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<strong>FRIDAY</strong> 15TH<br />


Welcome<br />

Hallelujah! What a powerful time we experienced<br />

in God’s presence yesterday evening. God is so<br />

good.<br />

<strong>ROOTED</strong><br />


PART 2<br />


We have been blessed by 27 years of the Winning<br />

Women Convention, 27 years of His grace, His mercy,<br />

His goodness and His faithful love. Look at how far God<br />

has brought us Winning Women! And we know He has<br />

not finished with us. He who began a good work in this<br />

ministry will complete it in Jesus’ name. We will not be<br />

tired, and we will not be weary because the Lord is our<br />

strength.<br />

Truly, if the Lord were not on our side, where would we<br />

be? He has seen us through many trials and challenges.<br />

God, we are so grateful.<br />

We are standing because of the grace of God; because our<br />

roots are going ever deeper within Him. Without Him we<br />

can do nothing but with Him all things are possible. As<br />

your roots go down deeper into Him, you will receive the<br />

strength, wisdom and grace you need to fulfil God’s plan<br />

for your life.<br />

It is my prayer that at the end of this convention our lives<br />

will never be the same, to the glory of God.<br />

Yemisi Ashimol owo<br />

The Thorny Soil (Some<br />

of the seed fell among<br />

thorns) was full of<br />

impurities, namely thorns.<br />

Although the seed was able<br />

to take root and grow in this<br />

type of ground, it was no<br />

match for the head start and<br />

the extremely hardy nature<br />

which the thorns enjoyed.<br />

Over time, this seed was<br />

deprived of everything<br />

essential to its growth and,<br />

as a result, was choked out<br />

of existence.<br />

This soil represents the one<br />

who “hears the word” (Mt<br />

13:22) but whose ability to<br />

bear fruit is choked by:<br />

• The cares of this world -<br />

Matt 13:22b<br />

• The deceitfulness of<br />

riches - Mt 13:22c<br />

• Pleasures of life (Luke<br />

8:14)<br />

How these three “thorns”<br />

can cause us to be unfruitful<br />

is explained in other portions<br />

of God’s Word:<br />

• The cares of this world<br />

can cause us to be<br />

unprepared – (Luke<br />

21:34-36).<br />

• Cares and anxieties can<br />

distract our minds from<br />

what is truly important<br />

(Lk 12:29-32).<br />

• The deceitfulness,<br />

dangers and evils of<br />

riches are described in 1<br />

Timothy 6:9-10. The evil<br />

in riches lies in diverting<br />

our attention away from<br />

God, and making us feel<br />

self-sufficient - 1 Ti 6:17<br />

• Sowing to the flesh<br />

makes it impossible to<br />

reap of the Spirit! – Gal.<br />

6:7-9<br />

The Good Soil (some seed<br />

fell upon good soil) is the<br />

honest and good heart >><br />

Tomorrow’s<br />

Agenda<br />

Saturday 16th Nov.<br />

10AM<br />



Speakers: Dr. Lisa Adjei and<br />

Mrs. Morenike Ajayi MBE<br />

2PM<br />

<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN WORSHIP<br />

Guest Psalmist:<br />

Tosin Catherine<br />

The KICC Choir<br />

6:30PM<br />

Speaker:<br />

Pastor Chichi<br />


<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN CHRIST - PART 2 from page 1<br />

