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Columns by Artists and Writers

Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay / Fiona Smyth /

Edwin Kwan / Gary Michael Dault / Kai Chan /

Kamelia Pezeshki / Lee Ka-sing / Malgorzata

Wolak Dault / Shelley Savor / Tamara

Chatterjee / Tomio Nitto / Yam Lau /

Night Reading 夜 讀 記

Thousand Objects. A Memoir 李 家 昇 《 千 物 誌 》

Holly Lee’s Self-portrait 楚 喬 自 拍 像

Ka-sing and Holly 家 昇 與 楚 喬

Michael Hui 許 冠 文

Portrait of Sir David Tang 鄧 永 鏘 肖 像

Xin-Di and Leung Ping Kwan 辛 笛 與 也 斯

Palm Anthology 手 掌 集

MONDAY ARTPOST published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002.

Edit and Design: DOUBLE DOUBLE studio. Publisher: Ocean and Pounds. ISSN 1918-6991. mail@oceanpounds.com

Free Subscription: subscribe.mondayartpost.com / Support: patreon.com/kasingholly

Lee Ka-sing’s Night Reading

The Night Reading series began in November 2024, about

two months after Holly’s passing. Following her departure, I

started organizing the things she left behind. In addition to her

photographic and textual works, there were also a large number of

personal diaries, creative notes, and travel journals. Naturally, these

included many of the letters we had exchanged as well.

I usually go through these materials at night, after dinner or

before bed. Night Reading could be described as reflections on

these remnants—fragments of memory, a kind of conversation,

sometimes even a whisper, between us. This dialogue will continue

over a long period of time and serves as a way for me to hold her

in remembrance. While its form will remain consistent, the imagery

will diverge, branching out into different directions as the years


Night Reading

For the first entry of Night Reading, I chose her diary entry from

Friday, August 23—the last one she wrote, 20 days before her

passing: “Book delivered today. Ka-sing made a portrait.”

The “book” refers to Sushi Grass in Paradise, a set of sixteen

books shipped from Taiwan by Ching Ping. The “portrait” is the

photograph I took of all the books arranged on the table in our

sitting area. Holly and I shared fifty years together; we understood

each other as if seeing clearly into a mirror. Looking at these diaries

transports me instantly back to moments long past, even revealing

depths I hadn’t noticed at the time. And so, I find myself adrift,

overwhelmed by a profound sense of loss.

More about Night Reading



1977-03-28 2003-06-26 2024-08-23

Night Reading 夜 讀 記


1977-03-28 2024-08-21

Night Reading 夜 讀 記


2024-08-21 1976-12-20

Night Reading 夜 讀 記

Edwin Kwan

Gary Michael Dault

From the Photographs,


From the Photographs, 2010-2024

Number 57: Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 2014

The Photograph

Selected by

Kamelia Pezeshki

Ontario Place in fog #4 by Jim Hurtubise

Caffeine Reveries

Shelley Savor

First Snow Dance


Kai Chan


42 x 36 cm, acrylic paint on rice paper


Fiona Smyth

Poem a Week

Gary Michael Dault

Moonlit Night (after Tu Fu)

this night in Napanee

there will be moonlight

and there will be gazing

into it

though the town’s children

are all playing

video games

and not thinking

of their big sister moon

swaying above

their corroding screens

it makes you wonder

if they’ll ever be

together again

the children and the moon

will they ever again


at the window

looking up

through the moonlight

however impatiently?


Tomio Nitto

TERRAIN, twelve. (Photographs by Lee Ka-sing, haiku by Gary Michael Dault

in response). Read this daily collaborative column at oceanpounds.com

Babelic* Fields

a sharpened angel

spoke to me

in grids of light

* The word “Babelic” is from Octavio Paz,

The Monkey Grammarian (New York: Seaver

Books, 1981), p.117


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Thousand Objects. A Memoir

李 家 昇 《 千 物 誌 》

Holly Lee’s Self-portrait 楚 喬 自 拍 像

(POLAROID, 4x5 inch, colour, 1986)

Holly Lee’s widely recognized series Pictures of Friends, Artists, and Others includes

a self-portrait. Recently, we unearthed a Polaroid test shot of this self-portrait in our

archives, taken on June 25, 1986. Within the negative storage box for this series, there

are also two 4x5 black-and-white negatives, but they have never been printed—not

even as contact prints.

