Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints - December 2024

A selection of items from Voyager's cabinet. Some early rarities, some intriguing objects and scientific curiosities. We have thousands more on our website - take a look.

A selection of items from Voyager's cabinet. Some early rarities, some intriguing objects and scientific curiosities. We have thousands more on our website - take a look.


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Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints

Catalogue of Curiosities

December 2024

A selection of items from Voyager’s cabinet. Some early

rarities, some intriguing objects and scientific curiosities. We

have only space for a few — but there are thousands on our

website, check them out — drop us a line if you wish!

• Siluria — Geology Cornerstone — Murchison — First edition 1854

• Hemingway—Moveable Feast—First Edition—Best copy we have had

• Encyclopedia of the Antarctic — everything you need to know

• Chunky Fossil Fern from Lune River

• Socrates in Trouble — Catherall — 1717

• The Arabian Nights—all of them 16 Volumes—Richard Burton

• De Re Metallica—Hoover translation—early Mining

• Bradman and the Australian Cricket Team promoting Laundry

• Peter Carey First Editions

• Sought after The Moth Hunters

• Tek Sing Treasure

• Major Semple Bound for Botany Bay — 1786

• Super stylish Bookends by Marcel Goldscheider

• Victorian Apothecary or Medical Cabinet with unusual provenance

• Diggles Rawnsley Satin Bower Bird

• Droll Tales illuminated by Jean de Bosschere

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Voyager Curiosities

Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints


Voyager is a different sort of bookshop … we are forever changing, adding the more

curious to the curious, and selecting prize items for our collection. We don’t measure our

stock by numbers of items but by variety and quality.

It has been a pleasure producing this Catalogue. And we hope you enjoy reading it and

that it gives you a sense of what we are about … Sometimes our selections are a bit

cheeky … but we hope that makes it more enjoyable.

if you have an order then thank you and we will attend to it with care .

Items are available on a first come first served basis. We take orders by telephone, email

and through our website. When ordering quote page number and title of item.

Postage and packing will be charged at cost and care is taken to get the best rate

available. All items are packed to a high standard and will arrive safely.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and direct deposits to our account. And issue PayPal invoices.

Items are sold complete and in good condition. Anything found to be not as expected may

be returned within seven days of receipt for full refund.

We are now exclusively Online with the Occasional Catalogue on Yumpu.

Enquiries info@voyagerhobart.com or ring Voyager Bill 0411 875 508

Website www.voyagerhobart.com

Deco Howdah Elephant Bookends by Aronson 1923

A nice collectable pair of art deco howdah elephant bookends in the rare multi

-coloured finish by Aronson (formerly Art Metal Works) and then later the

Ronson Company - USA 1923

These are small bookends for small books or decorative effect on the bookshelf

in the library or the bedroom – one of our regular customer’s coined the

phrase bedroom bookends and we got it.

Good condition with bright colouring with some tiny loss likely from over

cleaning – always wipe elephants gently.

Price $280.00

Deco era bookends for the bedroom – something a little different


Rare Image of Australia’s Rarest Bird

Rawnsley’s Satin Bower Bird [Ptilonorhynchus Rawnsleyi]

Silvester Diggles – c1870

Rare original hand-coloured image lithographed on stone by Queensland naturalist

Silvester Diggles. Highlighted with gum Arabic. Published as part of his magnificent work

“The Ornithology of Australia" between 1866 and 1870 in a very limited edition. By the

time the final parts were published there were only ninety-two subscribers.

The bird was found in the scrub at Indooroopilly on the Brisbane River in 1867. Diggles

thought that the resemblance to the Satin Bower and the Regent Bower suggested a

hybrid. However, noted explorer A.C. Gregory, confirmed seeing the species in North

Queensland. We now know it was a hybrid – the only other seen in the last twenty years.

Measures 38cm by 27cm, good strong hand colouring and will frame nicely

Silvester Diggles came to Australia in 1853 settling in Brisbane. He taught music and art.

Founded the Choral Society, Philharmonic and Philosophical Societies and helped establish

the Museum. The Ornithology of Australia nearly sent him broke. His health deteriorated

worry about finances being a factor. He died at Kangaroo Point in 1880.

Price $590.00

A great example of perhaps Australia’s most unusual bird

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

The True-born English-man: A Satyr

A rare item by Daniel Defoe. The scarce “enlarged” edition printed and sold by

James Roberts in 1716. Small pocket sized 12mo, 12, 26 pages, bound in

contemporary calf backed boards, some age but solid and rare in this original state.

First edition thus. After the accession of Hanover Defoe added a new passage of 49

lines satirizing the English temper. It was hastily published and contains a number of

errors which ironically confirms its pedigree

Satirical poem of length about xenophobia … a few could learn from it today. Dutch

born William of Orange has become King of England, and there was much tittle tattle

about his lack of Englishness. Defoe, forever a wit, wrote this is in support of William

of O, ridiculing the notion of English racial purity. Well the evidence is there.

Defoe … much quoted from his opening rant

“that het’rogeneous thing, an Englishman:

In eager rapes, and furious lust begot

Betwixt a painted Britain and a Scot

Whose gend’ring off-spring quickly learn’d to bow,

And yoke their heifers to the Roman plough:

From whence a mongrel half-bred race there came,

With neither name, nor nation, speech nor fame.

In whose hot veins new mixtures quickly ran,

Infused betwixt a Saxon and a Dane

While their rank daughters, to their parents just,

Receiv’d all nations with promiscuous lust.

This nauseous brood directly did contain

The well-extracted blood of Englishmen.”

Price $340.00

Daniel Defoe and his True-born a hilarious antiquarian rarity



A Moveable Feast – First Edition

Ernest Hemingway

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in

Paris as a young man, then wherever you

go for the rest of your life, it stays with

you, for Paris is a moveable feast”.

A fine copy of this important work. The

best we have seen. As this is Voyager’s

favourite book we have seen a few.

Published by Jonathan Cape, London in

1964. Octavo, 192 pages. We can’t find a

mark and the dust jacket is perfect, as if

new, except price clipped – a previous

gift givers prerogative.

