The Parish Magazine December 2024
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parish noticeboard — 6<br />
Nothing is impossible for God . . .<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> — <strong>December</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 15<br />
A market in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, Africa. In Africa the market is more then a place where people buy and sell something, it is<br />
the centre of African life.<br />
Lucavanzolini,<br />
Aid and advocacy agencies joined<br />
together to highlight the issue<br />
of the persecuted church for an<br />
international day of prayer on the<br />
first Sunday of November. You can<br />
watch the video via the link in the<br />
references below.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Evangelical Alliance (EA) hosted<br />
the meeting and there were films,<br />
discussion, and prayer from CSW<br />
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide),<br />
Open Doors, and Release International<br />
on the situations in North Korea,<br />
Burkina Faso and Egypt respectively.<br />
In North Korea, any religion is<br />
viewed as a threat to the regime’s<br />
ideology, and we heard of the forced<br />
disappearances that take place.<br />
A strong message was that the<br />
persecuted are the ones that are going<br />
to be teaching the rest of us and not<br />
the other way around.<br />
One prayer for this country is that<br />
China would stop illegally repatriating<br />
North Korean refugees, returning<br />
them to certain danger.<br />
Egypt is the 13th most populous<br />
country in the world with 115 million<br />
people. A film told of persecution<br />
largely from family members in the<br />
case of people who have left Islam to<br />
follow Christ.<br />
Please pray for Muslim-background<br />
believers who are suffering because of<br />
their faith in Christ and pray for God’s<br />
protection over Christians who are illtreated<br />
by their own families.<br />
Burkina Faso has this year topped<br />
the global terrorism index. Last year<br />
2,000 people were killed by terrorists<br />
in Burkina Faso, an increase of twothirds<br />
on the previous year.<br />
<strong>The</strong> country jumped into Open<br />
Doors’ Top 50 of most persecuted<br />
countries for Christians (the World<br />
Watch List) in 2020 at number 28,<br />
which is quite exceptional, as usually<br />
countries joining that list climb up it<br />
gradually.<br />
Open Doors is seeing an incredibly<br />
rapid spread and intensity of terrorism<br />
across the country.<br />
In Africa 16.2 million Christians<br />
are internally displaced due to violence<br />
and conflict. However the world is not<br />
talking about it!<br />
<strong>The</strong> Arise Africa campaign calls for<br />
awareness to be raised, and justice,<br />
restoration, and protection for these<br />
people. (This campaign petition may be<br />
signed at the back of St Andrew's Church).<br />
We should listen to the persecuted<br />
and find out what their needs are.<br />
Someone asked about how to get your<br />
voice heard at the political level: the<br />
guidance is to engage with your MP<br />
regarding what matters to you.<br />
In the UK Government, there is a<br />
'Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or<br />
Belief'.<br />
This post was previously held by<br />
former MP Fiona Bruce (not the TV<br />
presenter) who lost her seat at the last<br />
election.<br />
Currently, the post is vacant. It<br />
would be worth writing to your MP to<br />
encourage the Prime Minister to make<br />
this appointment.<br />
<strong>The</strong> role serves to keep the<br />
government aware of issues around<br />
the persecution of Christians. When<br />
writing, tell them you pray for them<br />
and ask how you can pray for them.<br />
<strong>The</strong> strong messages from the<br />
Evangelical Alliance meeting were:<br />
'Nothing is impossible for God'.<br />
'Be an evangelist for the<br />
persecuted church!'<br />
EA shared some prayers from the<br />
Iona Community’s 'Liturgy for healing<br />
for an international situation':<br />
Lord Jesus, we place before you the<br />
suffering places of the world, places of<br />
war, of famine, of disasters, of darkness.<br />
Guide us in how best to respond,<br />
through the giving of our time, action,<br />
and finance.<br />
Give us the courage to challenge, inform<br />
and engage those who walk in the<br />
corridors of power,<br />
in our land and the lands<br />
for which we pray.<br />
We give thanks for the countless<br />
unknown witnesses who have served<br />
you in the darkest situations.<br />
Jesus Christ, who ate with the wealthy<br />
and provided food to the poor, enter all<br />
nations and bring justice, and peace.<br />
We pray all this in Jesus’ name.<br />
AMEN<br />
References and further reading<br />
IDOP Video on YouTube:<br /><br />
mHs8?si=axsrsS4BluUaZDXm<br />
Open Doors: What is the Arise Africa<br />
campaign?: https://www.opendoorsuk.<br />
org/news/latest-news/arise-africaexplainer/<br />
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