Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015. Page fourteen, Kensington Market Drum .. <strong>Nov</strong>ember 199·1 :-~ \,,, \\ . \.\\:\ ~e~ ' \ 'f.\\ . ~o'be o~ ~ · \ \\· ~s.'l \\\ .·'t ~eo~' 1'-\"v \~,o \\ \\.~'" ~0 ~ 100~\ \oO'f. ,\\~ c$~ .,~ c$~ c'f- 0' \\:\ \ · \\\\\ '\ 'lo~ 'f.~o~ '{o~ . c~e \\\'-l \\\'\\ \\.'~ \\ . $ \O\ ~~o $\~· •\.\'-l '~ e'~t>e \\ \\ '\ \\ ,., . ~e~ ~e "v ~'"' ~\ · c \\\\\ ~e\e ~o'~~ ~ 'lo~~ '" ~e~' '!.. $'o0 10\o\~ \\ e ~o~ c$~e V $'-'f. o $\ c$~ $~ V'e ~~ o~ ~$c\o eW ~ec$~., ~e$\\S' eS~\ \\ \)\)\ \\'\ ~$\ ~~ c$~ (~,c\~e· s $~~ ~ - ~$ c$~ ~ o\ ~ ?),~e '{O ~t; .,,~., ~~ 'f.eeV £>-'f. \$~~ 'be'· 1..'o~ ~~ce ll\'1> ~;,$~ \~e ~ ve~ ~,e~ $"' ~e \t; e $\0 '-l ~~'~>"' o\''~-e oV\e 0 .,~c~ "'$' c$~\\e\· ... ~ \$'
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015. <strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1991</strong> .Kensington ., Ma~ke~ ; Drum, page fifteen Update from St. Stephen's Drug Free Arcade by Kate Scowen .The Drug-Free Arcade is going strong in it's second year and we have been busy with a variety of programs this fall. The "Girls Only" group is still meeting on Wednesdays from 3:30- 5:30pm. and we are currently organizing the Anti-Drug Logo Competition for youth 12 and under. Every Thursday night (6:30-9:00pm.) is movie night at the Arcade for youth 13 to 18. Drop by and watch a movie with us. AIDS Awareness Week has just passed and there were a varietx of activities held at the Arcade. For youth 12 and under we held and AIDS workshop and a poster competition. For youth 13 to 18 we held a workshop and information session. We also set up information booths at two local schools and provided workshops for a grade 7 and a 8 class. We ended AIDS Awareness Week with an open house at the Arcade on Saturday, Oct. 12th which the girls group ran. Unfortunately participation was low but we will be better prepared for next year! Drug Awareness Week is almost here (<strong>Nov</strong>ember 18th to 22nd) and we are already planning our activities. On Tuesday the 19th we will be holding a modelling .. clay competition for youth 12 and under. We will provide the clay and will ask the youth to create a character . who shows what drug abuse can do to your body and/or how it can make you feel. The staff at the Arcade have been working on tWo very exciting projects, one of which is the Young Women's Recreation/Advocacy Project. We have sent out grant proposals to a variety . of funding sources to help us get this project off the ground. Should funding be made available this project will ensure the enhancement and expansion of young women's social recreational programming throughout the City of Toronto. It will provide educational workshops and seminars for both young women · and youth workers to help them overcome the barriers which keep young women from participating at their local community/recreation centres . (ie. safety issues and family responsibilities). As well, it will ensure the continuation of the Young Women's Days which began in <strong>1991</strong>. The second project is a Drug/ AIDS game which is already under way. Allan is developing a focus group of youth to design, implement' and promote the final product. Ideally'\it will be made available to educational institutions, community centres and even to the general public to be used as a tool to tackle the fears and misconceptions youth hold about AIDS and drug abuse. If you are 13 to 18 years of age and would like to be a part of this project please call Allan at 920-8980. • • • • • • OUR HOURS: Monday (3:30-5:30pm.) youth 12 and under Tuesday (3:30-5:30- pm.) youth 12 and under Tuesday (6:30-9:00- pm.) youth 13 to 18 Wednesday (3:30- 5:30pm.) GIRLS ONLY ages 13 to 18 · Wednesday (6:30- 9:00pm.) youth 13 to 18 Thursday (3:30- 5:30pm.) youth 12 and under · Thursday (6:30- . 9:00pm.) youth 13 to 18 . Friday (3:30-5:30- pmJ youth 12 and under • • • • • • ANTI-DRUG LOGO COMPET ITION: We are holding an Anti Drug Logo Competition at the Arcade. It is open to all youth 12 and under in the Kensington community. We are asking for black and white drawings no larger than 7 by 7 inches which show why we should not abuse drugs. For example a youth could draw a picture showing what they think abusing drugs does to a persons body or mind. The winning drawing will be silk-screened onto t-shirts and distributed to all the youth who enter the contest. A dance will be held sometime in December to celebrate the end of the contest. Also, a selection of the drawings will be published in the Kensington Drum. • • • • • • AFTER SCHOOL SNACK PROGRAM: We now provide nourishing snacks for our after school kids (youth 12 and under) from 3:30-5:30pm. