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<strong>SUNDAY</strong> 17TH<br />


Welcome<br />

Hello Winning Women, give the Lord some<br />

praise!! We had such a great time at the<br />

Winning Women Connect event yesterday<br />

morning. The testi monies shared and the insight<br />

given; wow it was awesome. As I have been<br />

saying, it was so much more than just a breakfast;<br />

we connected with the King of kings and reconnected<br />

with each other.<br />

And what can I say about Rooted in worship? We<br />

were so blessed. I see victory in this house, our<br />

lives will never be the same.<br />

The Lord has rooted us in Him and I know He will<br />

perfect the good things He has started in us. We<br />

give God all of the glory.<br />

I really want to thank our Senior Pastor. His<br />

support is amazing and he keeps encouraging us. I<br />

thank God that he gives me wings to fl y.<br />

Thank you to everyone who made such great<br />

eff orts to be with us this year. I appreciate you and<br />

I honour you.<br />

Winning Women, just as Pastor ChiChi shared<br />

last night you have courage. We have courage to<br />

dream bigger, be bett er, persevere and step into<br />

acti on. We are rooted in Christ. We are going<br />

deeper in Him to go higher and impact our world<br />

for God’s glory.<br />

Stay rooted!<br />

Yemisi Ashimol owo<br />


<strong>ROOTED</strong> IN<br />




GROWTH.<br />

Education is valued and<br />

sought after by people across<br />

all backgrounds, ages, and<br />

socioeconomic statuses.<br />

Literacy, school completion rates<br />

and transitions to employment<br />

are key metrics used to evaluate<br />

educational attainment globally.<br />

The Organisation for<br />

Economic Co-operation and<br />

Development (OECD) cites a<br />

strong link between education,<br />

productivity, and economic<br />

growth, with higher educational<br />

attainment leading to reduced<br />

unemployment and enhanced<br />

economic development. On<br />

an individual level, education<br />

develops essential skills like<br />

literacy, numeracy, and critical<br />

thinking, boosting employment<br />

prospects and income potential.<br />

At a national level, an educated<br />

workforce strengthens a nation’s<br />

economic standing and global<br />

position.<br />

notewortHy FactS<br />

Each additional year of<br />

schooling is linked to longer life<br />

expectancy, in addition, children<br />

of literate mothers have higher<br />

life expectancies due to informed<br />

health choices (UNESCO).<br />

Each additional year of schooling<br />

increases lifetime wages by 10-<br />

20%, with the higher percentage<br />

applicable in more developed<br />

economies (OECD).<br />

Each additional year of female<br />

education can raise GDP by<br />

0.3%, as educated women<br />

contribute to the reduction<br />

of poverty within their<br />

communities (World Bank,<br />

OECD).<br />

Education extends beyond<br />

compulsory schooling years; it<br />

is a lifelong journey. Here are<br />

five crucial areas where we must<br />

remain rooted in education: >><br />

<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />

“As we remain rooted in Christ, we are built up<br />

in Him, and strengthened in our faith.”<br />

— David Jeremiah

Staying Rooted in Education from page 1<br />

Health Literacy: As the adage goes<br />

health is wealth, knowledge about<br />

health, nutrition, preventative care,<br />

mental well-being, and work-life<br />

balance is priceless. Our bodies are<br />

God’s temples, requiring informed<br />

health decisions for optimal<br />

functioning. Good health enables<br />

greater societal contribution, making<br />

health literacy essential for lifelong<br />

learning.<br />

Financial Literacy: Understanding<br />

money management is critical for longterm<br />

success. Mastering budgeting,<br />

saving, investing, and debt management<br />

increases financial independence. It is<br />

becoming increasingly clear that we<br />

must educate our children with such<br />

abilities for, as Proverbs 22:7 states,<br />

“The rich rule over the poor, and the<br />

borrower is a slave to the lender,”<br />

highlighting the importance of financial<br />

education from an early age.<br />

Digital Literacy: In our interconnected<br />

world, navigating social media and<br />

creating a positive digital footprint<br />

is crucial. We must learn to build an<br />

online presence that showcases our<br />

abilities and values whilst supporting<br />

career advancement.<br />

Cultural Literacy: Developing<br />

cultural capital and understanding<br />

beyond our immediate environment<br />

fosters emotional intelligence and<br />

