Special - Sep 1997
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
The Kensington Mark et
Important public meeting
An independent voice
for our corntnunity
Doctors Hospital is going to
be closed and 1ts· programs
~ ~ taken over by Toronto
Hospital (Western Division).
The Ontario Government's
HSRC (Health Services
Restructuring Commission)
1 has ordered Doctors
Hospital to close within two
years. But, what will
:I happen to the diabetes, ·
I chronic pain, low-risk
birthing, and other programs
now provided by Doctors
Hospital? How much
control will the community
have over these services?
Reporte especial de
en espanol
Favor de ver el interior
Pagina 2
I , I
Tai To chdc
Cd eau Benh Vien
Bao Cao .i>~c Bi~t
Ban Tieng Vi~t
Xin xem trang 2
Resumo em
Por favor veja na
Pagina 2
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
On Hospital Services
September 19, 1997
An independent cot~tnunity voice
Come to our meeting, September 25
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE committee's membership and care in our area. ICACHS is
So what will happen to give it direction in its
dedicated to representing the
the programs now pro- disc~ssions wit~ the two . whole community's concerns
. hospitals. It will be the first m and desires about hospital
vzded by Doctors Hosp- a series of meetings held by the services in Toronto's west end.
ita[? And how much new group, the Independent It wants to ensure that decisions
control will the comm- Comm~nity Advisor_y . are not just made by the
Committee on Hospital Services hospitals and that the community
has an effective voice.
unity have over these
These are the questions asked
by the members of the
Community Advisory
Committee of Doctors Hospital
(CAC) before the HSRC
ordered the hospital to close.
These are the questions that an
independent community voice
must continue to ask in the
difficult negotiations that lie
The CAC has decided,
unanimously, to form an
independent community advisory
committee, free from the control
of any one hospital, to have a
say in the future hospital
services to this community.
You can make sure there is a
strong voice that speaks clearly
for your community. Come to
the Thursday, September 25,
7pm meeting at Scadding Court
Community Centre to tell the
hospitals what kind of services
are important to you and your
The meeting will broaden the .
pr?gratns \Ve
'*,~nt .,.to Qr~;tect
f"or five ;~ears poc~~~s '~~~pital
has, ~n ¥-res!ruct;ur_in~itsetf
int~ a~ ~wbu~~tory care
hospitaF,·,~t ·~~ devel9ped n;tany
progt"ams" to ineet the needs of
our con;imunity.
i~~}lf f,flese progl)
impolst?iit · · to~our fi _....-_.,,;· ···...... _
lfhidt's~?6iilfi. lie · kept<;iif)tact as ·
serviee,shifts to Tl'il''s" W,estent
·site? Which could be blended
with TTH's existing communitybased
f!tograms? These are
som~"pf the qpestio.ns ,.!.!i?A,~HS
wil! raise .in,; the poHti~gfinonths
with.the community. '": ·
Hete 'are. examples, from
Doctors Hospital, of
community-based programs:
•,pl'~~nt Care -~ It's l~~e at
nfght. :Yqu need,tn~q~~ 2 ,
, attenti~~;.,~ha! ·cart'f,w~~f ~tlt
moming:;, Do you go .;to a
traditional emet"gency room and
wait for hours while people
with mote serious inju~es are
seen· ahead of you?. o.r :·do,. ~ou
gp to .urg~nt.~care .;~~e,t~ y:O:ut
needs . ate .. prometly;tsee,lrto? ·"
•Children's Health ;. Parents
in particular dread the everiing
visit to a hospital emergency
roo.ttl;, .. ~ow . children ~qq'''don 't
n:eoo •. ~m~rgency cax;e ~e ; seen;
q~ickly, at. Toront(}~'s "·Pc~Jy,,,~
children's after-hours walk in
clinic. The clinic relieves
pressure for Hospital for Sick
Children emergency, and
provides quality care and better
(ICACHS) to inform the
community about what is
happening during restructuring
and provide an opportunity for
the community to have a say in
the new services to be offered
by The Toronto Hospital as it
integrates Doctors Hospital's
current programs.
