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Gail Borden
2025 Newsletter
Public Library District
ABC: Awesome Black
Creativity Exhibit ES
Main Library First Floor
January 16 – February 26
ABC: Awesome Black Creativity will be
on display at the Gail Borden Library!
This A-Z series celebrates contemporary
and historical Black creatives through a
classic childhood medium – LEGO® Bricks.
This interactive exhibition of LEGO® brickbuilt
figures will inspire Library guests to
think about building in innovative ways
while providing the opportunity to make
and display their own creations.
This exhibit was created by DuPage Children’s Museum
in partnership with Richard Dryden and Dave Kaleta.
©2024 The LEGO Group. The LEGO® logo, and the brick
and knob configuration are trademarks of the LEGO
Group. This exhibit is not authorized, sponsored, or
endorsed by the LEGO Group.
Pages 1-12
Families 2
Storytimes 3
Kids, Youth, Teens 4
Technology 5
Adults 6 – 9
En español 10 – 11
Languages 11
Back Page 12
ES =Programas y
descripciones en español,
ver paginas 10-11.
LEGO® Showcase for Kids R
Main Library Lobby
Tuesday, January 21 • 4 – 5 pm
Thursday, February 6 • 4 – 5 pm
Do you have a LEGO® creation that you
would like to showcase? Participants
will have an opportunity
to say a few words
about their projects
to an audience, and
stand by their projects
for the program to
answer questions.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Special Program R
Main Library
Monday, January 20 • 1 pm
Please join the builders of Awesome Black Creativity,
Dave Kaleta and Richard Dryden. Kaleta and Dryden
appeared on LEGO Masters in 2021. They will discuss
the inspiration behind their artistry. In addition, they
will explain the process of selecting the 27-figures that
celebrate contemporary and historical Black creatives
across disciplines such as contemporary dance,
photography, music, film, culinary arts, activism, and
more. Young people and their families are welcome to
participate in our brick-building workshop.
Dave Kaleta
Richard Dryden
R=Registration required
Ways to register:
• Call 847-429-4597
• In person
City of Elgin A-D
City of Elgin section is
included only in newsletters
delivered to Elgin residents.
Exhibit ES
Main Library
Second Floor
Now extended to
Continued on page 8.
ELC Closure Beginning January ES
We are excited to announce that our Early
Learning Center at will undergo a major
transformation beginning in January 2024.
Continued on page 2.
February is Black History Month
See more programs for all ages on page 2
Look for Valentine’s Day themed
programs on pages 2, 4, 6, 9, and 10.
The Gail Borden Public Library District Newsletter | Published Bi-Monthly ISSUE NO. 2025-01 GAILBORDEN.INFO
| January 1, 2025
ELC Closure Beginning January
Continued from front page. This remodel is part
of our ongoing commitment to providing a
vibrant, engaging, and safe space for children
and families to explore, learn and grow.
Throughout the construction, which we
anticipate will be completed by April 2024,
we will be updating the entire Early Learning
Center to create a more modern, accessible
and dynamic environment. The new space
will feature improved play areas, enhanced
educational resources and more interactive
learning opportunities that will better serve the
needs of our community’s youngest learners.
During this time, there may be some temporary
changes to services or space availability, and
we appreciate your patience and understanding
as we work to build this exciting new space for
our community. We are confident that these
upgrades will help continue to inspire a lifelong
love of learning in children and provide families
with an even better resource for discovery,
creativity and growth.
We strive to continue to provide you with
engaging opportunities while construction is
taking place, including the ABC: Awesome Black
Creativity exhibit (see cover).
Thank you for your support as we continue
to invest in the future of our community. We
look forward to welcoming you to the newly
remodeled Early Learning Center in early spring!
Black History
February is Black History Month
Significant Black Women of the
Reconstruction Era and Beyond
With Dr. Felicia LaBoy R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Tuesday, 2/4 • 6:30 pm
Adults. Learn about remarkable Black women who
dared to change their circumstances, better their
communities, and determine the future for the
better throughout the Reconstruction and Civil
Rights eras through today. Presenter: Pastor, scholar, and
activist Dr. Felicia LaBoy.
Rhythm of Connection:
Exploring Music’s Impact on Our Lives R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Sunday, 2/9 • 1:30 pm
Teens and Adults. Discover the powerful
connection between rhythm, music, and
human experience in this interactive program.
A Tribute to Dr. Risé D. Jones R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Sunday, 2/16 • 1:30 – 3 pm
Please join us as we honor the legacy of
Dr. Risé Jones, Executive Director of Hamilton
Wings, as this special woman had such a lasting
positive impact on this community. There will be
music and more. Dr. Risé Jones, Main Library 2010
Sing & Dance with
Little Miss Ann R
Rakow Branch
Saturday, 1/18 • 11 am
Little Miss Ann will play upbeat, interactive
songs that will get kids singing, dancing
and jumping.
The Great Boodini Presents:
Lasers & Robots R
Rakow Branch
Monday, 1/20 • 4 pm
Enjoy a fantastical outer space show that
will feature lasers, realistic droids, light
swords, STEM lessons and an impossible
laser beam magic trick.
Pipe Cleaner Flowers ES
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Monday, 2/3 • 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Create pipe cleaner flowers and
make a bouquet for you or your
loved one.
Create a Valentine
Heart Card R
Rakow Branch
Thursday, 2/13 • 6 pm
Create a handmade card for someone
special. Materials provided.
Valentine’s Day Celebration ES
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursday, 2/13 • 6:30 – 7:15 pm
Join us to celebrate Valentine’s Day
with a story, a craft and more.
Three Kings ES
Main Library
Saturday, 1/4 • 2 – 4 pm
Meet Gaspar, Melchor and Balthazar, the
Three Kings, take your picture with them
and enjoy a taste of traditional “Rosca”.
Stay for stories, crafts and much more!
In partnership with the Mexican Organization of
Elgin (OME).
2 R=Registration required • Three ways to register: Online at • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
Birth -
Age 6
Ages 1 - 3
Ages 3 - 5
Story Mix for Birth-6
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursdays, 1/9 – 2/13 • 10:30 – 11 am
Birth-6 with an adult. Drop in for an interactive storytime. All ages welcome.
Supported Storytime and Playgroup R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms BC
Wednesday, 2/19 • 9:15 am
Birth-6 with an adult. Children and families of all abilities are invited to enjoy
stories, music and play together.
Bounce & Rhyme Storytime R
Rakow Branch
Tuesdays, 1/7 – 2/25 • 9:15 & 10 am
Wednesdays, 1/8 – 2/26 (Not 2/12) • 9:15 & 10 am
Let’s dive in for some stories, rhymes and songs in this interactive storytime.
1, 2, 3 Go!
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Wednesdays, 1/8 – 2/12 • 9:15 – 9:45 am
Ages 1-3 with an adult. Families are invited to drop in and share stories,
rhymes and musical activities together in this interactive storytime.
Budding Bookworms Preschool Storytime R
Rakow Branch
Tuesdays, 1/7 – 2/25 • 10:45 am
Wednesdays, 1/8 – 2/26 (Not 2/12) • 10:45 am
Preschoolers will enjoy stories, songs and activities.
Science • Technology •
Engineering • Arts • Math
Full STEAM Ahead! for
Ages: 6-10 R
Rakow Branch Shales Living Room
1/2 Winter Pine Tree Painting •
2 & 4:45 pm
1/14 Geometric People • 4:45 pm
Snuggle-Up Family Storytime R
Rakow Branch
Saturday, 2/15 • 10 am
Wear your pajamas, grab your favorite blanket and stuffed animal and settle
in for some cozy stories and delightful songs.
