Delta Chi – Knight Errant_Fall24
Delta Chi Knight Errant Fall 2024
Delta Chi Knight Errant Fall 2024
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2024 Founders’ Day of Giving: A Day for Delta Chi
Founders’ Day of Giving is when our brotherhood unites to raise
funds to advance our mission and elevate the Delta Chi experience.
Thank you to all of our brothers and friends who participated!
Total Raised:
Total Gifts Received:
Unique Donors:
Chapters (Undergraduate & Alumni) Participated:
25 Exceeded their goal of $1,890
37 raised over $1,000
Top 10 Fundraising
1. Embry-Riddle $ 31,386 38 Donors
2. Atlanta Area Alumni $ 11,775 15 Donors
3. Louisiana Tech $ 10,590 19 Donors
4. Auburn $ 7,821 20 Donors
5. Central Missouri $ 7,068 16 Donors
6. Huntsville $ 5,181 1 Donor
7. LSU $ 4,748 3 Donors
8. South Carolina $ 4,269 41 Donors
9. Texas A&M $ 4,134 4 Donors
10. Florida $ 3,485 9 Donors
Please join us in sending a very special thank
you to this year’s Chapter Champions! These
motivated and passionate brothers are the reason
for this year’s successful Founders’ Day! Be sure
to reach out and thank your chapter’s champion
for their tireless service to Delta Chi and the
2024 Chapter Champions
Ethan Beck
Caden Scott Miller Omaha
Peter S. Lane
Georgia Southern
Edward Neal Sullivan Troy State
Howard Thomas Augusta
George Preussel Huntsville
Charlie Gage
Chapel Hill
Mikey Russo
High Point
Tom Kuhn
Ball State
Grant Ryan
Steve Shockley Georgia Tech
Thomas Lewis Patterson Oklahoma State
Jeffrey Schoenherr Michigan
Todd Clevenger Central Missouri
Thomas J. Simkiss III Theta Sigma
Jason Michael Walker DFW Alumni
Asifur Rahman Arizona
Jesse Kelly
San Antonio
Frank Murdock Northern Illinois
Andy Giemza
Appalachian State
Michael Marino George Mason
Steve Ankeny
Kyle Garmon
George Clift
Tom Mullaney
Central Missouri
Luka Mchedlidze Adelphi
John Ziegler
Louisiana Tech
Delphin Gantt
South Carolina
Sean Conrad
Gorham State
Challen Poche
Robert Hubbard Mississippi State
Justin Donnelly Case Western,
Kent State,
Northeast Ohio