Price $240.00

Collectable Hemingway First Edition

As fine a condition as can be found

Green Hills of Africa—Hemingway

1962 edition in the desirable Jonathan Cape format.

Octavo, 284 pages, illustrations by Shenton. Green

boards with “game’ gilt design to front. Top edge

stained green. A few dust jacket light chips and age.

A good copy of a hard to find item.

Hemingway’s safari to Africa in 1933. Lauded as the best

African safari book ever written. Tanzania and up the

Great Rift Valley. The lure of the hunt, the landscape

and beauty of the wilderness. Intermingled with

conversations and view on writers and his writing.

Appreciation for “J P” i.e. Jackson Philip who was his

guide and inspiration behind the character Robert

Wilson “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”

Price $70.00

Green Hills of Africa – true Hemingway

Death in the Afternoon

Hemingway’s classic book on the ceremony

and traditions of Spanish bullfighting.

Contemplates the nature of fear and courage.

Large octavo, 358 pages, plus bibliographical

note. Eighty one reproductions from original

photographs. This issue published by Cape,

London in 1966. A very good copy.

Price $80.00

Bullfighters Delight

Voyager = Thoughtful Gift


WWI Copper Thermos in Original

Leather Casing [Super Condition] –

Captain McCraken

Captain Kenneth McCracken was in the

Royal Field Artillery attached to the

Royal Flying Corps. His service covered

the entire war 1914-1918 so lone of the

few that survived in his dangerous role.

Born in 1895 at Newcastle-Upon Tyne

he was a medical student at Edinburgh

University when war broke out.

The Royal Flying Corp was the air arm

of the British army and it was not until

1918 that it joined the Royal Naval Air

Service to be the Royal Air Force.

McCraken’s was skilled in artillery

observation; so, he was likely an aerial

observer or photographer.

The item is in great condition. The full

leather casing is 25cm by 20cm,

stitching perfect – nicely embossed with

McCraken’s details. The copper thermos

has a ding but is a solid lovely item.

The screw on top is undamaged

Price $290.00

Special WWI Item in great condition

with interesting provenance

[More details on our website]

Call to the Winds – P.G. Taylor

First Edition 1939

Important and scarce aviation book.

“Bill” Taylor’s heroic flight with Kingsford Smith

First edition Angus and Robertson, Sydney,

1939. Octavo, 227 pages, period photographs of

the “Southern Cross”, damaged engine and

propellor and the life saving thermos flask. Very

good copy with impossible to find dust jacket.

Patrick Gordan Taylor (1891-1966) had several

major flight firsts with Kingsford Smith, Charlie

Ulm and Richard Archbold. Known as “Bill”he

joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916.

After WWI he returned to Australia and the start

of commercial aviation activities.

The core of the book is about a flight with

Kingsford Smith and Ulm from Australia to New

Zealand with the view to establishing a mail

service. Mid Tasman the starboard engine failed.

They decided to return to Sydney but into high

winds, the port engine began to overheat

running out of cooling oil. Taylor climbed out

the aircraft along the wire below the wind strut,

with a thermos flask, drained oil from the

starboard engine and transferred it to the port

side. He did this six times before they made a

safe landing back in Sydney.

Price $180.00

Aviation Heroics – Bill Taylor with Kingsford

Smith and Ulm – outside the Southern Cross

(six times) over the Tasman


Ten Droll Tales - Balzac

Illustrated by John de Bosschere

The best rendition of Balzac’s hilarious and

slightly erotic work originally published in 1833.

Fine production from John Lane, Bodley Head,

London. A limited edition published in 1926.

Includes the remarkable decadent art work of

Jean de Bosschere of which 16 are in colour -

in his usual striking palette.

The droll tales include The Venial Sin; The Virgin

of Thilhouse, The Merrie Diversions of King Louis

the Eleventh; The Fair Imperia; The High

Constable’s Wife – must have been fun in the

writing! and the drawing!

Price $180.00

Droll and rather amusing

Beautiful Bosschere illustrations

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Tek Sing Shipwreck Treasure – “Hare Bowl” – 1822

Qing Dynasty decorated bowl recovered by Mike Hatcher from the Tek Sing

shipwreck. A special example.

In our view one of the most interesting Tek sing bowls with the rather cute Hare

image to centre. Large and deep by comparison with others – 16.2cm by 5.8cm

deep. The decorative rim with three panels of scrolls or net-like design.

Chrysanthemum design and bamboo leaves underneath. and bamboo. Very good

condition given its 200 plus years and most of that time underwater. Retains the

Nagel auction and catalogue stickers underneath for provenance.

Price $290.00

A Tek Sing special - Nice strong and uncommon Hare decoration.


The Tek Sing Shipwreck – Background

The Tek Sing (Chinese for “Bright Star”’) was a large Chinese Junk which sank in

1822 in the South China Sea at the Belvidere Shoals. She was 50 meters long, 10

metres wide and weighed a thousand tons. Manned by a crew of 200. The great

loss of life has led to the Tek Sing being referred to as the “Titanic of the East”.

Sailing from the port of Amoy, the Tek Sing bound for Jakarta, with a cargo of

porcelain goods and 1,600 Chinese immigrants. Captain Lo Tauko took a shortcut

through the Gaspar Straits and ran aground on a reef and sank in 100 ft of water.

The next morning and English East Indiaman captained by James Pearl sailing from

Indonesia to Borneo passed through the Gaspar Straits. He found debris from the

sunken Chinese vessel and survivors. They managed to rescue 190 people.

In 1999, marine salvor Mike Hatcher discovered the wreck. His crew raised what

has been described as the largest cache of Chinese porcelain ever recovered. It

was auctioned by Nagle in Stuttgart, Germany the following year


The Governor’s Noble Guest

Hyacinthe de Bougainville’s Account of Port Jackson

Marc Serge Riviere

Beautiful production of the Miegunyah Press.

Published in 1999, large octavo, 291 pages, nicely

illustrated, super fine copy.

Baron Hyacinthe the son of explorer Bougainville

commanded an expedition in 1825 to Macau,

Manilla and New South Wales in the Thetis and

Esperance. This is a translation of his private

diaries. He met Governor Brisbane and many

explorer and notables … Hume, Blaxland, Oxley,

Macarthur, Marsden and Piper. It contains a bit of

an expose as a result.