Family Pajama Storytime
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Wednesday, 1/15 • 6:30 – 8 pm
6:30 – 7 pm Stories read aloud
7 – 8 pm Crafts and playtime
Put on your pajamas and drop in for some family fun! Bring your favorite
stuffed animal along for stories, songs and playtime.
Library Storytimes in the Community
ReaderShip at the
Hawthorne Hill
Nature Center!
28 Brookside Dr. Elgin 60123
Thursday, 2/6 • 11 am – Noon
The ReaderShip is going to be at the
HHNC for a themed storytime that will
include picture books, finger-plays and
music as well as puppets, flannel board
stories and/or creative elements. The
ReaderShip is designed and funded to promote
literacy for children ages three to six.
South Elgin Branch
Closed During its
The South Elgin Branch is closed for
renovation construction.
In the meantime, we encourage you to
use the Rakow Branch (2751 W. Bowes Rd.)
and the Main Library (270 N. Grove Ave.).
for updates.
During construction, the Bookmobile will
be visiting the South Elgin Branch parking
lot on Mondays from 10 am - Noon and
Wednesdays from 11 am - 1 pm.
ES =Descripción en español, ver paginas 10-11.
Move n’ Play
Rakow Branch
Mondays, 1/6 – 2/24 • 9:30 – 10:30 am
Ages 1-2 with adult. Little ones will
develop essential motor skills and make
new friends in a fun and engaging
Read to Rover R
Rakow Branch
Saturdays, 1/4, 2/18 • 1, 1:15, 1:30,
1:45, 2, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45 pm
Sundays, 1/5, 2/19, 2/2, 2/16 • 1, 1:15,
1:30, 1:45, 2, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45 pm
Grades K-8. Practice your reading skills by
cuddling up with a good book and reading
aloud to a fully trained and certified
therapy dog.
Rakow Read & Explore Book
Club Series R
The Eyes & The Impossible
By Dave Eggers
Rakow Branch
Tuesdays, 2/4 – 2/25 • 4:45 pm
Grades 3-5. We are thrilled to offer a
new kid’s book club that combines
reading, critical thinking and hands-on
activities to enrich the experience.
This is a 4-week series.
Nature Rangers
Looking for fun activities
to do this winter break?
Check out the Nature
Ranger’s backpacks and
activity sheets. Beginning
in January 2025, look for
the e-Magazine “Prairie Pathways” on the
Nature Rangers website.
Craft Corner
Creativity Corner for
Ages 6-10 R
Rakow Branch Shales Living Room
Tuesdays • 4:45 pm
1/7 Northern Lights Art
2/5 Valentine Drawing
Preschool Drawing R
Rakow Branch
Thursdays, 1/9 – 2/13 • 10:30 am
Ages 4-5. Children will develop fine motor
skills and have fun learning to draw.
Crafty Preschoolers R
Rakow Branch
Fridays, 1/10, 2/14 • 10 am
Ages 3-5. Fun art projects for little artists.
Dress for mess.
Youth & Teens
Grades 6-12
K-Pop Afternoon R
Main Library Meadows
Community Rooms AB
Tuesdays, 1/14, 2/11 •
4:30 pm
Are you a fan of BTS, Blackpink, Stray Kids,
or other K-pop groups? Enjoy your favorite
K-pop songs while you make buttons,
shrink-plastic charms and other crafts.
Manga and Anime Club R
Main Library Meadows Community Room C
Saturdays, 1/18, 2/8 • 2 pm
Make buttons and tiny merch featuring
your favorite characters from Demon
Slayer, My Hero Academia, Spy x Family
and more. Bonus: you’ll get to watch
anime and take home Japanese candy.
Teen Writing and
Art Showcase
Publish your drawings,
poetry, short stories,
digital art and more!
Email your creation to or
visit to enjoy
previous issues.
Winter Break Movie Marathon
Thursday, 1/2 • Noon – 8 pm
Vote for your favorite flicks.
College Football 25
Wednesday, 2/26 • 6 – 8 pm
Show off your gaming skills in our
College Football 25 tournament on PS5.
Open Mic Night
Wednesdays, 1/15, 2/19 • 6 – 8 pm
Share your talent at Studio 270s Open Mic Night.
We are looking for musicians, poets, comedians,
story tellers and more to perform.
Pizza and Books R
Tuesdays, 1/14, 2/11 • 6 pm
Share your current favorite, listen to what others are
reading, learn about new teen books you will love,
and of course–pizza.
Grades 9-12
Programs are held in Studio 270 at the
Main Library unless otherwise noted.
4 R=Registration required • Three ways to register: Online at • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
Technology Classes are held in the Main Library Computer Training Room unless otherwise noted.
R - Register online, by phone or in person beginning December 15. Registering
MS Excel Series R {
Thursdays, 1/2 – 1/30 • 7 pm
Learn how to manipulate, format and
organize numbers and other data.
MS PowerPoint Series R {
Mondays, 1/6 – 1/13 • 7 pm
Learn how to create, design and edit
MS Publisher R {
Mondays, 1/20 – 1/27 • 7 pm
Learn how to create a variety of projects
and enhance them with visual effects.
MS Word Series R {
Thursdays, 2/13 – 3/6 • 7 pm
Learn the fundamentals of Microsoft
Word to create, format, edit and design.
Windows 11 Basics R
Tuesday, 1/14 • 10:30 am
Rakow Branch
Thursday, 2/20 • 6:30 pm
Learn how to navigate the new Windows
11 interface, locate and manage your files
and customize your preferences.
Windows 11 Intermediate R
Tuesday, 1/21 • 10:30 am
Rakow Branch
Thursday, 2/27 • 6:30 pm
Learn how to install/uninstall programs
and apps, change settings, use the task
manager and control updates.
Smartphone Photography
Series R {
Mondays, 2/17 – 2/24 • 10:30 am
Learn the basic features and functions
of your smartphone’s camera and editing
capabilities. Android and iPhone welcome. Bring
your own device.
for the first class in a designated series enrolls you in all required sessions. All
other classes require separate registration. If you cannot attend a session, please
cancel your registration. Visit or call the Computer Center at
847-429-4680 for more information.
Selling on eBay R
Tuesday, 2/25 • 10:30 am
Learn how to create an auction, employ
selling strategies to maximize profit,
navigate eBay’s rules and earn seller
ratings to boost business.
Design a 3D Phone Stand R
Wednesday, 1/15 • 7 pm
Enhance your design skills in this
intermediate class by exploring more tools
in TinkerCad to create a cell phone stand.
Cut the Cable Cord R
Wednesday, 1/22 • 10:30 am
Learn how to save money by ditching
cable TV and using streaming services like
Netflix, Hulu and more.
Search Like a Librarian R
Tuesday, 1/28 • 10:30 am
Learn how to get the most out of your
research by using different search
engines, AI chatbots any databases, and
how to verify facts.
Introduction to Canva R
Monday, 2/3 • 7 pm
Learn to create and edit eye-catching
designs, and use built-in templates to
create digital or print graphics. Comfort with
navigating computers and internet encouraged.
Exploring Artificial
Intelligence R
Wednesday, 2/5 • 7 pm
Curious about the new world of Artificial
Intelligence? Learn about different
AI programs and how to use newlydeveloped
tools to your advantage.
Build Your Own PC Series R
Wednesdays, 2/12 – 2/19 • 7 pm
Learn how to identify the working parts
of a computer, assemble and disassemble
components, and perform basic repairs in
this hands-on series.
Device 101
Device Advice
Rakow Branch
Thursdays, 1/2, 1/16, 2/6, 2/20 •
9:30 – 11:30 am
Main Library 2nd Floor - Behind Elevators
Thursdays, 1/9, 1/23, 2/13, 2/27 •
9:30 – 11:30 am
Get help with common tech issues
like Microsoft Office, using a tablet,
hotspots, syncing email with your phone,
downloading content and more.