楚 喬 廣 為 人 知 的 「 我 的 朋 友 , 藝 術 家 及 其 他 」 系 列 , 也 包 括 了 一 幀 自 拍 像 。 最

近 在 檔 案 中 翻 出 這 張 使 用 作 試 光 的 寶 麗 來 照 片 , 攝 於 1986 年 6 月 25 日 。 該 照 片

在 系 列 的 底 片 儲 存 匣 中 , 藏 有 兩 張 黑 白 4 乘 5 底 片 , 只 是 從 來 沒 有 放 出 過 相 片 ,

甚 至 直 印 照 片 也 沒 有 。

Ka-sing and Holly 家 昇 與 楚 喬

(POLAROID, 4x5 inch, colour, 1985)

Ka-sing and Holly, 1985. In Holly’s series My Friends, Artists, and Others, this photo

might fall under the “Others” category. There is no negative for this image—only a

unique Polaroid exists. A playful moment following a photography session, it evokes

memories of an extraordinary era.

家 昇 與 楚 喬 ,1985 年 。 在 楚 喬 「 我 的 朋 友 , 藝 術 家 及 其 他 」 系 列 , 這 個 也 算

是 屬 於 「 其 他 」 的 部 分 吧 。 這 張 照 片 並 無 拍 攝 負 片 , 只 有 單 一 寶 麗 來 。 拍 照 之

餘 的 玩 樂 , 那 是 一 個 令 人 懷 念 的 年 代 。

Portrait of Sir David Tang 鄧 永 鏘 肖 像

Michael Hui 許 冠 文

(POLAROID, 4x5 inch, colour, 1990)

In February 1990, Holly Lee photographed Michael Hui for the cover of the inaugural

issue of Next Magazine.

1990 年 2 月 , 黃 楚 喬 為 壹 週 刊 創 刊 號 封 面 拍 攝 的 許 冠 文 。

(POLAROID, 4x5 inch, colour, early 90s)

A portrait of Sir David Tang by Ka-sing, created for the cover of PEAK. Tang was the

founder of Hong Kong’s “The China Club” and “Shanghai Tang.” (The headshot was

provided by Tang himself.)

李 家 昇 為 PEAK 封 面 創 作 的 鄧 永 鏘 肖 像 。 鄧 為 香 港 「 中 國 會 」 及 「 上 海 灘 」 創

辦 人 。( 鄧 的 頭 像 由 鄧 提 供 )

Xin-Di and Leung Ping Kwan 辛 笛 與 也 斯

(CONTACT PRINT, 5x8 inch, 1985)

In 1985, the poet Xin-Di visited Hong Kong, possibly to see

JOURNEY, an exhibition by Yesi and Donna Lok that presented

by the Chinese Culture Promotion Centre. As part of her

photography project My Friends, Artists, and Others, Holly

invited Xin-Di to her studio for a photo session. The two joint

contact prints published here capture the interaction between

Yesi and Xin Di before the formal shoot. In Xin-Di’s hand is a

pirated copy of his poetry collection Palm Anthology, which we

had in our possession.

