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2 HG
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in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:
$74.85 plus GST.
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed
to help spread the word of
businesses of all sizes with
affordable options for everyone.
Rates start as low as $45 per
month plus GST.
We welcome you to send us your
family-oriented stories, news,
illustrations, cartoons, poems,
etc., for publishing consideration.
Contact Information
Phone: 250-557-2088
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,
BC V0T 1R0
Deadline for JanFeb/24 Issue
Content we layout: Dec 10 th
Classifieds and print ready
submissions: Dec 20 th 2024.
Haida place names as per the
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |
Káats’a hlaa 2024 publication.
The views and opinions expressed
by the various authors do not
necessarily reect the opinions,
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida
Gwaii Trader. © 2024 Haida
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.
Prefer a digital copy? Scan here
for the HGT Ezine!
Essence of Haida Gwaii
in Fall and Winter
HGT Photo Contest
Northern Abalone
Recovering a Precious Species
Listening to Our Youth
Also In This Issue
Dear Huckleberry ................................... 9
K'aaylgaay Naay .................................... 11
A Naturalist's Almanac ........................ 12
Thumbs Up ............................................ 15
Why Things Hurt ................................. 17
Report It ................................................ 18
HG Local Foods Project ....................... 23
HG Eats ................................................. 24
Gwaii Trust ............................................ 26
On the Cover: Photo Contest Winner
Old Man Sea | PC Mary Helmer
All Things Music .................................. 30
Gaw Tlagée ........................................... 32
Puzzle Page ............................................ 35
Science Corner ...................................... 37
Horoscope .............................................. 38
Classifieds .............................................. 39
Tide Tables ............................................. 49
Community Calendar ........................... 50
November / December 2024 3
Our Valued Contributors
Haida Gwaii
Trader Values
HGT commits to the Truth and
Reconciliation’s Call to Action
#85: continuing to develop
media initiatives that inform
and educate the Canadian
public, and connect the Haida
people and fellow islanders.
We proudly serve the
unceded traditional territory
of the Haida Nation along
with all those who live,
work and play on Haida
Gwaii. We offer affordable
advertising for all local
businesses and exemplary
off-island businesses whose
products and/or services are
in limited, local supply.
Our focus is to build,
maintain and enhance
bridges between the Haida
people and fellow islanders
of all ages, genders and
income, between nature and
humanity, and between spirit
and ego.
We support basic,
equitable needs shared
by all, including social
sustainability, clean air,
water and energy, affordable
housing, wellness, and
nutritious, locally produced
Monica Caulfield, a professional
astrologer since 2007, is passionate
about helping people develop tools
of awareness and purpose in life.
Stu Crawford is an ecologist
who lives in Masset and enjoys
learning, eating things, and
exploring Haida Gwaii.
Matt Janzen is a physiotherapist
who lives in Masset. He enjoys
running, cooking, and exploring
all that Haida Gwaii has to offer.
Behind the Scenes
Supporting Local Writers
Shellene Patience
Editor in Chief
Claude Adams
Assistant Editor
Contributing Writer
Dear Huckleberry, an observer
of human conduct and love
interactions, is passionate about
finding creative ways to navigate
love, friendships and familiar
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is
a retired university professor,
geologist, NASA scientist and
educator. She enjoys the peace,
beauty, people and nature of
Haida Gwaii and loves taking
her dog for walks on the beach.
Haida Gwaii Trader’s Commitment
As we believe in the importance of publishing and paying for locally-written content, we devote
an average of $1000 per issue for writer pay. Do you or someone you know have a Haida-
Gwaii inspired topic, series idea, an interesting hobby or field of expertise you would like to
share aspects of with our growing readership? All paid writers agree to submit their articles
in a minimum of three-issues per year and all content is pitched/published via HGT’s editing
procedures and policies. Give us a call at 250-557-2088 or email We
look forward to hearing from you!
Raven Favron
Scocial Media Manager
Jamie McDonald
Events Manager
Contributing Writer
Terri-Lynne Penner
Office and Classifieds/
Subscriptions Manager
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting
4 HG
Letter From the Editor
As we nestle into our cooler season, adjusting to darker
days is upon us. Experts say regular exercise and consistent
sleep habits are key to navigating this somewhat
of a cave-dwelling transition. We be layerin’ and some
will wisely be plugging in their SAD lights. The Juncos
are back at feeders in full force - bless their darling little
beings. For me, they are great company. Birdwatching
This issue’s cover image taken by the talented Mary
Helmer of HlGaagilda Skidegate, was submitted to us in
response to our “Capture the Essence of Haida Gwaii’s
Fall and Winter” photo contest. Picking a winner was a
tough decision. We received such amazing submissions.
We chose Mary’s image, and awarded her the $100 prize,
based on many things. It captured this time of year’s
abundant shades of grey. And then there are the storms.
Those gnarly waves erupting and the positioning of Jag’s
Cofee House bench, we thought spoke loudly of Haida
Gwaii resident qualities. Like sitting on that sea-bench in
all kinds of weather, we are hardy and ever-deeply in awe
of and grateful for this place we get to call home.
Some other cool local stuf: I had lunch recently at
Armand’s new ramen eatery, The Jackal, in Daajing Giids.
Delicious food and I sat at the long picnic-style table –
had such interesting conversations with people who also
sat down and, community-style, we shared our meals.
How amazing it felt to sit, eat and chat with folks this
way. Check it out. Open Mon-Fri 10-6 at 3201 Oceanview
Drive, next to Frontier Cannabis.
DG’s The Jackal: Community Eating Bench
PC | Armand Bacchus
Haida Gwaii Styles
Shellene Patience
On the HG music front, a CD I’ve enjoyed listening to
in my car lately is JSB 3:33 Sound Waves & Sun Showers.
Jordan’s body-moving beats and positive lyrics never fail
to lift my spirits. Check out our All Things Music article
in this issue for where to purchase a copy. Great stocking
Haida Gwaii truly rocks.
All the very best of the season to one and all!
One foot gently in front
of the other,
S Pan
Welcome Raven Favron! We here at Haida Gwaii
Trader are excited to introduce Raven as our newest
team member, joining
us in the roles of
Illustrator and Social
Media Manager. They
also happen to be our
Graphic Designer
extraordinaire, Andre
Favron’s new bride.
Way cool fact: Andre
is the grandson of
Gamadiis Port Clement’s
Manzanita Snow.
Andre (L) and
Raven Favron
Congrats to you both
and we look forward
to working with you
November / December 2024 5
Essence of Haida Gwaii
in Fall and Winter
HGT Photo Contest
Old Man Sea
PC | Mary Helmer
Congratulations Mary Helmer! Awarded our $100 prize,
Mary shares this about her image, as seen to the left and
on this issues’ cover, “This photo was taken on a cold,
clear and windy November day. The wind was blowing
from the north and the tide was high. The waves crashed
onto the rocks just under the Jags Cofee Shop bench.
The sun warmed the rocks and as the ice-cold waves hit
the rocks it created a beautiful sunlit mist. A magical
scene. This photo was captured using my Nikon D7100
We received so many amazing submissions that we felt
compelled to publish some honourable mentions. Thank
you, háw’aa/haawa everyone for participating!
Looking over Masset Harbour
PC | Florence Lockyer
“I rescue people stuck on the beach. This was the
seventh tow that weekend!” – Thor Collison
Late Night Tow Under the Aurora
PC | Thor Collison
Pumpkin Baby
PC | Phoebe van der Wart
6 HG
Homage to Saint Mary
PC | Mary Helmer
Balance Rock and Stormy Waves
PC | Bhyn Villarosa
The Sentinel
PC | Laura Sample
One Little Mushroom
PC | Jessa Chupik
Tow Hill at Sunset
PC | Alanna Wilson
PC | Laura Sample
November / December 2024 7
8 HG
Dear Huckleberry,
I’ve loved my wife for a very long time, and I expect
I will love her until my last breath. There is just
something I have been struggling with. She’s changed.
Somewhat detached. Less bubbly. It’s like I don’t even
know her anymore. What do I do? – Strangers in Love
Challenging question, SIL,
Two healthy relationship takeaways come to mind.
Your love for your partner is loud and clear. This
adoration you express, by its very nature, means
there are many things you deem endearing about
her. It could be her smile, the way she listens, her
kindness, her quirkiness, her famous pot roast, her
honesty, etc. Now, time for you both to put on your
Explorer hats.
Takeaway #1: positive, fun and open
communication. Well worth the
efort, write down a list of what you
love about her. Make it extensive.
Read it often. And most importantly,
share it with her! Ask her to share
what she loves about you as well. Even the simplest
things are GOLD. Positivity can do wonders
for brightening dulled perspectives.
Takeaway #2: honesty and valuing each other’s viewpoints.
For your concerns, as deeper insights can yield
terric realizations, let’s peel back a few layers. There
is only one rule: be radically kind. Her changes you
speak of, again, write down each one and then, with
gentle curiosity, jot down why you think those changes
may have occurred. What shifted in her life? Are there
challenges she is currently facing? Have there been
impactful events? Do the same for your changes /
your reasons. She can do the same. Then, share your
notes and have a chat. Again, gentle curiosity is key.
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek
professional help if you are struggling.
Dear Huckleberry,
When I married my husband, I accepted the fact
that he wasn’t much of a romantic. He would forget
birthdays and anniversaries, always apologizing for
his “poor memory.” I know he loves me, but he has
a real problem expressing his feelings. Finally, after
a few years, I said “Enough.” I would insist he buy
me owers on special occasions, and remind him
of special days on the calendar. My friends tell me I
should ease up, and just accept Jack as he is. What
do you say? – Needy for Attention
Dear Needy,
There is only
one rule: be
radically kind.
A happy marriage is an accommodation, a never-ending
give and take. Each partner must come
to understand the essential needs
of the other and make an efort to
provide them. But also to accept the
fact that one’s partner may have some
shortcomings. Your Jack was probably
raised in an environment in which
feelings weren’t expressed, and he
never learned how important it is to speak the joy
that a solid relationship demands.
Thus, there’s nothing wrong with you giving him
a gentle nudge once in a while – to let him know
your needs on anniversaries and birthdays. When
he does remember, make a special efort to show
your appreciation. Make a real fuss over his special
days. Tell him in a non-contentious way that you’d
like him to talk more about his feelings for you. But
I would urge you not to “insist” too aggressively
that he alter his behaviour, as this could bring on
a backlash. Speak softly, and you may be surprised
what a gentle approach can bring.
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email or send via mail to
Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation
- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the
overview question will be published.
November / December 2024 9
F L Y & T A C K L E
Fishing & Outdoor Supply Shop
Premium Products at Affordable Prices
39614 Highway 16, Tlell BC · (250) 557-3474
Don’t forget your
critters at Christmas!
Tons of stuff on sale!
Find us on Facebook
250 557 4276
39614 Hwy 16, Tll.aal Tlell
Waterfront pub with
spectacular views and sunsets!
Check out our Facebook
pages for up to
date info or call
Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap
Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events
Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm
Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine
Shuttle Bus • Wheelchair Accessible
Located at 117
Bayview Drive,
Port Clements
10 HG
K’aaylgaay Naay
Prior to K’aaylgaay Naay, Haida Gwaii
Society for Community Peace’s Tlaa
Juuhldaa Naay Transition House
maintained a tiny locker outside the
front door. The locker contained harm
reduction supplies for female identifying
individuals. After a year of
monitoring the number of supplies
being accessed, we knew we needed
to do more! The opioid crisis has
not skipped Haida Gwaii. Nor are we
immune to the tragedy of toxic drug
poisoning. K’aaylgaay Naay was born
from a sense of helplessness and a
heart-driven need to do more .
This grey shed, within the Society
compound, is easy to spot with its
bright green signs. K’aaylgaay Naay
holds 24 hours a day, free access selections
of harm reduction supplies,
Care/Support House
Kym Edinborough-Capuska
including fentanyl test kits, take home
naloxone kits, and safer use and safer
sex supplies. We also stock period equity
products and a modest selection
of food, baby formula and water bottles.
Having period equity and food
items allows people to access whatever
they want without fear of stigma.
We welcome other community organizations
to add more items. Northern
Health ofered to add hygiene
kits to K’aaylgaay Naay. We will have
a permanent sharps container soon
and we will accept used, damaged,
incomplete and expired Naloxone
kits. Because the Transition House is
a designated Naloxone take home kit
distribution site, we can refurbish, restock
and eventually redistribute kits.
The Harm Reduction supplies are provided
to us free of charge from First
Nations Health Authority. The period
equity products came in part from a
pilot project with Food Banks Canada
and will continue with an ongoing
relationship with Moon Time Connections
- a national Indigenous-led
period equity group. Without support,
donations and partnerships, K’aaylgaay
Naay would not exist.
We know K’aaylgaay Naay won’t end
this epidemic. We just want to keep
people alive long enough to get help.
Located behind 1576 McDonald Street
in Masset. If you don’t see what you
need, tell us and we will get it!
Call (24/7) 250-626-4666 or email
November / December 2024 11
A Naturalist’s Almanac
Seasonal Sparrows – A Vivid Variety
Sparrows appear throughout North
America but only four species nest on
Haida Gwaii. Lincoln’s, Song, Fox and
Dark-eyed Junco. Lincoln’s Sparrows
are the smallest and most secretive,
Song Sparrows the most common, Fox
Sparrows the largest and Juncos have
all black heads and ock to winter
bird feeders.
