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<strong>THURSDAY</strong> 14TH<br />


Welcome<br />

Hello Winning Woman, I’m delighted to Welcome<br />

you to this year’s Winning Women Convention:<br />

Rooted.<br />

When the Lord gave me the theme for this year’s<br />

Convention it resonated so deeply within me as I know that<br />

this is a season in which God wants His beloved ones to<br />

arise and take their place, fulfil His counsel and bring His<br />

Kingdom about on the earth.<br />

In order for us to grow and flourish, and be all that God<br />

has created us to be, we must be rooted in Him. We cannot<br />

have any other foundation.<br />

Roots are the first part of a plant to grow – the first thing<br />

the seed produces. The root goes down into the soil – and it<br />

begins to take up the minerals and the moisture needed to<br />

produce fruit.<br />

If you see no fruit on a tree, you would rightly suspect that<br />

the tree is not adequately rooted and for some reason, it is<br />

not absorbing the nutrients it needs.<br />

We must continue to let our roots go deeper into Christ to<br />

draw up nourishment from Him. Then we will grow in faith<br />

in Him and bear much fruit to His glory.<br />

There is so much blessing in store for us at Winning<br />

Women 2024. This year our line up of guest speakers and<br />

psalmists will challenge us. There will be healings and<br />

deliverance and I believe the Lord will show us things to<br />

change, things that we need to let go of and He will give us<br />

instructions we need to follow. Let’s prepare our hearts, we<br />

are going to be deeply rooted in His love.<br />

Yemisi Ashimol owo<br />

<strong>ROOTED</strong><br />


PART 1<br />


In most plants, the root system is a below-ground<br />

structure that serves primarily to anchor the plant in<br />

the soil and take up water and minerals.<br />

We may be less familiar with roots than we are<br />

with the more visible flowers, stems, and leaves,<br />

but they are no less important to the plant. The growth<br />

and branches of a plant will only be as healthy as its root<br />

system; how strong and deep it is.<br />

A palm tree can grow in the most desert-like conditions.<br />

In drought everything around it will dry up and die, but<br />

the palm tree will continue to grow in freshness. This<br />

is because of its root system that stretches in search of<br />

sufficient water and nutrients, while providing support and<br />

stability to anchor the tree.<br />

So it is with us as Christians. Many passages speak to<br />

the importance of God’s people building healthy a “root<br />

system.”<br />

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NKJV)<br />

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is<br />

the Lord. >><br />

Tonight’s<br />

Agenda<br />

6.30PM<br />

Opening Ceremony<br />

Speaker:<br />

Pastor Yemi Adeleke<br />

Tomorrow’s<br />

Agenda<br />

Friday 15th Nov<br />

10AM<br />

Interactive Panel<br />

Discussion<br />

2PM<br />

Speaker:<br />

Dr Lisa Adjei<br />

6:30PM<br />

Speaker:<br />

Dr Jazz Sculark

<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN CHRIST - PART 1 from page 1<br />

