Modern Insurance Magazine Issue 68
Insight: "The 150,000 Little Things That Can Transform Your Business," Joanna Knight, Group CEO, Moneypenny Interview: Heart and Head with Belinda Parmar OBE, Founder & CEO, The Empathy Business In Discussion: Dispatches from the Modern Motor Market Editorial Board: Find out what our editorial board panel of experts have to say in this edition of Modern Insurance Magazine. Associations Assemble: Modern Insurance's panel of resident associations outline the burning issues in insurance. The Fraud Board: Don’t miss our next instalment of The Fraud Board, where our growing collective of fraud experts convene to discuss the key factors affecting the fight against fraud in our industry today. Europcar: Changing EV Attitudes: Can the ABI GTA make a difference? e2e: Living the Green Just a Thought with Eddie Longworth... It's Tough At The Top I Love Claims / ARC 360: Standing Out from the Crowd FMG: Embracing Tech: How Technology is Shaping the Insurance User Experience 10 Minutes with… John Gibson, Client Relationship Director (UK), Kennedys Insurtech Insights: Megan Kuczynski, President, Insurtech Insights; Eduardo della Maggiora, CEO, Betterfly; Kartik Sakthivel, PhD, CTO & Global CIO, LIMRA; Melissa Leitner, Head of Life & Health Sustainability, Swiss Re & Lorcán Hall, Senior Advisor, SDG Academy, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Insur.Tech.Talk Editorial Board: Experts from within the insurtech sector and beyond join us once more to share their unique insights!
Insight: "The 150,000 Little Things That Can Transform Your Business," Joanna Knight, Group CEO, Moneypenny
Interview: Heart and Head with Belinda Parmar OBE, Founder & CEO, The Empathy Business
In Discussion: Dispatches from the Modern Motor Market
Editorial Board: Find out what our editorial board panel of experts have to say in this edition of Modern Insurance Magazine.
Associations Assemble: Modern Insurance's panel of resident associations outline the burning issues in insurance.
The Fraud Board: Don’t miss our next instalment of The Fraud Board, where our growing collective of fraud experts convene to discuss the key factors affecting the fight against fraud in our industry today.
Europcar: Changing EV Attitudes: Can the ABI GTA make a difference?
e2e: Living the Green
Just a Thought with Eddie Longworth... It's Tough At The Top
I Love Claims / ARC 360: Standing Out from the Crowd
FMG: Embracing Tech: How Technology is Shaping the Insurance User Experience
10 Minutes with… John Gibson, Client Relationship Director (UK), Kennedys
Insurtech Insights: Megan Kuczynski, President, Insurtech Insights; Eduardo della Maggiora, CEO, Betterfly; Kartik Sakthivel, PhD, CTO & Global CIO, LIMRA; Melissa Leitner, Head of Life & Health Sustainability, Swiss Re & Lorcán Hall, Senior Advisor, SDG Academy, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Insur.Tech.Talk Editorial Board: Experts from within the insurtech sector and beyond join us once more to share their unique insights!
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ISSUE<br />
<strong>68</strong><br />
ISSN 2515-3803<br />
“The 150,000<br />
“<br />
Joanna Knight OBE<br />
2024 Contributors<br />
Media Partners<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 1<br />
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Our fleet, ready to hire<br />
Our team, ready to help<br />
Our company, ready to partner<br />
Putting it simply, we are<br />
here to make a difficult<br />
journey easier.We care, it’s<br />
embedded in everything we<br />
do and everything we are.<br />
Credit Hire<br />
Credit Repair<br /><br />
0330 333 3344<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 2<br />
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Hello readers!<br />
In <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>68</strong> of <strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, we’re evaluating the<br />
importance of critical non-essentials. Profit and other financial<br />
metrics aside, how important really are these investments?<br />
What constitutes a critical non-essential element of business,<br />
and to what extent can this approach be neglected or<br />
overlooked within the insurance industry?<br />
Amelia Barlow, Editor<br />
To introduce the importance of critical non-essentials from the perspective of<br />
company culture, Joanna Knight OBE (Group CEO at Moneypenny) eloquently<br />
shares her experience from p.8. Furthermore, be sure to continue reading through<br />
to p.12 to hear from our lead interviewee Belinda Parmar OBE, Founder and CEO of<br />
The Empathy Business. Both women continue to revolutionise the face of leadership<br />
in amazing ways, and I’m incredibly proud to have their insights represented in this<br />
most recent issue.<br />
This edition also features our annual Motor forum (p.14-19), showcasing some of the<br />
motor industry’s leading lights as they discuss the present-day state of affairs in<br />
each of their own specialist areas. As always, our valued collective of Editorial Board<br />
members join us from p.21, followed by our group of esteemed industry associations<br />
from p.34 and our expanding panel of insurance fraud experts from p.41.<br />
I’m always delighted to continue strengthening our partnership with Insurtech<br />
Insights’ President, Megan Kuczynski, as she curates another spectacular panel of<br />
insurance technology experts for Insur.Tech.Talk. Always positioned in the second<br />
half of the magazine, you can read from p.65 onwards to discover more.<br />
And just like that, <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>68</strong> marks the final edition of <strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> for<br />
2024. As the year winds down and the colder months embrace us here in the UK,<br />
I warmly wish you and your loved ones all the best for the Festive season and the<br />
New Year ahead, wherever in the world you may be.<br />
Rachael Pearson, Project Manager<br />
Rachael Pearson<br />
Project Manager<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br /><br />
Until next time,<br />
Amelia<br />
Amelia Day Barlow,<br />
Editor,<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br /><br />
Market-Leading Outsourced Claims Services<br /><br />
ISSUE <strong>68</strong><br />
ISSN 2515-3803<br />
Editor<br />
Amelia Barlow<br />
Project Manager & Events Sales<br />
Rachael Pearson<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
is published by Charlton Grant Ltd ©2023<br />
All material is copyrighted both written and illustrated. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly<br />
forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. All images and information is collated<br />
from extensive research and along with advertisements is published in good faith. Although the<br />
author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication<br />
was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any<br />
liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether<br />
such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.<br />
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Contents<br />
8<br />
41<br />
12<br />
63<br />
14<br />
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8<br />
12<br />
14<br />
21<br />
34<br />
41<br />
51<br />
53<br />
55<br />
57<br />
58<br />
Insight<br />
The 150,000 Little Things That<br />
Can Transform Your Business by<br />
Joanna Knight OBE, Group CEO,<br />
Moneypenny<br />
Interviews<br />
Heart and Head<br />
with Belinda Parmar OBE, Founder<br />
& CEO, The Empathy Business<br />
In Discussion<br />
Dispatches from the <strong>Modern</strong> Motor<br />
Market<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Find out what our editorial board<br />
panel of industry experts have to say<br />
in this edition of <strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />
Associations<br />
Assemble<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong>’s panel of resident<br />
associations outline the burning<br />
issues from their unique area of the<br />
industry.<br />
Fraud Board<br />
Don’t miss our regular instalment<br />
of The Fraud Board, where our<br />
collective of fraud experts convene<br />
to discuss the key factors affecting<br />
the fight against fraud in today’s<br />
modern insurance landscape.<br />
Features<br />
Europcar: Changing EV Attitudes:<br />
Can the ABI GTA make a difference?<br />
e2e: Living the Green<br />
Just a Thought with Eddie<br />
Longworth: It’s Tough at the Top<br />
I Love Claims / ARC 360: Standing<br />
Out from the Crowd<br />
FMG: Embracing Tech: How<br />
Technology is Shaping the <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
User Experience<br />
61<br />
10 Minutes with...<br />
10 Minutes with… John Gibson, Client<br />
Relationship Director (UK), Kennedys<br />
Insur.Tech.Talk<br />
Interviews<br />
65 Welcome<br />
Megan Kuczynski, President,<br />
Insurtech Insights<br />
66 Betterfly<br />
Eduardo della Maggiora, CEO,<br />
Betterfly<br />
<strong>68</strong> LIMRA<br />
Kartik Sakthivel, PhD, CTO & Global<br />
CIO, LIMRA<br />
70<br />
73<br />
Melissa Leitner & Lorcán Hall<br />
Melissa Leitner, Head of Life & Health<br />
Sustainability, Swiss Re<br />
Lorcán Hall, Senior Advisor, SDG<br />
Academy, United Nations Sustainable<br />
Development Solutions Network<br />
Insur.Tech.Talk<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Experts from the insurtech sector<br />
join us once more to share their<br />
unique insights!<br />
Disclaimer: Our publications contain advertising material submitted by third parties. Each individual advertiser is solely responsible for the content of its advertising<br />
material. We accept no responsibility for the content of advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein. We do not endorse,<br />
and are not responsible or liable for, any advertising or products in such advertising, nor for any any damage, loss or offence caused or alleged to be caused by, or in<br />
connection with, the use of or reliance on any such advertising or products in such advertising.<br />
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Color gradient background<br />
File: 20151645E<br />
Date: 7/10/2015<br />
AC/DC validation :<br />
Client validation :<br />
Editorial Board<br />
21<br />
23<br />
25<br />
27<br />
29<br />
CLAIMS<br />
Carol Hopwood, Head of Serious and<br />
Catastrophic Injury, Carpenters Group<br />
Will Prest, Product Manager, ParaCode<br />
WORKS<br />
Jason Brice, Managing Director, CMG<br />
Helen Driscoll, HR Director,<br />
The Vella Group<br />
Deborah Edwards, Chief Executive<br />
Officer, RTW Plus<br />
BEYOND<br />
Simon Hunt, Commercial & Services<br />
Director, National Windscreens<br />
KINETIC 2025: MOVING<br />
Chris McKie, Chief Executive Officer,<br />
Vizion Network<br />
31<br />
33<br />
Danielle Chruszcz, People Director,<br />
Activate Group<br />
Andrew Chandler, Managing<br />
Director, FMG<br />
Caroline Elliott-Grey, senior product<br />
manager, UK and Ireland, LexisNexis<br />
Risk Solutions, <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Lior Koskas, CEO, Digilog UK<br />
Alfred Gracias, Founder & CEO,<br />
DigitalT3<br />
The Fraud Board<br />
41<br />
43<br />
Mark Allen, Assistant Director, Head of<br />
Fraud and Financial Crime, Association<br />
of British Insurers (ABI)<br />
Synergies for Success: The Power of<br />
Counter-Fraud Collaboration<br />
Kaye Sydenham, Product Owner,<br />
Anti-Fraud, Verisk<br />
Martyn Griffiths, Sales Manager<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 6<br />
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Levelling Up: A Vision for People and<br />
Performance<br />
Helen Wakeman, HR Business Partner,<br />
NetWatch Global<br />
45<br />
It Ain’t What You Do, It’s The Way That<br />
You Do It…<br />
Bobby Gracey, Global Head of<br />
Counter Fraud, Charles Taylor<br />
Subrogating Fraud, and the Perils of<br />
Profiting<br />
Matt Gilham, Director, Whitelk<br />
47 IASIU<br />
Spotlight on International Fraud<br />
Awareness Week: November 17-23,<br />
2024<br />
Aimee Stidham, Vice President, IASIU,<br />
and Manager – Special Investigations,<br />
WCF <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
49<br />
<strong>Modern</strong>ising Fraud Prevention:<br />
Lessons from a Leading UK Insurer<br />
Richard Daley, Business Development<br />
Manager, Synectics<br />
The Data Key<br />
Ben Fletcher, Head of Financial Crime,<br />
LV= General <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
The Value in Supporting Vulnerable<br />
Customers<br />
Anthony Byrne, Operations Director,<br />
RGI Solutions<br />
35 MASS<br />
Restoring the Balance for Claimants<br />
Sue Brown, Chair, Motor Accident<br />
Solicitors Society (MASS)<br />
APIL<br />
Rusty’s Story<br />
Kim Harrison, President, Association of<br />
Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)<br />
37 CII<br />
Are there any ‘non-essentials’ in<br />
insurance anymore?<br />
Dr Matthew Connell, Director, Policy<br />
and Public Affairs, Chartered <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Institute (CII)<br />
MGAA<br />
A Healthy, Content Workforce Equals<br />
Productivity<br />
Mike Keating, CEO, Managing General<br />
Agents’ Association (MGAA)<br />
39 BIBA<br />
Principal Firms have been Reviewed –<br />
how did they fare?<br />
Julie Comer, Head of Compliance,<br />
British <strong>Insurance</strong> Brokers’ Association<br />
(BIBA)<br />
FOIL<br />
The Rise of D&O Litigation: How<br />
Diversity Commitments Are Shaping<br />
Future Risks in the UK<br />
Louise Cheney Lowe, Member of<br />
London Forum of <strong>Insurance</strong> Lawyers<br />
(FOIL) and Associate at Kennedys<br />
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The 150,000<br />
Little Things<br />
That Can Transform<br />
Your Business<br />
Culture is an elusive entity, deeply rooted in a system of beliefs,<br />
values and norms. Joanna Knight OBE, Group CEO of Moneypenny,<br />
suggests that a strong, properly managed company culture is a critical<br />
non-essential in business, and the key to creating a stable, sustainable<br />
organisation that will stand the test of time.<br />
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In today’s business landscape, there’s often a<br />
focus on measurable essentials like profit margins,<br />
productivity, and operational efficiency. However,<br />
an often-overlooked yet crucial factor in longterm<br />
success is the role of critical non-essentials—<br />
particularly culture.<br />
While company culture may seem somewhat<br />
intangible, it has a profound impact on employee<br />
engagement, customer satisfaction, and overall<br />
company reputation. Investing in a positive and<br />
cohesive culture can enhance innovation, inspire<br />
loyalty, and create a competitive edge that goes far<br />
beyond products and services.<br />
This article explores why prioritising culture isn’t just<br />
a ‘nice-to-have’ for businesses, but a fundamental<br />
driver of sustainable success. From fostering<br />
employee wellbeing to attracting top talent and<br />
building customer trust, embracing culture is a<br />
strategic asset that can transform a business from<br />
the inside out.<br />
Defining company culture<br />
Company culture is defined as the shared values,<br />
attributes and characteristics of an organisation.<br />
That’s simple enough. However, go beyond the<br />
basic definition and the waters begin to muddy as<br />
you look to define the attitudes and behaviours of<br />
a company and its people, their values and the way<br />
they interact.<br />
Culture, therefore, becomes the 150,000 little things,<br />
cemented in unspoken mindsets and social patterns.<br />
It can be so complex to comprehend and quantify<br />
that sometimes, it can be relegated to a secondary<br />
business concern. Taking the hard road in business,<br />
as well as life, can be uncomfortable and timeconsuming.<br />
In spite of this, perseverance will often<br />
open doors to extraordinary things. Get it right and<br />
the result is a strong, resilient culture; one where<br />
your people are in tune with the same values and<br />
goals.<br />
Why is a strong company culture so important?<br />
A strong company culture impacts the overall<br />
health of your organisation, your people and your<br />
customers. It increases employee engagement,<br />
decreases employee turnover and can improve<br />
recruitment, all factors which contribute to the<br />
happiness and satisfaction of your team. They<br />
become more motivated and hardworking, improving<br />
their organisational productivity and performance.<br />
It’s good business, and good for business on all<br />
levels.<br />
Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, a strong culture<br />
cannot be created with the simple wave of a hand.<br />
It is a huge task, especially if your organisation has<br />
lost its way over the years and you need to re-align.<br />
However, dedicating time and effort to prioritise a<br />
company culture which is true and real will drive your<br />
organisation forwards for all the right reasons.<br />
Attitude versus aptitude<br />
People are an organisation’s primary asset and the<br />
biggest influencers on your company culture. The right<br />
(or wrong) person can have a tremendous impact on<br />
your company, so it’s really important to hire right in<br />
the first place.<br />
Instead of focusing purely on aptitude, switch your<br />
attention to attitude; one that falls in line with your<br />
organisation’s values and beliefs. At Moneypenny, we<br />
look for a can-do attitude that will carry us into the<br />
future, but you must prioritise the attributes which are<br />
most important to you and your business. If you don’t<br />
shape your company culture, it will inevitably shape<br />
itself – and you might not like what you end up with.<br />
I was one of Moneypenny’s very first employees and<br />
now I am Group CEO, something that was possible<br />
because the founders gave me the respect and<br />
flexibility to grow to where I am today. At interview<br />
stage, their people-centred business model blew my<br />
mind, and it wasn’t just a sales pitch! It was true, and it<br />
made me want to be a part of the action.<br />
Nurturing a strong company culture<br />
1. Communicate<br />
There’s a lot to be said for true listening and learning.<br />
Instead of simply hearing what a team member is<br />
saying, take notice and act on it. Give people a voice<br />
and let them share their different perspectives;<br />
whether they’re voting for the firm’s charity of choice,<br />
suggesting ways to prioritise ESG incentives, or<br />
deciding what facilities to include at your company<br />
headquarters. As a leader, it’s important to share how<br />
you are feeling and how things are going, clearly and<br />
without fear. You should be able to take your people on<br />
the journey with you!<br />
Finally, being an effective leader doesn’t mean that<br />
you have to have all the answers. However, being clear<br />
about what you know, what you are planning and<br />
what those plans mean for people—all in a way that<br />
your audience will understand—means that you are<br />
communicating with full transparency.<br />
2. Empower your people to take risks and a step back<br />
Your brilliant business is only brilliant because of your<br />
brilliant people. That’s my mantra, and it’s one of the<br />
earliest leadership lessons I ever learned. Choose your<br />
people based on shared values and purpose; show<br />
them that you can do business better by doing the<br />
right thing, and by being mindful of your impact on the<br />
community, environment and people. Simply make that<br />
the way things are done, and leave that legacy for the<br />
next generation.<br />
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It’s not by chance that RGI Solutions<br />
has grown to become one of the UK’s<br />
leading independent insurance<br />
investigation specialists. When we set<br />
out in business back in 1990, our<br />
mantra was simple: ‘to provide<br />
integrity, reliability, insight, value<br />
and quality in everything we do’.<br />
About Us<br />
Today, with leading insurance<br />
companies, solicitors, self-insurers<br />
and claims handling companies<br />
among our clients, our founding<br />
principles remain just as important to<br />
us as they did all those years ago.<br />
Proud of our heritage, clear fixedprice<br />
services and outstanding fraud<br />
savings rate, we deliver exceptional<br />
value.<br />
Believing that being ‘good’ really<br />
isn’t good enough, we view the<br />
service level agreement we establish<br />
with each client as the absolute<br />
minimum standard we must achieve.<br />
0161 486 0100<br />
Our portfolio of services is regularly<br />
reviewed to ensure we provide<br />
comprehensive, up-to-date and<br />
effective investigation solutions. Most<br />
importantly, each service is tailored to<br />
clients’ specific needs and fully<br />
compliant with the jurisdiction in<br />
which we operate.<br />
With highly experienced, qualified and<br />
licensed investigators, sophisticated<br />
information databases and a<br />
management team made up of leading<br />
counter-fraud specialists, we offer<br />
true insight, capability and expertise.<br />
Understanding that speed is always of<br />
the essence, we offer a rapid<br />
response.<br />
The Intelligent Choice<br />
Integrity, reliability, insight, value and quality<br />
Address : The Chambers, 44 Station Road,<br />
Cheadle Hulme, SK8 7AB<br />
Mailbox :<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 10<br />
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Furthermore, if you empower teams to make<br />
mistakes, be brave and cast aside what holds them<br />
back, you are creating the perfect environment for<br />
powerful ideas and positive change. People naturally<br />
want to feel empowered — you just have to give<br />
them the platform. It’s all about responsibility, trust,<br />
listening, purpose and self-improvement, and it has<br />
the power to create a far more connected culture.<br />
3. Create a safe environment<br />
Being a good leader isn’t just about creating a safe<br />
work environment for your teams. It’s about creating<br />
a safe environment, full stop. Value the individual<br />
holistically as the unique person they are, genuinely<br />
understanding your employees’ perspectives,<br />
challenges and aspirations whilst creating a<br />
supportive environment where individuals feel valued<br />
and heard. This approach enhances team morale,<br />
collaboration and innovation, because employees are<br />
far more likely to contribute ideas and go the extra<br />
mile when they feel emotionally supported.<br />
This level of empathy enables leaders to adapt to<br />
the diverse needs of their workforce — ultimately<br />
strengthening the human connections that drive<br />
engagement and resilience, as well as helping<br />
organisations to thrive even in times of change and<br />
uncertainty.<br />
4. Prioritise mental wellbeing<br />
If you work at Ferrari pace then you must also have<br />
Ferrari brakes. Know when to stop and when to have<br />
some fun! As adults, we spend over half of our lives<br />
at the office, so making work a place where people<br />
want to be is a no-brainer. It doesn’t have to look like<br />
Google HQ, either. Your people will tell you what they<br />
need if you listen to them effectively; from attractive<br />
communal spaces to free hire of paddleboards and<br />
picnic sets. Just don’t forget to include yourself! You<br />
cannot lead (and your teams cannot support you)<br />
without your good mental health.<br />
5. Be optimistic<br />
Effective leaders have a certain and unfaltering<br />
optimism. Thinking outside the box for a unique<br />
solution, or identifying a new business opportunity in<br />
the midst of a crisis, is what makes you an effective<br />
leader. But don’t let this blind you! Yes, your team<br />
and co-leaders need to buy into your beliefs and<br />
intentions for the business. However, this needs to<br />
remain realistic, agile and open — acknowledging<br />
bumps along the way and learning at every step.<br />
Culture as a strategic asset<br />
Company culture might be the sum total of an<br />
organisation’s attitudes, values and characteristics,<br />
but capturing it in a neatly wrapped box is harder<br />
to achieve. It will mean different things to each of<br />
your people. It’s the 150,000 little things that make<br />
company culture unique, from the free breakfast<br />
and handwritten thank you notes through to the<br />
gifted Moneypenny socks and honey made from<br />
our resident bees. There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’<br />
solution, but a strong, positive culture is essential<br />
for any business that aims to thrive and grow in a<br />
competitive marketplace.<br />
Culture shapes how employees feel about their work,<br />
influencing customer perceptions and defining the<br />
company’s reputation. When an organisation fosters<br />
a cohesive culture centred on shared values, it aligns<br />
your team and builds a workplace where motivated<br />
and engaged people want to stay. For us, our mission<br />
centres around providing gold standard telephone<br />
answering and digital communication services for<br />
thousands of businesses globally. This environment<br />
attracts and retains top talent, leading to increased<br />
productivity and sustained innovation.<br />
Moreover, a strong culture supports adaptability,<br />
enabling a business to respond to challenges and<br />
changes with resilience. By investing in culture,<br />
businesses create a foundation for lasting success,<br />
demonstrating that financial metrics aside, growth<br />
and profitability relies on nurturing a community<br />
where people and purpose come together.<br />
Joanna Knight OBE,<br />
Group CEO, Moneypenny<br />
Joanna Knight OBE is Group<br />
CEO of Moneypenny, a business<br />
which employs over 1,000<br />
people globally and supports<br />
thousands of businesses<br />
through telephone answering<br />
and digital communication<br />
services.<br />
Joanna is well known for<br />
her mentorship, commercial<br />
acumen and hands-on<br />
leadership style. She is also<br />
passionate about developing<br />
people and creating a culture<br />
that breeds success and<br />
innovation.<br />
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Heart<br />
and Head<br />
with<br />
Belinda Parmar OBE<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> recently<br />
sat down with Belinda Parmar OBE,<br />
Founder and CEO of The Empathy<br />
Business, to consider the power of<br />
critical non-essentials in the insurance<br />
industry. How important is something<br />
like empathy in our business, and how<br />
does this directly relate to a firm’s<br />
growth and performance?<br />
Belinda, thanks ever so much for your time today!<br />
QLet’s start by talking about The Empathy Business.<br />
How do you define empathy, and how does one go about<br />
quantifying such an abstract concept?<br />
A<br />
Empathy doesn’t need to be an abstract concept just<br />
because it’s something we can’t input directly onto a<br />
spreadsheet! You can absolutely quantify these more<br />
ethereal things.<br />
The way that I see empathy - and the way that we define it<br />
at The Empathy Business - is the emotional impact that a<br />
company has on its colleagues and customers. Of course this<br />
relates directly to customer service and experience, and we<br />
always want to be looking at how we can harness empathy<br />
to improve that process. For example, we’re working with a<br />
bank at the moment to improve their approach to empathy,<br />
considering how they can nurture a culture of belonging<br />
where people feel visible, able to speak out in meetings and<br />
integrate within the culture of the workplace. Belonging is the<br />
key!<br />
At The Empathy Business, we’ve looked at the most empathic<br />
companies in the world and analysed some of their mutual<br />
qualities. From this research, we’ve identified several factors<br />
that can impact empathy levels in the workplace, and this<br />
is what we incorporate into our audits when we work with<br />
businesses. Things like ‘reassurance,’ for example. If your<br />
boss provides reassurance in your performance review and<br />
tells you that they’ll support you with a promotion, do they<br />
follow through with that promise? If, as a customer, you call<br />
your insurance provider and query the terms of your policy,<br />
will they assist you and provide reassurance in the way that<br />
meets your needs?<br />
Emotion is another factor, particularly in insurance. The<br />
insurance industry is built on trust; it’s a highly emotional<br />
industry, yet a lot of the communication with customers is<br />
dry, patriarchal and transactional. This simply doesn’t fit with<br />
our relationship towards the things in our lives that we want<br />
to protect.<br />
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Q<br />
Tell me more about the EMBRACE model. How<br />
do you combine observational, behavioural and<br />
attitudinal data to measure empathy using this<br />
framework?<br />
