KNIGHT ERRANT | DELTADelta Chi’s 2024 RegionalLeadership Academy:A New Era in Leadership DevelopmentIn January 2024, Delta Chi embarked on a groundbreakingtransformation in its leadership development efforts bylaunching the first-ever Regional Leadership Academy(RLA). This program marked a departure from thetraditional two-day Regional Leadership Conferences(RLCs), which had been a long-standing pillar of theFraternity’s leadership training. The RLA format, a moreintensive three-day experience, set a new standard forpreparing undergraduate members to excel in leadership,recruitment, and chapter management.Purpose and VisionThe creation of the RLA was driven by a commitment toenhancing the undergraduate experience within Delta Chi.The primary objective was to better equip active memberswith the skills and confidence they need to lead theirDale Carnegie Scholars -Laurel Wreath RecipientThe Delta Chi Dale Carnegie Scholars program was the 2024recipient of the Laurel Wreath Award, which recognizesunique programs, community outreach, or influence within thefraternal world. NIC gave the following statement regardingthe program:The Dale Carnegie Scholars program is a testament to theorganization’s core values of promoting friendship, developingcharacter, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisitionof a sound education. The positive impact of the program hasquickly been felt within the organization as a whole, as DaleCarnegie Scholars have more often than not become chapterand community leaders, applied and been hired for staffpositions with Delta Chi and have committed to the overallgrowth of the organization.chapters and uphold the fraternity’s values. By providingspecialized training for all chapter leaders alongside theprestigious Delta Chi Dale Carnegie Scholars program, theRLA aimed to foster personal and professional growth in astructured, impactful environment.Program OverviewThe RLA was hosted in four key locations from January12 to 15, 2024, during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.The sites were strategically selected to ensure participationacross all regions, allowing for a diverse and comprehensiveexperience.RLA 2024 ImpactThe 2024 RLA saw an impressive turnout, with over 750undergraduate participants from 103 chapters. Despite winterweather disruptions, attendance remained strong, with anoverall participation rate of 85-95% across all locations.Participants left the program with action plans tailored totheir chapter’s needs, covering areas such as manpowergrowth, alumni engagement, and chapter operations. Theseplans were designed to help chapters implement practicalsolutions and ensure accountability through clear deadlinesand support systems.Feedback and ResultsThe majority of respondents praised the opportunities toengage with brothers from other chapters, as well as theleadership development and strategic planning sessions.Key learning outcomes included:• Preparedness for officer roles: 70.8% of attendees felt moreprepared to serve as officers.• Confidence in leadership skills: 75.9% reported increasedconfidence in their ability to make a positive impact.• Understanding of accountability: 78.5% gained a deeperunderstanding of the importance of accountability withintheir chapters.Looking ForwardThe success of the 2024 RLA has set a strong foundation forfuture leadership training within Delta Chi. With Regionsvoting to continue the program in 2025, the Fraternity ispoised to build on the lessons learned, providing even morefocused and impactful officer training.
119Lifetime Giving – Taking it to the Next LevelA heartfelt thank you goesout to all of the donors of theDCF! We want to thank andcongratulate all donors whoachieved a new lifetime givinglevel since October 21, 2023(through October 16, 2024)!2nd Degree New FounderDavid C. Cloutier, Embry-RiddleFei Phil Yang, AbracadabraMichael L. Carroll, AuburnNew FounderBoyd Wayne Boehlje, Iowa StateDonald E. La Plante, Southern CAThe Knight ErrantGeorge A. Preussel, HuntsvilleJames P. Hunter, Embry-RiddleJohn M. Hairston, Mississippi StateMartlet ClubAndrew R. Haggerty, New Mexico StateDavid R. Edwards, Georgia SouthernFrancis R. Bradley, III, TexasJ. Donald Turk, FloridaJoseph Lawrence Stevens, GA SouthernW. Dean Wilkerson, Louisiana TechHand and Key ClubAndre J. Roques, HuntsvilleJonathan K. Sattler, Appalachian StateKenneth T. McCoig, Embry-RiddleTravis J. Covey, Esq., New Mexico StateWilliam F. Yull, III, WhitewaterOrder of the ScimitarJames P. Sheahan, MissouriBrendan S. Shields-Shimizu, Southern CACarlton Conrad, MiamiEric L. Kerstetter, AuburnHoward P. Thomas, AugustaHoward S. Baulch, S.M.U.John M. Shelby, SacramentoJohn T. Kattenberg, Kansas StateMichael D. Nadler, CornellWarren H. McLeod, Kansas StateWilliam A. Kennedy, New Mexico StateLEGESCorey C. Shigematsu, Southern CADonald A. Rist, Embry-RiddleEdward W. Schmitt, AmericanEdwin S. Vandenburg, LSUJeffrey