Phone Basics for Seniors
Learn basic iPhone operations: adding
and removing apps, increase text size,
battery care, what to do with that pesky
“low memory” message and much more.
This class is best suited for new users.
Android: Tuesday, 1/7 • 10:30 am R
iPhone: Wednesday, 1/8 • 10:30 am R
Get to Know Your iPad
Rakow Branch Shales Living Room
Thursdays • 1 pm
1/16 Settings R
1/23 Apps R
Please bring your iPad. This is not a series.
Computers 101 Series R {
Tuesdays, 2/4 – 2/18 • 10:30 am
Learn how to use the mouse and
keyboard, pick up basic computer skills
and browse the internet.
Device Maintenance R
Wednesday, 2/26 • 10 am
Learn tips and tricks for keeping your
devices up to date, running smoothly and
properly cared for.
Staying Connected in a
Digital World R
Rakow Branch
Thursday, 2/20 • 10 am
Discover powerful ways digital technology
can help you keep in touch with loved
ones, no matter the distance. Presenter: Tony
LaPalio, Founder and CEO of Senior Tech Support.
{Classes with this symbol are sponsored by Comcast Internet
Essentials to help bridge the digital divide and foster digital literacy skills.
For more information on Comcast Internet Essentials programs, visit
Craft Corner
PhD (Projects Half Done) Club
Rakow Branch Shales Living Room
Mondays, 1/6, 2/3 • 6 – 7:30 pm
Are you working on a PhD – Project Half
Done? Bring your project and join other
needlecrafters as we work together.
Singer Featherweight
Friends R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Mondays, 1/20, 2/17 • 11:30 am
Join fellow Singer Featherweight
machine users and sew together, make
new friends, and learn new tips and
tricks. Bring your own machine and supplies.
Community Sewing Circle R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms BC
Saturdays, 1/25, 2/15 • 10 am
Join us in this welcoming space for
sewers of all skill levels to learn,
create and connect. Bring your own project
and equipment.
Valentine’s Day
Coloring Club: Creativity,
Card Making & Cookies! R
Main Library Elgin Room
Monday, 2/10 • 6:30 pm
Join us for a relaxing evening of coloring
and creating valentines for your
Crochet Club
Main Library
Mondays, 1/13, 2/10 • 6:30 pm
Calling All Artists R
Rakow Branch
Would you like to display some tiny art
at the Rakow Branch? Please register
to reserve your own 3x3 canvas to
design and return for our Tiny Art
Display in April. Canvases can be
picked-up 2/24-2/28.
Evening Chess Club
Main Library 2nd Floor Behind Elevators
Mondays, 1/6, 1/ 20, 2/3, 2/17 •
5:30 – 7 pm
Join fellow chess players for this open
play program. All skill levels.
Career Coach in the Library
Main Library Computer Training Room
Tuesdays, 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18 • 1 – 3 pm
Drop in for a consultation with a Career
Coach from workNet Batavia.
Armchair Generals
Main Library Meadows Community Room C
Mondays, 1/13, 2/10 • 11:45 am
Mobile DMV R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms AB
Saturday, 1/18 • 10 am
Services offered: Driver’s License, State ID
Cards, Vehicle Registration Stickers, Organ
& Tissue Donor & Voter Registration. Please
register and you will be contacted to schedule a time.
Lawyer in the Library ES
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursdays, 1/23, 2/27 • 6 pm
Walk in for a free, 15-minute consultation
on your legal questions. Partner: Kane County
Law Library & Self Help Legal Center.
Heirloom Seed Swap R
Rakow Branch
Saturday, 2/1 • Noon – 2 pm
Expand your native wildflower, herb and
heirloom vegetable garden. Bring labeled
seeds with type and variety to share. All are
welcome to drop in and browse available seeds. Please
register if you would like a table to share your seeds.
Southern Illinois Travel
and Lore R
Main Library Elgin Room
Thursday, 2/27 • 6:30 pm
From waterfalls to BBQ to the Big Muddy
Monster, Southern Illinois has something
for everyone. Hear secrets to a successful
visit to the Shawnee National Forest,
including landmarks, trails, lodging, food
and a bit of the region’s fascinating
history. Presenter: John Kokoris, traveler and former
Gail Borden Library Board Trustee.
Post-Election: What Will the
Next Four Years Hold? With
WGN’s Political Analyst Paul Lisnek R
Virtual via Zoom
Tuesday, 1/28 • 7 pm
Following our very
tight Presidential race,
WGN’s political analyst
Paul Lisnek will look at the
election results and what
we can expect for the
next four years.
Candidates Meet & Greet
League of Women Voters Elgin Area
Main Library, Meadows Community Rooms
Monday, 2/24 • 6 – 8:30 pm
Tuesday, 2/25 • 6 – 8:30 pm
Meet candidates running in the spring
municipal elections. Candidates will also
present prepared statements.
Library in the Community
Elgin Area Memory Café
1000 Bowes Rd., South Elgin 60177
Tuesdays, 1/14, 2/11 • 4 pm
Those with dementia and their care
partners are invited for a social event and
resources. RSVP 847-289-5848.
Elgin Genealogical Society
Main Library Grove Room
Tuesdays, 1/7, 2/4 • 9:30 – 11 am
Virtual via Zoom
Thursdays, 1/16, 2/20 • 7 – 8:30 pm
Semi-monthly meeting of the Elgin Genealogical
Elgin Genealogical Society
Research Assistance
Main Library 2nd Floor – Genealogy
Tuesdays, 1/7, 2/4 • 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Thursdays, 1/9, 2/13 • 9:30 – 11:30 am
Wednesdays, 1/15, 2/19 • Noon – 2 pm
Receive one-on-one genealogy assistance
from EGS volunteers.
Elgin Genealogical Society
Writers’ Group
Main Library Conference Room
Mondays, 1/13, 2/10 • 10 am
This special interest group encourages
and assists with writing family stories
and histories. Participants will share their
stories for help with ideas, clarification
and resources.
6 R=Registration required • Three ways to register: Online at • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
Health & Mind
Begin the New Year with the
Healing Power of Meditation R
Thursday, 1/16 • 6:30 pm
Join Gaurav Singh for this powerful
program and learn a simple meditation
technique to reclaim your peace and
incorporate more positivity and relaxation
into your daily routine.
Best Winter Hikes in Elgin &
Kane County with Corey Begalka
of Kane County Wild Ones R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursday, 1/23 • 12:30 pm
We can still enjoy crisp, refreshing hikes
during the winter months. Forest comber
Corey Begalka of the Kane County Wild
Ones will share his favorite hiking trails
in Elgin and Kane County.
Community Sound Healing R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursday, 1/30 • 7 pm
Join us for a transformative journey of
relaxation and rejuvenation through the
power of sound. We will use singing bowls,
chimes and drums to promote deep
relaxation and inner harmony. Presenter:
Natalie Pendergrass of Sacred Spirit Bodyworks.
Grieving & Grounding Spaces
Main Library Elgin Room
Saturdays • 10:30 am
Join us for this enlightening 2-part series
on understanding and coping with the
various types of loss in life. Presented by
Nelli Pries, Certified Holistic Life & Career Coach.
2/1 Part 1 R
2/8 Part 2 R
Brain Health Series-Part 1:
Head Strong R
Virtual via Zoom
Monday, 2/3 • 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Adults. Healthy diet and exercise benefit
not only the body, but also the brain.
In this session, many lifestyle factors
that contribute to brain health will be
discussed. Presenter: Molly Hofer, family life
educator with the University of Illinois Extension.