The ICACHS mandate will be to
work with all those who are
committed to the vision of
community-based ambulatory
"We did not take this decision
lightly, as we have always
endeavoured to support Doctors
Hospital wherever possible.
Certainly we wish the hospital
well, but on balance we felt that
we could accomplish more for
the community by being
involved in the design of future
health programs rather than wait
on the sidelines for
adjudication" said long time
CAC member Julie Gibson.
In these times of hospital
restructuring it is, more than
ever, crucial that institutions
commit to and invest in genuine
consultation with the
communities that they are
charged with serving. Both
Doctors Hospital_ and Toronto
Hospital have expressed a
willingness to work
cooperatively with ICACHS.
Doctors Hospital has
commended the underlying
vision of the group. And David
Alien, Vice President of Public
and Community Affairs at the
Toronto Hospital, said TTH is
going ahead with developing its
community care programs and
has welcomed the group's help.
"It is vital that we make
something positive out of this
situation." said ICACHS chair,
Lee Zaslofsky, "We have
worked for years to improve the
services of Doctors Hospital and
make them responsive to the
community. That cannot be lost
when Toronto Hospital starts
providing them. In fact it must
be strengthened. This is an
opportunity for the community
to be at the table to determine
how our services are provided."
Caroline Wuschke, a
community resident, is the
community development
worker for ICACHS.
+Ouit~~~ntunity js d{
con~ining man¥ different
cultures. Health information
se~vice to families. _ • Addiction Program _ the and proper care must therefore
;•&w Jlisk Birthi~J!. - r~r:- _ Wom;en' s qwn Detox is ~h~ be prqyi.d~ in a culturally
an~ , po;s~~na~l~9a~e t~ .. ,Pr<?Yict~ _ 9~ty ,.~919,e~-on!Y c~ntrx .9f its .~Pj:)rop;rate manner. ._ .
al~f$. W~th a .!Jreastf~~~ _· ,_ .
clinic fo provide aseai,nless ~
k~~~'"~~. Fetro. :The"addfcii~p· ptO~r~rwalso · offer&~ outpatient
_ N-fany· people hav~ ad~uafe
"£.ng,~is~,;:skills to 'negothhe tlreir
co~fortable and suppo~fve :; afterJcare,. and.an acup_uncture waY,, throug~ the ~Y · Bpt ,
envtro.nment for the arnval of addiction treatment project that health care .. mstrucbons can be
ou~ newest community is t~e only permanentprogram very complicated, ~nd it i~ vital
me01bers., •. _ available in Canada. ,, that ..,th~y not be misu~derstood.
•.ijia~teS,,,EducaiiQ,.,.C~ntre ~ - ~M~ntalllealt~, Un~f ·;: .It ~~,q~ld~'t beleft to,J~{.l.l,ily
H~JPiJtg . ,. - _ . ;;, · - '; . - -_ . , : ~ Iiu~gqag~ ~·'~e~~rs to have to ~qt ~
clle~t~ and ,Ybere,;~zs.no P_lace llke . specific , mterp~eters . _.
famthes learn DoctrJrs flospztal, I have . programs in . A~. Doctors Hospita~ ,m~ny of
how to live been able to stay sober, stay'll English ~ Italian, t~e programs are delive:ed in
su,cces~fully off dr~gs and get helpfor a Portug'!ese and dtff:rent languag~ or, tf the
Wl~~ diabetes, serious de]Jression that . . Sp~s~ f~r . . pu;"Ibe~ ~-~~ 1! 0 t htgp. ep.qugb'
~h~_ .P~~gra~ __ werltea~ '~ ihried. to "'quil ~:. -~ - -· client:ap9;i1wt · J>kill~~lntet;Preter~; ~~-- ·~:~ed.
~i~~~~~m ~ dri':f<ing ~tfive different H f~~:'ui~pport
·~1~:~; =~~~ ,!r~~,· to. be
la!lguages _ places before I came,,here. practitioners app~opnat~.
