The Parish Magazine December 2024

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869


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feature — 1<br />

Three Christmas questions . . .<br />

What do you do on<br />

Christmas Eve?<br />

Christmas Eve has its own customs,<br />

the most popular of which is going to<br />

Midnight Mass, or the Christ-Mas.<br />

This is the only Mass of the year that<br />

is allowed to start after sunset.<br />

In Catholic countries such as<br />

Spain, Italy and Poland, Midnight<br />

Mass is the most important<br />

church service of the entire<br />

Christmas season, and many people<br />

traditionally fast beforehand.<br />

In other countries, such as<br />

Belgium and Denmark, people dine<br />

during the evening, and then go on<br />

to the Midnight Service.<br />

<strong>The</strong> British are behind some<br />

countries when it comes to<br />

exchanging presents: in Germany,<br />

Sweden and Portugal the custom is<br />

to exchange on Christmas Eve.<br />

But the British are ahead of Serbia<br />

and Slovakia, where the Christmas<br />

tree is not even brought into the<br />

house and decorated until Christmas<br />

Eve.<br />

Yule logs are not so popular since<br />

the decline of the fireplace, but<br />

traditionally it was lit on Christmas<br />

Eve from a bit of the previous year’s<br />

log, and then would be burned<br />

non-stop until Twelfth Night (6th<br />

January).<br />

Tradition also decreed that<br />

any greenery such as holly, ivy or<br />

mistletoe must wait until Christmas<br />

Eve until being brought inside.<br />

OC Williams, Dreamstime.com<br />

<strong>The</strong> Christmas<br />

challenges . . .<br />

Christmas is a great time of year,<br />

but it’s not without its challenges!<br />

After one family had put up 250,000<br />

Christmas lights outside, they didn’t<br />

dare boil a kettle for fear of blowing<br />

the system!<br />

<strong>The</strong> challenge of over-indulging<br />

Many of us remember the episode of<br />

the Vicar of Dibley, where she had to<br />

consume four Christmas dinners!<br />

Christmas is a time when we<br />

usually eat and drink far too much<br />

with the average person gaining six<br />

pounds in weight.<br />

But Christmas is not simply about<br />

gaining weight, but losing what<br />

weighs us down.<br />

‘Cast all your anxiety on Him,<br />

because He cares for you.’ (1 Peter 5:7).<br />

Whatever your concerns or<br />

worries this Christmas, bring them<br />

to God.<br />

<strong>The</strong> challenge of overspending<br />

In the rush to buy Christmas cards, a<br />

woman bought a pack of 50 identical<br />

cards. Without reading the verse, she<br />

hastily signed and sent them off, but<br />

for one. A few days later she read the<br />

message: ‘This card is just to say a little<br />

gift is on the way.’<br />

Christmas is not about getting<br />

into debt, but God getting us out of<br />

debt.<br />

He spent exactly what was needed<br />

on the first Christmas night: ‘You are<br />

to give him the name Jesus, because<br />

he will save his people from their sins.’<br />

(Matthew 1:21).<br />

<strong>The</strong> challenge is over too quickly<br />

Christmas doesn’t last very long,<br />

yet the effect of the first Christmas<br />

is long-lasting. ‘For God so loved the<br />

world that he gave his one and only Son,<br />

that whoever believes in Him shall not<br />

perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16).<br />

Jesus has come to bring us life in<br />

all its fullness, both for now and all<br />

eternity.<br />

How do we face the challenges of<br />

Christmas?<br />

‘Yet what I can I give? I give my heart’.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> — <strong>December</strong> <strong>2024</strong> 17<br />

Do you believe the<br />

Christmas story?<br />

<strong>The</strong> story is told of a farmer who<br />

didn’t believe in Jesus. One cold,<br />

snowy Christmas Eve his wife was<br />

taking the children to a service at<br />

their local church, but he refused to<br />

go with them.<br />

He said: ‘Why would God lower<br />

himself to come to Earth as a man?<br />

That’s ridiculous!’<br />

So, they left him at home!<br />

During the evening the winds grew<br />

stronger, and the snow turned to a<br />

blizzard.<br />

He heard a series of loud thumps<br />

on the window. In the field near his<br />

house he saw a flock of wild geese.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had been migrating<br />

south when they got caught in the<br />

snowstorm.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were lost and stranded on<br />

his farm, with no food or shelter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> man wanted to help the geese<br />

and so he opened the doors of the<br />

barn, hoping they would go inside for<br />

shelter.<br />

But the geese didn’t do anything,<br />

despite the man’s efforts to move<br />

them.<br />

He made a bread crumb trail<br />

leading to the barn and tried to shoo<br />

them toward the barn, but they only<br />

got more scared and scattered.<br />

Nothing he did could get them<br />

to go into the barn: ‘Why don’t they<br />

follow me?!’<br />

<strong>The</strong>n he realised: ‘If only I were a<br />

goose and become one of them, then I<br />

could save them.’<br />

Finally he understood the heart of<br />

the Christmas message.<br />

God has become one of us in<br />

Jesus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> eternal creator God has<br />

entered time and space as a baby, to<br />

show us who God is and how we can<br />

know him.<br />

This Christmas, let’s celebrate<br />

again this amazing truth that we<br />

have a God who knows and can meet<br />

our needs in Jesus.<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> virgin will conceive and give<br />

birth to a son, and they will call Him<br />

Immanuel, which means ‘God with us’’.<br />

Matthew 1:23.<br />

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