(Luke 8:15). Note the actions of<br />

the honest and good heart:<br />

• It hears and understands the<br />

Word (Matt. 13:23)<br />

• It hears and accepts (Mark<br />

4:20)<br />

• It hears and holds fast to the<br />

word (Luke 8:15)<br />

• It indeed bears fruit and<br />

produces (Matt 13:23)<br />

Luke adds that he hears “the word<br />

with a noble and good heart”, and<br />

then “keeps it and bears fruit with<br />

patience” (Luke 8:15).<br />

They will be like the Bereans, who<br />

were commended for being “fairminded”,<br />

as manifested in the way<br />

they:<br />

• “Received the word will all<br />

readiness”<br />

• “Searched the Scriptures daily<br />

to find out whether these<br />

things were so” (Acts 17:11).<br />

It is NOT enough to be daily Bible<br />

readers. We MUST immerse<br />

ourselves in daily Bible study!<br />

Note the importance of<br />

“understanding” in relation<br />

to “bearing fruit”. When one<br />

“understands”, they will more<br />

likely “bear fruit”; but the key to<br />

understanding is having a “good<br />

and noble heart” that is willing<br />

to listen and learn! This soil<br />

produces in varying quantities<br />

“Some a hundredfold, some sixty,<br />

some thirty” (Matt. 13:23).<br />

Romans 10:17 tells us, “So then<br />

faith cometh by hearing, and<br />

hearing by the word of God.” Our<br />

faith is to be found in hearing<br />

the Word of God. But what is so<br />

special about the Word of God<br />

that it is the only source of our<br />

Faith? Jesus answers this question<br />

in John 17:17 when, in prayer<br />

to God, he says, “Sanctify them<br />

through thy truth: thy word is<br />

truth.” God’s word is truth!<br />

It is the basis on which our faith is<br />

built. It was given to us by God as<br />

he spoke to the writers of the New<br />

Testament through the Holy Spirit.<br />

How is the word of God able to<br />

build our faith? Hebrews 4:12 tells<br />

us, “For the word of God is quick,<br />

and powerful, and sharper than<br />

any two-edged sword, piercing<br />

even to the dividing asunder of<br />

soul and spirit, and of the joints<br />

and marrow, and is a discerner of<br />

the thoughts and intents of the<br />

heart.”<br />

No other source can convict us<br />

of our sinful state except the<br />

Word of God. Paul states in 2<br />

Timothy 3:16-17, “Every scripture<br />

inspired of God [is] also profitable<br />

for teaching, for reproof, for<br />

correction, for instruction which is<br />

in righteousness. That the man of<br />

God may be complete, furnished<br />

completely unto every good work.”<br />

The passage says “complete,<br />

furnished completely”, that means<br />

there is no need for anything else,<br />

what was given is all sufficient.<br />

A seed has no power unless it<br />

is sown. Christ wants everyone<br />

exposed to the Gospel. We must<br />

bear fruit by spreading the seed.<br />

We must not let bad influences<br />

harden us to the truth. We must<br />

resist satan. We must avoid the<br />

dangers which go along with<br />

materialism, worldliness, etc.<br />

“In him the whole building is<br />

joined together and rises to<br />

become a holy temple in the Lord.<br />

And in him you too are being built<br />

together to become a dwelling<br />

in which God lives by his Spirit”<br />

Ephesians 2:21-22 (see also 1<br />

Corinthians 3:16; 1 Peter 2:5).<br />

When we hear the Word it is very<br />

important that it goes deep into<br />

our hearts and becomes rooted<br />

in our lives. The depth of the<br />

planting is based on the openness<br />

of our heart.<br />

If our heart is not fully open, then<br />

there is only a shallow planting,<br />

which is easily rooted out by the<br />

enemy, satan (Matthew 13:19).<br />

If our roots in God are strong and<br />

healthy our outward lives will<br />

automatically show the life and<br />

nature of Christ to those around<br />

us. Jesus said: “Remain in me, and<br />

I will remain in you. No branch can<br />

bear fruit by itself; it must remain<br />

in the vine. Neither can you bear<br />

fruit unless you remain in me. I am<br />

the vine; you are the branches.<br />

If a man remains in me and I in<br />

him, he will bear much fruit; apart<br />

from me you can do nothing” John<br />

15:4-5.<br />

Will your roots withstand the<br />

