#9107 - Nov 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

Page eighteen, ·Kensington Market Drum<br />

University Settlement<br />

Music School<br />

23 Grange Road, 598-3444<br />



Friday <strong>Nov</strong>ember 8 at 7.30pm<br />

• Martin Humphrey--piano<br />

• Anne Yardley-Lev~tan--soprano<br />

• Bob La Possie--piano<br />

• Michael Do~nie--jlute<br />

Baroque, Romantic, and Modern music<br />

by a variety of composers including<br />

Bach, Chopin, ~iszt, -and Barber<br />

• Refreshments<br />

•Admission free, everyone welcome<br />

Russian Evening<br />

with music and food<br />

Friday <strong>Nov</strong>ember 22, 7 .30pm<br />

A night in-old Russia!<br />

Music by Tchaikowsky, Rachmaninov,<br />

Prokofiev, and others.<br />

Traditional folk music from the region,<br />

including Eastern Europe<br />

Delicious home-made Russian food<br />

Tickets $10<br />

a fun evening<br />

and support your music school<br />

(Russian dress optional)<br />


Wednesday December 11· at 7.30pm<br />

Mid-Winter Concert and Party<br />

• A selection of music by our<br />

students. Choirs will sing some<br />

seasonal songs.<br />

• Refreshments<br />

•Admission free, everyone welcome<br />

/<br />

\ '<br />

OPEN<br />

STAGE<br />

by Colin Puffer<br />

Tiffany's Open Stage<br />

AI Cromwell is back hosting an<br />

open stage in the ~arket. Tiffany's,<br />

is a pretty small place<br />

and it would be a shame to<br />

destroy the intimacy of the<br />

Friday and Saturday night open ·<br />

stages by having too many<br />

people turn up and make the<br />

place into a rowdy Market<br />

venue. As it is you can actually<br />

make out lyrics and hear some<br />

of the subtleties in the music that<br />

is played. So don't tell too many<br />

people about it. Keep it a Mar-<br />

ket secret. -<br />

Centre 276<br />

Tired of hearing sensitive singer<br />

songwriters? Bored with country<br />

covers? How about an open<br />

stage South African style?<br />

Hosted by the band Diliia, the<br />

- evening is more of a jam than an<br />

open stage. It's sort of a do it<br />

yourself party. The Centre<br />

provides a good sound system,<br />

drums and various implements<br />

of percussion (did you catch that<br />

H?). So bring a guitar, sitar,<br />

kalimba, or jew's harp and join<br />

in. It happens every Friday<br />

night.<br />

486·DRUG<br />

If you or someone you care<br />

about has a drug or alcohol<br />

problem, help is close by.<br />

Just call, free of charge.<br />

We're here for you, 24 hours<br />

a day, every day of the year,<br />

with confidenti,ll, personal<br />

· help.<br />

®<br />

Ontano<br />


Tlw \\unt( tp.lltl\ 111 \\t•r ro p olit,l ll Torurlln<br />

( tl\ or lorc HI!n • l'rl\ or 'nrth \'orl..<br />

rrn rln !( , n .... rn ·..... ( f" llt•···<br />

•••••••••••••••••<br />

.I':;;.~~<br />

by Colin Puffer<br />

Thur, <strong>Nov</strong> 7- Joseph Maviglia<br />

at the Free Times<br />

Fri, <strong>Nov</strong> 8 - Cate Freisen - The<br />

Traditions Room<br />

Fri, <strong>Nov</strong> 8 - Ken Whiteley -<br />

The Free Times<br />

Sat. <strong>Nov</strong> 9 - fundraising dance<br />

party for the matriphiles. at the<br />

Cameron. Denise Benson DJ.<br />

Sat. <strong>Nov</strong> 9 -Imagine Rainbow<br />

Warriors - the Greeks<br />

Sun, <strong>Nov</strong> 10- David Parry and'<br />

Ian Robb at the Flying Cloud<br />

Folk Club, 292 Brunswick<br />

Thur, <strong>Nov</strong> 14 - Ani DiFranco<br />

w/Cate Friesen at Ultrasound,<br />

269 Queen W.<br />

-<strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1991</strong><br />

MUSIC<br />

NOTES<br />

Thur, <strong>Nov</strong> 14- Angels of Montenegro<br />

at Clintons, 693 Bloor<br />

w.<br />