A. Schoenherr, MichiganJoseph A. Kaufman, Georgia TechMark D. Alley, Kansas StateStuart M. Zolot, Penn StateOrder of the ShieldAndrew Robert McCarthy Hoeft, GA TechDavid R. Gault, Illinois StateDoyle E. Cooper, Embry-RiddleGlenn A. Weiss, LSUJames Alan Bannan, Michigan StateMatthew G. Rolland, DelawareMichael J. Gitzendanner, Tri-StateMichael V. Geary, CAE FloridaSteven G. Shockley, Georgia TechTie of BrotherhoodKevin H. Simmons, Louisiana TechAdrian Gottschalk, Texas A&MBrian D. Godsy, HuntsvilleCharles A. Champ, Michigan StateDavid M. Tuomala, MinnesotaJ. Jeffrey Broderick, Illinois StateKeith B. Lawder, Georgia TechKevin B. Pitchford, West Virginia TechMitchell Jared Licht, Embry-RiddleNeal E. Kitchell, DePauwPeter C. Chandler, MarylandR. Douglas Meckes, AuburnStephen D. Blank Jr., East StroudsburgSir Edward Coke ClubCharles P. Rahe, Southern IllinoisGerald D. Denton, II, Mississippi StateArgelio A. Maldonado, FloridaAuburn Wherley, Embry-RiddleCharlie Hong, ArizonaDavid M. Steinberg, ClemsonEric J. Broadie, FloridaEverett N. Boggs, Georgia SouthernGregory P. Calosso, CornellJames John Baggatta, Jr., CharlotteJ. Reed Davis, Appalachian StateJeffery R. McDurmon, Troy StateJoseph C. Piff, CornellJosh C. Klein, MassachusettsMark A Drewry, Georgia TechMichael E. Covey, WisconsinMichael J. Kinkelaar, IllinoisMichael S. Kennedy, Kansas StateNathaniel K. Smith, Embry-RiddleRobert K. Poyer, Ball StateS. Matthew Killingsworth, Kansas StateKimball’s ClubDelphin A. Gantt, Embry-RiddleAlex Umanetz, LehighAllan Schwager, Embry-RiddleChristian Andrew Wilder IV, Embry-RiddleDavid V Bacehowski, Tri-StateDavis Benjamin Millard, Kansas StateDennis Eugene Marquardt, MinnesotaEdmond Sysomboun, Georgia TechGary M. Dean, Eastern IllinoisGlenn E Harper, AuburnHoward O. Emorey, Michigan StateJames Stuart Lawder, Georgia TechMalcolm W. Robertson, LouisvilleMark J. Luginbill, IllinoisPeter Larson, IllinoisPeter Shaw Johnson, OshkoshShaun Chester Hollenbeck Jr., WashingtonHei Tsun Ma, Georgia TechThomas G. Brown, Appalachian StateThomas P. Mullaney, Central MissouriTimothy James Helms, AuburnWilliam C. Paye, Michigan StateWilliam E. Lawder, Georgia TechWilliam K. Clark, PurdueFounders’ CircleMatthew R. Richardson, DuquesneRonald B. Surmacz, DuquesneAaron Michael Dixon, Truman StateBrandon M. Hargrove, Central MissouriBrian D. Runkle, Penn StateCarl J. Stock, GannonCharles E. Evans, AugustaChristopher W. Harnack, Western MICody R. Schrock, Oregon StateDaniel Loftus, Eastern IllinoisDavid Lindsey Dickson, Georgia TechDennis D Fowler, MissouriDennis J. Krautkramer, OshkoshDustin Jean-Claude Cloutier Embry-RiddleEdward J. White, Embry-RiddleEual Bayne Bridges, AuburnGary M. Cole Virginia TechGerald Don Reed, Oklahoma StateIan R. Patrick, ColoradoJonathan C. Nichols, New Mexico StateJoseph E. Follmer, MissouriMarc Stempka, California Univ-PAMario V. Damiano, MarquetteMark A. Pickens, West LibertyMark R. Stahl, IndianaMark W. Haney, Southern CaliforniaMilton L Sandy Mississippi StateMonta J Armstrong, Long BeachPaul E Knapp, Oklahoma StateRandall McGee, Lake ForestRobert D Blakley, TexasRobert D Schuchart, LehighR. Evan Follmer, Central MissouriRobert Martin, New Mexico StateRobert H Margesson, Southern IllinoisRobert Jeffrey Ashcom, Georgia TechRobert K. Hubbard, III, Mississippi StateScott A. Goodwin, Gorham StateShaughn M Kennedy, Central MissouriStephen J. Ward, Embry-RiddleSteven D. Ankeny, Tri-StateWilliam C. Strohm, Mississippi StateHigh Point ChapterRio Grande Area Alumni ChapterCharlotte Area Alumni ChapterCornerstone ClubJoseph C. Jones, Troy StateRafael L. Mercado, MarquetteAdam Nowiski, Kettering-BAlex G. Kantsios, Virginia TechAndrew J. Kerwood, West ChesterB. Scott Landry, LSUBradley J Muckenfuss, Georgia SouthernBrian A. Oftedahl, MankatoBrian Roy, HuntsvilleCharles J. Bonacci, Kent StateDaniel J. Fritz, New Mexico StateDavid H. Rees, IllinoisDerek Coffsky, Georgia TechDouglas S King, Ball StateEtheridge O. Oakley, Mississippi StateGeorge E. Devitt, FloridaGuy W Trampe, WhitewaterHenry S Reinke, Lake ForestJames R Sewnig, Western IllinoisJames W. Sparks, Texas TechJoey Martin, Eastern WashingtonJohn Andrew Carter, Mississippi StateJohn D. Evans, CornellJohn M. Amari, AuburnJulian Work, West VirginiaKent A Lynch, Penn StateLuke James Alexander, Georgia TechMark Alexander Arroyo, South FloridaMark David Austin, AuburnD. Mark Layne, RadfordMason A. Spencer, AuburnMatthew K. Zvanut, Mississippi StateMatthew Synnestvedt, Iowa StateMichael B Devine, BuffaloPaul H Brosche, Southern CaliforniaPhilip D Parrish, Mississippi StatePhillip Daniel Moffat, Kettering-APhillip M. Sigler, Virginia TechRoss Jacob Dickneite Central MissouriShawn SullivanSteve T. Johnson, ValdostaThomas F. Massey, Mississippi StateThomas R. Ketteman, Central MissouriTracy L Brickle, AugustaTyler William Hudson, High PointLaura Trapp PickfordLawrence Bryant Austin, Mississippi State