Tring Living Summer 2023
We’re looking at getting your car in shape for holiday trips and encouraging kids to reach for the stars. There’s a chance to win football-themed Top Trumps, plus find out how to create eco-friendly decor. Local history focuses on Sir Francis Verney - nobleman and pirate. As always, we include our local news, shop local section, and a calendar of forthcoming events. Visit our website for more at The only local magazine offering guaranteed delivery to 11,162* addresses in the HP23 Tring postcode area. *Royal Mail postcode data.
We’re looking at getting your car in shape for holiday trips and encouraging kids to reach for the stars. There’s a chance to win football-themed Top Trumps, plus find out how to create eco-friendly decor. Local history focuses on Sir Francis Verney - nobleman and pirate. As always, we include our local news, shop local section, and a calendar of forthcoming events. Visit our website for more at The only local magazine offering guaranteed delivery to 11,162* addresses in the HP23 Tring postcode area. *Royal Mail postcode data.
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ISSUE 64 TRING<br />
SUMMER <strong>2023</strong><br />
We chart the rapid<br />
evolution of one of<br />
football’s most loved<br />
competitions<br />
GREEN 13<br />
Want to play your part in<br />
helping the environment<br />
this summer? We have<br />
some simple ideas for you<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>’s Ruth Osborne, the last<br />
woman to be condemned to<br />
death for witchcraft in the UK<br />
AGES 8 - 17*<br />
*age range varies depending on course<br />
Participants wi l be working with our highly experienced teachers and industry profe sionals.<br />
Boarding and day places are available on a l our summer courses (day pupils a rive the morning<br />
after the start date listed below). Evening activities and meals are provided including a theatre<br />
trip, a quiz night and a talent contest in the on-site Markova Theatre!<br />
Acting Course 30th July - 3rd August<br />
Dance Course 30th July - 3rd August<br />
Musical Theatre Course 6th - 11th August<br />
Commercial Music Course 6th - 11th August<br />
Dance Course 13th - 17th August<br />
To find out more visit<br />
And many more, including<br />
Tom Stade, Rachel Parris,<br />
Ivo Graham, Geo f Norcott,<br />
Clive Anderson, Paul Sinha,<br />
Simon Brodkin, Marcus Brigstocke<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>e_<strong>2023</strong> d 1 1/05/<strong>2023</strong> 09:03<br />
Welcome to the<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> issue!<br />
TRING<br />
SUMMER <strong>2023</strong><br />
As this magazine arrives through your<br />
letterbox the local Coronation<br />
events will be a happy memory - but<br />
hopefully the sense of community they<br />
created will linger...<br />
There’s plenty more to look forward to this<br />
summer - see our local focus and round-up<br />
of local events and days out in our What’s On<br />
section for some ideas to keep you and the<br />
family entertained over the next few months.<br />
Plus there’s a chance to win a family alpaca<br />
amble at Park Hill Farm in <strong>Tring</strong> or a meal at<br />
Lussmanns Sustainable Kitchen and Garden<br />
in Berkhamsted.<br />
Our garden feature focuses on growing easy<br />
salads - perfect for a summertime supper -<br />
and we’ve rounded up 13 easy ways to help<br />
you stay sustainable. Our walk explores<br />
Ashley Green and Hockeridge Wood. If you’re<br />
out in the countryside, look out for some of<br />
4 News and views from<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> and surrounding<br />
villages<br />
20 Shop local: treat yourself<br />
to something special<br />
24 Win an alpaca amble<br />
in <strong>Tring</strong>!<br />
24 Win a meal at Lussmanns,<br />
Berkhamsted!<br />
26 History: The last ‘witch’<br />
of <strong>Tring</strong><br />
the area’s stunning butterflies, like the one<br />
featured on our cover. Visit the Herts and<br />
Middlesex Wildlife Trust website for more<br />
details on local butterflies.<br />
If you have summer birthdays to buy for, take<br />
a look at ‘shop local’ for ideas - our local<br />
retailers will appreciate your support, we’re sure.<br />
As always, the magazine includes lots of local<br />
news, while our local history feature focuses<br />
on the sad tale of the last ‘witch’ in <strong>Tring</strong>.<br />
If you want to be involved in the next issue,<br />
please email Naomi at editorial@livingmags.<br />
info with your news prior to our autumn issue.<br />
Happy reading!<br />
Alison and<br />
Naomi<br />
Owner & Editor<br />
28 Top tips for holidaying<br />
with the kids<br />
30 Kids Puzzles<br />
32 Walk: Explore Ashley<br />
Green and Hockeridge<br />
Wood<br />
34 Gardening: Salad days<br />
35 Crossword<br />
37 Latest books from local<br />
authors<br />
The only local magazine offering shrink-wrapped guaranteed delivery to 11,055* addresses in the HP23 postcode area,<br />
by Royal Mail every quarter. *Royal Mail postcode data . Published quarterly in March, June, September & December<br />
The Team: Publisher: Alison Page / Editor: Naomi MacKay / Designer: Neil Randle<br />
Registered Address: Jubilee Gardens, <strong>Tring</strong>, Herts HP23 4JG. <strong>Living</strong> Magazines are published by independent publisher Alison Page Marketing.<br />
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited without permission. The publisher will not be held responsible for<br />
any errors or omissions. Opinions expressed by authors and advertisers in this publication are not specifically endorsed by Alison Page Marketing.<br />
01442 824300<br />
INFO@<br />
38 13 easy ways to be green<br />
40 World Cup Fever: the<br />
history of the Women’s<br />
competition<br />
41 Must-have men’s fashion<br />
44 What’s on<br />
49 Bake this summer<br />
fruits pie<br />
50 Classifieds<br />
POTATO<br />
PLASTIC.<br />
For exclusive offers & updates between issues go to:<br />
Get ready for Carnival!<br />
The <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Carnival runs<br />
from Thursday 13 July to Sunday 16 July<br />
with plenty of fun, music and laughter.<br />
Maybe you want to pit your team against<br />
another for the Biq Quiz Night plus the fantastic<br />
Rock n Roll Bingo on Thursday night. Friday<br />
afternoon is Rennie Grove Supporter afternoon<br />
and in the evening it’s the Beer & Band Night<br />
featuring Elasticats.<br />
Saturday 15 July is carnival day, with the<br />
parade, live music, dancing, Savage Skills<br />
performing in the arena, dog show, children’s<br />
fairground rides, plenty of stalls and vintage<br />
car show. On the Saturday evening, Music<br />
in the Marquee is presented by <strong>Tring</strong> Music<br />
Partnership and <strong>Tring</strong> Together in aid of the<br />
Hospice of St Francis. Bar and hot food available.<br />
And Sunday 16 July is <strong>Tring</strong> Blues Bar Blues<br />
Fest. Doors open 12.30pm and music finishes at<br />
5pm. See for details.<br />
Ticket details at<br />
Wicked display!<br />
With the excitement that construction<br />
of the Wicked film set at Ivinghoe<br />
has brought to the area (and the<br />
hope that Ariana Grande might do a Keanu<br />
Reeves and appear in one of the town’s pubs<br />
looking for lunch!) it’s lovely to see florist<br />
Magnolia in the High Street entering into<br />
the spirit.<br />
Proprietor Helen Mitchell and florist Georgia<br />
Hazel put together this mini version of the<br />
Munchkin village. They told <strong>Living</strong>: ‘We have<br />
seen the film set up in Ivinghoe where they are<br />
currently filming Wicked and we thought we<br />
would create our own mini version of the village<br />
and the yellow brick road to let the people of<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> know that it’s being filmed right on<br />
our doorstep!’<br />
4 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
the carpet & flooring specialists<br /><br />
Tel: 01442 863111 & 01442 864461<br />
7 & 9 London Road, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2BU
<strong>Tring</strong> band to rock at festival<br />
A<br />
group of<br />
They told <strong>Living</strong>: ‘We formed the band as a<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> School shared passion when we were in Year 4 (when<br />
sixth formers we were eight years old), and properly started<br />
recently took the top gigging and performing in the last three years.<br />
spot in a battle of the We have been trying to play as much as we can<br />
bands competition, to build momentum and get known, and also<br />
and as a result will because we love doing it. We headlined at the<br />
be performing at a <strong>Tring</strong> Christmas Festival and have also played at<br />
festival that attracts <strong>Tring</strong> Carnival and Pendley Theatre.’<br />
an audience of<br />
They will be playing at Standon Calling - a festival<br />
15,000 people.<br />
that features the likes of Years and Years, Scouting<br />
Indie rock band QuoteBook triumphed<br />
for Girls, The Human League, and Melanie C on<br />
at the Hertfordshire Battle of the Bands in<br />
its bill. They said: ‘We are all really looking forward<br />
Buntingford. The band members - Zack Barnard to performing at our first festival, it should be a<br />
(lead singer/drums); James Reynolds (lead<br />
great opportunity to play and get heard.’<br />
guitar), Jasper Moran (keys/guitar) and Arthur The band is releasing its first album this<br />
Bates (bass) - are all aged 17, and rehearse weekly summer and will also be appearing at <strong>Tring</strong><br />
at <strong>Tring</strong> School.<br />
Together Music in the Marquee on 15 July.<br />
Go big, go green<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>’s Great Big Green Week will take<br />
place between 10 and 18 June. The Great<br />
Big Green Week encourages whole<br />
communities to come together to celebrate<br />
our environment and take action to tackle<br />
climate change.<br />
The Great Big Green Week includes everything<br />
from cookery to craft, festivals to football<br />
matches, and shop window displays to<br />
school assemblies.<br />
The drive to promote The Great Big Green<br />
Week locally has been brought about by The<br />
Sustainable <strong>Tring</strong> Thing working in partnership<br />
with <strong>Tring</strong> Town Council. The Sustainable <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Thing is a<br />
local grassroots movement<br />
supporting the<br />
development of projects,<br />
campaigns and initiatives<br />
to further the sustainable<br />
development and<br />
enhancement of the<br />
community of <strong>Tring</strong><br />
and the surrounding<br />
area. Get in touch with them at<br /><br />
For more on <strong>Tring</strong>’s Great Big Green Week see:<br /><br />
6 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Cara Hunter<br />
© Matthew Hood<br />
Rebecca Wait<br />
Bestsellers flock to BeaconLit<br />
A J Pearce<br />
© Alexander James<br />
Laura Shepherd-<br />
Robinson<br />
For 10<br />
years, the<br />
village of<br />
Ivinghoe has<br />
hosted BeaconLit<br />
– a book<br />
festival with a<br />
friendly, villagey<br />
atmosphere<br />
loved by authors<br />
and audience<br />
alike.<br />
The festival,<br />
which raises<br />
funds for the<br />
Beacon Villages<br />
Community<br />
Library, will be held on Saturday 8 July in<br />
Brookmead School, Ivinghoe, and boasts an<br />
eclectic lineup.<br />
There will be live interviews with<br />
bestsellers Cara Hunter, A J Pearce, Laura<br />
Shepherd-Robinson and Rebecca Wait, as<br />
well as a panel entitled ‘Doctor! Doctor!’,<br />
featuring medical thriller writers Heather<br />
J Fitt, Annie Payne and Eve Smith. And the<br />
ever-popular ‘New Voices’ panel brings<br />
together exciting debut authors Aidan<br />
Cottrell-Boyce, Jacqueline Crooks and<br />
Natasha Hastings.<br />
Early Bird tickets, priced £25 are available<br />
until 5 June, offering a £10 (29%) saving over<br />
the full price of £35. Book online at<br /><br />
LOCAL<br />
Come and run for fun!<br />
The <strong>Tring</strong> Midsummer Fun Run is now in<br />
its 21st year, and is one of the most<br />
popular running events in Dacorum. It’s<br />
an event for the whole family with races for all<br />
age groups - from pre-schoolers to adults. This<br />
year’s Fun Run will take place at <strong>Tring</strong> Park<br />
Cricket Club on Wednesday, 21 June, with the<br />
first races starting at 5.30pm. Entry is just £1 per<br />
child and free for pre-school children! Every<br />
child will receive a medal, which may even be<br />
handed to you by the Mayor of <strong>Tring</strong>.<br />
Local children were asked to design this year’s<br />
medal and the winning design was created by<br />
Kaja Ziembaczewska, as chosen by the children<br />
of Dundale school. The adult run (year 10 and<br />
above) will follow a 6km loop through <strong>Tring</strong> and<br />
will start at 7:30 pm. Grab your friends and join<br />
in; you might even win one of the team prizes.<br />
Fingers crossed the sun will shine again, just as<br />
it did last year. There’ll be music, a BBQ and<br />
other refreshment stalls too.<br />
Details at<br /><br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 7
Pendley Manor launches<br />
Rose Garden Grand Suite<br />
Pendley Manor has launched its new Rose<br />
Garden Grand Suite, giving guests the<br />
opportunity to indulge in large-scale<br />
events, all in the middle of a peaceful forest<br />
glade in 35 acres of rural Hertfordshire.<br />
Situated adjacent to Pendley<br />
Manor’s Rose Garden, the<br />
Suite offers views from<br />
the windows towards the<br />
gardens, the romantic steps<br />
into the woodlands and the<br />
grand manor house in the<br />
background.<br />
Accommodating from 150<br />
to 900 guests, the venue is<br />
Hertfordshire has<br />
been officially<br />
recognised as one of<br />
the safest places to live in<br />
England and Wales.<br />
Police and Crime<br />
Commissioner for<br />
Hertfordshire David Lloyd<br />
welcomed the latest figures<br />
from the Office for National<br />
Statistics (ONS) which show<br />
the county has the fifth<br />
lowest overall crime rate.<br />
Measured across 43 police force areas,<br />
Hertfordshire registered 63.3 crimes per 1,000<br />
