#9201 - Feb 1992
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Page Eight I <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>1992</strong><br />
Kensington Market DRUM<br />
PAG~N WAY<br />
by Pamela A. Brown<br />
.The other day I was walking to work thinking about<br />
this column. I was feeling my way through my beliefs<br />
and the word "sister" popped into my mind. I am a sister<br />
to all women, I thought. No, all living things. Yeah, that's it.<br />
I strutted along happily contemplating the implications of this w~en<br />
something very poignant happened. I passed thr~e men w~rmmg<br />
themselves at a hot-air vent on University Avenue, and as I sa1led by<br />
I heard ori of them say, "sister?... shit!"<br />
When something like this happens constant need to learn, and the<br />
to me I am always immediately fact that wh~le evolving, most<br />
awed .. These are the daily lessons organisms on this planet seem to<br />
from life, I think. Listen well. learn. Or, in other words, while<br />
There is an energy, a force, learning, they evolve. Become<br />
and I have co~e to call it The more complex. Adapt to changes<br />
Greater Workings of All Things. in their environment. ..<br />
It refers to my undeniable sense of The cycles, patterns, and<br />
connection to all that I experience. interconnections of chaos provide<br />
My subjective awareness that at the means for learning/evolution.<br />
the same time, knows each other All that lives is a part of these<br />
subjective awareness in our cycles. The cycles are ever<br />
universe. All my life I have changing, ever spiralling so that<br />
searched for the common ground. within them new things develop<br />
It is blatant in birth and death, and old ones erode. · When I have<br />
which are both absolutes, but what a real 1 desire to learn about<br />
happens between these absolutes? something, I have faith that I will<br />
I think it is absolute freedom that be provided with what I need.<br />
happens. Chaos.<br />
Sometimes it's as simple as<br />
Chaos<br />
running into an old friend who<br />
My dictionary thinks chaos among knows the person who can show<br />
other things, means complete con- me a new resource. Othertimes it<br />
fusion, but I don't. To me there is the unexpected arrival of money<br />
are patterns,, cycles, orders and that enables me to buy what I<br />
interconnections within existence. need to complete a project.This is<br />
It is chaos because nothing exactly the privilege I have because of the<br />
the same ever occurs twice. Like society I live in; in a just world<br />
snowflakes. When I have an everyone would have them.<br />
experience like the one above I Wicca<br />
think it is part of these patterns When I first met someone who<br />
and cycles; part of the Greater knew something about wicca, I<br />
Workings of All Things. had already developed a lot of the<br />
Regardless of what motivated that philosophy I just did my best to<br />
man to say what he did, it had explain. What blew me away was<br />
significance to/for me, and I how wiccan thought embraces the<br />
learned something from it. relationship between people and<br />
Learning is my most favourite these cycles, patterns and<br />
thing. I read constantly. I love interconnections, and it refers to<br />
talking with people. I write down this, what I called The Greater<br />
my dreams . . Everywhere, all the Workings . of All Things, as<br />
time, learning· is available. Natural Law.<br />
Whenever I get into a "why are Magic is a part of Natural<br />
we here" conversation my answer Law.<br />
is: "to learn." . In the autumn I always feel<br />
.<br />
To me, the evident (and more t. tal 1 sense the passing<br />
1 h .d ) sen 1men .<br />
Important y t e not so ev1 ent of time, and there is a smell in the<br />
c y c I e s , p a t t e r n ·s a n d air that sparks the memory of old<br />
interconnections within chaos friends and places from the past.<br />
promote evolution. Usually evol- I feel a gathering within of all that<br />
ution is presented as something I am. This intrigued and<br />
that you can only recognize over a · disturbed me, I wrote poems about<br />
period of thousands or millions of it, compared notes with other<br />
years, but it is always happening.<br />
I think that learning is evolution,<br />
or that millions of years of<br />
learning results in what we refer<br />
to as evolution.<br />
In Michael Tobias' novel Voice<br />
of the Plq.net, Gaia explains that<br />
evolution is motivated by desire.<br />
I identified that idea with my own<br />
'Oo,..'.._ +hrow me<br />
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'Sell tvle -1-hr.. ~h Q:.<br />
tl""Ee c:..b1a~;f;ec:l ~!<br />
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crystals, books, music,<br />
herbs, ritual tools,<br />
jewellery ...<br />
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Toronto, Ont. M5S 1 G4<br />
(416) 975-8961<br />
· Fax (416) 975-5261<br />
lB5iia=:J<br />
people, but I was never able to<br />
satisfy my restlessness.<br />
Then, when I learned what<br />
Halloween is according to wiccans,<br />
I finally understood my<br />
feelings of restlessness.<br />
Halloween, or Samhain is _ the<br />
witch's new year. It is when<br />
everything involved in the seasonal<br />
cycle comes to a crashing,<br />
shivering, spiralling conclusion<br />
and immediately begins to prepare<br />
for the next year. It is when<br />
rebirth happens. It is said that at<br />
this time of the year the veil<br />
between life .and death is very<br />
thin.<br />
