17237 Sunday Funday Frozen Bubbles

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Sunday Fun Day!

Winter: Frozen Bubbles

Try this experiment when there is no wind in the air.

17237 KG

Bubbles freeze best when the temperature is near or below zero. Brrrr!

You can make your own bubble solution or use a purchased bottle. Ask

an adult for help with mixing this bubble solution.

Bubble Solution

• 1 cup warm water

• 1/2 cup dish soap

• 1/4 cup corn syrup

Add the ingredients to a large container and stir together SLOWLY. If you stir too

fast, you will have a container full of bubbles.

Use a straw or a bubble wand to blow your bubbles. Blow individual bubbles

directly onto a cold surface like a tree branch, patio table, or the ground. This

allows you to look at them longer or take a picture of them while frozen. If blown

into the air, a frozen bubble will shatter when it hits the ground or a solid surface.

Hold your straw near a surface and blow gently. Once the bubble is formed,

remove the straw from the bubble before it freezes. It make take a few tries to

be successful with the process, so do not give up!

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