We first published the EMBRACE framework in the<br />
Harvard Business Review, using a combination of these<br />
Avital measures to audit businesses for empathy and<br />
identify areas of strength and improvement. These measures<br />
consider Empowerment, Meaning, Belonging, Reassurance,<br />
Authenticity, Collaboration and Ethics, adopting a forensic<br />
and surgical approach in our analysis.<br />
Observational metrics might refer to something like the<br />
ratio of senior leaders speaking in meetings against some<br />
of the more junior colleagues within the business. You don’t<br />
want your senior colleagues speaking all the time because<br />
this creates a culture of deference, something which is<br />
counterintuitive to a culture of innovation and empathy.<br />
Attitudinal metrics might relate to how your staff feel about<br />
work on a Sunday night, or how much time colleagues spend<br />
on perpetuating company politics, pursuing their own agenda<br />
instead of collaborating and working together on collective,<br />
mutual goals. Finally, behavioural metrics consider things like<br />
opportunities for promotion; for example, our findings have<br />
indicated that oftentimes, women get higher grades on their<br />
appraisals but are promoted less often. You can always rely<br />
on data to show you a gap, enabling the prompt diagnosis of<br />
issues and the formation of action plans. Ask yourself, what’s<br />
the elephant in the room?<br />
We’ve also seen plenty of success in reviewing company<br />
communications by using this framework. What customer<br />
wants to open a letter from their insurer to a message that<br />
starts with ‘Unfortunately…’? There are positive ways to<br />
deliver bad news, and by following this formula for empathy,<br />
you’ll really start to see growth unfold in an empowering way.<br />
With this in mind, how else have you seen the<br />
science of empathy relate to business growth and<br />
Qproductivity? What results have you seen from this<br />
approach?<br />
Well, we all know that business can be great when<br />
it’s going well. However, significant challenges can be<br />
Arealised in the moments when things go wrong. In this<br />
case, we frequently work with Complaints teams when there’s<br />
often an angry customer and, if the situation is handled<br />
correctly, a perfect opportunity to turn that around. The<br />
financial gains from navigating this situation with empathy<br />
can be outstanding.<br />
Staff sickness is another area where we can easily find<br />
effective scope for growth and increased productivity. We’ve<br />
found that the number of sickness days taken by a particular<br />
team or department has a direct correlation to a high or low<br />
empathy environment, and the business cost of both of these<br />
things can add up to thousands of pounds. Business leaders<br />
have to ask themselves where gaps in empathy are causing<br />
the business to lose money, instead of asking how we can use<br />
empathy to gain money in the commercial world. Some of the<br />
best examples of business growth can be seen when leaders<br />
and decision makers possess this kind of self-awareness and<br />
ability to self-reflect.<br />
Q<br />
How can we harness technology to support empathy<br />
in business, and how might this approach evolve with<br />
the uptake of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other<br />
algorithmic language models?<br />
First of all, it’s really important to remember that<br />
the future isn’t a competition between humans and<br />
Amachines. AI cannot replace what humans do when it<br />
comes to emotional intelligence and empathy, judgement and<br />
creativity. ChatGPT doesn’t have mirror neurons that light up<br />
whenever you tell a sad story!<br />
That being said, I’m so excited by the combination of Artificial<br />
and Human Intelligence; the meeting of heart and head and the<br />
co-evolution that comes from this in order to create something<br />
bigger than the sum of its parts. Practically, this approach<br />
is being used to great effect in call centres at the moment.<br />
There’s scope to harness AI wonderfully in written follow-up<br />
communications, for instance, saving time without sacrificing<br />
the element of empathy and human emotion.<br />
Many current processes in insurance are designed with the<br />
first call of the day in mind, not the 25th call or the 100th call.<br />
When an advisor’s empathy levels are low later in the day, I’m<br />
keen to know how we can use AI to compensate for this. If we<br />
can pinpoint low empathy to certain moments in the average<br />
work day, why shouldn’t we use this kind of technology to our<br />
advantage?<br />
Using research from behavioural science, for example, we know<br />
that when a Judge skips lunch, they are more likely to give a<br />
harsher sentence. Using the same logic, it makes sense that<br />
your 15th call of the day is unlikely to be as effective as the<br />
first. Human performance can fluctuate and so can the way we<br />
empathise with our customers. This is where technology can be<br />
used to great effect.<br />
Q<br />
Finally, how might business leaders in insurance take<br />
your findings on board to create transformation in their<br />
own firms?<br />
It’s really important to understand how empathic you<br />
are, and how this directly relates to the success of your<br />
Abusiness. If you can define empathy, understand what is<br />
meant by empathy and how it links to performance, that’s also<br />
crucial. It’s not just about how you react to employees asking for<br />
time off; it’s a tool to improve customer service and wellbeing<br />
within your organisation in order to create an environment<br />
where they feel able to maximise their productivity. Empathy<br />
isn’t something soft and fluffy; it’s tangible and scientifically<br />
linked to the performance of your employees.<br />
Why not do a trial? Take a really tricky area of your business,<br />
apply the lens of empathy and consider what added-value<br />
processes can be adopted or amended to make that better for<br />
your staff and customers. As a leader, ask yourself what you<br />
need to do to make sure that you’re actively role-modelling<br />
empathy, and then encourage that approach collectively within<br />
the business so it extends to your customers, too.<br />
To book Belinda for a speech on the importance of empathy in<br />
insurance, or to find out more about how The Empathy Business<br />
can support your workplace, contact Belinda on LinkedIn or visit<br />
the website -<br />
Belinda Parmar OBE,<br />
Founder & CEO, The Empathy Business<br />
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FROM THE<br />
In this issue, we’ve pinned down some of the motor industry’s leading<br />
lights to discuss the present-day state of affairs in their corner of the<br />
sector. How important is transparency, technology and collaboration?<br />
What are some of the biggest hurdles to overcome right now, and what<br />
impact is this having on the wider supply chain?<br />
Anthony Hughes<br />
Chair & CEO,<br />
The Credit Hire Organisation<br />
(CHO)<br />
Nik Ellis<br />
Director,<br />
Laird & Swiftcase<br />
Liam Cowling<br />
Marketing Manager,<br />
Accident Credit Group<br />
(ACG)<br />
Jane Pocock<br />
CEO,<br />
Copart UK & Ireland<br />
Andy Chandler<br />
Managing Director,<br />
FMG<br />
Richard Tutt<br />
Chairman,<br />
Motofix<br />
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What’s the biggest challenge you’re<br />
facing right now in your area of the<br />
motor market?<br />
Liam Cowling is the first to address this, stating that outdated<br />
mindset is the most significant challenge for Accident Credit<br />
Group (ACG) at the moment.<br />
“We’re proud of the funding services we offer to bodyshops,”<br />
Liam states, “however some stakeholders within the industry<br />
think that only struggling businesses call on us, which is<br />
misguided. The benefits for bodyshops to partner with us<br />
for their approved repair invoice funding means that they’re<br />
running better operations, with improved cash flow and<br />
opportunities for growth whilst becoming more resilient in the<br />
face of market fluctuations.”<br />
He continues, “The majority of our customers are successful,<br />
ambitious and forward thinking bodyshops. One positive<br />
story in particular comes to mind, where through the funding<br />
services offered by ACG, we have enabled our customer to<br />
open a second site, increasing their work capacity for the<br />
benefit of the insurance networks they’re part of. Their working<br />
capital is completely funded by themselves.”<br />
“Today’s repairs require more technical expertise,<br />
specialised equipment, and closer collaboration with vehicle<br />
manufacturers,” Richard states. “This dynamic is also putting<br />
pressure on the supply chain. Not being able to access parts<br />
quickly enough inevitably leads to unavoidable delays –<br />
although we do our absolute best to mitigate that.”<br />
The industry’s skills shortage is another significant challenge<br />
for the Motofix team. “It’s a well-known fact that our industry is<br />
facing a talent shortage” Richard says, “but we’re working hard<br />
to navigate a way around that issue by investing much more in<br />
staff training and the development of our own apprentices and<br />
technicians.”<br />
“We’re not about supporting those who are about to go<br />
bust,” he concludes. “We’re here to create better bodyshops,<br />
delivering quality work for insurance companies and repair<br />
networks.”<br />
On the other hand, Richard Tutt of Motofix Group has found<br />
repair turnaround times to be tough going lately, “especially<br />
as cars become more complex with the increase in electric<br />
drivetrains and the greater presence of Advanced Driver<br />
Assistance Systems (ADAS)”.<br />
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How have you seen claims volumes<br />
fluctuate in recent months, and what<br />
impact has this had on the wider supply<br />
chain?<br />
“We’ve seen compounding growth of claims volumes year<br />
on year,” says FMG’s Andy Chandler, “along with significant<br />
changes to the many component parts of claims, such as Total<br />
Loss and Salvage. This has been accompanied by the raft of<br />
environmental, process and monetary challenges that these<br />
processes are now subject to amid changing residual car<br />
values.”<br />
Andy continues, “These changes are here to stay, and we’re<br />
looking ahead to ensure stability with a claims ecosystem that<br />
is joined up, efficient and sustainable. We’ve bolstered FMG’s<br />
repair network with over 100 new repairers across the UK to<br />
provide greater capacity and capability, further strengthened<br />
by the opening of four new sites by our sister company (FMG<br />
Repair Services) and an increased range of mobility providers.<br />
As Winter rapidly approaches, we actively prepare for claims<br />
fluctuations by leaning in on our agile Winter Readiness plans,<br />
which includes seasonal changes to our allocation system<br />
within our supply chain and through the cross-skilling and<br />
reallocation of our internal teams to seamlessly meet demand.”<br />
Meanwhile, ACG have seen a boom in claims volumes as more<br />
and more bodyshops turn to them to support their cash flow<br />
efficiencies. “Month on month, we saw repair numbers increase<br />
in tangent with our funding services,” Liam says.<br />
However, he admits that Q2 of 2024 didn’t fall in line with<br />
original projections after seeing positive growth up until late<br />
Spring. “We’ve seen claims numbers drop since then,” Liam<br />
says, “with an upswing in total losses for both our bodyshops<br />
and credit repair customers.”<br />
In spite of this, we’re reassured that it’s not all doom and<br />
gloom. “Despite the market changes, demand for our services<br />
has continued to grow, enabling our funding figures to remain<br />
strong,” Liam adds. “As we move into the cold winter months,<br />
traditionally a busy time for repairs, we have been wondering<br />
whether the traditional seasonality will return following the<br />
last four years of disruption due to COVID. We’re continuing<br />
to monitor this, working closely with our customers to see if<br />
there will be any impact on repair volumes coming through the<br />
networks.”<br />
Meanwhile, Anthony Hughes proposes a potential explanation<br />
for the widespread reduction in claims volumes. “There’s some<br />
evidence to suggest that customers have chosen not to claim<br />
for accidental damage,” he states, “possibly because they<br />
have opted for a higher excess to combat the impact of rising<br />
premiums. The combined effect of the cost-of-living crisis<br />
and soaring premiums means that, according to the Motor<br />
<strong>Insurance</strong> Bureau (MIB), 300,000 people are driving without<br />
insurance this year.”<br />
Anthony continues, “The latest Compensation Recovery Unit<br />
(CRU) data shows that there were nearly 78,000 third party<br />
motor injury claims registered between April and June 2024 -<br />
8,000 fewer than the equivalent quarter last year, and 13,000<br />
down on the previous quarter. This is a reduction of well over<br />
50% since 2019. Claims frequency fell off a cliff during the<br />
heights of COVID-19, and despite mileage returning to prepandemic<br />
levels, the number of people making a bodily injury<br />
claim is still sitting at historic lows.”<br />
Richard agrees. “Across our nine-strong network of Motofix<br />
centres, we saw a surge in claims when people made a return<br />
to the roads after lockdown,” he says. “However, this has since<br />
been tempered by the advent of higher insurance premiums<br />
and repair costs. As a result, motorists are now more cautious<br />
about making claims for minor damage.”<br />
So, what impact has market fluctuation had on the repair<br />
networks? “This landscape has made it more challenging for us<br />
to maintain a steady rate of productivity alongside managing<br />
customer expectations,” Richard adds. “It has also made<br />
resource planning trickier, meaning we’ve had to remain flexible<br />
to uphold operational efficiency and rigour.”<br />
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How are you managing industry<br />
relationships and harnessing collaboration<br />
to build and maintain outstanding<br />
partnerships within the industry?<br />
For Liam, collaboration is the key to success in the motor repair<br />
business. “Hearing the voices and opinions of our customers<br />
and those in the industry is extremely important,” he states.<br />
“We are constantly listening to our customers in order to<br />
review our processes, examining what is and isn’t working and<br />
striving to deliver a suitable resolution for all parties.”<br />
He continues, “We’re also listening to what’s happening in the<br />
wider industry. We understand that the demands of today’s<br />
policyholder are dramatically different to what they were a<br />
couple of years ago. This is why we’ve developed a unique<br />
insurer funding service for total loss cases. Utilising our funding<br />
expertise and the latest in banking technology, we’re stepping<br />
into a new arena for the business and looking to collaborate<br />
with insurers to deliver this brand-new product, one that is set<br />
to completely disrupt the insurance claims industry.”<br />
Nik Ellis is also keen to illustrate an example of a recent<br />
successful industry collaboration. “Laird have actually<br />
just joined forces with one of our clients to produce a<br />
groundbreaking and unique set of processes involving a<br />
complex series of automations,” he says. “By understanding<br />
the expected outcomes from the very beginning and keeping<br />
an agile mindset, we managed to create a proof-of-concept in<br />
record time, moving to production just a few days later.”<br />
“Both companies are proud of what we’ve achieved here,”<br />
he says, “but it all came down to clear, open and honest<br />
communication throughout the process. Don’t be afraid of a<br />
little trial and error; it leaves room for the flexibility to tweak<br />
and optimise certain aspects of the process as you go along.”<br />
Anthony is also no stranger to the concept of partnership and<br />
collaboration. “The majority of credit hire claims are managed<br />
via partnership agreements between credit hire companies and<br />
their insurance partners,” he states, “whether that’s through<br />
the General Terms of Agreement (GTA) or via protocols. CHOs<br />
are supply chain partners in the same way that loss adjusters,<br />
claims companies and law firms also partner with insurers, and<br />
we have to find common ground as part of this process.”<br />
However, he’s keen to stress that this common ground is not<br />
without its tensions. “Of course, there are some outliers who<br />
want to fight the last war,” Anthony adds, “and the Courts are<br />
still being used to sort old arguments around the concept of<br />
‘reasonable’ costs and who should bear them.” The solution? “A<br />
shifting of the collective mindset from one of conflict to one of<br />
commercial compromise.”<br />
A year on from the introduction of the<br />
Consumer Duty, how have you adjusted<br />
your processes to reflect the regulator’s<br />
focus on customer outcomes?<br />
According to Anthony, the Consumer Duty is already starting<br />
to create a mindset change in the credit hire sector, “especially<br />
with regards to the outdated practice of using the courts to<br />
settle cases.”<br />
“Rather than seeking to ‘win’ a legal argument,” he states, “we<br />
need to uphold the principle of Consumer Duty and ensure that<br />
consumers are compensated fairly, with credit hire companies<br />
and insurers both operating in a sustainable, commercially<br />
viable way.”<br />
Jane Pocock is also aware of the Consumer Duty’s significant<br />
impact on the industry. “At Copart, we know how important it is<br />
to provide the best experience for policyholders during what is<br />
sure to be a traumatic time for them,” she states. “That means<br />
utilising our technology, our services and our people to deliver<br />
a swift, seamless and sympathetic claims settlement journey.”<br />
Jane continues, “In our continued efforts to provide the best<br />
possible service, we ensure that our operational teammates are<br />
trained to identify customers in potential need of Reasonable<br />
Adjustments, something which could be due to a wide range of<br />
factors including life events or health related issues.”<br />
“We want to protect vulnerable customers and offer support to<br />
ensure that they experience outcomes the same as those of our<br />
other customers, in line with our Vulnerable Customer Policy.<br />
We are diligent in recording any Reasonable Adjustments<br />
required throughout the various stages of the customer<br />
journey. This is fully documented and visible within our Seller<br />
Portal, providing full awareness around any ongoing support<br />
which may be required.”<br />
Richard has also responded proactively to the introduction of<br />
Consumer Duty. “All of our teams have received the relevant<br />
training, and we have become even more transparent with our<br />
customers throughout the entire scope of the Motofix Group.<br />
We’ve also reviewed our processes, from how we present<br />
quotes to how we communicate our repair timelines, and have<br />
put more frequent customer feedback systems in place. This<br />
allows us to monitor how happy our customers are and quickly<br />
make adjustments if needed. It’s an addition which has had<br />
a positive effect on outcomes; we can address any concerns<br />
in real time and keep meeting – or ultimately, exceeding –<br />
consumer expectations.”<br />
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What new technologies and innovations<br />
have you embraced in order to<br />
streamline processes and increase<br />
efficiency?<br />
“At FMG, we’ve created a fully digital solution to make<br />
the claims management process as simple as possible for<br />
policyholders,” Andy begins. “For example, they can book<br />
their own repair or replacement vehicle on our website. We’ve<br />
also introduced robotics to automate approximately 20,000<br />
repetitive tasks behind the scenes, which has increased<br />
productivity, lean efficiency and data accuracy whilst allowing<br />
us to strategically place the human element to add greater<br />
value for policyholders. A further result has been the positive<br />
effect on colleague engagement and retention.”<br />
Quite rightfully, Copart are also proud of their new and<br />
innovative technology solutions - in place to address friction<br />
points within the customer journey and expand their range of<br />
value-added services.<br />
“We work closely with our customers to develop bespoke,<br />
automated service solutions tailored to their individual needs,”<br />
Jane says. “Our ability to do this means that when it comes<br />
to new technology, the speed of implementation on offer is<br />
incredibly unique.”<br />
By way of an example, Jane adds: “For instance, we provide<br />
an extensive range of self-service online tools and portals,<br />
accessible 24/7, and a dedicated account management team,<br />
with availability to take calls outside of operating hours for any<br />
critical or emergency requirements.”<br />
Meanwhile, Nik has become well known for his innovative use<br />
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Laird and Swiftcase, having<br />
recently been named Technology Champion of the Year at the<br />
<strong>Insurance</strong> Times Tech and Innovation Awards 2024.<br />
“To me, AI has been an amazing gift,” he says. “It feels like the<br />
most beneficial use of technology since the birth of the internet<br />
- the goose that lays the golden eggs and just keeps giving.”<br />
But how does Nik use AI in his day-to-day work at Laird and<br />
Swiftcase? “Despite being a well-established company, we<br />
behave more like an agile start-up,” he admits. “Our culture is<br />
one of innovation, within a safe space that rewards failure and<br />
explores ways to enhance any aspect of the business. This is<br />
how we’ve been able to play and experiment with emerging<br />
technologies such as AI, having now utilised it in so many areas<br />
of our work.”<br />
He continues, “Innovation functions best when a small team,<br />
or even just one person, is given the autonomy and freedom<br />
to experiment and take creative risks without the burden<br />
of approval from management or board level. This could be<br />
something small that makes the company just 1% better, or it<br />
can be a moonshot - the intersection of a big problem, radical<br />
solution and breakthrough tech.”<br />
“We’ve discovered that AI is akin to a turbocharger. It does<br />
nothing on its own, but it can boost an engine’s output<br />
considerably. In our case, the ‘engine’ is our automation<br />
platform, Swiftcase. In fact, the vast majority of our processes<br />
are automated, so we’ve been enhancing that workflow over<br />
the last year or two by integrating AI. This works in a few<br />
different ways, but we’ve generally focused on AI that can<br />
perform functions traditionally carried out by staff, particularly<br />
for work that could be considered repetitive.”<br />
However, Nik is keen to stress that it’s not just about driving<br />
efficiency to increase profits. “AI has enabled us to greatly<br />
increase our client offering,” Nik adds. “We do this by using AIpowered<br />
automation, connected into the supply-chain via APIs<br />
to allow data transfer to all stakeholders. This means interactive<br />
information exchanges with our client, yes, but also their<br />
referrers, bodyshops, salvage agents, hire car departments,<br />
the consumer; pretty much anyone involved, enabling the<br />
smoothest cradle-to-grave process.”<br />
Liam is also keen to highlight the unbound and untapped<br />
capabilities of using AI in the motor repair industry. “Late<br />
last year, we began to explore what opportunities there<br />
were to integrate AI into our systems” he states, “examining<br />
opportunities to increase our funding efficiency and the speed<br />
at which we deal with cases.”<br />
“From there, we have successfully been able to introduce AI<br />
into our case management system. We now have the ability<br />
to deploy AI in order to effectively read and input claims<br />
information, speeding up the funding process significantly.<br />
This enables us to prioritise resources and fund more cases per<br />
day.”<br />
But what about non-AI related technologies? “Apart from<br />
the integration of AI into our claims process, we have been<br />
developing a digital portal that is due for release in the coming<br />
months,” Liam says. “This new digital home for our customers<br />
will grant them instant access to their funding account, and<br />
everything they want to know will be just a click away.”<br />
“Customers will also be able to load funding cases directly into<br />
the portal, streamlining the process and ensuring the correct<br />
documentation is submitted. We’re extremely excited to be<br />
rolling this new service out to our customers very soon, and<br />
this is just the initial phase of what the portal will be able to<br />
deliver!”<br />
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Is there a need for increased transparency<br />
when it comes to communication, both<br />
internally within the supply chain and<br />
externally to customers?<br />
6<br />
Jane knows that transparency is essential if we are to reduce<br />
administration time for customers and speed up the overall<br />
policyholder journey.<br />
“Our innovative data-sharing technology is unique to the<br />
motor claims industry,” Jane states. “It enables total integration<br />
between our operating system and our customers’ claims<br />
systems, allowing us to interact digitally with insurers from the<br />
point where a vehicle is deemed a Total Loss, through every<br />
stage of the process until final settlement.”<br />
She continues, “The real-time data transfer provides our<br />
customers with an efficient and seamless total loss claims<br />
process, greatly speeding up the journey and delivering<br />
significant benefits for their policyholders.”<br />
“Customers can also review progress on all of their<br />
policyholders’ total loss claims through Copart’s secure Seller<br />
Portal, accessing an expansive reporting suite which provides<br />
real time insights – from live claims to post-event management<br />
data.”<br />
For Nik, the best way to run a company is through ultimate<br />
transparency. “Laird have always allowed our clients to see<br />
almost everything on our system,” he says, “which allows clear<br />
communication and ensures that our clients effectively police<br />
our work, of which our teams are well aware.”<br />
Liam is also in agreement when it comes to the importance of<br />
honesty and transparency in business. “From day one, we have<br />
always had an open-door policy with our customers,” Liam<br />
states. “This forms part of our work as a company, where we<br />
fight tirelessly to challenge the outdated opinion that many<br />
people in the industry have about bodyshops factoring their<br />
repair invoices.”<br />
He continues by emphasising how invoice factoring is not<br />
directly related to underperforming bodyshops. “This outlook<br />
is untrue,” Liam maintains. “The bodyshops who choose to<br />
work with us do so because they see the operational benefits<br />
that are enabled by our funding services. Our customers<br />
are profitable businesses with an appetite for growth, so<br />
the efficiencies we deliver to their cash flow remain critical<br />
elements of helping bodyshops to achieve their strategic<br />
goals. We are constantly championing this perspective,<br />
and transparency is vital when it comes to highlighting the<br />
incredible work and growth our customers continue to achieve<br />
through working with us.”<br />
Anthony also feels that there is still widespread misinformation<br />
around his area of the market. “There’s a high degree of<br />
ignorance about credit hire and what it is there to do,” he<br />
states, “not least within the insurance industry itself and<br />
among customers in need of mobility. For this reason and<br />
many more, the CHO is strongly committed to a transparent<br />
claims journey for customers. However, we’d like to see much<br />
better training for call centre agents dealing with claims. This<br />
will enable a truer understanding of the processes that govern<br />
the management of a credit hire claim from FNOL through to<br />
payment packs. So much friction is caused by ignorance, and<br />
the more we can do to walk a mile in each other’s shoes, the<br />
better.”<br />
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Engagement and Empathy in Serious<br />
and Catastrophic Injury Claims<br />
Leading a team of lawyers who are often handling the most<br />
complex and sometimes emotionally gut-wrenching cases<br />
requires me to balance my legal expertise and empathy in<br />
leadership very carefully.<br />