social mobility. Research indicates that<br />

children exposed to arts, literature,<br />

and diverse cultural activities such as<br />

reading, visiting museums, and playing<br />

musical instruments enter school with<br />

notably larger vocabularies, which<br />

positively impacts their academic<br />

performance over their peers.<br />

Technological and Skills Literacy:<br />

In our rapidly evolving world,<br />

developing economically viable skills is<br />

essential regardless of age or education<br />

level. Learning opportunities now<br />

extend beyond traditional classrooms,<br />

encompassing online courses, degree<br />

apprenticeships, MOOCs (massive<br />

open online courses), skills boot camps,<br />

work-based learning, evening classes,<br />

and mentoring.<br />

Staying rooted in education necessitates<br />

a commitment to personal development<br />

and an intentional effort to keep our<br />

knowledge and skills current and<br />

relevant.<br />

For further information regarding<br />

educational advancement for adults or<br />

children contact beb@kicc.org.uk<br />

Teresa Esan MBE<br />

Head of Educational and Career<br />

Counselling, KICC

Devotion<br />

Being Rooted In The House of The Lord<br />

Psalm 92:13. NKJ<br />

Those who are planted in the house of the<br />

Lord. Shall flourish in the courts of our God.<br />

Psalm 92:13NIV<br />

“Planted in the house of the LORD, they will<br />

flourish in the courts of our God.”<br />

Psalm 92:13 NLT<br />

For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own<br />

house. They flourish in the courts of our God<br />

In the timeless wisdom of Psalm 92, you will<br />

discover the assurance that the when you<br />

are planted in the house of the Lord you will<br />

indeed flourish in every area of life.<br />

This verse speaks of the spiritual growth and<br />

flourishing that comes from being rooted<br />

in God’s house. As we remain rooted in His<br />

presence, we are positioned to thrive in every<br />

aspect of our lives. This verse reminds us of<br />

the importance of consistent fellowship with<br />

God’s people and being actively involved in<br />

the community of believers.<br />

The historical context of Psalm 92<br />

underscores the importance of corporate<br />

worship and fellowship among believers.<br />

Throughout the Old Testament, the<br />

tabernacle and later the temple served as<br />

central places of worship and spiritual<br />

gathering for the people of Israel.<br />

Being planted in the house of the Lord<br />

signified a deep commitment to God’s<br />

presence and the community of faith.<br />

There are blessing from being planted<br />

in the House of the Lord: “He is like a<br />

tree planted by streams of water that<br />

yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf<br />

does not wither. In all that he does, he<br />

prospers.” This imagery of a flourishing<br />

tree speaks to the spiritual vitality<br />

and productivity of those who remain<br />

steadfast in their devotion to God.<br />

We are also encouraged not to neglect<br />

meeting together but to encourage<br />

one another, especially as the day<br />

of Christ’s return draws near. This<br />

scripture underscores the importance<br />

of fellowship and corporate worship<br />

in nurturing spiritual growth and<br />

maturity.<br />

It is important for us to prioritize<br />

our commitment to God’s house and<br />

experience the flourishing that He<br />

promises to those who remain rooted<br />

in Him.<br />

Prayer:<br />

Lord, I thank you for the privilege<br />

of being planted in Your house and<br />

experiencing Your abundant blessings.<br />

Grant me the grace to remain steadfast<br />

in my devotion to You and to flourish<br />

in every season of life. May my life<br />

bear witness to Your faithfulness and<br />

righteousness. In Jesus’ name,<br />

I pray. Amen.<br />

<strong>DAILY</strong> INSPIRATION<br />

“Being rooted<br />

in Christ means<br />

abiding in His love,<br />

His Word, and His<br />

grace. Without Him,<br />

we cannot grow.”<br />

— Christine Caine<br />

3 Rooted daily || issue four




Hallelujah! Hallelujah!<br />

Hallelujah! Our God is<br />

worthy to be praised!<br />

I have come to testify<br />

of the faithfulness and goodness<br />

of my Jehovah Rapha, the only<br />

God who reigns and rules in the<br />

affairs of men. To you alone, Oh<br />

God be glory, honour, adoration,<br />

praise forever.!<br />

I suffered a prolonged and<br />

persistent symptoms of<br />

coughing, nausea, vomiting,<br />

and gradually losing my voice.<br />

The symptoms were initially<br />

treated with few courses of<br />