Laugh for the Health of It R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Wednesday, 2/5 • 6:30 pm
This program features
laughter exercises
with gentle breathing
techniques to help us
feel happier and attain
greater well-being.
Presenter: Debbie Friend,
Exercise Physiologist.
Heartfelt Breaths: Finding Calm
Through Heart Coherence R
Virtual via Zoom
Thursday, 2/13 • 7 pm
Discover how to regulate emotions, stay
calm and effectively manage chronic
conditions such as anxiety, pain, diabetes
and sleep disorders in minutes with just
your breath. Don’t miss opportunity
for transformation in this interactive
workshop. Presenter: Andreea Ciulac is an
experienced meditator and has certifications from
NeuroChangeSolutions and HearthMath Institute.
The Climate Crisis and
Mental Health: Understand
& Cope with Climate Anxiety,
Eco-Grief & Despair R
Virtual via Zoom
Tuesday, 2/18 • 7 pm
Discover the symptoms of climate anxiety
and ecological distress, and outline a
pathway to climate resilience in this
workshop. Presenter: Marilee Feldman, LCPC,
CADC, is the Illinois Regional Coordinator for Climate
Psychology Alliance.
Financial Resolutions
Workshop R
Rakow Branch
Tuesdays, 1/7, 1/14 • 2 pm
In this 2-day workshop, you will get
real-world advice on setting income
and savings goals, finances during
the holidays, managing expenses
realistically, paying off debt and setting
a budget. Presenter: KCT’s Financial Wellness
Educator, Marlen Glenn.
Social Security Seminar R
Main Library Elgin Room
Saturday, 1/25 • 10:30 am
Hear details and tips on advantageous
filing strategies available to those
who are single, married, divorced and
widowed, in addition to earned income
limits and the taxation of Social
Security benefits. This program will be
beneficial to pre-retirees wondering
about the right time to start collecting
Social Security. Presenter: Stacy Bromann, of
The Dala Group.
Benefits of Advanced Funeral
Planning R
Rakow Branch Shales Living Room
Thursday, 2/27 • 2 pm
Learn simple steps to pre-planning a
funeral, the benefits of how to remove
the financial and emotional burdens
from loved ones, and more. Presenter:
Annetta D’Oronzo, Licensed Pre-planning Adviser,
with Security National Life.
ES =Descripción en español, ver paginas 10-11.
Continued from cover.
Olmec Origins Exhibit ES
Main Library Second Floor
Now extended to February!
In partnership with the Mexican
Cultural Center of DuPage, these 33
large, artisan-decorated Olmec heads
that represent individual artists’ sense
of Mexican cultural history and their
home cities are on display in one place.
Interested in a tour? Please contact
Jeanie Ziegler at
Olmec Scavenger Hunts & Prizes
Explore the Olmec exhibit and partake
in our new scavenger hunts to win fun
Olmec prizes!
Future Visions for a Library
Judson University Department of
Architecture Students
Main Library River Room
January 14 - February 16
The Visions for a Future Library Exhibition
brings together a diverse group of
proposals completed by the students
of the ARC 351 Architectural Design
Studio students and members of the
Department of Architecture & Interior
Design at Judson University. The projects
included in the exhibition explore future
visions of the typology of a library. Studio
Leader: Dr. Edgardo Perez-Maldonado
Elgin Community College HSI
at Gail Borden Library ES
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Thursday, 2/20 • 6 pm
Elgin Community College (ECC) is excited
to announce the launch of the HSI
(Hispanic Serving Institution) Strategic
Planning Process. Please attend to provide
insights and feedback to assist ECC in
setting strategic direction and ensuring it
aligns with the needs and aspirations of
the community. Stakeholders, including
students, staff, faculty, administrators,
families, and community partners
are especially encouraged to attend.
Refreshments will be served.
Look for Language and Citizenship
programs on page 11.
Sunday Afternoon Concerts
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Sundays • 2 pm
1/12 Liang-He Piano Duo R
Enjoy an afternoon of Latin American
Music performed on two pianos by
award-winning pianists the Liang-He Duo.
This concert will feature both four-hand
and two-piano works, either composed in
Latin America or inspired by its distinctive
musical characteristics.
The Liang-He Duo is committed to
developing a unique repertoire based
on exploring the classics of two-piano
literature, as well as creating new works
through commissions. Their innovative
programs combine traditional and lessfrequently
performed works.
2/23 The Forough-Stepanova Duo R
Enjoy music from the baroque to the
20 th century performed by violinist, Cyrus
Forough and pianist Tatyana Stepanova.
Movie Music: Elvis Presley R
Virtual via Zoom
Tuesday, 1/7 • 7 pm
Elvis Presley was a pioneer of the music
industry with a distinctive style, good
looks, passion and a beautiful voice. Join
us for a nostalgic musical showcase from
Elvis Presley films (1956-68).
Elgin Symphony Orchestra
Listeners Club R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Wednesdays, 1/22, 2/26 • Noon
Music Director Chad Goodman &
ESO Violinist Robbie Herbst will
lead discussions about upcoming
ESO concerts, repertoire, guest
artists, special events and other
Symphony-related topics.
Jeorge Holmes:
Elgin’s Own Professional Vocalist R
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Wednesday, 2/12 • 6:30 pm
Professional vocalist
Jeorge Holmes was
born and raised in Elgin.
Enjoy his inspirational
music and stories as he
performs everything
from Sinatra and Presley
to Pavarotti.
Celebrating 75 Years of the
Elgin Symphony Orchestra R
Main Library Elgin Room
Thursday, 2/20 • 6:30 pm
Learn about the rich history of Elgin’s
treasured cultural organization, the
ESO, through archival photos and video
interviews. Presenter: Ann Chipman, retired adult
educator and education consultant. Partner: The Elgin
History Museum.
8 R=Registration required • Three ways to register: Online at • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
Book Clubs &
Discussion Groups
Walking Book Club
Main Library Conference Room
Wednesdays, 1/8 – 2/26 •
7 pm
Jan. Table for Two
by Amor Towles
Feb. James
by Percival Everett
Contact Andrea for
more information at
Great Books
Discussion Group R
Hybrid – Main Library Conference
Room & Zoom
Mondays • 7 pm
Jan. 13 (novel)
“The Master and Margarita,”
by Mikail Bulgakov
Feb. 10 (epic)
“Gilgamesh,” translated by
Stephen Mitchell
Co-sponsored by the American
Association of University Women Elgin
Area Branch. Facilitated by Barbara
Njus and Gail Cohen.
Spanglish Book Club
Main Library Conference Room
Tuesdays • 6 pm
Jan. 14 Hábitos atómicos
Feb. 11
By James Clear
Siempre tuyo
By Abby Jimenez
Join us as we discuss this
month’s title. Conversation
in English and Spanish. Pick
up your book or Kindle in the
Spanish for Adults section.
Contemporary Book
Main Library Grove Room
Mondays • 7 pm
Jan. 20 We Solve Murders
by Richard Osman
Feb. 17 The Heaven &
Earth Grocery
Store by James
Rakow Readers
Book Club R
Hybrid – Rakow Branch and
Virtual via Zoom
Mondays • 1:30 pm
Jan. 27 Life Impossible
by Matt Haig
Feb. 24 Sleeping Giants
by Rene Denfeld
Writer’s Corner
Writers on the Fox R
Main Library Grove Room
Thursday, 1/9 • 7 pm
Main Library Meadows Community Room C
Thursday, 2/6 • 7 pm
This writer’s peer group will inspire
and motivate you using prompts and
exercises for creative writing. Writers of all
genres are welcome.