Acting Swiftly to Set the Tone<br />
As signatories to the Serious Injury (SI) Guide, we seek early engagement with<br />
our opposing insurer wherever possible. Our experience of the use of the Guide<br />
and Rehab Code is overwhelmingly positive.<br />
In cases involving life changing or fatal injuries, it is very important to act swiftly<br />
in order to secure the financial reassurance that many families are seeking.<br />
Early contact and mapping meetings enable both parties to plan, fund and<br />
progress cases in a timely manner, and whilst it’s not all plain sailing, setting the<br />
tone of a commitment in those initial stages of working together is always ideal.<br />
Having early access to quality and timely rehabilitation makes such a physical<br />
and psychological difference.<br />
Thankfully, there have been a number of improvements in our area of work in<br />
recent years, including support groups and charities that now exist to assist<br />
seriously injured clients and their families.<br />
Caring Deeply to Deliver Fully<br />
This area of work is more than a just a day job. Ten years ago, I set up a branch<br />
of Headway in Sefton, Merseyside. The aim was to create a community of<br />
support, socialisation and friendship to combat the social isolation, physical<br />
and mental health issues that many clients face when living with a brain injury.<br />
These almost always impact clients’ ability to work and live independently, or<br />
where personality changes have occurred, result in the devastating breakdown<br />
of social or marital relationships.<br />
Our work in this area is not really something you can totally switch off from.<br />
We care deeply about our clients and their families. In fact, six lawyers from<br />
the serious injury team at Carpenters Group are now hands-on with different<br />
Headway branches across the UK. This is something they choose to dedicate<br />
their time and expertise to, and it gives me a huge sense of pride to see how<br />
much it matters to them. It also makes me alert to the shadow side of having a<br />
team so invested in such complex and moving cases.<br />
Inclusivity in Serious Injury Claims<br />
We approach our work with a keen eye on the necessity to be knowledgeable<br />
about, and respectful of, the different religions, cultures and customers across<br />
our client base. So, to ensure we achieve this, our teams attend training sessions<br />
to improve our confidence when we set out to deliver advice in an informed<br />
and respectful manner.<br />
We are mindful that the litigation process can be daunting. Along with the use<br />
of plain English and regular communication, we have invested in the production<br />
of an animated video that sits on our web page. The video clearly illustrates the<br />
process that our clients will face on their litigation journey, aiming for a balance<br />
between informative and reassuring.<br />
The welfare of our people is also very important, and I am mindful of empathy<br />
overload and the risks that constant exposure to traumatic instructions,<br />
images and videos may bring. To mitigate this, as well as internal mental health<br />
champions, we have an external expert talk to the team about how to regulate<br />
emotions and develop coping mechanisms to deal with catastrophic injury<br />
cases.<br />
Rarely a week goes by that I am not encouraged by the commitment shown<br />
to Serious Injury cases at Carpenters Group, confirming the ongoing need to<br />
focus on how we balance the needs of the client with the wellbeing of the legal<br />
professionals championing their case.<br />
Carol Hopwood,<br />
Head of Serious and Catastrophic Injury, Carpenters Group<br />
Satisfied Customers Are<br />
Brand Ambassadors<br />
At ParaCode, the experience of existing customers<br />
plays a pivotal role in shaping how prospective<br />
customers engage with our business. In a digital<br />
age where customer feedback and reviews are<br />
readily accessible, the relationship between current<br />
customer satisfaction and prospective customer<br />
engagement is stronger than ever.<br />
First and foremost, satisfied existing customers are one of our most<br />
valuable assets in attracting new business. Their experiences - shared<br />
via testimonials, case studies, and word-of-mouth recommendations -<br />
provide a layer of credibility that traditional marketing efforts cannot<br />
easily replicate. When prospective customers see positive feedback<br />
from peers who have successfully utilized our insurance software<br />
solutions, it builds trust. In an industry like insurance, where precision,<br />
reliability, and efficiency are key, the experiences of those already<br />
benefiting from our platform significantly influence the decisionmaking<br />
process of potential clients.<br />
Moreover, happy customers who experience seamless implementation,<br />
ease of use and consistent support are more likely to share their<br />
success stories. We actively encourage and facilitate this through<br />
user-generated content, such as reviews on third-party sites or<br />
participation in industry forums. These organic insights into our<br />
platform’s real-world performance act as powerful endorsements.<br />
Prospective customers trust these authentic accounts because they<br />
reflect how our software performs in practice, not just in theory. In<br />
turn, they feel more confident in engaging with our business, knowing<br />
that others have had positive outcomes.<br />
Additionally, we have observed that the level of engagement from<br />
current customers can create a community of shared knowledge.<br />
This happens through user groups, webinars and online communities,<br />
where our existing customers often help prospective clients<br />
understand the nuances of our software. These interactions not only<br />
foster stronger relationships with our current clients but also serve as<br />
an indirect customer acquisition channel. When potential clients see a<br />
vibrant, knowledgeable user base actively discussing the benefits and<br />
features of our software, it enhances their perception of the company<br />
as a trusted partner and industry leader.<br />
Furthermore, the feedback loop from existing customers is critical in<br />
our continuous improvement process. By listening to our customers’<br />
needs, frustrations, and suggestions, we can refine our product<br />
offerings and customer service. This constant evolution demonstrates<br />
to prospective customers that we are committed to innovation<br />
and customer-centric solutions. A company that listens and adapts<br />
based on the feedback of its current customers signals to potential<br />
clients that their own needs will also be heard and addressed. This<br />
commitment to responsiveness can be a major factor in their decision<br />
to engage with our business.<br />
In conclusion, the experiences of existing customers significantly<br />
influence how prospective customers engage with our company.<br />
From generating trust through testimonials and reviews to fostering<br />
a supportive community, satisfied customers act as ambassadors for<br />
our brand. Their positive experiences set the stage for new clients,<br />
ultimately driving our growth and success.<br />
Will Prest,<br />
Product Manager, ParaCode<br />
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Serious Injury Team<br />
Highly<br />
experienced<br />
Lawyers<br />
Specialist<br />
knowledge<br />
and advice<br />
Collaborative<br />
and caring<br />
approach<br />
Supporting your clients to recovery<br /><br />
R<br />
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Building an Environment<br />
that Works<br />
There’s no silver bullet in respect of a road<br />
rescue company which hits all the critical<br />
non-essential elements at once. It’s a culmination<br />
of building an environment that works for the<br />
individuals across the business.<br />
Incentive structures, pensions, private healthcare assistance, onsite<br />
security, training, clothing, personal safety equipment, compliance;<br />
the list goes on. It’s also important to instil a sense of pride about<br />
appearance - not only in relation to our staff, but also with the truck<br />
they’re using. Confidence increases when the aesthetics are in place,<br />
which in itself builds a happier environment for the team and persona<br />
of the individual as they arrive at a roadside incident.<br />
Put simply however, the asset cost in our industry is huge. This<br />
causes difficulty when it comes to balancing budgetary restraints<br />
with exemplary service to many different partners, but they all have<br />
one common thread: a driver, and maybe some passengers too! As<br />
such, the team’s focus must centre around the vulnerability of the<br />
individuals involved. Respect, safety and empathy are paramount,<br />
both for the situation and for the people affected, whilst focusing on<br />
delivering a seamless professional service under extremely difficult<br />
circumstances at the side of a busy road or motorway.<br />
CMG support our internal staff - such as the training team, the health<br />
and safety team and the compliance team - with external expertise to<br />
ensure that we stay abreast of changes and improvements. We can<br />
then adopt and adapt these for use internally, ensuring we remain at<br />
the forefront of change within the industry.<br />
Compliance and training are two key areas of importance here.<br />
Training is certainly a developing market which can be seen in two<br />
main areas, firstly concerning internal developments in respect of<br />
advancements in vehicles and the equipment utilised by our staff in<br />
their day-to-day role. Training can also be relevant to the vehicles<br />
which the staff attend to, such as the gradual introduction of Electric<br />
Vehicles (EVs) and Automatic Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS).<br />
Finally, our measured success can also be concentrated on staff<br />
retention, coupled with a steady growth in customer-centred business<br />
development.<br />
Jason Brice,<br />
Managing Director, CMG<br />
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Innovation in Information<br />
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constantly transforming the<br />
way we harness data and<br />
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MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 24<br />
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A Unique<br />
Company Culture<br />
The Vella Group has always believed in investing in people<br />
and creating a supportive and collaborative working<br />
environment for our team. This long-standing culture is<br />
something we continue to nurture and promote across<br />
every site and department, as we believe that investing in<br />
people creates a more successful and robust business.<br />
During COVID-19, when many businesses downsized or restructured, we made<br />
the strategic decision to invest in our people. We asked our employees if they<br />
would prefer to keep working or be temporarily furloughed, and we rolled out<br />
our enhanced sick pay policy to all staff. In 2021, we offered employees the<br />
option to join our Medicash programme, a health cash plan provider that offers<br />
financial assistance for medical treatments. Our employees are also provided<br />
with 33 days of annual leave as standard, along with enhanced maternity leave<br />
which we introduced in 2015, and enhanced paternity leave which was rolled<br />
out in 2019. Supporting our staff is a critical element of our people strategy and<br />
wider business culture, creating an environment where individuals feel valued<br />
and respected.<br />
In many large accident repair groups, technicians are remunerated through a<br />
combination of hourly pay and efficiency bonuses, which reward individuals<br />
based on how quickly they can complete a repair. In 2015, we began moving<br />
away from this form of remuneration and transitioned our productive teams to<br />
salary packages. This was fundamental to creating effective teams at our sites.<br />
Our employee retention remains above the industry average, and we believe<br />
this is due to the environment we create.<br />
Recognising talent and creating development opportunities for our employees<br />
is another key element of our people strategy. We continue to operate an<br />
award-winning apprenticeship programme across all our sites, but we also<br />
invest in our people in other areas of the business and at different stages of<br />
their careers. Recognising talent, internal development and promotion serves<br />
as inspiration to our wider team about the opportunities available. Our current<br />
management and leadership teams are a testament to this commitment, with<br />
many progressing through the business into their current roles.<br />
Beyond our remuneration packages, we are also committed to open and<br />
transparent communication across the business. As we have grown significantly<br />
over the last five years, it would have been easy to lose the culture we had<br />
as a smaller business. We communicate with our staff through a weekly<br />
newsletter and recognise people who have delivered exceptional work through<br />
our monthly recognition award programme. We also run an online quarterly<br />
business update, which sees all employees join a 30-minute call to learn what is<br />
going on in the wider business.<br />
We believe that a successful people-centric culture is critical to the success<br />
of our business. Our Human Resources team has representation across our<br />
business, including on our executive team. Having this people focus at an<br />
executive level ensures that our employee culture and wellness remain one of<br />
our top priorities, continuing to have a direct impact on the strategic direction<br />
of The Vella Group in the future.<br />
Helen Driscoll,<br />
HR Director, The Vella Group<br />
Critical Non-Essentials: The<br />
Backbone of Rehabilitation Success<br />
In the rehabilitation sector, the difference between<br />
average and excellent care often hinges on critical<br />
non-essentials—those subtle yet vital elements<br />
beyond clinical service. At RTW Plus, our mission<br />
extends beyond physical recovery. We help<br />
individuals regain independence, confidence, and<br />
quality of life.<br />
Here are the critical non-essentials that underpin our success:<br />
Personalised, Holistic Care<br />
While clinical expertise is vital, impactful rehabilitation involves<br />
more. Our holistic approach prioritises the emotional, psychological,<br />
and social needs of each client. Whether it’s tailoring rehabilitation<br />
programmes to personal goals or ensuring family involvement,<br />
we go beyond physical therapy, helping clients rediscover joy and<br />
purpose through their rehabilitation. We live and breathe our strapline:<br />
Empowering Lives, Restoring Futures.<br />
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence<br />
Our case managers’ ability to connect with clients is a key<br />
differentiator. Investing in empathy and sensitivity training for our<br />
team ensures that everyone understands and supports the unique<br />
vulnerabilities of our clients. This enhances trust and fosters an<br />
atmosphere where clients feel genuinely heard—leading to more<br />
effective engagement and, ultimately, better outcomes.<br />
Accessible and Flexible Services<br />
Barriers to timely care can hinder recovery. We address this with<br />
flexible appointment scheduling and remote rehabilitation options,<br />
such as remote assessments and digital physiotherapy. These options<br />
ensure that clients with mobility issues or challenging schedules can<br />
access care without delay. Though small details, these efforts remove<br />
friction, keep clients progressing, and provide continuity when it’s<br />
needed most.<br />
Staff Wellbeing and Motivation<br />
To provide great client care, our team must feel valued and inspired.<br />
We offer benefits, wellness programmes and career development<br />
opportunities to motivate our team. These initiatives ensure a<br />
motivated workforce, which directly benefits client outcomes. Our<br />
commitment to staff wellbeing drives retention, engagement and a<br />
positive culture, all of which reflect in the quality of care we deliver.<br />
Though our main goal is effective rehabilitation, the critical<br />
non-essentials—empathy, holistic care, accessibility, and staff<br />
wellbeing—are what distinguish us from others. These elements<br />
lay the foundation for a more fulfilling and successful rehabilitation<br />
experience, resulting in improved outcomes and creating a deeper,<br />
lasting impact on the lives of our clients.<br />
Deborah Edwards,<br />
Chief Executive Officer, RTW Plus<br />
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Going Above and Beyond<br />
As with many industries, we have challenges around the<br />
widening skills gap, so retention is key to our success.<br />
Alongside this, the rapid evolution of ADAS technology<br />
requires our training team to be ahead of the curve and<br />
anticipate the trends that will influence the industry in the<br />
future.<br />
The most effective way of motivating and retaining our<br />
staff is to continuously develop their skillsets with training<br />
and clear pathways for progression. Offering opportunities<br />
for progression is embedded in our DNA at National<br />
Windscreens. This is based upon providing quality training<br />
and making staff feel valued in their role; by doing so, they<br />
will go the extra mile for customers in return.<br />
Everything we do is focused on delivering sustainable vehicle<br />
glass solutions at pace. However, we also appreciate the<br />
importance of how the experience makes the policyholder<br />
feel once the job is completed. Policyholders appreciate a<br />
local, simple, prompt service and value positive interactions,<br />
so we focus on providing the highest standard of training to<br />
help our team deliver this.<br />
However, continuous innovation at National Windscreens can<br />
be a double-edged sword. Increased vehicle complexity adds<br />
pressure to our service levels, so we manage policyholder<br />
expectations by providing them with as much information as<br />
possible when it comes to repair turnaround times.<br />
We’ve also established a culture of collaboration across the<br />
business, from the front-end technical team and our contact<br />
centre right through to customer services. As part of Cary<br />
Group, we benefit from a wealth of expertise across European<br />
markets and benefit from their best practices as well as our<br />
own. For example, the transformation team is driving the<br />
customer experience forward, utilising cross-market expertise<br />
across key areas of the business including sustainability,<br />
technical, and procurement.<br />
We serve a wide variety of customers, from policy holders<br />
to insurance and fleet partners. Recognising these different<br />
markets and understanding the associated nuances enables<br />
our team to create bespoke arrangements, a level of detail<br />
and customer care which is appreciated by our partners<br />
and their policyholders. We also know that effective<br />
communication is greatly appreciated, helping to build trust<br />
with the brand and shape the future of National Windscreens.<br />
Simon Hunt,<br />
Commercial & Services Director, National Windscreens<br />
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Kinetic 2025:<br />
Moving Forward Together<br />
The automotive industry continues to shift towards more<br />
advanced technologies, integrating with advanced<br />
driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to enhance overall<br />
vehicle performance and safety. In response, the repair<br />
industry needs to adapt to connected car and digital<br />
technologies to provide customer-centricity.<br />
Vizion continues to position itself at the vanguard of innovation,<br />
playing a significant role in continuously developing digital solutions<br />
to provide support for our partners and repairers. Seamless<br />
connected systems solidify our position as market leaders and the<br />
largest network in the UK.<br />
Our recent inclusion in the 2024 E2E Dynamic 100, partnered with<br />
The Independent, comes in the wake of continued expansion into<br />
Europe and sustained growth across all areas of the business.<br />
The 2024 E2E Dynamic 100 is a significant milestone as we continue<br />
to drive solid growth, create jobs and achieve new benchmarks in the<br />
industry. Delivering outstanding customer outcomes and removing<br />
unnecessary cost and complexity from the supply chain through<br />
systems and innovation are core to these strategies.<br />
Kinetic returns in 2025<br />
Kinetic’25 represents the next stage in the evolution of Vizion’s highly<br />
successful live industry event calendar, whose fundamental aim is to<br />
showcase innovation and improve communication and processes.<br />
With the theme of ‘infinite possibilities,’ our focus is on sharing<br />
knowledge, inspiring and motivating the wider repair industry.<br />
During Kinetic, you’ll be surrounded by a vibrant community of likeminded<br />
individuals, including CEOs, repairers, partners, insurers, and<br />
representatives from leading vehicle manufacturers.<br />
Discover innovations and solutions from leading national and<br />
international exhibitors whilst networking with decision-makers and<br />
inventive minds from the industry. Our new diverse supplier support<br />
program promotes the exchange of knowledge and offers ideal<br />
networking opportunities during the day and into the evening.<br />
For two days in 2025, hundreds of delegates from the UK and beyond<br />
will attend an event that is truly designed to change perceptions.<br />
Together, we will build the future of customer engagement and<br />
connected car solutions.<br />
If you would like to attend, sponsor or exhibit at the event, visit<br /> for more information, and let’s move forward<br />
together, again.<br />
Chris McKie,<br />
Managing Director, Vizion Network<br />
Revving up Talent: The Power of<br />
Apprenticeships in Vehicle Repair<br />
As a People Director, I’ve seen how tough it can be to<br />
recruit skilled repair technicians. As an industry, we need<br />
to think about how we attract new talent, and that’s where<br />
apprenticeships come in.<br />
Apprenticeships aren’t just a nice-to-have; they are essential<br />
for maintaining high standards, adapting to new technologies,<br />
and securing long-term success for any vehicle repair<br />
business.<br />
At Activate Group, we believe apprenticeships are key to<br />
the future of our industry. This commitment was recently<br />
recognised when we were named Thatcham Research<br />
Apprentice Employer of the Year at the 2024 British<br />
Bodyshop Awards, a clear sign that our approach to nurturing<br />
young talent is paying off.<br />
When we set up our apprenticeship programme, our goal was<br />
to offer a meaningful introduction to the best our industry has<br />
to offer. Here’s how we do it.<br />
Creating a Supportive Community<br />
One of the things I’m most proud of is the sense of<br />
community we’ve built among our apprentices. Every year,<br />
we bring in a new cohort of apprentices who all start their<br />
journey together. This approach has made such a difference—<br />
it means they can share experiences, support each other, and<br />
grow as a group. When they come across a new challenge,<br />
having that peer network makes a real difference.<br />
Structured Learning with Real Support<br />
Of course, building a strong community is only part of the<br />
equation. To really set our apprentices up for success, we<br />
begin with a careful and candidate-centric recruitment<br />
process. Then, once the apprentices come on board, we<br />
assign each one a mentor.<br />
These mentors play an incredibly important role in leading<br />
their apprentice’s on-site learning. Apprentices also attend<br />
block sessions at Thatcham Research. This combination of<br />
practical learning and classroom-style education is key to<br />
providing a well-rounded foundation.<br />
Equipping Apprentices for the Future<br />
The automotive world is changing rapidly. We make sure our<br />
apprentices are trained in new technologies at our state-ofthe-art<br />
repair centres, because we’re not just preparing them<br />
for today’s challenges—we’re setting them up to succeed for<br />
the long-term future of the industry.<br />
I’m so proud of the role that Activate Group is playing in<br />
shaping the future of vehicle repair. By providing young<br />
professionals with the skills, experience, and support they<br />
need, we’re not just helping them succeed—we’re helping our<br />
industry evolve, and foster the next generation of expertise.<br />
Danielle Chruszcz,<br />
People Director, Activate Group<br />
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Our Innovative<br />
Solutions<br />
At RTW Plus, we pride ourselves in delivering rehabilitation case management and health<br />
and well-being solutions based on cutting-edge research and next-generation<br />
technologies. Our services are available to employers, insurers, the NHS, private<br />
companies and individuals.<br />
Our INA services incorporate the traditional face-to-face<br />
model conducted by our nationwide network of experienced<br />
case managers as well as our unique virtual INA+MD<br />
assessment. This includes a multi-disciplinary assessment<br />
by a diverse team of specialist clinicians, whose inputs are<br />
woven into a singular, cohesive INA report and rehabilitation<br />
plan providing a clear and comprehensive roadmap for<br />
recovery.<br />
Whilst our case managers keep return to work front and<br />
centre of their rehab planning, where we utilise our team of<br />
specialist vocational consultants who utilise functional<br />
testing methods and evidence-based practices to help<br />
people stay in work or return to work after ill health or injury.<br />
Our pain management programmes include RESTORE, a<br />
remote personalised pain management solution, and<br />
RESTORE PLUS, a unique remote multidisciplinary team<br />
(MDT) approach for comprehensive persistent pain<br />
management. Our evidence-based approach features the<br />
proprietary Pain Decision Pathway (PDP) and a digital<br />
health application, providing tailored interventions and<br />
remote services. These cost-effective solutions include<br />
one-on-one coaching, wearable fitness trackers, and<br />
multidisciplinary assessments and treatment to ensure<br />
comprehensive care. Our programmes aim to reduce pain,<br />
improve emotional wellbeing and sleep, decrease reliance<br />
on medication, and enhance confidence in selfmanagement<br />
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The Benefits of<br />
<strong>Modern</strong>isation<br />
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Technology is the backbone of any modern business<br />
strategy. Just as it replaces outdated methods of working,<br />
it can also enhance our already established working<br />
systems.<br />
Here at FMG, we’re embracing the opportunity presented<br />
by new technology to enhance our customers’ experience<br />
of motor claims management. As self-service technology<br />
options appear in all aspects of our daily lives, we’re adding<br />
the final pieces to our own fully digital journey for our techsavvy<br />
customers.<br />
We’re giving customers and drivers a choice in how they<br />
prefer to interact with us at any given time, whether by phone<br />
or through digital self-serve technology, starting at the point<br />
of claim notification.<br />
The FNOL stage is our first direct contact with a policyholder,<br />
and it can significantly impact both the customer experience<br />
and the costs associated with the incident. Enhancing this<br />
stage with the addition of our Electronic Notification of<br />
Loss (ENOL) platform provides the perfect tool for those<br />
customers willing to abstain from human contact, offering the<br />
ability to log an incident online at any time, from any location,<br />
and using any device. Other customers choose to pick up the<br />
phone to report their claim, engaging with a real person in<br />
order to be listened to, empathised with, and reassured.<br />
The new ENOL digital journey delivers on the exact same<br />
foundations and principles we’ve honed for telephone FNOL,<br />
with Ingenium - our long-established proprietary system<br />
- powering and automating every downstream service<br />
through intelligently connected systems. It all comes down to<br />
providing a seamless journey for the customer, making sure<br />
their journey is sleek and simple and providing reassurance in<br />
the knowledge that we will put things right.<br />
We understand that the best modern business strategy is not<br />
just about technology-driven solutions. It’s about knowing<br />
where technology will deliver the best value, recognising<br />
where people will, and presenting our customers with that<br />
choice. Our ENOL solution has been crafted carefully to<br />
