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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
"'<br />
'<br />
Page sixteen, Kensington Market Drum<br />
Compassionate wolf.?<br />
In Bocca a/ Lupo reviewed<br />
by Melissa Wilson<br />
The multimedia operatic performance<br />
"In bocca allupo'' IN<br />
written and directed by R~ta<br />
McKeough is a vital, compassionate<br />
and sensitive response to<br />
the abuse of women and their<br />
healing process, The performance<br />
explores the inner emotions<br />
of anger and reconciliation from<br />
within an honest und~rstanding<br />
amidst a surrealistic setting of<br />
dance, voice and sound.<br />
Rita McKeough's sharp awareness<br />
of language, intonation<br />
and movement is only parallel<br />
by her clarity and revealing<br />
metaphor of the body. It is<br />
because this piece is working<br />
with such a diverse arrangement<br />
within music, dance and visual<br />
media, that the powerful sense<br />
of unity must be acknowledged.<br />
It is this sense of unity that<br />
enables the audience to feel the<br />
inner healing of self. This understanding<br />
is fundamental to the<br />
performance and it is Rita's<br />
clear focus and intensity of the<br />
performances that make it accessible<br />
as well as deeply thought<br />
prcvoking.<br />
Having the opportunity to dis:-.,<br />
cuss this piece with two of th~<br />
artists in this production, Louise<br />
Lilliefelda and Christina Zeidler,<br />
one aspect that cannot be overlooked<br />
is their ardent respect for<br />
Rita and her work. This flows<br />
naturally through their stirring,<br />
acute and responsive dance. This<br />
high level of sensitivity is shared<br />
by all the performers from the<br />
choir, the dancers, the musicians<br />
straight through to a single<br />
voice. From any perspective 'In<br />
_ bocca al lupo' · is strikingly<br />
innovative but never at the<br />
expense of its integrity and<br />
truth.<br />
[ed note on review: The operatic<br />
production "In bocca allupo" IN<br />
was produced by Rita Mc<br />
Keough, with financial assistance<br />
from: The Canada Council,<br />
The Toronto Arts Council, &<br />
The Ontario Arts Council. It<br />
was -performed at 17 River<br />
Street on November 21, 22 &<br />
23, <strong>1991</strong> only. We don't know<br />
at this time when it will be<br />
back.]<br />
r--------------------------------------------------.-::--------,<br />
and in conflict with the law?<br />
• Have you been kicked out of the house?<br />
• Have you been refused welfare?<br />
• Hassles with school--wrong program?<br />
truancy? su~ptmsion?<br />
• Have you been abused?<br />
• Are you in· conflict with the<br />
Children's Aid Society?<br />
We provide select legal representation<br />
to low income children and youth in<br />
Metro and vicinity.<br />
We specialize in protecting the rights<br />
of those in conflict with the law,<br />
their school, the social service<br />
and mental health systems.<br />
We give legal advice, information and<br />
assistance on a province-wide basis*.<br />
We try to help.<br />
Seriously. Confidentially.<br />
Free.<br />
Call 920-1633.<br />
*Hearing impaired?<br />
American sign language spoken by staff lawyer.<br />
What is sacred?<br />
from page 13<br />
The woodworker creates a<br />
bowl. She is dazzled by its<br />
beauty. She sets it on her alter<br />
with a ritual. It is now sacred.<br />
However, the tree set out in the<br />
midst of the alter which is Creation<br />
is also sacred. She has<br />
only changed the material structure<br />
of the wood. If she has<br />
done no disrespect to the spirit<br />
of the wood and its environment<br />
then all is as it should be.<br />
Some people won't buy crystals<br />
or stones because they come<br />
from the body of the Earth.<br />
Somewhat like buying sacred<br />
energy. Food is sacred. We buy<br />
food. Should we eat only food<br />
which grows wild? What about<br />
killing animals for food? Traditional<br />
peoples spoke of eating<br />
vegetables and fruit during the<br />
spring and the summer but when<br />
all plants had died the Caribou<br />
was said to come and sacrifice<br />
itself so that the people could<br />
survive. The people thanked all<br />
the food they used to survive.<br />
How would we survive in<br />