For he shall be like a tree planted<br />

by the waters, Which spreads out<br />

its roots by the river, And will not<br />

fear when heat comes;<br />

But its leaf will be green, And<br />

will not be anxious in the year<br />

of drought, Nor will cease from<br />

yielding fruit.<br />

Ezekiel 31:7 (NKJV)<br />

‘Thus it was beautiful in greatness<br />

and in the length of its branches,<br />

Because its roots reached to<br />

abundant waters.<br />

Romans 11:16<br />

For if the first fruit is holy, the lump<br />

is also holy; and if the root is holy, so<br />

are the branches.<br />

It is important to remember that it<br />

is not you who supports the root,<br />

but the root supports you:<br />

Colossians 2:6-7 (NKJV)<br />

As you therefore have received<br />

Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,<br />

7 rooted and built up in Him and<br />

established in the faith, as you have<br />

been taught, abounding [a]in it with<br />

thanksgiving.<br />

Ephesians 3:17-19 (NKJV)<br />

…that Christ may dwell in your hearts<br />

through faith; that you, being rooted<br />

and grounded in love, may be able to<br />

comprehend with all the saints what<br />

is the width and length and depth<br />

and height - to know the love of<br />

Christ which passes knowledge; that<br />

you may be filled with all the fullness<br />

of God.<br />

As our roots go deeper and deeper<br />

into Christ, we become filled with<br />

all the fullness of God.<br />

So how do Christians build a root<br />

system so strong that the “winds<br />

of change” or the hurricanes of life<br />

don’t blow us off course from a life<br />

dedicated to God? Christ answers<br />

that question for us in His first<br />

recorded parable found in Matthew<br />

13:3-8, 18-23; Mark 4:4-8, 14-21;<br />

Luke 8:5-8, 11-15.<br />

The Sower went forth to sow. The<br />

idea of a sower at his task was a<br />

perfectly natural illustration for this<br />

culture and time.<br />

The clear picture which is brought<br />

to mind is that of a man walking<br />

along, carrying a sack of grain,<br />

and scattering it (somewhat<br />

indiscriminately) by hand.<br />

The exhortation to “behold” (i.e.,<br />

“look at”) and use of the definite<br />

article (i.e., “the sower”) may even<br />

indicate that Jesus referred to an<br />

actual person who was within sight<br />

of the audience. We understand<br />

that The Sower represents Christ,<br />

the great Teacher (John 3:2).<br />

In principle, it could apply to<br />

anyone who sows the seed of the<br />

Kingdom.<br />

The seed is the Word of God (Luke<br />

8:11). The seed, representing the<br />

word, is that which contains life<br />

(John 6:63; 1 Pet. 1:23).<br />

In the natural course of the work of<br />

a sower it was inevitable that the<br />

seed would fall into various types<br />

of soils.<br />

There are four different types of<br />

soil which the seed comes into<br />

contact with.<br />

The four types of soils represent<br />

the various sorts of attitudes that<br />

men have towards the Gospel of<br />

Christ.<br />

The question we must all answer is:<br />

‘which type of soil best describes<br />

me?’<br />

2 Rooted daily || issue one

The Wayside Soil (some of the<br />

seed fell by the wayside) indicates<br />

hard-packed earth, perhaps a<br />

well-trodden path or road, running<br />

through or around the field. The<br />

soil does not lack fertility, but it<br />

is hard. Contact is made with the<br />

seed, but because the soil is so<br />

hard, penetration is not made.<br />

This soil would not allow the seed<br />

to sink in, much less take root.<br />

Matthew 13:19 says this<br />

represents those who do not<br />

understand. The problem is they<br />

refuse to understand. They have<br />

the ability to comprehend, but not<br />

the willingness to learn.<br />

The hardness represents the<br />

disposition to not believe (Luke<br />

8:12). This person simply is not<br />

interested in the gospel of Christ.<br />

Their heart is hardened to the<br />

truth.<br />

What are the possible reasons for<br />

the hardness of heart?<br />

• Pride cause some to resist; the<br />

Jews were a prime example<br />

(Prov. 16:18).<br />

• Some have other idols which<br />

will not allow a place for God<br />

(Eze. 14:1-5).<br />

• The fear of giving things up<br />

hinders some. The rich young<br />

ruler, who refused to follow<br />

Christ, had this problem (Luke<br />

18:18-25).<br />

• Worldliness is a hindrance to<br />

many (Rom. 1:18-32)<br />

The result was that this seed<br />

quickly became bird food. The bird<br />

represents Satan (Matt. 13:19).<br />

Satan comes immediately (Mark<br />

4:15), and snatches the seed away<br />

(Matt. 13:19).<br />

They are blinded by Satan to the<br />