Poetry Writers Workshop
Main Library
Monday, 1/6, 2/3 • 6:30 pm
Virtual Author Talks
Please register to receive Zoom link to the author talks listed below. R
The Magic of Found Family
In Conversation with
Author TJ Klune R
Wednesday, 1/15 • 6 pm
Enjoy a magical
moment with NY Times
bestselling author TJ
Klune as he chats about his Cerulean
Chronicles, with special emphasis
on newest in the series, Somewhere
Beyond the Sea.
Notes on Modern
Irrationality with
Bestselling Author
Amanda Montell R
Thursday, 1/23 • 1 pm
Join us as we chat with
the New York Times bestselling
author, Amanda Montell about her
newest book, The Age of Magical
Overthinking: Notes on Modern
An Inside Look at
Working with a
Literary Agent -
A Conversation with
Seth Fishman R
Tuesday, 1/28 •
Noon – 1:30 pm
You’re writing a book (or thinking
about it), but what happens next?
Join us for an inside look into working
with an agent and the beginning
stages of the publishing process,
followed by a Q&A.
An Author Talk with Sabrina
Sholts, Smithsonian
Institution - Director of
the SI Bio-Imaging Research
(SIBIR) Center R
Tuesday, 2/4 • 1 pm
The COVID-19 pandemic won’t be
our last—because what makes us
vulnerable to pandemics also makes us human.
Join us for an enlightening presentation with
Smithsonian curator Sabrina Sholts talking
about how the very fact of being human
increases our pandemic risks—and gives us the
power to save ourselves.
Dystopian Tropes from an
Indigenous Perspective
In Conversation with
Waubgeshig Rice R
Tuesday, 2/11 • 6 pm
You’re invited to a riveting
conversation with Waubgeshig Rice
to chat about his newest book Moon of the
Turning Leaves, bestseller Moon of the Crusted
Snow’s hotly anticipated sequel.
I Am Nobody’s Slave:
An Author Talk with Pulitzer
Prize Finalist Lee Hawkins R
Tuesday, 2/18 • 1 pm
Join journalist and author Lee
Hawkins as he talks about the
examination of his family’s legacy
of post-enslavement trauma and resilience in
this riveting memoir, I Am Nobody’s Slave: How
Uncovering My Family’s History Set Me Free.
Hawkins was a 2022 Pulitzer Prize finalist, former
Wall Street Journal lead reporter, and more.
ES =Descripción en español, ver paginas 10-11.
en español
Todos los eventos suceden en la Biblioteca Principal, a menos que se indique lo contrario.
prácticas de
Exhibición ABC: Awesome
Black Creativity
Biblioteca principal primer piso
16 de ene. – 26 de feb.
ABC: Awesome Black Creativity estará en
exhibición en la Biblioteca Gail Borden!
Esta serie A-Z celebra los creativos negros
contemporáneos e históricos a través
de un medio clásico de la infancia -
ladrillos LEGO®.
Esta exposición interactiva de figuras
construidas con ladrillos LEGO® inspirará
a los visitantes de la biblioteca a pensar
en construir de maneras innovadoras,
al tiempo que brinda la oportunidad de
hacer y mostrar sus propias creaciones.
Esta exposición fue creada por el DuPage Children’s
Museum en colaboración con Richard Dryden y
David Kaleta.
©2024 The LEGO Group. El logotipo de LEGO® y la
configuración de los ladrillos y las perillas son marcas
comerciales del LEGO Group. Esta exposición no está
autorizada, patrocinada o avalada por el LEGO Group.
Continued from cover.
Olmec Origins
Exhibit ES
Biblioteca principal segundo piso
Ahora extendido hasta febrero!
Estas 33 grandes cabezas Olmecas
decoradas artesanalmente que
representan el sentido de los artistas
individuales de la historia cultural
mexicana y sus ciudades de origen están
expuestas en un solo lugar. En asociación con el
Centro Cultural Mexicano de DuPage.
Interesado en un tour? Por favor, póngase
en contacto con Jeanie Ziegler en
Olmec caza de carroñeros y premios
Explore la exposición de Olmec y participe
en nuestras nuevas cacerías para ganar
divertidos premios Olmec!
Biblioteca de las Cosas
¿Estás buscando probar un nuevo
pasatiempo en el Año Nuevo? ¿O evitar
comprar una pequeña herramienta para
un proyecto de casa que solo usarás una
o dos veces? Navega por el catálogo de
la Biblioteca de las Cosas -- está lleno
de artículos divertidos y útiles, como
un micrófono para karaoke, afiladores
eléctricos de cuchillos, Roku streaming
stick y más que puedes comprobar con tu
tarjeta de la Biblioteca! Empieza por aquí:
Celebración de los
Reyes Magos
Biblioteca principal
Sábado, 4 de ene. • 2 – 4 pm
Ven a conocer a Gaspar, Melchor y
Baltazar, tómate una foto con ellos
y disfruta de la rosca tradicional.
¡Quédate para cuentos y manualidades!
En asociación con la Organización Mexicana de Elgin
Clases de Computación
Hora de práctica – Básicos de
computación R
Salón de entrenamiento de computación
Sábados • 3:30 pm
1/11 Ratón y Teclado
1/18 Introducción a la computación
1/25 Windows 10
2/1 Correo Electrónico
¿Quieres sentirte más confiado aplicando
lo que aprendiste en tu clase de
computación en español?
Para Familias
Flores de limpia pipas
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Lunes, 3 de feb. • 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Ven a crear flores de limpia pipas para
hacer un ramo para ti o un ser querido.
¡Celebración del día de
San Valentín!
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Jueves, 2/13 • 6:30 – 7:15 pm
Celebra el día de San Valentín con
un cuento, una manualidad y más.
Serie de programas de
Microsoft Office R
Salón de entrenamiento de computación
Sábados • 1 pm
2/8 Microsoft Word
2/15 Microsoft Excel
2/22 Microsoft Power Point
Serie donde aprenderás a utilizar
las herramientas que te brindan los
programas de Microsoft Office.
10 R=Registration R=Regístrese • required Tres maneras: • Three en ways línea to en register: Online at • por teléfono 847-429-4597 • Call 847-429-4597 • en persona • In person
Todos los eventos suceden en la Biblioteca Principal, a menos que se indique lo contrario.
Para Adultos
Conozca sus derechos
en español
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Miércoles, 8 de ene. • 6 – 7:30 pm
Si usted es un activista, organizador o
simplemente una persona común, es
esencial que conozca sus derechos y se
sienta empoderado para ejercerlos. Venga
y aprenda sobre los derechos que tiene
viviendo en los Estados Unidos.
Club de Lectura
Spanglish R
Salón de conferencias
Martes, 14 de ene. y
11 de feb. • 6 pm
Ene. Hábitos atómicos
Por James Clear
Feb. Siempre tuyo
Por Abby Jimenez
Acompáñanos mientras
discutimos el título de este
mes. Recoge tu libro o Kindle
en la sección de español
para adultos. En español y inglés.
Abogado en la Biblioteca
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Jueves, 23 de ene. y 27 de feb. • 6 pm
Los abogados voluntarios estarán
disponibles para reuniones de 15 minutos
para ayudarlo con asesoría legal, revisión
de documentos, referencias a otros
servicios comunitarios, presentación
electrónica de documentos judiciales
y preguntas legales. Traiga la documentación
relacionada con sus asuntos legales.
Preparación de
Impuestos Gratis
Salón Grove
Los sábados
25 de ene. – 22 de feb. • 9 am – 1 pm
Los jueves
30 de ene. – 27 de feb. • 4 – 8 pm
Free For You Services proveerá asistencia
gratuita con preparación de impuestos
para individuos que califiquen para El
Programa de Ayuda Voluntaria a los
Contribuyentes (VITA, por sus siglas en
inglés). Este servicio sin cita previa estará disponible
en inglés y español.
