The Parish Magazine December 2024
Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869
Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869
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parish noticeboard — 5<br />
Father who?<br />
One person you are bound to run into this Christmas<br />
season is Father Christmas. <strong>The</strong>se days he seems to<br />
frequent shopping malls and garden centres. If he looks<br />
tired, just remember that he has been around a long<br />
time and gone through a lot of transformations.<br />
Father Christmas wasn’t always the red-suited, whitebearded<br />
star of the retail trade that he is today. He<br />
began life as Nicholas, born about AD260 in Patara, an<br />
important port on the southern coast of Turkey.<br />
When his parents died and left him a fortune, Nicholas<br />
gave it to the poor. He became a bishop of the nearby city<br />
of Myra, where he almost certainly suffered persecution<br />
and imprisonment at the hand of the Roman Emperor<br />
Diocletian.<br />
Nicholas was a serious theologian: he was a participant<br />
at the First Council of Nicaea, which formulated the Creed<br />
that we say today. He even, reportedly, slapped another<br />
bishop in a squabble over the exact nature of the Trinity.<br />
Nicholas died in Myra about AD343, but the stories<br />
of his generosity and kindness were just beginning. One<br />
enduring tale tells of the three girls whom he rescued<br />
from certain prostitution by giving them gold for their<br />
dowries. When the father confronted him to thank him,<br />
Nicholas said he should thank God alone.<br />
In the UK, Nicholas became the basis for Father<br />
Christmas, who emerged in Victorian times as a jollyfaced<br />
bearded character. Meanwhile, Dutch and German<br />
settlers had taken him to America with them as Sinter<br />
Klaas and Sankt Niklas.<br />
It was in America that Nicholas received his final two<br />
great breaks into real stardom. <strong>The</strong> first was when the Rev<br />
Clement C Moore, a New York Episcopal minister, turned<br />
from his life-work of writing a Hebrew/English lexicon, to<br />
write a fun poem for his children one Christmas. His ‘<strong>The</strong><br />
Visit of St Nicholas’ is now universally known by its first<br />
line: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.<br />
From Clement Moore we discovered that St Nicholas is<br />
round and pink-cheeked and white-bearded, and that he<br />
travels at night with sleigh, reindeer and a sack of toys on<br />
his back. It was also Clement Moore who revealed that St<br />
Nicholas enters houses down chimneys and fills children’s<br />
stockings with toys and sweets.<br />
So how did we find out that Father Christmas wears<br />
red? That was the US Coca-Cola advertising campaign<br />
of 1931, when they finally released the latest, up-to-date<br />
pictures of Father Christmas — he wearing a bright red,<br />
fur-trimmed coat and a large belt.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se days, it is good that Father Christmas uses<br />
reindeer and doesn’t have to pay for petrol!<br />
In order to get round all the children in the world on<br />
Christmas Eve, he will have to travel 221 million miles<br />
at an average speed of 1,279 miles a second, that's 6,395<br />
times the speed of sound.<br />
For all those of us who are already exhausted just<br />
rushing around getting ready for Christmas, that is a<br />
sobering thought.<br />
From the<br />
editor's<br />
desk<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> — <strong>December</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 13<br />
Your ideas are<br />
always welcome<br />
I have just added another folder to the shelf where I keep a a<br />
printed copy of each of the <strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>s that I have<br />
edited. Each folder holds a complete year, the first being<br />
for 2013. <strong>The</strong> latest — currently empty — folder is for 2025<br />
which means I have had the pleasure of producing <strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> for 12 years. If my mother was alive she would now<br />
be panicking because for her 13 was very unlucky, but the<br />
good news is that for me, it is no such thing, and I am looking<br />
forward to my 13th year as editor.<br />
Looking at the first issue I edited made me realise how<br />
much it has changed physically since then; it has more pages<br />
which are larger in size, and it is printed in full colour. <strong>The</strong><br />
difference is even greater compared with the first issue of <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> published in 1869, which is not surprising<br />
because the world has changed beyond recognition since the<br />
time Victoria was on the throne. We are now on our sixth<br />
monarch since her.<br />
<strong>The</strong> most interesting comparison is, however, that the<br />
content of the current magazine is more like the first issues<br />
published in 1869 which had a broad range of articles and<br />
stories designed to be of general interest, although always<br />
with a Christian background.<br />
It had always been a 'paid-for' magazine which restricted<br />
its circulation and over time had turned into a document<br />
focused on recording the events directly related to St<br />
Andrew's Church Sonning. In other words, it had become<br />
very inward looking which had the consequence that less<br />
than 100 copies were being printed. Today, we print and<br />
distribute 2,300 copies free of charge for readers each month,<br />
and current issues are also available to be read online at<br /><br />
I always welcome ideas for stories and feature articles,<br />
and indeed, I always welcome written full length articles,<br />
although I can't promise that I won't edit them a little!<br />
I am also willing to help with the actual writing of articles<br />
if you feel, as I know some people do, that they are not able to<br />
put words on paper in a meaningful way. As a journalist I did<br />
this all my working life, ghost writing articles for engineers<br />
and business managers who, while they were excellent at<br />
what they did, often found it difficult to put their ideas and<br />
thoughts on paper, or indeed, because they did not have the<br />
time to do what I was being paid to do!<br />
While on this subject of writing, I am still welcoming<br />
articles for the 'Why I am a Christian' series that we started<br />
last April. To date, we have published seven in the series and<br />
judging by the 150+ people who attend St Andrew's Sonning<br />
services every week there is scope for many more! As always,<br />
I am happy to help with the writing, so please give me a call!<br />
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