ACVO News November 2024

This month we highlight how CFINE is supporting prisoners to rebuild their lives through their HOPE programme, a closer look at TechFest's EnergyXplorer Toolkit funded by the Just Transition PB Fund, an invitation to our ACVO AGM 2024 and much more!

This month we highlight how CFINE is supporting prisoners to rebuild their lives through their HOPE programme, a closer look at TechFest's EnergyXplorer Toolkit funded by the Just Transition PB Fund, an invitation to our ACVO AGM 2024 and much more!

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November 2024






The latest developments from ACVO and

updates from our team




Discover CFINE’s HOPE programme where combining workshops,

creative expression, practical support and community service provides

participants with a renewed sense of purpose after prison release.


News from ACVO Members and other local

and national third sector organisations


The latest from Mike Melvin and

developments from Volunteer Aberdeen


Funding news, announcements and the

latest opportunities to get funded!



Wednesday 13th November

10:30 - 13:00






Take a look at how TechFest’s

EnergyXplorer Toolkit, funded by

the Just Transition PB Fund, is

empowering the next generation

by exploring renewable energy

while promoting a greener future.

CLAN House

120 Westburn Rd

AB25 2QA





We are excited to invite ACVO

Members to our 2024 AGM

where the ACVO team will share

reflections from the year as well

as providing the opportunity to

network with our third sector.










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ACVO News direct to your inbox

every month? Sign up here.

Scottish Charity No: SC036845

© 2024 Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations.



November 2024


Cash First Flexible Crisis

Fund Launches in Aberdeen

words by Amy Duncan

Cash First Network Coordinator, ACVO TSI

What is Cash First?

We are delighted to announce the launch of the

Cash First Flexible Crisis Fund as of Monday 4th

of November 2024.

Aberdeen Cash First Network forms part of the Scottish

Government pilot – ‘Cash-First: Towards Ending the

Need for Food Banks in Scotland’ – which sets out a

human rights approach to tackling food insecurity.

The Scottish Government recognise that the main

reason why some people are compromising on food is

insufficient and insecure incomes. The Cash First pilot

offers a test of change to understand how access to

financial crisis support can replace emergency food

provision across Scotland.

Aberdeen Cash First, Flexible Crisis Fund

In Aberdeen, ACVO have co-designed the Cash First

Flexible Crisis Fund alongside partner organisations.

The fund will support single males from the age of 18 to

45 who are in receipt of Universal Credit who are

presenting at food banks in crisis by providing them with

money and improving access to wrap-around support.

Individuals can be referred to the Flexible Crisis Fund

through trusted partner organisations involved with the

Cash First Network. The trusted partners can refer the

individual for up to £600 – either in one-off or

reoccurring payments – depending on their level of need

Cash First funding offers flexibility and choice for the

recipients to decide what their immediate needs are and

on what they wish to spend the money on; for example,

food and essential items, paying off a rent arrear, or

paying for a space on a training opportunity to help them

get back into employment.

The crisis fund will be delivered to the individuals via

vouchers, cash payments or direct payments depending

on their ability to budget the funding and any risks

around providing them with cash payments.

Alongside increasing incomes, adequate advice and

support is fundamental to a Cash First approach. When

referred to the Flexible Crisis Fund, there will be an

assessment of need to identify which wrap-around

support services the individual will be referred to and

supported to engage with.

How to Refer

Individuals can be referred to the Flexible Crisis Fund

through trusted partner organisations involved with the

Cash First Network. If you are supporting someone

within the demographic but are out with the trusted

partner organisations, you can refer the individual to one

of the trusted partner organisations to receive Cash First

and wider support.

To find out who the trusted partner organisations are

and how to refer, please get in touch with Amy Duncan,

Cash First Network Co-ordinator, at

amy.duncan@acvo.org.uk or find out more at




November 2024


Wednesday 13th November | 10:30 - 13:00



CLAN House 120 Westburn Road AB25 2QA

RSVP at bit.ly/acvo-agm-2024

Not a member of ACVO? Sign up from as little

as £25 per year at acvo.org.uk/membership



Your Voice,

Your Choice!

Vote to help fund eco-friendly

projects in your local community

Residents of Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and

Moray, have your say from 11th November at


Scan to vote

for projects in

your local area

from 11/11/24!



November 2024

Aberdeen City Budget Phase 2

Consultation Open for Views

words by

Alasdair Ross

Policy and Consultations Officer



Aberdeen City Council have opened Phase 2 of their annual budget

consultation with an opportunity to respond to updated proposals.

An online survey is available to complete and Community Engagement Sessions are being

held in person and online to hear from as many people as possible. ACVO presented a third

sector view during Phase 1 and intends making further representations before Councillors

make their final decisions in Spring next year.

Our message hasn’t changed since last year – but it has got louder – the third sector is

experiencing high demand for services and at the same time is suffering from dwindling

resources. Projects are being run on a shoestring across the city and staff hours are being

cut to keep organisations afloat. The situation is unsustainable.

ACVO members have posed this question. What would Aberdeen be like if our third sector

of community bodies, voluntary groups, charities and cultural organisations weren’t here?

We ask elected representatives, Council officials and the public to seriously consider this. If

communities are not properly resourced to deal with the consequences of public service

reduction, then the most vulnerable in our society will suffer and additional pressure will be

placed on our public bodies to respond to crises.

Commenting on the situation, ACVO Chief Executive Maggie Hepburn said: “No one in

Aberdeen’s third sector wants to see our Council in this position, we are one city and

working in partnership is key to delivering for our communities – but our members are

reaching the limit of what they can deal with. There needs to be serious whole-system

discussions about how our sector is funded and how we can sustain services which not

only support the most vulnerable, but which prevent people getting into difficulty in the

first place.”

At the same time, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership also want to hear your

views on their budget through this questionnaire. It currently anticipates a need to make

over £10 million in savings as part of its budget setting process for 2025-26.

Please take part in these important consultations and encourage others to do so. If your

organisation requires assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the ACVO team.



November 2024

News from you

and other networks

Gathimba Edwards Foundation

(GEF) Safari Series raises over

£6k for children in Kenya and

North-East Scotland

9 November 2024


charity, Gathimba

Edwards Foundation A

(GEF), is thrilled to

announce the success of its 2024

Safari Series, a series of 3 running

races across Aberdeen throughout


The races attracted a recordbreaking

number of participants,

volunteers, and funds raised. This

year's races, licensed by Scottish

Athletics, attracted 340 runners

and 102 volunteers across three

different distances, contributing an

outstanding £6,075 for

disadvantaged children in Kenya

and north-east Scotland.

The funds raised during the 2024

Safari Series will be used to

support education fees for children

in Kenya, and equipment for

disabled children in north east


The popular Mel’s Union Street

Mile race, hosted on the same day

as the Celebrate Aberdeen parade,

saw 152 runners and 37 volunteers

come together to raise an

impressive £2,562 for GEF.

Originally held at Aberdeen Sports

Village (ASV), Mel’s Mile found its

new home on Union Street thanks

to the support of Celebrate

Aberdeen. This change has allowed

runners of many ages and abilities

the rare opportunity to run down

Aberdeen’s main street.

GEF Founder, Myles Edwards, said,

"We are overwhelmed by the

incredible support for this year's

Safari Series, and we are very

grateful to all sponsors, volunteers,

runners and the local community

for making this year’s races such a

success. GEF would also like to

express a huge thanks to Celebrate

Aberdeen for including our Mel’s

Mile race for the 3rd year. It means

a lot to be part of this major city


GEF is excited to announce that

planning for the 2025 Safari Series

is already underway and are

inviting runners and supporters to

sign up to their monthly newsletter

to be the first to hear about next

year’s race dates and opportunities

to get involved.

GEF’s vision is to build a brighter

future and improve the quality of

life for children and their families in

Kenya and north east Scotland.