Cafecito entré Amigos en
español - Celebración del Día del
amor y la amistad
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Jueves 13 de feb. • 3:30 – 5 pm
Una oportunidad para compartir con
los adultos mayores en familia y la
comunidad. Abierto a los adultos mayores,
su familia y cuidadores. Tendremos
actividades divertidas. En español.
Idiomas y Cuidadanía
Grupo de Conversación
para la Ciudadanía R
Salón de conferencias
Los jueves, 2, 16 de ene. y
6, 20 de feb. • 6:30 pm
Usando material de USCIS que incluye
preguntas de educación cívica, el
formulario de solicitud y otros requisitos
para la entrevista de ciudadanía.
Grupo de Conversación en
Inglés R
Los martes • 6:30 pm
Salón Grove o Zoom
7, 21, 28 de ene. y 4, 18, 25 de feb.
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows o Zoom
14 de ene. y 11 de feb.
Participantes de nivel intermedio,
practican conversaciones en inglés,
adquieren confianza y mejoran su
pronunciación. Liderado por un tutor de
Literacy Connection.
Go Bilingual en la Biblioteca R
Salón Elgin
Los miércoles, 8, 15, 22, 29 de ene. y
5, 12, 19, 26 de feb. • 6 pm
Aprende en la biblioteca. Participa con
otras personas que hablan español o
inglés como primer idioma.
Café en Español –
Grupo en Conversación R
Salón Grove
Los lunes, 13, 27 de ene. y 7, 10, 24 de
feb. • 12 pm
Ven, aprende y practica español. Los
participantes de nivel intermedio
practicarán conversaciones en español
realizando actividades en la biblioteca o
visitando lugares de la comunidad.
Elgin Community College
foro comunitario en la
biblioteca Gail Borden
Salones de la Comunidad Meadows
Jueves, 20 de feb. • 6 pm
Elgin Community College (ECC) se
complace en anunciar el inicio del
Proceso de Planificación Estratégica
HSI (Institución al Servicio de los
Hispanos). Por favor, preséntese para
proporcionar ideas y comentarios para
ayudar a ECC en el establecimiento de
una dirección estratégica y asegurar
que se ajuste a las necesidades
y aspiraciones de la comunidad.
Se alienta especialmente a los
interesados, incluidos estudiantes,
personal, profesores, administradores,
familias y socios comunitarios, a asistir.
Se servirán refrigerios.
Language Groups
Citizenship Conversation
Group at the Library R ES
Main Library Conference Room
Thursdays, 1/2, 2/16, 2/6, 2/20 •
6:30 pm
Using USCIS material that includes civics
questions, the application form and other
requirements for the citizenship interview,
students will build confidence learning
English. The group is led by a Literacy Connection
tutor. All are welcome.
English Conversation
Group R ES
Main Library
Grove Room or Zoom
Tuesdays, 1/7, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/18,
2/25 • 6:30 pm
Meadows Community Rooms or Zoom
Tuesdays, 1/14, 2/11 • 6:30 pm
Intermediate-level participants
will practice English conversations,
gain confidence and improve their
pronunciation. Led by a Literacy Connection tutor.
Go Bilingual at the Library R ES
Main Library Elgin Room
Wednesdays, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5,
2/12, 2/19, 2/26 • 6 pm
Learn at the Library with native English
and Spanish speakers.
Spanish Café
Conversation Group R ES
Main Library Grove Room
Mondays, 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, 2/24 • Noon
Intermediate-level participants will
practice conversations in Spanish by
doing activities in the library or visiting
places in the community.
French Conversation Group R
Main Library Grove Room
Saturdays, 1/11, 2/8 • 10:30 am
Practice or improve your conversation
skills with other French speakers in a
friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Facilitator:
Sue Aissaoui.
German Conversation Group R
Hybrid – Main Library Grove Room & Zoom
Wednesdays, 1/22, 2/26 • 7 pm
Practice or improve your conversation
skills with other German speakers.
Facilitator: Barbara Laane.
City of Elgin
2025 Newsletter
Lakeshore Recycling
Systems (LRS)
Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) is officially serving the Elgin
community as our new waste management provider. A brochure
detailing changes to the program has been mailed to all Elgin
households. It includes the following information:
What’s Stayed the Same?
Collection day will stay the same
City of Elgin gray and blue carts will still be used
Electronic and Household Hazardous Waste collection will still be provided
Base service will continue to be billed on your monthly utility bill
What’s Changed?
Garbage, recycle and yard waste pickup times will vary
Yard waste stickers are no longer required
Free yard waste and organic carts are optional upon enrollment
Limit of two (2) bulk items each week with stickers required
Stickers will be required for garbage outside of Elgin and LSR cart
WM trash stickers will be honored through March 31, 2025
Program rates will be based on cart sizes
Scan the QR code, or call 311 if you
have any questions.
Did you know? City Council meetings now
feature live Spanish captions. View meetings
live on YouTube:
Elgin City Council Meetings
The City Council meets the second and
fourth Wednesday of each month (unless
otherwise noted) at City Hall, 150 Dexter
• Committee of the Whole at 6 p.m.
• City Council at 7 p.m.
View City meeting agendas and minutes at
311 by the Numbers
311 is dedicated to help answer general
information, non-emergency city services,
and to report a concern or complaint. In
2024, the team managed 952,951
customer interactions!
Phone Calls Handled
Reports on the City of Elgin
Portal & App 16,757
Total 952,951
October 31, 2023 - October 31, 2024
Lead Service Line
Replacement Update
The City of Elgin is committed to providing clean, safe and reliable
drinking water to all Elgin residents. Lead is not present in Elgin's
source water (wells and river water), nor is lead in Elgin's treated
drinking water. Some homes and buildings, however, have water
service lines, solder or fixtures made of lead, and lead can enter the
drinking water through the corrosion of plumbing materials. The
City of Elgin continues to work on replacing public and private lead
service lines in the community for buildings and homes built prior to
1988. More than 2,250 of the approximately 13,000 lines were
replaced by the end of 2024. "The health of our community is
important and being proactive is key," says Water Director Nora
Bertram. "We recognized the need to get in front of this issue in
2019, long before the state legislation required all cities to replace
private and public lead service lines."
Based on available funding, the City plans to replace approximately
870 lines a year with an estimated project completion date in 2036.
E L G I N I L . G O V | 3 1 1 ( O R 8 4 7 - 9 3 1 - 6 0 0 1 )
We want to
hear from you!
Amenities include the Adventure Island
Aquatics Center, track, Passport 2 Play
(toddler/gym program) and six guests
passes per person on the membership.
(Residents $230/year; non-residents
Now's a Great Time to
Sign-up for a Centre
Fitness Membership!
Become a Member of the Centre
Members have access to all the amenities in the
Bronze package plus unlimited use of the Fitness
Centre, Centrecise - exclusively for women, field
house/basketball, racquetball/pickleball, climbing
wall and the adult locker room with whirlpool and
steam room. (Residents $345/year; non-residents
Sign-up in January and pay no joining fee, no January dues and get a free 13th month as part of
your membership. Pay your membership in full and receive two months free.
Register in person at the fitness desk located on the second floor of the Edward Schock Center of
Elgin. For more information visit the or call 847-531-7025.
Helpful Winter Weather Reminders
Adopt a Fire Hydrant
Adopt a fire hydrant and help keep it
clear of snow. When fire hydrants are
buried, firefighters need to find and dig
them out so they can access them. Help
save the critical time firefighters need
during emergencies because every
second counts!
Upcoming Special Events
Stay Informed About Trash
Stay informed about impacts to garbage
and recycling collection due weather.
