#9104 - May 1991

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.:Coming in the June Drum!!' TheKensingtonMarketDrum,<strong>May</strong>t991<br />


Hospital Crunch<br />

a)Western<br />

A widely publicized meeting at<br />

Toronto Western Hospital,<br />

April 17, drew about 50 people,<br />

including ward councillor<br />

Elizabeth Amer, and soon-tobe-ex<br />

hospital president Vickery<br />

Stoughton. Judging by this one<br />

meeting, the plans unveiled<br />

could become a shining example<br />

of holistic planning, or could<br />

drown in a sea of over-reaction.<br />

b )Princess Margaret<br />

The Hospital and Orde Street<br />

School area parents are facing<br />

off at the Ontario Municipal<br />

Board--the hospital wants to set<br />

up shop on University Avenue<br />

in hospital row, right next to<br />

the hydro building. Doug Hum<br />

reports.<br />

Railway Lands Meetings<br />

Steve Crossman was there<br />

April 10 and April 18 at public<br />

meetings of the Planning<br />

Advisory Committee and Land<br />

Use Committee on the future of<br />

Toronto's downtown Railway<br />

Lands. These closely spaced<br />

meetings were the only chance<br />

for public input during the 1985<br />

Plan Review process.<br />

The vast majority of people<br />

speaking at these meetings<br />

voiced displeasure with the<br />

latest edition of the plan and the<br />

process by which it has been<br />

devised and foisted on the<br />

public. Next month, some of<br />

the points raised in those public<br />

deputations.<br />



Kate and landlord:<br />

Round 12?<br />

Looks like the building<br />

inspector's (the last in a string<br />

of three I went through) bent<br />

over backwards so far his back<br />

must be sore. Orders will be<br />

complied with and I will be<br />

paying 25 dollars more than the<br />

present court ordered rent of<br />

$482.82 ($506-something, less<br />

$25 rebate for lack of repairs)<br />

and have lost the use of two of<br />

the rooms I contracted to rent<br />

for 600.00 over two years ago.<br />

At $100 a room by my<br />

calculation I should be paying<br />

no more than $400. So be it!<br />

Here we go again! Eviction<br />

Notice number twelve. I'd bet<br />

on it.<br />


Bob the Waiter's roommate<br />

writes about the condition of<br />

Bellevue Park: Why is it, that<br />

in a growing community where<br />

there are more children this<br />

year than ever, BelJevue Square<br />

Park gets o-;rt.;rlooked for<br />

maintenance? Well maybe they<br />

haven't gotten to "our main<br />

park" yet, you say. I'd like to<br />

be optimistic about the whole<br />

thing but this will be my third<br />

summer here and I've yet to see<br />

anything change except the<br />

transient population.<br />

And Anne Hansen is still<br />

bothered by the auto jungle of<br />

the Market and writes: Dear<br />

Editor, I've given up on<br />

Kensington Market because<br />

'there's no bike parking and the<br />

streets are dominated by<br />

stinking cars.<br />

What possesses Toronto.'s<br />

merchants to think their<br />

customers favour traffic<br />

congestion and the inhalation of<br />

traffic exhaust while shopping?<br />

And Hope Goodstreets (aw<br />

come on . Hope, are we<br />

supposed to believe that's a<br />

real name?) wonders about<br />

some other market problems,<br />

asking: Would the Drum be<br />

willing to randomly publish<br />

names, addresses, photos, etc.<br />

of those charged or convicted of<br />

crimes in our neighbourhood<br />

and allow them to respond to<br />

any allegations?<br />

Task Force, Task Force<br />

Conflict of Interest, and<br />

Membership is the Issue<br />

A brewing battle in the task<br />

force's struggle to survive is the<br />

question of conflict of interest.<br />

The task force was set up to<br />

recommend things in the market<br />

interest. But municipal conflict<br />

of interest laws say a task force<br />

member can't discuss,<br />

recommend or vote on anything<br />

from which they stand to gain<br />

financially. Where does that<br />

leave us?<br />

Also, several members<br />

have indicated their desire to<br />

have someone replace them,<br />

