#9104 - May 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

...... ~ ..... way to 1~ovemoer<br />

Election year hots up<br />

Last month we predicted Art wouldn't run:<br />

and now the bacfiooms are all abuzz with the Libera/Tory<br />

'Search for an Eggleclone. And on the other front it's NDP<br />

"friendly daggers" time, as they meet (June 5) to nominate<br />

candidates for November's race: Lee Zaslowsky vs Olivia<br />

Chow for Dale Martin's Metro seat; John Campey, Joan<br />

Doiron, Lynn Adamson, Eileen Samuel, Clem Marshall for<br />

three Board of Education Trustee positions (including the one<br />

Chow's vacating to take a run at ~ the Metro seat); and, across<br />

the downtown, Kyle Rae and Sherona Hall for the seat that<br />

Jack Layton's leaving on City Council to take a run at the<br />

mayoralty. The only position for which there seems to be no<br />

other NDP challenge--Liz Amer's Ward 5 City Council seat<br />

Anyone who joined the NDP before .rudnight Sunday<br />

<strong>May</strong> 5 gets to be there and vote. The venue is either Church<br />

Street Public School or the Board of Education Oratorium if the<br />

crowd gets too large. If you're planning on attending, phone and<br />

check beforehand--any of the candidates will tell you.<br />

Inside<br />

COMING IN JUNE ••..• page 2<br />

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DATES AND RATES .... page 3<br />



WON'T WAIT ......... page 4<br />

Kensington Market Drum<br />

at the · heart of the downtown west<br />

circulation 16,000<br />

phone (416) 367-4017<br />

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