1985 年 , 詩 人 辛 笛 訪 港 。 可 能 是 特 意 來 看 也 斯 與 駱 笑 平 一

同 在 中 華 文 化 促 進 中 心 舉 行 的 「 游 詩 」 展 覽 。 楚 喬 約 了 辛

笛 來 影 室 拍 照 , 是 她 「 我 的 朋 友 , 藝 術 家 及 其 他 」 拍 攝 計

劃 的 一 部 份 。 刊 出 的 這 兩 格 直 印 照 片 , 是 正 式 拍 攝 前 , 也

斯 與 辛 笛 的 互 動 。 辛 笛 手 中 的 , 是 我 們 所 藏 的 辛 笛 詩 集 「

手 掌 集 」 盜 印 本 。

Palm Anthology 手 掌 集

(PUBLICATION: Palm Anthology

手 掌 集 128mmx188mm, 126 pages)

The Palm Anthology is a renowned

poetry work by Xin-Di, first published

in 1948. Due to changes in the

political climate, it has long been out

of print. We invited Xin-Di to inscribe

a dedication for us on this pirated

edition. Ironically, when Xin-Di later

compiled his own poetry collection, he

had to rely on these pirated editions

to complete the task. These editions

not only benefited readers of later

generations like us but, in this case,

also helped the original author.

手 掌 集 為 辛 笛 著 名 詩 集 , 於 1948 年

出 版 , 因 政 治 環 境 變 動 , 早 已 絕 版

多 年 。 我 們 邀 請 辛 笛 為 我 們 在 這 個

盜 印 本 上 題 簽 , 以 作 紀 念 。 辛 笛 後

來 編 輯 自 己 的 詩 選 , 還 是 得 靠 這 些

盜 印 本 才 得 完 成 。 它 不 只 惠 及 了 我

們 這 些 後 輩 讀 者 群 , 在 這 個 情 況 ,

也 幫 助 了 原 作 者 。

Night Owl Sonata (in one


By Holly Lee (1953-2024)

Format: 6x9 inch, Hardcover

152 pages

First Edition, Limited to 100 copies

Published by OCEAN POUNDS


Night Owl Sonata is a collection of 40 poemprose

pieces that reflect Holly Lee’s profound

growth as a writer. Composed during a

reflective and transformative period of her

life, these works were originally published in

MONDAY ARTPOST. The book is a testament

to Holly’s enduring creative spirit, with writing

that embodies the grace and clarity of a

seasoned artist who had reached the pinnacle

of her literary craft.

Order from BLURB


Several ways of not to miss

a single issue of MONDAY



ARTPOST contributors

Cem Turgay lives and works as a photographer in


Fiona Smyth is a painter, illustrator, cartoonist and

instructor in OCAD University's Illustration Program.

For more than three decades, Smyth has made a name

for herself in the local Toronto comic scene as well as



Gary Michael Dault lives in Canada and is noted for

his art critics and writings. He paints and writes poetry

extensively. In 2022, OCEAN POUNDS published two

of his art notebooks in facsimile editions.

Kai Chan immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in

the sixties. He’s a notable multi-disciplinary artist who

has exhibited widely in Canada and abroad.


Kamelia Pezeshki is a photographer living in Toronto.

She continues to use film and alternative processes to

make photographs.


Ken Lee is a poet and an architectural designer based

in Toronto. He has been composing poetry in Chinese,

and is only recently starting to experiment with writing

English poetry under the pen name, “bq”.

Lee Ka-sing, founder of OCEAN POUNDS, lives in

Toronto. He writes with images, recent work mostly

photographs in sequence, some of them were presented

in the format of a book.


Robert Black, born in California, is an award-winning

poet and photographer currently based in Toronto.

His work often deals with themes related to language,

transformation, and disappearance.

Shelley Savor lives in Toronto. She paints and draws

with passion, focusing her theme on city life and urban

living experiences.

Tamara Chatterjee is a Toronto photographer who

travels extensively to many parts of the world.

Tomio Nitto is a noted illustrator lives in Toronto. The

sketchbook is the camera, he said.

Yam Lau, born in British Hong Kong, is an artist and

writer based in Toronto; he is currently an Associate

Professor at York University. Lau’s creative work

explores new expressions and qualities of space,

time and the image. He is represented by Christie


Under the management of Ocean and Pounds

Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists,

art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different

cities visiting and working in Toronto.


48 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto




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