oral antibiotics with no definite<br />

resolution. Eventually, a chest CT<br />

scan had to be carried out.<br />

By January 2023, the scan<br />

report resulted in 4 differential<br />

diagnoses: -Cancer of the lung<br />

-Lymphoma -Sarcoidosis and<br />

Reactive lymphodenopathy. I<br />

was later scheduled for further<br />

investigations with lung function<br />

test, EBUS/ Biopsy and PET<br />

Scan. At that point in time, my<br />

whole world crumbled and I<br />

became disheartened but I did<br />

not lose hope.<br />

I chose to believe the report<br />

of the Lord which stated that<br />

by His stripes, I was healed.<br />

Due to being symptomatic, I<br />

limited all my social contacts and<br />

gatherings and depended on<br />

online services from my church-<br />

KICC, UK and other ministries. I<br />

engaged in prayers, meditation,<br />

and confession of the word of<br />

God (Pastor Matthew’s prayer<br />

book: Special Anniversary<br />

Edition, The Power of Positive<br />

Prayer, Vols 1, 2 and 3 contains<br />

confessions of the word of God<br />

that were powerful and effective<br />

in boosting my faith in God) and I<br />

took the Holy Communion.<br />

I experienced the first-hand<br />

power of the Holy communion,<br />

when a Pastor friend of mine<br />

in Nigeria notified me of a Holy<br />

Communion service taking place<br />

that night I participated.<br />

The next day, I was contacted by<br />

my hospital Registrar to discuss<br />

the results of the EBUS/Biopsy<br />

and PET scan. Hallelujah! God<br />

did it again. He broke the gates<br />

of brass and cut the bars of iron<br />

asunder!<br />

The siege was over and the snare<br />

was broken! It was declared:<br />

No further evidence of Cancer<br />

of the Lung! No further >><br />

4 Rooted daily || issue four

Winning Women Praise Reports<br />

evidence of Lymphoma! No<br />

further evidence of Sarcoidosis!<br />

No further evidence of Reactive<br />

lymphadenopathy God gave me<br />

victory over it all.<br />

While I was still rejoicing over<br />

these victories, the Registrar<br />

further stated, however, the PET<br />

scan also showed suspected<br />

Ovarian malignancy. Then TV<br />

USS, more clinical assessments<br />

and MRI were carried out.<br />

I said to myself that the same<br />

God who gave me victory in my<br />

lungs will perfect this matter and<br />

show Himself faithful once again.<br />

By May 2023, the Most High God<br />

once again ruled in my affairs<br />

and showed Himself faithful! To<br />

the glory of God the differential<br />

diagnosis of Ovarian cancer was<br />

overruled as beign!<br />

Thereafter, I was placed on<br />

a recovery programme as I<br />

was still slightly symptomatic<br />

with coughing and gradually<br />

recovering my speaking and<br />

singing voice.<br />

Today, God has completely healed<br />

me of all the life-threatening<br />

diagnoses. I am now set apart to<br />

live and worship God for the rest<br />

of my life.<br />

I encourage you today, in<br />

whatever situation you find<br />

yourself, just believe that God<br />

exists and truly believe His words.<br />

Confess His words against all<br />

odds and you will experience the<br />

transformational and miraculous<br />

power of God.<br />

I want to use this opportunity to<br />

thank Pastor Matthew and Pastor<br />

Yemisi for the anointed messages,<br />

prayers, declarations and being<br />

Godly role models of faith.<br />

I also appreciate Pst Dipo and<br />

Pastor Peju for standing in the<br />

gap when I first received the<br />

diagnoses. Thank Pastor Sam and<br />

Mrs Dagunduro for being there<br />

through thick and thin. God will<br />

continue to uphold us and show<br />

Himself strong and faithful on our<br />

behalf.<br />

T.O<br />


been quite a challenging journey<br />

because I had two major surgeries<br />

for fibroids and three miscarriages,<br />

including a twin pregnancy,<br />

proceeded by a prolonged delay in<br />

conceiving. During my pregnancy I<br />

bled but the Lord intervened.<br />

To God’s glory our baby arrived that<br />

September and for four years until<br />

now I am still thanking and praising<br />

God. Thank you, Pastor Matthew<br />

and Pastor Yemisi.<br />

Jesus looked at them intently and said,<br />

“Humanly speaking, it is impossible.<br />

But with God everything is possible.”<br />

Matthew 19:26<br />

Ithought I could use this<br />

opportunity and platform to share<br />

my testimony to encourage others.<br />

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl,<br />

after nearly 11 years of waiting. The<br />

Lord is indeed faithful to those who<br />

wait patiently on Him.<br />

At the Praise and Possibilities event,<br />