finished with a neutral wooden floor throughout,<br />
high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and plenty of<br />
natural light. It provides a dream setting for<br />
weddings, with a dedicated events team taking<br />
care of all the details, so couples can focus on<br />
exchanging vows and simply celebrating.<br />
According to General Manager Chetan Bhanot:<br />
‘One common theme has been an influx of<br />
enquiries for celebratory events – receptions,<br />
award ceremonies, dinners, and even summer<br />
and Christmas parties.’<br />
He added: ‘We are very excited to play host to<br />
some superb functions in this spectacular new<br />
space, which brings fresh new surroundings for<br />
people to come together and celebrate.’<br />
Herts ‘one of the top five safest places’<br />
residents, which is two thirds of the average. It is<br />
the lowest in the Eastern region with Cambridge<br />
scoring 80.7, Essex 91 and Norfolk 75.7.<br />
• Hertfordshire has, however, been revealed as<br />
one of the five places most susceptible to<br />
cybercrime in England and Wales.<br />
A study by cyber security experts CloudTech24<br />
found that residents of the Greater Manchester<br />
area were most susceptible to cybercrime, with<br />
the Hertfordshire area in fifth place. In the past<br />
13 months, there were 648 cybercrime reports or<br />
5.42 reports per 10,000 people. Social media and<br />
email account hacking were the most common<br />
reports, followed by computer viruses or<br />
malware cases.<br />
8 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Promotional Feature
Stringer Mann teaches good finance habits<br />
Robert Stringer and Ed Evans of Stringer<br />
Mann Chartered Financial Planners<br />
recently completed a series of free, fun<br />
and engaging financial education workshops for<br />
Year 9 students at Berkhamsted School, to help<br />
them build brighter financial futures.<br />
Aimed at children aged 13-14, the workshops,<br />
called Your Future. were interactive and highenergy,<br />
incorporating strategic game play<br />
and discussion-based learning. The young<br />
people learned about risk and reward, saving,<br />
banking, budgeting, borrowing, lending<br />
and more.<br />
Robert Stringer, partner of the Berkhamstedbased<br />
firm and founder of Hector’s House, a<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Swimming Club’s A team has taken<br />
top spot in the Herts Major League and<br />
earned promotion to the premier league.<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> was the only club in Hertfordshire to<br />
enter two teams into this year’s league, and after<br />
suicide prevention and mental health awareness<br />
charity for young people, said: ‘It’s reported that<br />
96% of British teenagers worry about money<br />
daily. And we know now that money habits can<br />
begin to form in children as young as seven, so<br />
the younger we start educating them the better<br />
– not only for their financial futures but for<br />
their mental health as well.’<br />
Sarah Gledhill, head of sociology & head of<br />
personal development at Berkhamsted School,<br />
commented: ‘We recognise the role that<br />
effective financial education can play in overall<br />
wellbeing and feel that these sessions have been<br />
a valuable addition to our personal development<br />
curriculum this year.’’<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> swimmers win league<br />
two thrilling rounds and a stunning finale, team<br />
A won first place, while team B achieved a very<br />
impressive fifth position.<br />
Both teams put in some very gutsy<br />
performances from swimmers who gave it their<br />
all in every race to maximise points. The club’s<br />
motto - Teamwork, Skills, Compete - really<br />
proved itself, as the swimmers worked well in<br />
teams, and their finely tuned skills provided the<br />
strength and stamina in the water to go the extra<br />
millisecond.<br />
“Special thanks also go to the coaches and<br />
volunteers of the club who make these things<br />
happen, while unlocking the talent and<br />
dedication of our amazing swimmers,” said<br />
chairman Mike Billingham. “In the end, the<br />
combined teamwork paid off, securing both<br />
teams well-earned results.”<br />
10 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Herts Girl Guides launch police badge<br />
Around 100 Hertfordshire Girl Guides<br />
aged from five to 14 became the first in<br />
the county to earn the Girlguiding<br />
Policing Challenge Badge recently.<br />
Catherine Roper, a long-serving Guide Leader<br />
for Girlguiding in Berkhamsted and the National<br />
Police Chief Council lead for Children and Young<br />
People, was joined by Hertfordshire police<br />
officers and staff with Rainbows, Brownies and<br />
Girl Guides at Thomas Corum School in<br />
Berkhamsted.<br />
A<br />
decision from the inquiry into the<br />
Marshcroft development in <strong>Tring</strong> is not<br />
likely to appear until the autumn.<br />
While the gathering of evidence has been<br />
completed, the inspector must complete his<br />
report and make a recommendation to Michael<br />
Gove, the Minister of State.<br />
The proposed development would see 1,400<br />
dwellings on farmland in the Green Belt east of<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, abutting the Chilterns AONB between<br />
Bulbourne and Station Road, <strong>Tring</strong>, either side of<br />
Marshcroft Lane.<br />
Together, they spent an afternoon undertaking<br />
a series of activities including a crime solving<br />
exercise; how to keep themselves safe; and<br />
understanding the vehicles and equipment used<br />
by frontline policing teams, including a drone<br />
demonstration from Hertfordshire’s Rural<br />
Operational Support Team.<br />
Catherine Roper, who is now Chief Constable<br />
of Wiltshire Police, said: ‘The Girlguiding Police<br />
Challenge Badge offers an ideal opportunity to<br />
get the local Guiding units of all ages to think<br />
about the values of policing and public service.<br />
‘I would like to congratulate Hertfordshire<br />
Constabulary for launching the Girlguiding<br />
Policing badge and thank them for being part of<br />
such a special day. The girls had a brilliant time.<br />
We want to see more young women joining the<br />
police service and I think earning the Police<br />
Challenge Badge<br />
is a great step to<br />
help us in<br />
promoting<br />
policing careers<br />
to girls and<br />
young women.’<br />
Marshcroft decision expected in the autumn<br />
The proposal was refused by Dacorum Borough<br />
Council and a Planning Inquiry into that refusal<br />
was conducted during February and March.<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> vehicle leasing specialist<br />
Greenfleets has been named Best<br />
Small Broker by Broker News in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
The judges included leasing companies<br />
and experts across the industry.<br />
LOCAL<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 11
Everybody needs good neighbours<br />
Rennie Grove is bringing the<br />
Compassionate Neighbours project<br />
to Dacorum - and looking for<br />
new volunteers.<br />
Compassionate Neighbours is an awardwinning<br />
social movement that sees volunteers<br />
matched with community members in their<br />
area, to offer friendship and emotional support<br />
to people who are lonely, ill or isolated due to<br />
life-limiting illness or bereavement.<br />
Fiona McGregor has been volunteering for two<br />
years. She says: ‘My first Community Member was<br />
isolated due to illness and didn’t have family living<br />
nearby. I visited her at home once a week to offer<br />
company and friendship. I feel we both gained<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Farmers Market is back on the High<br />
Street; from 10 June it will be located at<br />
Church Square and Mansion Vista.<br />
so much from the<br />
friendship, and I<br />
am now looking<br />
forward to a similar<br />
relationship with<br />
my new<br />
local match.’<br />
Volunteers don’t need any kind of experience<br />
or relevant background, as full training and<br />
support is given.<br />
To find out more about either accessing<br />
the support of a Compassionate Neighbour<br />
or offering your time, email<br /> or call<br />
01923 330 330.<br />
Farmers Market moves to High Street<br />
The market offers a variety of fresh produce,<br />
including lamb, beef, pork, eggs from rare<br />
breed chickens, a range of breads, cakes,<br />
honey and other preserves, charcuterie and<br />
cheese, some of which is ripened locally<br />
at Wendover.<br />
As the better weather approaches, the<br />
market is brimming with fresh summer<br />
produce, including High Speed Stilton<br />
cheese, and other delicious items that are<br />
perfect for any summer gathering. The<br />
market encourages eating seasonally<br />
and locally, which is a challenging but<br />
rewarding experience.<br />
In addition to fresh produce, the market<br />
also hopes to introduce a veg stall.<br />
The new location is expected to encourage<br />
more High Street shopping to support the<br />
town and community engagement.<br />
12 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Ashlyns Festival returns for feast of family fun<br />
Ashlyns School and<br />
grounds are being<br />
transformed into<br />
a magical, fairy-light<br />
strewn festival playground<br />
for the Ashlyns Festival,<br />
which returns for<br />
family-friendly fun in July.<br />
Run by the Ashlyns School Association<br />
(ASA), with profits going directly back to the<br />
school, it promises to be even bigger and better<br />
than before with comedians fresh from the<br />
professional circuit, live music, an activity-filled<br />
FunZone, a fully licensed bar, a sizzling array of<br />
local food and the ever-popular Glow Up Tent.<br />
The festival gets off to a spicy start on Friday 14<br />
July with a Comedy and Curry Night (for adults<br />
Supportive child psychology<br />
Recent data from the NHS has revealed<br />
that as of December 2022, the number of<br />
people waiting for an autism<br />
assessment has increased by 40%. In<br />
Hertfordshire and surrounding counties,<br />
children may wait for one to three years for an<br />
autism assessment and even longer to receive<br />
the right support in school.<br />
To address the growing waiting lists and lack<br />
of support for children with special educational<br />
needs, Your Way Psychology and Education has<br />
recently started supporting children and<br />
families in <strong>Tring</strong>, Berkhamsted, and<br />
surrounding villages by providing private<br />
autism assessments and support services. Their<br />
approach mirrors that of NHS services but with<br />
a wait list of a few weeks and not years.<br />
only) led by Paul Sinha, The Sinnerman.<br />
Music takes centre stage on Saturday 15<br />
July with live performances all day and into<br />
the night. There will be a range of games and<br />
activities on offer for youngsters - and the young<br />
at heart - in the new FunZone, and festival-goers<br />
will be encouraged to get their glitter on in the<br />
Glow Up Tent.<br />
Tickets from<br />
For sponsorship and pitch opportunities<br />
contact<br />
NEWS IN<br />
BRIEF<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>’s comedy festival, The <strong>Tring</strong>e, runs<br />
from 2 to 22 July. Organisers tell us it’s the<br />
fastest selling year since 2010, so book<br />
tickets now!<br />
Autism may<br />
present itself in a<br />
number of ways,<br />
including difficulties<br />
with friendships, communication, adjusting<br />
behaviour to suit various social contexts, and<br />
picking up on social cues; restricted or repetitive<br />
behaviours; an unusually deep fascination in a<br />
topic or object, and being under or over-sensitive<br />
to sounds, lights, texture, and smells.<br />
Receiving an autism diagnosis is just the first<br />
step in getting the right support in school. Your<br />
Way Psychology and Education help parents<br />
work with schools and find a way forward for<br />
their child to receive the necessary support.<br />
Find out more at<br /><br />
And many more, including<br />
Tom Stade, Rachel Parris,<br />
Ivo Graham, Geoff Norco t,<br />
Clive Anderson, Paul Sinha,<br />
Simon Brodkin, Marcus Brigstocke<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>e_<strong>2023</strong> d 1 1/05/<strong>2023</strong> 09:03<br />
14 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
<strong>Tring</strong> Council update<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> festivities will continue with<br />
Dinosaur Day at the Memorial Garden<br />
providing half term fun on Thursday 1 and<br />
Friday 2 June.<br />
The new council was elected and took office<br />
on 9 May. Councillors are settling into their<br />
new roles, and you can meet one or two of them<br />
at the ‘Meet the Council’ stall at the <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Carnival on 15 July.<br />
Other news around town - the parks and<br />
play equipment were inspected in March, and<br />
apart from a few minor issues which have now<br />
been resolved, the parks are officially safe!<br />
Bollards have been painted in Church<br />
Square, the bus shelter cleaned, and the flower<br />
bed repaired and re-planted by a wonderful<br />
team of volunteers. Watch out for the blooms,<br />
coming soon!<br />
LOCAL<br />
Walk this way to volunteer<br />
View the Dacorum timetable at https://tinyurl.<br />
com/3kx9hux5.<br />
If you are interested in volunteering, email<br />, call<br />
01992 555 888 or visit the website.<br />
A<br />
new summer programme of<br />
Hertfordshire Health Walks has started<br />
in <strong>Tring</strong> and surrounding areas, and<br />
volunteers are needed!<br />
The walks offer participants the chance to<br />
enjoy the local countryside and green spaces in<br />
trails led by qualified volunteer leaders. They can<br />
meet new people and enjoy the many health and<br />
well-being benefits walking provides. Walks are<br />
volunteer-led, friendly and local – everyone<br />
(aged 18 years and above) is welcome!<br />
All walks are free and they are graded between<br />
20-30 minutes (First Steps) and up to 90 minutes<br />