For me wicca wasn't something<br />
new, instead it is a key to<br />
ideas, theories, beliefs and values<br />
that I have always had. In my<br />
own life I can sometimes catch<br />
glimpses back down the path that<br />
lead me to where I sit now,<br />
calling myself a witch. Growing<br />
up I spent every .summer at my<br />
parent's cottage. One summer<br />
when I was about twelve. I had an<br />
experience of awareness that I<br />
now think was . my first real<br />
connection with the goddess and<br />
the god (at least, it is the earliest<br />
one I remember). I was<br />
walking along the shoreline, the<br />
sun was glittering on the water<br />
seeming to make stars that jumped<br />
across the waves. I had a<br />
favourite rock that was flat on top<br />
and always warm from the sun,<br />
and it was secluded by trees. I sat<br />
there, feeling very secure and<br />
content watching the river, and<br />
then something compelled me to<br />
take off my clothes. I remember<br />
feeling excited in a very sexual<br />
way, and it came from inside me.<br />
Now, looking back, I think the<br />
goddess within me awoke and<br />
opened herself to the sun, the god.<br />
I was simply initiated. I<br />
returned there several times to<br />
repeat the ritual that summer, it<br />
was a quiet happy secret that I<br />
treasured. I wouldn't be surprised<br />
if it was right around Midsummer<br />
(at the end of June) when it first<br />
happened because it was in the<br />
first week that I was there - right<br />
after school closed.<br />
There have been other experiences<br />
too, and these, along with<br />
my .massive consumption of<br />
fantasy and science fiction books,<br />
personal tendencies like laying<br />
naked in moonlight, and things<br />
learned from other people, that all<br />
"prepared" me for when I was<br />
first introduced to wicca about<br />
twenty months ago. More next<br />
time.<br />
Employment<br />
Opportunities<br />
The Toronto<br />
Disarmament Network<br />
is seeking women and men<br />
able to communiCate<br />
effectively with others.<br />
Willingness to work for<br />
social change essential.<br />
Knowledge of<br />
contemporary Peace,<br />
Environmental and<br />
Economic issues an asset.<br />
Call Allan ~etween 11 :am<br />
and 5:00pm Monday to<br />
Friday,<br />
tel: 535-8005<br />
SO YOU FINALL V QUIT SMOKING? Now comes ...<br />
Staying Quit<br />
by ·Amina Miller<br />
CONGRATULATIONS. You have given yourself the best<br />
gift possible. You have also helped to make your <strong>1992</strong><br />
both healthier and wealthier.<br />
However, as many of you are finding out, stopping<br />
smoking is one thing, staying stopped is another. Nicotine<br />
is a very addictive drug and smoking is a well practised<br />
habit. There may be times when you feel you are going to<br />
"cave in" to the urge.<br />
There are several things you can do to cope with the<br />
craving. (You may need to do different things at different<br />
times.) Some of the techniques are:<br />
• Drink a glass of water by small noisy sips. This helps<br />
$atisfy the oral craving.<br />
• Chew gum. It also helps with oral craving and gives<br />
the mouth a definite flavour.<br />
• Keep your hands-- busy. Part of the pleasure of<br />
smoking is the holding and handling of cigarettes. Hold<br />
or handle something else.<br />
• Brush your teeth. Enjoy your nice fresh breath and<br />
cleaner teeth.<br />
• Avoid your old "cigarette break" situations, e.g.<br />
have coffee in a different place, or move the phone to<br />
a different spot.<br />
• Hang around with non-smokers and choose to sit in<br />
non-smoking areas whenever possible<br />
• Review the reasons you wanted toe quit in the first<br />
place ( or second or third ...). Expense, bad breath,<br />
dingy teeth, health, pressure from children.<br />
• Review the progress you have made:<br />
Count and gloat over the money you have not spent<br />
on cigarettes. Admire your whiter teeth and enjoy your<br />
better breath (others will). Your health will already<br />
have started to' improve, and you will soon start to<br />
notice that you are feeling better. Your children are<br />
relieved, their health will also improve and you are now<br />
being a good role-model for them.<br />
• Many research studies have show the value of<br />
nicotine gum and slow release skin patches etc. in<br />
reducing the craving and contributing to the person<br />
staying off cigarettes.<br />
However, research has also consistently shown that no<br />
matter what method is used to quit the habit, you are<br />
more likely to stay quit if you ALSO have the support<br />
from those who understand what you are going through.<br />
So join our free weekly support group<br />
for people who want to remain an X-smoker.<br />
We understand how difficult it can be for you<br />
and we can help each other.<br />
Call Amina at 364~41 07, West Central Community Health<br />
Centres, Alexandra Park Clinic.<br />
Stereo and Hi Fi Service,<br />
repair and recycle rather<br />
than replace. Call the<br />
experts at Wringling<br />
Audio Service, 364-5738,<br />
555 Queen West.<br />
WEIGHT with a dietary<br />
high fibre diet. Tastes<br />
great. Call us today to find<br />
out more about the plan.<br />
Phone:416-781-2307 for<br />
appointment.<br />
Bloorco<br />
Veterinary<br />
Clinic<br />
Consultation by appointment<br />
Monday to Saturday<br />
Health care, surgery, and acupuncture<br />
079 Bloor Street West<br />
block and a half east of Dufferin)<br />
16) 537-9677 Dr. Jack