Delta Chi – Knight Errant_Fall24

Delta Chi Knight Errant Fall 2024

Delta Chi Knight Errant Fall 2024

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Delta Chi’s 2024 Regional

Leadership Academy:

A New Era in Leadership Development

In January 2024, Delta Chi embarked on a groundbreaking

transformation in its leadership development efforts by

launching the first-ever Regional Leadership Academy

(RLA). This program marked a departure from the

traditional two-day Regional Leadership Conferences

(RLCs), which had been a long-standing pillar of the

Fraternity’s leadership training. The RLA format, a more

intensive three-day experience, set a new standard for

preparing undergraduate members to excel in leadership,

recruitment, and chapter management.

Purpose and Vision

The creation of the RLA was driven by a commitment to

enhancing the undergraduate experience within Delta Chi.

The primary objective was to better equip active members

with the skills and confidence they need to lead their

Dale Carnegie Scholars -

Laurel Wreath Recipient

The Delta Chi Dale Carnegie Scholars program was the 2024

recipient of the Laurel Wreath Award, which recognizes

unique programs, community outreach, or influence within the

fraternal world. NIC gave the following statement regarding

the program:

The Dale Carnegie Scholars program is a testament to the

organization’s core values of promoting friendship, developing

character, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisition

of a sound education. The positive impact of the program has

quickly been felt within the organization as a whole, as Dale

Carnegie Scholars have more often than not become chapter

and community leaders, applied and been hired for staff

positions with Delta Chi and have committed to the overall

growth of the organization.

chapters and uphold the fraternity’s values. By providing

specialized training for all chapter leaders alongside the

prestigious Delta Chi Dale Carnegie Scholars program, the

RLA aimed to foster personal and professional growth in a

structured, impactful environment.

Program Overview

The RLA was hosted in four key locations from January

12 to 15, 2024, during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.

The sites were strategically selected to ensure participation

across all regions, allowing for a diverse and comprehensive


RLA 2024 Impact

The 2024 RLA saw an impressive turnout, with over 750

undergraduate participants from 103 chapters. Despite winter

weather disruptions, attendance remained strong, with an

overall participation rate of 85-95% across all locations.

Participants left the program with action plans tailored to

their chapter’s needs, covering areas such as manpower

growth, alumni engagement, and chapter operations. These

plans were designed to help chapters implement practical

solutions and ensure accountability through clear deadlines

and support systems.

Feedback and Results

The majority of respondents praised the opportunities to

engage with brothers from other chapters, as well as the

leadership development and strategic planning sessions.

Key learning outcomes included:

• Preparedness for officer roles: 70.8% of attendees felt more

prepared to serve as officers.

• Confidence in leadership skills: 75.9% reported increased

confidence in their ability to make a positive impact.

• Understanding of accountability: 78.5% gained a deeper

understanding of the importance of accountability within

their chapters.

Looking Forward

The success of the 2024 RLA has set a strong foundation for

future leadership training within Delta Chi. With Regions

voting to continue the program in 2025, the Fraternity is

poised to build on the lessons learned, providing even more

focused and impactful officer training.

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