(Grade 4) unless otherwise stated, while Grade<br />
4+ progression walks can last up to 2 hours.<br />
To attend you can register at<br /> or<br />
turn up 15 minutes before your first walk and<br />
complete a New Walker Form.<br />
J Brown Funeral Services<br />
Independent Family Funeral Director<br /><br />
Serving Wendover, <strong>Tring</strong> , Aylesbury,<br />
Amersham, and all surrounding areas.<br />
Funeral Director Jason Brown<br />
has over 25 years experience<br />
and is here to assist you with<br />
making funeral arrangements,<br />
be they traditional, green or<br />
totally bespoke.<br />
• Home visits<br />
• Pre paid funeral plans<br />
• Recommended by The Good Funeral Guide<br />
Wendover<br />
23 High Street<br />
HP22 6DU<br />
01296 312222<br />
Amersham<br />
67 Woodside Road<br />
HP6 6AA<br />
01494 727474<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 15
Changing a child’s surname:<br />
what you need to consider<br />
A<br />
child’s surname can be a significant part<br />
of their identity and ancestral history.<br />
The decision on whose surname a child<br />
should carry can therefore be a substantial one.<br />
Sometimes, one parent may decide that it is<br />
necessary for a child’s surname to be changed.<br />
This often occurs when parents separate and the<br />
mother may want her and her child to use her<br />
maiden name, for example.<br />
It is not a decision that should be taken<br />
lightly, so here are five key things that you<br />
should consider.<br />
1. Obtaining agreement<br />
A surname can be lawfully changed, provided<br />
that all those with Parental Responsibility give<br />
consent. Name changes can be implemented<br />
by Change of Name Deed or by Deed Poll.<br />
2. If an agreement cannot be reached<br />
If one person with Parental Responsibility<br />
disagrees with changing the surname, matters<br />
can become more complicated.<br />
Without the consent of others with Parental<br />
Responsibility for the child, a child’s surname<br />
cannot be changed unless the Court grants<br />
permission.<br />
The Court’s decision depends on the<br />
reasoning behind the application - note that<br />
there is a high threshold that will need to<br />
be met. The Court often takes the view that<br />
the child should keep its surname as it is,<br />
unless the change will result in an obvious<br />
improvement to the child’s welfare.<br />
3. The child’s wishes and feelings<br />
For children old enough to understand the<br />
implications of a name change, we advise<br />
those with Parental Responsibility to take the<br />
child’s wishes and feelings into consideration.<br />
If the issue regarding the child’s surname<br />
is presented before a Court, the Court will<br />
consider the child’s wishes and feelings.<br />
However, it is worth noting that these are not<br />
always determinative to a Court.<br />
4. The welfare of the child<br />
Ultimately, the welfare of the child is of<br />
paramount importance to the Court.<br />
When determining whether to agree to<br />
changing a child’s surname, the Court will<br />
consider the effect of the change on the child’s<br />
welfare, including considering the length<br />
of time the child has been known by their<br />
existing surname, the effect that changing (or<br />
not changing) their surname would have on<br />
them and the reason(s) for the change<br />
of surname.<br />
5. Family tradition and heritage:<br />
You may wish to consider the importance<br />
of maintaining a family name or<br />
cultural heritage.<br />
In summary, changing a child’s surname<br />
is a complex decision that requires<br />
careful consideration of the legal, emotional<br />
and practical factors. If there is a dispute<br />
between those with Parental Responsibility,<br />
we suggest seeking legal advice and<br />
considering alternative dispute<br />
resolution options.<br />
Get more help<br />
To discuss changing a child’s surname after a<br />
divorce, or if you believe your ex-partner has<br />
changed your child’s surname, please contact<br />
Lennons’ specialist family law team on<br />
01442 891400 or<br /><br />
16 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
I htiw tse<br />
c i fno ecned<br />
Investing can be daunting. Where’s the best place to put your savings?<br />
What level of risk are you willing to take? How might fluctuating markets<br />
affect your investment? And how can you monitor performance?<br />
We understand. Which is why we aim to take the stress out of the process.<br />
At St. James’s Place, our distinctive approach to investment management<br />
calls on the expertise of some of the world’s leading fund managers. Which<br />
means healthy long-term investment performance is within your grasp.<br />
What’s more, being local means we’re here to help whenever you need us.<br />
The value of an investment with SJP will be directly linked to the performance<br />
of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up.<br />
You may get back less than you invested.<br />
Call today to find out more<br />
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S 0 devor pA 3202/50/2 PJ<br />
SJP11491e B1 (03/22)
Need a helping hand to find the right mortgage?<br />
Arrange a no obligation consultation with<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>-based Gavin Ross to discuss:<br />
• Simple rate switch up to 6 months<br />
before your current rate ends<br />
• First time buyers<br />
• Remortgage<br />
t: 01727 85 22 99<br />
Main Dealer Servicing<br />
m: 07595 15 19 12<br />
at Local Garage e: Prices<br />
• Life Insurance<br />
• Purchases<br />
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• In-house Investment,<br />
Equity Release<br />
and Pensions<br />
Specialists<br />
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Gavin Ross<br />
Mortgage Adviser<br /><br />
KDW is a trading style of KD Wright Financial Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration No: 509886.<br />
Registered Address: Verulam Point, Station Way, St Albans AL1 5HE. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.<br />
Half Page <strong>Living</strong> <strong>Tring</strong> Magazine February 2022 V2.indd 1 03/02/2022 14:46:22<br />
RoyChapman<br />
10% OFF *<br />
R134A Air conditioning Re Gas - £55<br />
1234YF *Excludes MOT, Air Tyres conditioning and<br />
Re Gas - £99<br />
Air conditioning re-gas offer.<br />
Deodoriser - £12<br />
Complimentary wash & vac with all service & repair work** **<br />
**Monday to Friday only. Excludes<br />
Seasonal checks and air con re-gas<br />
Your first visit to<br />
us on production of this advert<br />
(Removes bad odours and bacteria from your car’s air con system)<br />
Roy Chapman<br />
Tel: 01442<br />
Ltd<br />
871234<br />
01442 871234<br />
Email:<br />
Visit:<br /><br /><br />
22 Western Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
22 Western Road, <strong>Tring</strong> Hertfordshire HP23 4BB HP23 4BB<br />
B4635<br />
HENRY ST<br />
Q UEENS ST<br />
Real people.<br />
Clear advice.<br />
Now we’re talking.<br />
Corporate & Commercial<br />
Residential Property<br />
Commercial Property<br />
Wills, Probate & Life Planning<br />
Personal Injury & Medical Negligence<br />
Family Law<br />
Dispute Resolution<br />
Employment Law<br />
Talk to us on<br />
01442 891400<br /><br /><br />
Scan Me!<br />
Here’s our<br />
selection of<br />
great things to<br />
buy in <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
Berkhamsted<br />
and the villages<br />
01 02 03<br />
07<br />
04<br />
05<br />
06<br />
11<br />
08<br />
09<br />
10<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
17<br />
18<br />
19<br />
20 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
LOCAL<br />
21<br />
20<br />
22 23<br />
26<br />
24<br />
25<br />
xx<br />
Alura Candles Ltd - <strong>Tring</strong><br />
01 Hand-blown glass diffusers £20<br />
02 Diffuser 100ml £20<br />
03 Car vent diffuser £15<br />
Bailey & Sons - Berkhamsted<br />
04 18ct Gold Huggie Hoops with Diamond<br />
£1450<br />
05 Ania Haie Silver and Gold Plated CZ Hoop<br />
Earrings £49<br />
06 Ania Haie Silver and Gold Plated Pearl<br />
Necklace £55<br />
07 Gents Tissot Steel SeaStar Bracelet Watch<br />
£730<br />
Fancy That - <strong>Tring</strong><br />
08 ‘Amusable Sandwich’ £27.50<br />
09 Fairtrade felt ‘Suffragette Mouse’ £10<br />
10 Fairtrade felt handbags £19 each<br />
11 Dino Dig £12.50<br />
12 Jellycat ‘Winston Worm’ £17<br />
13 Fairtrade felt handbags £19<br />
PE Mead & Sons - <strong>Tring</strong><br />
14 Dog treats from £1.65<br />
15 2l Chiltern rapeseed oil £12.50<br />
16 Belvoir non-alcoholic cocktails from £4.50<br />
17 Creative Juices Brewery from £3.30<br />
18 Chiltern ice cream £5.95<br />
19 Goats of the Gorge products from £3.50<br />
20 Home produced honey mustard and BBQ<br />
sauce £3.75<br />
21 On Angel Wing cards £3.50<br />
Puddingstone Distillery - <strong>Tring</strong><br />
22 Campfire Gin Gift Pack 3 x 10cl bottles £32<br />
23 Canteen Honey Gin 70cl £39<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Brewery - <strong>Tring</strong><br />
24 Bionic Bull Coffee Roasters ‘House Blend<br />
Whole Bean Coffee’ made with Ethiopian,<br />
Colombian and Brazilian varietals.<br />
250g £12<br />
25 Chiltern Cider Company ‘Black Lab<br />
Medium Dry Cider’ 6.5% ABV 500ml £3.50<br />
26 Wye Valley Meadery ‘Pure Honey Mead’<br />
‘Honey & Elderflower Mead’ ‘Honey &<br />
Rhubarb Mead’. 4.0% ABV, 330ml £3.25<br />
Whilst we have made every effort to ensure these details are correct,<br />
you must confirm directly with the retailer.<br />
Contact to find out how you can promote your local seasonal products here.<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 21
Produce available from<br />
over 30 local suppliers!<br />
Home produced lamb & beef<br />
Heygates animal feeds & pet foods<br />
Relax in our tea room<br />
and browse our produce<br /><br /> 01442 828478<br />
Campfire Gins, limited edition gins,<br />
gin gift sets and more…<br />
distilled at our <strong>Tring</strong> distillery.<br />
Visit Puddingstone Distillery on Fridays & Saturdays<br />
and enjoy a try before you buy gin tasting.<br />
FREE delivery on orders over £80 at<br /><br />
Lower Icknield Way, <strong>Tring</strong>, Hertfordshire HP23 4NT
SHOP FOR<br />
GIN • CIDER • MEAD<br />
In <strong>2023</strong> our Monthly Specials<br />
will be raising funds and<br />
awareness for Tiggywinkles<br />
Wildlife Hospital<br />
ORDER<br />
ONLINE<br />
Dunsley Farm, London Road, <strong>Tring</strong> HP23 6HA<br />
N 01442 890721 D<br />
5 Riverside industrial estate, Billet Lane, Berkhamsted HP4 1HL<br />
Long & Short term storage<br />
for your treasured car<br />
Dry, secure storage available<br />
call for details<br />
Keep your prestige car car purring purring with a with comprehensive a comprehensive and competitively and<br />
competitively priced service. Specialising in Jaguar & Landrover<br />
vehicles Kings Road for Garage over 25 offers years. a friendly, Kings efficient Road Garage service. We offers also a offer friendly,<br />
efficient maintenance service. and repairs Call today on electric on: 01442 and hybrid 863 851 vehicles. for further details.<br />
• Full servicing<br />
• Fully trained technicians<br />
• Free collection & delivery<br />
• MOT & tyre fitting<br />
• Vehicle storage<br />
priced service. Specialising in Jaguar & Landrover vehicles for over 25 years.<br />
KINGS ROAD AMENDED.indd 1 22/03/<strong>2023</strong> 18:54
Up for grabs is a family Alpaca Amble for up to six people - worth £90.<br />
The <strong>Living</strong> Magazines team visited <strong>Tring</strong>’s Park Hill Farm recently<br />
to try out the experience for ourselves.<br />
First we met the three boys - the tallest one, Winston was happily humming to<br />
himself. With him were Freddie and Albie. Once we had said hello, the boys got their<br />
harnesses on and we had a lovely stroll around the field, stopping for them to enjoy<br />
some new grass and some nibbles. Owner Sam has set up stopping stations around the<br />
field, where she will explain more about alpacas, where they are from, how they live in<br />
the wild and so on.<br />
After your amble you could stop off for a cuppa at the Stable Shack Tea room.<br />
The little cafe has also become well-known for its afternoon teas, with home made<br />
cakes and sandwiches.<br />
The farm also offers an Alpaca Picnic, and Unicorn adventures too, for younger guests.<br />
A wonderful way to get away from the stresses of everyday life, get out in the countryside and enjoy<br />
time with these beautiful animals.<br />
For a chance to win simply answer the following question and go to our<br />
website to enter<br />
What are the three alpacas’ full names?<br />
(Find the answer at<br />
Terms and conditions apply, visit website for details. Closing date: 15 July <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> is here, and what better way to enjoy the longer days and warmer<br />
weather than a meal with friends at Hertfordshire’s most sustainable<br />
independent restaurant, Lussmanns Sustainable Kitchen And Garden,<br />
in Berkhamsted?<br />
The popular Berkhamsted restaurant is situated on the High Street in a<br />
charming Grade II Listed building, and has recently celebrated its first birthday.<br />
Lussmanns Sustainable Kitchen restaurant group (which has five restaurants in<br />
total across Hertfordshire) has won multiple awards for its sustainability ethos<br />
over the past 20 years: it uses renewable energy, recycles its waste and only<br />
uses suppliers who practise humane and responsible fishing and farming.<br />
The Berkhamsted eatery has a cosy bar area for pre-dinner drinks as well as<br />
pretty private and semi-private dining areas, and an expansive, light-filled<br />
conservatory room, which leads out onto one of the largest restaurant walledgardens<br />
in the area – it’s a real sun-trap!<br />
You could win a delicious three-course lunch or dinner for four people at<br />
Lussmanns Berkhamsted. Extra courses and beverages are not included<br />
in the prize.<br />
For a chance to win simply answer the following question and go to our<br />
website for more details.<br />
How many restaurants does Lussmanns have across Hertfordshire?<br />
Terms and conditions apply, visit website for details. Closing date: 14 July <strong>2023</strong>.