Wtth cqltural .. .,., and local social . Tlt~s~ . adjustments are not
~~~~~~e~!~ · .,For e~~~}~; ,. il~e\),~J~.>.. . .. " • . ,, , onl~ ~a!er , th~y ar~ also cost
·vi~~~ame5~ "c!,ients ~~e ·· 9Jl!ghJ . ;;peyonsftlris s-tnallsa"itlpl;ing is eff~uv~ . Patien~r~ ,.,.• ,, . ,
wij'at, ~han~es ,ther h~~~to a wide ~;ange qf programs, at "..co~.~~~ble and und~~t®d
make tn V1et~amese '~food both b,pspita1s, with a '~iniilar . thetr care ~re more lilMy to
preparation to mai~tain their attention to community" needs. manag~ Withou~ more serious,
h~lth. A lesson usmg ·ICACHS needs to know cos~~y mtervenbons.
ex_-. a _ mp_·._-~ .• _·._._es
__.· ._.frem a . wes_ -tern diet .. whi·c·-·•h·.. o_ n ·_
. es are imJ)Ortant to S . ·o .. . . t
wq_u.ld .\Jemeaningless. you1!tid.your family. ee EFENOING DIGNITY .
What we
stand for
As the former CA C of Doctors
Hospital, ICACHS members
have spent years working
towards the improvement of
communit y hospital services
Members worked on
committees in areas such as
patients' rights, linguistic and
cultural access, finance,
bioethics, credentials, and
hospital restructuring.
They were instrumental in
developing the hospital's
Patient's Bill of Rights,
resuscitation policy and
anti-discrimination policy.
The CA C also played the
lead role over the years in
organizing community
consultations on health care
ICACHS is an extension of
this earlier work. lt is
dedicated to ensuring that the
voice of the community is not
lost or ignored during the
major restructuring of hospital
services taking place.
The guiding principle of
ICACHS is to act in the best
interests of community health
care and not necessarily the
best interests of hJatth care
delivery institutions.
In addition, ICACHS has
adopted the following eight
principles accepted by both
• Programs and services w ill
continue to be culturally and
linguistically sensitive to the
community presently served
by Doctors Hospital.
• The community will
continue t o have an effective,
communit y-based,
independent voice in the
delivery and outcomes of the
health care services it
• The leadership that Doctors
Hospital and the CAC has
developed over the years in
linking the community to t he
hospital will be continued.
• lt is not sufficient to have
one advisory committee for an
institut ion t he size and sc0pe
of a large hospital, rather t he
mechanisms need to be in
place for independent
community input into every
priority program.
• The communit y's right to
advocate for itself be
recognized and accepted even
when its input is challenging
or critical.
• A sufficient investment is
made in the communit y to
ensure that the community
has a formal voice in hospital
governance in order to make
it effective and ensure
community drive outcomes.
• The expertise and
community commitment of
Doct ors Hospital staff be
recognized in the
development of any f ut ure
ambulatory care programs.
• The community will have
effective participation in the
decision making process to
det ermine the future use of
Doct ors Hospital's current
land and buildings.
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
legal challenge
September 15, Ontario Divisional
Court dismissed Doctors Hospital's
legal challenge to the HSRC
decision ordering the shutdown of
Doctors Hospital.
"We are very disappointed" said
hospital chairman Nick Torchetti,
September 16. "We believed that
we are the best qualified to manage
our unique ambulatory model to
serve the needs of the community."
Doctors will now begin
negotiations with Toronto Hospital
"to relinquish the operation and
management of the centre to
Toronto Hospital" Mr. Torchetti
HSRC has set a September 30
deadline for the two hospitals to
develop a plan for the relocation of
Doctors Hospital programs to the
Toronto Hospital's Western
D~~~n. . ~
George Brown
lofts glitch
Developer Cohen + Alter's
planned Kensington Lofts
development on the former George
Brown college site has suffered a
The project sailed through a City
committee of adjustment hearing
Tuesday July 29, supported by the
community's Kensington Market
Working Group (KMWG).
