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<strong>SATURDAY</strong> 16TH<br />
Welcome<br />
What an experience we are having! I am so<br />
grateful for what the Lord is doing. He<br />
is so good. I believe we are all ‘rooted for<br />
sure!’ God has so blessed us. The Word has<br />
come forth with power. I believe it is a new season for us all<br />
as we open our hearts and allow the Lord to root us in Him.<br />
Our scripture for this year reads: So then, just as you<br />
received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him,<br />
rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you<br />
were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians<br />
2.6-7.<br />
Where are we supposed to continue living this Christian<br />
life?Do we just live in church on Sunday morning? We<br />
cannot. We must live it out in public. We must live it out at<br />
school. We must live it out at work. We must live it out in<br />
private, where few others see us. Wherever we are living at<br />
any given moment in time, we ought to be living in Christ.<br />
We have been taught this weekend that the believer is like a<br />
towering tree that has its roots deeply planted in the ground.<br />
Jesus is the ground that gives strength; that anchors us in the<br />
face of winds and storms.<br />
As we are rooted in Jesus, we ought to be reaching toward<br />
heaven and reaching outward to others.<br />
We need to keep deepening our roots in the Lord – for He<br />
is the one who nourishes and sustains us.<br />
Yemisi Ashimol owo<br />
<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN THE<br />
(FOR IMPACT)<br />
God is purposeful<br />
and intentional<br />
in all His ways.<br />
His redemptive<br />
purpose for<br />
us is that we be saved,<br />
planted and rooted in Christ<br />
for undeniable impact. As<br />
new creatures in Christ<br />
(2 Cor 5:17 KJV ), we are<br />
designed to be rooted in<br />
our God-ordained purpose.<br />
Ultimately, we impact others<br />
through an overflow of a<br />
firm relationship with Christ.<br />
Colossians 2:6-7 CEV<br />
“You have accepted Christ<br />
Jesus as your Lord. Now keep<br />
on following Him. Plant you<br />
roots in Christ and let Him be<br />
the foundation for your life”<br />
Isaiah 61:3 AMPC<br />
“So they will be called the<br />
trees of righteousness (strong<br />
and magnificent, distinguished<br />
for integrity, justice and right<br />
standing with God). The<br />
planting of the Lord that He<br />
may be glorified.<br />
The term “rooted” in the<br />
community connotes:<br />
Tomorrow’s<br />
Agenda<br />
Sunday 17th Nov.<br />
10AM<br />
Speaker: Dr Jazz Sculark<br />
Psalmist: Diana Hamilton<br />
6:00PM<br />
Speaker: Pastor Chichi Bismark<br />
Psalmist: Diana Hamilton, Lurine Cato,<br />
Tosin Catherine and KICC Mass Choir
<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN THE COMMUNITY from page 1<br />
- established, set-up, ingrained<br />
and deep seated<br />
- implanted firmly, very fixed,<br />
strong and difficult to change<br />
or destroy<br />
It originated from Latin and<br />
is derived from the term<br />
“communis” which means<br />
common, public, shared by many<br />
(New World Encyclopedia)<br />
Communities, awaiting our<br />
manifestation as God’s “salt” and<br />
“light” may include:<br />
- work/marketplace<br />
- home environment<br />
- philanthropy<br />
- church in-reach/outreach<br />
- politics and government<br />
- neighbourhood<br />
- other zones of influence<br />
Get intentional, choose to<br />
express the fruits of your being<br />
“rooted in Christ” today by:<br />
- serving in church<br />
- volunteering in your workplace,<br />
local/national agencies or<br />
within your neighbourhood<br />
- exploring business<br />
opportunities by providing an<br />
essential service (childcare,<br />
health care, hospitality, training<br />
etc)<br />
- joining a political party<br />
- upgrade yourself<br />
Through its many in-reach<br />
and outreach initiatives, KICC<br />
is effectively “rooted in the<br />
community”. We (as Christ’s<br />
followers) continue to explore<br />
avenues through which we may<br />
disciple the nations. In various<br />
community engagements, we<br />
express God’s unfailing love to<br />
all, always in alignment to biblical<br />
ethos and the vision of KICC.<br />
One of the church initiatives<br />
that operates across London and<br />
the home counties is the Noah’s<br />
Ark Food Bank and Community<br />
Kitchens. Through these<br />
operatives, generous packages of<br />
food, toiletries etc are distributed<br />
to individuals, families, schools,<br />
homeless units and much more.<br />
We believe that we are saved and<br />
anointed to serve (Ps 100:2 KJV<br />
Ex 28:41 AMPC) within God’s<br />
Kingdom and our communities.<br />
Through the enablement of<br />
<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />
“Faith, when rooted in the Word of<br />
God, becomes the anchor that holds<br />
you in the fiercest storms.”<br />
— Joyce Meyer<br />
the Holy Spirit, we use our skills,<br />
talents and gifting to be the<br />
difference locally, nationally and<br />
globally.<br />
Guidelines for being effectively<br />
rooted:<br />
- be born again Jn 3:3 KJV<br />
- be totally devoted and dedicated<br />
to living for God<br />
- remain consecrated to God Rom<br />
12:12 KJV<br />
- Submit yourself to the Lord<br />
