#9106 - Oct 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

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Page eighteen, Kensington Market Drum<br />

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Of Note<br />

by Colin Puffer<br />

A column in which the DRUM says<br />

good things about bands so they'll<br />

put us on their guest list. Problem<br />

is, we have to publish the nice<br />

things we say, and as our faithful<br />

followers know, we had a quiet<br />

summer. So . . . here's looking<br />

(back) at you.<br />

Matriphiles (at the Rivoli, May)<br />

The Drum has been murmuring<br />

about this band for months, claiming<br />

that they are one -of the best<br />

bands in the city and urging<br />

readers to go out and see/hear·<br />

them. So we figured it was time<br />

for a review.<br />

When I go out to hear music in<br />

my professional ~apacity as a<br />

reviewer ("professional" is used<br />

advisedly here) I'm normally<br />

armed with pen and paper - the<br />

Drum portable computer weighs-25<br />

lbs - the idea being that I can jot<br />

down some impressions of the<br />

show or failing that at least get the<br />

correct spelling of band member's<br />

names. Though duly equipped with<br />

the tools of the trade for the Rivoli<br />

gig I left _the place without writing<br />

a syllable. Left speechless. The<br />

band is that good. I didn't want to<br />

break the musical spell by doing<br />

anything as mundane as writing<br />

about it.<br />

warm almost folky quality. Strip<br />

The Music<br />

the electrics away from some tunes<br />

It seems that nobody in the band and substitute acoustics and you'd<br />

can count out 4/4 time. The matriphiles<br />

rarely string together two British traditional folk band. Hon­<br />

have something approaching a<br />

bars of that time honoured rock est.<br />

and roll beat, preferring a rhythmic Get out and see these guys while<br />

buffet. To say that the rhythm is they still work cheap.<br />

anchored by the drumming of Pete<br />

Lord and bass playing of Jennifer Angels of Montenegro (at the .Ex<br />

Gillmor would be to give a wrong Mocambo, April)<br />

impression. Rather than just pro- Another band on the Drum top ten<br />

viding a solid foundation for the is the Angels of Montenegro. They<br />

band these two player drive it. played the last of their spring<br />

Guitarist Cory Cousineau uses only series of concerts at the ElMo. The<br />

two fmgers on his left hand, per- finale brought together most of the<br />

haps feeling that simplifying the musicians who'd played in the first<br />

process helps him play better. It five concerts.<br />

works for him but you can't help It was a rather-large band backing<br />

but wonder what he'd -sound like the Angel's 5 piece core --woodwith<br />

all digits flying - terrifyingly winds, brass, strings, piano and a<br />

fast no doubt. He's by no means ten voice choir. It could have been<br />

just a speed player and uses his a real wank, with the extra players<br />

prowess to craft clever and musical just window dressing. I saw Lightlead<br />

work.<br />

house play with the TSO about a<br />

Most of the singing is done by million years ago and the orchestra<br />

Celina Carrol whose voice has a · would have sounded better absent.<br />

But the arrangements devised by<br />

<strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>1991</strong><br />

Tom St. Louis and Darcy ******<br />

worked organically rather than<br />

seeming parts cobbled together and<br />

tacked on to the music as it sometimes<br />

seemed in some of the<br />

earlier shows in the series.<br />

So what's next Tom?<br />

Leslie Spit Tree-o at the ElMo<br />

I've heard complaints that this<br />

band is sounding too slick and<br />

over-produced these days. I first<br />

saw them at the No Go Fo' Blow<br />

concert in Bellevue Park 2 summers<br />

ago and was impressed by<br />

them then. But what's wrong with<br />

playing on good instruments<br />

through a good. sound system?<br />

They've always been pretty tight.<br />

It's just that now you can hear how<br />

good they really are. Too fully<br />

appreciate the strength and subtlety<br />

of Laura Hubbert's voice though<br />

you'll have to hear the album<br />

"Don't Cry Too Hard."<br />

These guys are great and sound<br />

better all the time. I do long for<br />

the days when they worked<br />

cheap.<br />



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MUSIC<br />

SCHOOL<br />

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announczng our<br />

FALL<br />


• affordable quality lessons • regular recitals<br />

•free practice studios • rental instruments<br />

•all-round musical education<br />

piano, voice, violin, guitar, flute, clarinet, sax, cello,<br />

oboe, recorder<br />

• jazz, theory/harmony/composition, pre-school,<br />

Orff percussion, children's choir, women's choir<br />

• musical theatre, music appreciation, eurhythmics<br />

•North Indian Kathak Dance, Jazz Dance<br />

• Caribbean Steel Band (with Scadding Court)<br />

For information and to register, contact<br />

Annette Sanger (Music School Director)<br />

or Shirley Dawson (Receptionist)<br />

at 598-3444<br />

23 GRA.l\lGE ROAD,<br />

(south of Dundas, off McCaul)<br />


Wednesday <strong>Oct</strong>ober 30 at 7 .30pm<br />

• A selection of music, including<br />

Hallowe'en Songs, by our students<br />

• Presentation of Piano Scholarships<br />

•Special Guests: members of Toronto's<br />

Indonesian community, performing<br />

dances from the island of Java<br />

• Refreshments<br />

•Admission free, all welcome<br />



Friday November 8 at 7.30pm<br />

• Martin Humphrey--piano<br />

• Anne Y ardley-Levitan--soprano<br />

•J!ob La Possie--piano<br />

• Michael Downie--jlute<br />

Baroque, Romantic, and Modern music<br />

by a variety of composers including<br />

Bach, Chopin, Liszt, and Barber<br />

• Refreshments<br />

•Admission free, everyone welcome<br />

Russian Evening<br />

with music and food<br />

Friday November 22, 7 .30pm<br />

A night in old Russia! ._<br />

·Music by Tchaikowsky, Rachmaninov,<br />

Prokofiev, and others.<br />

Traditional folk music from the region,<br />

including Eastern Europe<br />

Delicious home-made Russian food<br />

Tickets-$10<br />

a fun evening<br />

and support your music school<br />

(Russian dress optional)

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