#9108 - Dec 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />

Page eight, Kensington Market Drum<br />

169 Brunswick, new home<br />

for adult and senior programs<br />

by Sarah Hood<br />

It's hard enough to find a home<br />

for just one family. What do you<br />

do when you need to find a<br />

building that will be a homeaway-from-home<br />

for hundreds<br />

of people of all ages, interests<br />

and needs? That was the problem<br />

faced by members of St.<br />

Stephen's staff when they began<br />

to look for a new home for a<br />

whole range of programs formerly<br />

housed at Doctor's Hospital<br />

on Major Street. :,<br />

Among other things, the new<br />

building had to be readily accessible<br />

to people with disabilities,<br />

and handy to the TIC. It<br />

was important not to take<br />

affordable housing off the market.<br />

Zoning had to allow for the<br />

uses it would be put to, and, of<br />

course, it had to be inside St.<br />

Stephen's catchment area,<br />

centred around · Kensington<br />

Market.<br />

Over the three year search<br />

there were a number of near<br />

misses among the dozens of<br />

possibilities, including second<br />

floor condominiums at College<br />

and Bathurst. The deal fell<br />

through, which turned out to be<br />

lucky. "They (the owners) went<br />

into receivership," explains St.<br />

Stephen's Executive Director<br />

Wyn Chivers.<br />

The searchers fmally came up<br />

with 169 Brunswick, a pretty,<br />

two-storey white building on the<br />

northeast comer of Harbord.<br />

The former Budapest Bakery, it<br />

was recently renovated for use<br />

as office space, and it filled all<br />

St. Stephen's conditions.<br />

"We had to do about $135<br />

thousand worth of renovations,"<br />

· says Chivers, which included<br />

O¥lking the facility accessible to<br />

people with physical disabilities.<br />

Funding from various government<br />

offices made it possible for<br />

St. Stephen's to undertake the<br />

purchase. Fo:ur hundred and<br />

ninety three thousand dollars ·<br />

came from the Ministry of Citizenship,<br />

$400 thousand from the<br />

City of Toronto and $14 thousand<br />

from the Office of Disabled<br />

Persons. Another $56 thousand<br />

came from the Ministry of Community<br />

and Social Services for<br />

furnishings. "We're tprilled that<br />

they came through for us, "says<br />

Chivers.<br />

A capital campaign is now<br />

under way to raise the $500<br />

thousand that will completely<br />

pay off the cost of the building.<br />

"We - looked at a lot of<br />

options, "explains Chivers, "leasing,<br />

purchasing, warehouses ...<br />

We figured if our campaign was<br />

successful it was the only way<br />

we could keep services operating<br />

at a stable level. If we leased<br />

comparable space we would<br />

have been spending $50 thousand<br />

annually."<br />

The programs forced out of<br />

Doctor's Hospital in January of<br />

<strong>1991</strong> but · renovation include<br />

seniors services like a family<br />

support program for care-givers,<br />

counselling and interpretation<br />

services, and support groups to<br />

help reduce the isolation and<br />

loneliness felt by many seniors.<br />

Other adult services at Brunswick<br />

range from the Portuguese<br />

women's groups, the Latin<br />

American Refugee Program, the<br />

. Conflict Resolution Service and<br />

information and referral services.<br />

"The existing program participants<br />

are so pleased to have a<br />

decent place to come, and we<br />

are attracting a lot more people<br />

from up in that area," says<br />

Chivers. "We're already part of<br />

the,, businessman's association<br />

and we've recruited volunteers<br />

from there. We're about to do a<br />

needs survey in the neighbourhood<br />

to see ifthere are any gaps<br />

in the services so that needs can<br />

be filled."<br />

So, thanks to the acquisition<br />

of 169 Brunswick, no services<br />

have had to be cut back. But,<br />

Chivers · points out -,the new<br />

building will only satisfy basic<br />

space needs for another three to<br />

five years. "Already,"she sighs,<br />

"we need more space."<br />




SUNDAYS AT 10:30 am<br />


•'<br />


454 College Street, Toronto, Ont. M6G tAt PhOne: 929 • 30l9''<br />

St. Stephen's logo competition entries in<br />

·; '\<br />

'\<br />

No LAVGHI.N&<br />

MATTe-~<br />

Slrn oi"\E!./ uJ ~\\en<br />

Road movies:<br />

_ new CBC series wants you<br />

Jt6-!.' JL<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember. 12 <strong>1991</strong><br />