For more information about the

charity and opportunities to be part

of future house building trips or

volunteering opportunities go to




"We are overwhelmed by the

incredible support for this

year's Safari Series,"

- Myles Edwards, GEF Founder



November 2024

Success for Denis Law Legacy Trust

at Global Peace Games 2024

A cohort from Aberdeen children’s charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust represented

Scotland for the first time at the Global Peace Games in Mesen, Belgium.

team of staff and young

volunteers from Denis

Law Legacy Trust

travelled by road and sea

Afrom Aberdeen to

Rotterdam before arriving at the Peace

Village in Belgium, where they joined

representatives from over 16 countries

to take part in a week-long programme

of sport, games and remembrance.

Inspired by the 1914 Christmas Truces

that saw some Allied and German

soldiers leave their trenches and

temporarily end hostilities to exchange

gifts, the Global Peace Games opened

with a cultural gift exchange and

organised a variety of cultural games, a

graffiti workshop, talent show and

drama workshop throughout the week,

all on the theme of peace.

In the run up to the International Day of

Peace, Global Peace Games participants

took part in an interactive walk on

remembrance, a bike ride to the historic

site of the Christmas Truces and visited

the Passchendaele Museum, Peace

Pool and the war graves of the Gordon

Highlanders in Tyne cot.

Ending out the 2024 Global Peace

Games was a poignant visit to Menin

Gate for the ‘Last Post’, a daily

memorial dedicated to the 54,391

British soldiers who died in the Ypres

Salient during the First World War.

Supported by officers from the Royal

Artillery, four young people laid

commemorative poppy footballs in

memory of the fallen. Streetsport

volunteer, Calum Greig was one of

those young people.

On the experience, Calum said “At first,

I was nervous about laying the poppy

ball in memory of those who fought in

the war and would like to say a big

thank you to Kiana and Findlay for

taking me and the others to Belgium

for the Global Peace Games. Placing

the poppy ball was a once in a lifetime

experience, that not everyone

would have got the opportunity to do,

so I am glad that I got to. The Peace

Village was a wonderful experience

with lots of activities that we had never

done before. I met a lot of very nice

people from all over the world and

learned all about the First World War.”

Kiana Coutts, Outreach Development

Officer, Denis Law Legacy Trust added

“The Global Peace Games has enabled

us to broaden our young people’s

horizons and provide them with unique

opportunities to build new friendships,

grow their skillset and confidence, and

experience different cultures. Over the

week, it was inspiring to see the young

people learning about the lasting

impact of war and become active

ambassadors for peace - something I

am sure will stay with them for years to


Ernie Brennan, Chief Executive Officer,

Children’s Football Alliance said “Peace



November 2024


"The Global Peace

Games is a hugely

important initiative

in providing young

people with new


- Mark Williams, Chief

Operating Officer at Denis

Law Legacy Trust

education through play doesn’t stop in

childhood. It travels with you for the

rest of your life. The power of sport

was clearly on display in the 2024

GPGs. The Denis Law Legacy Trust

participants were a credit to their

communities. They will inevitably share

their experiences and positively

influence their peers. Peace makers for

the future.”

Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer,

Denis Law Legacy Trust said “The

Global Peace Games is a hugely

important initiative in providing young

people with new experiences whilst

also highlighting the power of sport in

bringing people together, even in times

of war. I would like to sincerely thank

the Children’s Football Alliance for

organising this important initiative and

Central Coaches, for providing vital

transportation for the peace games.”

For more information on Denis Law

Legacy Trust, visit:


Touch of Love founder receives

Certificate of Commendation

Touch of Love is proud to recognise the achievements of its founder,

Jane Akadiri, who was awarded a Certificate of Commendation at The

Black Scottish Awards on 28th September 2024.




his prestigious recognition

celebrates her

outstanding contributions

the Aberdeen Black

The commendation not only honours

Jane's hard work, passion, and

dedication, but it also highlights the

collective efforts, commitment, and

shared vision of the Touch of Love


Through her visionary leadership and

unwavering commitment to

empowering and uplifting the

community, Jane has been a driving

force behind the organisation’s

impactful programs. Her passionate

advocacy for inclusivity continues to

positively affect the lives of many,

especially within Scotland’s BAME


Touch of Love is thrilled to see Jane’s

contributions recognised and remains

steadfast in its mission to foster a

community where everyone is

respected, loved, and supported.

Touch of Love is a grassroots charity

dedicated to empowering the city’s

most vulnerable populations. The

organisation focuses on addressing

critical needs such as food insecurity,

social isolation, and cultural integration

within ethnic minority communities.

From March 2020 to Dec 2023, they

have served a total of 36,241

individuals, consisting of both adults and

children facing food insecurity in the


Many of the children Touch of Love

supports are young Scots challenged by

social isolation and exclusion, as well as

new Scots facing financial barriers,

limited access to social activities, and no

access to public funds. The charity

currently supports over 450 young new

Scots across Aberdeen.



November 2024

Diversity Bridge SCIO hosts successful

event celebrating Black History Month

Diversity Bridge SCIO hosted a vibrant and inspiring event, Reclaiming

Our Narratives: A Celebration of Story, Dance, and Rhythm, at Inchgarth

Community Centre as part of Black History Month 2024.

he event brought together a

diverse group of attendees,

including members of the

refugee community, in Tcelebration of Black culture

through storytelling, dance, and music.

In attendance was Cllr Fatima Zahra Joji, the

first Black elected Councillor in the North

East of Scotland and the first Black female

councillor elected in Scotland, who delivered

a powerful keynote address. Edward Obi,

Bridge Builder of Diversity Bridge SCIO,

welcomed guests and opened the event by

emphasising the importance of reclaiming and

celebrating narratives rooted in Black


In his opening remarks, Edward Obi

expressed his excitement over the inclusive

nature of the event, saying: "This event is a

reflection of our commitment to diversity and

inclusion, where every voice, every story

matters. Reclaiming our narratives is about

taking ownership of our heritage and

celebrating the beauty of our collective

history. I’m grateful to everyone who has

joined us today, especially to the refugee

community who brought their unique stories

to share."

Cllr Fatima Zahra Joji, in her keynote speech,

highlighted the significance of Black History

Month and the need to continue advocating

for representation and inclusion. She

remarked: "Reclaiming our narratives is not

just about looking back but about shaping the

future. As the first Black woman elected as a

councillor in Scotland and first black elected

person in the North East, I understand the

importance of making space for our stories

in the halls of power and in our

communities. Today, we celebrate not only

our past but also the bright futures ahead of


The event featured a powerful rhythm and

dance experience provided by Jane Akadiri

and the Touch of Love Outreach Team, who

captivated the audience with their

performance that drew from African

traditions and modern dance. Their

contribution underscored the deep

connection between rhythm, storytelling,

and the expression of cultural heritage

through movement.

Edward Obi took a moment to acknowledge

the invaluable contribution of the team,

stating: "We are deeply grateful to Jane

Akadiri and the Touch of Love Outreach

Team for bringing the power of rhythm and

dance to life in such an authentic way. Their

performance reminds us that dance is not

just an art form but a way of reclaiming and

honouring our shared history."

The Reclaiming Our Narratives event

provided a space for attendees to reflect,

celebrate, and unite under the themes of

diversity, inclusion, and cultural expression.

Diversity Bridge SCIO continues to promote

these values as it builds bridges across

communities in Scotland, supporting ethnic

minorities, refugees, and asylum seekers.

For more information about Diversity Bridge

SCIO and future events, please contact:



13 November 2024


Grampian Regional

Equality Council

marks 40 years of

work tackling


The Grampian Regional Equality Council (GREC)

celebrated its 40th anniversary at a special event

held at Sir Duncan Rice Library at the University

of Aberdeen on 5th October.

ver a 100 people

attended to mark the

occasion, including

community members,

Ovolunteers, Cafetistas,

GREC members, friends and

supporters of GREC's work.

