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Anesthesia Podcast The correct adjustment of fluid therapy during anesthesia... a real challenge!

Anesthesia Webinar Feline Anesthesia

Anesthesia Webinar Anesthesia in brachycephalics

Anesthesia Podcast How do you adjust the insulin dose in diabetics before and during anesthesia?

Anesthesia Video Learn to use the pulse oximeter and capnograph

Anesthesia Webinar Epidural

Anesthesia Podcast Treatment of hypotension during anesthesia

Anesthesia Video Everything you need to know about intubation in cats

Anesthesia Webinar How to detect and treat the most common anesthetic complications

Anesthesia Podcast New treatments for chronic pain: monoclonal antibody in veterinary medicine

Anesthesia Webinar Neuromuscular blockers: use and monitoring

Anesthesia Video Basic interpretation of spirometry

Anesthesia Podcast Use of metamizole as an analgesic—what is your opinion?

Anesthesia Webinar Sedation and anesthesia in the cardiopathic patient

Anesthesia Video Locoregional techniques without specific equipment

Anesthesia Video Catheterization technique of the metatarsal artery for invasive arterial pressure

Anesthesia Webinar Anesthesia in specific dog breeds

Anesthesia Podcast Management of pre-anesthetic fasting

Anesthesia Webinar Hypothermia in the perioperative period

Cardiology Webinar Clinical approach to the puppy with a murmur

Cardiology Webinar Dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs

Cardiology Podcast Do you use pimobendan in cats with congestive heart failure?

Cardiology Webinar The clinical visit in cardiology

Cardiology Video Cardiac ultrasound in emergencies

Cardiology podcast Does cardiological cough exist?

Cardiology Webinar Pericardial effusion: diagnosis, causes, and treatment

Surgery Webinar Tips and tricks in basic and emergency surgery

Surgery Video Bandaging 1

Surgery Webinar Tips and tricks in basic and emergency surgery

Surgery Video Bandaging 1

Surgery Podcast Osteoarthritis

Surgery video Postgraduate video surgery: BOAS

Dermatology Webinar An allergic dog - shall we visit it together?

Dermatology Podcast To be confirmed

Dermatology Video Sample collection during the dermatology visit

Dermatology Video Dermatological cytology: what do we see behind that lens?

Dermatology Webinar Basic applied histopathology

Dermatology Webinar Facial dermatopathies in cats, a great diagnostic and therapeutic challenge



Over 300



Dermatology Webinar Bilateral symmetrical alopecia

Dermatology Podcast How to create a great team with the owner of an allergic dog

Dermatology Podcast Management and diagnosis of alopecia X

Dermatology Video Physical restraint in birds and exotic mammals

Dermatology Webinar Utility of electrochemotherapy in skin tumors

Dermatology Podcast Management of skin biopsy samples - communication with the laboratory

Dermatology Video Skin biopsy sampling with local anesthetic

Dermatology Webinar Neurodermatology

Dermatology Podcast Mechanism and clinical application of antipruritic drugs

Dermatology Webinar Importance of the skin barrier in atopic dermatitis

Dermatology Webinar Immunotherapy for managing atopic dermatitis

Dermatology Webinar Shampoo therapy and its most common uses

Dermatology Webinar Suppurative otitis from Pseudomonas, how do I treat it in 2024?

Ethology Webinar Low-stress management in dogs

Ethology Webinar Basic behavior tips with the arrival of a new puppy in the clinic

Exotics Webinar Airway management in rabbits

Exotics Video Placement of an esophagostomy tube in turtles

Exotics Podcast Insulinoma in ferrets. Keys for accurate diagnosis

Exotics Webinar Dental disease in rabbits, guinea pigs, and chinchillas

Exotics Vídeo Peripheral vascular access in small mammals

Exotics Podcast What should a rabbit eat? And why is it so important?

Exotics Podcast Diagnostic approach to respiratory diseases in rabbits

Exotics Webinar Lymphoma in ferrets

Exotics Video Abdominal ultrasound in guinea pigs

Exotics Webinar Adrenal disease in ferrets

Exotics Video Restraint, physical examination, and oral medication in land and water turtles

Exotics Podcast Dermatological problems in guinea pigs and rabbits

Exotics Video Restraint, physical examination, and oral medication in snakes and lizards

Exotics podcast Thymic neoplasia in rabbits: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges

Physiotherapy Video How to conduct a first visit in rehabilitation

Physiotherapy Webinar Post-surgical rehabilitation: when is the best time to start?