Download the City's app, follow the City
on Facebook, lnstagram and TikTok, view
the City website or call 311.
The annual Daddy Daughter Dance is a special event for children and their
special person of choice to have a fun-filled evening together! Children
aged 2-17 and their special person (guardian/parental figure) are invited to
attend. Stay tuned, tickets go on sale soon.
Daddy Daughter
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Friday, February 7 and
Saturday, February 8
The event will be held in the Heritage Ballroom in the Edward Schock Centre of Elgin, 100 Symphony Way.
Stay informed about upcoming events:
Enjoy all the amenities of the Bronze and Silver
packages plus unlimited use of KidzWorld for
children 8 years old and under and unlimited group
fitness classes. In addition, children age 13 and
under are included in the membership at no cost.
(Residents $600/year; non-residents $712/year)
Avoid the Second Shovel
Tea Time with
Visiting Princess
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Saturday, February 8
Elgin’s Climate Action Plan is setting a course to reduce carbon emissions, preserve
natural resources, and ensure a vibrant, sustainable environment for future
generations. Learn about Elgin’s potential climate risks and share your thoughts
through our interactive mapping survey by visiting
Elgin's Public Services plow team helps
provide safe traveling for motorists by clearing
snow and ice from City streets. While plowing,
snow cleared from the street can end up
across driveway entrances. To help avoid a
"second shovel," clear an area to the right of
your driveway for the plowed snow to land.
Avoid a Ticket or Tow When it
When it snows two or more inches there
is no parking on posted snow emergency
routes so that crews can remove snow
quickly and efficiently. Avoid a ticket or
tow by planning ahead for alternative
parking options, such as the property's
driveway or public parking lots. Vehicles
may park on the street 24 hours after the
snow event has stopped.
Help with Sidewalk Safety
Sidewalk safety is everyone's responsibility
and helps make navigating snow and ice
safer for everyone, including people with
disabilities, the elderly, meter readers, mail
carriers and parents with strollers, to name a
few. If interested in volunteering to assist
elderly community members contact the
Senior Services Associates of Elgin at
Cook and Kane Counties’ Safety
Action Plans Open House
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Edward Schock Centre of Elgin
100 Symphony Way, Elgin, IL 60120
This is an opportunity to share your experiences and learn
about the region’s new Safe Travel for All initiative to reduce
serious injuries and traffic fatalities on our roads. Your input
on high-risk locations and safety concerns in Elgin will help
make roads safer for all users.
Can’t make it to the open house? Visit the Cook and Kane
Counties’ Safe Travel for All project webpages:
Cook County:
Kane County:
E L G I N I L . G O V | 3 1 1 ( O R 8 4 7 - 9 3 1 - 6 0 0 1 )
Boletín informativo de la
Ciudad de Elgin 2025
Lakeshore Recycling
Systems (LRS)
Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) esta oficialmente sirviendo a la
comunidad de Elgin como nuestro nuevo proveedor de gestión de
residuos. Se ha enviado por correo a los residentes de Elgin un folleto
que detalla los cambios en el programa. Incluye la siguiente información:
¿Qué sigue igual?
El día de recolección seguirá siendo el mismo
Se seguirán utilizando los carritos grises y azules de la ciudad de Elgin
Se seguirá recogiendo residuos electrónicos y domésticos peligrosos
El cargo del servicio seguirá en su factura mensual de servicios públicos
¿Qué ha cambiando?
Los horarios de recolección de basura, reciclaje y desechos de jardín variarán
Ya no se requieren calcomanías para desechos de jardín
Los carritos orgánicos y desechos de jardín gratuitos son opcionales al momento
de inscribirse
Límite de dos (2) artículos sueltos cada semana con calcomanías requeridas
Se requerirán calcomanías para la basura fuera de los contenedores de Elgin y LSR
Las calcomanías de basura de WM se respetarán hasta el 31
de marzo de 2025
Las tarifas del programa se basarán en el tamaño del carrito
Escanee el código QR o llame al 311 si
tiene alguna pregunta.
¿Sabías qué? Ahora las reuniones del
Consejo Municipal cuentan con subtítulos en
vivo en español. Mira las reuniones en vivo
en YouTube:
E L G I N I L . G O V | 3 1 1 ( O R 8 4 7 - 9 3 1 - 6 0 0 1 )
Reuniones del consejo municipal
de Elgin
El Consejo Municipal se reúne el segundo
y cuarto miércoles de cada mes (a menos
que se indique lo contrario) en el
Ayuntamiento, 150 Dexter Court:
• Comité de Toda la Comunidad a las 6 p.m.
• Consejo Municipal a las 7 p.m.
Vea las agendas y actas de las reuniones
de la cuidad
311 en Cifras
311 está dedicado a ayudar a responder
información general, servicios municipales
que no sean de emergencia y a informar una
precupación o queja. ¡En 2024, el equipo
logró 952,951 interacciones con los clientes!
Llamadas telefónicas atendidas
Correos electrónicos
Reportes en el portal y aplicación
de la Ciudad de Elgin 16,757
Total 952,951
31 de octubre de 2023 - 31 de octubre de 2024
Información sobre el
reemplazo de tuberias de
servicio de plomo
La Ciudad de Elgin se compromete a proporcionar agua potable
limpia, segura y confiable a todos los residentes de Elgin. El plomo
no está presente en el agua de origen de Elgin (pozos y agua de río),
ni tampoco en el agua potable tratada de Elgin. Sin embargo,
algunas casas y edificios tienen líneas de servicio de agua, soldaduras
o accesorios hechos de plomo, y el plomo puede ingresar al agua
potable a través de la corrosión de los materiales de plomería. La
Ciudad de Elgin continúa trabajando para reemplazar las líneas de
servicio de plomo públicas y privadas en la comunidad para edificios
y viviendas construidas antes de 1988. Más de 2,250 de las
aproximadamente 13,000 líneas fueron reemplazadas para fines de
2024. "La salud de nuestra comunidad es importante y ser proactivo
es clave", afirma la Directora de Agua, Nora Bertram. "Reconocimos
la necesidad de abordar este problema en 2019, mucho antes de que
la legislación estatal exigiera que todas las ciudades reemplazaran las
líneas de servicio de plomo públicas y privadas."
Según los fondos disponibles, la Ciudad planea reemplazar
aproximadamente 870 líneas por año, con una fecha estimada de
finalización del proyecto en 2036.
escuchar de ti!
Las comodidades incluyen el Adventure
lsland Aquatics Center (centro acuático),
pista para correr/caminar, Passport 2
Play (programa para niños/gimnasio) y
seis pases de invitado por persona en la
membresía. (Residentes $230/año; no
residentes $275/año)
¡Ahora es un buen
momento para inscribirte
en una membresía de
Fitness del Centro!
Los miembros tienen acceso a todas las
comodidades del paquete Bronce, además
de uso ilimitado del Fitness Centre (gimnasio),
Centrecise exclusivamente para mujeres, cancha
polideportiva/baloncesto, racquetball/pickleball,
pared de escalada y el vestuario de adultos con
jacuzzi y sauna. (Residentes $345/año; no
residentes $415/año)
Inscríbete en enero y no pagues tarifa de inscripción, ni cuotas de enero, y obtén un mes adicional
gratis como parte de tu membresía. Paga tu membresía completa y recibe dos meses gratis.
Regístrate en persona en el mostrador de fitness ubicado en el segundo piso del Edward Schock
Centre of Elgin. Para obtener más información, visita o llama al 847-531-7025.
