#9203 - May 1992

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

Page Fourteen I <strong>May</strong> 21 <strong>1992</strong> ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT Kensington Market DRUM<br />

Oasis alternative<br />

school<br />

seeks native<br />

knowledge<br />

Oasis participates in<br />

sweetgrass ceremony<br />

by Hazel Hunter/Sears _<br />

Jackie Alton from the Native<br />

Women Resource Centre was our<br />

guest on <strong>May</strong> 4 <strong>1992</strong>.<br />

Jackie put the class into a<br />

circle for people to speak truth<br />

and honesty and also to smudge<br />

sweetgrass over us. "Smudging"<br />

sweetgrass is having it in front of<br />

you and you draw the smoke 3<br />

times over you. After smudging<br />

the sweetgrass, we went around .<br />

the circle hugging or shaking<br />

hands with each other.<br />

Sweetgrass has · 52 strands for<br />

the 52 nations. Natives worship<br />

the creator and honour the eagle.<br />

(The eagle saved people be

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