There were two rounds of panel

discussions with trustees,

volunteers and former directors of

GREC where they reflected on the

organisation’s journey since its

beginning, sharing insights about

how GREC has evolved over the

decades, adapting its mission and

services to meet the changing

needs of society and expanding its

reach in the Grampian region.

A few first memorable stories were

shared by the first generation of

caseworkers at GREC, service that

began its work in 1996, as well as

the background story of how the

counselling service was established

in 2002. The panels also

emphasised the value and

commitment of staff members

through the years, as well as some

of the current and future challenges

to address, such as divisive and

negative narratives around

immigration and New Scots


The event concluded on a

sensational note with a moving

performance from the GREC choir,

led by Sarah Boyle, the choir

teacher from Open Road.

The GREC choir included

community members, volunteers

and staff members. The audience

joined an emotional sing-along of

songs including John Lennon's

Imagine, Give Me Wings, Banaha,

and True Colours. The meaningful

lyrics brought a powerful sense of

togetherness to the occasion,

symbolising the core values of

equality, humanity and inclusion

that GREC has championed for four


As GREC looks to the future, it

remains committed to promoting

and fostering a fairer society,

tackling prejudice and systemic

discrimination in collaboration with

the public sector, third sector

organisations and communities in

the North East and beyond.

To learn more about GREC's work

and the range of services and

projects offered, please visit their

website at grec.co.uk or follow

their page on Facebook.


November 2024


Cairns Counselling: Celebrating

30 Years of Supporting the


The anniversary reception

held, hosted by the Lord

Provost, brought together

staff, volunteers, supporters,

and funders to honour Cairns

achievements and impact

over the past three decades.

Guest article from


airns Counselling

marked a significant

milestone on Friday

C25th October at

Aberdeen’s Town House,

celebrating 30 years of

providing vital mental health

support to individuals in

Aberdeen. The anniversary

reception held, hosted by the

Lord Provost, brought together

staff, volunteers, supporters,

and funders to honour Cairns

achievements and impact over

the past three decades.

The event featured a heartfelt

speech from Cairns Chair of the

Board of Trustees, Dr Jim

Repper, in which he

acknowledged the changes,

challenges and successes

achieved thanks to the

dedication of so many over the


Attendees enjoyed an evening

of reflection and celebration,

with many sharing their personal

experiences of how Cairns

Counselling has made a

difference in their lives.

A key highlight of the evening

was the recognition from local

civic leaders of Cairns’ volunteer

counsellors and fundraisers,

whose dedication and

commitment have made a

positive impact across

communities in Aberdeen.

Cairns Counselling was founded

in 1994 with the

mission to provide

accessible, high-quality

counselling services to those in

need. Over the years, it has

grown into a trusted resource

for individuals facing mental

health challenges, helping

thousands of people on their

journey to wellbeing.

As Cairns looks to the future, we

remain committed to expanding

our reach and continuing to

offer hope and healing to the

people of Aberdeen.

To find out more about Cairns

Counselling and our services,

visit our website at


15 November 2024

Fiona Fernie, chief executive of Clan



Clan launches official tartan to

conclude 40th anniversary celebrations

Clan Cancer Support has launched a range of tartan products with proceeds from

every sale helping the charity support local people impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

he charity has worked with

Scotland’s specialist

manufacturer and

distributor of woollen

fabrics and accessories,

TMacnaughton Group, to create a tartan to

commemorate Clan’s 40th year with

products available from £29.50.

The design, as voted by Clan staff,

features the charity’s core brand colours

woven into the classic Hebridean Heather

tartan, creating a modern tartan perfect

for special occasions and incorporating in

soft furnishings.

Clan Cancer Support Tartan is now

registered in the Scottish Register of

Tartans with kilts, trews, ties and material

now available to purchase through the

charity’s website.

Cancer Support said: “It’s been a

longstanding ambition for us to create our

own tartan, symbolising our unique clan

of clients, supporters, staff and volunteers

across the north of Scotland and the

Northern Isles.

“We often get requests from people

looking to acknowledge the charity at

their wedding or special event. Now

anyone can wear our tartan with pride

knowing that all proceeds will provide

support for local people impacted by a

cancer diagnosis.”

The charity has partnered with Mains

Highlandwear in Aberdeen to provide a

full service for customers from

measurement to delivery with the

business kindly making a donation to Clan

for every Clan Cancer Support item sold.

Customers who live outwith the Aberdeen

area can purchase the tartan by the metre

through the charity’s website.

Clan unveiled its tartan design to guests at

its annual fundraising ball held at the

Beach Ballroom which raised £87,000 for

the charity with guests placing orders for

kilts and trews.

Fiona added: “We couldn’t have asked for

a better reaction to our tartan at the

weekend and it’s great to now officially

launch our range to the public. This has

been a very exciting project for us and the

perfect way for us to round off our 40th

anniversary year.”

For more information and to discover the

range of products available please visit:




November 2024

Scarf ’s Empower Aberdeen

event hailed as resounding success


nergy efficiency

charity Scarf has set

the scene for its

landmark 40th

anniversary by hosting a successful

one-day event in Aberdeen.

The registered charity and social

enterprise’s special birthday will

take place next year and, as part of

the build up to this, Empower

Aberdeen took place in Aberdeen

Music Hall on Monday October


Timed to coincide with Challenge

Poverty Week, the expo featured

46 not-for-profit and third sector

organisations and over 120

professionals offering a range of

advice from energy efficiency,

finances and housing to food

banks, neurodiversity awareness

and wellbeing. The day was

spearheaded by Scarf and backed

by Vital Energi, Poverty Alliance

and Aberdeen City Council

Community Planning.

Such was the success of the

inaugural showcase, that plans are

now in place to repeat the venture

next autumn.

As well as acting as a precursor to

next year’s anniversary, the

creation of the drop-in day is seen

as an important extension of

Scarf’s work to deliver impartial

energy saving advice to help lower

fuel bills and carbon emissions to

householders, communities and

businesses throughout the North

East of Scotland.

Commenting on the event,

Aberdeen Deputy Lord Provost

Steve Delaney who performed the

official opening said: “Scarf have

provided a free and trusted service

to the people of Aberdeen for

almost 40 years. They launched

Challenge Poverty Week in

Aberdeen by bringing together

like-minded organisations along

with the Poverty Alliance,

Aberdeen City Council and others

to support people who are

struggling across Aberdeen.

“I take great pride in knowing

what Scarf have achieved over

the past 40 years. I thank them

for bringing all these

organisations together to support

individuals and families across

Aberdeen. In order to eliminate

poverty, we all need to work

together as has been clearly

demonstrated by the third


Scarf’s Contracts & Commercial

Manager Dave Sims added: “We

are grateful to the many

organisations and individuals who

supported this event by

exhibiting, attending and

promoting it.

“The day offered an important

platform to start conversations on

a range of important topics and

open lines of communications

between organisations, as well as

between exhibitors and the

public. We now look forward to

repeating the project in our 40th

anniversary year.”

L-R: Dave Sims (Scarf Contracts & Commercial Manager), Aberdeen Deputy Lord

Provost Steve Delaney and Lawrence Johnston (Scarf Co-CEO).

To find out more, visit


17 November 2024

One-to-one support from a



Programme for Scotland’s

Childminding Future – Discover

a Career in Childminding!

Are you looking for a new career that’s

flexible, rewarding and allows you to

earn an income while caring for your

own family? Childminding could be for


The Scottish Childminding Association

and Aberdeen City Council is

supporting the recruitment and training

of new professional childminders in

Aberdeen City. The Scottish

Government funded Programme for

Scotland’s Childminding Future (PSCF)

provides a supported model of

recruitment in 17 local authorities

throughout Scotland to help people

start their own registered childminding


What Support Is Available?