gospel of Christ (2 Cor. 4:3-4).<br />

While Satan contributes to their<br />

blindness, it is accelerated by their<br />

own hardness of heart! Satan takes<br />

the seed away after the soil has<br />

rejected it.<br />

Satan is always happy to cooperate<br />

with those who reject the truth<br />

(John 13:27; Matt. 27:4; Acts 5:3-<br />

4).<br />

The Rocky Soil (some of the seed<br />

fell upon stony soil) suggests “a<br />

ledge of rock covered with a very<br />

thin coating of soil.”<br />

This language might seem, at first<br />

glance, to suggest soil mingled with<br />

small rocks. This, however, does<br />

not explain the fact that the plants<br />

which sprang up “had no deepness<br />

of earth.”<br />

In this shallow soil, it was only<br />

natural that the seeds sprouted and<br />

“sprang up” very quickly. With the<br />

rising of the sun, however, these<br />

plants were unable to withstand<br />

the heat.<br />

Without a sufficient root system to<br />

provide moisture or nourishment,<br />

they soon withered away.<br />

This soil represents the one who:<br />

• “hears the word and<br />

immediately receives it with<br />

joy” (Matt 13:20)<br />

• “yet he has no root in himself,<br />

but endures only for a while”<br />

(Matt 13:21)<br />

• “when tribulation or<br />

persecution arises because<br />

of the word, immediately he<br />

stumbles” (Matt 13:21)<br />

This is not a stubborn, rebelling<br />

heart, but one that lacks deeper<br />

seriousness. The seed sprang up<br />

immediately because it lacked the<br />

needed depth.<br />

A plant cannot survive that is not<br />

adequately rooted. Some hear the<br />

Word and receive it with great<br />

joy, but with no root, they are not<br />

grounded in the Word.<br />

This is the emotional, superficial,<br />

impulsive hearer. It could represent<br />

those who are “won to Christ” on<br />

the basis of frills, rather than solid<br />

Gospel.<br />

When troubles arise, there is no<br />

endurance and stumbling occurs.<br />

They do not count the cost (Luke<br />

14:25); there is a daily cross to bear<br />

(Luke 9:23).<br />

One must be rooted in Christ (Col.<br />

2:7; Eph.3:17). We learn that an<br />

emotional reception without a<br />

strong foundation based upon the<br />

Word will not enable one to stand<br />

against tribulation and persecution.<br />

▪<br />

...to be continued<br />

<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />

“The deeper the roots,<br />

the stronger the tree.<br />

Be deeply rooted<br />

in God’s love, and<br />

nothing can shake you.”<br />

— Billy Graham<br />

3 Rooted daily || issue one

Devotion<br />

Colossians 2:7 NLT<br />

Let your roots grow down into him, and<br />

let your lives be built on him. Then your<br />

faith will grow strong in the truth you were<br />

taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.<br />

Colossians 2:7 King James Version<br />

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished<br />

in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding<br />

therein with thanksgiving.<br />

Colossians 2:7 ESV<br />

Rooted and built up in him and established<br />

in the faith, just as you were taught,<br />

abounding in thanksgiving.<br />

As we received Christ by faith, so we walk<br />

daily by faith. Paul mixes his metaphors in<br />

this verse — the metaphors of a tree and<br />

a building. Both metaphors convey the<br />

idea of stability. In this case, it is spiritual<br />

stability.<br />

something firmly decided.<br />

Being United in Christ Produces a<br />

Fruitful Christian Life. And so, the<br />

practical application here, is walk in<br />

him. In other words, live in this reality<br />

all day.<br />

Your good discipline and the stability<br />

of your faith – In this entire passage<br />

Paul is encouraging the Colossians to<br />

remain firm and steadfast in their faith,<br />

to hold to Christ without wavering. This<br />

requires discipline. What discipline?<br />

Take for example a person who wants<br />

to remain fit and healthy, they must<br />

make a decision to change their whole<br />

lifestyle, diet, exercise, rest, company I.e<br />

can no longer hang out and eat at fast<br />

food place, as they used too.<br />

There will be a desire to grow and be<br />

rooted in Christ, to be more sanctified<br />

by having a full knowledge of God in<br />

His Word and by also having a practical<br />

application of living in Godliness.<br />

So in praying, Paul reminds the<br />

believers of Colossae that salvation is<br />

entirely the work of God, who drastically<br />

changed their fate by rescuing them<br />

from sin and rooting them firmly in<br />

Christ.<br />

Spend some time in Prayer asking God<br />

for the following.<br />

Dear Lord, I pray that I may be rooted<br />

