Special - Sep 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />


"A Kensington People's Paper" <strong>Sep</strong>tember 5, <strong>1991</strong><br />

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<strong>Special</strong> Bulletin<br />

~ City of Toronto<br />

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Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de <strong>1991</strong><br />

19h00<br />

Scadding c 0urt co~unity Centre<br />

707 Dundas Street West<br />

Gin!sio<br />


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&<br />

DRUM<br />

II<br />

Heart<br />

of the<br />

Downtown<br />

West·<br />

Letter from<br />

the ··<br />

·City of Toronto<br />

Planning &<br />

Development<br />

Department<br />

DRUM'S 2, NOW WHERE?<br />

publishers<br />

"<br />


Two years ago we looked at this odd ecosystem<br />

called Kensington and said what it needs, to<br />

thrive, is a newspaper. And we threw ourselves<br />

into making DRUM.<br />

Now we see Kensington in· the context of<br />

south Spadina, the heart of the Downtown West,<br />

and we say this whole avenue of neighbourhoods<br />

needs something like DRUM. Community is the<br />

downtown neighbourhood's best defence!<br />

Continued on page 2<br />

fl~<br />

Building a·<br />

newspaper<br />

. brick by brick?<br />

Q. How do you build a successful "people's<br />

paper?"<br />

A~ Brick by brick. (At least that's what our readers<br />

have told us.)<br />

Take our classified ads, for example. We were selling them<br />

by the line. And having a terrible time of it. But all that's<br />

behind us now, and we know you're going to like it. Now<br />

$10 buys you a brick--or two actually, one in the paper,<br />

_and one on our wall. Or three actually, if the one on the<br />

wall sells before the paper comes out. See page 4.<br />

COMING SOON! ('<strong>Sep</strong>tember 19).<br />

• DRUM'S RETROSUMMER: Bob the Waiter's Still Fish in'; Ms. Matters Mutters;<br />

Albert B. Dozer's Housing Blues; Canada Day, Kate's Was the Place; What<br />

Became of Karnival; aArt, Good Start; and Ready, Set, Growl<br />

• AND ALSO: A Fall Full--news, views, and much much morel<br />


Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

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<strong>Sep</strong>tember 5, 19<br />

a 1<br />

Continued from page 1 ...<br />

Letter from the publishers<br />

If this Downtown West is to thrive as a place for the working poor and<br />

for immigrants, and for the homeless, and for agents of change, and for<br />

yuppies and yumpies and grumpies and visitors, then more than ever<br />

before we need our newspaper. Because the way this city has swelled,<br />

there is no-one to speak for us, but us. Only the small can stay<br />

interested in the small issues upon which downtown neighbourhood life<br />

depends.<br />

We've followed the twists and turns of Kensington for tWo<br />

years now .. -city politics, social services, market matters. We have heard<br />