However one member of the
KMWG executive, Mr. Greg
Peacock, who signed the KMWG
letter of support, subsequently
decided to appeal the City's
decision to the Ontario Municipal
The developer is hoping for an
early OMB hearing. "So far we
think we can handle the delay and
stay on track" said Mr. Alex
Speigel of C+A. "But if this thing
drags on, who knows?"
Fall edition
Publication date:
October 15 1997
Editorial deadline
October 1
Kensington Market DRUM is
produced by DRUM Publishing,
.. 60 Bellevue Avenue,
Toronto M5T 2N4
Phone: 416-603-3786
Fax: 416-603-3787
M.J. Buell and David Perlman
Karen Steyr
This special bulletin was
funded by The Toronto Hospital
Reporte Especial
Tai Tii Chdc
Cd eau Benh Vien
Ban Bao cio Dac Biet
Uma voz independente
para a nossa comunidade
Doctors Hospital vai fechar. Os seus programas irao passar para o Toronto
Hospital (Western Division). A HSRC (Cornissiio de Restruturao;;ao dos
Servio;;os de Saude) do Governo do Ontario deu ordem ao Doctors Hospital
para fechar dentro de dois anos. Mas, o que e que vai acontecer aos
programas de diabetes, dores cr6nicas, partes de riscos menores e outros
programas· que o Doctors Hospital providencia agora? Qual o controle que a
comunidade ira ter nesses servio;;os? Estas foram as perguntas feitas pelos
membros da cornissiio comunitaria e consultiva do Doctors Hospital (CAC)
antes da HSRC ter dado a ordem para o hospital fechar. Estas s~o as
perguntas que uma voz comunitaria independente deve continuar a perguntar
durante estas negociao;;oes dificeis que nos vem pela fi·ente. Entiio o antigo
Doctors Hospital CAC decidiu, unanimamente, em formar uma cornissiio
independente comunitaria e consultiva , sem qualquer influencia de nenhum
hospital, com voz no futuro dos servio;;os hospitalares desta comunidade.
T enha a certeza que esta cornissao independente seja uma voz forte e que fale
claro pela sua comunidade. Venha a reuniao na quinta-feira no dia 25 de
Setembro as ?pm no Scadding Court Community Centre. Esta retrniiio ira ser
a primeira reuniao publica para este novo grupo, a Cornissao Independente
Comunitana e Consultiva em Servio;;os Hospitalares (ICACHS). Mas a
cornissiio, (ICACHS) planeia ter reunioes regulares. Para informar a
comunidade do que e que vai acontecendo durante a restruturao;;ao, e para dar
a oportunidade a comunidade para dizer quais os programas que devem
sobreviver, e se alguns servio;;os novos se devem comeo;;ar a oferecer. A
Cornissao, (ICACHS) vai trabalhar com todos, para representar toda a
comunidade as suas preocupao;;oes e des~os a cerea dos servio;;os hospitalares
na parte Oeste de Toronto. Nestes tempos de restructurao;;aa dos hospitais
uma verdadeira consulta com as comunidades e mais irnportante que nunca.
Tanto o Doctors Hospital como o Toronto Hospital disseram que iriao ·
trabalhar cooperativamente com a Cornissao (ICACHS). A directora da
Cornissiio, Lee Zaslofsky diz "Nos trabalhamos durante anos para melhorar os
servio;;os do Doctors Hospital. Esse trabalho tiio duro niio pode ser perdido
quando o Toronto Hospital comeo;;ar a provideenciar esses servio;;os."
Perguntas para responder .
Quais siio os programas hospitalares mais irnportantes para si e para a sua
familia? Quais siio as coisas boas que sabe a cerea dos programas
hospitalares? 0 que e que pode ser feito me!hor, adiccionado ou me!horado
para satisfazer as necessidades da comunidade? Estas sao algumas das
perguntas que a cornissao (ICACHS) ira comeo;;ar a fazer na comunidade.
Um pequeno inquerito por detras deste reporte especial faz quatro perguntas:
I. Concorda que seja necess:llio uma cornissiio independente; 2. Quais sao as
suas maiores preocupao;;oes em relao;;ao aos cuidados da saude; 3. Quer ser
iiifoimaao; e 4. Quer-se eiivolvei no frabalho?