ensure consistency of service and experience, regardless of<br />
notification channel.<br />
Moreover, we’ll keep investing in new technology to enhance<br />
our existing system, one that hopes to strike the right balance<br />
between driving routine claims through automated systems<br />
and the compelling need to maintain human contact in the<br />
moments that matter most.<br />
Andrew Chandler,<br />
Managing Director, FMG<br />
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.<br />
Levelling the Playing Field for<br />
Brokers in Property <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
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Extreme weather events played a massive part in<br />
making 2023’s rise in weather-related home claims<br />
record-breaking i . The value of claims was up 36%<br />
on 2022 at £573 million. Meanwhile, the London<br />
Climate Resilience Review ii concluded that the UK<br />
is underprepared for climate change impacts like<br />
flooding and extreme heat.<br />
With severe weather events more frequent, brokers are under pressure<br />
to assess property risks for their insurance partners more fully. Brokers<br />
are also keen to increase transparency, explaining to their customers<br />
how property characteristics and environmental factors influence<br />
insurance decisions, which can also help to secure instant premiums.<br />
Historically, smaller brokers have not had access to the depth and<br />
breadth of geospatial intelligence data that insurers, larger MGAs and<br />
brokers enjoy. Whilst they have not often needed this detailed level<br />
of insight, brokers do require a core understanding of perils risks for<br />
the insurance quotes they are securing. This means that the right risks<br />
are passed along to their insurance partners, resulting in cover that’s<br />
appropriate for the customer’s needs.<br />
In essence, brokers need swift, simple and cost-effective access to<br />
geospatial intelligence data at the point of quote. This is exactly what<br />
LexisNexis® Geospatial Risk is now delivering to the broker community,<br />
helping smaller brokers understand the geospatial risk of an individual<br />
address and source insurance options suited to the customer’s needs.<br />
As a packaged suite of perils and property data enrichment solutions,<br />
LexisNexis® Geospatial Risk gives brokers access to key risk scores<br />
for perils such as flood, subsidence and crime. Aligned with property<br />
insights, like the roof type and number of bedrooms, a more accurate<br />
assessment of property risk is achievable.<br />
As well as delivering a picture of geospatial risk for insurance quotes,<br />
brokers now have an opportunity to educate property owners about<br />
the potential vulnerabilities of their home or business. By using more<br />
granular data on a particular property, insurance providers and<br />
their customers could better prepare for risks by improving flood<br />
protection or surveying the planting of trees around their property<br />
to help protect against subsidence.<br />
Leveraging geospatial intelligence data to assess risk at an individual<br />
property level can be incredibly beneficial, especially for smaller<br />
brokers who might not have access to extensive resources for risk<br />
assessment. By providing this information, brokers can offer more<br />
informed insurance options tailored to the specific needs and risks<br />
of each client. LexisNexis® Geospatial Risk is a great example of how<br />
smaller brokers are being empowered to make more data-driven<br />
decisions to better serve their customers.<br />
Caroline Elliott-Grey,<br />
senior product manager, UK and Ireland, LexisNexis Risk<br />
Solutions, <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
i<br />
ii<br />
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Founded over 40 years ago, we are the global leader in online<br />
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Global experts in vehicle<br />
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Integrated remarketing, engineering & claims<br />
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MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 32<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Digilog Land in the US:<br />
A Q&A with Digilog<br />
& DigitalT3<br />
In an exclusive interview with <strong>Modern</strong><br />
<strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, Lior Koskas – CEO at<br />
Digilog UK – and Alfred Gracias – Founder<br />
and CEO at DigitalT3 – sat down to discuss<br />
their new partnership, their hopes for the<br />
future, and the appeal of the US market.<br />
QLet’s start by talking about DigitalT3! Who are<br />
you, what do you do, and how do you do it?<br />
AAlfred: At DigitalT3, we’re dedicated to connecting<br />
innovative and specialised technology solutions with the<br />
Fortune 2000 companies that need them. Our Digital<br />
Explorer programme is designed to identify and showcase<br />
the most promising Digital and AI products on the market,<br />
and we’re excited to announce that Digilog’s DiVA (Digital<br />
intelligence Voice Analysis) has been selected as one of our<br />
featured products for this year. Digilog’s DiVA offering will slot<br />
into the umbrella of products that we are able to offer to the<br />
US market, knowing that what they provide is tried and tested<br />
elsewhere in the world and destined to succeed.<br />
QLior, how do you expect this partnership with<br />
DigitalT3 to bring Digilog’s product offering to a<br />
broader audience?<br />
Lior: Finding a way into the US market has been on<br />
our list of priorities for a while. We’ve been operating<br />
A successfully in the UK, South Africa, South America and<br />
Europe, and we naturally wanted to find the most suitable<br />
partner to help us achieve a breakthrough in the States.<br />
At Digilog, collaborating with partners is one of our key<br />
strategies, and DigitalT3 presented the best package offering<br />
for us in terms of enabling that collaboration on the other side<br />
of the Atlantic. We’ve built a great rapport with Alfred and the<br />
team; they have strong connections and a great infrastructure<br />
through how they represent other similar technologies. They<br />
also have a fantastic reputation, so it’s a perfect fit for us and a<br />
brilliant opportunity to bring DiVA to a fresh, new audience.<br />
QSo, what impact do you both expect this<br />
partnership to have on the fraud landscape in the<br />
US?<br />
AAlfred: The risk of fraud is a growing concern across the<br />
industry, from insurance claims to credit applications<br />
and talent acquisitions. In response, companies are<br />
seeking innovative solutions to mitigate this risk, and DiVA<br />
offers a cutting-edge solution to detect, prevent and respond<br />
to these fraudulent activities. I expect the fraud landscape in<br />
the US to respond well to this offering, particularly when it<br />
comes to safeguarding reputations and streamlining processes<br />
using DiVA as a guidance tool to enable better decision<br />
making.<br />
Lior: We also know that the US market is very open to this<br />
type of technology. DiVA’s ability to validate information can<br />
be applied to many different contexts in the States, but the<br />
US market seems to be a little bit behind the UK in terms of<br />
platform solutions and technologies. On the other hand, the<br />
appetite is there. The US are explorative and forward thinking;<br />
technology is always something that the market in the US is<br />
willing to consider, and their approach tends to be much less<br />
conservative. So, there’s definitely a real chance to make an<br />
impact with DiVA by finding the right partner and capitalising<br />
on this window of opportunity!<br />
QWhat other results might come about as a<br />
consequence?<br />
AAlfred: Of course, the immediate goal is to land our<br />
first big client and create a splash! As Lior mentioned,<br />
there’s a clear gap in the market for this kind of<br />
focused technology solution, and we’re likely to uncover<br />
new industry use-cases as part of this exploratory enterprise.<br />
We’re definitely starting to see the consequences of DiVA<br />
propagating other industries; firms are starting to consider<br />
how voice validation technology can apply to their own world,<br />
which is great to see! It’s a really versatile technology and<br />
offers huge scope for many different industries, making this a<br />
key reason why our partnership with Digilog is so exciting.<br />
Lior: Exactly! What we bring to the table is unique because<br />
it still involves the human element. There’s a place for AI,<br />
but DiVA is never going to be powered solely by computers.<br />
It’s a combination of human input and technology, which is<br />
absolutely the right way to operate – at least for the time<br />
being. The human aspect keeps the integrity of DiVA in check;<br />
it makes the technology more accurate and robust, but it also<br />
keeps the customer calm and reassured, especially in a world<br />
where privacy and data protection is so important.<br />
Lior Koskas,<br />
CEO, Digilog UK<br />
Alfred Gracias,<br />
Founder & CEO, DigitalT3<br />
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19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Welcome to Associations Assemble!<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is delighted to be joined by some of the leading<br />
names from our industry associations, organisations and institutes!<br />
This issue voices the thoughts of:<br />
Sue Brown<br />
Chair,<br />
Motor Accident<br />
Solicitors Society (MASS)<br />
Kim Harrison<br />
President, Association of Personal<br />
Injury Lawyers (APIL)<br />
Dr Matthew Connell<br />
Director, Policy and Public Affairs,<br />
Chartered <strong>Insurance</strong> Institute (CII)<br />
Mike Keating<br />
CEO, Managing General Agents’<br />
Association (MGAA)<br />
Julie Comer<br />
Head of Compliance, British <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Brokers’ Association (BIBA)<br />
Louise Cheney Lowe<br />
Member of London Forum of <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Lawyers (FOIL)<br />
Associate at Kennedys<br />
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Sue Brown<br />
Title: Chair<br />
Association: Motor Accident Solicitors Society<br />
(MASS)<br />
Restoring the Balance<br />
for Claimants<br />
After a summer dominated by prisons, riots and<br />
criminal justice, we are likely entering into a period<br />
where civil justice issues will hopefully come to the<br />
fore. The now long overdue review of the Whiplash<br />
Injury Regulations 2021 is expected to be published<br />
imminently, ahead of a limited degree of scrutiny by<br />
Parliament.<br />
Given that the ‘inflationary buffer’ of around 11%<br />
announced in 2021 fell painfully short of the inflation<br />
reality, a substantive increase in the tariff would be<br />
fully justified. If the tariff is not adequately corrected<br />
upwards, Labour MPs can fully expect an outcry from<br />
the claimant sector.<br />
Given Louise Haigh’s comments during the election<br />
campaign, we can anticipate further details of the<br />
formal inquiry into insurance premiums by the relevant<br />
regulatory authorities. MASS will be pushing for<br />
the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to explore<br />
all available options to ensure that motor insurance<br />
remains affordable for consumers, and that the<br />
promised annualised savings are returned to premium<br />
holders.<br />
The election of Andy Slaughter and Ruth Cadbury<br />
as Chairs of the respective Justice and Transport<br />
Committees may precipitate a more intensive degree of<br />
scrutiny around motor accidents and a range of other<br />
civil justice issues.<br />
It should not be forgotten that in opposition, Labour<br />
strongly opposed the Legal Aid, Sentencing and<br />
Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) and the Civil<br />
Liability Act. Championing the consumer, the party<br />
has long voiced support for the principles of access<br />
to justice and equality of arms. We are approaching a<br />
period where it is hoped that these words of support<br />
are turned into action. The legislative and regulatory<br />
agenda of recent years has strongly favoured the<br />
interests of defendants. It is now time to better protect<br />
the interests of claimants and restore the balance that<br />
should exist in our legal system, where neither side is<br />
unduly favoured in the eyes of the law.<br />
Dr Kim Matthew HarrisonConnell<br />
Title: Director Presidentof Policy and Public Affairs<br />
Association: Chartered Association <strong>Insurance</strong> of Personal Institute Injury (CII)<br />
Lawyers (APIL)<br />
Rusty’s Story<br />
When talking about the value of the law on<br />
compensation for victims of negligence,<br />
nothing is more compelling than hearing<br />
about the lived experiences of injured<br />
people.<br />
The Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign aims to<br />
put injured people at the heart of policymaking.<br />
The campaign’s short and captivating films<br />
featuring real injured people demonstrate the<br />
critical importance of the law on personal injury to<br />
the individuals who must turn to it in their hour of<br />
need. Rusty Brown is the leading man in the latest<br />
film, Rusty’s Story, which is doing the rounds on<br />
social media to very positive feedback.<br />
Rusty’s car was hit head-on by a speeding driver<br />
as he made his way home one evening, resulting<br />
in catastrophic injuries for Rusty who went on<br />
to have his leg amputated. Securing an interim<br />
payment was a ‘turning point’, after which Rusty<br />
could get an appropriate prosthetic leg and move<br />
from his narrow Victorian terrace to a bungalow,<br />
which could be adapted effectively and made safe<br />
for him. Despite having been through one of the<br />
worst events imaginable, Rusty’s outlook is now<br />
positive. He is back on track.<br />
In any deliberations about personal injury law,<br />
the Government must ensure people like Rusty<br />
get the compensation they need. Rebuilding<br />
Shattered Lives is not only APIL’s campaign; it’s<br />
for all to get behind, particularly those who work<br />
with injured victims of negligence.<br />
Victims of negligence rely on the law to provide<br />
them with redress. We must be vigilant and ensure<br />
that it is not eroded. Law-makers and opinionformers<br />
must be helped to understand what it is<br />
like to have a life devastated by needless injury,<br />
and what is needed to rebuild lives. It starts with<br />
raising awareness through stories like Rusty’s.<br />
Find Rusty’s Story by searching<br />
#RebuildingShatteredLives on social media.<br />
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SAVE<br />
THE<br />
DATE<br />
03.09.25 - 04.09.25<br />
Telford International Centre<br />
Kinetic is back! created to inform, inspire and motivate the industry, to<br />
achieve growth and profitability through the active application of innovation<br />
and technology to achieve great customer outcomes.<br />
Kinetic’25 promises to be bigger and will again showcase the<br />
industries finest suppliers, partners and innovators.<br />
Kinetic’25 represents the next stage in the evolution of our<br />
highly successful live events, who’s fundemental aim is to<br />
showcase innovation, improve communication and improve<br />
processes. Moving forward together through collaboration<br />
providing with infinite possibilites.<br />
Kinetic offers a unique opportunity to be part of a leading<br />
automotive event. Gain significant brand exposure and<br />
promote your company.<br />
If you are interested in attending, getting involved, booking<br />
a stand or talking to the Kinetic team about exhibiting or<br />
sponsorship options please get in touch or visit the site<br />
below. Let’s move forward together, again.<br /><br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 36<br />
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Dr Matthew Connell<br />
Title: Director, Policy and Public Affairs<br />
Association: Chartered <strong>Insurance</strong> Institute (CII)<br />
Are there any<br />
‘non-essentials’ in<br />
insurance anymore?<br />
The old idea that insurance is a set of financial<br />
transactions, risk pooling and legal contracts –<br />
plus a load of other ‘soft stuff’ – is increasingly<br />
under threat. For example, the Financial Conduct<br />
Authority’s Consumer Duty makes demands around<br />
customer support and customer understanding that<br />
go far beyond the operational basics.<br />
For those who believe that corporate markets are<br />
immune to this change, the issues around cyber<br />
security, leaseholders and business interruption<br />
insurance have shown that effective empathy and<br />
communication with both clients and end users (now<br />
known as ‘policy stakeholders’) is essential.<br />
So, how do individuals adapt to this change? What<br />
challenges do they approach first?<br />
First of all, it is impossible for one person to possess all<br />
the knowledge needed to manage risk and insurance –<br />
even with shortcuts like Artificial Intelligence (AI). We<br />
have to decide what store of core technical knowledge<br />
we are going to develop and maintain to do our role,<br />
and how we are going to develop the knowledge and<br />
skills to use other ‘enablers’ – including compliance,<br />
data management, technology and ethical frameworks.<br />
These are areas that we will not be able to master on<br />
our own, but we need to develop the ability to relate<br />
effectively to those with the expertise we need.<br />
Mastering that access will involve developing<br />
behaviours, including curiosity, customer focus, the<br />
drive to deliver, impact, inclusivity, insight and integrity.<br />
To some extent, we come to the workplace having<br />
developed these behaviours, but it is only by keeping<br />
them alive and developing them further that we can<br />
operate in a world where everything is relevant.<br />
So, if there is a line to be drawn between ‘essentials’<br />
and ‘non-essentials’, the true essentials are the generic<br />
behaviours that allow us to prioritise, access and<br />
manage the knowledge and enablers necessary to<br />
succeed.<br />
Dr Mike Matthew KeatingConnell<br />
Title: Director CEO of Policy and Public Affairs<br />
Association: Chartered Managing General <strong>Insurance</strong> Agents’ Institute (CII)<br />
Association (MGAA)<br />
A Healthy, Content<br />
Workforce Equals<br />
Productivity<br />
The importance of having a happy, content<br />
workforce - motivated to deliver excellence<br />
everyday - cannot be understated, and<br />
is arguably the key pillar that successful<br />
businesses build from.<br />
However, with the ‘war on talent’ continuing to rage<br />
and showing no signs of abatement, the need for<br />
organisations to provide an all-encompassing package<br />
for staff - with attractive benefits other than the<br />
traditional approach around salary, bonuses and holiday<br />
entitlement - is now a non-negotiable hygiene factor, not<br />
just a ‘nice-to-have’.<br />
MGAA members have been at the forefront of these<br />
initiatives, with many being recognised as great places<br />
to work through receipt of industry awards and other<br />
such acknowledgements. These firms are demonstrating<br />
some truly innovative staff benefits, from sabbaticals<br />
through to flexible childcare options, to make their<br />
staff feel valued and show that as an employer, they<br />
recognise the importance of a healthy and sustainable<br />
work/life balance.<br />
Another important aspect of these evolving packages is<br />
mental wellbeing, both at work and home. In recognising<br />
how this underpins a happy and content workforce, the<br />
MGAA has included an embedded ‘Mental Health in<br />
Business’ package for all current members, which came<br />
into effect this September. The package has several key<br />
offerings all centred around workplace mental health,<br />
aiming to support businesses when it comes to creating<br />
psychologically safe and healthy workplaces.<br />
The initial response from our members has been<br />
wonderful, and this can only lead to a happy and<br />
motivated workforce, a fantastic culture, and improved<br />
productivity in the long-term. The fact that our sector<br />
has a clear focus on staff welfare and wellbeing is<br />
extremely encouraging, and I’m sure that we will see<br />
further exciting initiatives introduced over<br />
the next few years. What’s clear<br />
is that businesses who want<br />
to succeed cannot afford to<br />
ignore these fast-moving<br />
developments if they<br />
aspire to retain and attract<br />
new talent.<br />
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Julie Comer<br />
Title: Head of Compliance<br />
Association: British <strong>Insurance</strong> Brokers’<br />
Association (BIBA)<br />
Principal Firms have<br />
been Reviewed – how<br />
did they fare?<br />
It’s been almost two years since the new rules for<br />
overseeing appointed representatives (ARs) were<br />
introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority<br />
(FCA).<br />
In September, the regulator published their review<br />
findings on how principals are embedding the rules and<br />
meeting the regulator’s enhanced expectations. The<br />
headline findings concluded that whilst the oversight<br />
was ‘improving’, there is still ‘more to do’.<br />
They found 20% of the firms sampled had not<br />
completed a self-assessment or annual review. Of the<br />
principals that did (82%), just under half were of good<br />
quality. Two thirds of principal firms were using data<br />
and management information, with over half saying<br />
they regularly reviewed their AR agreements. At least<br />
half of firms said they made regular firm-facing visits or<br />
held regular meetings with their ARs.<br />
BIBA favour the FCA continuing to give practical help<br />
by providing examples of good practice in their reviews,<br />
and principal firms may wish to consider the content as<br />
a yardstick for measuring their own progress.<br />
We would not look at the review as negative. Instead,<br />
we would suggest avoiding a ‘tick-box’ approach,<br />
focusing on thoroughly assessing the effectiveness of<br />
your arrangements and documenting them. Remember<br />
the adage: “if it’s not written down, it didn’t happen!”<br />
The regulator does not want to discourage the use of<br />
ARs. Meanwhile, if firms are planning to take on a new<br />
AR or Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR), it<br />
is worth reviewing your approach against the findings<br />
to ensure they are up to date, as the last time you on<br />
onboarded an AR may have been before the rules<br />
changed.<br />
Louise Cheney Lowe<br />
Title: Member and Associate<br />
Association:<br />
London Forum of <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Lawyers (FOIL) and Kennedys<br />
The Rise of D&O Litigation:<br />
How Diversity Commitments<br />
Are Shaping Future Risks in<br />
the UK<br />
In recent years, the US has seen an upturn in<br />
litigation against the boards of public companies<br />
alleging breaches of fiduciary duties relating<br />
to diversity and inclusion. This fails to make<br />
changes pertaining to the diversity of senior<br />
office holders, for example, thereby contradicting<br />
public statements of commitments to improve<br />
diversity.<br />
Whilst the UK has yet to see comparable claims, the tide<br />
could soon turn. Prior to this summer’s general election,<br />
Labour unveiled plans for a Race Equality Act which<br />
would extend full equal pay to ethnic minority workers and<br />
disabled people. Previously, in 2022, the Financial Conduct<br />
Authority (FCA) introduced Listing Rules requiring in-scope<br />
companies to detail whether they have met targets in their<br />
annual reports and, if not, to explain why. In 2023, the FCA<br />
also published consultation papers with a view to boosting<br />
diversity and inclusion across the financial services sector -<br />
though the implementation of reforms has been impacted<br />
by various events, and it may be that legislative reform<br />
effectively supersedes changes envisaged by the FCA.<br />
It seems reasonable to anticipate similar claims emerging<br />
in the UK to those in the US. Companies should act now<br />
to effect change by implementing policies encouraging<br />
diversity at senior levels, and by delivering on publicly stated<br />
corporate objectives. Care should be taken when drafting<br />
public statements regarding diversity efforts, ensuring<br />
accuracy and demonstrable implementation.<br />
D&O insurers of public US companies have generally<br />
responded to increasing ESG-related exposures by raising<br />
premiums, or otherwise widening exclusions. It would be<br />
prudent for UK underwriters to scrutinise companies’ board<br />
compositions, diversity policies, performance indicators,<br />
training and recruitment methods, and related public<br />
statements to effectively assess future D&O exposures.<br />
D&O insurers should also consider communications that<br />
have been made by D&Os and corporations on social media<br />
pertaining to ESG, as these could also present potential<br />
exposures.<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 39<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
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Add any of our industry-leading UK bodyshops to your<br />
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MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 40<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
THE<br />
FRAUD<br />
BOARD<br />
Over the coming weeks, we hope to publish the <strong>Insurance</strong> Sector<br />
Fraud Charter, outlining a series of commitments from insurers<br />
and the Government aimed at bolstering the UK’s defence<br />
against insurance fraud. A key commitment will focus on industry<br />
fraud statistics, crucial for substantiating policy proposals to<br />
the Government and for guiding the allocation of counter fraud<br />
resource to combat the most pressing threats.<br />
The ABI’s latest general insurance fraud statistics reveal an increase in<br />
the number of detected frauds for the first time since 2019, with 84,400<br />
fraudulent claims identified - up by 11,800 from 2022, and a 4% rise in value to<br />
£1.1bn. This year’s collection was notable in that, for the first time, it publishes<br />
fraud by typology as well as by product line. The most frequent scam was<br />
“exaggerated loss”, with 25,700 claims totalling £407m.<br />
Put simply, insurance fraud is being driven by individuals and technology.<br />
People facing financial hardship may act in the moment to commit fraud<br />
impulsively, potentially as a one-off act. Meanwhile, GenAI is offering a costeffective<br />
means to convincingly manipulate images online rather than staging<br />
physical accidents.<br />
Motor insurance fraud remains the most prevalent, accounting for over half<br />
of all fraudulent claims at a value of £501m. The Official Injuries Portal, which<br />
enables people to bring compensation claims without recourse to legal<br />
representation, has helped reduce personal injury motor claims, indicating<br />
its success. But there has been a significant shift towards non-injury-related<br />
fraud, such as repair and credit hire, which has seen a 50% increase in value.<br />
Detected motor application fraud has also risen by 17%, with a concerning<br />
trend of criminals using commercial motor policies obtained through stealing<br />
companies’ identities to enable them to commit crimes anonymously.<br />
The perennial question remains: Is fraud genuinely increasing, or are we<br />
simply improving our detection methods? Without a clear picture of the<br />
level of undetected fraud, this remains an open question. Meanwhile, I’m<br />
eager to engage with anyone who believes they have a credible approach to<br />
identifying undetected fraud.<br />
Mark<br />
Mark Allen,<br />
Assistant Director, Head of Fraud and Financial<br />
Crime, Association of British Insurers (ABI)<br />
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Cross-sector and cross-industry collaboration is crucial in<br />
many areas, including counter-fraud strategies.<br />
But first, let’s take a step back and consider a classic football debate:<br />
Paul Scholes, Steven Gerrard, or Frank Lampard? Three top-tier<br />
central midfielders, but only two spots on the England team. Each<br />
brought unique strengths, yet successive managers struggled to fit<br />
all three into the lineup, often forcing one into an ill-suited role. The<br />
result? A weakened left midfield, compromising the entire team’s<br />
performance.<br />
Managing an insurance counter-fraud team isn’t so different. The key<br />
is to blend the right mix of skills, capabilities, and technology—<br />
a challenge that mirrors the decisions of a football manager. Today,<br />
counter-fraud professionals are spoilt for choice with various<br />
solutions to detect fraudulent activity or behaviour. However, this<br />