storms of life?<br />

2 Rooted daily || issue two

Devotion<br />

Jeremiah 17:8 NIV<br />

“They will be like a tree planted by the water that<br />

sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear<br />

when heat comes; its leaves are always green.”<br />

Jeremiah 17: 8 NLT<br />

They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with<br />

roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are<br />

not bothered by the heat or worried by long months<br />

of drought.<br />

Jeremiah 17 :8 KJ V<br />

For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and<br />

that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall<br />

not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be<br />

green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought,<br />

neither shall cease from yielding fruit<br />

One of the ways that will become a reality is if we<br />

stay rooted in the word of God.<br />

Our roots in God will sustain us.<br />

The better rooted we are, the more fruitful our<br />

growth will be.<br />

Th e w o r d“rooted” in the Greek (Strong’s 4492G,<br />

rhizoó) means: to render firm, to fix, establish,<br />

cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly<br />

grounded. To stabilize.<br />

Our stability in life a activates when we are walking<br />

with God. Every time we veer from the way He<br />

wants us to live, we experience some level of<br />

hardship, chaos, or loss. Walking with Jesus is so<br />

very simple: walk according to the Word.<br />

We know from basic botany that a seed needs three<br />

main components to grow:<br />

Water,<br />

Warmth<br />

& Good Soil.<br />

Likewise in Christ, in order for the<br />

seed of the Word to grow and take<br />

root, we need to allow our hearts<br />

to be the good soil that receives<br />

the seed. We need the warmth of<br />

patience as we wait on the seed to<br />

take root and we need to water that<br />

seed with our faith. As long as we<br />

provide the right conditions, the<br />

power in His Seed will do the rest.<br />

Deep roots make for a strong<br />

plant, deep roots are able to draw<br />

nourishment as needed, deep roots<br />

stabilize us through all sorts of<br />

weather predicaments found in<br />

daily life.<br />

So, what does “becoming rooted”<br />

in Him look like? How do we start<br />

nourishing our root system in faith?<br />

Read, study, your bible. – It all<br />

begins with His Word. We won’t<br />

know how to walk with Him if we<br />

don’t know what the bible has to<br />

say about daily living. If, in your<br />

reading, you come across a verse<br />

that speaks to you, or corrects you,<br />

then consider it an opportunity to<br />

grow and become rooted.<br />

Do what the Word of God says.<br />

-“Walking with Him” is really about<br />

obeying and doing His Word.<br />

When we line up our actions and<br />

hearts to what His Word saysthinking,<br />

saying, and doing what<br />

He wants us to do- THIS is where<br />

the growth begins to happen, this<br />

is how the fruit begins to develop.<br />

There are no shortcuts around this<br />

process. That verse He showed<br />

you about loving and praying for<br />

those who despise you??? It’s an<br />

opportunity to grow!<br />

Develop your prayer life in His<br />

Presence. – When we pray, really<br />

pray, our faith waters the seed<br />

of His Word. You may notice<br />

incidences in your life where,<br />

no matter how hard you tried,<br />

you couldn’t make something<br />

happen, but when you prayed…<br />

breakthrough! Prayer ushers in His<br />

Power! Prayer is also where we<br />

practice patience. Instead of ‘doing’<br />

and ‘striving’, through prayer, we<br />

patiently wait for God to show up<br />

in our circumstances.<br />

As we do these things, our root<br />

system strengthens and grows,<br />

something God desires for all<br />

of us. In the crazy days of life, a<br />

stable root system will keep you<br />

grounded, amen?<br />

Pray this Prayer:<br />

Father, thank you for Your Word.<br />

Thank you for the stability it brings<br />

into my life. I desire to become<br />

even more rooted in You Father,<br />

help me to give myself to the study<br />

of Your Word, the obedience of it,<br />

and to my prayer life. As I do these<br />

things, may my roots go deep and<br />

