#9107 - Nov 1991
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Page four, Kensington Market Drum <strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1991</strong><br />
Election '91 Election '91 Election '91 Election '91<br />
What is a Municipal Election?<br />
On <strong>Nov</strong>ember 12 there will be a municipal election in<br />
·roronto.<br />
This means that the people M the City will elect:<br />
• a Mayor<br />
• City Councillors<br />
• Metro Councillors, and<br />
• School Board Trustees.<br />
Who can vote in the Election?<br />
You can vote·if:<br />
• you are a Canadian citizen; and<br />
• you are 18 years of age or older; and<br />
• you or your husband or wife live, rent or own<br />
property in the City of Toronto, anytime<br />
between September 3 and October I I , <strong>1991</strong> .<br />
Where do I vote?<br />
If your name and address arc on the VotetJ' List, the people at<br />
City Hall will mail you a card by October 30, telling you that<br />
Election I hy is <strong>Nov</strong>ember 12. '!'his card will also tell you the<br />
place where )'PU vote.<br />
If your name and address are not on the Voters' List, or you<br />
do not get your Voter's Card in-the mail, call the Ciry Clerk's<br />
Department at 392-1600 and ask for help.<br />
When can I vote?<br />
You can vote on <strong>Nov</strong>ember 12 any time betWeen I 0:00 in<br />
the morning and 8:00 in the evening.<br />
What jobs 'lire people running for?<br />
People are running for the jobs of Mayor, C ity Councillo r,<br />
Metro C oupcillor, and School Board T rustee.<br />
The City-C ounci!J,Qss arc members of Toronto C it y<br />
CounciL The Metro Councillors arc members of Metro<br />
CounciL The Scliool Trustees are members of a Board of<br />
Education. There arc different Boards of Education lor ·<br />
Engli·sh-languagc and French-language p~blic schools, and<br />
for Separate (Roman Catholic) schools. The Separate<br />
School Board has two sections, one for English-speaking<br />
and one for French-speaking people.<br />
What is a referendum question?<br />
A~ well as the names of the people running for office, there will<br />
he a question, or questions, on the ballot. You arc given the<br />
choice of answering yes or no to these referendum questions.<br />
For more on<br />
Election '91, see<br />
Talking Drum, p. 6<br />
and<br />
All Candidates<br />
(some of the<br />
time), page 12<br />
'91 Election '91 Election '91 Election '91 Election '91<br />
c<br />
(rPtiring) ,- ---<br />
\ I" FIVE - . ONE<br />
*OLIVIA CHOW: Ward 5<br />
trustee for the past six years was<br />
the NDP nominee to replace<br />
· Dale Martin, who retired this<br />
year. At the Board of Education<br />
she was chair of the Personnel,<br />
Race Relations, and English as a<br />
Second Language Committees.<br />
Among her community affiliations,<br />
she is on the board of<br />
directors of St. Stephen's Youth<br />
Employment Centre, the Urban<br />
Alliance for Race Relations, and<br />
the Metro Toronto Legal Aid<br />
Clinic for Chinese/South East<br />
Asians. She was also a community<br />
worker at Woodgreen Community<br />
Centre and assistant to<br />
Dan Heap (1980-84).<br />
Issues of concern to her:<br />
increasing the extent to which<br />
metro government listens to and<br />
shares decision making power<br />
with all residents, especially<br />
those whose voices have not<br />
: been heard; working towards -a<br />
: greener Metro by improving<br />
· public transit, through housing<br />
intensification; attracting more<br />
riders through special programs<br />
such as student passes and pr:oviding<br />
bicycle storage spaces in<br />
subway stations.<br />
*ZOLTAN FEKETE: independent.<br />
Born and raised in Kensington<br />
Market, Fekete now lives in<br />
Thornhill but remains an active<br />
member of the Kensington Business<br />
Association, and the Kensington<br />
Market Area Task Force.<br />
He has a B.A. in Landscape<br />
Architecture from the University<br />
of Toronto and is presently<br />
employed by the Liquor Control<br />
Board of Ontario. He has a<br />
, Cellarmasters Diploma from the<br />
Wine Academy and Higher<br />
Certificate from the Independent<br />
Wine Education Guild.<br />
He is against market value<br />
assessment, believes there<br />
should be more citizen input into<br />
planning the future of the city,<br />
and believes there should be<br />
regular audits to examine spending<br />
