Meet Our High Potential Bench_LatinasOnThePlaza_04Newsletter_Sept2020

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Latinas On The Plaza

September 2020 Issue

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September 2020 Issue

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September 2020 Issue

Words from


Much to my dismay the Covid-19

pandemic continues to alter the

way we do business and more bad

news is on the horizon as we

approach the fall flu season and

the typical layoffs that companies

do anyway, now magnified with

greater layoffs and businesses

closing. But also, in light of the

growing commitment thanks to

movements like Black Lives

Matter, we are seeing some real

effort to hiring diverse candidates.

According to a recent Nielsen

survey, for example, 64% of black

women in the United States agree

their goal is to make it to the top

of their profession; that’s nearly

double the percentage of non-

Hispanic white women with the

same goal. McKinsey and

Leanin.org meanwhile report that

83% of Asian women, 80% of

black women, and 76% of

Latinas say they want to be

promoted, compared to 75% of

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men and 68% of White women

in their study.

And yet, despite representing

a b o u t 1 8 % o f t h e U. S .

population, women of color

represented only 4% of C-Level

positions in 2018, falling far below

white men (68%) and white

women (19%). Even graduating

from a prestigious business or law

school doesn’t help much. Of the

532 African-American women

who earned their MBAs at

Harvard Business School between

1977 and 2015, only 67 (13%)

have achieved the highest-ranking

executive positions, compared to

161 (19%) of African-American

men and 40% of a matched

sample of 150 non-African-

American HBS alumni.

In this newsletter, we are going to

introduce you to a few of our

alumni and a board member who

is already on the talent bench.

Long-time board member Dr.

Damary Bonilla-Rodriguez has

very strong credentials and she

has done a significant amount of

work in the Diversity, Inclusion

and Equity arena. However she

has her own tales of what she

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experienced making the difficult

climb of advancing at work and

getting equitable pay. In our

informal survey over the last 10

year, we can safely say that out of

500 Latina women we have

served, less than 10 reported a

salary of $100K. This empirical

evidence was recently confirmed

by another colleague who is trying

to encourage Latina women to

buy their first homes. She was

shocked to learn that those

women in professional careers

were all earning salaries under

$40K. How do you buy a home,

how do you provide children with

higher education, how do you

break the poverty cycle when

Latina women earn such low

wages. This reality has huge

societal implications that needs to

be addressed. Companies have a

responsibility to help level the

playing field by hiring and

providing equitable pay to women

of color.

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Meet Isolda

⭐ Why should a company hire you

for a leadership role?

Account management - I have

managed 350 locations for exterior

services. Contracting contractors to

serve different clients nationwide.

Reporting - Conducted weekly calls

with stakeholders, and hiring

managers. Reported recruiting

activities with data and shared

strategies to recruit.

-Bachelors degree in science of


⭐ What are your strengths and how

will that help a company?

Restorative - I’m very good at figuring

things out, and spotting things that

need to be fixed. I like to ensure that

the relationship between my clients

and all party’s work. When a

breakdown occurs, I am very good at

deploying skills that help to resolve the

issue, even at the risk of losing the

client I always am honest since that is

a core value for me. I crave learning

to grow professionally but also to share

that information with others.

⭐ Where do you

see yourself in 5


In a leadership

role where I can

keep learning and

share my

knowledge with

others. Helping

women grow will

always be in my

future path.

⭐ What do you

need right now to

escalate your


My goal is to go

back to school

and complete a

masters program

in data marketing.

Data marketing keeps growing and is

very useful in different industries.

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Meet Magdalena

⭐ Why should a company hire you for a

leadership role?

I effectively use my strategic skills and my

interpersonal skills to develop strong healthy

relationships with our clients. I thrive when I’m

managing projects and I’m streamlining

proceses and procedures. For example I

increased participation for my curent

organizations, Hispanic Alliance for Career

Enhancement (HACE) When I created a robust

automatic process for coaching sessions for 13

cohorts nationwide. In doing this, I was ablet to

decrease forfeited sessions by 40% and

productivity level within 4 months. While at The

Little Village Chamber of Commerce (LVCC), I

implemented and managed a program funded

by the United States Hispanic Chamber

(USHCC) of Commerce from beginning to end.

I helped over 60 plus businesses in obtaining

loans and growing. After the first cohort,

USHCC, granted LVCC the award for

Chamber of the year in 2018 due to such a

comprehensive program.

⭐ What are your strengths and how will that

help a company?

According to Strengths finder I am an achiever.