Price $50.00

Hyacinthe had influence and knew people

The Life of Jean-Francois de La Perouse

Where Fate Beckons.

First edition published by the ABC in 2006. Large

octavo, 292 pages, nicely illustrated . A quality

production printed in heavy paper.

The book on La Perouse, John Dunmore being the

recognised world authority. From his teenage life,

the American War, issues in the Indian Ocean and

the great tragic voyage and the mystery.

Price $40.00

La Perouse by Dunmore

Marion Dufresne

An Officer of the Blue

The French Explorer who was the first to

encounter Tasmanian Aborigines and was a

precursor to the voyages of La Perouse,

d’Entrecasteaux, Baudin and Dumont d’Urville.

This book is more than that it traces his life in

great detail as one would expect from author

Duyker. Chronologies, references, bibliographies

make this a first source. Sought after work.

Price $70.00

Dufresne from start to finish

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Kushan Empire Artefact

(First Century BCE)

Hand Holding a Serpent by the Head

Fragment well carved in the regions red sandstone.

From the Kushan Empire of Northern India and

beyond circa 1 st – 2 nd Century BCE.

Dimensions 10cm by 9cm 8cm [16cm on the stand]

weighs 450gm with the simple stand, all that is

needed to make this unusual sculpture accessible.

Kushan Empire at the centre of the world between

the Roman Empire in the west and the Chinese Han

Empire in the east. They were heavily influenced by

the Greeks and in the earlier years used the Greek

alphabet and language for official matters.

The grip is a little strange but likely the best way to

hold a serpent or snake which students of the

region will know had very special meaning.

Price $390.00

Interesting item for its age, origin and symbolism.

Australian Ashes Cricket Team 1934 [Bradman, Woodfull, Ponsford]

Unusual Original Advertising Memorabilia.

Significant size 50cm x 25cm will frame and display nicely – fragile so handle carefully.

One of the most usual pieces of period advertising we have come across.

With the strong message “Well laundered sportswear gives confidence” we are told to

“Send your cricket and tennis flannels and Ladies sports frocks”.

Nice image of the team, not all in baggy green and a strangely suited L Darling.

Australia won the 1934 Ashes in England. Bradman and Ponsford scored partnerships of

388 at Headingly and 452 at the Oval to take the urn.

Price $160.00

Bradman 1934 Ashes treasure – how has it survived?


De Re Metallica –

Georgius Agricola – the Hoover Translation.

This is the second printing of the famous Hoover

translation of the equally famous 16 th Century work by

Georgius Agricola on all things then known in mining,

metallurgy, geology etc.

Longer title … De re Metallica translated from the first

Latin edition of 1556 with biographical introduction,

annotations and appendices upon the development of

mining methods, metallurgical processes, geology,

mineralogy & mining law from the earliest times to

the 16 th century by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou

Henry Hoover.

This edition, large royal octavo blue cloth covered

boards, 638 pages after xxxi preliminaries, illustrated

throughout from the images of the original wood

engravings, simply superb. Dust jacket closed tear at

top front otherwise pretty good, a very good copy

overall. Quite a heavy book which will require and

Overseas postage supplement.

The series of books within the book (an early style) I

Arguments against the art of mining II The miner and

the mining of veins III Veins and stringers and seams in

rocks IV The method of delimiting veins and the

functions of the mining officials V The digging of ore

and the Surveyor’s art VI The miner’s tools and

machines VII The assaying of ore VIII Rules for the

work of roasting, crushing, and washing the ore IX

Methods of smelting ores X the work of separating

silver from gold, and lead from gold and silver XI

Separating silver from copper XII rules for

manufacturing salt, soda, alum, vitriol, sulphur,

bitumen, and glass … Agricola’s works – Ancient

authors on mineralogy, mining, metallurgy-

Nomenclature to be adopted for weights etc.

There is so much to admire about this book … the date

of the foundation work, its breadth and quality, the

learning from the engravings. Strangely maybe we

particularly like the section on pumps in mines –

essential equipment for water bound mines and the

ingenuity pre powered machines is very interesting.

Regarding the translation – what a job done by Hoover

(s). The difficulty must have been great – for example

Agricola struggled to find Latin equivalents for many

mining terms so had to contrive them from everyday

Latin – Hoover then had to decipher these once and

only Latin words – unsurprising his hair was depleted.

Price $140.00

De Re Metalicca – The Foundation Work for all Mining

and related – the readable version

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Portraiture of Socrates – Catherall - 1717

Scarce and one of the great 18 th Century scholarly works re Socrates. Longer title from

front – Eikon Sokratike Or, a Portraiture of Socrates, Extracted out of Plato.

In Blank Verse by Sam. Catherall, A.B. and Fellow Oriel College, Oxon.

Unbound as issued, amazing even though very worn, that it has survived in this form for

over three hundred years. Printed at Oxford by Lichfield and Peisley and sold by Knapton

et al Booksellers in London 1717. Carries the “Imprimatur” of Jo. Baron Vice-Can, Oxon

Ball. [Balliol] College Oxon June 17, 1717. Octavo, sewn as issued, 6, 53, pages, old water

stain now faded. Ownership signature dated 1726 on title.

The Preface by the translator is so humble. He explains his approach, omissions and

limitations … obviously a great fan of Plato and Socrates.

There are 36 “Dialogues” by Plato with Socrates as the central character – here we have

Socrates at the Bar (Trial); Socrates in Prison; Socrates Discoursing on the Immorality of

the Soul with Crito, and Simmias; Socrates about to drink Poison, Discoursing with Crito in

the Presence of all his Friends ... interesting the work ends FINIS … which it did.

Price $290.00

Socrates by Plato and then Catherall at Oxford – 1717 – the pointy bits



Australia (Our Colonies)

Magic Lantern Slide Set – c1905.

By W. Butcher & Sons, London (1870-1906). Sold as a set of

eight in cardboard box with Lecture Reading notes.