after nearly a four year grind.<br />

But the quirky thing is it<br />

looks like task force members<br />

can't just quit--they have to go<br />

to council and say they're<br />

quitting. And only council can<br />

name replacements.<br />

Restaurant Control By-law<br />

Winding Down, Housing<br />

Hopes Gearing Up<br />

No new second floor restaurants<br />

in Kensington, and good bye<br />

· any restaurant in Kensington<br />

opened since July 14 1989.<br />

Unless it can provide parking<br />

(one space for every 33 square<br />

metres). And no new<br />

restaurants of more than 206<br />

square metres; only one<br />

restaurant, club, place of<br />

entertainment, or bakeshop per<br />

standard sized lot.<br />

These are the things the<br />

city planning department has<br />

asking the politicians to make<br />

law. And they've suggested up<br />

to three new apartments, with<br />

no parking requirement, over<br />

the stores, as the carrot to offset<br />

the restaurant stick.<br />

Biggest news of all, land<br />

use committee of council has<br />

agreed and told the solicitor to<br />

draft the new by-law.<br />


Caribana Inc.<br />

Bob the Waiter attended the<br />

'91 Media conference at the<br />

Bamboo and heard the far off<br />

bugle call ... the Ontario Lottery<br />

Corporation, Molson Breweries<br />

and Mac's Convenience Store<br />

pounding up to the front door<br />

with $200,000 in cash plus and<br />

additional $200,000 in goods<br />

and services.<br />

But Bob worries that the<br />

days of rum punch served from<br />

the back of a truck may be<br />

over. He's watching from now<br />

till August!<br />


Easing Conflict in the<br />

Community<br />

Located near Harbord and<br />

Bathurst, the Conflict<br />

Resolution Services of St.<br />

Stephen's Community House is<br />

based on the premise that, given .<br />

the right condition, people can<br />

solve their disputes without<br />

having to resort to police<br />

officers, lawyers and judges.<br />

This service provides a way for<br />

people to resolve disputes<br />

peacefully, in a safe confidential<br />

atmosphere. Community<br />

members trained in mediation<br />

skills handle a wide spectrum of<br />

d·i s put e s_, inc I u ding<br />

neighbourhood, family,<br />

landlord/tenant, and workplace<br />

problems.<br />



Sophia Perlman our<br />

environmental reporter (5) urges<br />

you to: REMEMRE LIKE<br />


RESICUL!. More invirmentl<br />

frendly tips in the June issue.<br />

Young Women's Days<br />

Kate Scowen looks at a two<br />

day conference focusing on<br />

yourig women: On April 12th<br />

and 13th 162 young women<br />

from Toronto's . inner city<br />

turned City Hall into a vibrant<br />

Community Centre .<br />

Coordinated by the Centre for<br />

Women's Health and born of<br />

the Young Women's<br />

Recreational Research Project,<br />

The Young Women's Days<br />

were a forum for young women<br />

to express their concerns. Why<br />

don't young women participate<br />

in programming at their local<br />

community centres? What kinds<br />

of activities would bring them<br />

out? Should there be a<br />

community centre for young<br />

women only?<br />



A new column<br />

Dear Mss Matters,<br />

Is there no alternative to effing<br />

in the market? I've lived here<br />

for ages and I've never (almost)<br />

heard a whole sentence without<br />

at least five effings in it.<br />

Mss Matters replies: Once<br />

upon a time there was a very<br />

cold country. It was situated<br />

right in the middle of where we<br />

all · live from June to<br />

October .....<br />

SCAT Cabaret<br />

Triumphant Finale?<br />

No. More, more!<br />

Scadding Court Community<br />

Centre and Mixed Company<br />

held their SCAT Cabaret finale<br />

on <strong>May</strong> 9.<br />

Conceived by Peter Oliver,<br />

Community Worker at Scadding<br />

Court, Mixed Company has<br />

been bringing entertainment to<br />

Scadding Court Community<br />

Centre every Thursday since<br />

January 31st. Such talent as The<br />

Angels of Montenegro, Robert<br />

Priest, Jan Kudelka, and The<br />

Wisconsin Johnsons have<br />