What our customers say:<br />
Advertising and leaflet inserts in both the<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> and Berkhamsted <strong>Living</strong> magazines<br />
has consistently been one, if not the<br />
best routes to new markets we’ve found.<br />
Working with Alison and her team is<br />
something we’re looking forward to doing<br />
over the months and years to come.<br />
Tom Beeston, Chiltern Society<br />
What our customers say:<br />
I track all our enquiries I can confirm that<br />
the <strong>Living</strong> magazine has been a great<br />
source of interested customers.<br />
Dagnall Container Storage<br />
Advertise<br />
with us...<br />
To reach over<br />
65,000<br />
local residents!<br />
What our customers say:<br />
Our Kit Heath Bee pendant flourished in<br />
the Spring magazine, thank you so much<br />
for featuring it for us.<br />
Charlotte Hewitt, Bailey & Sons,<br />
Serving the community and supporting<br />
local businesses since 2001.<br />
Email:<br />
or telephone 01442 824300.<br />
Quarter page house ad.indd 1 29/03/2022 17:06
The witch<br />
that never<br />
was<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>’s John Bly has recently published<br />
the story of Ruth Osborne (‘the<br />
Witch of <strong>Tring</strong>’), the last woman to<br />
be condemned to death for witchcraft in the<br />
UK. John was inspired to find out more after<br />
reading her tale on the <strong>Tring</strong> Rural History<br />
website. Ruth’s fate is described in story<br />
form in the book by Alan Warner from Long<br />
Marston, one of the site’s founders.<br />
Below are extracts from the first two chapters<br />
of The Witch That Never Was.<br />
Ruth Osborne’s story; Early April 1751<br />
We approach the door of the farmhouse and<br />
John knocks softly. No one comes to the door<br />
so he knocks again, much harder this time. A<br />
man opens the door and he has an angry look<br />
on his face.<br />
‘What in God’s name do you want at this<br />
time of night,’ he says, in a loud and angry<br />
voice, matched by the expression on his face.<br />
‘I remember you Osborne, if you’re here for<br />
a job you’re wasting your time. You’re far too<br />
old and I’ve got all the men I need’.<br />
I decide to say something.<br />
‘Mr Butterfield kind sir. I’m Ruth Osborne.<br />
My husband’s not here for a job, we’re here to<br />
ask for you to help us by giving us some food,<br />
maybe some buttermilk. We’re starving and<br />
would appreciate anything you can give us.<br />
I can’t tell you how much we hate having to<br />
beg but we have no choice, we are desperate’.<br />
He looks at me as if I’ve just crawled out of<br />
something. He replies:<br />
‘I have no time for beggars, particularly<br />
strange people like you. Have you any idea<br />
what it’s like trying to make a living by farming<br />
these days? But I don’t go around asking<br />
others to help me. You can just b****** off and<br />
don’t come back or I’ll set my dogs on you.’<br />
My husband is well known for his temper and<br />
turns around to shout back at this awful man.<br />
But I put my hand on his arm and tell him<br />
that it is a waste of time and we should go.<br />
‘Just leave him alone’, I say to John. ‘People<br />
like him will rot in hell and damnation one<br />
day and they deserve it. A curse on him and<br />
his farm I say.’<br />
Butterfield shouts again to me.<br />
‘What did you say about me, you witch?’<br />
‘I wasn’t talking to you,’ I reply.<br />
26 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
LOCAL<br />
John Butterfield’s Story; mid April 1751<br />
I just can’t cope any longer. I lost the last<br />
one of my calves today, some kind of disease<br />
that has been spreading into Wilstone and<br />
Puttenham these last few weeks and has<br />
somehow found its way into my herd. And<br />
I have lost two of my most reliable men<br />
because I had no money to pay them last<br />
week. So there is no one to see to my fields<br />
and care for my crops. I can’t work in the<br />
field myself because I’ve started getting these<br />
strange fits again.<br />
Everything’s suddenly going wrong these last<br />
few weeks and I don’t know why. The Chapmans<br />
- who own the next farm along the road and<br />
have no cattle disease, typical – tell me that<br />
my bad luck is connected to that strange<br />
couple, the Osbornes, who came begging a<br />
few weeks ago. I decide that the best way of<br />
coping with all this is my favourite remedy, a<br />
jug of ale. But I have no ale left and decide<br />
that I will go along to the Queens Head and<br />
drink some more, maybe share my grievances<br />
with some of the other farmers and labourers<br />
who gather there most evenings.<br />
I feel a need to tell<br />
everyone how unfair life<br />
has been to me. This<br />
starts a conversation in<br />
which everyone joins<br />
in. As the ale flows, the<br />
mood becomes more<br />
angry and my friends<br />
seem more and more<br />
determined to do<br />
something on my<br />
behalf.<br />
They tell me that<br />
the only certain<br />
remedy is to<br />
submit the witch and wizard to a ducking,<br />
in the presence of the neighbourhood.<br />
Apparently we first have to send a message to<br />
the Town Crier in Hemel Hempstead, asking<br />
him, for a fee of four pence, to read out a<br />
notice of the impending ducking. One farmer<br />
is so keen that he agrees to draft the message<br />
himself and send one of his labourers to<br />
Hemel the next morning. He even writes it<br />
out before we split up. It says:<br />
‘This is to give notice that on Monday next<br />
there is to be at Long Marston in the Parish of<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, two ill disposed persons to be ducked<br />
by the neighbours consent.’<br />
What happened to<br />
Ruth? And why did<br />
a chimney sweep<br />
who attended the<br />
ducking get charged<br />
with murder? You<br />
can read the rest of<br />
the story and learn the<br />
fates of John Butterfield<br />
and John Osborne in the<br />
book, which is available<br />
from <strong>Tring</strong> Local History<br />
Museum, with proceeds<br />
going to charity.<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 27
TINY<br />
Holidays with children don’t have to be a drag –<br />
follow these tips to relieve the travel tedium<br />
Travelling with children can be a<br />
wonderful experience, but it can also<br />
be challenging. Fortunately, there<br />
are small steps you can take to make your<br />
vacation a memorable experience for the right<br />
reasons (not the meltdowns at the airport!).<br />
Plan ahead<br />
Before you travel, research your destination<br />
to find out what activities are available for<br />
kids, where you can access child-friendly<br />
restaurants, and what amenities are available<br />
for families. This will help you to plan your<br />
itinerary and ensure there is as little room as<br />
possible for boredom to creep in.<br />
Pack wisely<br />
When packing for a family trip, make sure to<br />
bring along all the essentials such as nappies,<br />
wipes, medicine and extra clothes. Pack<br />
snacks and drinks to keep your kids fuelled<br />
and hydrated during the journey.<br />
Games, books, tablets and toys are essential<br />
for long waits or flights.<br />
Choose kid-friendly accommodations<br />
When deciding where to stay, look for hotels<br />
or resorts that offer child-friendly areas such<br />
as kids’ clubs, pools, and playgrounds. This<br />
will help keep your youngsters entertained<br />
and allow you to relax too, knowing that they<br />
are safe and having fun.<br />
Involve your kids in the planning process<br />
Let your little ones in on the planning process<br />
by encouraging them to choose some of the<br />
activities or destinations you will visit. This<br />
will help them feel more invested in the trip<br />
and give them something to look forward to…<br />
not to mention acting as a helpful incentive<br />
for good behaviour!<br />
Be flexible<br />
Travelling can be unpredictable at the best<br />
of times, and doubly so when children are<br />
involved, so it’s important to be flexible and<br />
willing to change your plans if needed. Be<br />
prepared for delays, unexpected tantrums,<br />
and other challenges that may arise.<br />
Make safety a priority<br />
Every parent’s worst nightmare is losing<br />
contact with your children or them becoming<br />
ill in an unfamiliar place. Make sure your kids<br />
are always supervised and that you have a<br />
plan in case of an emergency. If travelling<br />
abroad, make sure to research any health or<br />
safety risks and take the necessary precautions.<br />
28 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Take breaks<br />
Travelling can be exhausting, especially<br />
for smaller children. Be sure to take breaks<br />
throughout the day to give your kids a chance<br />
to rest and recharge. This will help prevent<br />
meltdowns and ensure that everyone stays in<br />
good spirits.<br />
Bring buggies and scooters<br />
If your child is still young enough to use a<br />
buggy or is used to riding on a scooter,<br />
remembering to pack them can be a godsend.<br />
It will make navigating through crowded<br />
airports or busy tourist destinations much easier!<br />
Be tech savvy<br />
While it’s important to limit screen time,<br />
technology can be a lifesaver when travelling<br />
with kids. Bring along a tablet or other device<br />
loaded with age-appropriate games and<br />
videos to keep your kids entertained during<br />
long flights or car rides.<br />
Enjoy the ride<br />
Travelling with kids can be stressful, but it<br />
can also be a lot of fun. Remember to take<br />
time to enjoy the experience and make<br />
memories with your family. With a little<br />
planning and preparation, you can have a<br />
successful and enjoyable trip with your kids.<br />
“Once you enter the iron<br />
gates, you are transported<br />
to another world”<br />
Lockers Park Parent<br />
Join a Stay & Play Session - Friday 9th June <strong>2023</strong>, 9.30-11am<br />
Children and their parents are welcome to join a fun lesson and play time<br />
at Little Lockers (our Pre-Prep) and meet our Reception Teacher and Headmaster.<br />
OPEN MORNING - Friday 12th May<br />
Excellent results | Enthusiasm for life<br />
A purposefully small boarding prep school for boys aged 4-13 | Boxmoor, Hertfordshire<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 29
Kids Puzzle Page<br />
Pirate Word Scramble<br />
1. EPRTAI…………….<br />
2. DREMIAM……………..<br />
3. RRTAPO……………..<br />
4. EAURTERS PMA………………….<br />
5. LYLOJ REGOR…………………..<br />
6. MSPASOC………………..<br />
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Replacement Sealed Units | General Glazing | Mirrors | Locks & Handle Repairs | Window Films<br />
Bespoke Window Solutions Berkhamsted is a joint venture with Amber Signs Berkhamsted & Paul Delaney.<br />
Paul has over 35 years experience in glazing, both residential & commercial. Amber signs has been providing window lm solutions for over 20 years.<br />
Replacement Sealed Units<br />
Locks & Handle Repairs<br />
Our skilled engineers can solve many<br />
problems to your existing doors & windows.<br />
Bespoke Cut Glass & Mirros<br />
We offer made to measure glass for all<br />
purposes Inc tables, backsplashes & more.<br />
01442 915 915 07970 920 241
lk 7<br />
Ashley Green and Hockeridge Wood<br />
An attractive, mainly level walk, which takes you along paths and quiet lanes<br />
through fields and woods: Hockeridge Wood and Pancake Wood have been planted<br />
with a wide variety of ornamental and forest trees including traditional native<br />
species such as beech, oak, and cherry. Information plates at the base of some<br />
of the trees tell you more about them.<br />
ley Green and Hockeridge Wood<br />
ctive, mainly level walk which takes you along paths and quiet lanes<br />
fields and woods: Hockeridge Wood and Pancake Wood have been planted<br />
ide variety of ornamental and forest trees including traditional native<br />
such as beech, oak, and cherry. Information plates at the base of some of<br />
s tell you more about them.<br />
e: 4 miles (allow 2 ½ hours)<br />
Distance:<br />
Start: Parking in the village of Ashley Green.<br />
Golden Eagle pub car park (with landlord’s<br />
permission). Access: Fairly level walk.<br />
Refreshments: Golden Eagle pub.<br />
rking in the village. Golden Eagle pub car park (with landlord’s permission).<br />
Information: Fairly level walk.<br />
ents: Golden Eagle pub.<br />
ar end of the car park at the<br />
gle pub, go through a metal<br />
te and cross a field with a hedge<br />
ht to meet another gate. Go<br />
rn right alongside a hedge and<br />
nhill to a gate at the entrance<br />
ge Wood. Go through this<br />
the broad path up and along<br />
wood for 850m and down<br />
ate onto John’s Lane.<br />
gnoring the other road joining it<br />
ft, and immediately left along a<br />
ck that runs parallel to the<br />
rack ends, bear left along the<br />
wards Marlin Chapel Farm.<br />
g to the right of the farm, follow<br />
y round as it curves to the left,<br />
e to the end of a lane.<br />
ng the lane until it meets up<br />