Standard size 3.5in by 3.5in. Images square with rounded

corners, original mounting tape. Very bright colouring, super

condition apart from a crack in one. Slides comprise:

Government House Melbourne

Sydney Harbour

Gold Mining Past and Present

Sheep Shearing

Richmond River [Northern NSW]

In the Bush

A Kangaroo Hunt

Australian Aborigines

Image of aborigines includes a proud Murray River Warrior

derived from a photograph taken in 1880 by Samuel White

Sweet. Resplendent in a possum skin coat holding a fighting

waddy and decorated malcarra (shield) and string bag the

subject cuts a proud figure. Maggs are currently seeing a

collection including the photograph – eye watering $.

Gold mining slide is super albeit cracked with an image of

the old time cradle against the mechanised Ballarat mines.


Australia as it was seen over100 years ago.

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Tasmanian Classic

A Hundred Years of Yachting

Webster and Norman –1936

A very good copy of this prized first edition.

Published by the Hobart Marine Board in 1936.

Large format octavo (24.4cm x 16.5cm), 256

pages, illustrated throughout.

The hundred years references the first Hobart

Regatta held in December 1838, so they

jumped the starting gun a little. We excuse

them for that as it is a fabulous record of the

love of yachting on the River Derwent.

Price $250.00

Perhaps Hobarts most important yachting

collectable in ship shape condition.

Tasmanian - Sea Wolves and Bandits

L. Norman

Maybe our favourite Tasmanian book. Published by Walch,

Hobart in 1946. Large octavo, 208 pages illustrated with

images from early photographs … many maritime, early

buildings of note and key identities and groups etc…

Starts with “Chronology of Curious and Interesting Facts”

good introductory reading. Then .. Privateering; Military

Camps; Duelling; Railways; Bicycling; Sealers and Wreckers;

Smuggling and Piracy; Early Banditry; Brigands of the

Twenties; First Hobart Town Whaler … and much more

Price $90.00

Tasmanian Maritime History Treasure

The Tasmanian Trading Ketch – Garry Kerr

Another Voyager favourite – what better looking boat?

Self published in 1987. Small quarto, 179 pages, very

special illustrations of images and technical drawings

of these fine craft, end paper charts. Very good copy.

The author a crayfisherman who developed an interest

in writing from oral history – what a combination.

Super sections on the design, hull form, lofting and

building. Sails and sailing follow with yarns about

plying there trade and the showing at regattas. And,

life on board and the inevitable mishaps.

Price $45.00

Wonderful book on a wonderful vessel.


The Moth Hunters

Aboriginal Prehistory of the Australian Alps –

Josephine Flood.

First edition of this important work – history of the

Aboriginal people who inhabited south-eastern Australia.

Published by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal

Studies, Canberra 1980. Large sized soft cover, 388

pages. Well illustrated with diagrams, images from photographs

and sketches, maps, tables etc.

Chapters on – archaeological background; geographical

setting; ethnohistorical evidence; demography; material

culture; of Moths and Men; tribal territories; rock art;

settlement patterns; Canberra, Alps, southern uplands;

stone assemblages of open campsites etc etc.

Near the end we have commentary on the excavation of

nine rocks shelters. Followed by numerous appendices re

specific understandings and discoveries – a wealth of

information and a most rewarding book.

Price $240.00

Readable most comprehensive work of

Australian Aboriginal pre-history.

Australian Private Press:

The Dying Stockman – A Ballad …

with Notes by Hugh Anderson and Lino

Cuts by Ronald Edwards – No 1 of The

Black Bull Chapbooks from The Ram’s

Skull Press – Signed Limited No 50 of 75.

Quite a story. Ron Edwards eventually be

given an OAM for his lifetime of work

preserving Australian bush heritage. The

Rams Skull Press still exists and is run by

Ron’s son out of the Brisbane Valley. Ron

himself moved from Fern Tree, Victoria

to equally beautiful Kuranda behind

Cairns before he packed his bags.

This first of firsts printed in hand set

Baskerville on Tudor Antique paper by

R.G. Edwards at the sign of the Rams

Skull Press … Lording Street, Lower

Ferntree Fully, Victoria … limitation ..

February, 1954.

Comprising music score, illustrated with

woodcuts, hand sewn with ties, preserved

inside original goatskin covers. A

few insect nibbles to goatskin, otherwise

all in excellent condition.

The verses are The Dying Stockman;

Rosin the Beau; The Tarpaulin Jack and

The Dying Digger … a bit of dying but

they seemed to have had a good life and

needed few possessions.

Price $190.00

Scarce wondrous Australian bush verses

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Siluria - Sir Roderick Murchison

First Edition — 1854

The History of the Oldest Fossiliferous Rocks

and Their Foundations; with a Brief Sketch of

the Distribution of Gold Over the Earth.

Very good copy of the first edition

published by John Murray, London in 1854.

Thick Royal Octavo, bound in full leather,

green leather title label, gilt decorations to

compartments on the spine. Marbled end

papers, marbling continuing to the page edges;

boards with decorative gilding to front, back

and edges. 523 pages after preliminaries, 37

lithographed plates of the principal Silurian

fossils, descriptive letterpress, folding world

map at page 475. Folding Geological Map of the

Silurian Rocks in pocket at rear.

The coloured folding map (53cm by 43cm)

published Murray drawn by J.W. Lowry and

lithographed by Vincent Brooks is a first edition

dated 1853 of the Geological Map of the Silurian

Rocks and overlying formations as developed in

Wales and the Adjacent Parts of England,

chiefly prepared for the Geological Survey of

Great Britain. It is in very good condition, cloth

backed likely at the time of binding.

The plates are well executed, many by James

De Carle Sowerby (1787-1872).

Roderick Impey Murchison (1792-1871) was an

incredible individual. Scottish born, was sent to

Durham for schooling. Joined the military and

at 16 was in the Peninsula War. In 1818 he met

Sir Humphrey Davy who persuaded him to

pursue science. He joined the Royal Geological

Society … his colleagues included, Buckland,

Lyell and Darwin. He worked with Lyell on the

geology of the Alps. In the 1830’s he did much

research in and around the England Wales

border and through that established the Silurian

system and then went on to categorise the

Devonian and Permian systems.

Murchison new several Cornish miners who

went to Australia to explore for gold. In 1845

they sent samples to Murchison.