Pastor Matthew gave a word to<br />

women believing God for the fruit<br />

of the womb. I held on to this word,<br />

believing that God would come<br />

through for me.<br />

At a Winning Women conference,<br />

Pastor Yemisi reminded us and<br />

emphasised that we should “get ready<br />

for what God is going to do”. I was<br />

encouraged and sowed a seed. It has<br />

The second testimony relates<br />

to my career. I work as a Senior<br />

Manager with the NHS. It has been<br />

challenging with two line managers,<br />

but the Lord has been faithful.<br />

I received a backdated salary owed<br />

to me since 2016, backdated for five<br />

years. Additionally, my salary was<br />

reviewed, and I am now at the top<br />

of my salary scale where I should be,<br />

above only and never under. Thank<br />

you, Jesus.<br />

Mrs S.O<br />

5 Rooted daily || issue four


6 Rooted daily || issue four


Faith, Hope and Love “Roots are about growth, stability<br />

and source. When we talk about being rooted it means to be<br />

supported and established. How deep are your roots? Faith is<br />

so important We have to know about God’s love, and how it<br />

works. We are to be grounded in His love.” Pastor ChiChi<br />




Our journey over the past<br />

six years at KICC has<br />

been nothing short of<br />

miraculous—a testament to<br />

the transformative power of the Word of<br />

God preached from the pulpit.<br />

On behalf of my family, I write this<br />

testimony to express our profound<br />

gratitude to God for His goodness and<br />

mercy in our lives since joining KICC.<br />

Under the impactful teachings of Pastor<br />

Matthew and Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo,<br />

we have experienced remarkable growth in<br />

various aspects of our lives.<br />

My husband experienced a profound<br />

healing during the 11 o’clock service at<br />

Prayer City on June 9,<br />

2024. Moved by Pastor<br />

Matthew’s call for prayer<br />

over specific health<br />

conditions, my husband<br />

went forward and received a miraculous<br />

healing. The following day, a scheduled<br />

medical procedure revealed that his<br />

condition had completely disappeared,<br />

leading the specialist to discharge him from<br />

further treatment.<br />

Additionally, on June 12 2024, I<br />

successfully defended my doctoral thesis<br />

in social work—a culmination of years of<br />

hard work and dedication. A path filled<br />

with challenges and triumphs. Then on the<br />

27th of June, my husband and I celebrated<br />

our 36th wedding anniversary along with<br />

our children and grandchildren.<br />

Reflecting on our journey fills us with<br />

gratitude to God for who is in our lives<br />

and all He has done. May our journey<br />

inspire others to pursue their dreams with<br />

unwavering faith, knowing that with God,<br />

all things are indeed possible. We give all<br />

glory to God.<br />

Mrs G. A<br />

7 Rooted daily || issue four

Faith in Action: A practical action step for the day that<br />

encourages women to apply the theme “Rooted” in their<br />

everyday lives<br />

discussion points<br />

“What does living a life that reflects Christ look like<br />

to you, and how are you embodying it in your daily<br />

actions?”<br />

Gratitude Walk: Take a walk in nature and reflect on the things<br />

in life you’re grateful for. While walking, pray or meditate on<br />

God’s creation, connecting with the idea of being deeply rooted<br />

in His world and work.<br />

Verse Memorization: Choose a Bible verse that resonates with<br />

the theme of being rooted, like Jeremiah 17:7-8. Spend time<br />

memorizing it, and repeat it throughout the day, letting the<br />

words nourish you in moments of stress or doubt.<br />

We believe in the power of prayer and would be<br />

honoured to pray with you. The Lord will answer.<br />

If you would like to submit your prayer request<br />

online please click this link: https://www.kicc.org.<br />

uk/prayer/<br />

Telephone prayer and counselling service is<br />

available to everyone. Hopeline is our prayer<br />

and counselling department and we are on hand<br />

to pray with you and offer scripturally based<br />

solutions to the challenges of life.<br />

Hopeline stewards are on duty from:<br />

Monday to Friday: 6:30pm – 10:00pm<br />

Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm<br />

Sunday: 8:00am – 8:30pm<br />

Pastor on Call - If you would like to speak to a Pastor, simply<br />

visit or call the Prayer City Church Office on<br />

020 8525 0000.<br />

All Hopeline Calls And Pastor On Call Meetings Are Confidential

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