at Clamber Cottage.<br />
Route<br />
1. From the far end of the car park at the<br />
Golden Eagle pub, go through a metal<br />
kissing gate and cross a field with a hedge<br />
on your right to meet another gate. Go<br />
through, turn right alongside a hedge and<br />
gently downhill to a gate at the entrance to<br />
Hockeridge Wood.<br />
2. Go through this gate, follow the broad path<br />
up and along through the wood for 850m<br />
and down through a gate onto John’s Lane.<br />
3. Turn right, ignoring the other road joining<br />
it from your left, and immediately left<br />
along a concrete track that runs parallel to<br />
the A41.<br />
4. Where the track ends, bear left along the<br />
field edge towards Marlin Chapel Farm.<br />
3<br />
Turn left and follow this quiet lane for about<br />
600m to a footpath sign on your right.<br />
1 6<br />
2<br />
5<br />
Climb up the steps, go through the gate<br />
and walk along the left hand side of the field.<br />
Continue through a series of gates to reach<br />
John's Lane. Turn left along the lane for 100m<br />
to the main entrance to Hockeridge Wood.<br />
Turn right through the side gate and keep<br />
straight ahead for over 500m to meet a wide<br />
crossing track. Turn right, drop down through<br />
a gate and continue uphill along the hedgerow<br />
and then turn left through a gate, crossing<br />
the next field to reach the car park of the<br />
Golden Eagle pub.<br />
North<br />
0 1km<br />
0 ½ mile<br />
5<br />
Hog<br />
Lane<br />
Marlin Chapel<br />
Farm<br />
Hog Lane<br />
Farm<br />
6<br />
John’s<br />
Lane<br />
to<br />
<strong>Tring</strong><br />
A41<br />
Northchurch<br />
Lane<br />
Pancake<br />
Wood<br />
2<br />
to<br />
Chesham<br />
Walk 7<br />
4<br />
Berkhamsted<br />
3<br />
Hockeridge<br />
Wood<br />
1<br />
A416<br />
PH<br />
to Hemel<br />
Hempstead<br />
Ashley<br />
Green<br />
32 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook<br />
After passing to the right of the farm, follow<br />
the bridleway round as it curves to the<br />
left, until you come to the end of a lane.<br />
5. Turn left along the lane until it meets up<br />
with the lane at Clamber Cottage. Turn<br />
left and follow this quiet lane for about<br />
600m to a footpath sign on your right.<br />
6. Climb up the steps, go through the gate<br />
and walk along the left hand side of the<br />
field. Continue through a series of gates to<br />
reach John’s Lane. Turn left along the lane<br />
for 100m to the main entrance to<br />
Hockeridge Wood.<br />
Turn right through the side gate and keep<br />
straight ahead for over 500m to meet a<br />
wide crossing track. Turn right, drop down<br />
through a gate and continue uphill along<br />
the hedgerow and then turn left through a<br />
gate, crossing the next field to reach the<br />
car park of the Golden Eagle pub.<br />
Download the walk from our website<br />
at<br />
• With thanks to the Chiltern Society<br />
personal<br />
training<br />
F I T N E S S , N U T R I T I O N &<br />
L I F E S T Y L E C H A N G E S<br />
Call or message Adele Lambert<br />
07905 283233 <strong>Tring</strong>
SALAD<br />
DAYS<br />
Rocket<br />
Rocket has launched itself into the hearts<br />
of UK salad eaters, and it’s not hard to<br />
understand why.<br />
Peppery and vibrant, the leaf also known as<br />
arugula adds a lot of flavour to any dish and is<br />
quick to grow.<br />
Spring into summer by<br />
giving life to your own<br />
salad vegetables.<br />
Mizuna<br />
As we prepare to enter that golden<br />
summer season in our garden, you<br />
may well experience that tinge of<br />
disappointment when seeing some plants not<br />
flourish to their full potential, and there are<br />
always a cluster of seeds not sown that could<br />
now be full of life.<br />
That’s what makes salad plants so appealing<br />
– not only is their success rate high, but there<br />
may still be time to get them in the soil as<br />
they grow quickly and, of course, are ideal<br />
accompaniments to that classic summer<br />
escape – the barbecue!<br />
So as the weather warms up, consider<br />
planting these super salad plants to ensure<br />
that you have fresh and healthy ingredients<br />
on hand this year whenever you need them.<br />
Lettuce<br />
A salad staple, lettuce is also one of the<br />
easiest salad plants to grow, and it can be<br />
sown directly into the soil in the spring and<br />
summer months. There are many different<br />
types of lettuce to choose from, including<br />
crisphead, butterhead, and looseleaf.<br />
Radishes<br />
You may think radishes are rad; or you may<br />
think they taste very, very bad. Regardless,<br />
this crunchy and peppery root vegetable is<br />
easy to grow and can go from seed to serve in<br />
as little as four weeks.<br />
Spring onions<br />
When it comes to livening up dull dishes,<br />
the humble spring onion is a powerhouse of<br />
flavour and versatility.<br />
Spruce up stir-fries, make a delightful dip or<br />
even whizz up a delicious summertime soup.<br />
Spinach<br />
Spinach may be known for its super-strength<br />
giving properties, but the plant itself is rather<br />
sensitive, requiring six weeks of cool weather<br />
from seeding to harvest.<br />
Mizuna<br />
Spice up your life with Mizuna, a Japanese<br />
salad green that has a slightly fiery and<br />
peppery taste.<br />
Chard<br />
A stunningly beautiful and vibrant plant that<br />
loves the sun and takes up very little space,<br />
chard’s glorious<br />
colouring<br />
will also<br />
complement<br />
the late summer<br />
blooms in your<br />
Chard<br />
flowerbeds.<br />
34 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
1 2 3 4<br />
5<br />
6 7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11<br />
12<br />
13 14 15 16<br />
17<br />
18 19<br />
20<br />
Across Clues:<br />
5. Food substance for spreading (9)<br />
8. Lift your foot (4)<br />
9. Currency, domestic transactions in China (8)<br />
10. Scatter (7)<br />
11. Notational symbols (5)<br />
13. Significant (5)<br />
15. Obvious (7)<br />
18. A machine that controls another (8)<br />
19. Town (4)<br />
20. Decisive victory (9)<br />
Down Clues:<br />
1. Production (6)<br />
2. Finished (7)<br />
3. Period of time (5)<br />
4. Obtain (6)<br />
6. Speech (9)<br />
7. Dislike intensely (9)<br />
12. Total (7)<br />
14. Relating to the eyes (6)<br />
16. 10 years (6)<br />
17. Musical composition for a solo instrument (5)<br />
Across: 5. Nutbutter, 8. Step, 9. Renminbi, 10. Bestrew, 11. Neume, 13. Major, 15. Evident, 18. Actuator, 19. City, 20. Landslide.<br />
Down: 1. Output, 2. Aborted, 3. Stint, 4. Derive, 6. Utterance, 7. Abominate, 12. Overall, 14. Ocular, 16. Decade, 17. Etude.
Mindful Movement<br />
Try something different - discover<br />
‘Awareness Through Movement’ with<br />
the Feldenkrais Method<br />
The Feldenkrais Method has the potential to<br />
benefit us all in some way.<br />
We discover possibilities for easier movement<br />
and learn to make lasting changes in posture,<br />
co-ordination, breathing and flexibility.<br />
We learn to take care of ourselves more<br />
effectively, through increased self-awareness.<br />
Day-to-day aches and pains are alleviated<br />
and prevented. Limitations caused by illness,<br />
injury or disability are reduced.<br />
We take time to relax and regenerate,<br />
calming the mind through focussed attention<br />
on gentle movement sequences.<br />
Claire has been attending classes for several<br />
years. She says:<br />
“I keep discovering different ways to move more<br />
easily…a range and pleasure in movement I<br />
remember having when I was younger.<br />
The weekly lessons have added a richness to my<br />
life. Feldenkrais has helped me relax in my body,<br />
learn how flexible and versatile I can be and - most<br />
wonderfully and quite simply - it has helped me feel<br />
connected with myself.<br />
It’s my weekly reboot - a rebalancing for body<br />
and mind.”<br />
Andy says: “The weekly session is an oasis of calm<br />
and relaxation coupled with gaining an awareness<br />
of movement, coordination and how everything<br />
links up. A big recommend.”<br />
Jo Horder has been a Feldenkrais Guild<br />
accredited practitioner since 2013, offering<br />
group classes and individual lessons. Both<br />
forms are suitable for people of all ages,<br />
whatever your fitness or state of health.<br />
The gentle movement sequences can be<br />
adapted to suit your needs and explored<br />
at your own pace.<br />
with Josephine Horder<br />
First Taster Class FREE<br />
For more information please visit Movement and Mind at<br /><br />
01442 822732<br />
Awareness Through<br />
Movement (ATM) is the<br />
name given to group<br />
classes in the Feldenkrais<br />
Method. We explore the<br />
‘mind-body connection’<br />
through very gentle<br />
movement sequences<br />
designed to promote a<br />
sense of well-being,<br />
whatever your level of<br />
fi tness and state of health.<br />
People often say they feel<br />
taller, more spacious, more<br />
‘whole’; pain and stiffness<br />
are reduced and<br />
movement is easier.
BOOKS<br />
Heading off on holiday? Take one of<br />
our books from local authors to read!<br />
Local authors! Let us know about your book releases. Email<br />
The Empire Theatre Murders<br />
By Jack Murray<br />
If you love a murder mystery, the theatre and period dramas - this is the book for you.<br />
Set in the 1920s, it features Kit and Mary Aston who are asked to investigate threatening letters that<br />
have been sent to the performers in a seaside variety theatre, and temperamental magician, Javier<br />
Gonzalo, has lost his head, quite literally, mid act. Can Kit and Mary identify the murderer in time?<br />
The author creates a wonderful eerie atmosphere within the pages, and the themes of revenge,<br />
illusion, mystery and magic just add to its compelling nature.<br />
Jack Murray was born in Northern Ireland but now lives in Berkhamsted.<br />
The World Outside My Window<br />
By Clare Swatman<br />
Laura is unable to leave her house, and instead is reduced to looking out the window and relying on<br />
her husband Jim and best friend Debbie to help her. But one day Jim doesn’t come home.<br />
And when he has still not returned after a week, Laura has no choice - she has to leave the house<br />
and find her husband.<br />
But she’s not alone, her local community rally round her - and when they discover that Jim might have<br />
been hiding some secrets, Laura has a choice – retreat back behind her window, or start living her life.<br />
Another emotional, page-turner from our former <strong>Living</strong> Magazines’ editor!<br />
Clare has written seven women’s fiction novels, and lives in Berkhamsted.<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Rural Village in the Twentieth Century<br />
By Jenny and Alan Warner<br />
Jenny and Alan Warner interviewed 13 long-term residents of <strong>Tring</strong> Rural Villages, as part of their<br />
voluntary work for the website <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Within its pages you can discover what life was like in Long Marston, Puttenham and Wilstone<br />
during the Second World War and proceeding years. From bombs dropping on a village school, and<br />
the secret life of the airfield at Long Marston, to legendary parties in the village hall and Father<br />
Christmas appearing on a horse and cart on Christmas morning.<br />
It’s wonderful to read these memories from longstanding residents, and to know they have been<br />
preserved for future generations.<br />
The book is available to buy from <strong>Tring</strong> Local History Museum.<br />
Outwitting the Enemy<br />
By Mike Walsham<br />
A couple of years ago, we featured Mike’s book Doing One’s Duty - a thrilling tale about the British<br />
Intelligence Service.<br />
The main character, Andrew, is back in Mike’s latest book. In this tale, he is sent to spy on the<br />
building of the submarine pens for a possible raid by the RAF later in the year, then parachuted into<br />
northern France on another mission.<br />
Mike Walsham is an author who lives in Ringshall, Little Gaddesden. He published his first novel,<br />
Monique, in 2020.<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 37
THE<br />
GREEN 13<br />
Want to play your part in helping the environment this<br />
summer but unsure where to start? Here are 13 easy routes<br />
to green greatness…<br />
Reusable water bottle<br />
Hydration is vital in the summer<br />
months, but do it whilst ensuring you<br />
have a reusable water bottle that<br />
breaks the habit of constantly buying<br />
plastic disposables in shops.<br />
Eat local<br />
If you can source local producers from<br />
which to buy your food, the positive<br />
effect on the environment is huge. Not<br />
only will what you eat have real<br />
provenance, it will also be fresher<br />
having travelled a shorter distance to<br />
the plate.<br />
Collect rainwater<br />
It seems in the UK even the smallest<br />
stint of warm weather is followed by<br />
the threat of a hosepipe ban.<br />
So instead of draining the mains water<br />
supply, collect rainwater and store<br />
in barrels - it can then be used when<br />