He won the Royal Society Copley Medal, the

Geological Society Wollaston Medal, and the

Edinburgh Brisbane Medal. Also, many overseas

awards. Founder and President of the Royal

Geographical Society.

A crater on the Moon is named after him as well

as geographical features in Greenland, USA,

Canada, Antarctica, Uganda. In Australia the

Murchison River with its tributaries named,

Roderick and Impey.

Price $690.00

Murchison—The “King of Siluria”

First Edition Cornerstone Geology.


First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea

George Collingridge -1906

The Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian

Regions, between the Years 1492-1606, with descriptions of

their old charts. Includes 16th century voyages to the spice

islands and the discovery of New Guinea, the Villalobos

Expedition and further discoveries in Papua, Jave-le-Grande

and the early map of Australia, maps of Pierre Descelier, and

Deslien. The discovery of the Solomons by Mendana and

Sarmiento with an early map and of course Queiroz voyage

to Espiritu- Santo and Torres and his important discoveries.

Frontispiece map and many others mostly coloured plus

black and white illustrations and a useful chronology.


Collingridge on the early discoveries.

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Rare Large Sized Microscope Size – Lantern Fly - China

No date or maker but this presentation was a specialty in the late Victorian /

Edwardian era. Reference Bracegirdle shows a number of “outsized” examples

but none quite like this. 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches lantern slide sized.

In modern terms known as the spotted lantern fly. The insect is on the move

and a potential threat in Australia – modelling has shown that it could survive

well in western and north-western Victoria. When we say a threat, it was

endemic to China and Vietnam but moved into South Korea in 2006, Japan in

2009 and the USA in 2014 … so the move is on.

Here the little blighter is beautifully preserved in Canda Balsam … we know that

CB was the mounters choice due its quality and the narrative says so.

Price $180.00

A microscopical rarity oversized mount of the Spotted Lantern Fly.



Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Blason

ou Code Heraldique – Pautet – 1854

Special Fine Leather Binding from

The Convent of the Birds – Notre Dame

Published in 1854, octavo, 340 pages and ten

extraordinary multi folding plates. Bound in crimson

leather, raised bands to spine five compartments,

separate title label, gilt decorations to compartments,

author’s name at top and binder’s name at bottom.

Front and back boards panelled in gilt, heraldic shield

to front, page edges richly gilt.

Carries the unusual and large bookplate of the “Maison

des Oiseux” which shows two kneeling angels adoring

flaming hearts, one pierced by a dagger the other

crown of thorns …engraved by Chezoud, Paris.

Long regarded as an important work on Heraldry and

French Coat of Arms made by its impressive engravings

– in a binding to die for.

Price $180.00

Heraldry French style dressed to impress

for the Convent of the Birds

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


The Itinerary of

Ludovico di Varthema of Bologna from

1502 to 1508;

With a Discourse on Varthema and His Travels

in Southern Asia by Sir Richard Carnac Temple

– Argonaut Press Limited Numbered

Edition 1928 – Edited Penzer

This was the fourth work in a superb series of

historical travel and exploration accounts by

the Argonaut Press.

Limited to 975 copies printed on Japon

Vellum printed by Walter Lewis at the

University Press, Cambridge – number 642.

Well bound quarto, blue cloth covered boards

quarter backed in vellum, titles gilt to spine

and a lovely gilt embossed image to front

taken from the original 16 th Century work.

Effectively two works – the lengthy

“Discourse” after introductions ... preface,

tables, analysis etc of lxxxv (85 pages) then

work itself from the 19 th Century Badger/

Winter translation 121 pages, including useful

index. Useful maps where appropriate in the

discourse. Very good near fine copy.

Verthema travelled at the time of Drake and

Magellan which provides perspective and in

1502 he went from Italy to Egypt and Syria

and then to Arabia Deserta [Damascus,

Medina, Jedda etc] … then in 1503 to Arabia

Feliz [Aden, Dhamar, Lahaj etc] and on to

Ethiopia in 1504. By later that year he was in

Persia [Hormuz, Muscat etc] and India

[Gogha, Cambay, Chaul, Calicut etc] Then to

Ceylon in 1505 ... Bengal and east to the

Malacca and the Spice Islands, Java and

Borneo. On his way back he assisted the

Portuguese in various skirmishes – they being

the dominant invasive force at the time. Back

home in 1507 via Mozambique.

What makes this book extra interesting is the

history of the translations and the impact of

early “reviewers” views. The original work

was in Italian, translated to Latin and then

English by Richard Eden in 1577. Various

others held views and the influential traveller

Garcia da Orta Poo Pooed Varthema’s

account. Because of this at one time account

was thought to be full of fiction … not so and

this book goes a long way to settle the myth

and put Verthema back where he belongs as a

truly remarkable early traveller.

His story of being chased by elephants in

Africa is worth the read alone.

Price $190.00

Verthema’s extensive early 16 th Century

Travels – Once Poo Pooed – but now true.


Encyclopedia of the Antarctic

Beau Riffenburgh

Published by Routledge in 2006;

two-volumes regarded as the font

of all things Antarctica. Substantial

effort; one hundred contributors.

Quarto,1,272 pages overall heavily

illustrated with all sorts; maps,

charts, diagrams etc. Very good.

Elements relating to the History of

Exploration and History of Polar

Science are our favourites. Other

topics include … Atmosphere;

Birds; Conservation; Geography;

Glaciology; Technology; Oceans;

Physics and Astronomy etc.

Price $480.00

It is all here in the Encyclopedia of

the Antarctic – a winter’s reading

“The Arabian Nights” - Sir Richard Francis Burton’s Translation

The Book of the Thousand Nights and A Night &

The Supplemental Nights to the Thousand Nights and A Night

Sixteen Volumes — Complete Dual Set

To many one of the greatest men to live in the Victorian era Sir Richard Francis

Burton- Adventurer, Explorer, Linguist extraordinaire… published the first ten

volume work in 1885 and the additional six volumes between 1886 and 1888.

Believed by scholars of the work to be the best available translation of the

existing old texts. Enhanced understanding by the adding of extensive footnotes

and references. Printed privately for “subscribers only” and “The Burton Club”

was formed. This undated set likely 1920’s. Complete and in good condition.