Northern climates through the<br />
year if we didn't depend on<br />
industrialized farming?<br />
These are very difficult questions.<br />
Sacred specificness creates<br />
divisions. Spiritual leaders are<br />
needed to decide what is sacred<br />
and to protect sacred things.<br />
This all seems to come to the<br />
debunkery of the duality. Good<br />
and evil.<br />
Unquestionably Mark Lepine<br />
was a<br />
product of having to<br />
chose between good and evil.<br />
He was the product of a society<br />
which divides the creation into<br />
sacred and non sacred. If he as<br />
a child had felt sacred, if he had<br />
been shown the sacredness in all<br />
life, nothing could have made<br />
him kill wimmin or hate himself.<br />
-<br />
Some people may be concerned<br />
that we would see monsters<br />
as sacred, but in fact they<br />
simply would not t?Xist.<br />
• • • • • • • •<br />
altars<br />
medicines<br />
& rituals<br />
Alters; a space which a person<br />
or persons have chosen to set<br />
out . things which are sacred to<br />
them. A place to go for meditation<br />
or prayer or which just<br />
makes-one feel good when ones<br />
eyes rest there in passing. I have<br />
one rule about alters. " A child<br />
is always more important than<br />
an alter. If they wreck it just<br />
make another one and getthem<br />
to help you. Build one with<br />
them in their own space, perhaps<br />
this will help them to understand<br />
the value they will get<br />
Flower<br />
<strong>Dec</strong>ember 12 <strong>1991</strong><br />
from an alter. Never be angry<br />
_with a child for anything they<br />
might do to an alter. Just think<br />
about it as a sign that it was<br />
time for a change. "<br />
Medicines; These are anything<br />
which heals. There are so many<br />
from such diverse backgrounds<br />
some of which I don't even have<br />
the knowledge or right to share,<br />
that you must go out and discover<br />
the ones that fit you the<br />
best. My one caution is that no<br />
matter who you are, please try<br />
to find the ones which come<br />
from your own people first, so<br />
as not to be disrespectful _ to<br />
other cultures. _ Once you have<br />
found your own ancient roots<br />
the other ones will make sense<br />
to you. You will respect them. It<br />
has been unfortunate that so<br />
many of us who are trying to<br />
find our roots have · instead<br />
stolen parts of · other peoples<br />
traditions which we never fully<br />
understand. We miss out on the<br />
true self worth that comes from<br />
knowing who we really are. If<br />
you come from several cultures<br />
research them all, not just the<br />
ones you are called or the ones<br />
you identify with.<br />
Rituals; Everything we do is a<br />
ritual; Brushing our teeth, etc. It<br />
is only up to you then to find the<br />
ones which ar~ sacred to you or<br />
to do sacred things at sacred<br />
times for sacred reasons. There<br />
are many places out there for<br />
you to find out how other people<br />
do these. Study, study, study.<br />
•'<br />
My mother has a<br />
Flower in her belly. It .<br />
Grows bigger daily. Presses a-<br />
Gainst the inside of her uterus. Str-<br />
Etches her skin taut. She is round like<br />
The earth. She cries rivers and her breasts<br />
Are mountains where the pressure builds until<br />
It spills and flows like lava. Her skin is translu<br />
Cent and shines with prismatic gentleness. -She<br />
Is a Klimt. A pastel Degas. A light-flecked Renoir.<br />
I can feel the flower move and turn inside its<br />
Liquid . sphere. My hands c9nnect like Atlas hold-<br />
Ing up the earth. Like a healer, a -potter, a lover,<br />
I feel the curve beneath my palms. She is round<br />
There are ruffling deep pink petals swimming in<br />
Her amniotic fluid. Her placenta is a rainbow<br />
Shimmering, floating around the flower. Animals<br />
And sometimes people, gently tear between<br />
Their teeth, pieces of this living spectrum<br />
In an afterbirth ritual. We plant them un<br />
Der trees. They ~less the earth, these emp<br />
Ty flower sacs. Like the flower blesses<br />
Our family. My mother has a flower in<br />
Her belly. It is blooming. She is round.<br />
CANADIAN ) ~<br />
L------------------------------------------------~---------~<br />
By Baie