That skills coupled with my organizational skills

allows me to bring immediate value to my

employers. For instance, when I began

working at HACE, I was hired as a consultant

for the marketing department. Within two

months the National Program Director for

Mujeres de HACE Program, noticed I was able

to increase enrollemnt for registration within a

short period of time and I was offered a position

as a full time employee. Seven months later,

again I was promoted due to my initiative and

leadership skills.

Given my 12 years

of experience

honing my strengths

I am a better

listener. This has

served me well in

that I am able to

offer my help to

those who seek my


I a l s o u s e m y

organizational skills

t o i n c r e a s e m y

productivity and my

relational strengths

t o b u i l d g r e a t

partnerships with

our clients.

⭐ Where do you

see yourself in 5


In 5 years, I would

like to be seen as

someone with great

expertise in

providing socioeconomic growth opportunities.

I’m also really excited to take on more

managerial responsibilities in the next few years

and take the lead on some projects.

⭐ What do you need right now to escalate

your career?

I’m currently directly involved in managing

multiple projects and programs. I’m looking

towards obtaining a Project Management

Professional (PMP) Certificate. In obtaining this

certificate I will be able to excel in manging

projects and open the doors for greater

opportunities aimed towards my professional

growth. I work at a non-profit, it is extremely

difficult to afford classess and the cost to take the


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Meet Dr Damary

⭐ Why should a company hire you for a leadership


I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Social

Work from the College of New Rochelle where I

received the College President’s Medal, graduated

with Honors, and was awarded the Sigma Delta Pi

Spanish Award. I also hold a Master of Science

degree in Organizational Communications and a

S p e c i a l i z e d C e r t i fi c a t i o n i n C o r p o r a t e

Communications. Personal endeavors of overcoming

statistics and accessing higher education, have led

me to earn a Doctorate in Education focusing on

Executive Leadership from St. John Fisher College.

To change the political and leadership landscape for

Latinos, I ran for State Representative in the 189th

District of Pennsylvania in the 2016 election cycle

where I became the 1st Hispanic to make a State

ballot in Pike and Monroe Counties. In November

2019, I became the 1st Hispanic elected as School

Board Director in the East Stroudsburg Area School

District. I’m passionate about supporting

professional organizations, I’m a Board Member of

the Brodhead Watershed Association, Prospanica

NY, Latina VIDA, Latinas On The Plaza, and Los

Compadres Modern Caballero and an advisory

board member for several organizations including:

The Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs and the

Alliance for Positive Youth Development. In

addition, I was appointed by Governor Tom Wolf to

represent the Poconos Region on statewide

commissions on Redistricting Reform and Latino

affairs (GACLA).

the urgency of leadership development for a fastgrowing

population and create a pipeline of diverse


⭐ What you have experienced thus far in job hunt:

I always heard that I was overqualified or that they

didn’t have enough money in the budget to pay me

what I deserved.

⭐ What do you need right now career wise:

Greater income (I finally have this), flexible schedule

to juggle work-life balance but also to be able to do

community work, Board service, etc., continued

mentorship is important to growth and sponsorship

is important and necessary for opening doors that we

can’t necessarily open for ourselves, recognition from

leadership that speaks to my contributions within an

organization is validating and encouraging, as well as

a seat at the table of Boards, Advisory Boards,

speaking engagements and other opportunities for

visibility that allow me to be a voice for others and

be a change agent for positive and necessary changes

are all important aspects of growth for me but also

of influence in society. I’m seeing my influence and

some of these aspects play out in my current role/

organization, as well as through my work on the

School Board and other Boards. I’m grateful to God

for His blessings and the opportunities He has given

me to be a leader.

⭐ Your Expertise:

I’m a national leading authority on leadership

development, especially as it pertains to diversity and


I deliver keynote addresses and presentations

drawing upon my experience from roles in the nonprofit,

private, and government sectors, as well as my

doctoral research. My research about Latina

leadership in the United States has served as the

foundation for events, conference sessions,

publications, and content development - to address

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Why should a company hire

you for a leadership role?

Recently, I was promoted to

Office Manager at the dental

office I have been working for a

few years now. Since I started

with the company, I have been

in charge of training dental

assistants and front desk staff. I

perform tasks beyond my

responsibilities and demonstrate

initiative. For example, during

the pandemic, our office shut

down and in the meantime, I

taught myself to handle and

resolve insurance claims. Also, I

reformatted patient registration

documents, perfor med a

marketing analysis on the

company, and found causes of

low patient inflow prepandemic.

Also, I created the

dental assistant and equipment

maintenance manuals. I did all

of this without being asked to

do so. My boss realized my

efforts and commitment to the

company. Then, shortly after reopening

the office, I was offered

a management position as he

w a s i m p r e s s e d a n d

complimented my structured

way of working.