Price $490.00

All of the Nights in captivating Burton Language.

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Antique French Microscope c1860

[Nachet – see Billings Collection]

A nice mid 19thC microscope with original

box. Likely by the French maker Nachet of

Paris. Original lacquer in rather good

condition. Functioning well.

Similar to the Billings Collection Fig 125,

page 67. Billings states makers unknown but

suggests Nachet or Hartnack both of Paris

and circa 1860’s.

Also, online “History of the Microscope”

shows three examples of which this is the

larger – refer to English maker Steward as

something similar but recognise a French

maker re this specific style.

The microscope arises from a painted green

and gold-toned weighted foot via a ball and

socket joint to the bottom of the pillar. A

small knob on the food adjusts the tension on

the ball and socket joint to lock the position

of inclination. The single sided gimbaled

mirror attached to the pillar via a pin.

Focusing of the main tube is by a knurled

knob acting on the rack and pinion. On the

tube there is a jointed arm with a bullseye

condenser. The objective “French” button

type, compounding. Under the stage a

revolving disc of diaphragms for moderating

light, above the stage a casing with a

lyre-shaped slide clip. Stands eleven inches

fully closed.

The original box retains its original sections,

has some cracks and age about it but is \authentic

and has kept the microscope all this

time in very good condition.

Camille Sebastien Nachet was a Parisian

optician early 19th Century. He began

producing lenses for the famous microscope

manufacturer Chevalier and later set up his

own small business at 16 Rue Serpente,

Paris. Nachet produced his first instruments

based on the drum style.

Camille Nachet was succeeded by his son

Jean Alfred 1831-1908, likely the maker of

this instrument. Jean Alfred is recognised

with Chevalier and Oberhauser as one of the

three leading makers in Paris at this time.

Price $340.00

Unusual French microscope

over 150 years old — great condition


Antarctica – Reginald Ford

An unusual facsimile presentation of one of the rarest heroic era publications –

the tiny book “Antarctica” which was originally published in New Zealand in 1906.

Boxed set of items by the Erskine Press issued in 2015 .. two postcards – Discovery in

Winter Quarters from a painting by Wilson and a map of the islands of Antarctic by

Power; a broadsheet advertising the lecture “Farthest South” by Ford. Twelve page

biography of Ford by Crispin de Boos. The facsimile book linen card covers, 32 pages

numerous images – a faithful facsimile including the odd stain of the original.

Ford was a steward on the Discovery Expedition and the first person to break his leg on

the Antarctic - skiing. On return he acted as Scott’s secretary lecture tour.

Price $85.00

Try to find an original if you can –

Next best thing is this unusual collection from the Polar specialists Erskine Press.

Matthew Flinders Private Journal


the Mitchell Library Manuscript

Deluxe Genesis Publications with Hedley Australia

in 1986. Quarter leather bound, gilt Flinders to

front, title to spine, raised bands, page edges richly

gilt, quality of Genesis. Fine condition.

Folio, 365 pages of facsimile and useful index at the

end … Ingleton’s introductory note helps one into

the manuscript. This is Flinders in Mauritius

incarcerated by the French on his way to England to

complete his charts which would change the name

of the lucky country to Australia. His hand very

readable … and the index helps.

He did have his freedom removed, he had a

comfortable time of it .. albeit lengthy.

Price $190.00

Flinders in Mauritius beautifully presented.

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Fossil Fern [Osmundacaulis pruchnikki]

Lune River Tasmania –

Rare unusual Jurassic 182 Million years old.

Significant piece in terms of size and quality of

petrified tree fern “Osmundacaulis pruc-nikki”

from Lune River deep in the southern Tasmania.

The dating to the early Jurassic Period (182 Ma) by

isotopic measurements of zircons in the volcanic

sandstone hosting the fossils.

A substantial piece weighing 362gm length circa

11cm – by 5cm. The extremity is cleaved in the

centre of the oval plant core and the core can be

side clearly running down one side and on top.

Twelve paratypes (arborescent) ferns and one

bracken-like (rhizomatous) fern have been found.

The tree ferns belong to the genus Osmundacaulis.

This paratype exhibits clear and tight trachioles

The species evolved in the region, the

Australian portion of Pangea.

Price $290.00

Large fossil tree fern Jurassic Tasmania.


Geology and Mineralogy

William Buckland—1837

Published in London by William Pickering in 1837 –

2 Volumes complete bound in half black Morocco

over marbled papered boards, gilt titles, volume

numbers and designs to spine. In very good

condition, the condition of the plates terrific.

Large octavo, xvi, 618 pages; vii, 129 pages, 69

plates [2 folding]

The volumes as lavishly illustrated with a famous

multiple fold out plate in excess of a metre long

beautifully hand coloured demonstrating various

geological structures [one of the best executed

coloured plates of the period.

Rev William Buckland (1784-1856) an exceptional

individual – a Fellow of the Royal Society, President

of the Royal Geological Society. His interest in

geology and paleontology led him to write the first

full account of a fossil dinosaur which he named

Megalosarurus. He discovered the Kirkdale cave and

concluded that it had been a prehistoric hyena den

– for which he was awarded the Copley Medal by

the Royal Society. This work was written just prior

to his awakening that certain geological structures

and fossil remains were a result of glaciation and

not the effect of floodwaters from the great

deluge. Buckland was a friend of a young Charles

Darwin - there must have been some very

interesting conversations.

Price $440.00

Buckland’s Great Work on Geology and Paleontology

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Vous Dites Cancan II – Pochoir -1913

A striking “Pochoir”, Vous Dites Cancan II, by Charles Martin (1884–1934) for

the Gazette du Bon 1913. Designs by John Redfern (1853 – 1929).

An afternoon dress for the races in pole print, an envelope jacket, closed by a

single large button from which hangs a scarf and from the sleeves hang two

acorns. Stunning colour choice heightened with gold.

Price $290.00 Framed $180.00 unframed

Striking design “at the races” pochoir


Fine Apothecary/ Medical Cabinet –

c1850- Godfrey & Cooke London

[Established 1680]

finely polished mahogany medical cabinet

retailed by Godfrey and Cooke, London in

the Victorian era. Campaign style brass

handle and recess, working lock with original

key [not to be lost]. Lovely red velvet

padded interior, with two finely crafted

lift out stacking trays. compartments

around the inside contain eleven glass

medical bottles all with ground glass stoppers.