and built up in you, and established<br />

in my faith, just as I was taught. May<br />

I continue to grow and abound in my<br />

faith, always giving thanks to you for all<br />

that you have done for me.<br />

Amen<br />

First, we are “rooted” in Christ. The idea is<br />

that of a tree or plant whose roots form the<br />

strength and basis for life. The believer’s<br />

roots are Christ, not another source, as false<br />

teachers would suggest. Second, the believer<br />

is “built up” in Christ. This building or<br />

architectural metaphor speaks of a building<br />

that is constructed by the power of Christ.<br />

Just as only Christ can save a person, only<br />

Christ can build up or mature a person.<br />

Third, to be “established” in the faith is a<br />

legal metaphor referring to maturity or<br />

<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />

“You must be rooted in<br />

Christ to grow in Christ.”<br />

— Charles Spurgeon<br />

4 Rooted daily || issue one




other plans for. Meanwhile, the medical staff thought I<br />

would not make it.<br />

I give God all the thanks as I was able to wake up from<br />

coma a week later, glory be to God. Sadly, due to the<br />

incident I lost my mobility for over a month, unable to<br />

hold or feed my daughter.<br />

I am able to testify that I am alive and well, able to do<br />

everything for my daughter without aid and can walk<br />

again, doing all the things I was able to do before. I<br />

give God all the praise for He has shown me that all<br />

power belongs to Him.<br />

I also thank Pastor Yemisi, Pastor Esther and all the<br />

KICC family for standing with us throughout for their<br />

prayers. Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you<br />

have received it and it will be yours. ▪<br />

S.F<br />

My husband and I were seeking God for the fruit<br />

of the womb for 3 years, as you could imagine<br />

this caused a great challenge for us but I knew<br />

that there is nothing God could not do.<br />

Four years later, God blessed us with our beautiful<br />

daughter. As we were celebrating our great bundle of joy,<br />

the day after her birth, I collapsed due to blood clots and<br />

lost my life for 45 minutes.<br />

I was successfully resuscitated and ended up in a coma<br />

for almost one week. Whilst this was going on, God<br />

revealed my mother’s name in his marvellous way to<br />

Pastor Matthew and showed us as a family that He has<br />

5 Rooted daily || issue one

discussion points<br />

“What does living a life that reflects Christ look like to you, and how are you embodying<br />

it in your daily actions?”<br />

Faith in Action: A practical action step for the day that encourages women to apply<br />

the theme “Rooted” in their everyday lives<br />

Gratitude Walk: Take a walk in nature and reflect on the things in life you’re grateful<br />

for. While walking, pray or meditate on God’s creation, connecting with the idea of<br />

being deeply rooted in His world and work.<br />

Verse Memorization: Choose a Bible verse that resonates with the theme of being<br />

rooted, like Jeremiah 17:7-8. Spend time memorizing it, and repeat it throughout the<br />

day, letting the words nourish you in moments of stress or doubt.<br />

6 Rooted daily || issue one




I<br />

had my first mammogram in November 2023,<br />

and the results for my right breast were<br />

unclear, showing a 14 mm spot.<br />

I recently had an ultrasound<br />

mammogram, and thankfully, they found<br />

no cancer. Praise Jesus!<br />

Thank you, Pastor Matthew and<br />

Pastor Yemisi who always pray<br />

against cancer.<br />

The doctors now say it was a cyst,<br />

which has shrunk to 8mm, and<br />

there’s nothing to worry about.<br />

I’m so grateful to God that everything<br />

is turning out for the best.<br />

Thank you, Jesus.<br />

C.N<br />

7 Rooted daily || issue one

We believe in the power of prayer and would<br />

be honoured to pray with you. The Lord will<br />

answer. If you would like to submit your prayer<br />

request online please click this link: https://<br />

www.kicc.org.uk/prayer/<br />

Telephone prayer and counselling service is<br />

available to everyone. Hopeline is our prayer<br />

and counselling department and we are on hand<br />

to pray with you and offer scripturally based<br />

solutions to the challenges of life.<br />

Hopeline stewards are on duty from:<br />

Monday to Friday: 6:30pm – 10:00pm<br />

Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm<br />

Sunday: 8:00am – 8:30pm<br />

Pastor on Call - If you would like to speak to a Pastor,<br />

simply visit or call the Prayer City Church Office on<br />

020 8525 0000.<br />

All Hopeline calls and Pastor on Call meetings are confidential

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