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Thanks to the support of the Daily Bread Food Bank we are able to offer a. variety of foods which the youth seem to really enjoy. If you would like more information about this program please call Allan or Gundu at 920-8980. • • • • • • PART-TlME YOUNG WOMEN'S RECREATION WORKER: 10 hours a week to organize and implement young women's recreation programming at St. Stephen's Community .House. Must be available evenings and · weekends. Send resumes by <strong>Nov</strong>ember 8th to Kate Scowen, 91 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ontario M5T 2N8 ST. STEPHEN'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLING CENTRE by Anita Block Now, more than ever before, looking for a job by yourself with no support can be a frus, trating experience - At St. Stephen's Youth Employment Counselling Centre, we know it's tough out there and ·we'll give you the help you need. That includes providing you with a resume, leads on jobs, practice · with job interviews, and techniques on how to show employers you're the one they should hire. · St. Stephen's Youth Employmen( Co'unsellingn C'entre was founded in 1982 to meet the needs of unemployed youth in the Downtown West area of the city. This area, of course, includes Kensington Market. - ~very Thursday evening is video night at St. Stephen's Drug Free ·Arcade, 293 The needs ot young people have changed over the last ten years. Older youth are having a ha~der ime finding and keeping jobs. rhe Youth Employment Centre ·ecognized this so two years ago Ne opened our ser¥ices to people who are 29 years old or under. As always, the neighbourhood where the Centre is located serves as a reception area for recent newcomers of all ages, from all around the world. The Centre has kept up with the demand for language-specific services, so that community members who are seeking work or training may benefit from the expertise of employment counsellors who speak their languages. St. Stephen's -Youth Employment Counselling Centre offers service in English, French, Chinese, Vietnamese, and most recently, we have begun to offer service in two East African languages, Amharic and Tigrigna. If you, or someone you know, is under 30, looking for a · full-time job, upgrading or training, we can help! Call us for an appointment at 531-4631. The Metro Toronto Association for Community Living needs people willing to spend a few hours a week with a person with a developmental disability. CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST! :~ 7 ,··•..~~ :A;·~- ·~ Open to Youth ages 12 and under • Draw a picture explaining why we should not abuse drugs ·• All pictures must be in black and white • Pictures must be no bigger than 7 by 7 inches • Hand it in or mail it to the staff at the Drug-Free Arcade The winning picture will be printed on t-shirts A dance will be held to announce the winner Everyone who hands in a drawing. will get a free t-shirt Only the firSt 60 picfureS will be accepted $25.00.PRIZE FOR WINNING DESIGN! $15.00 PRIZE FOR 2ND PLACE! $10.00 PRIZE FOR 3RD PLACE! Deadline for entries: <strong>Nov</strong>ember 22nd, <strong>1991</strong> For more information contact Kate at 920-8980 St. Stephen's Drug-Free Arcade 293 Augusta Avenue Toronto M5T 2M2 CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST!CONTEST! L Call Volunteer Services, 968- . I __,, " jj · lb=====;;========rd!:: 0650. [If you find your present school --- · · · · .. I t:t:N WHI riNG CLUB. -----ll--- - ---;is in need · of an overhaul Way of Greater Toronto .nowhere in sight, or you've Just for the fun of it. Two is looking for volunteers to help already left, even if you've Saturdays a month. answer calls on a recently joined the rank and file, Phone Sanderson Library Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, a non-profit organization dedicated to . providing guide dogs to visually-impaired Canadians, is looking for people to foster puppies . for approximately 12 months. If interested, please call (613) 692-7777. Talented? Energetic? Creative? r· Time on your hands? Be a volunteer on our Christmas production. Call Kensington launched information phoneline, s.econdary school credits can 93-7653 for info. J= Carnival 351-8702 _j" 1 directing calls from peoJ?le who be obtained through individ~l- ===:; - := • WE ARE LOOKING for need help to the ~ge~ctes that ize4, independent learntng • healthy, normal, yo~~g provide 1 t. If you re. mterested contracts. For further A!l new 1992 • Festival of volunt,~rsf.q~;~Jest?'lrc~p_ro)~t in helping staff the hne, please information or ~o arrange .an Ltgh.ts :need~ \:··' you. Call on the rel;ttio'nship bptWee~ _dtet call the Volunteer ~entre of visit, call Oasts Alternative · ~ensmgton Carntval 351-8702 and .niood.. $80. For more info, Metro Toronto at 961-6888, .Secondary School, 707 Dundas I call-979-6940. weekdays from 9 a,m' t 5 PID· St. W. at Bathurst, Rm. 3, 393- ....:..:..:..:.________ ~~"""""B .. ' . 9830. I ~'? . · :.'_\.. ;..;;