needed to water your plants<br />
and garden.<br />
Composting<br />
Composting is a sure-fire way to<br />
reduce waste, whilst reinvesting in<br />
matter that will complete the circle in<br />
helping your garden grow.<br />
Use natural energy<br />
Using a fan instead of putting on<br />
the air conditioning will save on<br />
electricity; and why not return to<br />
the traditional outdoor clothesdrying<br />
methods rather than using<br />
appliances indoors.<br />
38 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
GREEN<br />
Use less water<br />
Consider cutting back on water usage,<br />
if possible. Shower instead of bath –<br />
installing a water-saving showerhead<br />
– use bathing water from pets on<br />
plants, and definitely turn off water<br />
whilst shaving or brushing teeth.<br />
Pick up a picnic<br />
You can be as green as the park you’re<br />
sitting in if everything you use can be<br />
recycled – think paper plates, napkins,<br />
straws and reusable cups.<br />
“<br />
Planting wildflower seeds in the<br />
spring will see them appear the<br />
same year, encouraging bees<br />
and insects and improving your<br />
environmental ecosystem<br />
“<br />
Great grass management<br />
If you have a petrol-driven<br />
lawnmower, change to electric and<br />
reduce the emissions you’re putting<br />
out in your green space. If that’s not<br />
possible, let the grass grow a bit longer<br />
– that’s good for garden dwellers as<br />
well as the environment.<br />
Change your car<br />
The big drive is to adopt electric<br />
vehicles, but even switching to a<br />
smaller car, or removing from your<br />
vehicle items you don’t need that<br />
add weight and use up fuel, can<br />
have a really positive effect on the<br />
environment.<br />
Keep up the (tyre) pressure<br />
Similarly, make sure your vehicle’s tyres<br />
are correctly inflated. Flat or poorly<br />
maintained tyres require more energy,<br />
meaning greater fuel consumption.<br />
“<br />
Make sure your vehicle’s tyres<br />
are correctly inflated. Flat<br />
or poorly maintained tyres<br />
require more energy, meaning<br />
greater fuel consumption<br />
“<br />
Grow wildflowers<br />
Planting wildflower seeds in the<br />
spring will see them appear the same<br />
year, encouraging bees and insects<br />
and improving your environmental<br />
ecosystem.<br />
Check your home for draughts<br />
While you’ll truly feel the benefit<br />
of draught exclusion in the winter<br />
months, there’s all-year-round benefit<br />
from ensuring heat isn’t escaping<br />
from gaps in your home.<br />
Help clean beaches<br />
Finally, whether your local area is<br />
a park, a beach, a field or a rocky<br />
outcrop, a quick sweep for rubbish<br />
once a week – perhaps as part of a<br />
local community project – will not<br />
only make things visually pleasing,<br />
but will help the flora and fauna who<br />
reside there.<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 39
WOMEN’S<br />
As we approach the ninth<br />
edition of the official Women’s<br />
World Cup, we chart the rapid<br />
evolution of one of football’s<br />
most loved competitions.<br />
The first official Women’s World Cup<br />
took place in China, in 1991, with the<br />
United States beating Norway 2-1 in the<br />
Guangzhou final. It’s apt that the Americans<br />
won the first competition, as they have<br />
dominated the women’s game since.<br />
However, the Norwegian side would take<br />
the plaudits in Sweden in the second edition.<br />
Their hugely talented squad of players beat<br />
Germany 2-0 at the Råsunda Stadium in<br />
Stockholm, with goals from Hege Riise and<br />
Marianne Pettersen, as the Lionesses debut<br />
ended at the quarter-final stage.<br />
The ‘Stars and Stripes’ would regain the title<br />
on home soil in 1999 against China, as Brandi<br />
Chastain netted the winning penalty in the<br />
5-4 shootout victory for the United States.<br />
That World Cup was built on the success of<br />
the first Olympic women’s football tournament<br />
held during the 1996 Atlanta Games, with the<br />
1999 World Cup played in front of an average<br />
of 37,000 spectators per match.<br />
The event in 2003 was also held in the US,<br />
who stepped in after planned hosts China had<br />
to relinquish duties after an outbreak of SARS.<br />
Yet there was to be no back-to-back success<br />
for the Yanks, as they crashed out in the semifinal<br />
to a Germany side who went on to defeat<br />
Sweden for their first title.<br />
China belatedly hosted the tournament four<br />
years later, and Germany were able to defend<br />
their 2003 title with a 2-0 victory over Brazil<br />
in the Hongkou Stadium. England were<br />
knocked out by the USA in the quarterfinals.<br />
A new name would be on the trophy in 2011<br />
as Japan took this instalment by storm,<br />
beating the hosts and hat-trick-seeking<br />
Germans in the quarters, the Swedes in the<br />
last four, before coming from behind to see<br />
off the mighty Americans on penalties in<br />
the final.<br />
Canada 2015 saw an increase to 24 teams<br />
from 16, and offered revenge for the USA as<br />
they beat Japan 5-2 in the Vancouver final.<br />
The tournament was controversial<br />
for being played on artificial turf in<br />
sweltering conditions.<br />
France 2019 attracted a global television<br />
audience of over 1.1 billion, with the<br />
United States winning again, this time<br />
2-0 against Sarina Wiegman’s European<br />
champions, Netherlands.<br />
With England having trodden that same<br />
familiar path under the talented Dutch coach<br />
by securing their first international title win<br />
in the form of the 2022 Euros victory against<br />
Germany, could they add a World Cup final to<br />
their resume in Australia and New Zealand?<br />
40 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
‘Stay baggy’ tapered jeans<br />
Tapered baggy denim is back. After the likes<br />
of Pete Davidson and Justin Bieber pushed the<br />
look hard in 2022, the industry has responded by<br />
rolling out a delectable depth of dynamic denim<br />
that will drive that classic stonewashed<br />
look this year.<br />
THE BOYS<br />
Men’s attire may not hit the heady or<br />
extroverted heights associated with<br />
women’s fashion, but there’s plenty<br />
to be excited about this summer<br />
for the man who has a fashion plan.<br />
Here are some must-have items<br />
that could be making a path to a<br />
wardrobe near you.<br />
Light jackets<br />
The return of what some might consider an<br />
Eighties throwback akin to shell suits and<br />
outrageously colourful ski wear has been<br />
provoked by the appearance of a Quiksilver<br />
jacket in the town of Hawkins, in hit Netflix<br />
drama Stranger Things.<br />
The item was crafted as part of a collaboration<br />
with the costume department of the hit show,<br />
reminding us of arcades, skateboards and retro<br />
summer vibes from a simpler era.<br />
Surf and ski aviators<br />
The classic Top Gun aviators have undergone<br />
something of a redesign in recent years, with<br />
surf and ski versions moving this iconic classic<br />
from the high-octane fast lane and onto the<br />
rather more salubrious climes of Val Thorens<br />
and Courchevel.<br />
Baggy jeans not only look good as streetwear,<br />
skate wear and as voluminous vintage, they’re<br />
ultra-comfortable too!<br />
Plain shorts<br />
Whereas in previous years the shorts vibe has<br />
varied from sport to camouflage, summer <strong>2023</strong><br />
will see a return to simple cotton, straight cuts<br />
and uncomplicated designs.<br />
Functionality is being taken to be as important<br />
as flair, so expect durability, simple shades,<br />
pocket space aplenty and, of course, a cool and<br />
comfortable feel.<br />
Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66<br />
We’ve all been invited to a party that brands<br />
itself under the ‘smart/casual’ tag, and it often<br />
feels like the Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 was<br />
designed for every gathering.<br />
There is no better nor more iconic fashion<br />
trainer than the Tiger – with a variety of colours<br />
ensuring an appropriate match with any dress<br />
code, any time, any place.<br />
Lightweight shirts<br />
This summer will see the return of the roomy,<br />
flowing shirt. Whites, greys and sky blues will<br />
dominate the high streets, putting to one side<br />
those dark, dusky tones and styles that seem to<br />
have patterned our social outings for the past<br />
couple of years.<br />
The fact lightweight fabrics will rule the roost<br />
must imply we’re in for a summer of high<br />
temperatures and radiant sunshine. Perhaps the<br />
fashion fraternity know something we don’t!<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 41
Your Ideal Venue...<br />
Check in. Work out. Chill out. At Pendley<br />
Manor, we welcome all ages to take the<br />
time to indulge in self-care.<br />
Our stunning location, exceptional amenities and<br />
historic charm guarantee noteworthy seminars and<br />
fruitful meetings, from intimate affairs to launch<br />
events to weddings in our new Rose Garden<br />
Grand Suite.<br />
Step into the enchanting tranquility of Pendley Manor. Rising from the peaceful forest glade in<br />
rural Hertfordshire, our sumptuous Grade-II listed building boasts a modern spa,<br />
amongst acres of manicured gardens and roaming peacocks.<br />
Enjoy lunches to afternoon teas to al fresco picnics. Or perhaps become a<br />
member of Hertfordshire’s exclusive hideaway club with membership to our<br />
spa, swimming pool, treatments, events and endless perks.<br />
Let Pendley Manor become your go-to for your everyday treat.<br />
Pendley Manor Hotel, Cow Lane, <strong>Tring</strong>, Hertfordshire, HP23 5QY<br />
Telephone: +44 (0)1442 891891 |<br />
Get comfy! Join us for 3 hours of fun at our warm venue!<br />
your NEW course<br />
ART<br />
CLASS<br />
For absolute beginners to<br />
improvers - just like you!<br />
new class<br />
starts<br />
soon<br />
you<br />
deserve<br />
this treat<br />
Learn to Paint and Draw<br />
People And Places<br />
Over the 14 week course you will<br />
explore at least four different mediums:<br />
Pencil or other sketching media, Pastels,<br />
Watercolour, Acrylics. Discover how to<br />
paint faces, figures, beautiful landscapes,<br />
animals, still life and much more! Learn<br />
artists’ secrets needed to create beautiful<br />
pieces of original art.<br />
Have Fun and Make<br />
New Friends<br />
Even if you have<br />
never picked up a<br />
brush before, we will<br />
guide you through to<br />
make it easy and fun!<br />
On completion of<br />
the course you will<br />
have 12 pieces of<br />
original art to cherish<br />
forever. This is an<br />
extremely enjoyable<br />
way to develop your creative side,<br />
and really enjoy the next few months.<br />
Strictly Limited Places<br />
Our classes are popular, and places<br />
are strictly limited to maintain high<br />
standards of tuition so hurry...<br />
don’t miss out!<br />
Places Limited. Please Call Now<br />
for more details and A friendly chat.<br />
01923 462231
WHAT’S ON<br />
ALWAYS CHECK with the event organiser beforehand.<br />
Opening times and restrictions may vary. If you would like to<br />
include your event in future magazines complete the form at:<br /><br />
Arts & Crafts: Learn to<br />
Draw Peregrines<br />
2-4pm. Suggested donation<br />
£3. Settle down with your<br />
sketch pad and pencils for<br />
an online tutorial on how<br />
to begin to observe and<br />
sketch our amazing bird of<br />
prey, the peregrine. www.<br /><br />
Music: Albert Lee<br />
Court Theatre, 7.30pm. From<br />
£28. Undoubtedly one of the<br />
finest guitarists the world<br />
has ever seen. courttheatre.<br /><br />
Talks: An Audience with<br />
England Rugby Player Zoe<br />
Harrison<br />
Berkhamsted School - Kings,<br />
7.30pm. £10. An audience<br />
with one of the brightest<br />
young talents in English<br />
Rugby. tickets.berkhamsted.<br />
com<br />
Talks: Hec-Talk Group<br />
Open to all men to come<br />
together and talk. The group<br />
meets for an hour at The XC<br />
Centre, Jarman Way, Hemel<br />
Hempstead every first and<br />
third Wednesday of the<br />
month from 7.30pm. https://<br /><br />
Walks: Hertfordshire<br />
Health Walk<br />
Meet on grassed area<br />
opposite Millennium<br />
Garden, Canal Fields<br />
car park, Berkhamsted.<br />
Alternate Thursdays 10am.<br />
Grade 1-3, 8 & 22 Jun; Grade<br />
3-4, 15 & 29 Jun. www.<br /><br />
Arts & Crafts: Butterflies<br />
for Beginners<br />
2-4pm. Learn about some<br />
of the common butterflies<br />
found in Hertfordshire.<br />
Looking at their life cycles,<br />
ecology, conservation<br />
status, and how to tell them<br />
apart from moths. www.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 9 JUN<br />
Kids: Stay and Play<br />
Lockers Park School, Boxmoor,<br />
9.30-11am. Children and<br />
their parents are welcome to<br />
join a fun lesson and play time<br />
at Little Lockers (Pre-Prep)<br />
and meet the Reception<br />
Teacher and Headmaster.<br /><br />