Lincoln’s rarely winter over, preferring
to return to Delkatla Wildlife
Sanctuary in late April. They sing a
Margo Hearne
soft song from the low bush and tall
grass. Open elds, mixed grass and
shady places appeal to them. They are
pale, grey-faced sparrows; up to thirty
nesting pairs have been counted in
summer, although they can be hard to
see and even harder to hear in the low
distance. They don’t generally come
to bird feeders unless they are caught
between storms during migration and
they are usually gone by the end of
The neighbourhood Song Sparrows,
who sometimes sing on sunny winter
mornings, are much more visible.
They are dark and striped and don’t
really have any distinguishing features
other than their willingness to sit high
in a local bush and sing out. They are
little jazz singers and improvise from
time to time. Particularly noticeable
over the past few years is a ‘new song’
they have been heard to sing in early
summer. Their rst three notes seem
12 HG
Song Sparrow
bolder and noisier than usual and
when visitors hear it, they sometimes
think it’s a Bewick’s Wren, which
it’s not. As far as we know, Bewick’s
haven’t shown up here yet. Many
interested listeners have downloaded
the ‘Merlin app’ on their cellphones;
the app can tell you what’s singing
but hasn’t quite caught up to some of
the nuances of northern birds which
sometimes have their own voice.
Fox Sparrows are robust birds with
a clear, loud song, often heard in
early February. When rst heard
it can startle one into thinking it’s
midsummer. It’s a secretive bird
and often rustles through the dead
winter leaves in the dark forest oor
as it searches for food. It gives the
upper forest canopy to warblers and
woodpeckers and can announce itself
with a loud ‘chuck’ if you get too close.
Now we are heading into the dark
months when sparrows no longer sing
as they did in spring. It is also when
the Juncos gather at bird feeders to
jostle and spar for the best seeds.
They brighten the dark days with
their antics.
It’s also a time for non-nesting
sparrows to appear. Small groups of
Savannahs will feed along the beaches
and dunes. They are as light-coloured
as the dry savannah they are named
after and have a soft ‘seep-seepseep’
call as they forage through the
seaweed drift. They usually migrate
in May and September. Goldencrowned,
White-crowned and Whitethroated
are fairly regular in the ofseason,
unlike the irregular Chipping
Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Harris’s
Sparrow and American Tree Sparrows
that only show up occasionally.
Then we come to the really rare like
LeConte’s, a beautiful, pastel bird only
ever seen here twice. So, despite the
paucity of nesters, any sparrow can
show up on Haida Gwaii. We just have
to keep looking.
Lincoln’s Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
LeConte’s Sparrow and
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
November / December 2024 13
Celebrating 40 years of Haida haute couture
July 6-Dec 21, 2024
Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay
Haawa | Haw’aa | Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts
Council, North Coast Regional Distriict + Gwaii Trust Society
Kayd Hll.ngaay | Kíid Hlíing | Spruce Root
Weaving Exhibition
Learn about and explore spruce root weaving
with the House of Weavers and their students
On now at the Haida Gwaii Museum
Haawa | Haw’aa | Thank you to RSF Pawanka Fund
Haida Heritage School Check Haida Heritage Centre Facebook page for schedules + updates
Gina DaahlGahl Naay | The Trading House
Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty . Fashion . Home + much more!
Shop in-house, or online at:
Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay
Clothing + Memorabilia
Shop in-house, or online at:
Cultural Tours + Programs
Pricing + bookings available online
250.559.4643 .
250.559.7885 .
Nov/Dec Hours
please call or check website
14 HG
Thumbs Up
Encounters on the Road
Christy “Conch” Konschuh
Hitchhiking on Haida Gwaii can be a very practical way to meet the folks you might not otherwise meet when travelling.
Thumbing a ride is acceptable public transportation around these islands.
These are some of stories from the wild folk who have gone my way. Some stories shared will stay sacred, some stories
are cautionary tales and other stories unfold as we get to know one another.
Larry collected me just past the Crow’s Nest on a moist October evening. He ofered to take me as far as Miller Creek.
“Where is Miller Creek?” I asked. “Up Chinkundul Road,” he told me. “I inherited the home from my father.” I had
seen the road sign and when Larry told me what it was called, I realized I had not even attempted to say the name
out loud.
“I only ever really pick up hitchhikers on Haida Gwaii,” said Larry. “There’s no bus and so far to go.”
After the recent Energy Symposium in Gaw Tlagée, my head felt big and heavy. Before I made it to the thumb bench,
Cara pulled her truck over right behind me, “How do you feel about tight spaces and big dogs?” she hollered out the
“Perfect! Thank you for stopping, Cara.” I recognized her from when she won a gift certicate at the Symposium.
She pushed her seat forward and when I squeezed myself onto the jump seat, I encountered the large back end of
her gorgeous dog Goji. Seated in the passenger seat was Tim, who had spoken up at the Symposium about a way to
make diesel fuel last longer. Tim and Cara devise practical and accessible applications for renewable energy. The
three of us took note of a tree that was hovering over a power line at a 45-degree angle. As storm season approaches,
it won’t take much for that tree to collapse onto the powerline. It’s lucky Haida Gwaii has folks like Tim and Cara to
Charlotte was not the rst driver who negotiated to take me further than I asked, but she was denitely the most
joyful. “I’m heading to the Co-op to get a few things before I head home,” I said. “Thank you so much for stopping
and sharing the ride with me.”
“I’ll drop you of, do a few things,” she said. “Then I can swing back and bring you the rest of the way. I am done
work and it’s a gorgeous drive.”
I learned that Charlotte has made Haida Gwaii her home physically and spiritually. Her Anishinabek bones feel at
ease here and she is devoted to serving her people as if it were her social imperative. Charlotte is learning the Haida
language and deeply respects the Haida culture. As a Life Skills Worker with the Skidegate Health Centre, Charlotte
serves people with the brightest smile and an enthusiasm that makes this part of the world so special.
Larry Humphreys
Cara Goddard and Goji
Charlotte Barry
November / December 2024 15
Art Fair
Betsy Cardell
Jenna Keshavjee
Penny Richardson
Tidal Zone Silver Studio
Judy Hilgemann
Maryanne Wettlaufer
Elin Dieme & Others
Nov 23 10 Am-
Nov 30 2 pm
Daajing Giids Visitor Centre | 3220 Wharf St., DG | 250-559-8316
Gifts for Everyone!
Toys • Small Appliances
Holiday Lights • So Much More!
Hours: Tues-Sat 10-5
16 HG
Open Sunday 1-5
(Dec 1, 8, 15 & 22)
Closed Dec 25, 26th
and Jan 1-7
622 Oceanview Drive,
Daajing Giids
First Alert Waterproof Safe
Unique’D Furniture
(not exactly as shown)
So Much More Than Groceries!
• Holiday Decorations
• Candles & Soap
• Games & Puzzles
• Bath & Beauty
• Stuffies
• Pook Socks, Hats & Gloves
Tons of Stocking Stffers! Stffers!
Happy Holiday Season to all!
Hours: Monday to Saturday 10-6
91 Bayview Drive, Gamadiis | ‘Waan Kún
Port Clements
Why Things Hurt
Finding the Perfect Sitting Posture
Matt Janzen, Physiotherapist
If I were to pick the phrase I hear
the most from new clients, some
variation of “I need to work on my
posture” would be a strong candidate.
It is frequently accompanied
by recollections of failed attempts:
stretching routines that never gained
traction, back braces gathering dust
in the garage, expensive orthopedic
oce chairs converted to laundry
hangers. The list goes on. In my
opinion, and that of a growing number
of researchers, these things do
little to x the problem.
Our society’s desire to solve back
and neck pain through the adoption
of an ideal posture mirrors the
shift in the dominant workplace environment
over the past century. As
desk work became more common,
so did the inevitable back and neck
discomfort from sitting and staring
at a screen for eight hours a day. Evolution
didn’t design us to sustain a
position for long periods of time. The
human body demands movement.
Joints gain lubrication and nutrients
when uids circulate through
them; muscles alternate between
relaxation and contraction when
we shift position; and blood ow
back to the heart is greatly aided by
the contraction of muscles in our
extremities. We need to be regularly
shifting through a range of postures
and positions, as well as moving, if
we want to overcome the nagging
tension in our necks and soreness
in our backs.
None of this is to say that posture
plays no role in pain. You will undoubtedly
nd that there are positions
that can be maintained for
much longer periods of time than
others. But the fact remains that
there is no single position that can
be held for hours on end without
having negative consequences on
our joints and muscles.
So, what can be done to alleviate
the discomfort that millions of people
experience daily sitting at their
desks? The answers are movement
and strength.
There are several movement strategies
that can help. The cheapest and
simplest are timers or screen-lockouts
at hourly intervals which can
cue you to get up for a short walk or
stretch. If available, standing desks
can help. To a lesser extent, desk
bikes are also a good idea, though
they do involve far fewer joints. My
personal favorite is the “biological”
method, where instead of focusing
on a specic time to get up and
move, you simply drink 2-3 liters of
water daily and let the call of nature
be your timer – and you stay extra
hydrated as a bonus!
For strength, there is a long list of
exercises for the back and neck, but
as with most interventions, the best
ones for you are the ones you will
actually do. Be sure to seek guidance
from a trainer, physiotherapist or
other healthcare provider.
The important thing to remember
is that no over-the-counter product
is going to be better than movement
and strength to stay healthy and
Illustration | Raven Favron
November / December 2024 17
Being Bullied or Harassed?
Report-It, Online
Claude Adams
31857 Hwy 16
in Tll.aal Tlell
High school students in Daajing Giids
were reminded recently that they,
and all secondary students on Haida
Gwaii, have a useful tool to combat
bullying, discrimination or violence
in their midst. And they’re able to do
so anonymously.
It’s a virtual tool called Report-it, part
of a provincial government initiative
called ERASE, which stands for
Expect Respect and a Safe Education.
A program of the Ministry of Education
and Child Care, it’s been available
to all schools in BC since 2012.
Deavlan Bradley, principal of
Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary
School in DG, posted it on the
school’s Facebook page this fall, just
to encourage students to use the site
if they want to report an incident they
have witnessed or experienced.
“Although anonymous reports can
be tricky to investigate and follow
up with,” he said, “it does allow us
access to information we wouldn’t
otherwise get. Much of the work of
responding to reports is quite sensitive
in nature, so most folks don’t see
it happening.”
The tool has been promoted over the
past dozen years through mass emails,
posters around the school and class
introductions to the site, Mr. Bradley
said. It’s available at
The idea, according to the government
content/erase/about is to promote
a sense of connectedness between
the student and the school – which
research shows will help make
youth less likely to behave in risky
behaviour like drug use, drinking and
gang involvement.
The Report-it tool is simple to use.
This YouTube video shows how:
The student’s report,
whether anonymous or not, is sent by
smartphone or laptop
to the school safety
team for investigation
and/or action.
It should mention
the school’s name,
a description of the
incident, and the people
The report could also
include still photographs,
videos and
audio clips.
18 HG
November / December 2024 19
Northern Abalone
Recovering a Precious Species
Shellene Patience
“Abalone is a poster child of seeking
balance.” So says Dan McNeill, Stewardship
Director of the Council of the
Haida Nation. It was also the guiding
principle of this past September’s
Haida Gwaii Abalone Summit hosted
by the Council of the Haida Nation,
supported by UC Berkeley and Gwaii
Haanas/Parks Canada, and funded
by the Pew Marine Fellows Program,
which brought together knowledge
holders from the global Indigenous
community, universities, government
and nongovernment agencies.
The summit brought to mind the history
of a remarkable species.
For thousands of years, abalone has
been and continues to be signicant,
both culturally and nutritionally. Said
to be a descendant of the northwestern
toad, it is a keystone species - an
important indicator of environmental
health. Haliotis kamtschatkana,
northern abalone’s Haida name is,
Gálgahl’yaan • Gaal Gahlxyang.
Abalone were harvested intertidally,
and Haida and other Indigenous communities
once used abalone extensively,
eating the meat, and utilizing
its shell as a form of trading currency,
and creating beautiful art and jewelry.
Once the abalone lived in balance
with red sea urchins and sea otters in
the shelter of kelp forests, also serving
as a food source for sea otters. However,
the sea otters were hunted to
local extinction and abalone and sea
urchins ourished as never before.
Then, between 1978 and 1984, approximately
750 tons of abalone were harvested
from Haida Gwaii, reducing
their numbers so much that all aba-
20 HG
PC | Ryan Miller /
Project diver
PC | Ryan Miller /
lone sheries in BC were closed in
1990. A third of all BC abalone sales
came from Haida Gwaii. Prices soared
from 72¢ to $18 per kilogram in the
Nine years later, the Committee on
the Status of Endangered Wildlife in
Canada (COSEWIC) designated BC’s
abalone as “threatened”, making it the
rst Canadian marine invertebrate
to be so listed. In 2010, its status was
changed to “endangered” because
there was little sign of population
In the early 2000s, renewed research
on Haida Gwaii began with habitat
mapping, tagging, aggregation studies,
genetic sampling, and continuing
index site surveys. Education
also began in schools and the Coast
Watch program was launched to keep
an eye out for potential poachers on
the water. With successful funding
grants from the federal Habitat Stewardship
Program for Species at Risk
and Aboriginal Fund for Species at
Risk to the Haida Fisheries Program,
these research, education and Coast-
Watch programs have been able to
involve Haida Gwaii communities,
both children and elders, in the stewardship
programs. A recent data sharing
agreement between the CHN and
Fisheries and Oceans Canada is now
facilitating additional collaborative
data analyses by CHN, Gwaii Haanas
Parks Canada, UC Berkeley, DFO,
and and other academic partners
to support abalone stewardship on
Haida Gwaii.
