Annual Awards 2024

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Association, and for the formation courses for Magistrates for Tax and Administrative Court, and, as

a former in ISEL in the Professional Course in Labour Law. I am also a lecturer in Criminal Law and

media commentator on legal matters.

Since 1996 I have developed my law practice in areas such as Criminal Law, Public and Tax Law,

and Family Law, first in individual practice and since 2010 as a partner of Santos de Oliveira &


The Team is fully committed to establish Santos de Oliveira & Associados as one of the top

multidisciplinary law firms in Portugal, with a wide range of accessibility for clients, either corporate

or individual.

This implies a carefully planning of growth as a structure in order to be fully equipped to provide

services to a wider range of clients domestic and international. Investing in structure should,

therefore, soundly walk side by side with the increase of demand, at the risk of financial falling out

of balance – which in a recession period as the one we are going at the time is very difficult to


Increase of demand, on its side, only happens if your law firm provides constantly effective legal

services and add value to the clients – in other words by been reliable.

So, the real goal in an economic downturn, as the one we are presently crossing, is improving the

quality and range of our legal services, thoughtfully investing both in qualified professionals and

structure and broadening the range of our clients. We have the right motivation, and team, to do


As to the progression of the market, it will be defined by a new concept that has been introduced

by the recent legislation – multidisciplinary law firms. This new legislation basically allows an

association between lawyers and professionals of other areas of activity, in order to provide a full

service to the client.

So, the traditional concept of a law firm will most certainly change by this innovation, redefining

itself in terms of their structure, modus operandi, and core activities. Clients that operate in specific

areas of activities, especially corporate ones, will privilege law firms that will be able to present a

fully integrated solution for their demand.

Law firms will have to clearly chose a specific area of activity where there will provide this full

service, and implement the necessary changes in its structure, associating the adequate

professionals, in order to be able to attract clients that operate in that area.

The law firm will no longer be limited to providing just a legal service, but a whole integrated

solution for the client’s demand. This will surely change the market in a short period of time.

The team strongly believe that law firms that won’t adapt to this new form of practice will

succumb to the market.

We will be ready for that change.”

Contact Details:

Rua Castilho, nº 13-D – 4º A – 1250-066 Lisboa

Tlf: 213 143 313

Fax: 213 143 315



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