Top tray contains period apothecary

scales and a good set of weights [2,1 and

½ Drams; 2,1 Scruples and 6,5,4,3,2,1

and ½ Grains]. Lower larger tray contains

a glass pestle and mortar, two lidded jars

and three small ground glass stoppered

bottles. Below this tray is a void containing

a tiny measuring cylinder in a

shagreen case and an old dropper.

The cabinet is unmarked, 26.5cm by

15cm by 14cm high; weighs 3.5 kgs. The

internal items are in as good a condition

as you will get, one stopper with a chip

the rest undamaged. Three stoppers fused

in place – we are not going to force them.

The back story is worth a movie.

Ambrose Godfrey-Hanckwutz (1660-1741)

born in Kothen, Germany. At nineteen,

already married, he moved to London to

be assistant to Robert Boyle founding

member of The Royal Society, described

as the first chemist. He reduced his name

to Ambrose Godfrey to assimilate. His

primary task with Boyle was to discover

the method of making phosphorous –

which involves an intriguing story [too

long for here]. He was successful, and

much money was made which allowed him

to set up his own chemist’s at the Sign of

the Phoenix, Covent Garden. On his death

in 1741 his sons took over the business

and then in turn a nephew of the same

name. On his death in 1797 the business

was bought by Charles Cooke and became

Godfrey and Cooke on Conduit Street and

later the Royal Arcade, Bond Street.

Price $1,590.00

Fine fitted 19thC London apothecary/

Many More Images on our Website


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Mother Goose and Her Friends

Adventures in the Old Woman’s Shoe

Maude Warren and Eve Davenport

illustrated by Charles Federer

Absurdly wonderful book of tales, published by

Hodder & Stoughton, first of type 1923.

Large thick octavo, 309 pages, with ten lovely

tipped in coloured plates, fancy end papers,

coloured plate pasted to front board. A trifle

age otherwise really a super copy, by any

standards good for a book over a century old.

Traditional children’s stories with no prejudice

and lots of positive messages and lots of fun.

Old King Cole was a Merry Old Soul [and he

was] and Simple Simon’s Pie-man had a very

large pie on his head.

Price $60.00

Stories for children that you can rely on.

Billabong Riders—Mary Grant Bruce

This is the first UK edition published in 1952,

having been published in Australia in 1942.

An absolutely clean copy with a perfect dust

jacket … given the time period of over 70 year

something special .. would make great gift.

Octavo, 192 pages, frontispiece like the jacket

cover. We have gushed about the quality, put up

with previous owners book label at the front.

This is all about the riders of Billabong the

authors special place that defines real Australia

to many … full of character and characters.

Understand it before tall buildings take over.

Price $35.00

One for the bush or the curious city dweller.


“The Wicked Mate”

The Antarctic Diary of Victor Campbell

Victor Campbell was on Robert Scott’s Terra Nova

Expedition. He led the Northern Party, six men

who explored King Edward VII Land. Spent ten

months at Cape Adare and then Inexpressible

Island, a stormy desolate place. Marooned over

the winter they holed up in an man made ice

cave. As the weather eased they returned over

230 miles of sea ice.

Campbell’s papers and diary are at the University

of Newfoundland. Edited by King who was the

librarian at the Scott Polar Institute, illustrated

with Campbell’s sketches and photographs, many

not published elsewhere.

Published by cold weather specialists Erskine

Press. Large squarish format octavo, 192 pages,

All in fine condition.

Price $80.00

Victor Campbell’s Antarctic Diaries

The Northern Party

Polar Castaways – The Ross Sea Party

A through account of the Shackleton 1914

expedition Ross Sea Party. The Aurora escaped its

winter moorings and left the men stranded yet they

still went about their task laying depot’s for

Shackleton’s attempt at the first right across.

Three of the ten men died and it took perennial

Captain J.K. Davis to rescue them

Price $35.00

First time Ross Sea Party fully explained

Trial By Ice

The Antarctic Journals of John King Davis

The collectable Erskine Press 1997

edition in fine condition. The greatest Ship’s

Captain of the Heroic Antarctic era with

seven voyages from 1907 to 1930. Unrivalled

experience in Ice Navigation. Stern discipline

earned him the nickname “Gloomy Davis”.

This book, taken from his journals provides an

interesting contrast to those of Mawson.

Price $80.00

Maybe Gloomy but Very Good

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Goldscheider Deco Lady Bookends – c1940

Simply superb, a rare pair of ceramic bookends by Marcel Goldscheider.

The Goldscheider family through Friedrich Goldscheider started their ceramics

business in Vienna in 1885. It soon developed an enviable reputation for quality and

leading art in its form. They opened outposts in Paris, Leipzig and Florence creating

masterpieces in Art Nouveau and Art Deco. They were also commissioned by

Rosenthal and Meissen.

With the “writing in the wall” the family left Vienna in 1938. Brother Walter went to

the USA and started a factory at Trenton, New Jersey. Marcel went to England and

the ceramic heartland at Stoke to work alongside Myott.

The bookends are free of any damage, are signed Goldscheider Staffordshire. They

are beautifully formed with a very feminine Goldscheider look. They appear to be

slightly different – one lady her head slightly cocked, evidencing a truly crafted

piece. Nicely hand painted not in a fully like for like manner which adds to the

special feel. They are roughly 11cm cube and weigh circa 850gm the pair.

Price $440.00

Goldscheider Deco Ladies a rare find and in fine condition.



Surveyor’s Prismatic Compass

Stanley Retailed by Winsor & Newton c1900

Large working surveyor’s prismatic compass.

Blackened brass design 11.0 cm in diameter,

weighs 500gm. Engraved on the case lid

“Winsor & Newton Ltd, London”. This is the

famous supplier or art materials and likely

relates to a foray by them into materials for

surveying / cartography etc. We cannot find

another example of a Winsor labelled

instrument, so the initiative was likely short

lived. We put the manufacturer as Stanley as

there are example of similar instruments by

them in the suggested period.

