#9108 - Dec 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />

a<br />

Page eighteen, Kensington Market Drum<br />

KCAS new play "m.ayhem and laughs"<br />

Offbeat winter· offering worth going to see<br />

by Nina Ewing<br />

The lights dimmed. The audience<br />

is holding candles which<br />

the director rushes around lighting.<br />

It looks as if a seance is<br />

about to begin. Then the actors<br />

take their places on stage. Mayhem<br />

ensues. It is the opening<br />

night of the Beggars' Nativity, a<br />

modem rendering of the biblical<br />

story of the birth of Christ,<br />

staged by the Kensington ,Carnival<br />

Arts Society. The play is<br />

running until <strong>Dec</strong>ember 21, at<br />

KYTES, 169A Augusta ~treet in<br />

Kensington Market.<br />

Billed as "A contemporary<br />

miracle play", the story is about<br />

a colony of homeless misfits<br />

who are trying their best around<br />

Christmas time to keep warm<br />

and look out for each other's<br />

wellbeing, when they find a<br />

baby discarded in the garbage.<br />

They decide that the baby · has<br />

been sent to them, the miracle,<br />

you see, but the authorities are<br />

called in and they decide that a<br />

baby needs a roof over its head<br />

and three square meals a: day.<br />

something the beggars couldn't<br />

provide so they have to give it<br />

up.<br />

Is this their saviour, the one<br />

who will change the world so<br />

that they and others like them<br />

wouldn't have to continue living<br />

from garbage ~ans while others<br />

have more than they can con~<br />

sume? This seems to be a safe<br />

assumption. Incidentally the<br />

miracle child is a girl.<br />

The play is neither serious<br />

drama, comedy nor musical but<br />

Tidings of fun: KCAS Beggars Nativity, at<br />

Valerie Buhagiar as Morag/fllar~', with Dozer/Joseph, played<br />

- by Murray Furrow; above, Olivier L'Ecuyer as the Angel<br />

a combination of all three. The<br />

comic parts work best. The<br />

serious parts do not always<br />

work. Try to imagine a policewoman<br />

waxing poetic. But this<br />

is what happened when she tried<br />

to convince an unwilling Morag<br />

to. give up the baby. Valerie<br />

Buhagiar as Morag and Murray<br />

Furrow as her good friend<br />

Dozer gave outstanding perform-<br />

~ances. They also provided the<br />

most chuckleS.<br />


by Drum Staff<br />

A1 Cromwell is one of the Market's<br />

favourite musicians. For<br />

many months last winter he<br />

hosted an open stage at The<br />

Greeks as well as performing<br />

solo. He has deservedly developed<br />

a strong core of fans in<br />

Kensmgt9n. He is a fine blues<br />

player.<br />

A1 is back in the heart of the<br />

Market. He does solo . sets on<br />

Wednesdays and Thursdays and<br />

once again hosts an open stage<br />

on Friday and Saturday evenings.<br />

There is no cover charge<br />

for Al's shows.<br />

Heaven and Nature Sing<br />

made by Don Ross and Kelly McGowan<br />

Good music.<br />

It's a Christmas tape, guitar and voice.<br />

It's wonderful to me and I really really like<br />

it take it from me. It's great.<br />

by<br />

Sophia<br />

Perlman<br />

f··· ·····;o~~=· ·=~--~~:::·:;·:~:~:::~··· -~<br />

• ~EH'PEAC:E'<br />

is currently hiring dediCated<br />

activist for our door to door canvass. Must be<br />

committed to social change and available full time<br />

· from 2:PM till lO:PM,<br />

For details call Lisa S. 351.,043Q<br />

. . is an equal opportunity<br />

.:..........·. ··~··· · · · ·7·.. ·~··~··.-·~ · ·--·--.. ·~· · ·..........................................................................·.·;~· ····. · ·~ ·· .···........:<br />

To bring this to a close, that<br />

is a pretty good little play. It is<br />

only an hour long so you . can<br />

take it in before a dinner reservation<br />

or see it after an · early<br />

dinner. It will be well worth<br />

, your while especially if you are<br />

a fan of alternative theatre. ·<br />

Oh! Kensington Carnival<br />

. would like you to bring a donation.of<br />

non-perishable food for<br />

the Daily Food Bank.<br />

*******************<br />

******************<br />

Advert<br />

*******************<br />

*******************<br />

**<br />

This is an<br />

invitation to those<br />

of antiauthoritarian<br />

persuasion<br />

from the<br />

new black nation<br />

to queer nation<br />

and the pagan<br />

congregation.<br />

Come share<br />

in this creation,<br />

our Solstice<br />

celebration.<br />

saturday night<br />

21st <strong>Dec</strong>ember.<br />

Centre 276.<br />

276 Augusta.<br />

Men leave your<br />

sexism at home.<br />

Homophobes will be<br />

uncomfortable and<br />

racists fuck off.<br />

For further<br />

information<br />

535-5731.<br />

"\ST Ito<br />

l't:;& ~<br />

: ~~,~<br />

··········~······<br />

~~p<br />

Steve Hall and Imagine at The<br />

Greeks - 197 112 Baldwin -<br />

every Sunday in <strong>Dec</strong>ember.<br />

Siyakha - at the Bamboo, 312<br />

Queen St. W., 593-5771 -<strong>Dec</strong>.<br />

19, 20, 21<br />

Centre 276 - 276 Augusta,<br />

Open stage, every Fri., dance to<br />

the South African/Kensington<br />

fusion of Diliza<br />

Buchofuckingoofs - CD release<br />

in January -feature article in the<br />

near future.<br />

AI Cromwell - at Tiffany's 256<br />

Augusta, 961-3696- every Wed.<br />

Thurs., open stage Fri., Sat.<br />

Rick Fielding- Acoustic Workshop-<br />

Mon., llpm CIUT 89.5-<br />

FM<br />

I<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1 2 <strong>1991</strong><br />

