Annual Awards 2024

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Kerres Partners

Commercial Law Firm of the Year - Australia

Leanne Bowie Lawyers

Environment Law Firm of the Year - Australia

Ligan & Uy

Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

Maddock & Bright IP Law Office

Patents Law Firm of the Year – Egypt

McKennon Law Group PC

Insurance Litigation Law Firm of the Year - USA

MK Legal

Corporate Tax Law Firm of the Year – Greece

Navarro Advogados

Real Estate Law Firm of the Year – Brazil

O’Neal Webster

Corporate Insolvency Law Firm of the Year – British Virgin Islands


Cost Consultancy Firm of the Year - UK

Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los Angeles

IP Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

Santos de Oliveira & Associados

Niche Law Firm of the Year – Portugal

Sedgwick Chudleigh

Law Firm of the Year - Bermuda

Studio Legale Sutti

Corporate Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Italy

Tahoun Law Firm

Oil & Gas Law Firm of the Year – Egypt

Van Bael & Bellis

EU Regulatory Law Firm of the Year - Belgium

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

David A. Katz

Mergers & Acquisitions Lawyer of the Year - USA

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Corporate & Financial Services Law Firm of the Year – Belgium

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