This is all good news, young and old
working together to recover a species.
“When I was a child, it was like the
ocean was barren,” shares summit
presenter Jaasaljuus Yakgujanaas
who goes on to share that the population
of abalone was so low she
thought she would never see them
again. “Now they are appearing back
in the wild. It’s about re-establishing
our relationship with these ocean
species. I want there to be hope for
the next generations. We can do this
by restoring a reciprocal relationship
with the waters.”
All in keeping with the Haida guiding
principle, Gina gii sdaahlas sGun isda
Only take what you need.
November / December 2024 21
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387 Eagle Ave, Gaw Tlagée Old Massett
22 HG
Food Security
for Everyone
the People Food Bank Haida Gwaii
armers’ Markets
South Markets 2022
page. To conrm a drop-in time or
North End
register for a food subsidy card, call
plants, al According to the Islands Wellness
food, artisan plants, handicrafts artisan Markets Markets
handicrafts other Haida 2022 bounty. other 2022
It’s bounty. Gwaii
also an It’s
Society’s Feed the People Food Bank
their occasion also Farmers’ message an occasion to line to
Markets 2022
at 250-559-4100. The Gaw Tlagée Old Massett Village
Council’s Elders Center and
some to savor local some culture, local and culture, to contribute and to contribute to the community’s to the community’s economy. economy.
four al waii food, such has (FTPFB), plants, four markets, such artisan markets, three over handicrafts on 10% three Graham of and on Haida other Graham Island, bounty. Gwaii
Island, one It’s also on and If Moresby you an one occasion on would Moresby to like to make a donation
Community Gardens is located at
to way local inutes savor from food, residents A away some farmer’s an plants, enriching from local market culture, artisan an experience enriching weekly is handicrafts more to experience. weekly contribute than food and just experience. other insecurity
four some on such a markets, local relaxing culture,
a to cornucopia the bounty. community’s to of It’s the local also Feed economy. food, an occasion the plants, People to artisan Food handicrafts bank, visit and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to
waii rs, to has savor share
regular three time and
basis. on with Graham to friends contribute
Serving Island, to neighbours,
this and the one their community’s on website Moresby to savor economy. some for their local online culture, donation and to contribute
the community’s
Street and
is home for
a inutes Gwaii away has And four from you such might an enriching markets, even get weekly three to enjoy on experience. Graham a hot meal! Island, Haida
important need, the FTPFB (located platform
and Gwaii one on has
Moresby four
such markets, three on Graham social Island, drop-ins, and one on fun Moresby and games,
Daajing Giids Daajing Queen Giids Charlotte Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market
Farmers’ Market
ly minutes away from an enriching Island, weekly so most experience. of us are only minutes away from an enriching weekly experience. gardening, meal and food sharing,
und at 204 Oceanview Date/Time: Date/Time: Drive, Saturdays, DG) Saturdays, 11am—2pm, serves 11am—2pm, com/programs/food-bank year-round year-round or scan
Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’
the island communities of Daajing the QR Market
workshops and so much more!
75 Main (with a short (with break a short around break Christmas/January).
around Christmas/January). code provided. You can send
Masset Date/Time: Market- Saturdays, Make it! Bake 11am—2pm, it! Grow year-round
Giids, K’il
Location: Location:
Kun Sandspit,
Gather, Daajing 223 Gather, Giids
Oceanview Queen 223 Oceanview Charlotte Drive, a one-time it! Daajing
Farmers’ Drive, Daajing
Market donation or sign Daajing up for
Giids Queen From Charlotte time Farmers’ to time, Market this amazing
-round 75 Main Giids. Date/Time: (with Giids. Date/Time: a short Fridays, break 11am-2pm, Saturdays, around Christmas/January).
11am—2pm, year-round year-round
Date/Time: Saturdays, community 11am—2pm, service year-round organization
Skidegate, Tll.aal Location: Tlell, Gather, and Gamadiis/′Wán
Kún Port Giids. Clements.
donation options. If you would like to
223 Oceanview their Drive, automated Daajing monthly or annual
ing , 1575 vegets,
baked What we What offer: we You’ll offer: Street find You’ll Location: Masset. delicious find delicious Gather, baked treats 223 baked Oceanview of treats all kinds, of Drive, all kinds, Daajing
Location: Gather, plies, 223 Oceanview cleaning Drive, products Daajing and fun
Location: (with Across a short from break the HG around Co-op, Christmas/January).
1575 Main
(with a short break also around helps Christmas/January).
with pet food and sup-
ing vegets,
baked “With grown locally
donate in other ways (cash, cheque, or
s, mushdcrafterooms,
What we offer: Locally grown and prepared foods including vege-call Haley Fields at 250-
What the fresh grown
we extreme produce, fresh Giids.
offer: You’ll rising produce, gorgeous
find delicious cost gorgeous flowers, of baked living,”
locally rooms,
foraged flowers, mush-
foraged mush-
Giids. stuf for kids, to name a few.
treats food) of please all kinds,
s, mushdcrafted
locally shares harvested locally
grown Foodbank harvested kelp products,
fresh produce, Coordinator
kelp products, and more! and more!
gorgeous flowers, 882-0367. foraged mushrooms,
Fields, locally “we harvested are kelp seeing products, more and more!
tery, ents, tables, greens and microgreens, eggs, preserves, ferments, baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,
and baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,
Their next food bank pickups are
goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, cut mushrooms
locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mushrooms,
@ locally harvested kelp products, December and 9more!
th and 16 th and January
ery, d ers, more! Contact: mushhandcrafted
need than ever, especially as the hol-
and Contact: Heidi locally Archer, Heidi grown Archer, Market fresh produce, Market Manager gorgeous Manager /
flowers, /
and rooms, berries
foraged mush-
from 1-4pm, November 12 th , 25 th ,
d arket. more! Contact: Heidi
locally / Instagram: are
harvested available / Instagram: Market @qc_market in kelp season.
products, @qc_market Locally / Facebook: /
include soap and / body Instagram: products, @qc_market jewellery, / pottery, Facebook: and @
6 th and 20 th . Donations are always
handcrafted more! / Facebook: @
idays approach. While we continue to
arket. ottery, QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket
items and
s t@gmail. and more! knitted, have QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket
an painted, Contact: inux felted Heidi of clients, and Archer, beach-combed the Market cost of Manager treasures and /
hot food lunches on our are shelves a new / Instagram: regular continues feature @qc_market at the market. / Facebook: @
/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @
Moresby Artisan Moresby Market Artisan (K’il Market Kun (K’il Sandspit)
Kun Sandspit)
to rise.” QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket
QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket For more information, call 250-
more! Contact: Heidi Archer, Market welcome. Manager / queencharlotte-
t@gmail. e market. Delicious keeping
Date/Time: Moresby Date/Time: Sundays, Artisan Sundays, 11am-1pm, Market (K’il 11am-1pm, Kun starting Sandspit)
weekly June Date/Time: day, 12, drop-in 2022, June Sundays, 12, through for 2022, emer-
11am-1pm, mid-September
through mid-September
starting Sun-
starting Sun-
rket@gmail. Contact: Natalie Affolter / 250-626-9181 / massetmarket@gmail.
626-7517 or email elderscenter@
The FTPFB com
ting June
day, June 12, 2022, through mid-September
gency food Location: hampers Location: In Moresby front usually of In Artisan ALM front takes
Market of Elementary ALM (K’il Elementary Kun School, Sandspit)
Moresby Artisan
Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)
ing June
406 Copper Location: 406 Date/Time: Bay Copper In Road front Bay Sundays, of Road ALM Elementary 11am-1pm, School, starting Sunday,
June 12, 2022, through mid-September
day, June 12, 2022, through mid-September
Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sun-
place on Fridays Tll.aal 406 from Tlell Copper Farmers’
12-2pm. Bay Road
he left of
tarting e left of uctuates
What we
offer: Date/Time: monthly
Baked Sundays, goods,
for on-location
What June we offer: Baked goods, Location: occasional In occasional 11am—2pm, front fresh of produce, ALM fresh starting Elementary produce, by June art School, by
Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,
r. local
What local pick-ups pottery,
we kids, offer: 5, handmade pottery, in 2022, Baked Skidegate. until handmade 406 goods,
sea the Copper salt last occasional They and sea week Bay also soaps, salt Road of fresh and October. sewing, soaps, produce,
left of and more!
sewing, art by photography
a monthly kids, pottery,
406 Copper Bay Road
esh o the eggs, ofer local
and Location: food more!
handmade subsidy Highway sea card 16, salt behind that and soaps, and to sewing, the left photography
be Fire used Hall.
sh eggs,
the can Tlell
and in more!
ad, komlings
Contact: and cery Contact: stores Kelsey local kids, in Kricheldorf Kelsey the pottery, communities Kricheldorf / handmade / sea they salt and soaps, sewing, / local pho-
/ kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, pho-
What we offer: Look several Baked for the diferent goods, giant carrot! occasional gro-
fresh produce, art What by we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by
d, komings
and Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf / /
fresh Facebook: What serve. eggs, Facebook: we offer: Spring @MoresbyMarket
greens, hot lunch items, farm fresh eggs, tography and more!
tography and more!
read, komedlingbucha,
and strawberry, Contact: Kelsey raspberry, Kricheldorf rhubarb and / currant seedlings and Contact: / Kelsey Kricheldorf / /
baked goods, jams and jellies, canning, sourdough bread, kom-
sspring@ For more information, and for details
much about more! this Facebook: year’s @MoresbyMarket
holiday hamper program,
check out their Facebook/Feed
HGLFP hank rysspring@
You Contact: Sponsors
HGLFP Marylynn Sponsors Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@
Wendell Williams
Facebook: @MoresbyMarket
PC | Elders Center Staf / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors
nfo 0-557-2088 call 250-557-2088 or email or
or email email
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors
re info call 250-557-2088 or email
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email
November / December 2024 23
Thank you HGLFP Sponsors
To become a sponsor or for more info call
250-557-2088 or email
Haida Gwaii Eats
Mmm… Mushrooms - Sweet Pepper Ragoût
Jamie McDonald
This dish is a vegetarian version of a Hungarian goulash, as seen in the Rebar cookbook. It is hearty and delicious,
great for a cold and rainy fall day! If you can’t have a meal without meat, well, just add some to this recipe and it
will be just as good (chicken, beef, pork, venison will all do).
• 1 tbsp butter + ¼ cup of butter
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 medium onion, diced
• 1 ½ tsp salt
• 8 garlic cloves, minced
• 1 tsp red chili flakes (optional)
• 1 tsp dried dill weed
• 2 tbsp paprika
• 2 ½ lbs. mushrooms (I used chanterelles)
• 3 large bell peppers ½” dice (any colour)
• 1 ½ cups red wine, Merlot (I used alcohol free)
• 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• 2 tbsp soy sauce
• 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
• ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
• ¼ cup chopped fresh dill
• ⅓ cup sour cream, plain thick yogurt or crème
• ¼ cup roasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds
• 12 oz. of your favorite noodles
24 HG
Heat the butter and oil in a wide-bottom pan over medium
heat. Add onion, ½ tsp salt and sauté until onion
is soft and golden. Add garlic, optional chili flakes, dry
dill and paprika and sauté another 5 minutes. Turn up
the heat and add the mushrooms and remaining salt.
Stir and cover. When the mushroom juices begin to
cook of, stir in the peppers and deglaze the pan with
the wine. Let the wine reduce for a few minutes (lid
of), then add soy sauce,
balsamic vinegar and half
the chopped herbs. Simmer
partially covered for 20 minutes.
Add all but 2 tbsp of
the fresh herbs. Meanwhile,
cook the pasta and when
cooked and strained, mix
with ¼ cup of butter. Serve
noodles topped with ragout,
a dollop of cream or yogurt,
and sprinkle with the remaining
herbs and seeds.
What is
A cooking technique that involves
adding liquid (such as
stock or wine) to a pan. Deglazing
helps loosen, and prevents
searing, flavorful food particles
attached to the bottom of the
The Rebar
The Rebar vegetarian restaurant
in Victoria published this
book in 2001 and it became my
food bible when I switched to a
vegetarian diet. It has so many
delicious, creative, simple recipes
for veggie lovers! I found
a copy at the thrift store in DG
and couldn’t believe my luck.
This kind of ode to the veggie
never goes out of style and is
still available for purchase online.
November / December 2024 25
26 HG
November / December 2024 27
This is an excerpt from a speech rst presented by 29-yearold
Zachary at this year’s Truth and Reconciliation Day
gathering at the Howard Phillips Community Hall in
Sangee ‘laa, Zachary Mosse hin uu dii kya’aang, Gaw
Tlagée aa uu HI náagang Dii uu Sgiida Kaw-gaagang,
Mary Grosse dii naan uu iijang. Good day, my name is
Zachary Mosse, I live in Old Massett. I come from the
Sgiida Kaw Clan, my naanii is Mary Grosse. I’m very
honoured to have been invited to speak today to share
my thoughts on National Truth and Reconciliation Day.
When someone asks what Reconciliation looks like to
me, it’s hard to give a straight answer.
In an ideal world, we’d be able to live
and thrive of our traditional ways of
living. Longhouses, harvesting, hunting,
carving, all of us uent in Xaad
Kil and supporting one another. But
even then, would it even feel like
enough? Would it remove the discomfort
and pain of the knowledge of what was done
to our ancestors?
