Annual Awards 2024

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IP Litigation Law Firm of the Year - Philippines

Romulo offers a full range of legal services with its team of talented and experienced

lawyers who are experts in their own fields.

The Intellectual Property Department of Romulo is engaged in the full spectrum of

intellectual property practice in the Philippines. It is involved in protecting patents,

trademarks and copyrights, and in negotiating and registering licensing and technology

transfer agreements.

Founded in 1902, Romulo is a pioneer in IP practice. It has had considerable experience in

prosecuting applications and maintaining registrations before the Intellectual Property

Office, as well as in pursuing civil and criminal cases involving infringement and unfair

competition. It has successfully handled landmark cases in Philippine IP jurisprudence.

Upon request of clients, the IP Department monitors potentially infringing IP applications

and may also liaise with different government agencies such as the Bureau of Customs to

protect its clients’ IP rights.

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