abundance can lead to an ‘arms race’ - not just between insurers<br />
and fraudsters, but also among insurers themselves. The fear is that<br />
falling behind on technology will make you an easier target. Keeping<br />
pace and ensuring you have the right players in the right positions is<br />
critical.<br />
One area often overlooked is how individual solutions can work<br />
together as part of a cohesive fraud defense. Rather than relying on<br />
isolated tools, a better approach is to foster collaboration between<br />
your vendors, leveraging the synergies of their products.<br />
Take image and document analytics as an example. Fraudulent<br />
claims often involve manipulated images or documents, and common<br />
detection methods include:<br />
• Analysing metadata for consistency with the claim<br />
• Identifying duplicate or previously used images<br />
• Screening for images sourced from the internet<br />
• Spotting pixel manipulation in images<br />
• Detecting changes to PDF documents<br />
While these techniques are all valid, they predict fraudulent behaviour<br />
in different ways and can result in varying levels of false positives. This<br />
is where vendor collaboration becomes powerful. By encouraging<br />
your counter-fraud platform provider to integrate with a digital<br />
media forensics provider, you can adopt a ‘best of breed’ approach.<br />
Each detection method can be scored based on its predictability,<br />
and when combined within an integrated fraud defense, you can<br />
deploy resources where the highest chance of success lies. This also<br />
strengthens the feedback loop with your vendors, improving future<br />
detection capabilities.<br />
When your vendors collaborate, you can choose the best solutions<br />
without compromise, ensuring you won’t end up with Paul Scholes<br />
out of position on the left wing.<br />
Kaye Sydenham,<br />
Product Owner - Anti-Fraud, Verisk<br />
Martyn Griffiths,<br />
Sales Manager UK&I, FRISS<br />
As HR Business Partner at NetWatch Global, I work closely<br />
with the leadership team to enhance the workplace<br />
experience, improve team performance, and increase<br />
employee retention – all essential factors in delivering for our<br />
clients every day.<br />
In recent years, NetWatch has enriched the team’s experience with<br />
retention boosting initiatives, including professional qualifications,<br />
enhanced benefits packages and clear career pathways. Whilst we’re<br />
a small business with big ideas, budget constraints mean we must be<br />
strategic about which initiatives we pursue, ensuring they don’t put<br />
undue strain on the business.<br />
NetWatch recently integrated L&D analytics to gain insights into skill<br />
sets and training needs through strategic investment in a psychometric<br />
assessment tool. This tool evaluates our team’s potential for long-term<br />
success, helping us hire top talent and support their development<br />
effectively. Whilst we now leverage data science to determine our<br />
training needs, we continue to depend on time-consuming and<br />
resource-intensive traditional methods to address them. To that end, if<br />
budget were no object, my vision for NetWatch would be to implement<br />
a cutting-edge global learning platform, leveraging modern technology<br />
including augmented reality and gamification techniques for training<br />
delivery and client service.<br />
Internally, this platform would elevate NetWatch as a great place<br />
to work by offering state-of-the-art CPD opportunities, setting us<br />
apart from competitors. The platform’s unique feature would be its<br />
AI-powered personalised learning paths tailored to each colleague’s<br />
role, goals, and skills gaps. Following an initial assessment, the<br />
platform would curate a personalised curriculum of learning resources<br />
to enhance existing skills and develop new competencies for both<br />
professional development and improved company performance. Whilst<br />
some materials would be traditional (such as accredited qualifications),<br />
others would be delivered through engaging and immersive learning<br />
experiences, with gamification playing a key role. Gamified elements<br />
would introduce challenges, rewards, and progress tracking, making<br />
learning more motivating and enjoyable – and encouraging some<br />
friendly competition amongst colleagues!<br />
From a client perspective, this platform would position NetWatch<br />
as more innovative and future-focused, serving as a powerful tool<br />
for client engagement and education. Clients could step into the<br />
‘NetWatch Globe’ – a virtual environment where they can meet key<br />
company figures without the need for time-consuming travel. Clients<br />
could jump into interactive and engaging product demonstrations,<br />
visualising how our solutions work in real-time scenarios. Additionally,<br />
clients could participate in immersive virtual reality training sessions<br />
alongside our analysts, gaining first-hand insight into our team’s<br />
approach to online investigations. This deeper level of engagement<br />
would enhance our clients’ understanding and strengthen their<br />
confidence in our capabilities and expertise.<br />
Whilst budget constraints may pose a challenge for now, we are<br />
committed to doing everything possible to ensure that NetWatch<br />
remains a fantastic place to work, grow and deliver exceptional<br />
services.<br />
Helen Wakeman,<br />
HR Business Partner, NetWatch Global<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 43<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Specialist<br />
Investigation<br />
Services<br />
Innovative solutions<br />
to help validate claims &<br />
combat insurance fraud<br />
Charles Taylor Specialist Investigation Services (CTSIS) works<br />
collaboratively with the insurance industry to provide market<br />
leading global claims validation and counter fraud services.<br />
Our full suite of claims validation solutions includes<br />
Fraud Keeper, our proprietary Automated Fraud<br />
Detection software, our multi award winning social<br />
media and open source intelligence tool, Discovery by<br />
Charles Taylor, both of which are supported by internal<br />
and external counter fraud professionals.<br />
Bobby Gracey<br />
Group Head of Fraud<br />
Find out more<br />
+44 7557 774 577<br /><br />
Simon Cook<br />
Director of Investigation Services – UK<br />
+44 7834 098 648<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 44<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
DO, IT’S THE WAY<br />
“…and that’s what gets results.”<br />
This line of an old song, first recorded in 1939<br />
and sung by artists ranging from Ella Fitzgerald<br />
to Bananarama, sums up the importance of<br />
professionalism, standards and ethics in life. It<br />
should also be a motto for the modern-day claims<br />
sector.<br />
In a digital, highly pressurised and increasingly automated<br />
environment, how we go about our business is of supreme<br />
importance to the quality of the results generated. Simply<br />
following a process isn’t enough.<br />
Incentivisation<br />
It’s important to assess how individuals can be encouraged to<br />
become the best claims investigator possible without driving<br />
unwanted behaviours. For example, financial incentives may<br />
make people over zealous, resulting in too many genuine<br />
claims being turned down. Instead, focusing on training and<br />
professional development enables individuals to improve their<br />
skills, secure promotion and gain added responsibility, thus<br />
resulting in improved pay and personal rewards.<br />
If a company wants to offer financial incentives, aligning<br />
bonuses to the overall performance of the business (and not to<br />
the actions of a specific team or department) is a more effective<br />
approach. It encourages and recognises behaviours that benefit<br />
the business and its customers as a whole, promoting a positive<br />
corporate culture.<br />
Professionalism<br />
Businesses must decide on the standards to which they<br />
work and not migrate to the lowest common denominator.<br />
For example, the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters has<br />
a Code of Conduct to which its members must comply. This<br />
differentiates chartered loss adjusters from others (such as<br />
private investigators), and speaks to the ethics and impartiality<br />
they’ve got to bring to their work in order to maintain their<br />
accreditation.<br />
Loss adjusters are there to ensure a fair settlement in respect<br />
of the insurance contract in place, and this is why working to<br />
the highest ethical, professional and technical standards is so<br />
important. It’s the only way to drive the correct outcome for the<br />
insured and insurer.<br />
Service<br />
Prioritising service metrics also helps drive positive, accurate<br />
and professional outcomes for both parties. Have claims<br />
investigators completed actions fully and quickly? Have they<br />
been complete and robust in their information gathering and<br />
questioning, while remaining impartial and respectful? Have<br />
they been proactive in their listening, and analytical in their<br />
reporting?<br />
Around 50% of the claims labelled as potentially fraudulent<br />
pass through to payment. The industry can’t demonise these<br />
customers in the process if it wants to develop its reputation<br />
and build long-term relationships. I’d like to see the market<br />
reduce this figure and settle more<br />
genuine claims without hindrance,<br />
all while creating more time to<br />
focus on actual fraud. This means<br />
that we have to be mindful when<br />
we go about our business, instead<br />
of becoming careless and overly<br />
process-driven.<br />
Bobby Gracey,<br />
Global Head of Counter Fraud,<br />
Charles Taylor<br />
Tough times raise pressure on driving income<br />
from claims processes to support beleaguered<br />
loss ratios. Insurer buyer scale can push down<br />
supplier rates, with the allowable use of retail<br />
uplift delivering valuable additional claims<br />
revenue.<br />
However, new legislation introducing a corporate criminal<br />
offence for failing to prevent fraud adds a fresh and<br />
challenging complexity. And, unlike the failure to prevent<br />
offences in the earlier Bribery and Criminal Finances Acts,<br />
this one feels far closer to home.<br />
When partnerships go wrong<br />
Although fraud by claims suppliers does not happen often,<br />
it isn’t unheard of. For example, imagine vehicle repairs are<br />
completed, but with fabricated damage and unnecessary<br />
repairs thrown in. Parts are billed that were not actually<br />
used, or the parts used are cheaply sourced from the grey<br />
market rather than being authentic recycled green parts.<br />
Billed to the fault insurer, it’s simple supplier fraud to the<br />
financial detriment of the victim insurer.<br />
When profits become criminal<br />
We’ve previously seen ‘failure to prevent’ corporate criminal<br />
offences in the Bribery and Criminal Finances Acts, and<br />
overall, general insurance has felt rather removed from these<br />
legal risks.<br />
The new Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act<br />
(ECCTA), and particularly the corporate criminal offence<br />
of ‘failure to prevent fraud’, feels far more likely to impact<br />
us when we consider the components of the offence: a UK<br />
nexus, a fraud offence by an associated person, a failure to<br />
prevent, and, crucially, a requirement for a benefit to have<br />
been received by the organisation.<br />
We’d normally conclude that supplier fraud results in the<br />
organisation being the victim, with the loss materialising<br />
to that firm. But, with subrogation and retail uplift, we risk<br />
entering a dangerous world where the victim can become<br />
the beneficiary of fraud.<br />
The risk of profiteering<br />
Reconsider the supplier fraud above, with a £1,000 genuine<br />
repair cost being fraudulently inflated to £2,000. When<br />
billed to a non-fault insurer and then uplifted by, let’s say,<br />
50% for subrogation, a £500 retail uplift on a genuine<br />
£1,000 repair cost becomes £1,000 on the fraudulent £2,000<br />
repair. A clear profit, and the victim benefits from fraud by<br />
an associated person as a consequence.<br />
Protecting trust<br />
Failing to prevent such fraud - or worse, looking the other<br />
way due to revenue or profit opportunity - looks like it<br />
falls squarely within the Act. Fortunately, the adequate<br />
procedures needed to protect organisations are nothing<br />
more than good practice fraud risk management, which<br />
we’re well attuned to delivering as insurers!<br />
Authors Footnote: By the time<br />
you read this article, we expect<br />
that ECCTA Guidance will have<br />
been issued. For insurers, this<br />
has never felt more like critical<br />
reading and a call to action.<br />
Matt Gilham,<br />
Director, Whitelk<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 45<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
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MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 46<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
NOVEMBER 17-23, 2024<br />
International Fraud Awareness Week, running from 17th<br />
to 23rd November, brings the world’s fraud fighting<br />
community together. As fraudulent schemes continue to<br />
evolve, we must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing<br />
these threats.<br />
Fraud is not just a financial crime—it disrupts entire industries,<br />
impacts innocent consumers, and leads to higher costs for everyone.<br />
<strong>Insurance</strong> fraud has broad consequences, driving up premiums for<br />
legitimate customers and causing real harm to those defrauded.<br />
Raising awareness of these risks is critical to curbing the growing<br />
threat.<br />
The insurance industry, operating in a global marketplace, faces<br />
distinct challenges in combating fraud. Countries differ in their<br />
regulatory frameworks, legal structures and cultural nuances, making<br />
a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective. Learning from international<br />
counterparts is key to creating a robust fraud prevention strategy.<br />
Bobby Gracey, Group Head of Counter Fraud for Charles Taylor, has<br />
over two decades of experience in global insurance markets. He<br />
emphasizes the significance of understanding local dynamics when<br />
combating international fraud:<br />
“Having worked in global insurance markets for over 20 years, it is<br />
fantastic that we come together as an industry to shine the strategic<br />
spotlight on international insurance fraud. Learning from one country<br />
to another is so important, because to be effective in global markets,<br />
you need to fully understand what is locally on the ground in terms<br />
of legislation, regulation, and especially local cultures and human<br />
capital. Keep thinking locally, whilst behaving globally.”<br />
International Fraud Awareness Week serves as a reminder that<br />
fighting fraud requires cross industry collaboration, innovation, and<br />
continuous education. By sharing best practices, we can enhance<br />
fraud prevention efforts and better protect our customers. The<br />
International Association of Special Investigation Units (IASIU) and its<br />
members are deeply committed to the fight against insurance fraud.<br />
Ami North, President of the International Fraud Investigators Group<br />
(IFIG) and the UK Chapter of the International Association of Special<br />
Investigation Units (IASIU), stresses the importance of collaboration:<br />
“Identifying fraud is crucial to protecting our innocent customers<br />
from harm caused by fraudsters. Fraudulent activity drives up<br />
premiums for genuine customers across all sectors and can have a<br />
significant impact on those who fall victim to fraudsters. During Fraud<br />
Awareness Week, we, the <strong>Insurance</strong> Fraud Investigators Group, UK<br />
Chapter for IASIU, will reaffirm our commitment to supporting our<br />
industry through cross-sector and border collaboration.”<br />
During this week, I encourage companies to raise awareness, engage<br />
your teams, and reaffirm your commitment to combating fraud. By<br />
collaborating both locally and internationally, we will ultimately create<br />
a more secure and transparent marketplace for everyone.<br />
Aimee Stidham,<br />
Vice President, IASIU, and Manager – Special Investigations,<br />
WCF <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
In today’s rapidly evolving insurance landscape,<br />
adapting and innovating is crucial for success. A recent<br />
transformation project by one of the UK’s top insurers offers<br />
valuable insights for the industry on fraud prevention.<br />
The Challenge: Balancing Innovation and Continuity<br />
As part of a broader digital transformation initiative, the insurer faced the<br />
complex task of upgrading their fraud detection capabilities whilst maintaining<br />
operational effectiveness. The key challenge was in seamlessly transitioning<br />
from a batch processing system to a real-time solution without compromising<br />
fraud detection rates or disrupting daily operations.<br />
The Solution: Parallel Implementation<br />
The insurer adopted an innovative approach by running two systems; a Legacy<br />
platform alongside a new ERT SIRA system in parallel, which uses data from a<br />
syndicated cross-sector risk intelligence database, National SIRA. The existing<br />
batch system remained operational, ensuring continuity. Simultaneously, a new<br />
real-time system was built, integrated, and tested. This strategy allowed for<br />
a smooth transition, minimising disruption and maintaining fraud detection<br />
efficacy throughout the process.<br />
Key Outcomes and Lessons<br />
Enhanced Fraud Detection. The new real-time system caught between 80-90%<br />
of fraud at the gate, including repeat offenders and fake identities.<br />
Cost Savings. Reductions were seen across various areas, including aggregator<br />
site fees, investigation costs, and administrative expenses.<br />
Improved Efficiency. Adding Outcome Orchestration (a solution for fraud<br />
decisioning) to the new system, they were able to automate and expedite<br />
acceptance, decline, or blocking of applications – saving significant<br />
investigative resources.<br />
Holistic Fraud Prevention. The new system enabled fraud detection across the<br />
entire customer lifecycle, from pre-inception to claims notification and beyond.<br />
Data Integration. Leveraging historical data with real-time checks significantly<br />
enhanced the ability to prevent fraud at the point of entry.<br />
Takeaways for Insurers<br />
Embrace Real-Time Solutions. Consider transitioning from batch processing to<br />
real-time fraud checks for quicker, more effective prevention.<br />
Prioritise Seamless Integration. Ensure new systems can integrate smoothly<br />
with legacy systems, existing data and processes.<br />
Focus on Lifecycle Fraud Prevention. Implement solutions that cover all stages<br />
of the customer journey.<br />
Leverage Automation. Utilise automatic decision-making capabilities to free up<br />
valuable investigative resources.<br />
By adopting these strategies, insurers can enhance their fraud prevention<br />
capabilities, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately provide better<br />
service to their customers. As the insurance landscape continues to evolve,<br />
staying ahead in fraud prevention will be key to long-term success.<br />
Richard Daley,<br />
Business Development Manager, Synectics<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 47<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
While vehicles are becoming increasingly complex to repair,<br />
customer expectations are evolving rapidly too.<br />
To meet these challenges, we’re making sure we’re<br />
ready to repair all types of damage by delivering<br />
consistently outstanding, digital customer service,<br />
minimising claim cycle times, and controlling costs.<br />
The Vella Group is one of the largest accident repair<br />
groups in the UK. Our highly skilled, electric/hybrid<br />
trained technicians and experienced support teams<br />
are committed to delivering a consistently outstanding<br />
claims experience to your customers, getting them<br />
back on the road quickly and safely.<br />
Future-focused, we’re investing in the latest repair and<br />
calibration equipment, alongside in-house training and<br />
apprenticeship programmes which, coupled with our<br />
digital customer platforms, ensure that we’ll be there<br />
to support owners of the current and next generation<br />
of vehicles.<br />
For more information, get in touch today and see how The Vella Group can support your customers’ needs.<br />
Tom Hadfield M: 07867 332696 E:<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 48<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
‘Innocent until proven guilty’ is a principle set out in<br />
the Human Rights Act 1988. Yet, within investigative<br />
services, the focus is typically placed on finding<br />
something that evidences the latter. While the truth<br />
needs to be uncovered, the person central to the job –<br />
along with their wellbeing and experience – shouldn’t<br />
be minimised.<br />
Imagine you had a vulnerable family member being<br />
interrogated, protesting their innocence while simultaneously<br />
feeling triggered. This is not an uncommon situation for our<br />
team to find themselves in. Now think about how it’s dealt<br />
with, the impact that this will have on your family member<br />
and the outcome and reputation of the insurer. It’s fair to<br />
conclude that there’s a lot on the line.<br />
While there’s now Consumer Duty guidance in place<br />
to address the treatment of customers in vulnerable<br />
circumstances, the reality is that most organisations aren’t<br />
equipped with the specialised skillset to properly care for<br />
these customers. At RGI, we find that a cause for concern.<br />
As a leading insurance investigation specialist with deep<br />
and focused expertise in handling the needs of vulnerable<br />
customers, we recognise the central role that tact, empathy<br />
and patience should take in investigative services. This<br />
isn’t new to us either; it’s how we’ve always done it. Our<br />
flexible, non-threatening approach remains true to our<br />
founding principles from over 30 years ago. Since then,<br />
we have partnered with some of the biggest names in the<br />
industry, most recently working alongside a leading fraud<br />
investigations department that works exclusively with<br />
vulnerable customers. They trust us to deliver on our values,<br />
look after their customers and safeguard their reputation.<br />
However, values alone don’t cut it. They must also be<br />
matched with a specialised skillset and demonstrable<br />
experience. That’s why we’ve grown an expert team of highly<br />
trained, carefully selected specialists that are proficient<br />
in de-escalation, safeguarding practices and disability<br />
awareness. Their skills, insights and hard-won experience in<br />
handling people mean that they apply real integrity with the<br />
all-important human touch. We operate with a hand-picked<br />
team of specially trained people, including ex-police, legal,<br />
protection and fraud professionals. As such, our reputation<br />
as specialists in handling vulnerable customers has become<br />
a powerful asset that we’re proud of. And, with up to 50%<br />
of individuals in the UK to be considered vulnerable at some<br />
point in their lifetime, we’d argue that this approach should be<br />
high on any insurer’s criteria when looking for a supplier.<br />
THE<br />
DATA KEY<br />
How important is data, and how much focus should<br />
we place on it? Whilst these are simple questions,<br />
the answer is complicated - not least because of the<br />
opposing forces we all face.<br />
Described as ‘the new oil’, there’s no shortage of clichés<br />
about the importance of data for any business. However,<br />
deciding on the right data strategy is not easy.<br />
When it comes to the volumes of data that we have and<br />
create daily, the numbers are astonishing. As someone who<br />
can remember computing memory measured in kilobytes,<br />
the step change to megabyte and gigabyte, alongside the<br />
concept of zettabyte and yottabyte, are incredible.<br />
We are creating more data than ever before, so how we<br />
choose to collect, use and process that data naturally has<br />
a huge impact on our business. It spans everything from<br />
customer service, people and financial management through<br />
to compliance, fraud and best practice.<br />
When Isaac Newton was creating his laws of motion,<br />
he would not have realised that they might have been<br />
considered applicable to the complex world of modern<br />
insurance. However, make no mistake that in our data focused<br />
world, his third law - ‘for every action, there is an equal and<br />
opposite reaction’ - has never been so relevant.<br />
On the one hand, we have the challenges of complex<br />
legislation and regulation around data; the cost and<br />
intricacies of technology and tools to help make sense of<br />
data, along with the debt of legacy technology and disparate<br />
systems. We also face pressures to deliver tools and systems<br />
as quickly as possible, and the term Minimal Viable Product<br />
(MVP) can often dilute the original intention. All of these<br />
things create reasons not to collect data.<br />
On the other hand, there are two very clear factors. Good<br />
quality data can help us make the right decisions, quickly.<br />
Secondly, customer attitudes towards data are changing<br />
more quickly now than ever before. Yes, people still want to<br />
know that their data is safe. However, people are increasingly<br />
expecting businesses to use data in a safe and ethical way to<br />
streamline processes and make our lives easier.<br />
Our world is moving faster every day, and the devil really is in<br />
the detail. Am I clear about the strategy I must adopt in order<br />
to collect the right data for today and tomorrow? Do I then<br />
have the control in my business to ensure that we follow that<br />
approach in order to drive the right outcomes? Data, and the<br />
ability to access and understand it, is the key to everything<br />
- from selling more products to your customers through to<br />
stopping fraud. Clichéd, yes, but indisputably true.<br />
Anthony Byrne,<br />
Operations Director, RGI Solutions<br />
Ben Fletcher,<br />
Head of Financial Crime,<br />
LV= General <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 49<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Rapid Police Reports from NetWatch Global is is<br />
the the fastest, most secure and lowest cost way<br />
to to obtain police reports and evidence from any<br />
force in in the the UK UK && Ireland. RPR is is proven to to<br />
decrease the the burden on on claims staff and<br />
improve operational efficiencies.<br />
With exciting upgrades to to the the system due this<br />
quarter, now is is the the time to to make the the switch.<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 50<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Changing EV Attitudes:<br />
Can the ABI GTA make<br />
a difference?<br />
James Roberts, Head of <strong>Insurance</strong> Sales at<br />
Europcar, looks at whether the inclusion of electric<br />
vehicle rates within the ABI GTA would be the<br />
necessary push to shift insurer attitudes.<br />
There’s no denying that recent months have seen an increase in demand<br />
for electric vehicles (EVs) as individuals and businesses become more<br />
zero emissions savvy. DVLA data for Q1 2024 (released July 2024)<br />
showed that there were more than 1.1 million fully electric cars on UK<br />
roads 1 . With other reports 2 suggesting that the number was over 1.2<br />
million by August 2024, EVs are becoming an ever more important<br />
factor for motor insurers when planning how to grow, service their<br />
portfolio and manage claims costs.<br />
However, a big barrier to this adoption has been the lack of a specific<br />
EV category in the ABI GTA. Insurers and credit hire companies are<br />
still in need of that important clarity to remove some of the uncertainty<br />
on credit hire costs recovery. Given that the Government may be set<br />
to put an outright ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by<br />
2030 (albeit allowing hybrids to remain on sale for a further five years),<br />
insurers need to get to grips with the EV landscape rapidly to support<br />
motorists.<br />
Having a specific EV category within the ABI GTA would provide much<br />
needed transparency when supporting EV drivers. It would help to<br />
remove claims friction and unnecessary litigation, and would also enable<br />
credit hire companies to more accurately forecast the profitability of<br />
credit hire claims when the customer drives an EV.<br />
To ensure continuity of service in line with Consumer Duty requirements –<br />