Obrigado pela sua ateno;;ao
Tieng n6i d(k l~p cua
cQng dong chung tOi
B9nh vi~n Doctors Hospital se d6ng cua va se chuy~n v(\
~nh vi9n Toronto Hospital (Khu vl,(c phia Tily). Uy-H(li
Tai T6-ChU:c Co Cil'u Djch V~ Y-Te <HSRC)ct'ta Chinh Pht't
Ontario cla ra l~nh I39nh vi~n Doctor Hospital phai dong
ct'ia trong vong hai nihn. Nhung se c6 gl xay ra cho nhfrng
nguui bj ~nh ti~u dttung, dau nhlic kinh nicn, sinh de hil!m
ngheo va nhtrng chuong trlnh khac ci1a b9nh vi9n Doctor
Hospital? C(lng dC'>ng se ki~m soat nhtrng djch v~ nay nhtt
the ni\o?
Dily la nhttng cilu hoi c:lta h<)i vicn Uy-Ban C:O-Vi'ln C('mg
Dhng c:lw Doctor I Iospital (CA C) truac khi HSRC ra 19nh :
b0nh vi9n dung ctfa. Day la nht:rng cilu hoi ma tiPng n6i cl<)c
l~p r.ua n)ng d(">ng phai w·:p t~JC dtta ra trong nhung hu6i
thuong thao kh6 khan trong tuong lai.
Do d6 Uy-I3an C6 Vi\n C<)ng O(mg Doctors IJospital dii
quyet djnh nh:lt tri, thanh l~p m(lt uy-ban c6-vl"n c(lng dong
d<)c l~p, ngoi'li Slf ki0m soi\t c:l1a Mt et{ ~nh vi9n ni\o, et~ c6
tif;ng n6i m<;~nh me ve tuong lai nhHng djch Vt,J ct'ta b9nh
vi~n d/)i v6i c<)ng dong.
Iliiy li\m sao d~ cho uy-han cl(lc l~p nay la mi)t ticng n6i
m~nh me va ro rang d~i di9n cho cr)ng dOng cac b~n. Hay
tham dlf bufli h9p ngay Thtl Niim, 25 thrlng 9, 7 gh) t6i b
Tnmg Ti\m C<)ng 0()ng Scadding Court ..
Day I~ bu6i h9p cCmg khai di'\u tien U:ta nh{Jm Uy-Ban Cc>
Vil'n C<)ng DI:'Jng D<)c L~p vc Nhtlng Djch Vt,~ C<)ng DOng .
([CACHS) m<:ii nay. Nhung nh<Jm nay dV lrtt sf h9p thttong
xuyen di! ph() bien t(Ji ·c<)ng <fhng nhtrng gi f>C xay ra trong,
thoi gian tai t6-chtlc eo ci\u, va tao co-h<)i cho c<)ng d(mg.
n6i len nhHng chuong tr1nh ni\o ncn thn t<;~i va nhtrng djch
vu m6i nilO nen c6.
U~-ban m6i nily se lam vi~c v<!i m9i ngw'li, d<1 d~i cli~n toan
th~ c(mg dhng vc nhOng qnan ti\m va mong ucx. c:lm l19 ve
nhnng cljch vt,~ b~nh vi~n trong khu vl,(c cu6i mien tay T<:r
M<)t bang tham khcio y-kicn 6 clang sau hcin bao ci'io d~c
hi~~ nay hbi b6n dl.u hoi: 1. cac h~n c6 dCmg y uy-ban <l<)c
l~p c:fm thiet khong. 2.Va'n de y-te niio quan trqng nhAt d6i
'v6i b~n; 3. B~!l mu6n duqc thong bao kht>ng; va b~n c6
mu6n tham gia viio vi~c lam nay khl\ng?
Cam on S\f luu Him ctH~ nk han.
fX ir~ liii ~ B'SJ u .g
Reporte especial de
Hospitalaria .