Candidates in Aberdeen City will be

supported every step of the way

through induction training and the

registration process by a dedicated

Workforce Officer and have access to:

£750 business start-up grant (T&Cs


dedicated SCMA Workforce


Fully funded SCMA Induction

Support Programme & 3 free CPL


Free SCMA membership in year 1

with childminder specific support

throughout career

Why become a childminder?

Enjoy a flexible career that fits

around your family

Contribute to children’s

development, learning and


Run a business from home and be

your own boss

Provide a vital service in your


Develop new skills and


Want to find out more?

Anyone interested in finding out more

about the benefits of this flexible

career are invited to attend one of

SCMA’s free online

‘Discover Childminding’

events running across Scottish Careers

Week (11th – 15th November). These

sessions will provide a chance to meet

the SCMA team who will be answering

any questions and attendees will hear

from childminders who have recently

set up a thriving childminding business.

There are 2 morning sessions and 1

evening session spread across the

week to choose from -

Monday 11th November, 10am –


Wednesday 13th November, 7pm –


Saturday 16th November, 10am


To sign up to one of the sessions and

for more information about how to

become a childminder, visit


Want to ask a question? Email:





November 2024

Aberdeen dance group Afristyle wins two

awards at Creative Lives Awards Ceremony

An Aberdeen-based dance group is celebrating after being honoured

with two Creative Lives Awards at a prestigious ceremony in London.

Dance Club stated,

“This recognition fuels

our mission to inspire,

empower, educate and uplift through

the universal language of dance,

bringing our vibrant culture to the

world. It’s also a validation of the

impact Afristyle strives to make in the

lives of young people, using dance as a

vehicle to strengthen our tenacity to

keep nurturing creativity, inclusivity,

and wellness in our community.”

Robin Simpson, Chief Executive of

Creative Lives, commented, “The

Creative Lives Awards consistently

reveal the extraordinary impact of

volunteer-led creative groups. This

year’s winners demonstrate - yet again

- the vital role such groups play in

building stronger, more resilient

communities. At a time when so many

are experiencing isolation and

uncertainty, these groups offer a

lifeline of connection, shared purpose,

and joy.”

fristyle Dance Club, which

focuses on using dance,

crafts, and storytelling to

help children and young

Apeople build confidence and acquire

new skills, was recognised at the

event. The group also provides

mentoring and wellbeing workshops

for adults.

Representatives from Afristyle

attended the awards ceremony held at

Cecil Sharp House in London on

Thursday, September 26, where

groups from across the UK and Ireland

were celebrated for their

contributions to community arts.

The Creative Lives Awards, hosted by

the charity Creative Lives, highlight

the outstanding achievements of

volunteer led groups that engage

people of all ages and abilities in

creative activities throughout

Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, and

Northern Ireland.

Each nation had a winner and runnerup

selected. Afristyle Dance Club,

based in Aberdeen, was named the

Scotland Runner-up and also jointly

won the Celebrating Diversity Award.

Alongside their recognition, Afristyle

received a framed certificate, a cash

prize, and complimentary access to

Creative Lives training programs.

Reflecting on the accolades, Afristyle

Angus Robertson MSP, Cabinet

Secretary for Constitution, External

Affairs and Culture in the Scottish

Government, also congratulated

Afristyle, saying, “I’m very pleased to

congratulate Afristyle Dance Club, the

Scottish runner-up and joint winners

of the Celebrating Diversity Award, on

the work they do to improve lives

through dance with children, adult

women, and families, giving them

opportunities to be part of a

community, to feel valued, and realise

their potential.”

For further information about

Afristyle, visit www.creativelives.org/afristyle-dance-club


19 November 2024


EY announces two-year collaboration

with local charity Aberdeen Lads Club

The Aberdeen office of professional services firm EY has announced a twoyear

collaboration with local charity, Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project.

EY staff, who have already raised

thousands of pounds for previous

charity partners, will be supporting the

Lads Club through fundraising and

volunteering activities, while also

providing pro bono practical help.

Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project

was chosen by EY as part of the ‘Big

Four’ firm’s commitment to giving back

to the communities in which it operates.

EY’s Aberdeen office managing partner,

Moray Barber, said: “As a firm, we’re

keen to make sure that we make a

positive impact in the places where we

live and work, and supporting local

charities is one of the ways that we can

do that.

“This year we wanted to put our efforts

into supporting children and young

people from one of the city’s Priority

Neighbourhoods, hence the reason for

choosing the Lads Club.

“Previously, EY has worked with our

charity partners for a year but we have

decided to extend that support to two

years, so that we can make as much of a

difference as we possibly can.”

Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project

charity manager, Angie Johnston said:

“EY’s support will go such a long way in

helping us to create a society where

every child and young person is valued,

and where their families feel supported.

“We are always working to improve the

lives of our children and young people,

by providing them with a safe space

where they can play, learn and socialise

with each other as they progress

towards adulthood.

“However, it’s also really important that

we support their families too. Corporate

partnerships, such as the one with EY,

make all the difference

in terms of helping us

to do just that.”

Aberdeen Lads Club Community Project

provides a range of childcare, youth

engagement and family support services

from both its facility on Tillydrone’s Dill

Road and Tillydrone’s Community

Campus. These include two early years’

nurseries, an after-school club, junior

and senior youth clubs and school

holiday clubs.

EY provides audit, assurance, personal

and corporate tax advice, business risk

and consulting services from 700 office

locations in more than 150 countries

and employs over 150 people in the

local Aberdeen office.

For more information about Aberdeen

Lads Club visit aberdeenladclub.org


November 2024


TechFest’s EnergyXplorer

Toolkit: Sparking Curiosity

in Renewable Energy

Supported by Year 2 of the Just

Transition PB (JTPB) Fund,

TechFest’s EnergyXplorer Toolkit is

empowering young minds to

explore renewable energy while

promoting a greener future. As we

prepare to open the JTPB Fund

public vote for its third year on

November 8th, we take a closer

look at the project, the impact it is

having and how public votes in the

JTPB Fund process really can make

a big positive difference within our

local communities.

Aberdeen based TechFest is a charity dedicated to fostering an

interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics) in the minds of people of all ages in the North East.

Thanks to the support from Year 2 of the JTPB Fund, TechFest

has been able to further this mission by delivering innovative

workshops with their new EnergyXplorer Toolkit. This project is

already making waves, encouraging thousands of young people

across the North East of Scotland to take an active interest in

renewable energy.

The Power of Hands-On Learning

The EnergyXplorer Toolkit, funded by a grant of £11,367 from the

JTPB Fund, is a hands-on learning resource designed to help

people of all ages understand the fundamentals of energy

production. From the simple principles of electrical electricity

generation using magnets and wires to the mechanics of largescale

wind turbines, this toolkit breaks down complex concepts

into accessible, practical learning experiences.



November 2024

Since February 2024, the EnergyXplorer Toolkit has

been used at several different events, reaching over

6,200 people. This interactive resource has become

an essential part of TechFest’s educational

programming, allowing young people and their

families to explore various renewable energy sources,

including wind, solar, and hydro energy.

Behind the Toolkit: An Insider’s Perspective with

Yashka Smith, Education Manager at TechFest

Dr Yashka Smith, Education Manager at TechFest,

highlights the impact of the EnergyXplorer Toolkit:

“Essentially our EnergyXplorer Toolkit is a collection

of equipment that helps explain the energy transition

in a very flexible way. We use it to engage young

people, their families, and the wider community on

energy-related topics.”

For Yashka, the hands-on nature of the toolkit is key

to making complex energy concepts understandable:

“Some ideas can be difficult to grasp, especially for

younger learners. But with practical tools, we can

break things down into simpler steps. Almost

everyone learns well when they can get hands-on. For

young people, it's a fantastic way to make

connections between energy and their everyday lives,

like understanding how the electricity that charges

their phone is produced.”