There is nothing the Canadian Government could do
that would ever heal the wounds of the cultural genocide
that we faced as Haida people. So how do we reconcile
the past and move forward as a healthy and strong
community? How are we expected to be WILLING to
work with the system that directly caused over a century
of grief and setbacks to our culture and way of life?
It’s so much to ask of a people who are still existing
through the generations of trauma. How can we reconcile
what some of our people haven’t even had the
opportunity to heal from? (How can we) understand
the full impact of these decisions made by the Canadian
We can’t. We can’t continue to be asked to do this alone.
While making today a federal day of recognition was
a positive step, it also feels like there’s a section of this
28 HG
Listening to Our Youth
Zachary Mosse
country’s population that simply views it as a long
weekend and that they don’t need to learn and recognize
the injustices that we faced. This can’t be a group
project where we’re the smart kids and the rest of the
group just coasts along for the good grade. It needs to
be equal work from everyone in this country to ensure
that wrongs are righted, and that nothing like this ever
happens again.
Here’s some of what needs to be done. Bring action to:
We can’t continue
to be asked to do
this alone.
• implement all 94 calls to action from the Truth
and Reconciliation Commission
• bring our missing, murdered Indigenous women
and 2Spirit+ people home,
• return the remains of all
Indigenous peoples lost at
every residential school,
• rectify the over-incarceration
rate of Indigenous peoples,
• take the drug crisis that is impacting our communities
• bring back our traditional place names and
• devote more resources to address the growing
number of Indigenous children at risk who are
still being wrongfully taken from their Indigenous
Háw’aa for having me, I greatly appreciate this oppor-
tunity to speak.
Illustration | Raven Favron
Zachary Mosse
PC | Rhiannon Mosse
November / December 2024 29
All Things Music
Jessica Mai – Finding her Musical Expression
Jessica grew up in Langley, the daughter
of a woman born and raised on
Haida Gwaii. The day I interviewed
her marked the two-year anniversary
of her moving to K’il Kun Sandspit to
live full time. “I came to the islands
on vacation a lot throughout my life
but when I came up here in 2019, I
knew I wanted to live here.”
At the time, Jessica was already a
multi-faceted full-time artist – painter,
musician, illustrator, writer and
teacher. She was guring out how
to earn a living as such and nding
Jamie McDonald
“there is no manual on how to do
that and I was overstretching myself
a lot, feeling overwhelmed and having
a hard time bringing my projects to
their full potential.” Haida Gwaii allowed
her to reconnect with what inspires
her, helping her nd a balance
and clarity to re-calibrate her career.
Jessica is driven by her love for pop
music. “Electro-Pop music has always
been what I liked since I was six. I
like music that makes you happy and
you can dance to.” Madonna, Cher
and Aqua are examples of some of
the rst pop artists she heard. As she
grew up, she fell in love with music by
Owl City, Lights, Grimes, Bjork, Porter
Robinson and many, many more.
In the past ve years, you may have
seen Jessica perform as Penny Pom
Pom, a persona she created when she
started making music for children. “I
started creating content (including
videos, music and books) on a whim
because I worked with kids for a long
time, and I found a lot of success in
it. Since the industry is a lot smaller,
it was easy to make connections,
and I was good at it!” It is with the
knowledge she gained through this
creative adventure that she restarted
her career in pop music.
This career, which she developed in
her 20s, included playing in pubs that
demanded more acoustic vibes from
their performers. “They wanted me
to play more classic folky songs that
people can sing to, which wasn’t really
what I wanted to do with my music.”
30 HG
Jessica Mai
PC | Jessica Mai
Jessica Mai performing at
the Hekate Retreat Clubhouse
with Behn Cochrane
PC | Jenny Kellar
She took a break from this part of her
career and allowed herself to get in
touch with the music she was drawn
to, which is quirky pop with a little
electronic sound behind it. This past
year, she played a few shows with her
laptop and keyboards and has been
experimenting with that. “It ends up
being acoustic anyways when I play
live music since I don’t have a band to
play with here. I’m working towards
integrating a synthesizer and backtracks
into my live performances, but
I really like having a group up there
with me.”
Her new single Cool Kids, which
was co-produced by Jessica and
Scottish electronic music producer,
Nicholas Thomson, will be released
later this Fall. “We will be working
together on a full-length album in
the coming year with all brand new
songs written in the past few months”.
The music video for Cool Kids was
shot independently and locally with
her partner and videographer, Tyler
Seib. You can nd her music and art at or anywhere you
stream music under that same name.
Penny Pom Pom
Check out
to order Jessica’s
wonderful books, “Penny
Pom Pom and the Search
for Inspiration,” “Penny Pom
Pom: A Hug from Mother
Earth Sing-along Book,” and
“The Penny Pom Pom Colouring
Book!” YouTube channel:
JSB 3:33
Jordan Stewart-Burton’s debut album Sound
Waves & Sun Showers blends positive lyrics
and creative wordplay to inspire listeners
to be their best selves. Rooted in a passion
for hip-hop, the album explores themes of
nature, self-discovery and growth. With a
focus on nding balance in life’s dichotomies
- seeing the good in the bad, the sun peeking through on a stormy
day - it ofers an uplifting and reective journey. Sound Waves & Sun
Showers is available at Gin Kuyaas Haida Art Studio in Gaw Tlagée Old
Massett, Hygge Home and Co-op Home Centre in Masset, Haida Gwaii
Beach Stop on Tow Hill Road, Funk it, and Charlisle Clothiers and at
the Visitor Centre in Daajing Giids.
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse
@DG Community Hall for the monthly Open Mic.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. The evening will begin with a
shared community meal, so please remember to bring
a bowl, spoon and mug to partake. The open mic starts at 7 pm (sign
up at 6:30). Everything is by donation. For more information, follow on
Facebook or visit
Mark Your Calendars! Nov 29, Aidan Schubert; Dec 20, Community
Solstice Potluck and Open Mic (no feature artist); Jan 31, Karen Dean
and Feb 28, David Archer.
Steller’s Jay Community Pub
Come in, we’re open
Good Food. For Locals.
Wednesday to Saturday
4 pm to late
3200 Oceanview Drive
Daajing Giids
250 559 2323
November / December 2024 31
The village of Gaw Tlagée Old Massett
is pursuing a number of promising
endeavors in energy and food security
– projects that are either completed,
already under way or in the planning
stage. Taken together, these are especially
good signs of this community’s
bright and vibrant future..
The 80 solar panels on Chief Matthews
School reduce the school’s
dependency on diesel power and
lower the electricity bill, while providing
a good example of how such a
system would work for other major
buildings, like the Administration
The Old Massett Village Council
(OMVC) has also installed roof-top
solar panels on three homes to provide
the homeowners with solar
power as well as an EV charging station
for their electric vehicles. This
reduces the electrical draw of diesel-driven
power for both the home
and EV charging, and also cuts the
electricity bill.
The OMVC plans to install a District
Heating System north of the Northern
Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health
Centre to provide clean heat and hot
water for facilities that aren’t electrically
heated by diesel-driven generators.
The power plants are already in use
in four major buildings in Old Massett:
OMVC Administration, Niislaa
32 HG
Gaw Tlagée
Sustainability Stewardship
Kevin Brown
Naay Healing House, Chief Matthews
School and Haida Child & Family
Services. This allows them to use
less fossil fuel for heat and hot water.
This initially meant a cost saving of
$100,000 annually pre-covid, a saving
that increases year by year.
Sarah’s Longhouse
The District Heating System burns
with 85% eciency, leaving very little
ash and emitting few greenhouse
gases. The system is currently working
on locally sourced biofuel.
Chief Matthews School
OMVC District Heating System
Food Security
The OMVC plans to install a pair of
modular hydroponics sea cans across
from the Elders Centre. Built by the
Growcer company, the units measuring
40 feet by 10 feet will allow for the
growing of green vegetables all year
round, including in the harsh winter.
The basic model will yield 600 plants
- about 1000 pounds of product a
month - and the council has applied
to expand the capacity to at least twice
this amount.
This food security project is expected
to be up and running by the spring
of 2025, with the funding covered by
federal and provincial grants. Along
with the Direct Heating System, it will
create full-time, green jobs and revitalize
the economy.
Other projects being undertaken by
• Tech support and local employment
for the Solar North Project.
• The Demand Side Management
Home Pilot Project – this involves
increasing the energy eciency of
10 selected homes by the spring of
Modular farm
• A Community Food Processing
Centre and Cold Storage for local
deer, sh and berries, etc.
• The commercialization of Blacktailed
deer meat, requiring a
processing center for storage and
export to organic venison markets
in the Lower Mainland. The
council is working on changes to
legislation that would allow the
deer to be hunted and sold and
commercialized just like dairy
and chickens.
• A community-based Fishery and
Fishing Cooperative.
• A Commercial Composter –
shared equipment and compost
for growing initiatives, greenhouses
and gardens, etc.
• Heated greenhouses to utilize
surplus heat of the District Heating
System for the Haida Gwaii
Hospital and Health Centre – a
partnership with Simon Fraser
• Heat pumps for longhouses,
church and OMVC buildings.
An example of modular farm crops. Coming soon!
PC | Growcer
November / December 2024 33
Haida Gwaii Licensees are seeking comments from the
public on proposed Operations for all tenures across Haida
Gwaii In accordance with Section 15 of the Forest and
Range Practices Amendment Act, we are requesting your
concerns and comments on proposed developments for
The Forest Operations Maps is available for review and
comment at:
• Forest Operations Map website Forest Operations Map
• Ministry of Forest Office - 1229 Oceanview Drive,
Daajing Giids (computer access to review/ comment via
Forest Operations Map portal)
Taan Forest (
Office Review available at:
Unite #3 Commercial
Centre Highway 16
Skidegate BC.
Office hours Monday to Friday: 9am - 5am
Comments to:
Taan Forest
Unit 3 Commercial Center
Box 848, Skidegate, BC, V0T 1S1
A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.
Office Review available upon request at:
453 Beach Road
K’il Kun/Sandspit, BC
Comments to:
A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd.
207-1100 Island Hwy
Campbell River, BC. V9W 8C6
Husby Forest Products
Office Review available at:
6425 River Road
Delta BC
Office hours Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
Comments to:
Husby Forest Products
6425 River Road
Delta, BC, V4K5B9
34 HG
Puzzle Page
Here Comes Winter
Terri-Lynne Penner
6. Sudden, violent winter storms.
7. ___ are an oval shape, a feature unique to Northwest
Coast art.
8. Fruit___ is a traditional holiday desert you either love or
9. The winter ___; the longest night and shortest day.
10. Butter clams need to be ___.
12. See HGT calendar for times for the Children’s Acro ___.
14. Symbol of Remembrance Day.
15. Tis the season for Artisan ___.
18. Popular activity: storm___.
19. Keeping winter chills away.
20. The “Nightmare Before Christmas” movie.
21. Homegrown, ___, Better for All.
1. Indoor game or still growing in your garden.
2. Practical joke.
3. A gumboot ___ in the marsh.
4. Our lakes are our swimming ___.
5. To hang your winter outerwear.
11. Anytime the ferry is not filled to ___ is great.
13. Check HGT calendar for fun places to ___.
16. Large stuffed bird served with cranberries.
17. Will the BC ___ play on Nov. 17th?
19. Used to protect 16 down.
Featured Local Treasure | “Juncos in Snow”
by Kayoko Daugert
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at
the back of the magazine.
November / December 2024 35
Every week
order now
(250) 624-4146
Seasons Greetings to all! Thank you for your ongoing
support and the very best for the New Year!
Haida Owned and Operated
Call/Text: 250-624-4146 |
150 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC
36 HG
The Science Corner
High Winds, Sky Shows, Lightning
Ro Millham
Now past the autumnal equinox and
still losing daylight time, we look to
December’s solstice when daylight
increases. We are ready for our beautiful
islands’ wettest and windiest
time of the year. Depending on where
you live on Haida Gwaii, weather can
vary north or south, with diferent
temperatures, wind speeds, and precipitation.
The west coast lies at the continental
shelf’s edge – an abrupt tectonic
scarp rising from 3,000 meters below
sea level to the 1,000-meter-high
peak of the San Christoval mountains.
High winds driven by the Pacic
Ocean weather systems impact
the west coast of Haida Gwaii, where
you experience the highest wind
speeds in Canada, with waves up to
35 meters and annual precipitation
of four meters.
When storms hit the BC coast, a convergence of winds,
caused by the frictional efects of the storm hitting the
coast, get closer to the coastal mountain ranges of Haida
Gwaii and shift winds to the southeast reducing speed due
to friction (less windy along treed shorelines).
As the coastal winds are backed into the SE they converge
with the more southerly winds ofshore resulting in a band
of stronger winds and higher seas. During the New and
Full Moon phases, tides are more intense causing higher
tides (Spring tides) followed by lower tides (Neap tides).
We hunker down, hope the power isn’t of for long, and
know to check the roads before heading to Tll.aal Tlell.
For more information, you can peruse these.,37.751,-97.822,5
PC | Claude Adams
Whats Up?
First, check out this website for
Aurora information in case skies are
clear enough to see these Northern
November 15 - Another Full Moon -
November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor
Shower. This shower has a cyclonic
peak about every 33 years where
hundreds of meteors per hour can
be seen.
December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor
Shower. The Geminids are the king
of the meteor showers, producing up
to 120 multicolored meteors per hour
at their peak.
Did You Know?
A lightning bolt is ve times hotter than the surface of
the Sun. The charge carried lightning is so intense that it
has a temperature of 30,000°C (54,000°F).