by City and Metro Council.<br />
A founding member of the<br />
Friends of Spadina, opposing the<br />
Spadina LRT, he was a member<br />
of the Spadina Transit Consultative<br />
Committee. He helped<br />
introduce a new market specific<br />
by-law to allow residential intensification<br />
and controlled restaurant<br />
growth and also represents<br />
the task force on the Toronto<br />
Hospital Planning Advisory<br />
Work Group. He says the key to<br />
his platform is that he is<br />
opposed to polarization of local<br />
councils by party politics.<br />
I<br />
LARRY LEE, who placed second<br />
in the mayoralty race in<br />
Uxbridge township in 1988 is<br />
running for Metro Council<br />
largely on the issue of free TTC<br />
ser:vice. Lee who runs his own<br />
advertising company came to<br />
Toronto from Hong Kong at age<br />
12 and has been active in politics<br />
and community service most<br />
of his life.<br />
Lee's free TTC idea comes,<br />
he says, from European cities<br />
where you pay one fare to ride<br />
all day. The plan can be carried<br />
out with no increase in Metro<br />
taxes. The 69% revenue shortfall<br />
could be met by increased<br />
advertising sales, a TIC lottery,<br />
and a less than 1 % deduction<br />
from metro paycheques. Benefits<br />
•<br />
.<br />
would be enormous, he says,<br />
from increased small business<br />
along TIC routes to cleaner air<br />
for all of us.<br />
On some of the other issues<br />
of the day: he opposes market<br />
value assessment; wants to see<br />
more police footpatrols; . wants<br />
lowrise affordable housing, bike<br />
paths, and a reduction of the tax<br />
burden for small business.<br />
A 45 year old Civil Engineer<br />
gradute from the University of<br />
Toronto, Michael Lockey is a<br />
specialist in waste water treatment<br />
and public transit systems.<br />
He has long been active in<br />
community issues, sp~ifically<br />
dealing with problems of the<br />
handicapped. He is an original<br />
member of Pollution Probe,<br />
organized a citizens' action<br />
group to acquire Belt Line Railway<br />
as a 6.5 km linear park in<br />
Toronto and York, organized<br />
and ran youth and handicapped<br />
adult centres in Scarborough and<br />
East York. He also organized<br />
the 1st Annual Don River Canoe<br />
Race, is is active in neighbourhood<br />
community action group<br />
(ECRA) and is head of the<br />
University of Torono Concrete<br />
Canoe Club!<br />
He believes the major issue<br />
facing the voters in the Downtown<br />
core is the massive public<br />
housing projects and opposes<br />
'-<br />
ef'eet<br />
market valuation but believes we<br />
must accept that changes will<br />
have to be made. He strongly<br />
opposes the idea that anyone has<br />
to pay more taxes when they<br />
improve their properties. He<br />
. also thinks something must be<br />
done to reduce the spiralling<br />
trends of crime and drugs and<br />
that economic opportunity will<br />
reduce though not eliminate<br />
these evils.<br />
(Team Toronto) says "We must<br />
put Metro back to work with<br />
fundamental changes to the<br />
Municipal Tax System." A<br />
downtown resident since 1980,<br />
he is currently employed by the<br />
Ontario provincial government<br />
coordinating the construction of<br />
15,000 units of co-op and social<br />
housing. He has also been a<br />
member of the Police Community<br />
Committee for the past five<br />
years and is a member of the<br />
McGill-Granby Village Residents<br />
Association. In the mideighties<br />
he was a founding member<br />
of STOP (Save Toronto's<br />
Official Plan) which fought for<br />
more housing and better development<br />
in the Railway Lands.<br />
At the moment he is best<br />
known in the ward as co-founder<br />
of a lobby group called Citizens<br />
for Property Tax Reform --leading<br />
the fight against Market<br />
Value Reassessment.<br />
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- works for the downtown community,<br />
not a political party<br />
Active since 1984 on:<br />
- Kensington Community Task Force<br />
- Spadina Transit Consultative Committee<br />
- Kensington Business Association<br />
-filed legal suit with the city to· get<br />
accounting of your tax dollars<br />
FEKETE wants to work with you, for you.<br />
CALL 592-9348 for h1formation.<br />
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