~~-~-~ 0 ~~4M~~•a•t•~-~
c A c ) ~ ft 4 • ~76 lJt T + n~ r;f, ~ ~ :±: , # it ~.±. ~
l!l J!t ' ~ CAC-it* ;tA i: -100 ~ i: ~~· ~76 -f
SCADD ING COURT ~.±. ~ tf •\.; * ~t ~ ~ ~ o
..... •h El ..... ~ ..!.- 5t:. 0 ~ JJ... ~ •h /... '!P ~ ~!J.. :I:.. 5t:. 0
lk_ lA. ~ lk_ 191J ~ -'/(;" ~ if ti'J pP - lA. A "~-" if ~ ' IIIJ -'/(;" ~
1 ) 1t- it ~ ~ ~ 1;; -1- ~ -100 ~ i: ~ ~ ft ~ '%. ?
2) .at Jf it 1r- lil. ~ it ~ -1-* ~ ~ r .. ~ ~ ?
3) 1t- it~~~~ .ftl ;t ~ lf-;ff- T -· ·'· .-, - ..,.......... ..
4) 1t- it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .:L 1t ?
Una voz independiente
para nuestra comunidad
El Doctors Hospital sera clausurado. El Toronto Hospital (Western
Division) asumira sus programas. El HSRC (Comision de
Reestructuracion de la Asistencia Sanitaria) del Gobiemo de Ontario
le ha ordenado al Doctors Hospital que cierre sus instalaciones
dentro de dos aiios. Pero £,que le pasara a Ios programas para
combatir la diabetes, el dolor cronico, partos de bajo riesgo, y otros
masque provee abora elDoctors Hospital? £,Cminto control tendra la
comunidad sobre estos servicios?
Estas son las preguntas que se ban becbo los miembros de la
Comision Consultiva de la Comunidad (CAC) del Doctors Hospital
desde antes de que el HSRC ordenara que se cerrara el hospital.
Estas son las preguntas que una voz comunitaria independiente debe
seguir preguntando en las diffciles negociaciones futuras.
Por lo tanto, la CAC del Doctors Hospital ha decidido, de
forma unanime, crear una comision consultiva independiente de la
comunidad, libre del control de cualquier hospital, que tenga voz y
voto en el futuro de los servicios bospitalarios para esta comunidad.
Asegurese de que esta comision independiente sea una voz
fuerte que bable con claridad a favor de su comunidad.
Asista a la reunion del jueves, 25 de septiembre,
a las 7pm en el Scadding Court Community Centre.
La reunion sera la primera reunion publica de este grupo nuevo, la
Comision Consultiva Independiente de la Comunidad sobre Servicios
Hospitalarios (ICACHS). ICACHS planea tener reuniones con
regularidad para informar a la comunidad de lo que esta pasando
durante la reestructuracion, y para darle a la comunidad la
oportunidad de tener voz y voto en los programas que deben
sobrevivir, y cualquier servicio nuevo que se ofrezca. ICACHS
trabajara con todos para representar a toda la comunidad y sus
preocupaciones y deseos en cuanto a los servicios bospitalarios en la
zona oeste de Toronto.
En esta epoca de reestructuracion bospitalaria, consultar a la
comunidad es mas vital que nunca. Tanto el Doctors Hospital como
el Toronto Hospital han indicado que trabajanin con ICACHS.
Preguntas que deben contestarse
l,Cuales programas son importantes para su familia? £,Que podria
mejorarse? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que ICACHS bara con
la comunidad en Ios meses venideros. En el breve cuestionario al
dorso de este reporte especial se bacen cuatro preguntas: 1. £,Esta
usted de acuerdo en que una comision independiente es necesaria?
2. l,Cuales son sus preocupaciones de mas importancia en cuanto a la
asistencia sanitaria? 3. l,Desea que lo/la mantengamos informado/a?
4.£,Desea involucrarse en el trabajo?
Gracias por su atenci6n.
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
Prevention is
the most costeffective
health. program
of all but
it is useless if
it can not
·reac~ people
in the first
place because
Q.f language
and. cultu.talbarriets;
Defending dignity
"Both my parents
are in their
seventies and speak
little English.