Credit: NBC News Dallas, TX
November / December 2024 37
Haida Gwaii Stargazers
Horoscopes for November & December 2024
Monica Caulfield
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You may find yourself recreating
with friends or family members in a meaningful way, dearest
Aries. Honest talks can heal some emotional wounds. When
you allow yourself to be forgiving, you can open yourself up
to new and wonderful possibilities. This may feel intense but
ultimately you are role modeling what it looks like to embrace
life, love and joy. Keywords: master, solace and delight.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Relationships are the flavor of the
week, dearest Taurus. If you can devote some time every day
to those who you care about most, you are winning in life. You
can look forward to more adventures, learning something brand
new and valuable, and engaging in information sharing. Trust
your intuition and show up in your actions. You are someone
grounded and capable. Keywords: conscious, attentive and
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Check off all the boxes of things
to do, dearest Gemini. Find a mentor that can help you if this
seems appropriate. What are your priorities now? How can you
accomplish your goals while keeping your health and wellness
intact? Part of your mission now is honestly looking at all your
opportunities and choosing the passion that you can’t stop
thinking about. You can enhance this by initiating creativity
at home. Keywords: energy, strength and stamina.
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Find some creativity with a deeper
meaning, dearest Cancer. You will want to take some consistent
alone time to frequently recharge your battery now. When you
design a life filled with helping others, it’s a life of purpose
and direction. But it’s important to treat yourself the same as
you treat others. You are just as important, if not more and
rejuvenating self helps everyone thrive. Keywords: energize,
renew and refresh.
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Home-life is becoming a priority now,
dearest Leo. There’s transformation in the air and you are riding
this wave. What does this look like to you? When you continue
staying creative, you can find the opportunities to feel very
alive and joyful. You are prioritizing your loved ones now and
allowing yourself to feel peace around this. Keywords: revive,
relax and unity.
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Communication is key, dearest Virgo.
Decide what you ultimately care about, especially at home,
then make your feelings known. Your career may take a unique
turn in a new direction; just stay aware enough to receive the
messages to move forward. Your first priorities are the top priorities
and remember that compassion and caring relates to self
as well as others. Keywords: connection, reception and thrive.
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) You’re getting another chance to heal
past hurt feelings, dearest Libra, whether they are yours or
someone else’s. When you engage from a committed, grounded
place, you can see that healing is allowed to flourish naturally.
38 HG
Enlist and involve yourself with your community and loved
ones, so they can witness the love you have for them. This
will take the pressure off and give you a burst of self-confidence
and you’ll see shifts can happen with greater ease.
Keywords: gather, rearrange and join.
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Initiate experiences close to your
heart, dearest Scorpio. There’s lots of opportunities coming
your way, if you can just manage what’s for the here and now,
and what can be dealt with later. Consider taking a class or
workshop that you have been dreaming about but have not
yet committed to. When you commit to your passion, you’ll
find that everything else just falls in place. You’ll feel the truth
without needing added words. Something you are already good
at. Keywords: spirit, desire and fortitude.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) When you speak up with your
truth, dearest Sagittarius, you role model this for others to learn,
and we are all better for it in the long run. Your community
is playing a part in your quest for renewal and close friends
and family will benefit from your advice. You will need some
alone time as well since everyone is flocking around you to
hear what you have to say. Keep your aspirations and goals on
the front burner and make plans to instigate whatever it may
take to put them ahead. Keywords: pursuit, ambition and aim.
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You’re the boss, dearest Capricorn.
What does this mean? You oversee what you do with
your time, your beliefs, your energy and your drive. There’s a
community spirit all around you and even though you will need
to help steer others to their destination; don’t forget what you
have come here to do for you. Never lose sight of this. Loved
one’s are in your wheelhouse, but you are still steering the ship.
Keywords: intention, objective and purpose.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Higher learning is a key component
to happiness now, dearest Aquarius. It helps you form
your belief systems and gives you a step up in the direction that
you are heading. Your focus is going to be on your family and
loved ones and you can look forward to delightful encounters
along the way. You are in a transformational era and when you
initiate activities that are meaningful to you, you allow others
to see you as your unique, wonderful self. Keywords: target,
exceptional and rare.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Try to stay the course, dearest Pisces.
You are going to tend to become distracted. Not that this is
necessarily a bad thing. You frequently do your best work
after vivid daydreams. I still want you to dream; just not get
so attached to this, that your mission is incomplete. There’s
tons of success and hope around you right now. Follow these
adventures and don’t squander them. Keywords: enthusiasm,
vitality and warmth.
Exterior & Transport LTD
• Roofing • Decking
• Gutters & more!
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto,
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.
In the Home & Office
Beautiful Classical Guitar.
Washburn classical guitar, select
spruce top, rare catalpa wood
back and sides, EQ, adjustable
truss rod, nice padded, lined
case. around 1980. Like new, un-played
condition. $600. Call Brian 626-5119 or
236-785-0182 or email brian-mulvany@
Vivitar 20mp Selfie Camera.
This camera has an
awesome view finder which
flips over to see selfie and allows use as
webcam and is a great camera with zoom
and macro for closeup pics. This was only
removed from package to test and confirm
its working. $50 Call Kevin Jager at (250)
626-6014 or email kevjager.haida@gmail.
Armadilo -Torrey Clog.
Women's size 7. Bought
these as a waterproof
walking shoe. They sent
me the wrong size. Said to
relieve pressure on feet and
joints. Non-Slip and flexible. Wide toe
for breathability and movement. Lightweight
and flexible. Paid $113 Asking $75.
Shellene at (250) 626-7758 or Shellene.
Home Garden Gift
Located Downtown Daajing Giids
Beautiful Antique Hatand
Coat - Stand. Approx.
1930. Originally from Central
Europe. $180 Call Paul
at (250) 244-1937 or email
Martin Guitar. Like new, Johnny
Cash Guitar, only a few years
young. Comes with black backpack
carry case. Selling for $700.
Call Sasha at (250) 321-7650 or
New Dream Catchers. Handmade.
$30 Call Sarleana at (250)
626-7606 or email Sarleana71@
Nearly New Nike Basketball
Sneakers. SI Sabrina
Ionescu Nike Basketball
shoes. U.S. size 10 women's.
Amazing shoes but are now
too small. Purchased on-line
for $212, asking $160. Call Jody at (250)
559-4703 or email jody_bissett@hotmail.
Brand New Lululemon
Pants. Lightweight, mid-rise
pants. Never been worn, tags
still on. Size 4. My daughter
ordered these on-line, but
they are too big for her. Regular
price is $158. Selling for $95. Call Jody
at (250) 559-4703 or email jody_bissett@
Local Jewelry
and Pottery
250-559-4753 Seasons
Open Tuesday to
Saturday 11-4
Haida Gwaii!
November / December 2024 39
Located downtown
Masset, across
from the Co-op.
Find our hours,
specials and events
on our website
or Facebook pages!
Dining Room Features
Haida Art
40 HG
Patio and
Indoor Dining
Pizza + Subs Friday
and Saturday
until 8pm
Fish + Chips
Fish Tacos
Authentic Tacos
+ Burritos
Smashed Burgers
Black Bean Veggie Burgers
Bubble Tea
Milkshake (25 Flavors)
*Draft Beer
*Craft Cocktails
*Full Bar
*with purchase of food
Guest House by the Sea
• 2 Bedrooms
• Full Kitchen
• Private Garden
• Laundry Service
- airbnb
K’il Kun Sandspit, BC
Space Rentals
Online Gift Shop
#2 Second Beach Road
HlGaagilda Skidegate,
Haida Gwaii
Large Air Canada Suitcase. Used only a
couple of times so in great shape. $50 Call
Marla at (250) 559-4242 or email
Milton Roy Spectronic
Genesys 5 UV spectrophotometer
(model 336001).
Includes two brand new
cuvettes. Passes all its self-diagnostic tests.
Ideal for soil, water or general chemical
analysis - for example, to test for lead in
your drinking water or the amount of
selenium in a local soil sample. Very easy
to use. $190 Call Paul at (250) 244-1937 or
BACKplus® Shiatsu Foot
Massager with Calf Compression
& Heat. Detachable
and washable cover, pressure
point cycle, soothing heat
therapy, different modes. $350 Call Sasha
at (250) 321-7650 or email Sashanatalie@
In the Yard & Workshop
Hot Tub – No Reasonable
Offer Refused! Beachcomber
Energy Saver hot tub in excellent
condition. Lots of jets
and places to relax and “feel
the magic!” Open to offers. Call Morris at
250-626-7758 or email
Hunting Rifle. Savage model 16, .223
cal. stainless/synthetic, accutrigger(adjustable),
accustock, special recoil pad,
leather padded sling, case, Whitetail 4X40
scope, bullets, extra magazine, as new,
never went hunting. $1,500 firm. Need
PAL. call Brian 250-626-5119 or 236-785-
0182. or email brian-mulvany@hotmail.
Thick Cable (2/0). About 150' of thick
cable (2/0 gauge, 2 cores of 3/8" aluminium
and a 3/16" copper earth). $2.20 a foot.
I have shorter pieces of slightly thinner
cable. Email me for more photos and details.
Call Paul at (250) 244-1937 or email
Metal Construction Scaffolding. One
level scaffolding. Works okay except
plywood badly needs replacing. Just one
diagonal cross brace. Pick up at Lawnhill.
$250 Call Craig Carmichael at (250) 559-
7735 or email
On the Road
RV/ Cargo Trailer Lock. 4 keys - $50
Call Murray Brown at (250) 626-9553 or
Summertime Ride! 1967
Triumph Tiger and a Few
More Toys. 1967 Triumph Tiger
and a few more toys. Bike
may not be exact as picture. Day time calls
only please Call Lindsey at (778) 260-4733
or email
1996 Dodge Ram 2500, 4X4,
Cummins. Florida truck,
like new, probably will not
see a nicer 12 valve truck. New transmission
with HD torque converter, ATS
Aurora 3000 turbo, air intake, 4" exhaust,
nice Michelins, original wheels, etc. Call
for complete list or to see. $40,000 Call
Brian at (250) 626-5119 or (236)-785-0182
or email
Bridgestone Blizzak M&S
Tires LT 245/75R16. Load
rating E Winter/ ice radials
suitable for Tacoma or similar.
$600 Call Warren at (250) 557-8555 or
November / December 2024 41
Gwaii Animal
Helpline Society
Animal Adoption
Honda Africa Twin / 2017
/ CRF 1000L. $10,500. One
owner, bought new in 2019,
53,000km, 1,000L engine.
Well cared for and runs perfectly, in excellent
condition! No heavy off - road riding,
no accidents. Heated grips, throttle lock
(cruise control) Rear panniers with Tusk
luggage system (waterproof) Klim helmet
XL, Joe Rocket waterproof jacket XL, plus
extra accessories. Call Wayne at (604) 715-
0871 or email
On the Water
Alumacraft Escape 165
Boat with Yamaha 40hp.
Boat is in excellent shape and
the Yamaha 40 outboard has
minimal hours on it. The trailer is brand
new and has only been used 2 times.
Downrigger hardware/ 2 folding seats/
Garmin gps. Feel free to text me and have
a look. $10,000 Call Kyle at (778) 878-8869
or email
2 New Electronic Downriggers. Never
used $1,500. Call Fletcher at (250) 626-7606
or email
Boat Hook For Sale. For
docking purposes. Like new.
$60 Call Morris at (250) 559-
0024 or email
New Electronic CIV. Never
used. $836 Call Fletcher
at (250) 626-7606 or email
Boat Rack. Taken off a
GMC 8’ box this week $150.
Call Katja Beamish at (250)
847-8767 or email
New Unopened Scottish
Braided Downrigger Line.
New unopened downrigger
line $47 Call Fletcher at (250)
626-7606 or email
25’ Boat with 150 Mercury. Runs good,
ready for the water. New downriggers.
New electric SIV $17,000. Call Fletcher at
(250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison@
42 HG
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm
3219 Wharf Street
Daajing Giids
HGT Advertising Works!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Primo from C-MO!
• Eavestroughs
• Soffits
• Flashings
Islandwide Services
Josh Davidson
For Hire
Excavation Services
Lot Clean Up & Clearing
Yard Work
Tree Removal
Fence Building
We Haul Anything!
Haida Gwaii-Wide Services
Call/Text 250-626-9271
I’ve lived on Haida Gwaii for over 47 years, most
of my adult life.
First of, I would like to note the wonderful service
I’ve had from the Haida Gwaii Trader team.
It was a real give and take relationship between
our businesses – we had each other’s back. It
was truly a two-way street. Businesses working
together is how these islands will move forward.
HGT is a great example of what that is all about.
Many of you may know me from buying a Lion’s
Club rae ticket. Thank you for supporting
my many endeavors.
This is a new beginning
for me. I look forward to my return visits. Best
wishes to all.
– Terry Tollestrup
November / December 2024 43
Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo
Tidal Zone Silver Studio
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry
Zoonee SStuddiiioo
Designed and Tiiiddall handcrafted SSiiillveer
Silver Jewellery by Laura Dutheil
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed by local artisan jeweller Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry
Laura Dutheil
Designed and handcrafted
Available at:
by local artisan jeweller
Laura Dutheil
• DG Earrings, Visitor rings, pendants,
bracelets, ear cuffs & more,
Earrings, rings, pendants,
bracelets, with ear tidal cuffs & zone more, inspired
with tidal zone inspired
• Sandspit engravings
Visitor Centre
Custom orders orders welcome! welcome!