One of the toolkit’s standout features is its ability to

connect young people with renewable energy sources

they can see in their own communities. “For a young

person who sees a wind turbine out in Aberdeen bay,

being able to use different blades and see the turbine

in action through our toolkit helps them understand

the type of energy changes happening. It’s powerful

to witness the moment when that connection is made

and you see the lightbulb moment with the young

people using the kit!”

Engaging the Next Generation in STEM

A significant part of TechFest’s mission is to inspire

young people to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Yashka believes that the EnergyXplorer Toolkit plays

an important role in this: “We want to encourage

young people to feel a connection over the processes

of STEM in their lives, whether they go on to become

scientists or engineers, or simply need to understand

what's happening around them. The energy transition

will affect all of our young people, and it’s vital that

they have the tools to understand it.”

The flexibility of the EnergyXplorer Toolkit means it

has broad appeal across different age groups. As

Yashka puts it, “We’ve been able to use this kit with

everyone from five-year-olds to grandparents. It’s

adaptable, and that’s what makes it such a valuable


JTPB Fund: A Community-Driven Initiative

The EnergyXplorer Toolkit wouldn’t have been

possible without the support of Year 2 of the JTPB

Fund. In August 2024, Year 3 of the Fund was

launched with community groups and charities

across the North East and Moray invited to apply for

grants of up to £50,000 to support eco-friendly



November 2024


As with previous years, the overarching aim of the

Fund is to make a positive difference in local

communities by funding projects that support a

greener and more sustainable future, and to help

local people have their say over how the region

transitions to Net Zero.

As part of this initiative, the public gets the final say

on which projects receive funding. The public vote

opens again on November 8th, 2024, and every vote


Yashka recalls the excitement of the voting process

when TechFest took part last year. “We really

encouraged everyone to vote, not just for us but for

all the wonderful projects out there. It’s a powerful

feeling to know that your vote can directly support a

project that could change your community.”

A Call to Action: Your Vote Matters

The success of TechFest’s EnergyXplorer Toolkit is a

testament to the impact that public votes can have.

When the JTPB Fund opens its public vote once

again on November 11th 2024, residents of

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, and Moray have the

opportunity to make a difference and lend their

support to local organisations. With £1 million in

funding to be distributed (£333,333 for each

respective region) every vote cast will help

determine which innovative, eco-friendly projects

receive the financial support they need.

Yashka emphasises the importance of participation in

the vote: “It’s such an important process to be part of.

I’d encourage everyone to take part, because your

vote can support projects that have a real impact on

your community. We’ve seen first-hand how this

funding has allowed us to reach more people and

continue inspiring young minds to engage with

renewable energy.”

As TechFest continues its mission to inspire the next

generation of STEM leaders, the EnergyXplorer

Toolkit will remain a key resource. “There’s so much

talent here in the North East, and we want young

people to see themselves as part of the energy

transition. That’s very important for us here at

TechFest, and this toolkit is just one way we’re

helping to make that happen.

Find out more about the EnergyXplorer Toolkit

project by watching our short film featuring above

Yashka, produced in partnership with TechFest. You

can find out more about the work of TechFest at


The Just Transition PB Fund Year 3 public vote opens

at 12noon on Friday 11th November - have your say at





23 November 2024

“We’ve been able

to use this kit with

everyone from

five-year-olds to


It’s adaptable, and

that’s what makes

it such a valuable



November 2024



CFINE's Project Helping Prisoners Rebuild Lives

For individuals transitioning from prison

back into society, the path forward can

often feel uncertain, overwhelming and

fraught with challenges. To support people

experiencing this, CFINE (Community Food

Initiatives North East) launched the HOPE

(Happily Optimistic Positively Energised)

programme in 2021 for men and women being

released from HMP Grampian as they rebuild their

lives. The programme was co-designed with input

from officers and prisoners and is based on

community development principles.

Through a holistic approach combining

workshops, creative expression, practical support,

and community service, the project offers choices

to individuals at a critical juncture. More than just

a support system, HOPE provides participants

with a renewed sense of purpose, belonging, and

personal growth.

the community. The pre-release programme

comprises five workshops that cover everything

from employability and housing to volunteering

opportunities and mental health support. There is

a stand-alone session for prisoners on remand.

Post-release we build on these themes with a range

of activities in Aberdeen.”

These workshops are more than just informational;

they aim to equip participants with the knowledge

and skills necessary to navigate life on the outside.

This pre-release preparation is a vital step in

reducing the risk of reoffending by ensuring

individuals are aware of the services and resources

available to them. Angus notes, “When they get

out, they’re equipped. They know what’s out there

to support them and where CFINE fits in with

services like cooking classes, benefits support, and

even volunteering.”

A Lifeline Before and After Release

Central to HOPE’s mission is its dual approach:

supporting individuals both before and after their

release from prison. Angus Carmichael, Justice

Development Worker at CFINE, now coordinates

the initiative. Reflecting on its formation, Angus

shares, “HOPE started three years ago with the

aim of preparing people for life after prison and

supporting them to reintegrate successfully into

“It’s easy to forget how to

communicate and express

yourself when you’ve been in

prison. These sessions help

me think, problem-solve, and

just feel like myself again”


25 November 2024

Once individuals are released, HOPE offers a

comprehensive suite of services under one roof. The

sense of continuity and wraparound care provided by

CFINE ensures that participants feel supported, safe,

and valued. “Everything they need, from accessing the

food pantry to learning new skills, is in the same

building,” Angus explains, noting that stability and

routine are crucial for the process of reintegration.

Reintegration Through Purpose and Community

Re-entering society after prison can be a daunting

experience. Many people struggle with feelings of

isolation and the challenge of finding their place in a

community that may view them with stigma or

judgment. HOPE addresses this by creating a

welcoming environment where participants can regain

a sense of purpose and belonging.

One anonymous participant, who has been part of the

programme for several months, shares how the project

has been transformative for him: “If it weren’t for

HOPE, I don’t know where I’d be. It keeps me out of

trouble, and I’ve learned so much - more than I

thought I could.” This sentiment underscores the

project’s success in providing participants with the

tools for personal growth and development.

For many, the act of giving back is particularly

powerful. HOPE encourages participants to engage in

community service, whether it’s helping at CFINE,

working at local community gardens, or participating

in neighbourhood clean-up efforts. Angus explains the

significance of this involvement: “It’s about giving

them a chance to contribute to, and feel a part of, the

community. This gives a sense of belonging and

purpose, and boosts self-belief.”

One participant recounts his experience working in the

garden: “It felt good to give something back and to see

that the work we’re doing is appreciated.” This

opportunity to contribute not only builds confidence

but also helps shift societal perceptions, allowing

individuals to be credited for their contributions and

seen as valuable members of their community.


November 2024


The Therapeutic Power of Creativity

A unique and impactful aspect of HOPE is its

emphasis on creativity and self-expression as tools

for personal healing and mental health. Artistic

activities, which include arts and crafts sessions led

by CFINE volunteer Kara Shepherd, offer

participants a new way to express their feelings and

experiences. Kara, an art enthusiast who came to

CFINE through its SAFE team, has seen firsthand

how creativity can help participants break through

emotional barriers and build social connections.

“We do a range of activities—arts and crafts, field

trips to encourage mental health and social skills,”

Kara explains. “Creativity lowers cortisol levels

and helps participants relax. It gives them a sense

of achievement and pride.” This therapeutic

approach is invaluable for individuals who have

spent time in prison, where stress, isolation, and

trauma often negatively impact mental wellbeing.

“It’s about more than just making art,” Kara

notes. “It’s about building confidence and realising

they can achieve something meaningful. One of our

participants gifted his acrylic pour painting made

at the session to his mother, which she was

overjoyed with. It’s all about helping people

achieve these special moments of connection both

within and outside of the sessions.”

