#9108 - Dec 1991

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Page two, Kensington Market Drum<br />

TALKi.NG<br />

-RVM<br />

. ., .......... ..<br />


Join the parade <strong>Dec</strong>ember 21. flood of "Free Brick" coupons!<br />

We' 11 be there. Ida says bring See if you can find the one<br />

your own drum.<br />

hidden in this issue.<br />

*** ******<br />

Year end. On time and on<br />

track. ,<br />

Amazing how ., the year never<br />

seems to miss its deadline.<br />

Welcome Nina Ewing, Leon<br />

Kaplan ("P. C. 11 ) , Emily, Amy,<br />

Joshua; Leah and the others<br />

art students at Central Tech;<br />

the Wilburs · on Gorevale who<br />

are going to deliver DRUM on<br />

their . own street. It's how<br />

DRUM works. Our door-to-door<br />

commitment is Harbord to<br />

Queen, Euclid to McCaul.<br />

Beyond that~ if you'll carry<br />

it regularly, we' 11 provide<br />

it--minimum one hundred copies<br />

to a beat.<br />

***<br />

Speaking of . the art students<br />

at central tech, if you got<br />

this through your ·door, north<br />

of Harbord, thank them. Better<br />

still, buy · something! (See<br />

their ad?)<br />

****<br />

--~<br />

1":'\ 7.,.... 1-:::T- ~~--_.. _ _ _ ..._ _ .r ~ ....... __ .<br />

..-,.-c:=~~ _ __ new-<br />

DRUM stands--thanks Angie '<br />

Choly--in select locations<br />

(and if you want a stand, or<br />

know of a good location for<br />

one, let us know).<br />

*****<br />

Looking ahead, we're looking<br />

forward to lots. To working<br />

with OASIS alternative school<br />

again in the New Year. To a<br />

DRUM is a publication of Kensington<br />

Market Drum, P.O. Box 67590, 576 Duntkls<br />

Street West Toronto M5T 3B8<br />

Material with a DRUM by-line may be<br />

reprinted with acknowledgment. Material with<br />

an individual by-line or credit is in the<br />

copyright of that individual. Points of view in<br />

such items are those of the individual.<br />

DRUM is multipartisan rather than nonpartisan.<br />

We have the right to reject items.<br />

For deadlines see page 20.<br />

For rates and information, 363-DRUM.<br />

DRUMMERS, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1991</strong><br />

Miki Toma, Sally Stollmeyer, Angelo<br />

Pimentel, Josh Smith, Robert Lives, Mike<br />

Milando, Shelly Stringer, Colin Puffer,<br />

Masha Buell, Nina Ewing, Angie Choly, Leon<br />

Kaplan, Derek Rogers, Sophia Perlman, Luca<br />

Perlman, Marty Smith, John Stollmeyer,<br />

Susan Graham, Mary Fish, Robert Boucher,<br />

·Buzz Burza, David Perlman, S N Bianca,<br />

Kate Burt McNeil, Karen Pang, The Wilburs,<br />

Elizabeth Melo, Larry Walker, Jim M.,<br />

Deborah Cowman, Mark Kajouji, Omar<br />

Kajouji, B. Glenn, Maisela Kekana, Bread &<br />

Roses Credit Union<br />

Drum by Matyas, printing by Weller<br />

And talking of BRICKS, there's<br />

also now a DRUM Foundation.<br />

You heard it here first. Ask<br />

if you're interested.<br />

*******<br />

Highlights of '91?<br />

Making it through to '92.<br />

How about you?<br />

********<br />

Looking ahead to life in<br />

Rowlands' Hog_Town, a<br />

cautionary note. Safety is a<br />

big concern these days. But<br />

here'-s hoping for a balance<br />

between sensible care and<br />

living in fear; support for<br />

solutions rather than war<br />

against problems. (Check out<br />

the doctored Spiderman comic<br />

the Metro Police endorse as<br />

part of their "war on drugs"<br />

for an example of what doesn't<br />

work.) But that's a story for<br />

'92.<br />

*********<br />

Join the parade <strong>Dec</strong>ember 21 .<br />

Bring your own drum. . (The<br />

louder the merrier.)<br />

**********<br />

~<br />

~<br />

poLtTIC-ALLY coRR:EC.T<br />

wow. 1 DlDN1 kNOW<br />

'IOU L.l K( Mi PAit.JTIN6S"<br />

iHAJ MUCI1!<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember 12 <strong>1991</strong><br />

•••••••••••••••••••••<br />



That . market merchants and residents are suing<br />

the city for $3.2 million as a way of compelling<br />

the city to disclose information on how it<br />

spends money.<br />

"We're not dropping the suit, but we're not<br />

pressing it either, for now" says resident Allan.<br />

Schwam See page 4.<br />

That the Toronto Western incinerator is a health<br />

hazard.<br />

City's Environmental Protection Office supports<br />

the DRUM articl~ ( Letters, p. 3); MPP Rosario<br />

Marchese is asking the Ministry ·of the Environment<br />

to act (Other People's Mail, p. 3).<br />

That the Drug Free Arcade was running an antidrug<br />

logo contest.<br />

Story is on page 8~ Winners will be announced at<br />

their dance (see ad, page 15). ,<br />

That several people were requesting a Spadina<br />

LRT Environmental hearing and the Minister of<br />

the Environment is considering those reque·sts.<br />

But meanwhile the TTC is pressing ahead with a<br />

Spadina Urban Design study, as df the minister<br />

had already decided 100% in their favour. A<br />

mistake?? see page 4.<br />

That eight people were elected to the do~town<br />

community health board.<br />

Flexing their muscles, they'll hold a first<br />

meeting Mon <strong>Dec</strong> 16 at Ryerson Polytechnical<br />

Institute to look into layoffs at Toronto<br />

Western Hospital.<br />

That time would tell whether the Team Toronto<br />

tactic of not showing up at all-candidates<br />

meetings would work.<br />

Not for Maloney, Gait, McGregor, Chan, or<br />

Mabley. Sandra Anstey (trustee) was the sole<br />

survivor from their slate. Mind you they got a -<br />

mayor.<br />

That the city would collect for recycling your<br />

yard waste and leaf trimmings.<br />

It was true. We hear they'll collect your used<br />

snow too! See "white junk" ad. page 7. But<br />

seriously, they usually collect Christmas trees.<br />

Phone 392-7742 for info.<br />

That a deal on relocating the Augusta Ave - gas<br />

mains was in sight.<br />

•.<br />

Last we heard the deal is done. aus .. av Fisher<br />

has guaranteed that if the city doesn't pay for<br />

the relocation by Jan. '93, then the KMBA will<br />

pay instead. "Rent strike on the canopies"<br />

Fisher says when asked "What if the City -won't<br />

pay?" .<br />

That Maude Barlow would be at Sanderson (she coauthored<br />

"Take Back the Nation.")<br />

Yes, and DRUM was there. See page 16.<br />

That if you live or work in the market you can<br />

get free decorative lights.<br />

See ad page 5.<br />

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