irrespective of whether a hire is being provided as ‘credit’ or ‘direct hire’<br />
– partnering with a rental provider with a strong national network and<br />
comprehensive fleet, including electric, makes sense. Insurers will also want<br />
to find a replacement vehicle partner that can ring-fence a specific vehicle<br />
fleet for them, ensuring uninterrupted supply and the guarantee of an EV.<br />
A rental partner that understands the specific needs of the insurance sector<br />
can help to manage the end-to-end mobility requirement.<br />
A Maturing Market<br />
A sign of the EV insurance market’s maturity is the discussion around the<br />
possible inclusion within the GTA Vehicle and Rates Tariff. EV inclusion<br />
would increase transparency for credit hire companies, while improving<br />
insurers’ ability to settle claims. It could also mean that more EV drivers get<br />
like-for-like replacement vehicles, because there will be more confidence<br />
amongst credit hire organisations in the recoverability of a claim.<br />
There’s no doubt that the time is now for insurers to futureproof their<br />
business and supply chain. Those insurers preparing too late will find<br />
themselves at a competitive disadvantage and could lose a significant<br />
share of the market as EV usage climbs even further.<br />
At Europcar, we have tailored our solutions for the insurance sector and<br />
are working hard to provide insurers with replacement vehicle solutions that<br />
are fit for purpose for an electric future.<br />
Spotlight on Supply Chain<br />
While the industry waits for this direction from the ABI, insurers should<br />
be reviewing their own supply chain to determine how fit for purpose it<br />
is to respond to the more diverse electric vehicle parc. A recent study of<br />
insurance industry professionals in the claims space, commissioned by<br />
Europcar, highlighted just how important this issue is. When asked what<br />
factors would have the biggest influence on the replacement vehicle<br />
market over the next five years, the rise of EVs was quoted by almost<br />
three quarters of respondents (74%) – with one noting that whilst they<br />
were very much a feature of our roads now, this is nothing compared to<br />
what the landscape might look like in 2029. Many fear the insurance<br />
supply chain will not be able to keep up with that upwards trend.<br />
EVs are more likely to be provided in non-fault claims or with a policy<br />
guarantee. In other circumstances – perhaps where a bodyshop is<br />
asked to supply a courtesy car – this is unlikely to be an EV, potentially<br />
impacting the claims journey and customer experience. Our insurer<br />
survey revealed that 42% admitted they only offer a limited selection of<br />
EV options for claimants driving EVs today. In addition, more than a third<br />
(37%) noted the biggest challenge faced when providing this option was<br />
often related to limited availability from the replacement vehicle supply<br />
chain.<br />
James Roberts,<br />
Head of <strong>Insurance</strong> Sales,<br />
Europcar Mobility Group UK<br />
1<br /><br />
2<br /><br />
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19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
Providing amazing standards of service<br />
AD<br />
……and we do other stuff as well<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 52<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
At the recent annual conference of the Vehicle Recyclers’ Association<br />
(VRA), we were all introduced to a new and incredibly comprehensive<br />
piece of research into the carbon emissions savings from the use of<br />
‘green’ parts. The significance of this piece of work should not be<br />
underestimated.<br />
The whole Total Loss claims sector<br />
now has a new, robust, and freely<br />
available measure of carbon savings<br />
across the top 61 parts being<br />
used in the accident repair and<br />
mechanical sectors. From<br />
engines to doors, bumpers<br />
to steering units, this<br />
VRA-commissioned work<br />
sets a new standard of<br />
measurement that every<br />
player in the sector can<br />
use.<br />
Insurers, repairers, parts<br />
buyers, garages, and<br />
anyone else interested<br />
in this area can refer to<br />
the new measures. Most<br />
importantly, we will all be<br />
speaking the same language<br />
now. The days of proprietary<br />
systems that are somewhat<br />
opaque in their methodologies and<br />
only available to a privileged few are<br />
well and truly over. In establishing a<br />
level playing field, the VRA has done<br />
the whole industry a huge favour, and<br />
they are to be congratulated for their<br />
effort.<br />
New Rules, New Systems<br />
Nevertheless, whilst demand is<br />
growing and the VRA research is<br />
incredibly helpful, we must admit that<br />
the real-time penetration of green<br />
parts is still pretty limited.<br />
At that same conference, a leading<br />
insurer reported that they had used<br />
only 4,000 such parts across the<br />
whole of their repair portfolio in<br />
the preceding year. This is certainly<br />
welcome, but it seems to be a very<br />
small number when compared to<br />
their overall needs. As an industry<br />
sector, we need to ‘step up to the<br />
plate’ if we are to exploit the leverage<br />
that the VRA report and other<br />
initiatives gives us.<br />
Specifically, buyers of green parts and<br />
those with influence over buyers, such as<br />
the insurance sector, need easy access<br />
to green parts stock - plus consistent<br />
pricing, delivery, and quality. All of<br />
this needs to be bundled into modern<br />
systems of control and reporting that<br />
are equivalent to those used by the<br />
OE and non-OE sectors. If green parts<br />
are to compete fully with alternative<br />
options, then buyers need similar and<br />
complimentary systems to make their<br />
lives easier.<br />
We all know of current initiatives in the<br />
marketplace, and those operators are<br />
to be commended for their efforts. But<br />
technology does not yet keep pace with<br />
the underlying needs of our markets, and<br />
we must all strive to deliver a new breed<br />
of system that is easy to adopt and<br />
integrate with existing work practices.<br />
Collaboration and Co-operation<br />
Here at e2e, we are fully committed<br />
to delivering such a system into<br />
the market for use by our clients<br />
(watch this space). However, it<br />
does occur to us that some of<br />
the technical and logistical<br />
challenges to be overcome<br />
might be better resolved<br />
by a collective industry<br />
effort to collaborate and<br />
move forward. We all<br />
want to compete and<br />
succeed, but sometimes<br />
it is worth a degree of cooperation<br />
to fully exploit<br />
an opportunity.<br />
We will continue to work<br />
closely with the VRA,<br />
Thatcham Research, and other<br />
institutions to help deliver a<br />
great future for the green parts<br />
sector. In the meantime, we urge<br />
insurers and other players to come<br />
to the table and talk to us about<br />
how we (and others) can meet<br />
your needs, fully exploiting the<br />
opportunities available to us all.<br />
Mia Constable,<br />
Head of Business Development,<br />
e2e Total Loss Claims Management<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 53<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Join the claims<br />
payment revolution<br />
Insurer Funding<br />
ACG has fused together its funding expertise and the<br />
latest open banking technology, to deliver a unique<br />
solution that is set to disrupt the way claims payments<br />
are processed for insurance companies.<br />
Insurer Funding revolutionises claims payments with fast,<br />
secure, and compliant processing - getting payments<br />
to customers in just 2 hours. Experience a re-imagined<br />
claims process that boosts efficiency and transforms the<br />
way insurance companies operate.<br />
• Reduce the claims lifecycle and<br />
touchpoints<br />
• Prompt payment helps to reduce costs<br />
• Improve the customer journey<br />
• Protect brand reputation<br />
• Payment solution for all types of<br />
insurance claims<br />
ACG, quickly funding key activities for your<br />
business.<br /> | 01925 591540 |<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 54<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
IT’S TOUGH<br />
AT THE TOP<br />
At the time of writing, the new Labour government is due to present a budget that is<br />
widely expected to be tough, expensive (for some) and full of ‘difficult choices’ that few<br />
will welcome. Without commenting one way or another on the merits of the budget, it<br />
does prompt me to ask a question. Isn’t making ‘difficult choices’ what life is all about?<br />
There may be some days in my chequered past<br />
when times have been easy, every choice has<br />
been a path of pleasure and enjoyment, and the<br />
outcomes have been amazing. But so few and<br />
far between are such times that I can’t actually<br />
remember any of them!<br />
Instead, it seems to me that one of the roles of<br />
leaders and senior managers is to constantly<br />
make those difficult choices and hope that we<br />
have chosen correctly. There are those who shy<br />
away from such responsibilities and, truth be<br />
known, they are probably ill-suited to positions of<br />
authority. But many of us are constantly required<br />
to face up to the simple fact that our working<br />
lives are full of ‘difficult choices’, and we pray that<br />
we make the right ones.<br />
What Do We Really, Really Want?<br />
I’ll tell you what I want (thank you, Spice Girls)…<br />
The world of claims and supply chain (where I<br />
ply my trade) seems to sit at the crossroads of<br />
difficult choices to be made; namely the extent<br />
to which we will be designing and implementing<br />
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make some of those<br />
choices for us.<br />
Using technology to help in the claims process<br />
is nothing new, and various iterations of AI<br />
have been around for decades. However, it is<br />
absolutely true that generative AI has given us<br />
options that we previously never knew existed,<br />
and amazing new applications appear daily to<br />
tempt us into this strange world of machine<br />
learning and large language models. All of this<br />
is good news.<br />
Decisions, Decisions<br />
If there are better ways of delivering the services<br />
that our customers rightly expect of us, then why<br />
wouldn’t we rush to adopt them? Moreover, if we<br />
don’t do it, someone else will. Competitors may<br />
gain an advantage if we are not first (or a close<br />
second!) in the queue.<br />
Herein lies the dilemma. AI, and all its bedfellows<br />
of automation and algorithmic mystery, are not<br />
intrinsically good or bad. Instead, they are simply<br />
a means to an end, and it is our responsibility as<br />
leaders to make those difficult choices as to what<br />
the ends might be.<br />
Sometimes, a difficult choice in life and business<br />
lies in not doing something, choosing instead<br />
to wait, watch, ponder, and slow the pace of<br />
progress. Not to stand in the way, but to make<br />
absolutely sure that the difficult choices before<br />
us are the appropriate choices, and the decisions<br />
made are based on full consideration of all the<br />
elements.<br />
Eddie Longworth,<br />
Director, JEL Consulting<br />
Claims and Supply Chain Development<br />
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19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Upcoming events<br />
Home & Property Claims<br />
Home & Property Claims<br />
Conference<br />
The Future:<br />
Sustainability – Surge – People<br />
28 November 2024<br />
Telford International Centre<br />
Home & Property Claims<br />
Home & Property Claims<br />
Networking Lunch<br />
14 March 2025<br />
De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, London<br />
ILC<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 56<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
In an increasingly competitive<br />
market, with consumers<br />
continuing to feel the pinch of<br />
a cost-of-living crisis that shows<br />
little sign of abating, insurers are<br />
having to work harder than ever<br />
to attract and retain customers.<br />
Price remains the number one factor for many<br />
policyholders, but with business and claims costs rising<br />
across all business lines, many insurers have no wriggle<br />
room.<br />
According to the Association of British Insurers, property<br />
pay-outs reached £1.4bn in the second quarter of the<br />
year, while average motor claim payouts increased by<br />
8% in the first quarter, costing carriers £1.14 for every £1<br />
collected in premiums.<br />
Faced with such challenges, insurers and supply<br />
chains need to look beyond price when it comes to<br />
differentiating themselves.<br />
Leveraging new technologies can be the most obvious<br />
route to delivering a unique offering. According to<br />
an industry survey carried out by Pulse last year,<br />
86% of respondents have now committed to a digital<br />
transformation strategy, with efficiency and customer<br />
service driving this focus.<br />
Technology certainly has the potential to achieve<br />
efficiencies in the claims journey and help meet rising<br />
customer expectations - identifying and automating<br />
‘simpler’ claims whilst ensuring more complex claims<br />
are directed to handlers based on skillsets, priority and<br />
complexity.<br />
However, with so much innovation flooding the market,<br />
where to invest resources is not always obvious. This is<br />
where technology partnerships can prove invaluable,<br />
providing clarity around the specific problems you want<br />
technology to solve. Often, the best solutions might<br />
involve a combination of technologies, as well as other<br />
resources.<br />
Apart from finding the right tech, using it effectively<br />
alongside human expertise can also separate a business.<br />
Too many see this as an either/or debate, but good tech<br />
is useless without good people, and vice versa. The FCA’s<br />
Consumer Duty is also helping to ensure that customers<br />
are provided with the right option to best suit their<br />
requirements.<br />
“You can’t have one without the other,” Crescens<br />
George, CEO of Wiser Academy, stated at a previous ILC<br />
event. “Technology is good at the mundane processes,<br />
but insurance is often an emotional experience, and<br />
technology won’t be able to provide that level of<br />
interaction. It works best when it augments what humans<br />
do, because there will always be times when humans add<br />
more value.”<br />
Clearspeed’s Manjit Rana agreed, saying, “Technology<br />
can replace so many jobs, but the jobs it can’t replace<br />
are those that require human to human interaction and<br />
human empathy. <strong>Insurance</strong> relies on those roles, so<br />
investment in technology and people should go hand in<br />
hand. We need to equip the right people with the right<br />
knowledge, skills and behaviours.”<br />
Often, organisational culture is the ultimate decider<br />
in all of this. Whether it be implementing technology,<br />
upskilling people or ensuring the right balance between<br />
the two – the customer must be front and centre within<br />
the insurance claims sector. Central to this is a belief that<br />
customer service starts from the inside out, so ensuring<br />
your own people are happy is key.<br />
According to the Founder of Engage to Succeed, James<br />
Lambert – who supported ILC’s New Generation in Claims<br />
event last year – a fifth of employees are disengaged,<br />
leading to a 21% fall in productivity. He said, “The cost<br />
of disengaged employees is obvious to any business.<br />
You need to humanise everything you’re doing from<br />
recruitment to engagement, and put individualisation<br />
over organisation.” This suggests that putting a greater<br />
focus on job satisfaction will increase staff retention as<br />
well as improving customer outcomes in the long-term.<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 57<br />
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Embracing Tech:<br />
How technology is<br />
shaping the insurance<br />
user experience<br />
The concept of insurance and eliminating risk is<br />
as old as human existence, yet our mature and<br />
saturated market has shaken off its slow-moving<br />
reputation to embrace technical transformation<br />
and adaption to this modern digital world.<br />
Tech-enabled insurers are reimagining value<br />
propositions to introduce intuitive digital processes<br />
that meet the rising expectations of tech-savvy<br />
customers, and they bear little resemblance to the<br />
old days of paper documents, manual data entry and<br />
risk analysis by spreadsheet.<br />
We’re all playing our part in shaping this new<br />
customer-centric landscape by pushing the<br />
boundaries of emerging technologies, self-serve<br />
solutions, robotics, analytics and customer choice,<br />
and it’s driving change at the very core of insurance<br />
operating models.<br />
Here at FMG we have invested heavily in<br />
developing a fully digital solution which brings<br />
customer centricity to life, making the claims<br />
management process as simple as possible for<br />
policyholders. We’ve created choice in how they<br />
interact with us at any stage of their claim, with<br />
the option of a fully digital experience or to speak<br />
to a real person.<br />
Behind the scenes, our carefully planned digital<br />
innovations are driving cost efficiencies and<br />
performance gains, providing greater insight and<br />
transparency around the progress of claims and<br />
claims data.<br />
Report claims online<br />
Mobile phones have become our essential daily<br />
companions, and now policyholders can report<br />
motor claims anytime, anywhere, from any device<br />
using FMG ENOL, our self-serve mobile platform.<br />
This simple and friendly webpage makes reporting a<br />
claim easier and faster than ever, with every claim<br />
accurately triaged and next-step workflows triggered<br />
accordingly, regardless of electronic or traditional<br />
telephone notification, it’s all about individual<br />
preference.<br />
Keeping policyholders informed<br />
Enabling policyholders to track progress at every<br />
step of the repair process is essential and we’ve<br />
made that even easier too. FMG Connect, our<br />
self-serve app gives policyholders access to our<br />
claims management services.<br />
We put policyholders in control with FMG Connect,<br />
with the options to add details to their claim,<br />
schedule their own vehicle repair with our selected<br />
garage, arrange a hire vehicle and monitor the<br />
real-time progress of their vehicle repair, via an<br />
interactive interface.<br />
The telephone is still an option for those who wish<br />
to speak to a real person. Policyholders can engage<br />
with us in precisely the way they choose.<br /><br />
0344 243 8888<br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 58<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Transparency for insurers too<br />
Our insurer portal provides insurance claims<br />
executives or brokers with full visibility of their claims<br />
data. Interactive and personalised interfaces provide<br />
images, reports and repair progress, including all<br />
costs, images, VOR and Total Loss.<br />
Data sharing<br />
This transformed market is driven by the need for<br />
efficiency in the way data is captured, processed,<br />
stored and shared. The benefits are clear and here at<br />
FMG we’ve opted to invest in data sharing.<br />
By integrating directly into insurer’s and third party<br />
management systems, we’ve increased the speed,<br />
accuracy and efficiency of claims notification, repair<br />
allocation, management of hire vehicles and data<br />
sharing. Better still, these integrations reduce<br />
exposure, operating costs and cost leakage. The result<br />
is a more seamless customer journey.<br />
“the introduction of<br />
intelligent robotics has<br />
increased productivity,<br />
lean efficiency and<br />
accuracy”<br />
Intelligent robotics<br />
Like us, many insurers have introduced robotics to<br />
automate repetitive processes, and this is where<br />
performance gains are created. Within our claims<br />
management system at FMG, the introduction of<br />
intelligent robotics has increased productivity, lean<br />
efficiency and accuracy.<br />
These automations allow for higher quality<br />
touchpoints with customers by releasing the highly<br />
skilled human element that technology can’t<br />
replicate, to focus upon the elements that require<br />
cognitive skills – empathising, asking policyholders<br />
the right questions and negotiating on their behalf.<br />
The result is a positive effect on colleague<br />
engagement and retention.<br />
Evolution and new tech trends are reshaping the<br />
insurance industry and transforming the way we<br />
interact with policyholders. Here at FMG we’ll<br />
continue investing in new technology to enhance<br />
our existing systems whilst simplifying the user<br />
experience.<br />
We’ll continue to carefully strike the right balance<br />
between driving more routine claims through<br />
automated and self serve systems and the<br />
compelling need to maintain human contact to<br />
bolster the customer experience in the moments<br />
that matter most.<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 59<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
Digital Media Forensics<br />
Detecting image and document fraud early and<br />
accelerating claim processing.<br />
• Exposes pixel manipulation<br />
• Finds metadata inconsistencies<br />
• Identify images reused or copied from online<br />
• Early fraud detection<br />
• Efficient claims process<br />
Get in touch to arrange<br />
your demonstration<br /><br />
MIM<strong>68</strong>.indd 60<br />
19/11/2024 12:37 pm
minutes with...<br />
John Gibson<br />
Title: Client Relationship Director (UK), Kennedys<br />
What is your most memorable career achievement?<br />
Q<br />
A<br />
The standout moment over the last 20 something years<br />
was being made an owning partner of my previous firm<br />
in 2016.<br />
I was only 34 at the time, and whilst I didn’t possess the life skills<br />
and experience I have today, I had been delivering year-on-year<br />
to that point. Before present day, I believe I was in the best form<br />
of my career. I had led our credit hire division to be definitively<br />
market leading, as well as being key to the firm’s client account<br />
management and market-facing structure. I’d truly put my heart<br />
and soul into the business, and played. It was the culmination of<br />
years of hard work.<br />
I vividly remember the day I found out. I took a call in our Bolton<br />
office on a Friday afternoon from our then CEO to tell me that<br />
the owners wanted to make me a shareholder in the business.<br />
This was a life changing moment for me, and the sense of<br />
achievement was huge.<br />
What made it more memorable was that my Dad was sadly<br />
very ill at the time; the firm had already been really supportive<br />
of me being a significant part of his care. My CEO said they<br />
would usually be coming to me in a couple of months’ time,<br />
but knowing my Dad’s condition he wanted to give me the<br />
opportunity to tell him the news, which I am incredibly grateful<br />
for. It was special on so many levels.<br />
What has been the most valuable piece of advice<br />
you’ve received throughout the course of your career?<br />
Q<br />
There’s two. Firstly, some great sales advice came from<br />
a very successful Global CEO. I asked him for one piece<br />
Aof career advice, he said; only have three focused sales<br />
targets at one time, and crucially, they must be practical in<br />
application. He works them hard to progress to conclusion, and if<br />
something becomes a non-starter, he gets rid of it quick. He sets<br />
the same discipline for his reports. This advice has been of huge<br />
benefit in my current role.<br />
Secondly, from an old boss and good friend: “be John Gibson<br />
from Blackpool and don’t change for anyone!” I have become far<br />
more comfortable with who I am over the years; my height, my<br />
accent, my humour, what I do well, what I need to delegate, my<br />
flaws. I have a brand that works well, so why not embrace it?<br />
What has been the key positive and/or negative impact<br />
of change in your area of the market?<br />
Q<br />
Change is constant in our market. From the perspective<br />
of being client and market facing, I see change of any sort<br />
Aas creating opportunity – you only need the mentality<br />
to embrace it. As long as I can lead my team to deal with the<br />
change better than my competitors, spot what will help our<br />
clients and affect the elements within our control, we will do well.<br />
I also continue to come back to flexible working, a widespread<br />
change we’ve seen in recent years. How do we best represent<br />
our brand, support our people (technically and culturally), and<br />
encourage side-by-side learning? At the same time, we must<br />
appreciate that this is the world now, and it has significant<br />
benefits for families, recruitment and employee wellbeing.<br />
If you were not in your current position, what would<br />
you like to be doing?<br />
Q<br />
I’d love to focus more on the charity and volunteer work<br />
I have the privilege to be involved with.<br />
A<br />
I’m off to the Ukraine again in November with John Green,<br />
Gary Mason, and a mixture of new and familiar faces. It’s hugely<br />
rewarding and important to make a difference in some small<br />
way if I can. Seeing children impacted by war has changed my<br />
outlook on life in a number of ways.<br />
I will also do more with men’s mental health, suicide prevention,<br />
and the mental health impact on young male adults. I am getting<br />
involved in projects at Kennedys about the subject, and I will do<br />
that at an appropriate time.<br />
What three items would you put on display in a<br />
museum of your life, and why?<br />
Q<br />
A picture of me and my son walking and holding hands,<br />
which sums up my love for him perfectly.<br />
A<br />
A framed Blackpool shirt, because I am absolutely passionate<br />
about the club and the town.<br />
A letter of thanks from a Ukrainian orphanage; it keeps me<br />
humble and grateful.<br />
What three guests would you invite to a dinner party?<br />
Q<br />
Willie Mullins, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods!<br />
A<br />
John Gibson,<br />
Client Relationship Director (UK), Kennedys<br />
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TECH.<br />
TALK<br />
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JUNE 4-5, 2025<br />
6,000+<br />
400+<br />
20,000+<br />
97%<br />
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Greetings, and welcome<br />
to Insur.Tech.Talk!<br />
This issue of Insur.Tech.Talk was curated in September, which is also ‘Life<br />
<strong>Insurance</strong> Awareness Month’. As such, it would be remiss of me not to<br />
have a special focus on Life & Health (L&H). So, sit back with a warm<br />
cup of something healthy and enjoy reading these key insights from my<br />
illustrious panel.<br />
The brilliant Kartik Sakthivel PhD, Vice President and Chief Information<br />
Officer at LIMRA and LOMA, takes us on a deep dive into the<br />
transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the life insurance<br />
industry, and even to us all as a species. He also shares key insights from<br />
LIMRA’S Annual Conference which recently took place in Nashville.<br />
I also conducted a combined interview with two global leaders in L&H<br />
and sustainability: Melissa Leitner, Head of Life & Health Sustainability,<br />
Swiss Re, and Lorcán Hall, Senior Advisor for the UN’s Sustainable<br />
Development Solutions Network (SDSN). We explored the links between<br />
L&H propositions and sustainable development with their combined work<br />
for the SDSN.<br />
I am particularly grateful to Eduardo della Maggiora, Founder and CEO<br />
of Betterfly, for taking time out of his very busy schedule running Latin<br />
America’s first social unicorn while simultaneously training for the<br />
Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Eduardo shares his own<br />
health journey, one which inspired and informed his vision for Betterfly<br />
as it relates to combining insurance, wellbeing and purpose to motivate<br />
policyholders in their journey to lead healthier and happier lives.<br />
Megan<br />
Happy reading!<br />
Megan Kuczynski,<br />
President,<br />
Insurtech Insights<br />
D<br />
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Betterfly<br />
QEduardo, your background is so inspiring! I enjoyed<br />
learning about your own health journey and how it<br />
became the catalyst for starting Betterfly, the first<br />
social unicorn in Latin America. Can you share your vision<br />
for Betterfly, especially as it relates to combining insurance,<br />
wellbeing, and purpose to inspire lifestyle changes?<br />