For many participants, these creative sessions are

more than an outlet for self-expression. One

participant shares how art has helped him

rediscover his sense of identity: “It’s easy to forget

how to communicate and express yourself when

you’ve been in prison. These sessions help me

think, problem-solve, and just feel like myself


Gardening: A Path to Healing & Employment

Another key element of HOPE is gardening, which

provides participants with both therapeutic

benefits and employability skills. Tullos

Community Garden provides an escape for

individuals looking for respite from the pressures

of reintegration. One participant explains how

gardening has offered him a form of mental relief:

“It’s just, you know, kind of taking time to let the

demons escape... just forgetting about them all.”


27 November 2024

“A lot of the guys coming in, they've come

from very difficult backgrounds with a lot

of trauma behind them, and they've maybe

not had that much kindness in their lives.

But we’ll always be here for them, even if

it’s just for a cup of tea and a chat.”


November 2024


Gardening’s ability to calm the mind while also

teaching practical skills has proven to be a valuable

resource for participants looking to rebuild their

lives. As the participant highlights, “Gardening is

an employable skill, and it gives me purpose. It

also helped me realise that there are local projects

that people can get involved with that do make a

huge difference.”

"I genuinely hand on heart feel that if more people

knew about these projects and played their part,

the local community would be a better place. I

genuinely believe that."

This sentiment highlights HOPE’s potential for

creating long-term positive change by empowering

participants to contribute meaningfully to their


Tailored Support and Mentorship

HOPE’s success lies in its ability to offer tailored

support, recognising that each participant’s

journey is unique. Angus and the CFINE team

work closely with individuals to identify their

specific needs, whether it’s practical help like

writing a CV, finding housing, or simply offering

support through mentorship.

A new feature of the programme is the

introduction of peer mentors - former participants

who have successfully navigated their own

challenges and now help guide newcomers through

the process. Angus emphasises the value of lived

experience: “Having mentors who have been

through the same challenges makes a huge

difference—it builds trust and creates a safe space

for people just coming out of prison.”

One participant, who has recently taken on a

mentoring role, speaks of the potential impact of

these relationships. He shares how the support he

received was life-changing: “If it wasn’t for Angus,

well CFINE as a whole, but Angus especially, I

wouldn’t be where I am today. I just feel a new

man, it's done so much for me, you know. It was a

slow process initially but Angus let me go at my

own pace which really worked for me.”

Angus Carmichael, Justice Development Worker at CFINE

“I feel so much more confident now. There's a few

new things that have come about in the last few

weeks, and thinking on where I was at when I first

met Angus, I would have never been able to deal

with them at that point. But now I not only feel

like I can handle anything that comes up myself, I

am also able to help others by acting as a mentor.”

“Also, since I don’t have family up here I realise

that the support from CFINE has been massively

important for me”.

Overcoming Stigma and Barriers

While HOPE offers participants a variety of tools

for success, challenges remain, particularly the

societal stigma faced by individuals with a criminal

record. One participant voices his frustration with

the way society views former prisoners: “Once you

get kicked out of society, you’re kicked out. They

don’t let you back in.” These reflections highlight

the psychological barriers participants must

overcome, in addition to the practical ones.


29 November 2024

However, through initiatives like HOPE,

individuals are gradually reclaiming their

narratives. By contributing to their community

and rebuilding their lives with dignity, they are

defying the stereotypes and judgments that once

held them back.

A Future Full of Possibilities

As HOPE continues to evolve, the future looks

promising. Kara dreams of expanding the

programme with new workshops and activities,

including woodworking projects and upcycling

initiatives. “I’ve got ideas for opening a HOPE

shop to sell some of the things we create and raise

funds,” she says with enthusiasm.

Angus shares a similarly optimistic vision. “The

ultimate goal is for people to engage with the

programme, build up their confidence, and

eventually not need us anymore. A lot of the guys

coming in, they've come from very difficult

backgrounds with a lot of trauma behind them,

and they've maybe not had that much kindness in

their lives.”

“But we’ll always be here for them, even if it’s just

for a cup of tea and a chat.”

For the participants of HOPE, the programme is

not just a stepping stone - it’s a lifeline, a

community, and, most importantly, a way

forward. As they continue to develop and

contribute, the possibilities for their future look

brighter. Through CFINE’s commitment and the

participants’ resilience, the HOPE programme is

not only changing lives but transforming

communities, one person at a time.

Find out more about HOPE at cfine.org

a seascape made by HOPE

participants from items

washed up at Greyhope

Bay and Donmouth Beach,

created as part of a focus

on upcycling and



November 2024



Marjory D'Arcy is Age Scotland's

Volunteer of the Year

A woman from Aberdeen who has led an older people’s network for 15

years has been named as Age Scotland’s Volunteer of the Year.

education staff. I don’t think it was part of

my retirement plan to become so heavily

involved but it has been a very worthwhile

and enjoyable journey meeting lots of

lovely, happy, healthy, active and

enthusiastic older people and having lots of

laughs and fun.

arjory D’Arcy, who is

chairwoman of the

Grampian 50+ Network,

has been described as an

Minspiration for the dedication, support and

care she gives to older people across the

north east of Scotland.

Marjory began working with older people in

the 1980s, setting up activity groups to

bring people together. She has been

involved with the Grampian 50+ Network

since its inception in 1998 and became

chairwoman in 2009.

The network is now made up of 42 walking

groups with around 1,000 members across

the region, through organised walks and

social get-togethers. There are special

events throughout the year, including a

Spring Fling and Summer Ramblers’

Rendezvous. A particular highlight, which

was arranged by Marjory, was a walk

through the King’s Balmoral estate.

One member of the network said: “The

impact of Marjory’s work with older people

has been enormous. Her efforts have

markedly enhanced the wellbeing of

hundreds of older people – many of whom

could not otherwise have accessed such a

range of opportunities through lack of

transport or restricted income.”

Many older people who attend network

events speak about the importance of

being in the fresh air, accessible exercise

and making new social connections.

Marjory’s work at the network has helped

people transition into retirement, adjust to

bereavement, learn to live on their own or

recover from physical or mental ill health.

Now that Marjory is standing down after

15 years at the network, her colleagues are

delighted to celebrate her enthusiasm,

empathy and commitment to improving the

lives of older people in Grampian.

Marjory D’Arcy said: “I was very surprised

and delighted to hear that I was to be

awarded Volunteer of the Year award from

Age Scotland in recognition of my 26 years

of volunteering. The network was set up by

me in 1998 to take forward work that had

been previously supported by community

“The organisation, a registered Scottish

Charity, is I believe, unique in Scotland,

with 40 Older People’s Walking Groups

from across Grampian. When we ask

members about their groups, they not only

highlight walks but other aspects of being

in a group including the chatting, the

sharing of ideas and interests, the company

and fun. Many members live alone and

being a member of a group helps with

social isolation and loneliness.

“This award will mean a lot to the Network.

Our strapline is ‘Promoting Health &

Happiness in Later Life’ and that is what we

try to do.”

Katherine Crawford, chief executive of Age

Scotland, said: “It is an honour to present

Marjory D’Arcy with Age Scotland’s

Volunteer of the Year award. Marjory has

dedicated many years of her life to

supporting and improving the lives of older

people across the north east of Scotland

through the Grampian 50+ Network.

“She has brought people together at

challenging points in their life and skilfully

created a community which some of the

members say is a lifeline to them. There is

no doubt that she will be hugely missed

when she stands down and takes a wellearned


“Congratulations to Marjory and thank you

for everything you have done to tackle

loneliness, improve health and wellbeing

and forge vital social connections among

older people.”


33 November 2024


Local teenagers mark volunteering

milestones with Befriend a Child

Connor and Jason Bruce have been recognised for their efforts after completing 25

hours and 50 hours of volunteering respectively at Befriend a Child’s Youth Club.


he two volunteers were

presented with Saltire

Awards by Kevin Stewart

MSP, Befriend a Child’s

Head of Operations Jean Gordon and

ACVO’s Volunteering Services Manager

Mike Melvin in recognition of their

outstanding contributions to the charity.

