#9106 - Oct 1991
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Page four, Kensington Market Drum <strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>1991</strong><br />
by David Perlman<br />
,<br />
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Over the . summer city council<br />
brought in a new by-law requiring<br />
that any new restaurant, take-out<br />
or bakeshop or place of entertainment<br />
provide one parking space for<br />
every 330 sq. ft. of space. And it<br />
prohibited altogether any new<br />
restaurant larger than 2000 sq. ft.<br />
At the same time it offered people<br />
the opportunity to build apartments<br />
/ above .stores, with the first three<br />
apartments built having no required<br />
parking.<br />
The long-awaited by-law<br />
replaced the control by-law which<br />
has prevented any new restaurant<br />
opening legally in kensington since<br />
July 1981.<br />
But the new by-law made no-one<br />
happy. Businesses could see no<br />
~---· .<br />
reason for picking on small restaurants--large<br />
ones, like those on<br />
this part of Spadina, are seen . as<br />
the source of the traffic and<br />
parking problems. Small ethnic<br />
restaurants are seen as part of<br />
Kensington's unique vibrancy.<br />
Similarly -the "no parking for the<br />
first three apartments" didn't<br />
please housing advocates or property<br />
owners--because the by-law<br />
also said that if a fourth parking<br />
space went in, the previous by-law<br />
would apply. This would mean if<br />
someone put in four apartments<br />
instead of three, they'd then have<br />
to provide four parking spaces<br />
instead of none. This meant either<br />
people would have to put in one<br />
and a half storeys--not economical,<br />
or else three very small apartments<br />
on one floor--not comfortable.<br />
Task force members put pressure<br />
on--proposing two changes: first,<br />
that for restaurants the first 1000<br />
sq. ft be exempt from providing<br />
parking; second, that a fourth<br />
apartment should incur one parking<br />
space, not the whole four liable<br />
under the previous by-law. City<br />
Councillor Amer rose to the task<br />
force challenge--steering the amendment<br />
through council at the end<br />
of July. But the city solicitor<br />
stepped in just as it appeared council<br />
would approve the changes. His<br />
argument was that the amendment<br />
would have to go back to land use<br />
committee to give members of the<br />
public a chance to object, if they<br />
wanted to.<br />
above 1000 sq. ft.<br />
So back to land-use it went, on - And people wanting to build<br />
Sept 19. The item was called out apartments above a store will be<br />
and explained, and the committee able to build three without parking,<br />
chair, Councillor Nowlan asked if and a fourth provided they come<br />
anyone was there to oppose it. No- up with one parking space.<br />
one was. "A Kensington by-law For more detailed information on<br />
with no-one opposed? That's a the new by-law (number 414-91,<br />
first" said one councillor. So now as amended), contact area planner<br />
the amendments go to council Susanne Pringle at 392-7740.<br />
where, we have' been assured,<br />
there should be no objection.<br />
All going as predicted, by the<br />
beginning of <strong>Oct</strong>ober, within the<br />
commercial Kensington market,<br />
new restaurantS may now be<br />
opened, provided they are under<br />
2000 square feet, on the ground<br />
floor only, and provide one<br />
parking space for every330 sq. ft<br />
. . . . . . . . • • • • • • • •<br />
Scadding Court Community Centre & Sanderson Library<br />
are hosting an<br />
')flNflE~·.sr-i\1@\~~~~·~~)i_ c ... cAnP1N6 W.H~( .fi:./fr. rf 11 '<<br />
All Candidates Meeting<br />
Tuesday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 29, <strong>1991</strong><br />
at 7:00pm<br />
at Scadding Court<br />
707 Dundas Street West (at Bathurst)'<br />
Hear the Candidates for Ward 24 Metro Councillor, Ward 5 City Councillor<br />
and School Trustees speak on Issues you're concerned about.<br />
Bring your questions!<br />
For Information: Marl Creal at Scadding Court - 363-5392<br />
Barrie Gray Sanderson Library - 393-7{153<br />
Judith Brady Sanderson Library - 393-7653<br />
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- 0 Centro Comunitario de Scndding Court e ~ Bibllote~R Snnder~on<br />
Estao R patrocinar uma<br />
Reuniao com todos os candidates as eleicoes<br />
Venham ouvir os candidates para:<br />
Terca-Feira, Dia 29 de Outubro, <strong>1991</strong><br />
as 7:00 da noite<br />
na Scndding Court<br />
707 DundB.s St. W. (na Bathurst)<br />
Vereador Metropolitano, Vereador Da Cidade<br />
e Concelheiros E~colares falarem sobre assuntos do vos~o interesBe.<br />
~- · .<br />
.-' Trnp;nm A.~ VORf'IR~ queAt.OeR<br />
...... Para mats informacoes telefone para<br />
Marl Creal - 363-5392 (da Scadding Court)<br />
Ba.rry Gra.y ou Judith Brady -<br />
•<br />
393- 7653 (ambos dR Biblioteca<br />
Sanderson)<br />
by Drum Staff<br />
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