#9203 - May 1992

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

Kensington Market DRUM<br />





by DRUM Staff<br />

The worsening economy, funding<br />

freezes, and cutbacks have hit<br />

University Settlement Recreation<br />

Centre resulting in the lay-off of<br />

eight full and part time workers<br />

and the cancellation of two other<br />

staff positions. Both union<br />

workers have been affected. The<br />

Board at University Settlement<br />

struggled with the decision at the<br />

March meeting of the Directors<br />

and came to the conclusion that<br />

they could not · continue to add to<br />

a deficit that has accumulated<br />

over the last five years with the<br />

outlook for financial recovery in<br />

the Province so bleak.<br />

The Recreation Department<br />

has suffered the most w'ith the<br />

closure of the towel desk service<br />

resulting in the loss of two full<br />

time and three part time positions.<br />

Other positions cut were a full<br />

time maintenance worker, the<br />

Music School receptionist/ Administrative<br />

Assistant, a full time<br />

Community Development<br />

Worker, the Director of Finance<br />

and Administration and the A­<br />

quatics Supervisor.<br />

See Fundraising, p. D4<br />



GETS GO<br />

by Doug Hum<br />

Following a review of capital<br />

projects by the provincial Ministry<br />

of Health, the Princess<br />

Margaret Hospital was given the<br />

approval to proceed at the end of<br />

March. The decision will now<br />

allow the hospital to proceed<br />

with its application for a building<br />

permit from the city of Toronto<br />

to construct a nineteen storey<br />

building which cantilevers over<br />

half of Murray Street. The new<br />

building will be .constructed on<br />

the area's only significant open<br />

space behind the former Ontario<br />

Hydro head office at 610-620 .<br />

University Avenue. The site is<br />

diagonally across the street from<br />

Orde Street School. In addition,<br />

six levels will be added to the<br />

existing nine-level parking garage<br />

at 40 Murray Street to meet<br />

the hospital's parking needs.<br />

The oppositipn to the hospital's<br />

plans by the Orde School<br />

Parents' Council supported by<br />

Continued on p. 11<br />

NEWS<br />

after the blast ...<br />

"My neighbour - he's just come here from<br />

Salvador." said AI Medeiros of Harbord Street. "He<br />

said it was almost like being back home. The guys next<br />

door to the clinic, above the coffee place - they got<br />

thrown right out of bed. I even found this framed thing<br />

- a certificate - over here on my side ·or the street.<br />

There were bricks and broken glass and<br />

flowerpots all over the place." ·<br />

"It sounded like a whole truck of glass going<br />

over." said Z. Gilbert. Estimated $600,000 damages.<br />

The investigation continues.<br />

<strong>May</strong> 21, <strong>1992</strong> I Page Three<br />

Take Out. Stash your trash securely<br />

Bundle Up. You've made the Blue<br />

collection days. Save the really big stuff, like furniture,<br />

for your second pick-up day. If in doubt when to put it out,<br />

call392-7742. TDD users, call392-0678.<br />

Box a great way to recycle glass bottles<br />

and jars, metal cans, and plastic bottles<br />

and jugs. You can also recycle newspapers and corrugated<br />

cardboard. Bundle each separately, and put th~m out for'<br />

collection on the correct Wednesday.<br />

I<br />

- \\\I Brush Up. Its a small step, but ~ , r;:~k,.J, ,- Wipe Out. Express yourself, sure, but<br />

sweeping the sidewalk around your<br />

1-r.Oh·d<br />

_not like this. Graffiti is an eyesore. It's<br />

also costly to clean up. And no matter<br />

what the message is, it doesn't say much for our city. Call<br />

your neighbourhood clean and tidy.<br />

392-776'8 when you spot graffiti, and we'll be there.<br />

fill II Up. People from all over come<br />

/<br />

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to Toronto for a clean getaway. And<br />

that's·good for all of us. So let's keep them·<br />

coming by putting litter in its place.<br />

Give Us a Hand~<br />

f~ra C\eanerToro~fo!<br />

L ••n• n•DnM 1 a11 •••f r• 1 nr1o• ;JNr_,.J~t~r•••"*'• ntta UIAMlSlll,.....if.i(GMlftl<br />

City of Toronto Department of Public Works and the Environment<br />

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