Available at Funk It! and the Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre
778-260-0434 Available at Funk It! (call and studio the Queen for hours) Charlotte Visitor Information Centre
Tidal Zone Silver Studio
Zone Silver Studio
Available at Funk It and the
Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre
Valley Boat
Custom Upgrades
Port Clements, BC
Mokken 10 Fishing Kayak.
Like new. Selling for
$1000obo. Call Sasha at (250)
321-7650 or email
Real Estate & Rentals
Opportunity KNOCKS! 1605
Old Beach Rd Masset. Formerly
Masset Grocery. A Great
4,698 sqft building in top
notch condition, includes all equipment,
displays, shelving, walk-in cooler, walk-in
freezer and a fully equipped deli kitchen,
Priced @ $725,000 Price Call 250-218-9776
or email
Duplex For Sale in Daajing
Giids. Spectacular views.
Close to hospital and town
core. 3400 plus square feet. Each unit has a
full basement. One has 2 bedrooms and 2
bathrooms and the other has 2 bedrooms,
3 bathrooms plus a shop! All new construction.
Ready to move in. Could be a triplex
instead of a duplex. Access from the
upper unit is from the back. Access from
the lower unit is from the front, so they
are separated nicely. Each has a nice yard.
Price $860,000 Call 778-686-0554 or email
HOT DEAL! 28817 Highway
16 Tlell. This secluded oceanfront
new build, 1 1/2 story, 3
Bdrm, 1 1/2 baths home is not visible from
the road & includes 200 ft (61m) of direct
access private beach on 4.233 acres with
3 acres of large standing Sitka Spruce.
Construction is salt box post & beam with
large open spaces with first & second floor
views of the ocean. Bring your own ideas
to finish. The property is zoned ALR. Price
$650,000. Contact Shannon Call 250-204-
5796 or email marinmarketing1@gmail.
213 Oceanview Drive Location,
Location, Location.
Welcome home to this wonderful
family property. This
home is awaiting your decorating ideas,
but the functional layout is already there!
A beautiful open concept with a primary
bedroom and 2 bathrooms on the main
and 4 large bedrooms on the second floor.
This home is close to everything! Walking
distance to the high school, hospital, credit
union, grocery and clothing stores and
many restaurants. Price $450,000 Call 778-
922-0167 or email
Worker Accommodations
Long or Short Term - Port
Clements and Masset Port
Clements: furnished and unfurnished
1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.
Newly renovated, including bathroom and
kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size beds,
laundry and parking are incl. Well suited
for worker accommodation. Clean and
secure building. Masset: several renovated
housing units. 3 and 4 - bedroom units.
Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet,
cable, laundry and parking are included.
Call for prices. Call Dustin @ 250 661 9012
or email
The Only Gas Station in
Town! For Sale By Owner
– Serious Inquiries Only. 2
Grouse Street Over 5000 sq.ft
building has a long list of assets; including,
fuel services (gas and diesel), convenience
store, restaurant, commercial kitchen, 2
dining rooms, and office space. Upstairs is
a lovely 1470 sq.ft, renovated, 3 bedroom
1.5 bathroom apartment with outside entrance.
The ground level 1470 sq.ft apartment
has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, office
and alarge indoor workshop. A must-see
opportunity in the charming village of Port
Clements. Call Angela Mielecki @ 778-998-
2321 Email
44 HG
Adapting to Shifts
In 2024, Haida Gwaii, part of the
BC Northern Real Estate Board, has
seen notable uctuations in residential
real estate activity. Home sales
dipped in the rst three quarters compared
to last year, reecting market
adjustments to rising interest rates
and broader economic conditions.
Markets often experience periods of
stagnation after signicant changes
until they stabilize.
A unique shift in Haida Gwaii followed
the Gaayhllxid/Gíihlagalgang
“Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement.
Buyers and sellers now ask,
“How will Haida Title afect private
Haida Gwaii’s Real Estate Landscape
Tracey De Frane
ownership?” Both the BC Government
and the Council of the Haida
Nation have addressed this.
The BC Government states that the
agreement recognizes Indigenous
rights while protecting private property
and local government jurisdictions.
It claries that recognizing Aboriginal
title will not afect private
property rights or critical services like
healthcare and education.
The Council of the Haida Nation
views the agreement as a move towards
collaboration, away from adversarial
legal processes, fostering
stability for residents and businesses.
This step promotes future cooperation
between the Haida Nation and
the Province of BC.
As the market adapts, the fourth quarter
shows promise. Interest rates are
projected to decline further in 2025,
with the Bank of Canada’s policy
rate expected to fall to 2.75% by midyear.
These reductions, along with
the introduction of new incentives,
are expected to improve mortgage affordability,
making it easier for rsttime
buyers to enter the market and
stimulating overall market growth.
811 Oceanview Drive, Daajing Giids
Reduced to $535,000
MLS® R2913980
3 Bedrooms, 2 Full Bathrooms with 1 jetted tub
Fully Renovated - Potential for basement suite.
Nice manageable yard with an ocean view off the
large front deck.
1880 Harrison Ave, Masset
MLS® R2936803
Walk on Waterfront - Ocean views
3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom
Fixer upper “As Is Where Is” Estate Sale - Potential
for suite in basement. Solid foundation and frame,
make this your dream waterfront home.
2092 Teal Blvd, Masset
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom
“As Is Where Is” Estate Sale - Potential for suite
in basement.
New hot water tank, 5 year old propane furnace,
larger private lot.
MLS® R2938604 Call 250-618-2434
November / December 2024 45
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG
Firewood. Pat and I need someone to cut
up our firewood we have at the trailer on
Blaineshaw. My health is failing, and any
help would be compensated generously.
Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email
Employment & Training
CLBC Residence Support
Worker Casual (CRSW
Casual). Level/Salary Range:
Day & Evening shifts: JJEP
Wage Grid Levels 10 $25.95
– 29.76/hour (with additional 10.6% wage
bonus: $28.70/hr. - $32.91/hr.) Asleep
Night Shifts: JJEP Wage Grid Levels 5
$22.94 – 26.28/hour (with additional
10.6% wage bonus: $25.37/ hr. - $29.07/
hr.) Variable work shifts, Casual/on-call.
As a CLBC Residence Worker you will be
providing respectful daily living support
to adult residents with developmental
disabilities living in the CLBC staffed residence.
For full description, call Executive
Director at (250) 626-4664 or email ea@
Business Account Manager.
The Business Account
Manager is a key position in the branch
providing business financial solutions and
exemplary member service. This role is
the primary point of contact to a portfolio
of members whose basic business needs
expand both the lending and investment
spectrum. Working knowledge, skills and
experience in Microsoft Office. Travel is a
requirement of this position. For a comprehensive
description please call Jessie
Suroysuroy at (250) 628-0356 or email
Gas Pump Attendant. Part
time to full time. $20p/hr.
Counterperson - Full time,
required right away. $20p/h.
General Manager. Duty's in includes
ordering parts/tires etc., booking appointments
and general everyday duties.
Knowledge of automotive industry an asset.
$30 p/hr. Email or call
250-559-4641 Call Bill at (250) 559-4541 or
Northern Savings Credit
Union Insurance Broker
I (Broker I). Key position in the insurance
office providing insurance solutions
that meet our client’s needs. High school
diploma is a requirement. Level I Insurance
broker licence required. Expert
knowledge of insurance products and
services required. Ability to prioritize,
organize work within time constraints,
under pressure and competing priorities.
Ability to communicate and liaise professionally
with members, potential customers,
community groups and co-workers
while maintaining confidentiality. Working
knowledge, skills and experience in
Microsoft Office. Salary Range: $26.78 To
$30.80 Hourly. Call Jessie Suroysuroy at
(250) 628-0354 or email
Call us!
Or Email
46 HG
Kohlen and
Company Appraisals
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP
Serving Haida Gwaii
since 2015
Contact us!
Groceries & Liquor
Bakery & Deli
Home & Office Supplies
Gifts & Local Treasures
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331
Opportunities for Support
Workers. Starting salary is
$22 p/hr. Reporting to the
Program Manager and as
part of a team to provide supports serving
Alder House residents, many of whom
are living with mental illness and/or
substance abuse. The PSW facilitates life
skills development and provides emotional
and practical support and referrals
to appropriate health and community
services to assist the Program Participant
to attain a successful occupancy outcome.
Required is a High School Diploma (or
a combination of skills and experience),
ability to complete BC Housing required
training, basic computer experience and
completion of a Vulnerable Criminal Record
check. Call Sandra Dean or Jessa at or call (778)
Peace Child and Youth Program
Coordinator. Salary
- $37.18 - $48.04/hr, 18.5 hr/
wk. Program provides individual
and/or group counseling
for children male or female ages 3 to
18 who have experienced sexual assault,
violence or abuse. Requirements - Sound
knowledge of violence against women and
children from a feminist perspective, minimum
2 yrs of recent supervised children’s
counseling, or equivalent combination of
education, training, and experience and
Art and Play therapy experience. Knowledge
of First Nations Culture and Haida
Gwaii communities. A criminal record
check is required. Union membership
with BCGEU is required. Call Brie Altrogge
at (250) 626-4664 or email
Happy Holiday Season to All!
GwaiiTel Society’s Annual
General Meeting (AGM)
Date: Saturday, November 30th, 2024
VIA: Zoom Meeting
In camera session for members:
Time - 10:30 am to 11:15 pm
Open to the public:
Time - 11:30 am to 12 pm
We will be posting the Zoom link for
the public session of the meeting on
our GwaiiTel Facebook page.
If you don’t use Facebook, please
for the link.
November / December 2024 47
Serving Korean Cuisine
1504 Old Beach Road,
Masset, BC
Visit our Facebook
@ Koos Bistro
Administrative Assistant.
For maternity leave coverage
– this will be a full-time
position for up to 18 months
(possibly longer) located in
Skidegate. The Administrative
Assistant reports directly to the Office
Manager. The primary responsibility
will be to work collaboratively with the
team to assist in managing the day-to-day
operations of Haida Gwaii Accounting &
Income Tax Ltd, and the clients it provides
services for. Wage ranges from $22.00 -
$28.00 p/hr based on experience. Interested
candidates may email a letter expressing
their interest in the position along
with a CV/Resume to: Leah M. Walker
at (250) 559-7756 or email leah.walker@
Do You Have Something
to Sell?
If you wish to feature your classifieds in
the NovDec HGT Magazine/Ezine, please
ensure you post/edit your ads by October
20th, 2024, at noon on the HGT website or email us
your ads to
(small fee applies for ads we post on
folks’ behalf)
By following these Haida Gwaii Trader-inspired tips, you can create compelling
classified ads that quickly attract potential buyers and lead to successful sales!
• Clarity is Key: Keep your ad description clear and concise, focusing on key features
and benefits.
• Capture Quality Images: Take high-quality photos from various angles to showcase
your item's condition accurately.
• Be Honest and Transparent: Include any flaws in your item to build trust with
• Engage with Buyers: Use friendly language and respond to inquiries quickly to
foster positive interactions.
Art Gallery Compass
From Easel to Home
Haida Gwaii Essentials
Handcrafted Soap
& Body Products
Available at: Or
Masset Market & Shop
Island Retailers Online!