AThank you, Megan! It’s been an incredible journey—from<br />
Wall Street, to Africa, to founding Betterfly.<br />
At Betterfly, our mission is to empower people to live their<br />
best lives by combining protection, prevention, and purpose.<br />
Our approach empowers employees to build lasting healthy<br />
habits while offering financial security and opportunities<br />
to make a difference in the world. We integrate insurance<br />
products with gamified wellbeing services, charitable giving,<br />
and rewards.<br />
Our platform merges group life and health insurance,<br />
wellbeing benefits and social donations into a gamified, AIdriven<br />
experience. Primarily offered to employers, it enables<br />
employees to develop healthy habits, earn rewards, and<br />
contribute to social causes. By transforming insurance into<br />
a personalized, purpose-driven journey, we help people lead<br />
healthier, more fulfilling lives.<br />
QYou often speak of the ‘power of purpose’. Can you<br />
explain more about social impact, and how a sense of<br />
altruism can enhance one’s wellness?<br />
AI believe the secret of living is giving, and this sentiment<br />
has been a core driver of our company, culture and<br />
mission at Betterfly. Back in 2018, we did our first<br />
MVP where the goal was to get people active and healthy by<br />
giving back. We did this by converting calories of exercise into<br />
calories of food for children in need in Haiti. We organically<br />
reached 50,000 people over 30 days, who burned 75 million<br />
calories in total. This meant that we were able to provide 1,000<br />
meal programs — our first demonstration of the power of<br />
purpose.<br />
With an evolved product, we can now see how this same<br />
purpose acts as a fundamental driver in boosting wellbeing<br />
when combined with a personalized and gamified experience,<br />
like the one we offer at Betterfly. We talk about our ‘Betterfly<br />
Effect’, where small habits create waves of positive change.<br />
This change touches all areas—physical, mental, social, as well<br />
as through relationships with others, the community, and the<br />
environment.<br />
So, how does Betterfly generate social impact? By subscribing<br />
to our platform and choosing insurance coverage, every user<br />
earns ‘Betterflies’, our virtual currency. This allows users to<br />
redeem rewards and make charitable donations to different<br />
causes, such as donations for clean water, meals to combat<br />
malnutrition, or trees planted in deforested regions.<br />
QThere are exciting new trends to engage the<br />
policyholder in L&H, encouraging them to take greater<br />
responsibility for their health. Can you explain more<br />
around how Betterfly engages the individual in this way, and<br />
let us know why gamification is so important?<br />
ATraditionally, insurance has been reactive, focusing<br />
on death and disease rather than life and preventive<br />
health. At Betterfly, we’re leading a paradigm shift by<br />
promoting preventive lifestyles through personalized, gamified<br />
experiences. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), we proactively<br />
encourage health and wellbeing by rewarding healthy<br />
behaviors instead of penalizing unhealthy ones.<br />
Betterfly partners with insurers to offer a B2B2C solution that<br />
provides personalized group life and health insurance for both<br />
employers and employees. Our gamified platform encourages<br />
healthy habits through challenges, rewards, and social<br />
interactions, which improves employee wellbeing and reduces<br />
claims for employers, boosting productivity. By continuously<br />
evaluating user behavior through dynamic risk assessment<br />
and underwriting, we can predict claims and offer sustainable,<br />
personalized insurance options. This benefits both insurers<br />
and employees, positioning insurance as a positive force for<br />
promoting healthier, happier lives.<br />
Gamification is crucial because humans are naturally<br />
motivated by challenges, rewards, and achievements. At<br />
Betterfly, we integrate game mechanics with AI to make<br />
healthy living engaging and rewarding. Users track habits,<br />
earn points, complete missions, unlock levels, and participate<br />
in group challenges. The more engaged they are, the healthier<br />
they become, unlocking rewards like insurance premium<br />
discounts, gift cards, and donations to charitable causes.<br />
QSo, what are Betterfly’s expansion plans in the US?<br />
ABetterfly is currently present in nine countries across<br />
Latin America and Europe, including Argentina, Brazil,<br />
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and<br />
Spain. But the US has been a key target market for us from the<br />
very beginning! With our headquarters now in Miami, we are<br />
focusing on growth in our current regions while refining our<br />
platform for entry into the US market.<br />
The US presents a unique opportunity due to rising healthcare<br />
costs and the chronic disease crisis, which continues to<br />
strain both employers and insurers. More than ever, there<br />
is a growing need for solutions that actively prevent these<br />
challenges, and our platform’s focus on improving wellbeing,<br />
promoting preventive lifestyles and lowering insurance costs<br />
through encouraging healthy behaviors is particularly aligned<br />
with these needs.<br />
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We’ve seen significant interest from US employers and<br />
insurance partners who recognize the value of our model.<br />
By integrating group life and health insurance with gamified<br />
wellbeing services and charitable giving, Betterfly provides a<br />
sustainable, scalable solution to improve employee health and<br />
reduce claims. As part of our global expansion strategy, we are<br />
confident that the US will be a major market for Betterfly, with<br />
the potential to help transform the insurance landscape by<br />
offering a proactive, purpose-driven approach to health and<br />
wellness.<br />
This will also form part of a broader global strategy that<br />
includes further growth in Europe, as we continue to refine<br />
and enhance our platform to meet the unique needs of each<br />
market we enter.<br />
QOn a personal note, how is the training going for the<br />
Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii?<br />
ATraining is going really well! I’m enjoying the process<br />
and really focusing on the discipline and daily effort<br />
needed to reach the finish line. Balancing training with<br />
work and family has taught me a lot about time management<br />
and prioritizing what matters most!<br />
It’s also a great opportunity to put into action what Betterfly<br />
is all about—building resilience, embracing challenges, and<br />
taking small steps toward big goals. Ironman is not just<br />
about physical endurance; it’s a mental game, much like<br />
entrepreneurship, where you’re constantly pushing limits and<br />
facing new challenges.<br />
Eduardo della Maggiora is a Chilean engineer, triathlete, and<br />
entrepreneur, best known as the Founder and CEO of Betterfly — a<br />
leading Insurtech company that became Latin America’s first social<br />
unicorn in 2022. He is also an Endeavor Entrepreneur, a YPO member,<br />
and serves on the Board of Teletón, a nonprofit supporting children<br />
with developmental disabilities in Chile.<br />
Eduardo began his career after graduating as an industrial engineer<br />
in 2004, working in J.P. Morgan’s M&A department. In 2014, he<br />
shifted gears to volunteer in Moshi, Tanzania, teaching English and<br />
Mathematics to primary school students. He later founded Tyndall<br />
Group, a Chilean M&A advisory firm, and Preserve in Community, a<br />
crowdfunding app for forest preservation. He also served as CEO<br />
of the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, the second largest<br />
international multi-sport event after the Olympics.<br />
A dedicated athlete, Eduardo has represented Chile at the Ironman<br />
World Championships six times, finishing as a two-time runner-up<br />
in his age group at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships. He has<br />
twice completed the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii and is<br />
currently preparing for his next run in 2024.<br />
Eduardo’s achievements have earned him recognition as one of Latin<br />
America’s most influential leaders. He was named Entrepreneur of the<br />
Year by Ernst & Young Chile in 2022, and was included in Bloomberg’s<br />
list of the 500 Most Influential People in Latin America in both 2021<br />
and 2022. In 2023, ‘CEOs Change Makers’ recognized him as one of<br />
the Top 10 Innovative Founders and Executives in Latin America.<br />
Eduardo currently resides in Miami, Florida with his wife and three<br />
children, Mia, Max, and Emilia.<br />
For me, this journey reflects the ‘Betterfly Effect’, where small,<br />
consistent actions create meaningful change. It’s a reminder<br />
that wellbeing is about giving your best effort every day, and<br />
that aligns with what we’re trying to inspire. I’m excited to<br />
keep moving forward and see what this experience brings!<br />
Eduardo della Maggiora,<br />
Founder & CEO, Betterfly<br />
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LIMRA<br />
QKartik, it was great to collaborate recently on the<br />
webinar ‘Data Readiness for AI: Latest LIMRA and<br />
Equisoft Revealed’, with yourself and Mike Allee,<br />
President of Universal Conversion Technologies, as my<br />
esteemed panelists.<br />
In this session, you mentioned that AI has been part of the<br />
corporate lexicon for the insurance industry for a while<br />
now, but it is the GenAI revolution which began to capture<br />
hearts and minds. You cite two reasons for this; the first<br />
being around price of entry, that GenAI has democratized<br />
AI, making it very natural for the average person to use.<br />
Secondly, you mentioned that GenAI usage easily crosses<br />
over from our professional and personal lives, and I was<br />
intrigued by something you said as part of that: “AI has<br />
the potential to transform us as a species”.<br />
Can you expand more on this idea?<br />
AAbsolutely! I fundamentally believe in AI’s<br />
transformative potential. It’s easy for us – rightfully<br />
and understandably so – to focus on the here and<br />
now. As we’re just entering the ‘Age of AI’, it’s tempting to<br />
focus on our industry landscape and how the era of AI’s<br />
increasing ubiquity is going to impact us and our firms.<br />
Case in point, the raw materials for everything that we<br />
have around us today have always existed on this planet.<br />
It took thousands of years of human ingenuity to create all<br />
the things we have. Google’s DeepMind AI surfaced 2.2M<br />
hypothetical new raw materials in less than a year. Around<br />
800 of these are in active development by another AI<br />
system today. The cure to cancer is in there somewhere,<br />
the answer to unlimited renewable energy is in there<br />
somewhere, as are the clues on how to combat the climate<br />
crisis. The first new antibiotic discovered in over 60 years<br />
was discovered by an MIT AI system late last year. This is<br />
what I mean when I say that AI is a seminal moment for<br />
us, not only as an industry, but also as a species. Unlike<br />
every other technology that has come before it, technology<br />
required human direction to result in a desired outcome.<br />
On the other hand, AI is the first technology that requires<br />
human assistance to get started, but once it does, it has the<br />
capability to learn on its own – for good or for bad. We’ve<br />
never had that happen before.<br />
Q“In order to be AI ready, companies first need to be<br />
data ready.”<br />
This was also a big theme of our webinar. Can you explain<br />
the concept more for our readers?<br />
AData is the bedrock of all AI, and you cannot have<br />
great AI with bad data. Any AI is trained with<br />
massive amounts of data, and if poor data seeps into<br />
these AI systems, it can have unintended consequences and<br />
incorrect results. This will erode trust in AI’s output.<br />
Moreover, our industry has not been treating data very well<br />
going back several years. We’ve had a tendency to think<br />
of data as a by-product of our systems as opposed to a<br />
product that needs to be treated with the appropriate rigor<br />
and discipline. Most data strategy and governance programs<br />
in our industry can meander, and executives tend to shy away<br />
from ongoing investment in these programs when they can<br />
seem esoteric and possess an uncertain outcome. To eat our<br />
‘AI desserts’, we must finish our ‘data vegetables’. The quality,<br />
availability, security, protection, and privacy of data assets<br />
within a firm have to be at the core of every AI program.<br />
QOne exciting statistic that I noted from the LIMRA +<br />
Equisoft research was that 78% of the companies<br />
surveyed expressed that Data Readiness (availability,<br />
quality, and so on) is the biggest challenge they face when<br />
it comes to getting value from AI. Can you share some other<br />
headlines from the study for our readers?<br />
AThe predicate behind this global study is that while<br />
we, as an industry, are focused on achieving sustained<br />
success with AI at scale, we really need to get our ‘data<br />
house’ in order. I have been characterizing this in the way that I<br />
mentioned earlier: we need to eat our ‘data vegetables’ before<br />
we can eat our ‘AI dessert’. We have been treating data as a<br />
by-product of our systems rather than a product in its own<br />
right. Data quality, availability, reliability, genealogy, efficacy,<br />
and security are generally inadequate at best, and suspect at<br />
worst. You cannot have good AI with bad data.<br />
With this study – one that was intentionally not an<br />
academic exercise – we intended to develop a framework<br />
for organizations to be able to benchmark their state of<br />
data readiness for AI, with firms in their region plotted on a<br />
maturity model. One of the biggest takeaways is that roughly<br />
half of those surveyed expressed a view that they do not<br />
believe their enterprise data is ready for AI. Meanwhile, the<br />
other half is likely to be looking at very specific use cases<br />
within their span of control, and not at an enterprise level. As<br />
such, I urge companies to get in touch with us so that we can<br />
help them assess where they are today before helping them<br />
on their journey towards where they want to be tomorrow.<br />
QSeptember was Life <strong>Insurance</strong> Month. Can you share<br />
some thoughts on what’s impacting life insurance<br />
ownership in 2024, and the vital role that life<br />
insurance plays in protecting families’ financial<br />
security?<br />
AWhether it’s AI or any other technology, it’s important<br />
for us to keep why we do what we do at the front of<br />
our mind. We don’t manufacture widgets. Regardless<br />
of where you serve in the industry – whether you’re an IT<br />
developer, configuring a firewall, underwriting policies, or<br />
coming up with marketing strategies – each of us, regardless<br />
of where you are in the world, is contributing to providing<br />
financial protection for our fellow citizens. What could be<br />
more empowering than that?<br />
According to the LIMRA and Life Happens 2024 Barometer<br />
study, about 100M Americans are uninsured or underinsured.<br />
It is our obligation as an industry to use every tool at our<br />
disposal to protect as many of our fellow citizens as possible.<br />
This is the promise of our industry, and it should be incredibly<br />
empowering regardless of where in the value chain, or where<br />
in the world, you serve.<br />
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QThe LIMRA LOMA Annual Conference just wrapped in<br />
Nashville, with a theme of ‘Innovation with Purpose’. Can<br />
you share some reflections and takeaways from this<br />
year’s conference?<br />
AWe seem to be continually raising the bar on delivering<br />
unmatched value to senior executives across the industry<br />
at each annual LIMRA Conference. There were some<br />
exceptionally insightful speakers this year who enriched the<br />
audience with their depth of knowledge, and I continually refer<br />
back to the tagline of this year’s event when I speak about<br />
innovating with purpose. AI and technology cannot and should not<br />
exist in a vacuum. Innovation and experimentation are vital, but<br />
they need to be tied to business purpose and creation of value. We<br />
must create a fail-tolerant culture within our industry. Not all our<br />
bets will pay off, and not all experiments will yield success – that’s<br />
okay! Instead of castigating failures, we need to celebrate them and<br />
learn from them. Fail fast, but learn faster.<br />
QHuge congratulations on your recent ORBIE award, an<br />
honor well-deserved!<br />
The prestigious ORBIE award recognizes excellence in<br />
technology leadership. What did this award mean to you, and<br />
why?<br />
AThank you! I was a finalist in 2022, so to be nominated again<br />
this year, and to win, has been very surreal. I am deeply<br />
grateful for it. This recognition belongs to each and every<br />
person on our amazing IT team at LIMRA and LOMA who work<br />
tirelessly to deliver unmatched value to our business partners and<br />
our members across 81 countries. They inspire me every single<br />
day, and it means a lot to me because it recognizes them and their<br />
contributions.<br />
Not only do I have the greatest team, but I also enjoy the company<br />
of the best business partners. My peers, every associate at LIMRA<br />
and LOMA, our ecosystem partners, our members, and the<br />
hundreds upon hundreds of friends across the industry, globally<br />
– this is a recognition of our collaborative work. No matter what<br />
role and position you serve, each of us deserve to have the best<br />
leaders. Individuals who inspire you, motivate you, coach you,<br />
and truly allow you to be the best version of yourself. They do<br />
so selflessly, and only hope that their leadership inspires you to<br />
be a better leader yourself. I could not have attained a modicum<br />
of the opportunities that have been fostered for me without the<br />
exemplary leadership of our COO, Gina Birchall, and our CEO, David<br />
Levenson. It is a privilege to be able to do what I am able to do in<br />
the company of such exceptional people.<br />
QYou and I first became friends over LinkedIn, and I am<br />
always struck by how supportive you are of others in our<br />
industry with your uplifting posts!<br />
Recently, you wrote, “Of all the achievements you will have this<br />
week, perhaps the greatest accomplishment of them all could<br />
be making at least one person feel seen, heard, and supported”.<br />
What is the motivation for this type of writing? I know I speak<br />
for others when I say that sometimes, this is just what we need to<br />
hear!<br />
AThank you, Megan, that is very kind of you!<br />
The world can feel like a dark and cynical place at times, and<br />
it’s easy to get caught up in this cynicism. In the grand scheme of<br />
things, however, we are all here for a fleeting moment, and we have<br />
the opportunity in that fleeting moment to make a lasting impact<br />
on others. If we cannot make a lasting impact on others, we each<br />
have the opportunity to improve someone’s day for at least a little<br />
while. Breaking out of the monotony or cynicism is well worth it.<br />
Most organizations have creeds that are grounded in respect and<br />
kindness. Imagine if each of us embodied these creeds in every<br />
interaction we have; we could transform companies, cultures,<br />
communities, and countries. I’d like to think I’m playing just one<br />
microscopic part.<br />
Kartik Sakthivel, PhD, serves as the Vice<br />
President and Global Chief Information<br />
Officer for LIMRA LOMA and LL Global,<br />
a non-profit worldwide trade association<br />
for the financial services industry. Kartik<br />
has had a vast amount of leadership and<br />
management experience across multiple<br />
industries. He has held leadership roles<br />
in companies of all sizes, ranging from<br />
small and midsize firms to Fortune 100<br />
organizations.<br />
Kartik holds a PhD in Computer and<br />
Information Science (with a focus on<br />
Information Quality and a dissertation<br />
on best practices for AI) and a Graduate<br />
Certificate in Information Quality from<br />
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, a<br />
Master’s Degree in Computer Information<br />
Systems/IT, and a Master of Business<br />
Administration degree from Southern<br />
New Hampshire University. He has been<br />
recognized as ORBIE ‘CIO of the Year’ for<br />
New England in 2024, and as an ORBIE ‘CIO<br />
of the Year’ Finalist in 2022.<br />
Kartik Sakthivel,<br />
PhD, CTO & Global CIO, LIMRA<br />
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Q<br />
Melissa, Lorcán - thank you so much for your time!<br />
Why don’t you each begin by introducing yourselves<br />
to our readers?<br />
Melissa: Thank you for inviting us to speak with you,<br />
Megan. I’ve worked in Life & Health (re)insurance<br />
A product development, pricing, innovation, and business<br />
development roles for 20 years, and am currently Head of<br />
Sustainability for Swiss Re’s Life & Health Reinsurance business<br />
unit in Zurich. As a Fellow of the South African and UK<br />
actuarial professions, I’ve enjoyed volunteering in some of the<br />
profession’s sustainability research working groups, focusing<br />
on the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development<br />
Goals (SDGs) by exploring the social sustainability impact of<br />
insurance.<br />
Lorcán: Thanks also, Megan. I joined the industry in 1998,<br />
working with insurers and reinsurers in Ireland, Italy, Germany,<br />
Switzerland, and the UK. Most of my work has been on the<br />
Life side of insurance, including protection business and<br />
investment-linked insurance products. I recently completed<br />
an MSc. in Sustainable Development at University College<br />
Dublin, in partnership with the United Nations. The Sustainable<br />
Development Goals guided our studies, and I approached<br />
everything via an insurance lens.<br />
public and private sector executives, the Paper will contain<br />
recommendations on how to raise the visibility of the<br />
industry in these agendas and mobilise more initiatives.<br />
Swiss Re has generously funded this work and Melissa has<br />
been a valuable sparring partner!<br />
Q<br />
A<br />
Melissa, can you outline the links between L&H<br />
propositions and sustainable development in order<br />
to illustrate why the SDSN’s Position Paper is<br />
important?<br />
Melissa: In my view, L&H insurance aligns most<br />
closely with the goals of SDG 1 (No Poverty) and<br />
SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing).<br />
Put simply, life insurance helps widow(er)s and orphans<br />
after catastrophic personal shocks. Life insurance is a<br />
standard tool for financial planning in high-income families.<br />
However, for low-income families who have much greater<br />
financial vulnerability, life insurers do not always make<br />
their products as easily accessible. Studies show that 3.4<br />
billion people are vulnerable to falling into poverty, and the<br />
loss of a breadwinner is one possible catastrophic trigger.<br />
I believe the industry could play a far greater role in<br />
preventing financial hardship for vulnerable communities,<br />
or framing it positively instead, as well as a far greater role<br />
in supporting their rise into middle-income status, security,<br />
and prosperity.<br />
The provision of healthcare cannot be achieved without<br />
funding, social programmes, out-of-pocket payments,<br />
private insurance, or a combination of all four. The ILO<br />
estimates that 53% of the world’s population does not<br />
have access to any type of social protection. Creating and<br />
growing private health insurance markets complements the<br />
ambition of universal health coverage (UHC), and people<br />
with sufficient disposable income should be encouraged to<br />
purchase health insurance to minimise strain on stretched<br />
publicly funded healthcare systems. In turn, this will allow<br />
limited public resources to be directed towards the most<br />
vulnerable sections of society.<br />
Lorcán, what does working with the UN involve, and<br />
what’s the link with Swiss Re?<br />
Q<br />
Lorcán: I’m working with the UN Sustainable<br />
Development Solutions Network (SDSN) on<br />
A insurance-related projects. One of these is a Position<br />
Paper, ‘Sustainable Development and the <strong>Insurance</strong> Industry’,<br />
which will be published later this year. It will examine why<br />
the industry’s distinctive underwriting and risk management<br />
capabilities receive so little attention in development agendas<br />
and frameworks. For example, ‘insurance’ is referenced only<br />
once in the 2030 Agenda, specifically SDG Target 8.10 that<br />
aims to expand access to banking, insurance, and financial<br />
services. Based on over 30 interviews with senior, global<br />
In addition, society could also benefit from more<br />
collaboration across the divide between public and private<br />
health insurance, where such partnerships aid a more<br />
cost-efficient and effective system overall.<br />
It’s clear from Melissa’s response that L&H (re)<br />
insurers have an important role to play in achieving<br />
Q SDG 3. So why is there such minor appreciation of<br />
this role in development agendas, Lorcán?<br />
Lorcán: The Position Paper seeks to answer this<br />
complex question. It’s important to emphasise that<br />
A the responsibility for this gap rests equally between<br />
the public and private sectors. From a private sector<br />
perspective, the industry needs to better articulate how it<br />
supports societal objectives in ways that are meaningful to<br />
non-insurance audiences. (Re)insurance industry experts<br />
talk extensively about the protection gap, but they must<br />
also complement this with the type of data that informs<br />
policymakers.<br />
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For example, a group of distinguished clinicians and<br />
economists recently developed a model that estimates<br />
the effects of improved health on employment, national<br />
income, and government spending from preventativehealth<br />
measures. They calculated that a 20% reduction<br />
in the six major disease categories that keep people out<br />
of work would have significant macroeconomic benefits,<br />
raising the UK’s annual national income by £19.8 billion<br />
within five years. This ‘prevention is better than a cure’<br />
approach will resonate with policymakers and public sector<br />
organisations.<br />
Moreover, the industry has the data to craft these types of<br />
messages. As we know, insurers are increasingly employing<br />
behavioural science to motivate customers to introduce<br />
healthier behaviours, such as raising their activity levels.<br />
Customers are rewarded with lower premiums and other<br />
incentives; healthy customers claim less, benefitting<br />
insurers; and healthy people require less support from<br />
public healthcare systems. A win-win-win!<br />
But is the industry properly communicating these societal<br />
benefits? The Paper’s research participants suggest not,<br />
believing that (re)insurers must do better if we want to<br />
see insurance solutions receiving greater attention in<br />
development agendas and policy initiatives.<br />
Melissa, can you share an example that better links<br />
L&H insurance to societal impact?<br />
Q<br />
Melissa: In Kenya, cervical cancer is the number<br />
one cause of cancer-related deaths for Kenyan<br />
A women, despite being almost entirely preventable<br />
by vaccinating against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).<br />
Swiss Re is one of a handful of public and private sector<br />
partners that have formed a consortium to sponsor<br />
the development of a new venture. It tackles the twin<br />
challenge of developing affordable health insurance for<br />
female cancers (cervical, uterus, and breast), while also<br />
offering screening and prevention services via a local<br />
pharmacy network. The proposition is supported by a<br />
WhatsApp-based chatbot, in English and Swahili, to<br />
drive awareness around women’s health topics and to<br />
support utilisation of the prevention services. Because<br />
it combines prevention and risk protection together, the<br />
proposition can be priced within reach of women in the<br />
‘missing middle’ demographic. The initiative won the Best<br />
Vulnerable Customer Initiative Award at the <strong>Insurance</strong> CX<br />
Awards in London earlier this year.<br />
The study analyses 5 Advanced and 11 Emerging markets,<br />
scoring each on a set of indicators for the extent to which<br />
L&H protection is available, accessible, and affordable to<br />