by Kate Scowen<br />

The Anti-Drug Loge Competition<br />

run through St. Stephen's<br />

Drug-Free Arcade has come to a<br />

close. We received many<br />

entries and our panel of judges<br />

are in the process of selecting<br />

the winning logo. Once the<br />

drawing has been selected it will<br />

be printed on to t-shirts which<br />

will be given out at the "Christmas<br />

Dance" to be held on <strong>Dec</strong>ember<br />

20th at St. Stephen's<br />

Community House from 7:00-<br />

9:00 p.m. There will be free<br />

refreshments and lots of great<br />

music for all the kids to enjoy.<br />

We would like to thank all the<br />

entrants for their creative impute<br />

and we hope that this competition<br />

has helped to inform and<br />

educate Kensington youth about<br />

the dangers of drugs. See you<br />

on the 20th!<br />


ACTION<br />

by DRUM staff<br />

DRUM Staff<br />

' <strong>Dec</strong>ember 5, in · t~e winter's first<br />

bad storm, merchants braved the<br />

A national talent search is J'nder interested in the media, this is<br />

way ' for reporters for a 'hew<br />

weather to mt(et with local<br />

an opportunity of a lifetime.<br />

CBC television series which tviH<br />

garbage action ' group members<br />

"Just imagine being able to<br />

examine Canada . through the<br />

and with metro and city staff.<br />

travel around the country telling<br />

eyes of youth. Road Movies is<br />

The meeting was arranged by<br />

and uncovering fascinating<br />

a half-hour series which begins<br />

stories and having them broadcast<br />

on national television. It's worker from St. Stephen's. There<br />

Magdalena Silva, a community<br />

production in the summer of<br />

1992. It will feature eight videographers.<br />

a dream come true."<br />

were people representing produce<br />

Six regional juries across the merchants, restauranteurs and the<br />

"We want !Jeople who are adventuresome,<br />

inquisitive, crecountry<br />

will choose approximately<br />

24 finalists by February,<br />

Top of t'le ag~nda. , W¥S;;<br />

' supermarkets.<br />

.J<br />

ati,y(}, origina) and above all love _1992.. The finalists will be cardboard collection. Days for<br />

to tell stories," states Barbara asked to . produce two original<br />

Barde, President of Why Not<br />

collection are Monday, Tuesday,<br />

stories and be interviewed by a<br />

Productions Inc. and the executive<br />

producer of ROAD successful candidates will be cardboard has to be tied, bundled,<br />

national jury in Ottawa. The<br />

Thursday, Friday only, and<br />

MOVIES. "We also want the announced in late March, 1992. and sorted.<br />

videographers to reflect the Applications can be picked up<br />

Garbage action group<br />

various cultures and· regions of at the reception area at the CBC, .members said they are hoping to<br />

Canada."<br />

365 Church Street, at the National<br />

Film Board, 150 John. April •. of people trained in what<br />

put together a work crew, by<br />

The videographers will be<br />

q_ile-person crews, sending., in Street and at Why Not Productions<br />

Inc., 700 King St. W.,<br />

tHeir stories each week to Y,rod~tction<br />

headquarters at ~BC<br />

be interested. i'l<br />

to do. Merchants said they would<br />

Suite .,606, or call 975-3700.<br />

Television in Ottawa. Barde The deadline for applications is<br />

Other 'l;oncems raised:<br />

ffi'els that for any young pdtson _ January 6, 1-992.<br />

erratic . pickup, ' complicated<br />

schedule, problems getting<br />

___________......______________ through to the person you need to<br />

·-- -<br />

Centre 276<br />

.Open Stage<br />

Friday Night<br />

- .<br />

8pm - Late Night<br />

276 Augusta Avenue<br />

In The Heart uf Kensington Market .<br />

D"onation: $2.00<br />

Hosted b Diliza<br />

Info: :966-4059<br />

. J.<br />

talk to at City Hall. City public<br />

works and Metro works strongly<br />

encourage the idea of a market<br />

"clearinghouse" where people can<br />

bring questions first. Garbage<br />

action group want to do this at<br />

Centre 276 (Augusta) .<br />

Everyone agreed to meet<br />

again in January.<br />

CENTJ?E 276<br />

PRE8ENTS:<br />

Soutl1 African<br />

C7lzai1iruL<br />

G_X'MAS PAT~TY<br />

c;DOORS OPEl'(. BP./Itf<br />

DECEA-IBER 24il 1 '91<br />

adiuissi'()W '20<br />

276 Augqsta Ave.<br />

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