find the nourishment I need to live<br />

a fruitful life in You. In Jesus Name,<br />

Amen.<br />

Dive Deeper<br />

***This week, set aside some time<br />

to read His Word daily and to pray.<br />

Keep it simple and whatever He<br />

shows you to do, do it. At the end<br />

of the week, record the difference<br />

these practices made in your daily<br />

life.<br />

3 Rooted daily || issue two




at the crusade ground, the first<br />

instruction was to move all the<br />

chairs and set them up for the<br />

evening, I felt I could not make<br />

an excuse not to serve, I looked<br />

up and said ‘God, it is me and<br />

you’ and then I carried on with<br />

the task. By the time it was ready<br />

to return to the hotel to prepare<br />

for the evening, the pain was so<br />

bad I was finding it hard to move<br />

but I kept on.<br />

Last year in November<br />

I was due to travel to<br />

Ghana for Missions. Two<br />

days before the flight I<br />

went to do last minute<br />

shopping, as I was returning<br />

home, I suddenly slipped in the<br />

rain and fell full force on my left<br />

side, I also twisted my right knee<br />

and cut it.<br />

People came to my aid and I<br />

assured them I was ok, although<br />

I was in great pain and was<br />

highly embarrassed as my jeans<br />

were soaked. It looked like I had<br />

wet myself and I had to travel<br />

home in that state.<br />

I just said ‘Lord I am going to<br />

Ghana and nothing is going to<br />

stop me’.<br />

I travelled to Ghana and on the<br />

second night of the crusade as<br />

I was ministering to a woman,<br />

I could see a man out of the<br />

corner of my eye who was going<br />

through deliverance. I could not<br />

move in time and he smashed<br />

right into me, I went flying in the<br />

air and landed on my right side<br />

twisted and cut my right knee -<br />

again.<br />

I got up in great pain but carried<br />

on ministering to people, by the<br />

time we finished and got back to<br />

the stage my back, neck and ribs<br />

were giving me great pain. My<br />

neck felt as though if it clicked<br />

the wrong way I was going to<br />

be in serious trouble. I decided<br />

to tell someone and sought a<br />

pastor who prayed for me, he<br />

then told me I was not to lift<br />

anything the next day.<br />

The next morning I was in agony<br />

but carried on. When we arrived<br />

When I got to my room I<br />

said “Lord, you have to do<br />

something”. I then remembered<br />

a word a woman gave to me at<br />

the WW retreat, I had never<br />

seen her before or after but she<br />

told me ‘Your victory is in your<br />

Praise’. I made up my mind that<br />

at the crusade grounds that<br />

evening I was going to praise the<br />

pain away and be healed. As we<br />

stepped on to the stage Praise<br />

and Worship began and I knew<br />

God was at work.<br />

I am a reggae girl and love<br />

reggae praise and worship, the<br />

choir worshiped for around<br />

50mins in reggae and I danced<br />

and danced to the Lord it did<br />

not matter I was the only one on<br />

stage dancing I kept on.<br />

From that night to date I have<br />

had no pain in any part of my<br />

body.<br />

God did it I am totally healed.<br />

Praise the Lord<br />

D.B<br />

4 Rooted daily || issue two

Did you know that we are trees<br />

of righteousness, the planting<br />

of the Lord? (Isaiah 61:3)<br />

Furthermore, in Psalm 92:12 the<br />

righteous is likened to two specific<br />

trees.<br />

“The righteous shall flourish like the<br />

palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in<br />

Lebanon.” (KJV)<br />

As an African, I understand what it<br />

means to flourish like a palm tree<br />

but not quite what it means to grow<br />

like a cedar in Lebanon. This maybe<br />

because cedar trees are not native<br />

to Africa but to the Mediterranean.<br />

Learning that the cedar tree is termed<br />

‘the glory of Lebanon’ fuelled my<br />

quest to find out more.<br />

I discovered many interesting facts<br />

about the cedar in Lebanon.<br />

• Its growth is slow but steady<br />

• It has both tap roots (deep) and<br />

fibrous roots which spread out<br />

allowing it to draw nutrients from<br />

a broad surface area.<br />

• The depth of its roots can be up<br />

