#9108 - Dec 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />

Page six, Kensington Market Drum <strong>Dec</strong>ember 12 <strong>1991</strong> .<br />


--<br />

Parking My Bike<br />

by Martin Smith<br />

I<br />

Every gasoline motor vehicle emits<br />

tons of; carbon'' dioxide, carbon<br />

monoxide, nitrogen oxide, , lead,<br />

benzene and ethylene.- These<br />

emissions not only contribute to<br />

smog, acid rain and global warming,<br />

but poor health for urban residents.<br />

The mix of gases resulting from cars<br />

and trucks cause great stress on<br />

peoples' respiratory system,<br />

(especially children are vulnerable).<br />

Plenty of people will say, "there's ­<br />

too much traffic." in Kensington<br />

Market, but few are ready to tackle<br />

the immense task of reducing traffic.<br />

( Now, make me a liar! )<br />

Only one of the traffic problems is,<br />

" Where can I park my bike?" The<br />

side walks are full of pedestrians and<br />

merchandise. The streets are full of<br />

cars and trucks. The only store I<br />

know of whic~ provides a bike stand<br />

is Courage My Love. There are only<br />

some post and ring style bike stands<br />

on Baldwin, across from George<br />

Brown College; in front of the<br />

parking garage. Even th~ park at<br />

Augusta and Wales doesn't have any<br />

bike stands. So every gas main,(a<br />

definite no no) and patio railing, and<br />

even clothes racks, b~come instant ·<br />

bike lock ups. It's to everyone's<br />

credit that merchants don't complain<br />

much about where people lock their<br />

bikes, but why not look for some<br />

real solutions.<br />


UPDATE<br />

The Toronto cycling· committee runs<br />

the bike stand installation program at<br />

present, but recently City Council<br />

approved a plan to transfer the bike<br />

stand program to the Department of<br />

Public Works and the Environment.<br />

Daniel Egan at the Toronto Cycling<br />

Committee, is making a priority list<br />

of streets and blocks which should<br />

get bike stands, and said he'd be<br />

happy to work with residents, and<br />

·merchants to sight possible locations<br />

for bike stands in The Market. He<br />

said that ten bike stands could fill the<br />

space of one parked car if bike<br />

stands were placed on the street in<br />

some blocks, but the question of<br />

snow . removal and garbage pick up<br />

comes to mind.<br />

Public works plans to install500 post<br />

and ring stands in 1992, and request<br />

have been taking about one year to<br />

be filled. Any property owners or<br />

.residents who want to request a bike<br />

stand should call the Toronto<br />

Cycling Committee and ask for an<br />

application to be mailed.<br />

If some of you would like to form a<br />

committee to· meet with public works<br />

and consider a Market wide bike<br />

_stand project, just let DRUM know.<br />

We'll make a list and schedule the<br />

meeting.<br />



Phone 392-7592 to request a bike stand application form.<br />


*<br />

General Electric makes; light<br />

bulbs, Hot Point appliances, RCA<br />

products, NBC television and<br />

U.S. Nuclear Weapons. (also<br />

CANDU reactor components and<br />

reactor fuel assembly parts)<br />

An international consumer boycott<br />

of GE, Hot Point, RCA products<br />

is under way, in protest of GE's<br />

nuclear weapons work. Now the<br />

GE boycott committee is forming<br />

in toronto. The boycott committee<br />

is collecting signatures from<br />

consumes, and showing a video<br />

tape calle d "DEADLY<br />

DECEPTION" To groups in<br />

Toronto.<br />

You can support the boycott by;<br />

1. Not buying GE, Hot Point,<br />

and RCA products.<br />

2. Writing to the CEO of GE and<br />

telling him of your decision.<br />

3. Ask the boycott committee to MSR 2R4<br />

show the video to your group.<br />

Write To: John F. Welch<br />

CEO of General Electric Co·.<br />

c/o GE Canada Inc.<br />

corporate offices<br />

2300 Meadowvale Blvd.<br />

Mississauga, Ontario<br />

for Info: GE Boycott Committee<br />

c/o Act for Disarmament<br />

736 Bathurst St.<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />

'<br />

Patio railings and clothes racks .. .instant bike locks<br />

This holiday season ...<br />

Give the gift<br />

of peace!<br />

What better gift than a donation to the local peace movement?<br />

ACT for Disarmament has been working to build peace within the<br />

community and the world for nine years, and has just launched a<br />

new campaign - Peace Action '92 - for our 1Oth anniversary<br />

year. ACT will be working to support the lnnu of Nitassinan, help<br />

end wars in East Timor and Yugoslavia, oppose violence against<br />

women, boycott General Electric, and free all prisoners for peace.<br />

But peace needs you~ support. Won't you help us with a<br />

donation this year? Together, we can make a difference.<br />

A donation of $10 or more gets a subscription to our monthly<br />

peace newspaper, The ACTivist. $50 or more gets you a free copy<br />

of Our Generation Against Nuclear War, a collection of peacefui<br />

writings from Our Generation magazine in Montreal.<br />

Send to: ACT for Disarmament, 736 Bathurst St., Toronto,<br />

M5S 2R4. Phone 531-6154.<br />

Name ________________________________<br />

Address ________________________________<br />

____________ Postal Code __________<br />

Phone<br />

Donation---·'--! ____<br />

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