Portrait and Passport Photos
Restoration and Copying
Custom Picture Framing
48 HG
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables 2024
November Daylight savings ends Nov 3
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Nov 2: Sunrise 8:53 Sunset 18:11
2:17 19.4 2:51 19.4
Nov 9: Sunrise 8:06 Sunset 16:58
1 7:59 6.9 2 8:28 7.5
Nov 16: Sunrise 8:20 Sunset 16:47
Nov 23: Sunrise 8:32 Sunset 16:38
14:01 21.3 14:28 21.7
Nov 30: Sunrise 8:44 Sunset 16:31
* 20:30 3.6 A 21:01 3.3
2:24 19.0 2:59 18.7 3:37 18.0 4:20 17.4 5:14 16.7 6:23 16.4 0:45 6.6
3 7:58 7.9 4 8:30 8.5 5 9:05 9.2 6 9:46 9.8 7 10:39 10.5 8 11:55 11.2 9 7:42 16.7
13:57 21.3 14:28 21.0 15:04 20.3 15:46 19.4 16:40 18.4 17:51 17.7 13:27 10.5
B 20:35 3.6 C 21:12 3.9 D 21:53 4.6 E 22:41 5.2 F 23:39 5.9 G H 19:15 17.4
1:56 6.6 3:02 6.2 3:59 5.9 4:49 5.6 5:35 5.6 0:35 20.7 1:24 21.0
10 8:49 17.7 11 9:41 19.4 12 10:26 20.7 13 11:07 22.3 14 11:48 23.6 15 6:20 5.9 16 7:04 6.2
14:47 9.2 15:50 7.2 16:43 4.9 17:31 3.0 18:18 1.3 12:29 24.3 13:10 24.3
I 20:36 17.7 J 21:47 18.4 K 22:48 19.4 L 23:44 20.3 M @ 19:03 0.7 N 19:50 0.3
2:12 20.7 2:59 20.3 3:49 19.4 4:40 18.7 5:36 18.0 6:38 17.4 0:57 6.9
17 7:48 6.9 18 8:33 7.9 19 9:21 8.5 20 10:14 9.5 21 11:16 10.2 22 12:32 10.5 23 7:44 17.4
13:53 23.6 14:38 22.6 15:25 21.3 16:16 19.7 17:15 18.4 18:23 17.1 13:54 10.2
O 20:36 1.0 P 21:24 2.0 Q 22:13 3.3 R 23:05 4.6 S 23:59 5.9 T U 19:40 16.4
1:59 7.9 3:00 8.2 3:54 8.5 4:40 8.5 5:20 8.5 0:23 18.4 1:01 18.7
24 8:44 17.7 25 9:34 18.4 26 10:16 19.0 27 10:52 20.0 28 11:26 20.7 29 5:56 8.5 30 6:30 8.5
15:06 9.5 16:02 8.2 16:48 6.9 17:26 5.9 18:02 4.9 11:57 21.0 12:29 21.7
20:56 16.1 22:02 16.4 22:57 17.1 23:43 17.7 18:36 3.9 19:10 3.3
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1:37 19.0 2:13 19.0 2:50 19.0 3:29 18.7 4:13 18.4 5:02 18.0 5:56 18.0
7:04 8.5 7:39 8.9 3 8:16 8.9 4 8:56 9.2 5 9:42 9.5 6 10:38 9.8 7 11:45 9.8
13:02 21.7 13:36 21.7 14:13 21.3 14:54 21.0 15:40 20.3 16:34 19.4 17:36 18.4
19:45 3.0 B 20:22 3.0 C 21:01 3.3 D 21:42 3.6 D 22:28 4.3 E 23:16 4.9 F
0:10 5.6 1:08 6.6 2:10 7.2 3:13 7.5 4:14 7.9 5:10 7.9 0:29 19.7
6:56 18.4 7:55 19.0 8:51 20.0 9:44 21.0 10:33 22.0 11:22 23.0 6:02 7.9
13:00 9.2 14:14 7.9 15:20 6.6 16:19 4.6 17:13 3.3 18:05 2.0 12:09 23.3
18:47 17.7 20:05 17.4 21:21 17.4 22:32 18.0 23:34 18.7 18:54 1.3
1:20 20.0 2:07 20.3 2:51 20.0 3:35 19.7 4:17 19.4 5:00 19.0 5:45 18.4
6:51 7.9 7:38 7.9 8:24 8.2 9:10 8.5 9:57 8.9 10:48 9.2 11:45 9.5
12:55 23.3 13:42 23.0 14:27 22.3 15:12 21.3 15:56 20.0 16:43 18.7 17:35 17.4
19:41 1.0 20:27 1.3 21:11 2.0 21:52 3.0 22:33 4.3 23:14 5.6 23:56 6.9
6:34 18.4 0:43 8.2 1:39 9.2 2:42 9.8 3:44 10.2 4:38 10.2 0:06 17.4
12:50 9.8 7:26 18.0 8:21 18.4 9:14 18.7 10:02 19.0 10:45 20.0 5:25 9.8
18:35 16.1 13:59 9.2 15:07 8.5 16:04 7.5 16:53 6.6 17:36 5.2 11:26 20.7
19:48 15.4 21:09 15.4 22:21 15.7 23:19 16.4 18:16 4.3
0:46 18.0 1:24 18.7 2:01 19.0
Dec 7: Sunrise 8:54 Sunset 16:27
6:07 9.5 6:47 9.2 7:26 8.5
Dec 14: Sunrise 9:01 Sunset 16:26
12:05 21.3 12:44 21.7 13:24 22.0
Dec 21: Sunrise 9:06 Sunset 16:28
Dec 28: Sunrise 9:08 Sunset 16:33
18:54 3.6 19:32 3.0 20:11 2.3
1 2
2024 Tide Tables for Prince Rupert
Z *
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
@ N O P Q R S
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Z * A
January 2025
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Jan 4: Sunrise 9:07 Sunset 16:40
2:38 19.4 3:16 19.7 3:56 19.7 4:37 20.0
Jan 11: Sunrise 9:03 Sunset 16:50
1 8:07 8.2 2 8:50 7.9 3 9:37 7.9 4 10:28 7.9
Jan 18: Sunrise 8:56 Sunset 17:02
14:06 22.0 14:49 22.0 15:35 21.3 16:24 20.3
Jan 25: Sunrise 8:47 Sunset 17:15 B 20:49 2.3 C 21:28 2.6 D 22:08 3.0 E 22:49 3.9
5:21 20.0 6:09 20.0 0:23 6.6 1:22 8.2 2:33 9.2 3:50 9.8 4:59 9.5
5 11:26 7.5 6 12:30 7.2 7 7:03 20.0 8 8:03 20.3 9 9:07 20.7 10 10:10 21.0 11 11:08 21.7
17:18 19.0 18:21 17.7 13:39 6.9 14:50 6.2 15:59 4.9 17:03 3.9 17:59 3.0
F 23:33 5.2 G H 19:34 16.7 I 20:59 16.4 J 22:24 16.7 K 23:33 17.7 L
0:29 18.7 1:16 19.4 1:58 20.0 2:36 20.3 3:11 20.3 3:45 20.3 4:18 20.0
12 5:58 8.9 13 6:48 8.2 14 7:33 7.9 15 8:15 7.5 16 8:55 7.5 17 9:34 7.5 18 10:15 7.9
12:01 22.3 12:50 22.6 13:35 22.6 14:17 22.3 14:56 21.3 15:34 20.3 16:12 19.0
M 18:50 2.3 @ 19:35 1.6 N 20:15 1.6 O 20:51 2.0 P 21:25 3.0 Q 21:57 3.9 Q 22:29 5.2
4:51 19.4 5:27 19.0 6:08 18.4 0:21 9.5 1:21 10.8 2:40 11.5 3:59 11.2
19 10:59 8.2 20 11:48 8.5 21 12:46 8.9 22 6:59 18.0 23 8:01 18.0 24 9:07 18.4 25 10:07 19.0
16:53 17.7 17:39 16.4 18:38 15.4 13:55 8.9 15:08 8.2 16:15 7.2 17:11 5.9
R 23:01 6.6 S 23:37 8.2 T U 20:00 14.4 V 21:38 14.8 W 22:55 15.4 X 23:48 16.4
4:59 10.5 0:30 17.7 1:07 18.7 1:43 19.4 2:17 20.3 2:52 21.0
26 10:59 19.7 27 5:49 9.8 28 6:33 8.5 29 7:15 7.5 30 7:56 6.6 31 8:39 5.9
17:57 4.9 11:46 20.7 12:31 21.7 13:14 22.3 13:57 22.6 14:40 22.6
18:38 3.6 19:17 2.6 19:54 1.6 20:30 1.6 21:06 1.6
X Y Z * A
Adjusted for daylight savings. Tide height in feet. Sunrise/set times for Massett.
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and
new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring
tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, shing, navigation,
and tidal currents. So before you head out, be
sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust
the time for your specic location around Haida Gwaii.
Tides in Haida Gwaii
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert
K'iis Gwaay
Langara Pt
10 min early
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late
Alexandra Narrows
Flood starts 0:15 after low
Ebb starts 0:10 after high
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii
Nesto Inlet
10 min early
Dawson Hbr
15 min early
Taan Guu
Trounce Inlet
Low 55 min late
High 20 min late
East Skidegate Narrows
(Floods west)
West Beacon
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high
East Beacon
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high
Juus Kaahlii
Low 5:15 late
High 4:45 late
Designed by:
Stu Crawford
Box 788, Masset, BC
(250) 626-3868
Ecological Consulting
Hl'yaalang Waagusd
North Beach
5 min early
Taa Suu
Hunger Hbr
20 min early
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service
Estimates are unofficial and may vary
significantly from reality
Gaw Kaahlii
Masset Sound
Flood starts 2:50 after low
Ebb starts 2:30 after high
Port Clements
Low 3:05 late
High 2:50 late
Daajing Giids
Queen Charlotte
Low 20 min late
High same as P.R.
McCoy Cove
Low 15 min late
High 5 min late
K'yal Gawɢa
Low 10 min late
High same as P.R.
Gwaay K'aas
Copper Is.
Same as P.R.
Kay Tay Daanaay
Cape St James
Low 10 min early
High 5 min early
Business Financing
Resources & Coaching
Community Economic Development
November / December 2024 49
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar
November/December 2024
Go to, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to
Jamie McDonald at
All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.
Island Wide & Online
Alcoholics Anonymous Wed / 8pm / Masset
Fire Hall / Contact John 250-626-7557; Sat
8pm / Skidegate United Church / Contact
Lou at 250-559-4568. If you have a drinking
problem we can help. Virtual meetings also
available. Visit
VIRL – Tech support with library Manager
Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact
your local VIRL branch and schedule a time
to come in with your device. For info,
or 778-269-4132.
StrongStart – Free drop in and play based
program for parents/caregivers and children
ages 0-kindergarten. Massett Mon-Fri 9-12/ Howard
Philips Community Hall / 1590 Cook St. / Contact Beth
Kellar at 250-626-5572 or or Facebook:
Daaxiigan Sk’adaa Nee StrongStart Port Clements Tue,
Wed, Thu, 9-12 / Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Contact
Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or jbeachy@sd50.bc.
ca or FB: PCES StrongStart Sandspit Mon-Fri, 9-12 / Agnes
L Mathers School / 406 Copper Bay / Contact Claire Gauthier
at 250-637-5454 or or FB: ALM
Strong Start Skidegate Wed-Thu, 9-12 / Sk’aadgaa Naay
School / 500 Skidegate Heights / Contact Janine Wilson at
250-559-8889 or or FB Sk’aadgaa Naay
Strong Start
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds Maternal Child Health
Programs for families with children 0-6. Open
Gym & Haida Singing Together Tuesdays,
Xaad Kil Story Time, Family Drop-in,
Infant & Toddler feeding groups - various
schedules and locations. Contact Ashley Jacobson or check
our FB: Tawlang Ga Tlaayds.
Senior’s Br 101 Activity Time Wed / 1-4pm
Howard Philips Community Hall / 1590 Cook St.
Cards, jigsaw puzzles, word games, yahtzee,
crafts, coffee, tea, visiting and more. Membership
$10 / year. Age 50+. For more information
contact Shirley Kricheldorf at or FB: Haida Gwaii Program
& Events
50 HG
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thu / 10am-
Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave.
Open to all self-identifying women! Healthy
snacks provided. For more information
contact Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels
250-626-4725 or Carly wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.
ca. Rides available. Harm Reduction Lunch Mon &
Fri / 10am-2pm / Wellness House / For more information
contact David Emerson at 778-361-0769 or
Monday Men’s Group Mondays
5-8pm / Gaw Tlagée Youth Centre / 150 Raven Ave / All
ages welcome. Dinner and beverages provided. Games,
skill building, discussions, connections. For more information
contact Brodie Swanson at 778-791-8118 or brodie. Traditional Medicine Group
Fri - various times. For Haidas and their relatives. Contact
Masset Market Fri, 11am – 2pm / 1575 Main
Street / Holiday Night Market Nov 29 / 6-8
pm / Christmas Craft Fairs Dec 7, 11am-
2pm & Dec 13, 6-8pm Locally grown and prepared
foods as well as locally handcrafted items and more!
Delicious hot lunches. For more info, contact Natalie
Affolter at 250-626-9181 or or
Facebook and Instagram: Masset Market
Daxiigan Sk’adáa Née – K-12 Gym / 1647 Cook
St / Girls Basketball Grades 3 to 7 Wed,
until Nov 20 / 4:30-6:30pm / Instructor: Katie
Wilmot. Cost: $50. Basketball and leadership
program for self-identifying females. Drop-in Volleyball
Mon / 6:30-8:30pm / Ages 13+. Adult Drop-in Volleyball
Tue / 8-10pm. Drop in Under 40 Basketball Fri / 8-10pm
Ages 13+. Drop-in Tsinni Ball Ages 35+ Thu / 8-10pm.
Drop-in Alternate Fitness Mon-Wed-Fri / 12-12:45pm
Masset Legion Branch 244 / 2082 Collison Ave / Free modified
fitness class for middle-aged and seniors. Instructor:
Harold White. Iyengar Yoga with Jenn Mon Nov 4 - Dec
16 / 5:15-6:45pm / Masset Playhouse / 1616 Millard Street
Focusing on alignment, use of props (provided), suitable
for everyone. Cost: $108 / 6 sessions. For more information
contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or or
Pickleball Wed advanced 5-7pm / Fri open 5-7pm / Sunday
Funday 2-4pm / John Lalonde Roller Rink / behind the
village office / Free, drop in, equipment available to borrow.
For more information, FB: Masset Pickleball
Diaz Combat Sports Gym / 14160 Tow Hill
Rd Children Muay Thai Mon-Wed / 4:30-
5:15pm / Children Acro-dance Tue / 4:30-
5:15pm / Women’s Muay Thai Mon-Wed
5:30-6:30pm / Adults Muay Thai Mon-Tue-
Wed / 7-8pm / Costs are flexible, no registration required.
Children classes ages 7+. For more information contact
Ronald Diaz at 250-626-7928 or
VIRL 2123 Collison / Lego Club Wed
3-4pm. For more information contact Etchi
Zaleski at 250-626-3663 or
Dance Classes Thu, Nov 14 – Dec 12 / Masset
Playhouse / 1616 Millard Street / Creative
Dance (ages 5-7) 3:30-4:15pm Community
Dance (All ages) 5-6:15pm Heels Dance
Classes (18+) 6:15-7:15pm / Instructor Alison
Keery, all genders welcome, $25 drop in or $100+tax for
all. For more information contact Alison at 647-213-4309
or or
Christmas Social Museum Fundraiser
Nov 23 / 7-10pm / Dixon Entrance Maritime
Museum / 2183 Collison Ave / The 20th annual
Christmas Social! Silent and live auction,
treats, good times with good people. For more
information contact 250-626-6066 or
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements
Karaoke Fri / 9pm- closing / Axe and Anchor
Pub / 117 Bayview Dr / Hosted by KJ Greg. All
levels welcome! Thousand of songs to choose
from. For more information contact Greg
Stewart at (250) 626-7939 or
or FB: The Axe and Anchor Pub
All Communities
on Haida Gwaii
Darcy Pollard
Christmas Turkey Shoot Dec 8 / 12-3pm
Port Clements Rod and Gun Club / Juskatla
Road, 5 km out of Port / A classical Haida
Gwaii Turkey Shoot. For more information contact Jason
Rupke at 250-589-1420,, or FB:
Port Clements Multiplex Gym / 36 Cedar Avenue
West Drop-in Seniors Yoga Thu until Dec
12 / 11am-12pm / Stretch, strengthen, open
and relax. Free. Instructor: Jennifer Pigeon.