to three times its height above<br />

ground level<br />

• The breadth of its roots provides a<br />

secure base for its colossal height<br />

and carries it well as a tall majestic<br />

tree.<br />

• It has longevity with a lifespan of<br />

up to a thousand years.<br />

•<br />

• Its leaves are evergreen.<br />

Notwithstanding the storms<br />

and changing seasons of life, it<br />

continues to flourish.<br />

• Cedar wood itself is strong,<br />

durable and resistant to decay and<br />

adverse weather conditions hence<br />

it is used to build a lasting work.<br />

• Cedar oil extracted from it has<br />

medicinal, antiseptic and cleansing<br />

qualities.<br />

Reflecting on these facts, there is<br />

no doubt that its roots are crucial to<br />

making it the glorious edifice, that it<br />

is.<br />

I invite you to consider that to be<br />

grounded means to grow like this<br />

cedar.<br />

A person grounded in Christ is<br />

therefore one that is:<br />

Growing deeper and wider roots<br />

through studying his word and prayer<br />

Relying on the Holy Spirit as teacher,<br />

guide and helper<br />

Obeying his command, a doer not<br />

just a hearer of the word<br />

Unshakeable, secure in who they are<br />

in Christ<br />

Not swayed by every wind of<br />

doctrine<br />

Developing Godly character as<br />

evidenced by the fruit of the spirit<br />

Embracing his will and fulfilling their<br />

God ordained purpose<br />

Discipling others for the Kingdom.<br />

Increasingly productive,<br />

Not discouraged or derailed by<br />

adversity.<br />

Connected to him and wholly<br />

committed to following him like Caleb<br />

Hopeful, positively expecting that<br />

all things will work together for their<br />

good.<br />

Renewing their pursuit of God<br />

through the fire of revival.<br />

In season and out of season, fervent<br />

in spirit<br />

Steadfast and flourishing in the work<br />

of the Lord<br />

Transformed more and more into His<br />

likeness.<br />

In conclusion, Colossians 2:6-7<br />

encourages us to be rooted and built<br />

up in Christ. The winning woman<br />

must remain teachable, recognising<br />

that grounding is a continuous<br />

process that establishes us in the<br />

faith. To be glorious like the cedar in<br />

Lebanon, we must be grounded. Let’s<br />

hold each other accountable.<br />

5 Rooted daily || issue two

discussion points<br />

“In what ways has your faith transformed your perspective on challenges, and how<br />

are you allowing it to shape your current circumstances?”<br />

Faith in Action: A practical action step for the day that encourages women to<br />

apply the theme “Rooted” in their everyday lives<br />

Acts of Service: Look for an opportunity to serve someone today, whether<br />

by volunteering, helping a neighbor, or reaching out to someone who needs<br />

encouragement. Serving others can remind us of the roots we have in God’s love<br />

and community.<br />

Prayer Journal Entry: Write out a prayer asking God to help you stay grounded<br />

in Him. List areas in your life where you want to deepen your roots, and take a<br />

moment to thank God for His guidance.<br />

6 Rooted daily || issue two

<strong>ROOTED</strong> TO BE<br />





- Pastor<br />

Yemi Adeleke<br />

“The stability on the inside<br />

will help you carry the<br />

weight of the outside”<br />

- Pastor Yemi Adeleke<br />

7 Rooted daily || issue two

We believe in the power of prayer and would<br />

be honoured to pray with you. The Lord will<br />

answer. If you would like to submit your prayer<br />

request online please click this link: https://<br />

www.kicc.org.uk/prayer/<br />

Telephone prayer and counselling service is<br />

available to everyone. Hopeline is our prayer<br />

and counselling department and we are on hand<br />

to pray with you and offer scripturally based<br />

solutions to the challenges of life.<br />

Hopeline stewards are on duty from:<br />

Monday to Friday: 6:30pm – 10:00pm<br />

Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm<br />

Sunday: 8:00am – 8:30pm<br />

Pastor on Call - If you would like to speak to a Pastor,<br />

simply visit or call the Prayer City Church Office on<br />

020 8525 0000.<br />

All Hopeline calls and Pastor on Call meetings are confidential

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