Physiotherapy Webinar What is passive kinesiotherapy and what is it for?

Management Webinar Personal branding for veterinarians

Management Webinar Practical tips for clinicians to implement their social media

Management Webinar Veterinary video marketing: attract and retain clients using videos in your clinic

Management Webinar Instagram stories, how to capture attention and retain clients through stories

Imaging Podcast CT or MRI, advantages and disadvantages

Imaging Video How to make the most of your ultrasound machine?


Imaging Webinar Abdominal radiology

Imaging Podcast What to consider when buying an ultrasound machine?

Imaging Webinar Image visualization: How to manage Horos?

Imaging Video Abdominal ultrasound videos

Imaging Webinar Starting to look at X-rays: basic principles and interpretation

Imaging Webinar My first ultrasound: prior knowledge

Imaging Webinar Facing CT and MRI: basic principles and interpretation

Imaging Podcast Imaging diagnosis of the pancreas in cats

Imaging Video Contrast techniques in the diagnosis of urinary pathologies

Imaging Webinar How do I differentiate mechanical ileus from functional ileus in images?

Imaging Podcast Imaging diagnosis of dysphagia in dogs

Imaging Webinar CT in urinary pathologies

Imaging Webinar Bronchial tree evaluation and inflammatory lung pathology assessment using CT

Imaging Webinar Feline abdominal POCUS ultrasound

Internal Medicine Webinar Hypoadrenocorticism

Internal Medicine Webinar Vector-borne diseases

Internal Medicine Podcast When to use probiotics in dogs and cats?

Internal Medicine Webinar Feline leishmania: myth or reality?

Internal Medicine Webinar Diabetes in dogs

Internal Medicine Podcast Positive urine culture—should I treat?

Internal Medicine Webinar Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment

Internal Medicine Webinar Feline hyperthyroidism

Internal Medicine Webinar Canine hypothyroidism

Internal Medicine Video How to place an esophagostomy tube in a cat

Internal Medicine Webinar Anorexia in cats, how to approach it clinically?

Internal Medicine Webinar Leptospirosis

Internal Medicine Webinar Hyperlipidemia, how to face its diagnosis and management?

Internal Medicine Video How to obtain a bone marrow sample?

Internal Medicine Webinar Alterations in gastrointestinal motility

Internal Medicine Webinar Canine leishmania: treatment update

Internal Medicine Webinar Treatment of chronic enteropathy in cats

Internal Medicine Podcast New antivirals in FIP: does mutian work?

Internal Medicine Video Joint puncture

Internal Medicine Webinar Clinical approach to polyuria-polydipsia

Felina Medicine Webinar Vomiting in cats

Felina Medicine Podcast Constipation in cats

Felina Medicine Video Use of freestyle in diabetic cats

Felina Medicine Podcast Antiprotenurics in cats: which, when, and how?



Over 300



Felina Medicine Webinar Management of obstructed cats

Felina Medicine Video Cat obstruction catheterization

Felina Medicine Podcast Do you use prazosin in obstructed cats?

Felina Medicine Podcast My feline patient is FeLV positive... now what?

Felina Medicine Webinar Clinical cases of feline emergencies

Felina Medicine Webinar Coughing in cats

Felina Medicine Webinar Use of antivirals in cats

Felina Medicine Video Blind tracheobronchial wash in cats

Felina Medicine Webinar The cat with dyspnea: cardiac or respiratory?

Felina Medicine Podcast Therapeutics in the coughing cat

Felina Medicine Webinar Chronic renal disease in cats

Felina Medicine Webinar Infectious diseases and blood culture (Endocarditis)

Felina Medicine Webinar Recognition of clinical signs in cardiac cats

Neurology Webinar Neurological examination in dogs

Neurology Webinar Neurolocalization of spinal lesions

Neurology Podcast Is it cervical or neuromuscular?

Neurology Webinar Intracranial tumors in dogs: Is there hope?

Neurology Podcast Choice of medical versus surgical treatment for disc herniation in 10 mins

Neurology Video Epileptic seizures or paroxysmal dyskinesias: learn to distinguish them

Neurology Webinar My dog has stopped walking: possible different episodes

Neurology Vídeo Obtaining a cerebrospinal fluid sample: indications, technique, complications

Neurology Podcast Meningitis - arteritis that responds to glucocorticoids

Neurology Webinar Vertebral fractures

Neurology Video Fibrocartilaginous embolism Vs non-compressive acute disc herniation

Neurology Podcast Radiotherapy: reality or fiction?