The Saltire Awards are the Scottish

Government's way of celebrating,

recognising and rewarding the

commitment, contribution and

achievements of young volunteers in


Their recognition through the Saltire

Awards not only highlights their

dedication but also serves as an

inspiration to other young people in

Aberdeen who may consider

volunteering in their community.

Following the award presentation, Kevin

Stewart MSP said: “I am really pleased to

have been able to present these Saltire

Awards to Connor and Jason. I would

encourage all young folk in Aberdeen to

get involved in volunteering. The Saltire

Awards are an amazing thing to do - you

are recognised for your efforts and it's

really good for your CV.”

Mike Melvin said: “I was delighted to join

Kevin Stewart MSP and Jean Gordon in

presenting Connor and Jason with their

Saltire Awards. Connor and Jason are

providing tremendous, important help

volunteering at the Befriend a Child

Youth Club. A huge thank you Connor

and Jason for volunteering and many

congratulations on your excellent Saltire

Awards achievements.”

Jean Gordon said: “Befriend a Child has

supported Connor and

Jason since they were

young children, so it makes

me feel very proud to see what they

have achieved. It’s amazing to see our

young people grow and flourish to then

go onto volunteer themselves, giving

back their time to our charity.”

Upon receiving their Saltire Awards,

Connor and Jason said: “We really enjoy

mentoring the kids at the Youth Club. It

feels good to give our time back to

something positive. Volunteering gets us

out the house and it’s rewarding to help

kids in the community.”

To find out more about Befriend a Child,

visit their website: befriendachild.org.uk

To find out more about volunteering in

Aberdeen, visit volunteeraberdeen.org.uk

Funding 34


November 2024

NHS Grampian

Charity announces

the launch of the

latest round of the

Community Grants


The programme provides grants of up

to £10,000 to local charities and

community organisations to help them

develop projects which improve access

to health provision, enhance healthcare

experiences, and empower individuals

to better manage their own health.

Lisa Duthie, charity lead at NHS Grampian Charity


harities and community

groups across Grampian

are being invited to apply

for funding from NHS

Grampian Charity,

as it opens the latest round of its

Community Grants Programme as of

Friday 1st November 2024.

The programme provides grants of up

to £10,000 to local charities and

community organisations to help

them develop projects which improve

access to health provision, enhance

healthcare experiences, and empower

individuals to better manage their

own health.

Lisa Duthie, charity lead at NHS

Grampian Charity, says: “We are

excited to announce the latest round

of our Community Grants Programme

to fund health and wellbeing projects

in communities across Aberdeen,

Aberdeenshire and Moray.

“We are proud to have supported

over 100 projects to date, and we

look forward to partnering with more

local charities and community

organisations to transform health and

wellbeing in communities across


“We are incredibly grateful to our

donors whose generous support

helps make these projects happen.”

The Community Grants Programme

was launched in 2020 and has now

awarded over £900,000 to projects

across the region including activities

to support physical and mental health

like exercise and cooking classes, and

peer-support initiatives for people at

different stages of their lives.

Inchgarth Community Centre in

Aberdeen was one of the

organisations to receive a grant from

the charity with the last round of

funding in 2023.

The centre received £10,000 to

deliver a range of inclusive exercise

and wellbeing classes for children and

adults, including the provision of

chair-based exercise classes, and free

Zumba classes for children and

teenagers aged from P1 to S3.

NHS Grampian Charity is the official

charity of NHS Grampian. It is

responsible for managing the

generous donations made by

supporters to ensure that they are

used to provide benefits for staff and

patients, to enhance services, and to

provide support in communities across


For more information on the

Community Grants Programme and on

how to apply for funding, please visit



35 November 2024


Small Research Grants programme

NHS Grampian Charity

Applications for the NHS Grampian Charity Small Research Grants programme

are now open.

Applicants can apply for grants of up to £20,000 to support a pilot or

preliminary research project which will impact on health and social care.

Research projects should have the potential to change NHS Grampian care, and

to attract new external funders.

This year, we would especially welcome applications with an emphasis on:

Promoting health and wellbeing

Improving health outcomes in seldom heard patient groups

Listening to patients and their families

The grants programme is open to applications from any researchers in the

Grampian area, including medical, dental, scientific, clinical and social care staff.

This includes nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12pm (noon) on Sunday 1st

December We anticipate a decision will be made and the outcome shared with

applicants no later than Friday 28th February.

If you have any questions, please contact gram.charities@nhs.scot

Find out more at acvo.org.uk/opportunities/funding


Funding Available:

up to £20,000

Applications close:


Energy Pilot Grant Scheme


The Energy Pilot Scheme is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It offers nonrepayable

grants of up to £10,000 to eligible SMEs. These grants will cover up to

50% of the total project cost, providing businesses with the financial support needed

to undertake energy-saving upgrades.

The scheme aims to help local businesses reduce their energy bills, lower their

carbon footprint, and improve their overall sustainability, all while supporting their

progress toward net zero goals.

Climate &


Funding Available:

up to £10,000

Applications close:


Eligible projects under the Energy Pilot Scheme may include, but are not limited to:

Renewable Energy Installations: Such as solar panels, biomass boilers, or heat


Energy Efficient Equipment: Including new heating systems, LED lighting, and

energy-efficient machinery.

Building Improvements: Such as insulation, new doors, windows, or other

measures that enhance energy efficiency.

Other Carbon-Reducing Initiatives: Any other activities that can significantly

reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Find out more at acvo.org.uk/opportunities/funding


discover more funding opportunities collected with

Aberdeen's third sector in mind on our funding portal at




November 2024



Events in November




Celebrate Living Wage Week

with Living Wage Scotland

An exciting event to allow you to hear from

Living Wage employers in the region as well as

the opportunity to network with peers.

Celebrate Living Wage Week with Living Wage

Scotland at AAB’s beautiful Kingswells offices

and support our ambitions to increase the

uptake of the real Living Wage in Aberdeen

and beyond!

Hear from an exciting panel of speakers from

‘real Living Wage’ and Living Hours employers

who will share their accreditation journey and

the benefits they are now experiencing within

their organisations.

Speakers on the day will include Cfine

(Community Food Initiatives North East),

Scottish Enterprise and others.

There will also be ample opportunity to

network with ‘real Living Wage’ employers

from across the region as well as organisations

who are thinking about or have started on their

own path to accreditation.

What is Cash First, Flexible

Crisis Fund? Webinar

Come along to find out more about the

Aberdeen Cash First Network!

As part of a Scottish Government Pilot –

Cash-First: Towards Ending the Need for Food

Banks in Scotland – ACVO are co-designing a

project alongside partner organisations, with

the aim of breaking the cycle of repeated

financial crises and with the hopes of

reducing reliance on Food Banks across the


The Aberdeen Cash First Network has

established a Cash First; Flexible Crisis Fund

to benefit single males between the age of

18 and 45 years old who are in receipt of

universal credit and who are accessing

emergency food provision. Cash First

provides people directly with money or

pathways to money when in a crisis.

ACVO’s Cash First Network Co-Ordinator,

Amy Duncan, will be holding a webinar to

explain the Cash First concept and how the

individuals you support can be referred to

the Cash First; Flexible Crisis Fund.

Responsible Business Event 2024

Join Community Planning Aberdeen and

businesses in Aberdeen to share and discuss

how we build and support responsible

business in our City.

Community Planning Aberdeen is delighted

to invite you to our 2024 Aberdeen

Responsible Business Event. This year, the

event will focus on the refresh of the city’s

Local Outcome Improvement Plan and

opportunities for businesses to support place

based project in partnership with Business in

the Community (BITC).

The event will open with networking and

refreshments, followed by updates from

Aberdeen City Council and Community

Planning Aberdeen on the city’s Local

Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP).

Attendees will hear from Business in the

Community (BITC) and several local

businesses on engaging in community

projects and supporting Place-based

initiatives in Aberdeen. A panel Q&A session

will wrap up the event, providing a chance to

explore further involvement opportunities.