A super instrument with the added element

of fixtures allowing solar measurement or

very high vertical objects – see more below.

The sighting arm still contains its “horsehair”

and lifts and extends stays in the vertical

position. It has the added feature of the

variable angled mirror on a rail that runs up

and down the sighting arm for high items or

solar observations. There is a “fixing” button

at the bottom of the sighting ram to lock the

compass for solid reading.

Hinged prism housing moves to its operating

position over the base plate. With the

compass held steady the notch on the

refractor body is aligned with the horsehair

on the arm. A compass reading can be taken

through the magnified refractor lens.

Attached to the arm are two moveable

coloured glass filters in red and amber for

solar work and contrast

The silvered compass dial rotates freely, and

the glass is free of scratches.

Below the compass is a short, threaded arm

for fitting to a surveyor’s pole or equivalent.

Bar a short scratch and a little wear to the

blackened cover, fine condition.

Price $190.00

Large early prismatic compass with

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


The Northern Hero – 1786 — No 18 in Ferguson

Being a Faithful Narrative of the Life, Adventures, and Deceptions, of

James George Semple, Commonly called Major Semple.

Extremely scarce, despite being introduced as a “New Edition” with the circumstances of

Each Fraud, and the Names of the Parties injured.

title continues Major Semple .. alias Major Harrold, Major Maxwell, Major Grant, Major

Cunningham, Major Winter etc. With and account of his Devices at Lord Salisbury’s, Sir

Thomas Dundass’s, and Mr Pitt’s. Also the various Inventions by which he obtained Goods

of Tradesmen. The Whole supported by indisputable Authority, with the Names of the

Persons who were the Objects of his Depredations. Likewise … an Account of his Trial

Before Mt Justice Gould and the Recorder at the Old Bailey on Saturday September 2 for

defrauding Mr John Lycett, Coach-maker, in Whitechapel, of a Post-chaise, value fifty

Guineas, of which he was Convicted.

Published by G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, 1786. Octavo, half title, frontispiece with engraving

by Barlow of Semple in the dock, full title, book advertisements 2 pages, dedication from

Compiler 1 page, blank 1 page, list of content 5 pages and Errata 1 page, 90 pages text.

Bound in quarter mottled polished leather with lavish marbled paper covered boards,

corners bumped. Date in gilt bottom of spine, gilt on tanned leather title label a later

addition. A really delightful binding. Carries previous ownership bookplates of bibliophiles

Nanyce Kent Perry and Dr George Mackaness.

Major Semple was a bit of a rogue and a classy one at that. His final comeuppance rested

on the fact the it was found that he intended to steal a coach … his defence was that it was

a debt that he couldn’t pay … he lost and was sentenced to Botany Bay. Slipped ship at Rio!

Price $390.00

Priceless Semple … off to Botany Bay in 1786 … well almost!


Antique Surgical Tracheotomy Set – Downs Brothers – c 1910

A nice complete cased set of tracheotomy instruments by Downs Brothers, London.

Case identifies the maker and their premises opposite Guy’s Hospital.

Comprising two ebony handled retractors, ebony handled scalpel and tracheotomy

forceps, all with makers mark. The dilating forceps are after a design by Dr St Clair

Thomson, Professor Laryngology at King’s College. Three silvered tracheotomy cannulae

of differing sizes. Housed in the original custom velvet lined box truly authentic.

Down Brothers was founded in 1874 with premises opposite Guy’s Hospital, London.

Price $290.00

Quality antique surgical Instrument from a leading London maker

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

[Music Theme] Violin and Score Bookends

By Marion Bronze c1930-40’s

Delightful pair of weighty bookends. Stand 10cm tall and weigh a hefty 2.4kg the pair.

Overall, pretty good condition. A great present for the music lover. Made by Marion and

Arthur France in their cottage factory in New Jersey.

A Mom and Pop business. Marion and Arthur France started making bookends and other

decorative items in 1922 in the sheds behind their house at Metuchen, New Jersey. They

continued to do this until the mid-1950’s when the business was put up for sale.

The image of the house comes from the business sale document which Voyager found

through a website run by Marion and Arthur’s grandchildren who could remember waiting

on the porch – for Grandpa to finish his daily toil in the shed at the back of the yard.

Price $380.00

Unusual weighty bookends by Marion and Arthur




Peter Carey – First Edition 1981

Very good copy of the first edition of Peter

Carey’s first novel Bliss published by the

University of Queensland Press in 1981.

Also published by Faber in London and

Harper in the New York. Our preferred

edition the thoughtful Queensland Press.

Peter Carey argued by many as Australia’s

best modern era writer. Born in Bacchus

Marsh in the 1940’s, living variously

throughout Australia then New York and

London. Before becoming a literary

success worked for many years in

advertising writing pretty good copy.

Unsurprisingly the protagonist of Bliss was

an advertising executive Harry Joy. Harry

dies from a heart attack but is brought

back to life … as a consequence his view of

what went on and what was around him

changed. Life was Hell actually and it took

meeting Honey to fix that. Bliss was

received with great acclaim and won the

Miles Franklin Award.

Carey went on to win the Miles Franklin

award three times and is one of only five

authors to have won the Booker twice.

Price $80.00

A First Edition of Peter Carey’s First Novel

– the scarce Queensland Edition

My Life as a Fake

Peter Carey – First edition

Published by Knopf, Sydney in 2003.

A first edition in great condition.

Octavo, 280 pages, rough cut edges

(trendy) as published. Unusual endpapers

one half Kuala Lumpur image

other stark pink.

Given an international mystic flavour

this book is partly based on the real

life faking of the poet Ern Malley by

the promotors of the superb Angry

Penguins. Not only was the poet Ern

Malley a fake he was also considered

a bit rude which got the inventors

into a little bit of trouble.

The works of Bob McCorkie the

invention of Christopher Chubb who

wants to teach the pretentious a

lesson. There is a twist though and it

has something to do with the saying

… “be careful what you wish for”.

When we say twist – it is Peter Carey

so more to it that that.

Price $60.00

Peter Carey First edition

maybe our favourite.

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m


Website: www.voyagerhobart.com

Contact: Voyager Bill at info@voyagerhobart.com

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