and learned from people around us--our neighbours, our friends, and<br />

critics.<br />

DRUM has had its ups and downs. We've ended up, too often,<br />

trying to work for all the causes that we discovered needed work. So<br />

we've struggled--how do you you report something in which you<br />

yourself feature? We've grown humbler about other media's<br />

shortcomings, as the list of things we're also afraid tq write about<br />

grows longer. We understand what people· mean when they say "but we<br />

live here."<br />

We have thrown lots of our own money and almost all of our<br />

time into keeping DRUM beating--growing from 4000 copies of a 4-<br />

pager_ to 16000 copies of a paper that has reached 20 pages on<br />

occaston.<br />

We have done so with the help of dedicated people (P~igi<br />

Rockwell, Angie Choly, Mike Milando, Colin Puffer, Kate MacNeill<br />

Burt, Buzz Burza, Larry Walker, many others) who have worked anp<br />

worked, at the nitty and the gritty--the typing, the talking up, the<br />

stuffing of flyers into papers, the delivery door by freezing winter<br />

door.<br />

We have only got _this far because of loyal support from some<br />

individual merchants in the Market (they are the ones in our directory<br />

month in and month out). And St Stephen's Community House took the ·<br />

chance, early, of trusting us to carry their message. While the<br />

Community Business Centre at George Brown College continues to give<br />

time and patient energy in helping us make the slow transformation<br />

from eclectic basement blurt to, potentially, functioning business.<br />

A year ago, the Kensington Market Businessmen's Association<br />

guaranteed a $5000 line of credit for us, at Bread and Roses Credit<br />

Union. It was from this slender thread that our fortunes dangled<br />

through the whole past year. (Remember the recession? The one "they"<br />

say is over? We can't. Remembering is for after. And this one's still<br />

on.) Anyway, the KMBA gave us a chance. So did Blackbird Design<br />

Collective, inspiring workers--making readable newspapers out of our<br />

'lllutterings, from day one. They .worked for very little money, even<br />

when We had it, and for even less, or nothing; when we didn't. And,<br />

most miraculously, taught us steadily to do without them if needs be.<br />

.So each time out a self-made DRUM comes closer to reality~ ~<br />

Two years later, we are amazed and heartened by people who<br />

care whether DRUM makes it or not. Not because they .agree with our<br />

ideas, but because they know now that DRUM also has room for<br />

theirs. · _<br />

No big paper in the big city has the staff or the time to follow<br />

month in and month out 'What happens to Kensington's canopies; or<br />

whether we get a by-law to protect the hundred or so apartments above<br />

the stores here; or whether the hospital puts in housing when they<br />

rebuild their parking garage; or whether we are consulted when parks<br />

and rec. finally decides to do something about our park to make it safe<br />

and suitable for all our people (toddlers too). There are hundreds of '<br />

things that the neighbourhood paper, if it is thriving, and controlled by<br />

the neighbourhood, can spend time on.<br />

Those of you'who know us and have grown with us know that<br />

the end of the summer is always our crossroads. ·And here we are<br />

again, ready not only for another year, -but ready finally to put the<br />

paper into a public pla~e, so that. you who care to can more fully make<br />

it yours.<br />

DRUM at last has a publicaUy accessible home--276 Augusta<br />

Avenue. From this base we can plan how to keep DRUM beating, with<br />

your help, in our part of town. If you cared to read this letter this far<br />

you may likewise care to be part of the planning. Come to our open<br />

house, Sunday <strong>Sep</strong>tember 15. 2-6 pm, and see. ·<br />

~~~~ 7"/~ 13~« .tL<br />

David Perlman, Masha Buell<br />

Open House<br />

276 Augusta Avenue<br />

·(DRUM'S NEW HOME)<br />

• •<br />

Sunday <strong>Sep</strong>t 15<br />

2.00 pm to 6.00 pm<br />

FOCAL<br />

~<br />

276 AUGUSTA<br />

363-DRUM _<br />

276 Augusta AvE<br />

is<br />

DRUM's New<br />

Home<br />

Regular Hours?<br />

Yes, once we hav<br />

them!<br />

In the meanwhile<br />

we'll be there<br />

more often than<br />

not! So drop in tc;<br />

place an ad, chec<br />

the assignment<br />

boards, drop off a<br />