We've attended
manjhospitals in
Toronto but at
DactorsHaspital we
-get the pefso!J.al
atten~io1!- in our own
langl}agt; which is
lgcKi~g ·tp !}.th(Jr
b.ospitals: ·..:.
Although some people travel long distances to use the ambulatory care services at Doctors Hospital and The
Toronto Hospital, our primary area is defined as:
to the east, Spadina Avenue; to the west, a line following the GO rail line (Dufferin to Lansdowne); in the south,
the lake; and in the north, St. Clair Avenue. This community is certainly one of the most diverse in Canada in
terms of language, culture, race, income, ability and education. Of course many patients of both hospitals live
outside this primary area and are also considered part of the hospitals' community.
September 25: Questions & Answers
At the September 25 meeting we want to hear from you and there will be
members of ICACHS to answer any of your questions. A panel will briefly
present the current situation.
with the respect and dignity they
deserve when they are most
vulnerable. "
. •July 23, 1997- The HSRC announced its final decision to close
Doctors Hospital and merge its programs with Toronto Hospital.
Doctors Hospital is to be completely closed within two years.
•Thursday, September 25 1997, 7:00pm- ICACHS sponsors a
community meeting on our hospital services at Scadding Court
Community Centre.
•September 30, 1997- The HSRC has instructed the handing over
of Doctors Hospital's programs and services to The Toronto
Hospital. Programs will continue to run at the current site. Doctors
Hospital Board is to act in an advisory capacity.
•Fall and winter 1997- ICACHS will conduct a series of
consultations with the community on the programs that they use
and their priorities during the restructuring .
•December 1997- Doctors Hospital must present the Ministry of
health with a plan for the future of the buildings and land .
•Spring 1998 and beyond - ICACHS will keep the community
informed about the ongoing changes.
•July 1999- The final deadline for the complete merging of
programs and th-e dissolution of the Doctors Hospital.
Lee Zaslofsky - Chair of the
former CAC of Doctors Hospital
and of ICACHS, formerly on the
Board of Doctors Hospital, member
of the City of Toronto's Board of
Health, Chair of Scadding Court
Community Centre, community
heath worker.
"We will continue to push for
hospital services that are geared
to our community, with a strong
voice for the community in how
those services are delivered. "
Cidalia C. Faria - community
resident whose family has used the
services of Doctors Hospital for
over twenty-five years, lawyer,
former counsel for the CAC of
Doctors Hospital.
"What is at stake here are the
critical ethno-cultural and
linguistic factors that give
meaning to quality, equitable
health care. I want to ensure
that my family and all those in
this community who ha~e given
so much to this city are treated
Julie Gibson - Community
resident, long-time member of the
CAC of Doctors Hospital, worked
on the steering committee of St.
Stephen's Community House
Neighbours Helping Neighbours
program, past board member of the
Toronto chapter of the Multiple
Sclerosis Society of Canada, MS
mother of the year
"In these times of hospital
closings and budget cutbacks,
patients will have to take more
responsibility for ensuring that
they receive economical, high
quality health services. I see
this independent community
committee as a way in which
people can become involved and
active in their health care. "
Wendy Kwong -past chair of the
CAC of Doctors Hospital,
multicultural health consultant for
Toronto Public Health, worked in
the community on such issues as
elder abuse, long-term care, and
mental health.
"I just want to make sure that
the community voice is heard
and that the services that are
provided are accessible and
Credits.: ICACI-!~ w~uld like to thankthe following
for helping to make this. s.pecial,bulletin possible:
Sumitra Shanna- community
resident, member of the CAC of
Doctors Hospital, Toronto Council
for Children and Youth and
American Psychological
Association, past member of the
Ethno-Cultural and Multicultural
Association, works as a therapist
and counsellor.
"In our work as the CAC of
Doctors Hospital, we managed
a victory for the community in
having representation on a
Medical Credentialling
Conimittee. This is the kind of
ongoing community involvement
we need in our health care. ".