- pursue integrity<br />
- never stop growing, aim for<br />
maturity<br />
- express a teachable mindset<br />
Who is thanking God because of<br />
your influence?<br />
In what areas (big or small) are you<br />
impacting others?<br />
If you were to move from your<br />
current location, would you be<br />
missed?<br />
Decide today to become a “display<br />
house of God’s glory” - choose to<br />
stay “rooted” for impact in your<br />
community.<br />
2 Rooted daily || issue three
Devotion<br />
Ephesians 3 v 17 NKJ<br />
That Christ may dwell in your hearts through<br />
faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in<br />
love.<br />
Ephesians 3 v 17 NIV<br />
Then Christ will live in you through faith. I<br />
also pray that love may be the ground into<br />
which you sink your roots and on which you<br />
have your foundation.<br />
Ephesians 3 v 17 NLT<br />
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts<br />
as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down<br />
into God’s love and keep you strong.<br />
<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />
“We are like trees<br />
planted by streams of<br />
water. The deeper our<br />
roots grow into the life<br />
of Christ, the more<br />
fruit we bear.”<br />
— John Piper<br />
What does it mean to be rooted in love?<br />
Ephesians 3:17 talks about being<br />
“rooted and grounded in love”. Let’s<br />
look at what that means. A definition<br />
of rooted is: “established deeply<br />
and firmly”. Other synonyms are:<br />
entrenched, embedded, settled, secure.<br />
To be established in Love means that it<br />
is the most important reason for your<br />
existence.<br />
Being rooted in His love means letting<br />
go of striving to produce and achieve,<br />
and remembering to rest in Him. To<br />
talk to Him. To listen to Him.<br />
So what is being said is that being<br />
rooted in the soil of love means we<br />
serve the Spirit above the flesh and<br />
strive to produce its fruits: love, joy,<br />
peace patience, kindness, goodness,<br />
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.<br />
This is the secret to producing lasting<br />
fruit in daily living out the fruits of the<br />
Spirit:<br />
When we experience Jesus’ presence in<br />
our lives through the indwelling Holy<br />
Spirit, the result is that we are “rooted<br />
and grounded in love.”<br />
Then fruit emerges naturally. Just like a<br />
tree naturally bears fruit, so the mature<br />
Christian will naturally do good works<br />
and acts of love and kindness.<br />
How do I root myself in God’s love?<br />
Praise Him by Faith for His Love, Even<br />
When You Don’t Feel It. Praising God<br />
unlocks our heart to experience greater<br />
intimacy with Him. Even when you<br />
don’t feel loved by God, praise Him<br />
that He loves you. When you do this<br />
consistently for a month, you will begin<br />
to feel God’s love in ways you never<br />
expected.<br />
Prayer:<br />
Dear Lord,<br />
You are Love. Everyone who lives in<br />
love lives in You. Help me to walk in<br />
love today and each day. Give me Your<br />
power to choose to walk obedient<br />
to this command. When others are<br />
challenging to want to love, give me the<br />
grace and the endurance to love them<br />
well anyway, as You have loved me.<br />
Thank You for Your great love to die on<br />
the cross for my sin and raise Yourself<br />
to life again. I am overwhelmed by Your<br />
great compassion.<br />
Grant me the ability to show<br />
supernatural love in situations that<br />
come my way. May the ways that I<br />
speak and live point to Your gospel<br />
truth.<br />
3 Rooted daily || issue three
God has been so faithful to<br />
me and my family; seeing us<br />
through every battle the enemy<br />
threw at us in the past two<br />
decades. I have been employed in<br />
my current place of work for over 19<br />
years. I started as low-level staff and<br />
over the years God elevated me to<br />
positions of senior management.<br />
At every level of my promotions,<br />
I faced stiff competition and<br />
opposition, but God never failed<br />
me. At the beginning of this year,<br />
one of the highest positions became<br />
available in my department, it<br />
is a position that has never been<br />
occupied by a person of colour in<br />
the region. Having been encouraged<br />
by family, and following the<br />
teachings of my man of God, Pastor<br />
Matthew, plus my faith in God, I<br />
took a bold step to apply for the<br />
position.<br />
This position was not just<br />
competitive - it took on a different<br />
dimension to the extent that<br />
diabolical weapons were used to try<br />
attacked me and even take my life.<br />
I continued to confess the Word of<br />
God that says those who put their<br />
trust in God shall never be put to<br />
shame. By God’s grace I prepared<br />
very well for the interview.<br />
A few days before the interview, I<br />
found myself struggling to speak,<br />
I felt unwell and I could not put<br />
my thoughts together. My husband<br />
and my children prayed with me.<br />
My husband repeatedly confessed<br />
that ‘Light and Darkness don’t mix,<br />
not on God’s watch. We are Light<br />
and victory over darkness is not<br />
negotiable’. This phrase became my<br />
watch word of faith on which my<br />
hope was anchored.<br />
On the morning of the interview, as<br />