article, share an<br />

idea, pick up sam<br />

back issues (or<br />

help us establish<br />

regular hours!)<br />

Attention all merchants!!!<br />

Are the weekend parking woes<br />

driving business away ?<br />

Tell your customers ...<br />


Try the hospital's visitor parking:<br />

p<br />

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$3.50 flat rate<br />

(This information is a service of the Kensington Market Busi·ness Ass·ociatior<br />

- phone Bert, 923-9270) ' · ·

Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

<strong>Sep</strong>tember 5, <strong>1991</strong><br />

Western hosp-ital<br />

applies to rezone!<br />

City public meeting<br />

this Wednesday<br />

We were going to wait to tell you all about it in the paper, but<br />

really, if you care what goes on in the neighbourhood, this is your<br />

chance to get involved.<br />

The city's planning advisory committee meeting at Scadding<br />

Court (see the ads on this page and on page four) must result in<br />

the formation of a working committee, including volunteers<br />

from the neighbourhood.<br />

That working committee will look at:<br />

•the hospital's plans for the Bathurst-Dundas comer of the<br />

hospital (another five floors on top of the two just added);<br />

• the hospital's plans for new buildings on Nassau;<br />

• the hospital's plans for more parking under the .new<br />

buildings on Nassau;<br />

• the idea of social housing, and other uses, on the site of<br />

the prese~t Leonard Avenue Parking LOt.<br />

This is a very good opportunity fu find out what the hospital wants<br />

and needs. It is also a chance to make your views known to the<br />

City and to the Hospital right at the beginning of the process. It is<br />

also a chance to get involved in the process.<br />

=<br />

Toronto Hospital<br />

Ambulatory Care Centre<br />


~<br />

Cannon<br />

Bathur~l Sl rt ~d Arch1tects<br />

~ City of Toronto<br />

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~ City of Toronto<br />



Quarta-feira, 11 de Setembro de <strong>1991</strong><br />

'' 19h00<br />

i ~:t. " ,~<br />

ScaddiniJ' .COurt ~ Community:"'-C-eMre<br />

707 Dundas Street West<br />

GinAsio<br />

Notifica9ao sobre uma Proposta de Emenda ao Plano Oficial<br />

e Estatuto de Zoneamento<br />

Expansao do Toronto Western Hospital<br />

399 Bathurst Street<br />

0 Local<br />

o Toronto Western Hospital ocupa a maior parte do bloco<br />

compreendido entre a Nassau Street, Leonard Avenue, Wales Avenue,<br />

Carlyle street, Dundas Street West and Bathurst Street.<br />

A Proposta<br />

os planos para retomada da constru9!o do Toronto Western Hospital<br />

envolvem o desenvolvimento da Area ~ nordeste do local, e uma<br />

expansao adicional at6 o Pavilh!o Fraser Fell na esquina sudoeste<br />

do local. 0 projeto social de moradias no 55 Leonard Avenue serA<br />

tamb6m considerado.<br />

Prop6sito do Encontro<br />

0 encontro publico fornecerA uma oportunidade para membros do<br />

publico para revisar os planos, fazer perguntas e tecer comentArios<br />

sobre a aplica9!o proposta. Tambem serA formado um Comiti de<br />

Trabalho por voluntAries da comunidade vizinha a Area indicada.<br />

Se voci nao puder comparecer ao encontro, voci ainda pode tornar<br />

seus pontos de yista publicos enviando-os por escrito para Mr •. Gary<br />

Hodgins, Presidente, Cidade de Toronto, Comiti Consultive de<br />

Planeamento (Planning Advisory Committe),, 2nd Floor, City Hall,<br />

Toronto, Onta.rio M5H 2N2.<br />

Informacoes A4icionais<br />

Se desejar informa90es adicionais ou se desejar receber uma c6pia<br />

do Relat6rio Preliminar que descreve a proposta em mais detalhes,<br />

por favor contacte com Ms. Susanne Pringle, a planejadora da Area,<br />

no ndmero 392-7740.<br />

City of Toronto<br />

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

..<br />


DRUM'S<br />


{Fall/Winter 91 /92) ·<br />

n City<br />

of Toronto<br />

<strong>Sep</strong>tember 5, 1 9l<br />


NOTICI:<br />


ADVERTISERS AND CONTRIBUTORS, TAKE NOTE. TOPIC: Application for Amendment to<br />


Thursday <strong>Sep</strong>tember 19<br />

(Drum's Retrosummer)<br />

Thursday October 31<br />

(Election 91:<br />

Trick or Treat)<br />


DRUM Bricks: -~onday <strong>Sep</strong>tember 9<br />

Letters, Articles,_ Display Ads<br />

Photos, Cartoons: Deadline Passed<br />

Display ads: Monday October 21<br />

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