother.<br />

Roasted Artichokes a Ia Ida<br />

4 artichokes<br />

1 cup bread crumbs<br />

/<br />

pepper<br />

1/4 cup butter<br />

I lemon<br />

1/2 cup parmesan cheese<br />

2 finely diced garlic buds<br />

1/4 cup finely chopped parsley<br />

1/3 cup and 4 extra teaspoons olive oil<br />

.<br />

Slice bottom off stem and then again slice off stem from artichoke<br />

and keep the stem. Slice off top of artichokes. Take off outside<br />

leaves. Wash artichoke and rub with lemon and set aside. Combine<br />

bread crumbs, cheese, parsley, garlic and pepper. Open artichokes<br />

leaves and with a spoon stuff the bread crumb mixture between<br />

I<br />

leaves. In a heavy saucepan inelt 1/4 cup butter in 1/3 cup olive oil<br />

and place artichokes, leaf side up, in oil. Place stems around<br />

artichokes. Drizzle a teaspoon of oil into each artichoke. Cook on<br />

medium high until saucepan sings (Ida's .term for just before the<br />

vegetable starts burning, when the oil is good and hot). Lower heat<br />

and add 1/2 cup of water or enough so the water is about 1" deep in<br />

saucepan. Let steam and regularly spoon some of the oil and water<br />

mixture over the.artichokes. They are ready when you can easily<br />

pull a leaf out of the artichoke. Serve one per person and pour a little<br />

of the sauce over each artichoke. Eat as above. You can subsitute<br />

finely diced anchovies for the parmesan cheese in the bread crumb<br />

mixture.<br />




WORSHIP· SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.<br />

:}.., •<br />

'I ~l<br />

A caring .christian<br />

~-~ ' · ·:-- commum\y<br />

-I .. , 1~· . - • -- [(• ill t • Bible-based preach.<br />

-~.. t'f~ . . . ••. • ~ 1 I• Open to everyone<br />

.)tl'r ·~'t: u1 ·» .. tur •. ,<br />

.... ·~~=~ •. ~!,.; • ~~in _irlr~. l! ·· ::.J ,l'rl .\ meaning tn hfe<br />

... 1<br />

~~hJ.t: ~ff:f~1~J·i·Hl~j<br />

~~~~~:.~~~~~~lltllJ<br />

A warm.we/come<br />

awa1ts you<br />

~?.UY';rd-s;ie- -·May 11, <strong>1991</strong> 9:00 A.M. ~

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