Moo, <strong>Nov</strong> 15 - Bob Snider at<br />

the Free Times<br />

Thur, <strong>Nov</strong> 28 - Battlefield<br />

Band, one of Scotland's best<br />

trad bands, at the Spectrum<br />

Every Thursday - John T.<br />

Davis and Jim Heineman at the<br />

Greeks<br />

Every Fri - Open Stage at 276<br />

Augusta - til late<br />

Every Fri and Sat - AI<br />

Cromwell hosts an open stage at<br />

Tiffany's, 256 Augusta<br />



Did you know<br />

that if you piled all the sugar cubes in the world,<br />

one on top of the' other,<br />

and the Chinese built a bridge across Bering Straits,<br />

and started marching,<br />

by the time all the hippopatami in Africa,<br />

laid side by side,<br />

had sold short the next ten years's futures in hog<br />

bellies, .<br />

there'd be enough wooden matches,<br />

laid end to end.<br />

(with a lifetime subscription to the National<br />

Geographic,<br />

starting at the world's largest advertising agency)<br />

to tie a ten-centimetre firehose<br />

four times round the moon,<br />

and keep all the lightbulbs in Ponoka<br />

equipped wit}l enough cornflakes<br />

to power all the automobiles in France, Wes<br />

Germany and the USA<br />

with a year's supply of hotdogs<br />

to stuff the world's Kleenex reserves<br />

into the mouths of all the liars in the world?<br />

He Is Something<br />

He is something from another time<br />

A n antique . ...<br />

A ntlqmty. .. ?<br />

Hopeless, Homeless<br />

Aimless ... Nameless- But we have names<br />

With cheerful phrases said to some<br />

Like "Get a job you fucking bum"<br />

Sad eyes slouching in a painted alley<br />

Eric Layman<br />


HOUSEKEEPER for Hire.<br />

Reliable, Responsible, Really<br />

Cute. Call 864-0185 Ask for<br />

Nancy.<br />

Stereo and 'Hi Fi Service,<br />

repair and recycle rather than<br />

replace. Call the experts at<br />

Wringling Audio Service, 364-<br />

5738.<br />

-=-,~, ;;;================~==================~<br />

Invitation for Francophone<br />

Women. Do you feel isolated in<br />

.Toronto? Would you like to<br />

- I<br />

Pump it up! Weight training at<br />

Scadding (18 and older) Mon.<br />

Wed. Fri. $20. Contact<br />

Herman Ellis at 363-5392 for<br />

Korean ESL classes, Monday­<br />

Thursday 11:30-1:30 pm,<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember 4-29 at Palmerston<br />

library. !<br />

Eurythmics with David Frego.<br />

Through Emile Jacques­<br />

Dalcroze's pioneering method<br />

learn to' understand musical<br />

experience by relating it to<br />

.. time, space, and energy. Teens<br />

and adults, Thursdays 7:30-9<br />

pm, Oct 3 - ,<strong>Nov</strong> 14 at<br />

University Settlement House.<br />

He is something outside time<br />

Beyond the bustle of routine<br />

Beyond Hopes, Careers ... Dreams<br />

A stone outside the daily mottle<br />

He hides inside his empty bottle<br />

And waits until the day is done<br />

H~ is something ... No longer someone<br />

meet other Francophone ll J Richard Leggatt<br />

women? To make friends? To . PROBLEMS WITH DRUGS 1- ---- - ----- - - --- --- --- -<br />

chat, exchange ideas? Or form OR ALCOHOL? You or __ __ ------·-·- ......<br />

a support group? Come and join - someone you care about. Call<br />

High Quality Child Care.<br />

us. For more info, call Marie- the · DRUG HELPLINE. George - Brown Cllege has<br />

Josee at 922_-2276 or . the Trained volunteers. Support, spaces available for mfants to 9<br />

~rancophone distress and mfo info abt. community resources. year olds at several downtown<br />

hgne, S.O.S. Femmes at 323- - Friendly listening ear. Free, locations. Call 944-4545 for<br />

1 0713. jL_____ ____ _ further information. 1

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