#9204 - Jun 1992
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Page Six/<strong>Jun</strong>e 25 <strong>1992</strong><br />
Kensington l\farket DRUM<br />
FROM<br />
AND<br />
Although fully aware of the serious·<br />
recession we · are undergoing,<br />
he is not too pessimistic. He<br />
smiled, when the conversation<br />
came to economic matters. Ozone<br />
depletion? In a way, he Jis already<br />
prepared, having extended his<br />
commercial activities to the sundeck<br />
business, which means<br />
umbrellas and so on. His laughter,<br />
when: he asked me, if I had heard<br />
about the gardeners of the park<br />
around the corner. No? T1wy have '-<br />
been handed out a sun cap each<br />
for this summer, for the sunny .<br />
side. And the ozone, .he explained,<br />
you make it. Every time you wash<br />
your hands and you dry them, you<br />
are generating ozone. That simple.<br />
He suggests to send a space shuttle<br />
up there, like the Columbia, producing<br />
the needed quantity in the<br />
depleted spot. And there you go.<br />
Think.<br />
Frank Scherer was born in Germany<br />
in 1956. After leaving school<br />
at an early age he travelled extensively<br />
through Europe, Africa and<br />
both Americas. He is living and<br />
working now in Toronto, expressing<br />
in this booklet a first literary<br />
effort in English. ·<br />
For information on how to<br />
obtain a copy of Bleached and<br />
Unrecycled, call or write Marty<br />
c/o DRUM.<br />
:::=~~~if.{ff;~'-~~~;:.~~i~~i~1:t~~~it.~f.~~~.~i~iilil;l;~~~::J<br />
OTHER PEOPLE'S MAIL , The most cost effective and efticient use of the<br />
Editors' note. Merchants and 0thers in the market are<br />
1 Duffer in site would be for Metro to compost clean<br />
looking forward to the, we hope, not-too-distant day source separated organic matter, collected from stores<br />
when we have effective separation of cardboard and and restaurants. Metro's pilot project, collecting waste<br />
compostable matter in the Kensington Market.<br />
from households, is by comparison both less efticient<br />
Anyone interested inthe idea should note, and take and cost effective.<br />
heart from, the following exchange of letters between Could you please let us know by Wednesday <strong>Jun</strong>e<br />
members of the IT'S NOT GARBAGE COALITION and lOth whether or not the materials we delivered were or<br />
the Metro Commissioner of Works.<br />
will be composted at the Dufferin Composting Facil-<br />
.. ity.<br />
Letter 1<br />
Monday <strong>Jun</strong>e 8, <strong>1992</strong><br />
Yours Sincerely,<br />
Commissioner R. F,erguson<br />
. Metropolitan Works Department<br />
19th floor, 439 University Ave.<br />
Toronto, ON M5G 1 Y8<br />
Dear Commissioner Ferguson,<br />
On Friday <strong>Jun</strong>e 5, It's Not Garbage delivered six<br />
clear bags full of thirty pounds of clean fo.od scraps to<br />
the Dufferin Composting facility in Downsview. In an<br />
accompanying letter the Metro Works Department was<br />
requested to compost the materials. Material delivered<br />
to Dufferin was . clean, SOl!rce separated vegetables and<br />
bones from a fundraiser at Toronto City Hall which<br />
attracted over 5,000 people. Other material was collected<br />
from a food market on Queen St. West and was<br />
comprised of carrot, corn and fruit peelings and rinds.<br />
It's Not Garbage believes that composting discarded<br />
·commercial food and oth~r organic materials should be<br />
a top priority in Metro Toronto's Waste Management<br />
Program. Responding to Metro's Garbage Cris'is,<br />
Councillors have adopted, in principle, an action<br />
agenda to begin broad-based materials diversion pro~<br />
grams. Mandatory source separation and community<br />
, based siting for composting plants were two key points<br />
· leading to an increased role from Metro in composting<br />
commercial and industrial food materials.<br />
' Debbie Field<br />
cc:<br />
Brooke Bell<br />
Works Committee Members<br />
Director, Dufferin Composting Facility<br />
Letter 2<br />
12 <strong>Jun</strong>e <strong>1992</strong><br />
401 Richmond Street West<br />
Suite 104<br />
Toronto, Ontario<br />
M5V 3A8<br />
Attention: Debbie Field ·<br />
Brooke Bell<br />
Re: Composting Program<br />
We are in receipt of your letter dated <strong>Jun</strong>e 8, <strong>1992</strong>,<br />
requesting confirmation that the organic waste collected<br />
on <strong>Jun</strong>e 6, <strong>1992</strong> was processed.<br />
In answer to your qtiestion, the material deli'vered to<br />
our Dufferin Composting Facility was processed at<br />
that facility.<br />
R.G. Ferguson, P. Eng.<br />
Commissioner<br />
/ww<br />
ODE TO MR. REW<br />
Leaning over the fence,<br />
He watered my garden,<br />
Caring as though it were his.<br />
With a smile he shared his wisdom: ·<br />
Introduced me to the potato world,<br />
Told me when to plarit my sweet peas.<br />
We grew together,<br />
With our garden ..<br />
His grin always greeted my dogs,<br />
Even when they upturned the soil.<br />
Unfailingly, he was a friend,<br />
More reliable than the S\.Jn.<br />
Except this one time.<br />
This time he didn't return.<br />
By Liisa Lahtinen<br />
OAC II<br />
Lawrence Park C.!.<br />
scad ding<br />
says<br />
NEW!<br />
Early Morning Swim<br />
Mon/Wed/Fri<br />
7:00-8:30am, fee $35<br />
For information call<br />
Mari Creal at 363-5392<br />
Forsummer ESL, literacy,<br />
recreation and child<br />
care programs call Mari<br />
Creal 363-5392 or pick<br />
up the sc;hedule at<br />
Scadding Court,<br />
south-east corner,<br />
Ready set grow<br />
Bathurst and Dundas<br />
second year in a row<br />
community gardening in Alexandra Park<br />
l<br />
The choice is yours.<br />
~ \'r Y 0 ~ Why spend time and energy looking for alternative<br />
~~ ,(' 0 products and services if it means supporting<br />
. ~ ~.0 corporate interests? Make a complete switch!<br />
CJ 0<br />
',lj<br />
'<br />
For alternative products, consultations and<br />
. :=; referrals for the social change community, call us<br />
0 • · /:tJ or Visit our new recycling depot at 14 Markham St<br />
~~.l'> (one block West of Queen and Bathurst) ·<br />
~# ~"V<br />
, O.R G?.~ Mon.-Fri. 9am to Spm, Sat 12pm-4pm<br />
Wise Alternatives<br />
641 St. CLair Ave. W. #3, Toronto,<br />
Ontario, M6C 1A7. Tel: (416)778-4449<br />
BULK NUT Blltr:E.RS PND HONE..'( • .TYlLe.<br />
i ~.lfrrc.r TUf.,~· ~<br />
~ RA1URAL.f00~ CENTRE K<br />
~ JIX)WOP£Nf fDb ~iNA.AV£. ~<br />
• · MN:ROBi6tlC.. ::EriON ~<br />
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