Gus Sinclair - community
resident, long time member of the
CAC of Doctors Hospital,
volunteer with the Metro
Association of Community Living,
member of the Sussex-Ulster
Residents Association.
"All of the community has to
have a say on ambulatory care.
We welcome and look forward
to working with all the social
service agencies in our area on
this important issue, but it is the
residents and users of hospital
services that must have the
strongest voice. "
The Toronto Hospital has been providing community based care for over
100 years in southwest Toronto. Toronto Western Hospital -- now part of
The Toronto Hospital -- was established in I 896 in direct re~ponse to
meeting the health care needs of the people living and working near
Bathurst and Dundas Streets. That commitment to community-based care
continues today and is evident with the establishment of the Hospital's
new priority program: primary and community care.
The primary and community care program builds on the Hospital's
philosophy of delivery: client-focused care that is sensitive to the cultural
and linguistic needs of the community. The community-based programs at
the Western Division have been developed in consultation with the
community. These programs are also further strengthened by the
academic and research focus that The Toronto Hospital brings to them.
Together we have developed programs that serve as models for other
health care facilities.
We are proud of our accomplishments and look forward to working with
the community in continuing our tradition of excellence in patient care,
medical education, and research.
•Community-based health care:
designed for, and with, the
community to meet its needs
resulting in a true partnership
between the community and the
institution which results in the
enhanced well being of the
community. Prevention and primary
care work best in this model of
health care delivery.
•Ambulatory care:
care that does not require an
overnight stay in hospital. This can
range from a simple physical exam to
laser surgery. The patient can remain
at home during treatment but, of
course, the patient will be admitted
into the hospital when necessary.
•Health Services Restructuring
Commission (HSRC):
set up by Provincial Government to
implement changes in health services
throughout Ontario. lt has broad
powers to close hospitals without
going back to the govern.ment. Its
final decision for Metro ordered
eleven hospitals closed, including
Doctors Hospital.
• Doctors Hospital:
is located on Brunswick Avenue just
north of College Street. Over th_e last
five years it has been restructuring
itself to become an ambulatory care
•The Toronto Hospital:
Canada's largest hospital, considered
a leader in many fields of health care
delivery. lt has three divisions;
General, Princess Margaret and
Western (at Dundas and Bathurst) .
The HSRC has instructed them to
make community-based, ambulatory
care a priority program at the
Western Division.
•Independent Community Advisory
Committee on Hospital Services
(ICACHS): formerly the CAC of
Doctors Hospital. A group of
residents and representatives from
community health centres and
agencies who believe that the
community needs an effective,
independent voice during the
upcoming restructuring of hospital
•Community Advisory Committee
(CAC): many hospitals bring
together groups of residents and
partner agencies to advise them on
policy and service delivery.
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
Please tell us
what you think
What local hospital programs are important to you and your family? Is
there a way that a program is delivered that you think
should be kept, or changed?' What programs
could be added or improved to better meet the community's needs?
These are all questions we hope to address through ICACHS.
Please take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire.
0 The community should have an independent voice on how its
hospital services are developed and delivered.
0 Yes 0 No
@ My priorities are: (check as many as you like)
0 women health and obstetrics 0 patient's rights
0 children's health 0 program delivery
0 medical programs - specify 0 services in various languages
0 sensitivity to the different
cultures in our area
0 mental health 0 other - specify
0 addictions
0 day surgery
@ I would like to be kept informed. 0 Yes 0 No
In your .
1 Community 1
fl Make sure there a strong voice that speaks clearly I!
~~ for your community. Come to this meeting to tell ~
1 the hospitals what kind of services you want. I
# ~
I Thursday September 25 7:00pm 1
' .
11 Scadding Court Community Centre ~
707 Dundas W. at Bathurst ~
9 1 want to get involved. 0 Yes 0 No
Name: ________________________________________ __
Address: ______________ -'--------------------------
Phone number:
Send your survey to ICACHS c/o 170 Euclid Ave, Toronto, Ontario M6J 2]9
or fax it to 392-0340
Free childcare
Free refreshments from 6:30pm
For more information please call 603-7269
: :~