What are your strengths

and how will that help a


D e l i b e r ative : Fo reseeing

potential problems and be

proactive to decrease errors and

increase efficiency. At work, I

review the patient schedule in

advance to ensure there won't

be any missing information.

This creates a smooth patient

experience as well as an

organized workflow.

Adaptability: Reacting calmly

and centered to unexpected

situations. As an office manager,

I have major responsibilities. In

a situation such as speaking with

a patient that might not be

happy, I am responsible for

resolving the issue. I listen first,

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then analyze the issue, and

finally present a solution that

will make the patient satisfied

while benefiting the office.

Where do you see yourself

in 5 years?

Masters in Healthcare

Administration completed from

UIC and holding an executivelevel

position at a hospital such

as Ann & Robert Lurie Chicago


Yearly Income:

___Under $35K

_X_ Between $35-$45k

___Between $46-$65K

___Between $66 -$85K

-----$100k and above

What do you need right now

to escalate your career?

Experience in a management

role (just started a management


Masters degree in Healthcare

Administration with internship/


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Why should a company hire you for

a Leadership role?

A company should hire me,

because I show loyalty, I worked

at a private loan/law firm

company for 10 years and now

I am currently employed at the

Cook County Public Defender's

Office. I currently have a

Bachelors in Paralegal Studies

from Roosevelt University, they

are ABA approved school. I

c o m p l e t e d a l e a d e r s h i p

program with Latinas on The

Plaza that taught me so many

leadership skills. In my current

position, I am always willing to

take on the leadership role, by

helping train new employees,

handling the front end of the

office alone, I can multitask

and many other tasks. I am

always eager to learn new things

and give new ideas esp. when it

comes to saving time and


What are your strengths

and how will that help a


My top 3 strengths are Input,

Includer and Developer. I love

to give input on all work

assigned or projects, I am not

afraid to speak up and give any

ideas. An example is when I

offered my input to make the

most of our company's time

with interns. I was able to give

direct examples, they were

impressed and decided to go

with my ideas. I also enjoy

making everyone feel included,

I think in a leadership or non

leadership role everyone should

feel included and companies

should listen to everyone. I

think the receptionist plays a

part just as big of a role as

higher ups and at times they

need to be reminded. I love to

develop new ideas and I feel at

times my mind doesn't shut off,

because I am always thinking of

ways to make my workplace

more successful and more


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Where do you see yourself

in 5 years?

In 5 years I see myself running

a law firm or non for profit

organization that helps

minorities. My goal in life is to

be successful but also give back

as much I can, I want to help

thousands of people succeed

just like I have been helped. I

don't think of success as making

more money, I think of it as

giving back to the community

esp. low income. I have been

successful my whole life because

I have a strong support system

a n d w a s a l w a y s fi n d i n g

resources, I think everyone can

succeed with the right support

in your corner.

Yearly Income:

___Under $35K

_X_ Between $35-$45k

___Between $46-$65K

___Between $66 -$85K

-----$100k and above

What do you need right now

to escalate your career?

What I need right now to

succeed and reach my goals are

more classes like the FUERTE

Leadership Program. I love to

learn more hands-on, share

ideas, encouragement from

other women, and network. I

would also like to go back to

school and get my masters in

Social Work, because I think

that would help me with my

ultimate goal with giving back

to the community. The more

certifications the better so that I

can always learn more and

share my experiences with


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Why should a company hire

you for a leadership role?

I have been working on my

leadership skills since I was in

middle school. I have been

continuously working on it since

then. I have served as the

President of my chapter of

Delta Sigma Pi while in

graduate school. This taught me

the skills needed for leadership,

c o m m u n i c a t i o n , t i m e

management, accountability

and so much more.

sure what to do. I asked him

where he usually sends these

responses and where he should

send the original response with

the money order and then a

copy to the other address. A few

weeks later the immigration

office contacted him and

informed him that was what he

wanted to be done. I am very

responsible, I take ownership of

what I do. I try to do the best I

can. However, if I make a

mistake I will be the first to

admit it as well. Honestly is


What are your strengths

and how will that help a


I am restorative. This means

that I like to solve problems.

For example, one of the

requests we received from

immigration asked the

response to be sent to two

different locations. This is

unusual. The attorney was not

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Where do you see yourself

in 5 years?

In five years I would like to be

graduating law school with a

job in Washington DC.

Yearly income:

___Under $35K

X Between $35-$45k

___Between $46-$65K

___Between $66 -$85K

-----$100k and above

What do you need right now

to escalate your career?

I need to move to another

company that has growth

potential for me and start

applying to law school.


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