#9106 - Oct 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

Page two, Kensington Market Drum<br />

PAttrWA"f<br />

by David Perlman<br />

WRECK~TANGLE and ARCHI­ church committee at St. Stephen'sin-the-Fields<br />

TORTURE are two common<br />

are trying a gentler<br />

pieces of graffitti around here,<br />

protesting the squares and right<br />

angles that govern life in the city.<br />

But pedestrians have another way<br />

to protest. They can cut comers<br />

wherever possible. The result?<br />

approach--making a virtue of necessity.<br />

"if there's a pathway there,<br />

they reason, it's because there's a<br />

need. And they're right. Seniors,<br />

strollers, people just wanting to<br />

walk under a tree, all make use of<br />

bare-earth diagonal pathways that little short-cut. And "St. Stephen'<br />

pounded into any comer-lot lawn<br />

not protected by a fence.<br />

s-behind-the-Fence" wouldn't<br />

have quite the same inviting ring to<br />

Two of Kensington •·s most it.<br />

famous protest paths are off Bellevue<br />

So the users of the church have<br />

Avenue. One runs diagonally taken the initiative. They have had<br />

across Bellevue Square Park from plans drawn up for a ,flagstone<br />

Wales at the south · west to the pathway to go where the comer<br />

playground. The other runs across gets cut. They've taken the plans<br />

the lawn of St. Stephen's-in-the­ to the task force and to the City,<br />

Fields Church at the s.e. comer of and are hoping for parish and local<br />

College and Bellevue.<br />

support in getting the work done.<br />

The usual reaction of landowners Anyone who wants to help or<br />

and custodians is to try 'to stop the contribute, contact Elai~e Gager,<br />

erosion by putting up barriers-­ evenings at 536-8584 (between 4<br />

walls, fences, "beware of the bull" and 7 p.m.).<br />

and so on. But members of the<br />

No walkovers<br />

•<br />

Ill<br />

by Drwn Staff<br />

'91<br />

No walkovers<br />

There will be races for all political<br />

offices affecting DRUM's beat-­<br />

ward 5 city council, mayor of<br />

Toronto, Metro Council Downtown<br />

Ward, and , trustee. As a public<br />

service, DRUM here lists candidates<br />

for all offices affecting our<br />

wards, along with phone numbers<br />

(as obtained from the City Clerk's<br />

office.<br />

Remember, your vote counts if it's<br />

there to be counted.<br />

.... lN.:nra~<br />

( .TJI.{_e; &.!.~- - S7.<br />




A meeting at Kensipgton Community<br />

School Sept 19 on CityPlan<br />

'91--the new Toronto Official Plan<br />

drew a crowd of nearly nobody (8<br />

people). -<br />

Note: for those of you interested<br />

in seeing the Plan clearly and still<br />

having a say, there will be one last<br />

big meeting, December 11 in the<br />

Council Chamber at City Hall, to<br />

make final recommendations to<br />

Council, who will then give "final<br />

directions" to the planners.<br />

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