Music Notes<br />

Silver Dollar - every Mon. -<br />

Ron Sexsmith, 6-8pm. - every<br />

Wed. Revelation - every Sat.<br />

Norm Hacking hosts an open<br />

stage, 4-8pm.<br />

Anne Lederman - High Park<br />

Library -Sat. <strong>Dec</strong> 14, 2 pm.<br />

John T Davis & Jim Heineman<br />

- The Greeks - every Thursday<br />

Sara Craig - Ultrasound - 296<br />

Queen St. W. 593-0540- Wed.<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>. 10<br />

John Gorka - Ultrasound - 296<br />

Queen St. W. 593-0540 - Sat.<br />

Jan. 18<br />

Bob Wiseman and Michael<br />

Snow - The Music Gallery -<br />

Queen and Dovercourt - Sat.<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>. 14<br />

Boho a Blast<br />

(if you can find it)<br />

by Colin Puffer<br />

The name Bohemian Embassy<br />

may not mean much to anyone<br />

under the age of thirty. But to<br />

those a bit longer in the tooth<br />

the name definitely conjures up<br />

images of the sixties: coffee<br />

houses, Yorkville, incense, and<br />

generally groovy stuff.<br />

The original Boho opened in<br />

tp61 and was a real focal point<br />

of Toronto's burgeoning "alternative<br />

culture". Don Cullen (a<br />

Bohemian Embassy founder) and<br />

partners reestablished diplomatic<br />

relations with rest of the world<br />

last spring. The first night was a<br />

bit of · a strange affair for a<br />

Queen St. club opening. The<br />

only black leather sported was<br />

worn by the kids dragged in by<br />

the parents who came to compare<br />

hairlines, waists, wrinkles<br />

and memories with other first<br />

peoples.·<br />

The New Wave<br />

Today's Bohemian Embassy has<br />

tried to recreate some of the feel<br />

of the original. And is trying to<br />

do so with what seems to be, at<br />

first glance, a suicidal policy of<br />

no smoking and no alcohol! You<br />

don't go to the Embassy to party<br />

in the "did I have a good time<br />

last night?" sense of the word.<br />

And you don't go there to hear<br />

a state of the art sound system<br />

or for the laser show. You go<br />

there to listen to music. Novel<br />

concept, eh?<br />

The Bohemian Embassy books<br />

a varied range of acts. Two<br />

weeks ago I went there expecting<br />

to hear Moxy Fruvous and<br />

instead stumbled on to Colleen<br />

Peterson's birthday party. Accompanying<br />

Colleen were Shirley<br />

Eikhard, Sylvia Tyson, Caitlin<br />

Hanford and Danny Greenspoon.<br />

Not a bad lineup by anyone's<br />

'standards. Recently, the Bohemian<br />

featured the dulcet tones of<br />

Mendelson Joe in a special ~no<br />

smoke, lawyers pay double"<br />

Find the drum coupon<br />

and do what it says,<br />

and a DRUM BRICK<br />

up to 35 words<br />

·. is yours in the Jan. 30<br />

. DRUM<br />

performance. Last ·Friday there<br />

was a Mariposa/Bohemian<br />

Embassy co-presentation with<br />

Scotland's Brian McNiell. If<br />

your tastes run more toward<br />

tangos, and string quartet versions<br />

of Danny Boy, you might<br />

want to check out Quartetto<br />

Gelato. And when was the last<br />

time you saw Perth County<br />

Conspiracy?<br />

The Future<br />

Bruce Cockburn didn't sell out<br />

Massy Hall. Tom Cochrane<br />

(with a best selling album) isn't<br />

filling halls. Mike Jackson is<br />

doing OK, but he doesn't really<br />

count. It is a very difficult time<br />

for promoters, bands and club<br />

owners alike. At present the<br />

Bohemian Embassy just isn't<br />

drawing the crowds to make it<br />

viable for too much longer. It<br />

would be a shame to lose a<br />

venue like this. The cover<br />

charge is always reasonable, the<br />

coffee is very good and think of<br />

all the money you'll save by not<br />

buying alcohol. If you hunger<br />

for a smoke-free (environment<br />

where you can hear good music,<br />

then have a look into the Bohemian<br />

Embassy. If you can find<br />

it. (Management please note:<br />

Your sign sucks - all sorts of<br />

potential patrons never even fmd<br />

the place).<br />

Employment<br />

Opportunities<br />

The Toronto<br />

Disarmament Network<br />

is currently hiring<br />

individuals for its door<br />

to door fundraising and<br />

public outreach·<br />

campaign. Full and parttime<br />

work available;<br />

4:30-9:30p.m.<br />

$8.00 per hr. to start.<br />

Call Allan . or Scott,<br />

535-8005<br />

11 a.m.- 3 p.m.<br />


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