Date Thu 7 November 2024

Date Mon 11 November 2024

Date Tue 12 November 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 am


11:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm








Living Wage Scotland




Community Planning Aberdeen


AAB, Kingshill View,

Prime Four Business

Park, Kingswells,

Aberdeen AB15 8PU




Beach Ballroom, Beach

Promenade Aberdeen,

AB24 5NR,

Find out more via ACVO Events

Find out more via ACVO Events

Find out more via ACVO Events



November 2024


Aberdeen’s Third Sector Mental

Health & Wellbeing Forum

ACVO continues to host regular and various

fora to support, connect and inform the third

sector. There continues to be so much change

and at such a pace, that it’s often very difficult

to keep up

Mental health and wellbeing is a longstanding,

very regular and recurring theme. As this topic

is so far reaching, multi-layered and affects so

many aspects of our work, ACVO has hosted

third sector forum meetings on this specific

theme. We are inviting our third sector

colleagues to our next one where you can,

amongst other things

Hear directly from Darren Smith, Wellbeing

Coordinator, Aberdeen City Health & Social

Care Partnership

See a presentation about Ethical

Commissioning .

Get updates about ACH&SCP ( Aberdeen

City Health & Social Care Partnership) and

CPA (Community Planning Aberdeen)

Have the opportunity to input and decide

on future plans for this forum.

Community Introduction to

Suicide Prevention Sessions

Suicide Prevention is everyone’s business

and there is something that we can all do in

our communities to help break the stigma.

The North East Suicide Prevention Team,

hosted by SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental

Health) is delivering Introduction to Suicide

Prevention training sessions in the

community.The session will cover:-

• Introduction to the statistics and

prevalence of suicide

• Stigma – why does this still exist?

• Spotting the signs that may suggest

someone is having thoughts of suicide

• Asking the question around suicide, the

power of listening and remembering what we

can do within the remit of our roles

• Signposting to support and resources; our

boundaries/looking after ourselves

Who should attend this training session?

Suicide is something that can affect any of us.

So this session is for anyone who wants to

find out what they can do in their community

to create a positive environment for people

to talk.

ACVO Training: Charity Trustees

Duties and Responsibilities

If you want to find out more about the duties

and responsibilities of Scottish Charity

Trustees then this is the session for you.

A 2 hour session led by ACVO Development

Officer Sandy Mathers designed to make you

more confident as a charity trustee. The

session will cover the following topics;

Background to the Act

Who are Charity Trustees?

General Duties of Trustees

Specific Duties of Trustees

Remuneration of Charity Trustees

Breach of duty

Date Thu 14 November 2024

Date Wed 20 November 2024

Date Tue 26 November 2024


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


10:00 am - 12:00 pm





Cost £11.55










Tillydrone Community

Campus, 52 Hayton Road,

Aberdeen, AB24 2UY


38 Castle Street, Aberdeen,

AB11 5YU,

Find out more via ACVO Events

Find out more via ACVO Events

Find out more via ACVO Events




Discover more events from and for

Aberdeen's third sector and add yours

free of charge to our public calendar at




November 2024


Family Support Worker

Avenue Confidential

£26,710.95 per annum (pro-rata) Part Time

22 hours per week Permanent

Aberdeen/Peterhead Closing date: 08/11/2024

Find out more and apply at acvo.org.uk/vacancies

Avenue is dedicated to supporting families during challenging times. We provide a safe, supportive and nurturing

environment where families can spend quality time together during Family Time sessions. Our aim is to strengthen family

relationships and ensure the wellbeing of children.

We are looking for a compassionate and experienced Family Support Worker to join our Family Time team and play a vital

role in delivering this essential service. The individual must be dedicated, empathetic and organised and have experience of

working with children and families in a supportive role. You will have a strong understanding of safe-guarding, child

protection and the challenges faced by vulnerable families.

Please contact avenuehr@avenuecharity.org for a full Application Pack, titling your email ‘Family Support Worker’.

We only accept completed application forms, CVs will not be accepted.

Closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 8th November 2024.

Read full job description

Family Time Service Manager

Avenue Confidential

£34,255 per annum (pro-rata) Part Time

30 hours per week Permanent

Aberdeen Closing date: 08/11/2024 Find out more and apply at acvo.org.uk/vacancies

Avenue is dedicated to supporting families during challenging times. We provide a safe, supportive and nurturing

environment where families can spend quality time together during Family Time sessions. Our aim is to strengthen family

relationships and ensure the wellbeing of children.

We are looking for a compassionate and experienced Family Time Service Manager to lead and oversee our Family Time

service. In this role, you will be responsible for managing day to day operations, ensuring the highest standard of service

delivery, whilst supporting both families and colleagues.

The Family Time Service Manager will work in collaboration with external stakeholders to facilitate positive and safe family

interactions, while also managing staff, maintaining service delivery, and ensuring that all processes comply with relevant

guidelines and safeguarding protocols.

The Family Time Service Manager must be a highly organised, empathetic and pro-active individual with proven experience in

a managerial role, and experience in childcare or family- facing role. The ideal individual will have excellent communication

skills, a strong understanding of safeguarding and child protection, and the ability to manage both people and processes


To apply for the position of Family Time Service Manager, please submit your CV and a covering letter outlining your relevant

experience and why you feel you are the right candidate for the position to avenuehr@avenuecharity.org.

The closing date is 5pm on Friday 8th November 2024.

Read full job description


43 November 2024


Support Worker – Bereavement and Loss

Sunrise Partnership SCIO

£25,000 pa Full Time 35 hrs per week Permanent


Closing date: 21/11/2024

Find out more and apply at acvo.org.uk/vacancies

Sunrise Partnership offers a free, confidential service in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire for children and young people up to

age 18 who have been affected by loss and bereavement. We are looking for an experienced Support Worker to join the

team to meet demand for the service.

You will be directly responsible for supporting children and young people in Aberdeen City and this may be in a one-to-one

situation, sibling groups or group work setting. Additionally, you will offer advice to families and carers, plus other professionals

working with children and young people.

You should preferably have a relevant professional qualification (eg social work, teaching, nursing, psychology) along with the

appropriate skills and experience to work directly with bereaved children and young people. Excellent inter-personal skills are


This is a full time position, although job share will be considered.

Read full job description

Family Support Worker – Targeted

Family Support in Aberdeen


£24,757 per annum Full Time

37 hours per week (flexible between 8am – 10pm, 5 days over 7)


Aberdeen Closing date: 17/11/2024

Find out more and apply at acvo.org.uk/vacancies

Includem is recruiting for a Family Support Worker to join our service providing Targeted Family Support in Aberdeen.

Applicants should demonstrate skills in delivering support through an early intervention model supporting families in their

communities. In addition this service will also support young people who are in conflict with the law. Applicants should

demonstrate skills in supporting diversion from prosecution and demonstrate knowledge of court processes.

Take a peek at the job description on our website: https://includem.org/careers/

Looking for a new challenge? We want to hear from you! includem is committed to developing employees and will help you to

achieve the relevant qualifications required to carry out the role. These qualifications will be fully funded by includem. The

successful candidate should have a full driver’s license and access to a car.

To apply please send your CV to recruitment@includem.co.uk

Additional Information

• You must have a valid driving license and access to a roadworthy vehicle

• Be available between 8am and 10pm

• Be flexible to work weekends

• Have minimum of 2 years Social Care work experience

Benefits for our employees:

• 28 days annual leave, increasing to 31 days with 5 years’ service

• 9 public holidays

• Employee Assistance Programme

• Counselling service

• Family friendly leave

• Access to Blue Light Discount Card

The closing date for applications is Sunday 17th November 2024 at midnight. Successful Candidates will be invited to the

individual interview as follow: Group interview (3 hours): Tuesday 26th November 2024, Individual interview (1 hour):

Thursday 5th December 2024


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