Markets & Sales: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Farmers Market<br />
Church Square, High Street,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd<br />
and 4th Saturday of each<br />
month. Fine produce from<br />
around the district. www.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals: <strong>Tring</strong>’s<br />
Great Big Green Week<br />
To 18 Jun. Includes<br />
everything from cookery<br />
to craft, festivals to<br />
football matches, shop<br />
window displays to<br />
school assemblies.<br /><br />
Sport: Bowls Centenary<br />
Gala<br />
Kitcheners Bowls Club,<br />
Berkhamsted. 2 wood triples<br />
competition of 5 ends 4<br />
sessions. £5 per player<br />
entrants fee (£15 a triples).<br />
Dress code casual but flat<br />
shoes must be worn. 07708<br />
649164<br />
Talks: Council of Women<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
7.30pm. A warm, welcoming<br />
group exploring what it<br />
really means to be a woman<br />
in the 21st century and<br />
how we can impact the<br />
world in a deeply female<br />
way. www.eventbrite.<br />
com/e/council-of-womentickets-559100543777<br />
SUNDAY 11 JUN<br />
Fundraisers: Walk Your<br />
Ridgeway<br />
It’s 50 years since the<br />
Ridgeway was officially<br />
opened as a national trail.<br />
Celebrate by joining either a<br />
13-mile or 26-mile local route<br />
finishing off soaking up the<br />
stunning views of Ivinghoe<br />
Beacon. www.stfrancis.<br /><br />
Sport: Bucks Radio Tour<br />
de Vale Bike Ride<br />
Transform lives by taking<br />
part in Buckinghamshire’s<br />
biggest charity bike ride.<br />
Take on 1 of 3 glorious<br />
routes (25k, 75k & 110k) that<br />
start and finish at Stoke<br />
Mandeville Stadium. www.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals: <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Open Day<br />
Two Oaks Pony Sanctuary,<br />
Darrs Lane, HP4 3RJ. Parking<br />
on site. Adults £1, kids<br />
free. Lots of fun including<br />
bouncy castle, face painting,<br />
pony grooming, food trucks,<br />
licensed bar, music, craft<br />
stalls and much more.<br />
twooaksponysanctuary.<br /><br />
Music: Piano and More<br />
St Peter and St Paul Church,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 3-4pm. Concert by<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> School students,<br />
followed by tea. Free entry;<br />
donations to expenses<br />
welcome. piano-and-more.<br /><br />
Music: Beacon<br />
Community Choir<br />
St Mary the Virgin,<br />
Ivinghoe, 7pm. Also Sun 18,<br />
4pm. Performing Captain<br />
Noah and his Floating<br />
Zoo by Michael Flanders<br />
44 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
and Joseph Horowitz - A<br />
lighthearted look at the<br />
Old Testament story. www.<br />
beaconcommunitychoir.<br /><br />
Music: Matt Telfer<br />
Quintet - Them Dirty<br />
Blues<br />
BJazz at the Civic Centre,<br />
Berkhamsted, 8pm. Full Bar<br />
facilities. A tribute to the<br />
music of altoist Cannonball<br />
Adderley, guitarist Wes<br />
Montgomery and pianist<br />
Bobby Timmons. www.<br /><br />
SUNDAY 18 JUN<br />
Markets & Sales:<br />
Berkhamsted Farmers<br />
Market<br />
High St, Berkhamsted, 10am-<br />
2pm. Third Sun of every<br />
month. An opportunity<br />
for local customers to buy<br />
high quality produce direct<br />
from the producer. www.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals:<br />
Marsworth Steam Rally<br />
Startop Farm, HP23 4LL.<br />
11am-5pm. Historic Steam<br />
Engines, Agricultural,<br />
Classic Cars, Bikes & Trucks.<br />
Great family day out. www.<br /><br />
Music: <strong>Tring</strong> Chamber<br />
Music <strong>Summer</strong> Season -<br />
Dvorak, Birds and a Bull<br />
Aldbury Church, 7.30pm.<br />
www.tringchambermusic.<br /><br />
TUESDAY 20 JUN<br />
Business: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
BusinessMart Breakfast<br />
7.45-9am. Join the friendly<br />
BusinessMart networking<br />
group for a morning of<br />
enjoyable but productive<br />
networking and the<br />
chance to meet new<br />
business associates. www.<br /><br />
Sport: <strong>Tring</strong> Midsummer<br />
Fun Run<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Park Cricket Club,<br />
4.30pm start. An event for<br />
the whole family with races<br />
for all age groups from preschoolers<br />
to adults. www.<br /><br />
Gardens: An Afternoon at<br />
Moat Farm<br />
Moat Farm, Water Lane,<br />
HP17 8XD, 1.30-4.30pm. A<br />
relaxed garden party with<br />
some classic afternoon tea<br />
favourites, along with live<br />
music and a variety of stalls.<br /><br />
Business: <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Barbecue<br />
Berkhamsted Boys’ School,<br />
Castle Campus, 6-8pm. One<br />
of a series of events offering<br />
opportunities to join as a<br />
community with the School.<br /><br />
Music: <strong>Summer</strong> Sound<br />
Fest<br />
Dudswell, HP4 3TA. Doors<br />
2pm, live music from 3pm.<br />
A packed lineup of talented<br />
local artists, covering<br />
a range of genres from<br />
rock, afro beat, folk, jazz,<br />
bluegrass and funk. www.<br /><br />
Fundraisers: Walk of Light<br />
4.30-10pm. £17-£20. Florence<br />
Nightingale Hospice<br />
Charity’s first ever Walk<br />
of Light, celebrating and<br />
remembering those we<br />
knew and loved. fnhospice.<br /><br />
Dance: The Wild Welcome<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
7.30pm. Every 4 weeks on<br />
Saturday. Welcome your<br />
wild side with music,<br />
movement and free dance.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals: Herts Big<br />
Weekend<br />
Also 25 Jun. Hertfordshire’s<br />
biggest celebration of<br />
the year gives you the<br />
opportunity to enjoy all<br />
that our county has to offer.<br /><br />
TUESDAY 27 JUN<br />
Music: Our House<br />
Boxmoor Playhouse, Hemel<br />
Hempstead. To 1 Jul. This<br />
very British, Olivier Awardwinning<br />
musical is by Tim<br />
Firth, writer of Calendar<br />
Girls. It features a collection<br />
of Madness hits. www.<br /><br />
Business: Berko<br />
Interchange<br />
Waite & Rose Café<br />
Berkhamsted, 8.30-9.30am.<br />
Join David Milbourn<br />
and Ed Evans of Stringer<br />
Mann Chartered Financial<br />
Planners, for the Berko<br />
Interchange networking<br />
meeting. www.eventbrite.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 30 JUN<br />
Sport: Stocks Golf Day<br />
Stocks Golf Club, Aldbury.<br />
Pepper Foundation Golf<br />
Day.<br />
pepperfoundation<br />
Walks: DENS Castle Walk<br />
Berkhamsted Castle, 9.30am.<br />
This charity walk event is<br />
the perfect summer’s day<br />
out for all members of the<br />
family, including fourlegged<br />
friends. www.dens.<br /><br />
Fundraisers: Chilterns<br />
Dog Rescue Society<br />
Open Day<br />
Also Sun 2 Jul. Chilterns<br />
Dog Rescue Centre,<br />
Bromley Heights, St<br />
Leonards Road, Chivery,<br />
HP23 6LD. Find out how<br />
the rescue centre works,<br />
behind the scenes tours.<br />
Explore the woodland<br />
walk. A variety of stalls<br />
and refreshments.<br />
chilternsdogrescue.<br /><br />
SUNDAY 2 JUL<br />
Comedy: The <strong>Tring</strong>e<br />
To 22 Jul. A wonderful<br />
mixture of previews and<br />
warm ups of the best<br />
comedy shows, mixed in<br />
with spoken word events,<br />
children’s shows and<br />
more. www.get-stuffed.<br />
biz/tringe<br />
Talks: Hec-Talk Group<br />
Open to all men to come<br />
together and talk. The<br />
group meets for an hour<br />
at The XC Centre, Jarman<br />
Way, Hemel Hempstead<br />
every first and third<br />
Wednesday of the month<br />
from 7.30pm. https://<br /><br />
Thursday 6 Jul<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 45
Walks: Hertfordshire<br />
Health Walk<br />
Alternate Thursdays 10am.<br />
Meet outside Zoological<br />
Museum, Akeman<br />
Street HP23 6AP. www.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 7 JUL<br />
Music: Totally Tribute<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Rugby pitches, Cow<br />
Lane, <strong>Tring</strong>. With Rob<br />
Lamberti, George Michael<br />
Tribute, Ultimate Elton,<br />
Noasis, The Freddy & Queen<br />
Experience and The Dolly<br />
Show.<br />
Fairs / Festivals: BeaconLit<br />
Literary Festival<br />
Brookmead School,<br />
Ivinghoe. The festival<br />
committee has assembled<br />
a stunning lineup, which<br />
includes authors, writers<br />
and broadcasters. www.<br /><br />
Markets & Sales: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Farmers Market<br />
Church Square, High Street,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd<br />
and 4th Saturday of each<br />
month. Fine produce from<br />
around the district. www.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals: Wildfest<br />
Cassiobury Park, Watford,<br />
10am-4pm. Learn about<br />
local organisations working<br />
for wildlife. With activities<br />
such as bird watching,<br />
sweep netting, tree walks,<br />
scavengers hunts, river<br />
dipping, nature crafts<br />
and storytelling. www.<br /><br />
Music: Chilfest<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Rugby pitches,<br />
Cow Lane, <strong>Tring</strong>. With<br />
OMD, Thomson Twins’<br />
Tom Bailey, Leee John of<br />
Imagination, From The Jam,<br />
The Dualers, Dodgy, The<br />
South, Blancmange and Big<br />
Country.<br />
Talks: Council of Women<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
7.30pm. A warm, welcoming<br />
group exploring what<br />
it means to be a woman<br />
in the 21st century and<br />
how we can impact the<br />
world. www.eventbrite.<br />
com/e/council-of-womentickets-559100543777<br />
SUNDAY 9 JUL<br />
Music: Piano and More<br />
St Peter and St Paul Church,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 3-4pm. Helen Godbolt,<br />
cello recital. Free entry;<br />
donations to expenses<br />
welcome. piano-and-more.<br /><br />
Fairs / Festivals: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Together <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Carnival<br />
Pound Meadow, Station<br />
Road, <strong>Tring</strong>. To 16 Jul.<br />
With the Big <strong>Tring</strong> Quiz<br />
on Thursday at 7.30pm<br />
and Music in the Marquee<br />
on Saturday at 8pm. The<br />
highlight is the Saturday<br />
Carnival Day. www.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 14 JUL<br />
Comedy: Comedy Night<br />
Ashlyns, Berkhamsted.<br />
Enjoy comedians Scott<br />
Bennett, Wayne the Weird,<br />
Paul Revill and ‘The<br />
Sinnerman’ Paul Sinha.<br />
Licensed bar all evening and<br />
pre-show food available.<br /><br />
Fundraisers: Ashlyns<br />
Festival<br />
Ashlyns School,<br />
Berkhamsted, 12noon-11pm.<br />
Family and eco-friendly<br />
event with live music, street<br />
food stalls, fully licensed bar,<br />
activity zone for kids. www.<br /><br />
SUNDAY 16 JUL<br />
Markets & Sales:<br />
Berkhamsted Farmers<br />
Market<br />
High Street, Berkhamsted,<br />
10am-2pm. An opportunity<br />
for local customers to buy<br />
high quality produce direct<br />
from the producer. www.<br /><br />
Exhibitions: Classic Car<br />
and Motorcycle Show<br />
Dudswell, <strong>Tring</strong> Road,<br />
Berkhamsted, 11am-<br />
3pm. Featuring a range<br />
of impressive cars each<br />
lovingly cared for. Market<br />
stalls, refreshments and<br />
food also available. www.<br /><br />
Music: Voluspa<br />
Berkhamsted Old Town<br />
Hall, 7pm. Behind the<br />
Mirror presents Eva<br />
Þórarinsdóttir, Nicholas<br />
Bootiman and Clare<br />
O’Connell. www.<br /><br />
Business: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
BusinessMart Breakfast<br />
7.45-9am. Join the<br />
friendly BusinessMart<br />
networking group for a<br />
morning of enjoyable but<br />
productive networking and<br />
the chance to meet new<br />
business associates. www.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 21 JUL<br />
Exhibitions: Make &<br />
Mend Exhibition and<br />
Events<br />
Open Door, Berkhamsted.<br />
To 28 Jul. www.<br /><br />
Dance: The Wild Welcome<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
7.30pm. Every 4 weeks on<br />
Saturday. Welcome your<br />
wild side with music,<br />
movement and free dance.<br />
templeofourtime@gmail.<br />
com<br />
SUNDAY 23 JUL<br />
Music: <strong>Tring</strong> Chamber<br />
Music <strong>Summer</strong> Season -<br />
Contrasting Clarinet Trios<br />
Hastoe Village Hall, 7.30pm.<br />
www.tringchambermusic.<br /><br />
Business: Berko<br />
Interchange<br />
Waite & Rose Café<br />
Berkhamsted, 8.30-9.30am.<br />
Join David Milbourn<br />
and Ed Evans of Stringer<br />
Mann Chartered Financial<br />
Planners, for the Berko<br />
Interchange networking<br />
meeting. www.eventbrite.<br /><br />
Talks: Hec-Talk Group<br />
Open to all men to come<br />
together and talk. The group<br />
meets for an hour at The<br />
XC Centre, Jarman Way,<br />
46 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Hemel Hempstead every<br />
first and third Wednesday<br />
of the month from<br />
7.30pm. https://tinyurl.<br />
com/5n8c6p3v<br />
Walks: Hertfordshire<br />
Health Walk<br />
Meet on grassed area<br />
opposite Millennium<br />
Garden, Canal Fields<br />
car park, Berkhamsted.<br />
Alternate Thursdays 10am.<br />
