The Parish Magazine December 2024

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning & Sonning Eye since 1869


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8 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> — <strong>December</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

the parish noticeboard — 2<br />

St Andrew's Youth<br />

Westy<br />

email or text me, Westy, for ideas,<br />

a chat or to encourage<br />

what we are doing:<br />

youthminister@sonningparish.org.uk<br />

0794 622 4106<br />

STAY in October Half Term<br />

During half term we invited all the local young people<br />

for four days of fun: a scavenger hunt around Sonning,<br />

a ‘Give Back’ day of food bank shopping, a day at<br />

Thorpe Park and a light party.<br />

<strong>The</strong> scavenger hunt saw five teams working out 30<br />

clues around Sonning village. <strong>The</strong>re were prizes for<br />

quickest time and most clues found. One young person<br />

said: 'That was amazing, we had so much fun, please can<br />

we do it again.' We also took 10 young people to buy<br />

food for families who are less well off. This feels like<br />

such an honour to be able to do.<br />

One day, the young people chose to go to Thorpe<br />

Park — it's like it’s my second home! And we ended<br />

the week with a light party celebrating Jesus being the<br />

light of the world — darkness cannot overcome light<br />

STAY for Youth Alpha<br />

Youth Alpha is a course that introduces the Christian<br />

faith as some young people prepare for baptism and<br />

confirmation in November. It runs on Friday nights<br />

after youth club. Many of the young people asked deep<br />

questions about life and faith. Many of them hadn’t<br />

read the Bible so we bought them one each and the<br />

young people found it to be a safe space to think and<br />

ponder some of life’s big questions with their friends.<br />

STAY on Friday<br />

Our weekly STAY on Friday youth club continues to<br />

be a fun and safe space for teenagers to gather and<br />

enjoy their Friday evenings. We continue to have<br />

new young people joining each week for our weekly<br />

‘term time only’ youth club that runs all year. On the<br />

fourth Friday we welcome year 6’s to help with their<br />

transition to year 7. We have lots of games, sports,<br />

crafts, baking, consoles, board games and more. We<br />

always end with a final thought where everyone stops<br />

to think about a deeper question in life.<br />

STAY on Sunday<br />

STAY on Sunday youth group now meets every Sunday<br />

at 10.30am in <strong>The</strong> Ark, apart from the first Sunday of<br />

each month when we all gather in the main church for<br />

our family service. We follow a pattern each month of:<br />

1st Sunday — Family Service<br />

2nd Sunday — Faith and videos in <strong>The</strong> Ark<br />

3rd Sunday — Big games in <strong>The</strong> Ark<br />

4th Sunday — Card games in the Bull Inn<br />

5th Sunday — Faith and videos in <strong>The</strong> Ark<br />

STAY on Monday<br />

We love meeting every other Monday in the homes of the young<br />

people for games, conversations and deepening our faith through<br />

using STIR cards. <strong>The</strong> among us game continues to be a popular choice. Who<br />

knew?<br />

STAY in Schools<br />

We have also continued our schools work in the four local schools, through<br />

assemblies, prayer meetings, a Christian Union, mentoring and our brand new<br />

lunch club at Piggott WI. It is a safe space for students to bring any questions or<br />

thoughts they might have. We had 25 year 8’s come along the first week and had<br />

a wonderful time talking about life after death and our purpose as humans.<br />

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