all. It concludes that deficits in inclusion exist everywhere,<br />
and there is room for improvement in all markets studied. It<br />
also encourages insurers to invest in customer research that<br />
prioritises the needs of underserved communities, and to<br />
develop strategic partnerships that unlock new distribution<br />
opportunities.<br />
Q<br />
A<br />
Lorcán, I recently listened to an Insurtech Amplified<br />
podcast where you spoke about the opportunity for<br />
digital technologies to power (re)insurers’<br />
sustainability efforts. Why is this?<br />
Lorcán: Technologies reduce the costs of production,<br />
making products and services more affordable to<br />
wider populations. The Kenyan example with the<br />
cost-effective chatbot tool that Melissa shared a moment<br />
ago illustrates this.<br />
In recent years, mobile-money solutions have made<br />
financial services available to many people for the first<br />
time. However, we’ve still only scratched the surface of<br />
how our industry can leverage digital technology. This is<br />
partly because (re)insurers largely innovate for high-and<br />
middle-income populations, yet today’s digital technologies<br />
present massive opportunities for the industry to mobilise<br />
test-and-learn pilots and scale the most promising<br />
solutions. This is another emerging theme of our research<br />
- (re)insurers that are serious about their sustainability<br />
ambitions should invest resources into digital innovations<br />
that aim to make insurance more available, affordable, and<br />
accessible to low-income populations and people living<br />
with chronic illnesses.<br />
Melissa: If I may offer a concluding observation which is<br />
shared by many executives interviewed for the Position<br />
Paper; many (re)insurers are currently approaching<br />
sustainability topics predominantly with a mindset of<br />
compliance, disclosure, and risk management. This<br />
perspective is understandable given the waves of<br />
sustainability-related regulation breaking on the industry’s<br />
shores. However, when sustainability is additionally<br />
articulated as a development agenda for which the insurer’s<br />
toolkit is relevant, powerful, and under-utilised, then the<br />
tremendous transformational, innovational, and commercial<br />
opportunity becomes clear and exciting.<br />
Lorcán: If I may add another example to illustrate a specific<br />
point, Vitality is arguably the world’s leading insurance<br />
solution that supports and rewards customers for living<br />
healthier lives. Vitality was pioneered by Discovery, the<br />
South African group in South Africa and the UK, and is<br />
now also offered across global markets in partnership with<br />
insurers such as AIA in Asia-Pacific, Generali in Europe,<br />
and John Hancock in the US. I’m highlighting this South<br />
African-born innovation to illustrate that innovation is<br />
universal. High-income nations don’t have a monopoly on<br />
creativity, and there’s much to learn from how resourceconstrained<br />
nations are innovating.<br />
Q<br />
This point brings me onto something else I wanted<br />
to ask you about, Melissa - the Swiss Re Institute<br />
L&H <strong>Insurance</strong> Inclusion Radar…<br />
Melissa: Yes, thank you for signposting this study,<br />
Megan. Even industry insiders may find it surprising<br />
A to learn that, despite so much attention on natural<br />
catastrophe protection gaps, the Swiss Re Institute<br />
estimates the global L&H protection gap to be about 3.5<br />
times larger. The Inclusion Radar is an effort to put the<br />
spotlight on L&H, going beyond measuring the gap and<br />
moving further towards explaining why it exists, as well<br />
as recommending a path forward to make L&H protection<br />
more inclusive.<br />
Melissa Leitner,<br />
Head of Life & Health<br />
Sustainability, Swiss Re<br />
Lorcán Hall, Senior<br />
Advisor, SDG Academy,<br />
United Nations Sustainable<br />
Development Solutions<br />
Network<br />
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FNOL<br />
Laird's Formula for Claims and supply chain Excellence<br />
EXPERT<br />
TRIAGE<br />
FNOL Instruction:<br />
Easily instruct Laird via API or<br />
AI-processed emails,<br />
triggering a branded text link<br />
for drivers without an app.<br />
CLIENT<br />
PORTAL<br />
Image Link:<br />
Streamline as drivers submit<br />
vehicle details and images<br />
through a customisable link,<br />
ensuring a quick response<br />
from engineers with client<br />
branding.<br />
Consumer Duty:<br />
Keep drivers informed via text or email, utilising chatbots for<br />
efficiency and providing 24/7 voicebot service.<br />
Engineering:<br />
Blend Visual Intelligence AI<br />
with qualified engineers,<br />
supported by automated<br />
data sources for accurate<br />
reports shared directly with<br />
clients.<br />
Supply Chain Automation:<br />
Automate supply chain<br />
management, instructing<br />
repairs and keeping clients<br />
informed about estimated<br />
times, addressing delays<br />
promptly.<br />
Portal:<br />
Clients access cases, estimates,<br />
and images through our<br />
interactive portal, with<br />
customisable access levels for<br />
different users.<br />
Triage:<br />
Efficiently direct vehicles to<br />
suitable facilities for repair or<br />
salvage, confirming hire car<br />
needs, streamlining the<br />
process for clients.<br />
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INK<br />
BOARD<br />
or<br />
nk<br />
it<br />
k,<br />
WELCOME to the Insur.Tech.Talk<br />
Editorial Board.<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>’s board of insurtech experts come together once again in this<br />
latest issue, showcasing the very best thought leadership insights from the heart of the<br />
insurtech marketplace.<br />
This issue voices the thoughts of...<br />
I<br />
Manjit Rana,<br />
EVP <strong>Insurance</strong>, UK, EMEA<br />
& APAC, Clearspeed<br />
Gavin Peters,<br />
Chief Marketing Officer,<br />
Genasys<br />
Rich Tomlinson,<br />
Managing Director,<br />
Percayso Inform<br />
Andy Cohen,<br />
President, Snapsheet<br />
or<br />
r<br />
Denise Garth,<br />
Chief Strategy Officer,<br />
Majesco<br />
Sara Shipley,<br />
Chief Human Resource<br />
Officer (CHRO), INSTANDA<br />
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The Unfolding Story of<br />
Innovation Maturity in<br />
<strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Manjit Rana<br />
EVP <strong>Insurance</strong>, UK, EMEA & APAC<br />
The insurance industry has witnessed a<br />
significant surge in innovation over the past<br />
decade, driven by the emergence of insurtech<br />
and increased investment. While the pace<br />
of innovation has slowed slightly in recent<br />
years, the industry has undergone a profound<br />
transformation.<br />
The insurtech ecosystem has grown rapidly, supported by megaconferences,<br />
events, webinars, incubators, and other initiatives<br />
aimed at educating insurers, showcasing solutions, and fostering<br />
collaboration.<br />
However, the reality is that many of these insurtech ventures have<br />
not achieved the same level of success that was anticipated by the<br />
market, industry influencers, and the insurtechs themselves. While<br />
the industry has benefited from increased innovation, much of the<br />
progress has been incremental rather than transformational.<br />
Over the years, innovation ‘labs’ became a common feature in many<br />
insurance companies; their success rate, however, has been mixed.<br />
Several factors contributed to this:<br />
• Leadership Experience: A number of insurers elected to put their<br />
innovation programmes under the stewardship of someone from<br />
the core business with little or no entrepreneurial or innovation<br />
experience – that traditional way of thinking doesn’t change easily<br />
just by adding the word ‘innovation’ to their job title!<br />
• Regulatory Constraints: The insurance industry is heavily regulated,<br />
creating the perception that it is difficult to introduce new products<br />
or processes quickly. This can stifle innovation and limit the ability of<br />
labs to experiment and iterate.<br />
• Risk Aversion: Insurers are often risk-averse, hindering their<br />
willingness to invest in new, unproven ideas. This can make it difficult<br />
for innovation labs to secure budget and support for their projects.<br />
• Legacy Systems: Despite spending millions on implementing new<br />
core platforms, many insurers still struggle to integrate with new<br />
insurtech propositions, limiting the potential of innovation labs to<br />
develop and implement disruptive solutions.<br />
Next-Generation Innovation Models<br />
Next-generation innovation models are characterised by a more<br />
adaptive, collaborative, and technology-driven approach. They<br />
should aim to break down silos, foster a culture of experimentation<br />
and leverage emerging technologies to create sustainable and<br />
disruptive solutions.<br />
Some key elements of these models are:<br />
1. Ecosystem-based innovation<br />
Knowledge sharing: Sharing of challenges and innovative solutions or<br />
technologies across different territories.<br />
Partnerships: Collaborating with external partners such as tech<br />
startups, insurtechs, universities and research institutions, to access<br />
new ideas and expertise.<br />
Open innovation: Encouraging external contributions and fostering a<br />
culture of openness and idea sharing, as applicable.<br />
2. Customer-centric design thinking<br />
Empathy: Deeply understanding customer needs and pain points,<br />
whilst adopting a drive to solve existing issues and anticipating issues<br />
yet-to-come.<br />
Prototyping: Rapidly creating and testing prototypes to gather<br />
feedback.<br />
3. Agile and iterative development<br />
Continuous improvement: Embracing a mindset of constant<br />
improvement and adaptation.<br />
Experimentation: Encouraging experimentation and learning from<br />
failures.<br />
4. Culture of innovation<br />
Risk tolerance: Fostering a culture that is comfortable with risk and<br />
experimentation.<br />
Diversity and inclusion: Creating a diverse and inclusive environment<br />
to encourage different perspectives.<br />
By embracing these elements, organisations can better position<br />
themselves for success in an increasingly competitive and rapidly<br />
changing world.<br />
• Difficulty in Measuring Success: It can be difficult to measure<br />
the success of innovation labs, especially in the short term, making<br />
it challenging to justify continued investment in these initiatives.<br />
Importantly, it can also be hard for leaders to align on what success<br />
looks like from the outset.<br />
To overcome some of these challenges, insurance companies need to<br />
evolve their innovation delivery model into more of an ‘Innovation as<br />
a Service’ provision.<br />
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Communication:<br />
The Crucial Ingredient<br />
The other night, I went out for a pizza. There’s a new pizzeria in my village and I overheard<br />
someone recommend it. ‘Great value, and they provide exactly what you ask for’ they said. I<br />
know I like pizza, and despite not knowing the person, they seemed decent enough, so I booked<br />
myself a table by the window and went along.<br />
‘Oh… minimalist!’ I thought to myself as I sat down and browsed<br />
the ‘menu’, which was really just a list of obscure pizza names.<br />
Very on-trend. I decided on the ‘Digita Transformaggio’, which<br />
sounded like something for a modern man like myself.<br />
I asked the waiter about the Digita Transformaggio, and he<br />
said it was one of the most popular pizzas – in fact, it was very<br />
innovative. When I asked what it contained, he said it was a<br />
delicious cheesy pizza topped with fresh fruit. I questioned what<br />
fruit, but he said he’d have to go back and ask. To be honest, I was<br />
quite bored of waiting by now, and was so hungry I just decided to<br />
order it. Unlike some, I chuckled to myself. I can handle pineapple<br />
on a pizza, so let’s go with it.<br />
After a 20-minute wait, I called the waiter over and asked if he<br />
knew how long it would take. He said that the pizza I had ordered<br />
was quite complicated and they were only half-way through<br />
making it, but promised me I was going to love it when it arrived.<br />
So, I ordered some olives to tide me over. After another 20<br />
minutes, I asked again. He apologised and said it was nearly ready,<br />
just another 10 minutes to wait. Given my hunger, I ordered some<br />
more olives.<br />
“I assumed you just liked olives sir, and these are very wellprepared<br />
olives, sir. The very best, in fact”.<br />
I reluctantly tucked in. To be fair, it was well cooked. The cheese<br />
was delicious, and the olives would probably have been amazing if<br />
I hadn’t already had two bowls of them. It was filling, and when the<br />
bill came, I have to say, it was very cheap.<br />
In fact, you could say it was ‘great value’, and I got ‘exactly what I<br />
asked for’…<br />
Next time I go out, I’ll try to choose somewhere that will think<br />
more about what I really want, and I’ll spend a little more time<br />
making sure I know what I’m asking for.<br />
Finally, my pizza arrived. ‘Here we go!’ I thought to myself, rubbing<br />
my hands together in anticipation. My waiter gave me a big smile<br />
as he handed over what appeared to be a pizza base topped with<br />
cheese and olives.<br />
“Oh”, I said, “this isn’t what I expected?”<br />
“But this is what you ordered,” he replied.<br />
“You said it was a fresh fruit pizza?” I protested. “And there’s not<br />
even any tomatoes on here!”<br />
Gavin Peters<br />
Chief Marketing Officer, Genasys<br />
“Well olives are a fruit, sir, and you didn’t ask for tomatoes”.<br />
“So you just let me order two bowls of olives, and didn’t think to<br />
tell me my pizza was almost entirely made of olives? And how did<br />
this take almost an hour?”<br />
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Know Your Customer<br />
Knowing your customer is fundamental to the success of any insurance business. In principle,<br />
checking the customer is who they say they are should be relatively straightforward – but it’s not<br />
quite as simple as it used to be.<br />
While the digital age has delivered countless benefits to the way<br />
customers interact with insurers, it has enabled numerous ways<br />
in which they can hide or misrepresent their true self – including<br />
whether they’re a human being or a bot.<br />
Take quote manipulation. It’s become a major issue for insurers from<br />
a risk and loss perspective because the customer is paying a much<br />
lower premium than the true risk they present due to the inaccurate<br />
information supplied.<br />
This manifests itself in a number of ways. For example, a customer<br />
could obscure ID information such as date of birth, driving licence<br />
number or address to hide negative data such as driving convictions<br />
or poor credit history. More sophisticated individuals who understand<br />
how insurance pricing works iteratively adapt various rating factors,<br />
such as their occupation or no claims discount – or they may even<br />
misrepresent their true vehicle details and usage.<br />
At the beginning of the year, we examined 360 million distinct quotes<br />
across 2022 and 2023 and uncovered a growing number of people<br />
willing to misrepresent themselves to insurers in order to obtain<br />
cheaper cover. We identified a 20% uptick in quote manipulation over<br />
this period.<br />
But this is where the grey areas set in. In the current economic<br />
environment where household incomes are stretched, previously<br />
honest customers may be tempted to lie – or even be encouraged by<br />
consumer champions in the media – to save a few pounds.<br />
The cost-of-living crisis has also led to an increase in the number of<br />
vulnerable customers, representing another challenge for insurers.<br />
Many of their customers could be classed as vulnerable (according<br />
to the FCA’s criteria) without even realising it, due to circumstances<br />
such as a recent bereavement or divorce.<br />
It’s more important than ever for insurers to employ the latest data<br />
interrogation techniques in order to spot a series of anomalous<br />
responses and better identify suspicious activity. The good news<br />
is that there are new solutions that they can adopt to tackle this<br />
growing problem.<br />
At Percayso, we’ve built a market-wide<br />
‘full’ quote lake and built a SaaS platform<br />
to deliver self-service quote manipulation<br />
management to insurers. Using the tools<br />
and information our platform delivers, they<br />
can easily and dynamically set rules and<br />
strategies to better manage suspicious<br />
activity and accurately price each risk.<br />
Knowing your customer can become<br />
easier again. Honest customers will no<br />
longer have to pay for the actions of<br />
dishonest ones, and insurance providers<br />
can experience improved loss ratios and<br />
profitability.<br />
Rich Tomlinson<br />
MD, Percayso Inform<br />
Why Legacy Mindset Around the <strong>Insurance</strong> Technology<br />
Stack is Holding You Back — And How to Fix It<br />
The insurance industry is known for its conservative approach, which has served it well in managing risk. However, as<br />
technology orthodoxies have evolved over the last decade, insurers did not strike the right balance between caution and<br />
embracing innovation. Insurers must step outside traditional norms to realize what their technology stack can achieve with<br />
the flexibility and efficiency that innovation offers.<br />
For years, insurers were advised to adopt suite solutions from a single<br />
large-scale technology vendor for policy, billing, claims, and all core<br />
operations. Adopting a suite solution made sense in the past when data<br />
exchange, integration complexity, cost management and compliance<br />
were significant concerns.<br />
However, those risks and challenges have been largely mitigated<br />
by modern SaaS providers. This shift enables insurers to adopt an<br />
integrated best-in-breed approach, partnering with the best solution<br />
for each operational area, integrating data and platforms seamlessly to<br />
enhance results.<br />
Outdated Traditional Suite Model for Core Systems<br />
Relying on a single technology vendor (“Suite”) for core platforms is<br />
legacy thinking. Best-in-breed models benefit insurers in a similar way to<br />
consumers when they choose specific products to match their personal<br />
needs - whether it’s a Samsung television, a Whirlpool refrigerator, or<br />
an Apple iPhone. Locking in a single core platform vendor for diverse<br />
business needs - given the investment, changing technology landscape,<br />
opportunity costs, and integration needs - creates bottlenecks,<br />
prioritization issues, and overall business risk.<br />
<strong>Modern</strong> APIs enable seamless integration between platforms from<br />
multiple vendors, offering flexibility and adaptability. Insurers no longer<br />
need to be tied to one vendor’s product lifecycle, strategic roadmap,<br />
or upgrade schedule. With an integrated best-in-breed approach,<br />
insurers can avoid the bottlenecks that occur when focusing resources<br />
on one part of a suite while neglecting others (such as policy, billing, or<br />
claims), avoiding prioritization between revenue generation, service, and<br />
compliance activities.<br />
An Integrated Best-in-Breed Model Improves Results<br />
Given the pace of change in technology and the scale of the insurance<br />
value chain, no vendor’s platform can be number one in each function.<br />
Suite solutions expose these weaknesses while locking in carriers to<br />
potentially decade-long bottlenecks. A best-in-breed model allows<br />
insurers to optimize each area by selecting top technology that integrates<br />
smoothly with others.<br />
For instance, a vendor specializing in claims management can provide a<br />
best-in-class claims platform while connecting with top platforms via API<br />
for policy and billing. This integrated modular approach results in faster<br />
time to market, reduced costs, and continuous updates—ensuring the<br />
insurer always operates at peak efficiency.<br />
The key to success in this model lies in<br />
partnerships that embrace collaboration.<br />
It’s not just about adopting best-in-breed<br />
technology, but ensuring these platforms<br />
work seamlessly together to drive measurable<br />
results. Insurers that leverage integrated bestin-class<br />
solutions unlock agility, innovation,<br />
and growth.<br />
Andy Cohen<br />
President, Snapsheet<br />
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Today’s Business Essential:<br />
Bringing an ‘Outside–In’<br />
View to <strong>Insurance</strong><br />
Change continues to change. For P&C<br />
insurance, the continued market challenges of<br />
inflation, claims losses, catastrophic events and<br />
unprofitable operations are resulting in a rapid<br />
rise in the cost of P&C insurance – in many cases<br />
by 20%-30% or more. This is having a negative<br />
impact on customers.<br />
Many are switching carriers, decreasing coverages, and in some<br />
instances, eliminating insurance due to cost. Insureds are increasingly<br />
frustrated, disenchanted, and suspicious of insurers. This is not good<br />
for customers, insurers, or even society, as it creates a growing<br />
protection gap, a loyalty and trust issue, and potential for further risk.<br />
Whilst increasing insurance premiums is a short-term necessity, it is<br />
not sustainable. We need to look through the eyes of our customers<br />
and reconsider our operating cost structure, the technologies we<br />
use, the products we offer, and the way we use data and analytics.<br />
We need this ‘outside-in’ view to chart a new course and rethink our<br />
operating model and technology — the foundation of our future.<br />
• Increase investment in a new technology foundation. Based<br />
on most assessments by industry analysts, the historical average<br />
investment has been 3-4%. This keeps you even at best. Look at<br />
increasing this to 5-9% or more to leap ahead. We found the impact<br />
of replacing legacy and investing in next-gen intelligent solutions had<br />
a 1.95X greater impact on growth.<br />
• Invest in AI and GenAI. Leverage new sources of data and<br />
advanced AI/ML models. This provides dynamic, real-time analysis,<br />
plus recommendations for underwriting and claims to improve claims<br />
loss ratios and underwriting profitability with intelligence. Create<br />
real operational optimization and productivity gains of 70-90% with<br />
GenAI embedded across the rest of your business processes and<br />
transactions, helping drive down unit costs and cost ratios that can<br />
make your pricing more competitive and attainable for customers.<br />
For decades, the creation and evolution of insurance markets and<br />
products unfolded at a slow and steady pace. But this progression<br />
is unresponsive to market shifts or opportunities. To meet changing<br />
market and customer demands and to remain competitive,<br />
insurers must revamp their operating model to leverage next-gen<br />
core solutions that enable doing things differently as an essential<br />
competitive advantage.<br />
Revamp Your Planning Process<br />
With the annual strategic planning process underway, the time to set<br />
a new direction has never been better. Today’s planning needs to be<br />
bold enough to match the velocity and magnitude of the changes<br />
insurers and their customers are facing. Allocating most of your<br />
resources to maintaining the status quo of your current business<br />
operation and technology is not working. Change is needed.<br />
So what should you consider doing differently? Here are some<br />
suggestions:<br />
• Shift and reallocate resources. Many annual budgets focus on<br />
keeping the business running with 90% of the resources or more –<br />
both operational and surplus. Consider shifting more resources that<br />
invest in the future of your business to create a new operating model<br />
and technology foundation. We found those who conducted a 10-<br />
20% shift saw a 1.48X greater impact on growth.<br />
Denise Garth<br />
Chief Strategy Officer, Majesco<br />
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The Power of Culture in<br />
Driving Success<br />
In an industry where rapid technological<br />
advancements and shifting customer<br />
expectations are the norm, maintaining a strong,<br />
inclusive and diverse culture is essential. At<br />
INSTANDA, we recognise that our unique culture<br />
is pivotal to our success, driving innovation and<br />
empowering progressive insurers globally to<br />
make insurance more accessible and consumable<br />
in order to protect people and assets.<br />
This shared vision fuels our drive and determination, ensuring that<br />
everyone is working towards the same outcomes. This unified vision<br />
transcends individual roles and departments, aligning every team<br />
member with our goal of being a positive force for good.<br />
A Client Mindset<br />
One of our core values is to always act with a client mindset. We<br />
strive to be our clients’ competitive advantage by thinking like their<br />
customers and teams. This mindset enables us to critically evaluate<br />
everything we do, ensuring that our actions and decisions are always<br />
aligned with client success.<br />
Our people want to make a big impact. Our clients are listening to<br />
their customers’ wants and needs, reflecting them back to us, and<br />
using our platform and our people to adapt to those needs. It’s a<br />
powerful iterative approach which keeps us in lockstep.<br />
“There are core ingredients that show up<br />
within our culture that really set us<br />
apart — having a disruptive nature and<br />
desire to deliver exceptional results.”<br />
and ideas that enrich our existing culture. By genuinely seeking talent<br />
in all its forms, we have created an environment that makes us savvier<br />
problem solvers and drives better results.<br />
Wellbeing First<br />
We understand that a happy, well-supported team is crucial to<br />
success. Our compelling benefits structure is designed to help our<br />
employees achieve their career goals while maintaining a healthy<br />
work-life balance. For example, our Dynamic Days programme allows<br />
team members to take an extra day’s leave each month to step away<br />
from work to do the thing that they enjoy, enhancing their overall<br />
wellbeing.<br />
Of course, being a progressive employer means constantly seeking<br />
new ways to best serve the needs of our employees and support their<br />
career ambitions. As examples of our commitment, we’re launching<br />
two initiatives in January 2025. The first is Flexi-Bank, allowing<br />
employees to choose their bank holidays instead of fixed national<br />
holidays. This new approach will enable our global workforce to selfselect<br />
the days that matter most to them, be those religious festivals<br />
or an opportunity to protect special anniversary dates. Our people will<br />
have the freedom to choose what works for them! With ‘freedom’ as a<br />
theme, the second is the INSTANDA Freedom Pass, giving employees<br />
the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world for up to four weeks<br />
a year, focusing on wellbeing, productivity and output over locality.<br />
Having the right culture is not just a ‘nice-to-have’; it is essential to<br />
our success at INSTANDA. By fostering a unified vision, encouraging<br />
innovation and prioritising inclusivity and wellbeing, we have built a<br />
strong foundation for continued growth and client excellence.<br />
A Culture of Disruption & Inclusivity<br />
Our platform and people push boundaries. We foster a culture where<br />
individuals are encouraged to think outside the box and deliver for<br />
our clients in innovative ways. This disruptive nature and desire to<br />
excel set us apart from the competition.<br />
Having an inclusive and diverse culture lies at the heart of who we<br />
are and what makes us so successful. Instead of aiming for cultural<br />
fit based on set metrics, we focus on being ‘culturally additive’. This<br />
approach means actively seeking people who bring new perspectives<br />
Sara Shipley<br />
Chief Human Resource Officer<br />
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Any me, any place, anywhere...<br />
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vehicle recovery and storage.<br />
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250+ independent operators<br />
across 450+ depot locaons<br />
Capability in recovering all<br />
vehicle classes – passenger car<br />
through to HGV<br />
Onward mobility for<br />
single passengers through<br />
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>310,000 p/a<br />
roadside recoveries<br />
Average aendance<br />
me of 72 minutes<br />
Close management of<br />
vehicle storage and<br />
associated costs<br /><br />
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