Grade 1-3, 3, 17 & 31 Aug;<br />
Grade 3-4, 10 & 24 Aug.<br /><br />
FRIDAY 4 AUG<br />
Fundraisers: Stocks Golf<br />
Day<br />
Stocks Golf Course,<br />
Aldbury, 9.30am. Starting<br />
off with registration and<br />
bacon rolls, followed by a<br />
shotgun start at 9.30am to<br />
kick off your round of golf<br />
on the superbly maintained<br />
par 73 course. www.<br /><br />
Talks: Council of Women<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 7.30pm. A warm,<br />
welcoming group<br />
exploring what itmeans<br />
to be a woman in the 21st<br />
century. www.eventbrite.<br />
com/e/council-of-womentickets-559100543777<br />
Markets & Sales: <strong>Tring</strong><br />
Farmers Market<br />
Church Square, High Street,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd<br />
and 4th Saturday of each<br />
month. Fine produce from<br />
around the district. www.<br /><br />
SUNDAY 13 AUG<br />
Music: Piano and More<br />
St Peter and St Paul Church,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 3-4pm. Followed by<br />
tea and refreshments. Piano<br />
recital by Alan Dorn. Free<br />
admission, with donations<br />
to expenses welcome.<br />
MONDAY 14 AUG<br />
Music: Annie Kids -<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> School<br />
Boxmoor Playhouse, Hemel<br />
Hempstead. To 18 Aug with<br />
a performance on 19 Aug,<br />
for children aged 7-16 years.<br /><br />
Dance: The Wild Welcome<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road, <strong>Tring</strong>,<br />
7.30pm. Every 4 weeks on<br />
Saturday. Welcome your<br />
wild side with music,<br />
movement and free dance.<br /><br />
SUNDAY 20 AUG<br />
Markets & Sales:<br />
Berkhamsted Farmers<br />
Market<br />
High Street, Berkhamsted,<br />
10am-2pm. Third Sunday of<br />
every month. An opportunity<br />
for local customers to buy<br />
high quality produce direct<br />
from the producer. www.<br /><br />
Gardens: Open Garden<br />
PATCHWORK, Hall Park<br />
Gate, Berkhamsted HP4 2NJ.<br />
Opening for the National<br />
Garden Scheme, 2-5pm.<br />
Adults £5, children free. A<br />
blaze of colour from dahlias,<br />
fuchsias, begonias.<br />
Refreshments. Dogs on leads<br />
welcome. Plenty of seating<br />
and cover.<br />
Business: Berko<br />
Interchange<br />
Waite & Rose Café<br />
Berkhamsted, 8.30-9.30am.<br />
Join David Milbourn<br />
and Ed Evans of Stringer<br />
Mann Chartered Financial<br />
Planners, for the Berko<br />
Interchange networking<br />
meeting. www.eventbrite.<br /><br />
Talks: Council of Women<br />
Temperance Hall,<br />
Christchurch Road,<br />
<strong>Tring</strong>, 7.30pm. A warm,<br />
welcoming group<br />
exploring what it means<br />
to be a woman in the 21st<br />
century. www.eventbrite.<br />
com/e/council-of-womentickets-559100543777<br />
SUNDAY 3 SEP<br />
Fundraisers: Chilterns Dog<br />
Rescue Society Dog Show<br />
St Leonard’s Hall and Field,<br />
Jenkins Lane, St Leonards,<br />
HP23 6NW. 12-4pm. Fun dog<br />
show, refreshments and<br />
stalls. chilternsdogrescue.<br /><br />
What our<br />
readers say:<br />
Fab magazine<br />
for someone<br />
who likes to<br />
know what’s<br />
going on<br />
locally!<br />
John<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
SALE DATES <strong>2023</strong><br />
Forthcoming<br />
sale SALES dates<br />
9 TH -10<br />
General TH JUNE<br />
Sales<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
on Saturdays<br />
23 RD -24 TH JUNE <strong>2023</strong><br />
1st December 2018<br />
7 TH -8 TH JULY <strong>2023</strong><br />
15th December 2018<br />
21 ST 5th -22January ND JULY 2019 <strong>2023</strong><br />
1119th TH -12January TH AUG 2019 <strong>2023</strong><br />
25<br />
2nd TH -26<br />
February TH AUG<br />
2019<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
16th February 2019<br />
Thurs:<br />
2nd March<br />
10am-5pm<br />
2019<br />
16th Fri: March 9am-5pm<br />
2019<br />
30th March 2019<br />
FINE ART,<br />
ANTIQUE &<br />
20 TH CENTURY<br />
Viewing Friday<br />
prior to Sale<br />
9.30am until 6.00pm<br />
s<br />
Fri 16 th Jun<br />
Fine Art, Antique<br />
& 20th Century<br />
Decorative Art Sales<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Viewing Wed &<br />
Thurs prior to<br />
sale, 10am-5pm<br />
Friday<br />
8th March 2019<br />
Viewing Thursday<br />
prior to Sale<br />
9.00am until 8.00pm<br />
PLEASE<br />
SEE OUR<br />
BIDDING!<br />
s<br />
<strong>Tring</strong> Market<br />
Auctions<br />
Brook Street<br />
<strong>Tring</strong><br />
Herts<br />
HP23 5ED<br />
TRING 01442 HP23 826446 5ED<br /><br />
01442 826446<br /><br /><br /><br />
s<br />
s<br />
Present this to redeem<br />
£5.00<br />
EATINg OUT<br />
vOUCHER<br />
Mon-Sun lunchtimes<br />
Tues & Wed eves 6pm-8.30pm<br />
Every Wed 8.30pm<br />
(in aid of Hector’s House)<br />
Terms and conditions: This voucher entitles you to £5 off of our Traditional Pub<br />
Fayre menu, (Monday - Sunday lunchtimes), when you spend £20 or more on food.<br />
Offer excludes bank holidays and special events. Valid until 31/8/23.<br />
1 Brook Street | <strong>Tring</strong> | HP23 5ED | Tel: 01442 824912<br />
Email:<br />
ROBIN SUMMER <strong>2023</strong>.indd Thank you 1 to our event partners 24/04/<strong>2023</strong> 09:16<br />
Saturday<br />
15th July<br />
12 noon<br />
until 11pm<br />
Ashlyns<br />
School<br />
On-site<br />
parking<br />
Counting down to this summer’s<br />
biggest event in Berkhamsted<br />
live music food stalls<br />
full bar<br />
activity zone<br />
Visit the website at:<br /><br />
for more information and tickets
RECIPE<br />
Method:<br />
Step one<br />
Put the flour, butter, icing sugar and salt in a<br />
food processor and blitz into crumbs.<br />
Combine the yolk with 1tbsp cold water, then<br />
add to the processor and pulse until the<br />
dough comes together. Divide the dough into<br />
two, wrap in clingfilm and chill in the fridge<br />
for at least one hour or, better still, overnight.<br />
Step two<br />
Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas mark 5. Roll<br />
out one half of the pastry, then butter an 8in<br />
pie dish and press in the pastry topped with a<br />
sheet of baking paper and baking beans. Bake<br />
blind for 30 mins. Remove the paper and<br />
beans. Mix the berries, sugar and pour the<br />
mixture into your baked pie base.<br />
Step three<br />
Roll out the second batch of pastry and top<br />
the pie with it, trimming to fit, and using a<br />
fork to seal the edge. Use a sharp knife to<br />
create a few slits for steam to escape before<br />
brushing with the whisked egg white before<br />
topping with sugar. Bake for 30-35 minutes<br />
until crust is golden. Leave to cool as filling<br />
will be extremely hot!<br />
SUMMER<br />
Make the most of summer<br />
berries with this delectable<br />
pie… perfect with a dollop<br />
of fresh cream!<br />
Ingredients<br />
For the pastry:<br />
• 225g cold unsalted butter<br />
chopped into small pieces<br />
• 350g plain flour<br />
• 50g icing sugar<br />
• Pinch of salt<br />
• 1 large egg yolk<br />
For the filling:<br />
• 800g of berries such as<br />
strawberries, raspberries,<br />
blackberries, cherries or<br />
blueberries<br />
• 100g sugar<br />
• 2tbsp of cornflour<br />
• ½ tsp cinnamon<br />
• 1 egg white (for glazing)<br />
• 1tbsp sugar (for sprinkling)<br />
Top tips:<br />
• If you’re time-starved, feel free to use<br />
pre-made shortcrust pastry which is<br />
generally as good as homemade, and<br />
certainly easier!<br />
• Frozen berries will work in a pinch -<br />
just defrost them for half an hour<br />
before baking.<br />
• If you don’t have baking beans use<br />
cooking weights, dried lentils or rice.<br />
• If you don’t have access to a food<br />
processor simply rub the butter and<br />
flour together until it is the texture<br />
of breadcrumbs.<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 49
& REPAIR<br />
What our<br />
readers say:<br />
Of all the<br />
magazines that<br />
come through my<br />
door <strong>Living</strong> is the<br />
only one I open<br />
and read<br />
Karis<br />
We stock a full range of<br />
Logs, Logs, Coal,<br />
Coal &<br />
Calor gas, Calor<br />
Charcoal Gas<br />
P E Mead & Sons Farm Shop<br />
Wilstone, Near <strong>Tring</strong> HP23 4NT<br />
01442 828478<br />
Opening Times<br />
Mon-Sat: 9am - 5:30pm<br />
Sunday: 9:30am - 4:30pm<br /><br />
lock logo.pdf 1 15/10/2022 17:47<br />
(*Where possible)<br />
lock logo.pdf 1 15/10/2022 17:36<br />
PE MEAD win 2022.indd<br />
What<br />
1our<br />
26/10/2022 18:28<br />
Need BURGLARY a Locksmith REPAIRS NOW<br />
customers say: Within the UPVC HOUR SPECIALIST Call CHRIS on:<br />
l Tree Care l Fencing<br />
C<br />
C<br />
where possible! 07968 301732<br />
Call Chris on:<br />
• No call out charge 01442 261038<br />
• Emergency lock &<br />
door opening<br />
Contact Robert on:<br />
07585 007109<br />
07968 301732<br />
M<br />
M<br />
Community Action<br />
Y<br />
Y<br />
Dacorum, a charity<br />
CM<br />
CM<br />
01442 261038<br />
MY<br />
MY<br />
based in Hemel<br />
CY<br />
CY<br />
Old Town has<br />
CMY<br />
CMY<br />
recently started<br />
EST 2001<br />
K<br />
K<br />
holding Volunteer<br />
CLOCK<br />
Information ency Lock and Door Opening<br />
Fitted and Changed to BS3621<br />
sessions in <strong>Tring</strong> list in UPVC Door Locks HANDYMAN<br />
Berkhamsted…<br />
We were LOCK ATC WINTER<br />
Rosebank<br />
2022.indd 1<br />
overwhelmed by the Handyman<br />
number of people<br />
Fencing –<br />
who came to our Panels, post & rail, close board<br />
event, the majority<br />
Jet Washing –<br />
of whom had found<br />
Driveways, patios<br />
out about it from<br />
Garden Maintenance –<br />
inc. tree pruning,<br />
your magazine.<br />
hedge trimming, strimming<br />
Community Action<br />
Dacorum<br />
January <strong>2023</strong><br />
FR Jeffery & Son<br />
COAL<br />
Coal & smokeless fuel<br />
Kiln dry logs<br />
Garden Compost<br />
Delivered to your door<br />
Boxmoor<br />
based<br />
LOCK<br />
Call:<br />
01296<br />
661258<br />
And much more….<br />
15/10/2022 17:55<br />
Contact Simon<br />
07738 415475<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
4.9 out of 5<br />
50 / <strong>Tring</strong> <strong>Living</strong> View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Michael Casingena<br />
Painter &<br />
Decorator<br />
All types of<br />
decorative work<br />
undertaken.<br />
Excellent rates<br />
and references.<br />
25 yrs in the trade.<br />
Call Mike on...<br />
01442 822684<br />
07534 109823<br /><br /><br />
PETS<br />
What our<br />
customers say:<br />
Very informative,<br />
lots of relevant<br />
local news and<br />
articles. We also<br />
advertise and<br />
it is great for<br />
local awareness.<br />
The team work<br />
hard to get it<br />
right, local and<br />
worthwhile<br />
Robert Stringer,<br />
Stringer Mann<br />
singena Aut 2022.indd 1 15/10/2022 17:10<br />
Clean, dry<br />
and weatherproof Storage<br />
Containers available for rental.<br />
Ideal for home and business items.<br />
Discreet, Secure, Floodlit, 24/7<br />
digital CCTV<br />
07855 264648<br /><br />
Vintage Wines, Liqueurs,<br />
Exclusive Whiskies & Cigars<br />
Village Wines<br />
TRING 01442 827117<br />
8 OPEN Miswell DAILY Lane FROM HP23 1.30PM 4BX<br />
agnall Storage.indd 1 27/01/2022 Village 11:46 wines WInes.indd 2x1.indd 1 1 13/01/<strong>2023</strong> 16/10/2019 11:42 15:33<br />
Advertise<br />
with us...<br />
To reach over<br />
65,000<br />
local residents!<br />
BOOKING DEADLINES <strong>2023</strong><br />
Serving the community and supporting<br />
local businesses since 2001.<br />
Email:<br />
or telephone 01442 824300.<br />
AUTUMN <strong>2023</strong><br />
WINTER <strong>2023</strong><br />
BOOKING & NEWS DEADLINE 25-10-23<br />
DISTRIBUTION FROM 04-12-23<br />
TO BOOK<br />
01442<br />
824300<br />
<strong>Living</strong> Magazines | 01442 823400 |<br />
uarter page house ad.indd 1 29/03/2022 17:06<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong> / 51
Li ve life to the full with<br />
DENTAL<br />
Bow House a Centre for Dental Excellence<br />
provides you with excellent dentistry in a friendly<br />
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specifically tailored to the placement of<br />
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Spread the cost...<br />
We realise that whilst many people would like to benefit from the treatments available, paying in one<br />
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What better gift can your dentist<br />
give you than being pain free?<br />
When you need an emergency dentist it’s<br />
reassuring to know that you are in capable<br />
and experienced hands here at Bow House<br />
a Centre for Dental Excellence. If you’re<br />
suffering from severe dental pain, or any<br />
other dental emergency then please call the<br />
practice as soon as possible and your dental<br />
needs will be dealt with.<br />
CALL 01442 878 424 (Berkhamsted)<br />
01442 890 384 (<strong>Tring</strong>)<br />
EMAIL<br />
VISIT<br />
Follow us on Instagram<br />
bowhousedental<br />
BERKHAMSTED 128 High Street | Berkhamstedt | Hertfordshire | HP4 3AT<br />
TRING 75 Western Road | <strong>Tring</strong> | Hertfordshire | HP23 4BH