Shipley College - Full-time course guide 2025-26 - Digital

Full time course information for Shipley College - great people, great place!

Full time course information for Shipley College - great people, great place!

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<strong>Shipley</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

success<br />

at the CTE awards!<br />

The SkillsHouse Careers and Technical<br />

Education (CTE) Awards are a highlight<br />

of the regional education calendar, and<br />

the 2024 event was no exception.<br />

Almost 400 people attended the awards,<br />

held at the University of Bradford’s Great Hall,<br />

to celebrate the achievements of young people<br />

and those who support them from across<br />

Bradford District.<br />

<strong>Shipley</strong> <strong>College</strong> was delighted to be recognised<br />

across the board.<br />

In the Essential Skills Learner of the Year<br />

section, Logan won the Flexibility and<br />

Adaptability award, while Ashley received<br />

the Productivity and Accountability accolade.<br />

<strong>Shipley</strong> <strong>College</strong> students were also crowned<br />

in the ‘Learner of the Year’ section, with<br />

Mohammed named Computing, Science<br />

and Environmental Technologies Learner<br />

of the Year, and Conrad achieving the same<br />

title in Health and Social Care.<br />

We also had three members of teaching staff -<br />

Steph Cowling, Sophie Pullan and Mel DaCosta<br />

- nominated as ‘Educator of the Year’, and<br />

our close partnership with Bradford Teaching<br />

Hospitals around T Level Health placements<br />

resulted in Marie Malcolm-Richards and the<br />

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation<br />

Trust being recognised as ‘Outstanding<br />

Business of the Year’.<br />

Warmest congratulations to all concerned<br />

on their brilliant achievements!<br />

Andrew Laver, Chair of the District Board, said:<br />

“The Bradford & District SkillsHouse<br />

CTE Awards are the highlight of the<br />

CTE calendar. It is our honour to be<br />

able to showcase and celebrate the<br />

achievements of our young people<br />

and also thank those who support<br />

their career journey.”<br />

18. 19.

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