I was rehearsing how to speak out<br />
again, the Holy spirit poured out His<br />
vocal grace on me and took over my<br />
vocal cords. During the interview,<br />
I felt the Holy Spirit take over my<br />
thoughts and speak through me. He<br />
took total control and I ended up<br />
enjoying the interview!<br />
Several days later, I received a<br />
phone call from one of the panel<br />
members, offering me the job with<br />
very positive feedback. This divine<br />
promotion happened in January<br />
this year, the month of ‘Divine<br />
Acceleration’ as declared by Pastor<br />
Matthew.<br />
God Almighty made it obvious<br />
that it was His doing, and this is<br />
marvellous in my sight. I am grateful<br />
to God Almighty, and I thank Him<br />
for this undeserved favour for me<br />
and my family.<br />
I also want to thank my spiritual<br />
parents Pastor Matthew and Pastor<br />
Yemisi Ashimolowo, for their<br />
obedience and dedication to the call<br />
of God and ensuring that we the<br />
flock are being taught to be the best<br />
that God have called us to be.<br />
B.O<br />
4 Rooted daily || issue three
discussion points<br />
“What habits or routines are you developing<br />
to deepen your relationship with God and stay<br />
attuned to His guidance?”<br />
Faith in Action: A practical action step for the<br />
day that encourages women to apply the theme<br />
“Rooted” in their everyday lives<br />
Worship Session: Set aside time for worship<br />
music that helps you focus on being rooted in<br />
God’s love and strength. Let the lyrics remind you<br />
of the foundation you have in Him and lift your<br />
spirit.<br />
Accountability Check-In: Reach out to an<br />
accountability partner or close friend to talk<br />
about the ways you want to grow your spiritual<br />
roots. Sharing your goals can encourage you to<br />
stay grounded.<br />
Reflection on Past Challenges: Reflect on a<br />
difficult time in your life when you felt uncertain.<br />
How did your faith help you get through it?<br />
Write down your reflections as a reminder of the<br />
ways your roots in faith sustained you.<br />
<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />
“When we are deeply rooted in Christ, the winds of life<br />
may bend us, but they will never break us.”<br />
— Rick Warren<br />
5 Rooted daily || issue three
In the Morning...<br />
What does it mean<br />
to be Rooted?<br />
Quotable<br />
quote<br />
“We are created to bring<br />
Him glory. We are created<br />
to be disciples of<br />
Christ. The only way we<br />
can do that is when we<br />
dig deeper into God.”<br />
-Pastor Funmi Alawale<br />
“When you are rooted it will<br />
show in your family. The love will<br />
be there. There will be unity.”<br />
- Mummy Igwe<br />
“We want to be rooted in the Lord<br />
but the challenge with roots is that<br />
they operate in dark places. You<br />
cannot see them at work. It means<br />
the darker your days; the days when<br />
it seems like nothing is happening<br />
even so, your roots are going deeper.<br />
Darker days come to help us.”<br />
- Rev Christina Obeng<br />
To be rooted means to remind<br />
myself that I believe God.<br />
The things that can uproot a<br />
person are the fiery darts of the<br />
enemy; those lies. But I dont<br />
set my eyes on the things that<br />
I see. I believe God.<br />
- Onye<br />
“This journey of rootedness<br />
is one of maturity. To be<br />
rooted means to stand on<br />
the promises of God, to be<br />
rooted in faith and rooted<br />
in prayer.”<br />
- Mummy Desiree<br />
6 Rooted daily || issue three
In the afternoon...<br />
Walk, Deep,<br />
Build<br />
“Did you know that trees use wind? When the wind blows, they dig their roots in deeper, and<br />
it allows them to grow taller. Every time the wind blows, they dig deep and grow tall. Yes, every<br />
time the wind blows, they dig deep and grow tall! The stuff the enemy has sent against you is<br />
not to destroy you, it’s to cause you to dig your roots in deeper and be even more determined<br />
and convinced that the Lord is who is He says He is!” Dr. Lisa Adjei<br />
<strong>ROOTED</strong> FOR SURE!<br />
Dr.Jazz Sculark<br />
“Anna was rooted 4 things in spite of the things she went through. Luke 2.37<br />
1. She was rooted in worship in her fasting & prayer.<br />
2. She was rooted in good works - she served God.<br />
3. She was rooted in the Word - She awaited the manifestation of the Word.<br />
4. She was rooted in her witness - she bore witness to the Messiah and became a witness.”<br />
7 Rooted daily || issue three
We believe in the power of prayer and would<br />
be honoured to pray with you. The Lord will<br />
answer. If you would like to submit your prayer<br />
request online please click this link: https://<br /><br />
Telephone prayer and counselling service is<br />
available to everyone. Hopeline is our prayer<br />
and counselling department and we are on hand<br />
to pray with you and offer scripturally based<br />
solutions to the challenges of life.<br />
Hopeline stewards are on duty from:<br />
Monday to Friday: 6:30pm – 10:00pm<br />
Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm<br />
Sunday: 8:00am – 8:30pm<br />
Pastor on Call - If you would like to speak to a Pastor,<br />
simply visit or call the Prayer City Church Office on<br />
020 8525 0000.<br />
All Hopeline Calls And Pastor On Call Meetings Are Confidential