Drop-in Volleyball Fri / 7-9pm /Co-Ed, ages
12+. Contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or
Cooking Classes Dates TBD / Nutrimentum
Wellness / 66002 Hwy 16 / Learn to make
soups, stews, and other seasonal dishes. Free.
For more information contact Jennifer Pigeon
at 250-626-7478 or or or FB: NutrimentumWellness
Port Clements Community and Farmers
Market Nov 16 / 10am-1pm / Community
Hall / 120 Bayview Dr / Seasonal Produce,
Jams & Preserves, Handcrafted and Handmade
goods, Garage sale goods, etc. Table
Rentals = $20; Concession Rental = $75 (no oven or stove).
Seeking donation of goods for the White Elephant Table
(clean and in good condition), proceeds of which will go to
the Port Clements Community Hall. Seeking Volunteers.
For more information contact Betty Stewart at 250-922-
5467 or or FB: Port
Clements Community Market
Daajing Giids
Spirit Square Holiday Lights Dec 6
6-8pm / Spirit Square / beside 3220 Wharf Way
Join us for festivities. For more information,
contact Caz Beaumont at
Forbes Pharmacy
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids
9 am to 5 pm
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm
Find us on Facebook!
November / December 2024 51
Craft and Social Night Thu / 7-8pm VIRL
Daajing Giids / 138 Bay Street / Join us for
crafts and socializing! For more information
contact Michelle Scott at 250-559-4518 or or FB: VIRL Daajing Giids
Earth Temple Activities 403 Oceanview
Drive The Groove - Ecstatic Dance Party
2nd Fri of the month / 8-9:30pm / A safe space
for freedom of movement. All ages; by donation.
Contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or
Art Jam Mon / 7:30-9pm / Join
us to work on your art, bring your materials, we will
provide good tunes and tea! By donation. Contact Erin 778-
260-9944. Exercise with Tai Chi Wed / 12-1pm / Cost: $5.
For more information contact Heather George at 250-559-
4517, text 250-637-1440 or Chair Yoga
Tue until Dec 10 / 2-3pm. Fibre Creations Art Workshop
with Erin Harris Nov 16 / 2:30-5:30pm. Register online.
Cost: $90. Nov 15-Dec 14, Fridays: Dance Classes with
Alison Keery - Adult Contemp / 6:30-7:45pm / Yin
Style Stretch / 8-9pm / & Saturdays Infant and Families
Dance Classes / 9-9:45am/Ages 5-7 /10-10:45am / Ages
8-10 / 11am-12pm / Ages 12+ / 12:15-1:15pm / Contact Alison
at 647-213-4309 or For info
on all programs contact Karen at 250-637-1918 or
Kindergym Wed / 10-11:30am / Daajing Giids
Community Hall / 134 Bay Street Ages 0-5, $2
per child. For more information contact DG
Community Club at (250) 559-8122 or
or FB: Daajing Giids
Community Hall
Wellness Wednesdays 11:30 am-2 pm
DG Firehall / 202, 2nd Ave / Join us for a free
lunch and optional sharing circle led by a
mental health professional. For more information
contact Jason Rupke at 250-559-4981 or jason.rupke@
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sun / 10am-
12pm / Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We
are a friendly and welcoming family fellowship Christian
Church (affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of
Canada) where everybody (including children) is welcome.
Sunday services followed by fellowship. Free Lunch Tue
11:30am-2 pm. For more information contact Bill and
Heather at 604-989-2364 or or
Salsa Practice Thu / 8-9pm / Steller’s Jay
Community Pub / 3200 Oceanview Dr / Intro
class given in the first 15 min of the practice
every week! For more information contact
Jamie at 514-238-7953 or salsaonhaidagwaii@ or FB: Salsa on Haida Gwaii group
52 HG
GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School
Gymnasium / 801 Oceanview / Closed on stats.
Raquet Sports Drop-in Mon & Fri, 6-8pm
Wed 8-10pm / Pickleball, badminton, table
tennis. Free. Ages 12+ Volleyball Drop-in Tue / 6:30-8pm
Ages 12+ Total Body Conditioning Wed / 6-7pm / Instructor:
Carolyn Gibson. Drop-in fee $15/class (cash) or
registered $84 for 7 classes. Circuit-style class, accessible to
all fitness levels! Indoor Soccer Thu / 8-10pm. Lengthen
and Strengthen with Shelley Earth Temple / 403 Oceanview
Dr. / Tue until Dec 17 6-7pm / Instructor: Shelley
Sansome Cost: $105 for 7 classes. A dynamic fusion of yoga,
Pilates, and creative strength exercises. All levels welcome.
Walk Together: All Ages Walking Group Tue / 10am-
12pm / DG Community Hall 134 Bay Street / Open to all
ages and fitness levels (under 12 accompanied) - just drop
in! Winter Paint with Jessica Mai Nov 21 / 7-9pm / DG
Community Hall, Eric Ross Room 134 Bay Street / All skill
levels welcome, supplies provided. $45/person. Registration
required. Ages 18+. For more information, contact HG Rec
at 250-637-1192 or or
Boys Club Thu / 4:30-6:30pm / Bear Park / 3rd
Ave / For all boys and masculine identifying
youth ages 8-14. For more information contact
Will Russ at 250-559-8400 or info@haidachild.
ca or
DG Mending Circle Nov 12 & Dec 10 / 7-9pm
Gather / 223 Oceanview Dr / Nov focusing
on patch mending. Peer learning group, not
“instructional.” All basic materials provided
and available for lending. For more information
contact Winnie & Haley at or FB: Daajing Giids Mending
Taoist Tai Chi® Sat, 10am-12pm / Wed, 6-8
pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay
Street / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. Contact
Beatie at 250-631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.
org or
DG Christmas Craft Fair Nov 23 & 30 / 10am-
3pm / Come shop for your Holiday gifts. Fundraiser
for Gwaii Animal Helpline. For more
information call Reine Pineault 250-559-4792.
DG Community Hall Winter Market Dec 14, 10am-
2pm & Dec 22, 5-8pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134
Bay Street / This market is for locally made arts, crafts, and
foods. For more information contact DG Community Club
at 250-559-8122 or or FB:
Daajing Giids Community Hall.
Gather Winter Market Pop Up Nov 24, 12-7pm / Nov
25, 3-8 pm / Gather / 223 Oceanview Drive / Come support
our local artisans. For more information, Jenna Keshavjee or
Winter Art Fair Nov 23 & 30 / 10am-2pm
DG Visitor Information Centre / 3220 Wharf
Street / Featuring artists: Betsy Cardell, Jenna
Keshavjee, Penny Richardson, Tidal Zone
Silver Studio, Judy Hilgemann, Maryanne
Wettlaufer, Elin Dieme & Others. For more information
contact Lorelee Parker at 250-559-8316 or
or FB: Daajing Giids Visitor Information Centre
Crystal Sound Bathing Nov 25 / 11:30am-
12:30pm / Earth Temple / 403 Oceanview Drive
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against
Women Activity offered by Karen Walhout. For more
information contact Island Wellness Society at FB: Island
Wellness Society or
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse Featuring Aidan
Schubert Nov 29 / 6:30-10pm / DG Community
Hall / 134 Bay Street / Doors open at 6:30pm
for a shared community meal (please bring
your own bowl, spoon and mug), followed by
an Open Mic at 7:30pm (sign-up between 6:30
and 7:15pm). Community Solstice Potluck Dec 20 / 6:30-
10pm / Join us to share food and Open Mic on this joyous
occasion! For more information contact Caroline Shooner
at or FB: Haida Gwaii
Fundraiser for Musical Awakenings with
Fun Guise Dec 7 / 6-9:30pm / Daajing Giids
Community Hall / 134 Bay Street / The
Musical Awakenings Program brings musical
entertainment to patients and long-term care
residents at Haida Gwaii Hospital/Xaayda Gwaay Ngaasdll
Naay. Dinner 6pm - catered by Jamie McDonald. Music
starts 7pm - carols with the Gwaii Singers followed by
dancing to swing/blues band Fun Guise. Dinner and music
$45. Music only $15. For more information contact Marnie
Skidegate Inlet Senior Holiday Luncheon
Dec 10 / 12-2pm / DG Community Hall / 134
Bay Street / Seniors 65+ and partner/caregiver
invited. On-site or delivery available. RSVP
before Nov 15 or just show up! Hosted by the
Haida Gwaii Hospital Day Society and Volunteers. For
more information contact or
Baby Steps 204 Oceanview / last Monday of
the month / 5:30 – 7 pm / A monthly meeting
for expecting parents or folks with littles 0-1.
Dinner provided. Attendance via Zoom available. Rsvp.
Drop-in Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / Ages 0-5 years
old. Parents must be in attendance. For more information,
contact Jenna Inglis 250-889-3057 or ccrrfamilyresource@ or check FB: Haida Gwaii
Child Care Resource and Referral Program
K’il Kun Sandspit
Craft Night Thu / 5-7pm / Vancouver Island
Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach Rd
Bring your own craft or use the library’s supplies.
All ages welcome. For more information
Kelsey (250) 637-2247 or or
Taoist Tai Chi® Sundays / 6-7:30pm
Sandspit Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay
Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more
information contact Remi 250-637-5729 or or
HlGaagilda Skidegate
George Brown Rec Centre Hwy 16 / Circuit
Training Mon & Wed / 5:30-6:30pm / Everyone
Welcome! Haida Gwaii Elders Gathering Tue &
Thu / 1-3pm / Come out for afternoons of movement,
story sharing, art creation and socializing!
Ages 55+. Contact FB: Skidegate Health Centre or Jessica
Fairweather at 250-559-4610 or
Dorothy Grant | Raven Comes Full Circle
Until Dec 21 / Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay
Llnagaay / #2 Second Beach Road / Celebrating 40 years
of Haida haute couture. Gala and Art Auction Nov 16
4-10pm / Skidegate Community Hall / Front Street / For more
information contact Cherie Wilson at 250-559-4643 or
Skidegate Language Nest Mon / 12:30-3:30pm
Sk’aadgaa Naay / 500 Skidegate Heights / Early
Years program that offers families of children
5 and under the opportunity to come and learn
Xaayda Kil. Contact Janine Wilson at 250-559-8889 or
or FB: Skidegate Language Nest / Xaayda
Kil Hltalga
Drop-in Kids Soccer Mon / 4:30-5:30pm
George Brown Rec Centre / Hwy 16 / Ages 7+ For
more info just show up.
Haida Gwaii Boys Club Tue / 4:30-6:30pm
HCFSS / 162 2nd Ave / For all boys and masculine
identifying youth ages 8-14. Contact Will
Russ at 250-559-8400 or or
Drumming with Gidin Jaad Nov 25 / 5:30-
6:30pm / Skidegate Homemakers / Front Street
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against
Women. Blessing Offered by Daall Jaad. For more information
contact IWS at or
FB: Island Wellness Society
November / December 2024 53
Winterfest Dec 7 / 10am-3pm / Haida Heritage
Centre / 2 2nd beach road / Handmade
craft tables, music, loonie-toonie auction, ugly
sweater contest, hot lunch sale and more. New special
guest to arrive at noon. For more information contact HHC
Staff at (250) 559-7885 or or
Skidegate Saints Boxing Day Dance Dec 26 / 9pm til 2
am / Skidegate Hall / Front Street / Free rides home. Tickets
at the door.
Tll.aal / Tlell
Taoist Tai Chi® Wed / 10am-noon / Tlell
Firehall / 36542 Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility,
Stillness. For more information contact
Charlie at 250 559 8252 or haidagwaii@ or
Tll.aal Tlell Last Minute Christmas Craft
Market Dec 22 / 11am-2pm / Tlell Farmers
Market / Hwy 16, Behind the Firehall / Vendor
Table Rental = $20. Contact Marylynn Hunt
250-559-8282 or FB: Tlell Farmers Market
Your Communities, Your Councils
Village of Port Clements Regular Council
Meetings 3 rd Monday of the month. Committee
of the Whole Meetings Once a month,
dates TBA / 6-7:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West
For more information (250) 557-4295 or
Village of Daajing Giids Regular Council
Meetings 1st and 3rd Monday of the month
7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive For more information (250)
559-4765 or,
Mon to Fri: 11-5:30, Sat: 12-5:30
107 Front Street,
HlGaagilda Skidegate
• Best Selection of
HG T’s / $21 - $31
• New Stock
Arriving Weekly
Puzzle Page
Answer Key
• Gifts for Everyone
Village of Masset Regular Council Meetings
2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm
1686 Main Street / For more information (250)
626-3995 or or massetbc.
Do You Have Something to Sell?
Haida Gwaii Trader classifieds get
Scan the QR code with
your phone or go to www. to get
54 HG
November / December 2024 55
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