delighted their audiences. An<br />

added popular attraction has<br />

been the "Open Mike" session<br />

during which audience members<br />

have a chance to show their<br />

own varied talents.<br />

A full report on the<br />

wonderful finale in the next<br />

issue.<br />

National Bookweek<br />

Celebration<br />

Sally Stollmeyer was one of<br />

70+ who attended Nino Ricci's<br />

reading. She reports: A very<br />

pleasant and informative<br />

evening was spent at Sanderson<br />

Library, April 22nd <strong>1991</strong>. The<br />

occasion was part of the<br />

National Book Week celebration<br />

and was co-sponsored by<br />

Scadding Court Community<br />

Centre.<br />

The reader was Nino Ricci.<br />

He is the winner of the 1990<br />

Governor General's Award and<br />

the W.H. Smith/Books in<br />

Canada First Novel Award for<br />

1990 for his Lives of the Saints.<br />


Marworks Concert<br />

Cohn Puffer attended a<br />

<strong>May</strong>works concert at Trinity-St.<br />

Paul. He reports: The<br />

<strong>May</strong>works Festival celebrates<br />

the solidarity of the working<br />

and artistic classes. Held in<br />

support of Fenastras, the<br />

National Trade Union<br />

Federation of Salvadoran<br />

· Workers, the evening was a<br />

blend of politi•::'.! exhortation<br />

and music.<br />

· The evening finished with<br />

the Grievous Angels. I hadn't<br />

seen the band since Michelle<br />

Rumballleft and wonderecl what<br />

the loss of her beautiful voice<br />

would do ....<br />

And DRUM raves on about the<br />

matriphiles:<br />

The Drum has been murmuring<br />

about this band for a couple of<br />

months, claiming that they are<br />

one of the best bands in the city<br />

and urging readers to go out<br />

and see/hear them. So we<br />

figured it was time for a<br />

revieW.<br />

Angels of Montenegro at the<br />

EIMocambo<br />

Another band on the Drum top<br />

ten is the Angels of<br />

Montenegro. They played the<br />

last of their spring series of<br />

concerts at the ElMocambo.<br />

The finale brought together<br />

most of the musicians who'd<br />

played in the first five concerts.<br />

•••••••••••••••••<br />

~~J'~<br />

More Music Notes<br />

• Fri., <strong>May</strong> 17 - TIP Splinter,<br />

traditional Irish music at the<br />

Flying Cloud Folk Club, 292<br />

Brunswick Ave.<br />

Sun., <strong>May</strong> 26 - Mariposa<br />

presents Tamarack, traditional<br />

Canadian music at the Flying<br />

. \<br />

Cloud Folk Club, 2921<br />

Brunswick Ave.<br />

Sun., <strong>May</strong> 26 - 9.00 - 5.00,<br />

"sing a song of layton", the ndp<br />

nominates its candidate for the<br />

J?J&YOralty race, City Adult<br />

Learning Centre, Broadview &<br />

Danforth<br />

Thurs., <strong>May</strong> 30 - Mariposa<br />

presents Two Penny Opera and<br />

the Grievous Angels at th~<br />

Annex Studio, 176 Bedford Rd _:<br />

The Greeks strikes back •<br />

open stage with Debbie West (is<br />

that really her last name?) every<br />

Mon. Something completely<br />

different every night of the<br />

w~k at 197 112 Baldwin.<br />

Every Monday in <strong>May</strong> - Roll<br />

Sexsmith & the Uncool witl<br />

I<br />

j<br />

Arlene Bishop at tht<br />

ElMocambo.<br />


CN Litigators vs City Legal Stall (postponed: no rain)<br />

!(~)<br />

~3[I)(]) wD'Oc'fl~@<br />

child care centre<br />


Full and part-time spaces now available for children 2 112<br />

to 5 years.<br />

A small non-profit daycare. Whole foods menu. Individual<br />

and creative development. Call 368-9124.<br />

39 Carr Street, Turon to, Ontario<br />

r _ I<br />




WORSHIP • SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.<br />

}._ •<br />

I~ ~1<br />

A caring _Christian<br />

::..c~~ ' . · ·::-.. community<br />

~ .. v.· - ~,. -ift [(t ~;11' ~t • Bible-based preach.<br />

-~.. :.'fw . ~~ ~ ~ I• Open to everyone<br />

·~ l )~1~ +Jf' Q ~-. l~~ ~: ··.:.nl... " seeking hope and<br />

- ~ ...... nll ,..,-~~?-T,l :r; '~i ' I , . ..<br />

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~~1},0t~;f,. ~~J-:n ~J A warm_welcome<br />


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