Mantente informado sobre la
recolecci6n de basura
Recordatorio útil para el clima invernal
Adopta una hidrante de incendio
Adopta un hidrante de incendio y ayúdanos a
mantenerlo libre de nieve. Cuando los
hidrantes de incendio están llenos de nieve,
los bomberos necesitan encontrarlos y quitar
la nieve para poder acceder a ellos. Ayuda a
ahorrar el tiempo crítico que los bomberos
necesitan durante las emergencias, ¡porque
cada segundo cuenta!
Evita una multa o remolque
cuando nieva
Cuando nieva dos o más pulgadas, no se
permite estacionar en las rutas de
emergencia de nieve indicadas para que los
equipos puedan quitar la nieve de manera
rápida y eficiente. Planifica con anticipación
para evitar multas o el remolque, y busca
opciones alternativas de estacionamiento,
como el camino de entrada de tu propiedad
o estacionamientos públicos. Se permite
estacionar en la calle 24 horas después de
que haya terminado el evento de nieve.
Próximos eventos especiales
Infórmate sobre los impactos en la recolección
de basura y reciclaje debido al clima. Descarga la
aplicación de la ciudad, sigue a la ciudad en
Facebook, Instagram y TikTok, visita el sitio web
de la Ciudad o llama al 311.
Contribuye a la seguridad de las
La seguridad de las aceras es responsabilidad de
todos y ayuda a que la navegación por la nieve y
el hielo sea más segura para todos, incluyendo
personas con discapacidades, ancianos, lectores
de medidores, carteros y padres con carriolas, por
nombrar algunos. Si estás interesado en ser
voluntario para ayudar a los miembros mayores de
la comunidad, ponte en contacto con los servicios
para personas mayores de Elgin al 847-741-0404.
¡El baile anual Baile de papá e hija (Daddy Daughter Dance) es un evento especial
para que las niñas y su persona especial pasen una tarde llena de diversión juntos!
Están invitados a asistir niñas de 2 a 17 años y su persona especial (tutor legal/figura
paterna). Manténganse atentos, las entradas saldrán a la venta pronto.
Baile de papá
e hija
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Viernes 7 de febrero y
Sábado 8 de febrero
El evento se llevará a cabo en el Heritage Ballroom del Edward Schock Center de Elgin, 100 Symphony Way.
Manténgase informado sobre los próximos eventos:
Disfruta de todas las comodidades de los
paquetes Bronce y Plata, además de uso
ilimitado de KidzWorld para niños de 8 años y
menores y clases de fitness en grupo ilimitadas.
Además, los niños menores de 13 años están
incluidos en la membresía sin costo adicional.
(Residentes $600/año; no residentes $712/año)
Evita una segunda palada
Hora del té con la
princesa invitada
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sábado 8 de febrero
El plan de acción climática de Elgin está marcando un trayecto para reducir las
emisiones de carbono, preservar los recursos naturales y garantizar un clima vibrante
y sostenible para las generaciones futuras. Conozca los riesgos climáticos potenciales
de Elgin y comparta sus opiniones a través de nuestra encuesta cartográfica
interactiva visitando a
Conveírtete en miembro del centro
El equipo quitanieves de los Servicios Públicos de Elgin
ayuda a facilitar un viaje seguro para los automovilistas
al limpiar la nieve y el hielo de las calles de la ciudad.
Mientras limpian la nieve, esta puede quedar a lo largo
de las entradas de los caminos. Para evitar una
"segunda palada", al retirar la nieve de tu camino de
entrada, limpia un área a la derecha de tu camino para
que la nieve despejada por la quitanieves pueda caer
allí. Esto puede ayudar a evitar tener que quitar más
nieve después de que pase la quitanieves.
Sesión informativa para el plan de acción y
seguridad de los condados de Cook y Kane
Sábado 22 de febrero de 2025, de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m.
Edward Schock Centre of Elgin
100 Symphony Way, Elgin, IL 60120
Esta es una oportunidad para compartir sus experiencias y
conocer la nueva iniciativa Viajes seguros para todos para
reducir las lesiones graves y muertes por accidentes de tránsito
en nuestras carreteras. Su opinión sobre ubicaciones de alto
riesgo y preocupaciones de seguridad en Elgin ayudará a que
las carreteras sean más seguras para todos.
¿No puedes venir a la sesión? Visite la pagina de los
condados Cook y Kane Viaje seguro para todos projecto:
Condado Cook:
Condado Kane:
E L G I N I L . G O V | 3 1 1 ( O R 8 4 7 - 9 3 1 - 6 0 0 1 )
Board of Trustees:
Jean Bednar, President
Amanda Garcia, Vice President
Tiffany Henderson, Secretary
Amy Prochot, Treasurer
Laura Bedolla
Elisa Lara
Joy Symonds
Chief Executive Officer:
Carole Medal
Questions about the newsletter?
Email Denise Raleigh at
This newsletter contains recycled
paper and soy-based inks.
Main Library
270 N. Grove Ave.
Elgin, IL 60120
Building Hours
9 am – 9 pm
9 am – 6 pm
Noon – 5 pm
Drive-Up Window
8:30 am – 9 pm
8:30 am – 6 pm
11:30 am – 5 pm
Rakow Branch
2751 W. Bowes Rd.
Elgin, IL 60124
Building Hours
9 am – 9 pm
9 am – 6 pm
Noon – 5 pm
Drive-Up Window
8:30 am – 9 pm
8:30 am – 6 pm
11:30 am – 5 pm
Programas en español
South Elgin Branch
127 S. McLean Blvd.
South Elgin, IL 60177
Please note that the
South Elgin Branch is
closed for expansion.
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Elgin, IL 60120
Permit No. 164
Photo Release
All visitors agree to be
during library events/activities
for future marketing purposes.
Customers with Disabilities
The Library accommodates
customers with disabilities. Please
call 847-742-2411 to discuss
arrangements at least seven days
prior to a scheduled event.
Thank you community.
Due to our work with many paners,
your library received the nation’s
highest honor conferred on
museums and libraries
for service to the
community: the
National Medal for
Museum and
Library Services.
Library Closings
All Library locations will be
closed all day:
• Tuesday, December 31
• Wednesday, January 1
Passport services will be unavailable.
Don’t forget that you can always access
our 24/7 eLibrary while buildings are closed.
Free Tax Preparation ES
Main Library Grove Room
Saturdays, 1/25 – 2/22 • 9 am – 1 pm
Thursdays, 1/30 – 2/27 • 4 – 8 pm
Free For You Services will provide free
tax preparation assistance to customers
who qualify for the Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) Program. This walk-in
service will be available in both English
and Spanish.
Consolidated Primary Election
Main Library Meadows Community Rooms
Tuesday, 2/25 • 6 am
Polls are open 6 am – 7 pm to Kane
County voters.
Library of Things
Are you looking to try out a new hobby in
the New Year? Or avoid purchasing a small
tool for a house project that you’ll only
use once or twice? Browse the Library of
Things catalog—it’s full of fun and useful
items, such as a karaoke microphone,
electric knife sharpeners, Roku streaming
stick and more that you can check out
with your Library card! Get started here:
Get in Touch
with Nature
Bald Eagles are frequently
spotted along the Fox River
throughout winter and the River
Room is the perfect place to spot them!
Check out binoculars from our Library of
Things collection for an even better view
of the beautiful wildlife along the Fox.
The Gail Borden
Public Library District
Foundation welcomes
Joe Menolascino and
Jaime Garcia as their
newest Board Directors.
With their work and
long-lasting leadership
in this community, the
Foundation’s mission
and projects will
benefit greatly.
City of Elgin Annual
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Community Food Drive
Main Library Lobby
Monday 1/13 – Sunday 1/19
Build MLK’s “Beloved Community”
by helping to feed those
in need. Drop off nonperishable,
food items at the
special donation
table near the
Customer Relations
Desk during regular
operating hours.