Neurology Webinar Alteration of cranial nerves. What should I know in daily practice?

Neurology Video Head tremors, what is head bobbing?

Neurology Podcast CT vs MRI: when to use each in neurology

Neurology Webinar Vestibular syndrome in dogs and cats

Neurology Podcast Facial paralysis

Neurology Video Neurological examination in cats

Neurology Webinar Meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin

Neurology Webinar Spinal diseases in cats

Neurology Webinar Neuro-ophthalmology

Nutrition Webinar Raw diets

Nutrition Podcast Grain-free foods: what we know and don't know about this trend

Nutrition Podcast Mistakes and risks to avoid in the feeding of growing patients

Nutrition Webinar How to choose the best dietary option in patients with comorbidities


Nutrition Webinar Recent advances in managing feline chronic renal disease nutrition

Nutrition Webinar Nutrition in hospitalized patients

Nutrition Webinar Calcium changes in cats with CKD and renal diets' role in hypercalcemia

Nutrition Webinar Physiology and importance of hydration in cats

Dentistry Podcast How to specialize in Veterinary Dentistry

Dentistry Webinar Intraoral radiological techniques

Dentistry Video How to set up a dentistry service

Dentistry Podcast Dental fractures

Dentistry Webinar Dental restoration: options

Dentistry Video Intraoral radiography techniques

Dentistry Webinar Therapeutic options in Veterinary Dentistry

Dentistry Webinar Get to know the treatments you can offer your patients II

Dentistry Video Introduction to stomatitis and its management in small animals

Dentistry Webinar Regional blocks in oral surgery

Dentistry Podcast Maintaining oral hygiene in the domestic setting

Dentistry Video Special techniques in dental radiology

Dentistry Podcast Oral blocks

Dentistry Webinar Horses Vs. Rabbits

Dentistry Podcast Oral emergencies I

Dentistry Webinar Oral emergencies II

Dentistry Video How does a mobile dentistry service work?

Dentistry Webinar How to organize a veterinary dental office?

Dentistry Video Types and uses of dental burs and other dental apparatus inserts

Ophthalmology Webinar Acute blindness

Ophthalmology Video Uses of fluorescein in ophthalmology

Ophthalmology Webinar Diseases of the orbit in dogs and cats - diagnostic approach and clinical cases.

Ophthalmology Vídeo Washing of the nasolacrimal system

Ophthalmology Webinar More than just a red eye

Ophthalmology Podcast Pupil dilation options for ophthalmic examination

Ophthalmology Video Tonometries: how to perform them

Ophthalmology Webinar Corneal ulcers

Ophthalmology Webinar Uveitis in dogs

Oncology Webinar Adrenal tumors

Oncology Video Practical chemotherapy in dogs and cats

Oncology Podcast Applications of flow cytometry in veterinary oncology

Oncology Webinar Urothelial carcinoma in dogs and cats

Oncology Webinar Staging the oncological patient

Oncology podcast Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia



Over 300



Oncology Video First consultation in an oncological patient

Emergency Video How to place an abdominal drain

Emergency Webinar Contusion and pulmonary hemorrhage

Emergency Webinar General management of the polytraumatized patient

Emergency Video Thoracocentesis

Emergency Webinar Management of heat stroke

Emergency Podcast When to transfuse plasma?

Emergency Webinar Management of the patient with acute kidney injury

Emergency Video Emergency peripheral vascular access

Emergency Webinar Management of the patient with upper airway obstruction

Emergency Webinar Management of the shocked cat

Emergency Podcast Use of vasopressors in emergencies

Emergency Video Placement of a central line

Emergency Webinar Management of hemoabdomen in dogs

Emergency Podcast How do you manage hyperkalemia in animals with urinary obstruction?

Emergency Video Obtaining an arterial sample

Emergency Podcast How to manage fluid therapy in the patient with acute kidney injury?

Emergency Webinar Management of Uroabdomen in Dogs and Cats

Emergency Webinar Management of the septic patient

Emergency Video How to prepare and administer a blood transfusion?

Emergency Video How to place a pleural drain

Emergency Webinar Transfusion medicine




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