International Forest Industries April May 2024
International Forest Industries April May 2024
International Forest Industries April May 2024
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APRIL / MAY 2024
Thinning Harvesters • Chippers
A versatile head, ready for large trees.
The Log Max 5000V is a modern and reliable harvesting head that
can handle a wide range of logging challenges. This is the perfect
mid-range head for both thinning and final felling. The head can
be equipped with a 82 cm saw bar and has a maximum cutting
diameter of 74 cm. It also features Log Max’s Multi-stemming
MK2, that is agile and lightweight, making thinning work easier.
The Log Max 5000V is suitable for those who seek the perfect
balance between agility, capacity, and durability.
What customers say:
“The cutting and feeding are brutally good
and in combination with the new length
measuring unit, Log Max is unstoppable ; )”
LOGMAX 2000T, 3000T & 4000T
12 47
Tigercat mulching products are used
across many industries including
land clearing, silviculture, and forest
management, including fire mitigation
APRIL / MAY 2024
Enhance your operation with a Bandit
whole tree chipper
ZF is contributing to reducing emissions
from less to zero
COVER - USNR VAB-brand Lineal Autograder
USNR’s VAB-brand Lineal Autograder is
a highly innovative grading solution for
planer mill applications. Using measurable
dimensions and artificial intelligence
for exceptional accuracy, the system can
manage standard and custom grades. With
over 70 installations in North America, this
system has a proven track record. Its small
footprint simplifies installation making it
easy to integrate into existing production
lines. Completed over two weekends
to limit downtime, mills are usually
grading to norm within a few hours from
start-up. Lumber producers can expect
to maximize finished wood volume,
minimize trim loss, and reduce the need
for manual graders. Contact us today!
APRIL / MAY 2024
Thinning Harvesters • Chippers
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 1
20 24
Koskisen chooses MiCROTEC.
Cutting edge automated solutions -
long term customer relations.
Super Snapshot Scanning for Sawmills
Or How to Prevent the Waney Board
In the ever-evolving landscape of
wood processing, a groundbreaking
innovation from BID Group, the
ResawExpert by Comact, emerges as a
transformative solution set to redefine
operational efficiency in sawmills.
Lineal scanning and optimization
at USNR.
BID’s New AI-Powered Robotic
Automation: A complete solution to
intelligently pick, sort and stack trim
blocks and boards.
2 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Logeye Stereo
Revolutionary transverse stereoscopic
real-shape scanner for logs
“The Logeye Stereo alone gives us
about 5% more cutting performance.”
Pfeifle Holz, Germany
360° real shape reconstruction during rolling
Increase of throughput speed, yield and cutting performance
Easy operation on the bandsaw or carriage
Efficient and modular solution
Direct connection to cutting optimization (Maxicut)
and cutting line visualization software (Optiline)
The Logeye Stereo stereoscopic imaging system is the only worldwide scanner that provides a full
360-degree scan of a log as it‘s rolling into your Carriage, Headrig, End Dogger, or from a transverse
to lineal conveyor. Since the scanning takes place as it‘s transferred into the position, the log is already fully
optimized and ready for sawing the instant it is dogged or sent through your sawline.
APRIL / MAY 2024
£160, €
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Continuing our climate change themes
we highlight some of the topics on
the agenda at Wood Transport &
Logistics 2024.
Also, Check out issues - (June July 2023 -
How much money is needed to save the
rainforests?) (Aug Sept 2023 - Switch from
fossil fuels to renewables) (Oct Nov 2023
- The rich can go a long way to saving the
planet) (Dec Jan 2024 - Can Amazon
save the Amazon?
Alternative Fuels for Log
Transport & Harvesting
On-site and virtual registrations to
this year’s Wood Transport & Logistics
2024 event along with interest in the Log
Transport Safety Council driver certification
and Trimble Forestry pre-conference
workshops continue to flow in. In an
earlier update, the organisers incorrectly
mentioned that discounted early-bird
registrations will be closing. These had
in fact closed on 30 March, but a raft of
special discounted rates are still on offer to
those looking to register for the event.
In addition to innovations around
decarbonising log transport fleets, a
first look into efforts being made into
log harvesting operations has been
added to this year’s programme. Mike
Hurring Logging has been operating
NZ’s first Logset 8H GTE diesel-electric
hybrid wheeled harvester in production
thinning operations in Otago/Southland
forests. How’s the new dual-fuel machine
Electric Machine Concept for Forwarders
And from Finland, Ponsse has teamed up
with Epec, a manufacturing company that
specialising in electric/hybrid electric
vehicle and autonomous systems, to
develop another first, an electric machine
concept for forwarders with 15-tonne
load-carrying capacity. Epec’s technology is
already beimg used in electric or hybridelectric
commercial vehicles and non-road
mobile machines.
As part of this year’s Wood Transport &
Logistics 2024 event, both Mike Hurring
and Ponsse will be providing early
insights for local forestry companies and
contractors on future options for taking
electric or electric hybrid machines out into
the forest.
4 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
40” Capacity Hammermill Grinder
» 40” diameter capacity
» Heavy-duty 50” diameter x 66” wide hammermill
» 20 hammer inserts
» Caterpillar C32, 1,200 horsepower engine
» Standard impact detection system
If you haven’t tried a Bandit unit for your operation, please contact a local
Bandit dealer, email or visit our website and we will be happy to assist you!
End Users Join #GLAD2024 Campaign
The countless industries that
use lifting equipment are being
urged to unite in support of
Global Lifting Awareness Day
on Thursday 18 July.
Driven by the Lifting
Equipment Engineers
Association (LEEA), #GLAD2024
is an established event where
its members, manufacturers,
and suppliers lead those
sharing material that promotes
safe and high quality load
lifting across the world. Social
media posts, videos, articles,
and in-person activity are
bound together by the hashtag.
However, LEEA and
supporting stakeholders
recognise that the continued
growth of the concept — and
realisation of the association’s
wider vision of eliminated
accidents, injuries, and
fatalities — is collectively in
the hands of those that use
lifting equipment. Accordingly,
messaging is being positioned
more squarely on the point of
use than in four prior stagings
of the event.
Cranes, hoists, rigging
gear, and height safety
hardware is central to safe
operations in a myriad of
end-user sectors, including
civil engineering, construction,
material handling, metals,
military, offshore, subsea,
and renewables, to select
just a handful. It is towards
these applications that LEEA’s
daily work and #GLAD2024
campaigning points.
Ross Moloney, CEO at
LEEA, said: “To take GLAD
from an idea to a globally
recognised movement required
us to garner support from
major stakeholders in our
industry, many of which are
LEEA members and long-time
collaborators. Empowered by
their support, and that of fellow
trade authorities, media, and a
select group of users, we must
now energise more people with
lifting equipment in their hands
and on their person, as well as
those responsible for sourcing
The latest campaign
messaging harmonises with
the launch of new promotional
graphics that centre on
the truism that end-user
marketplaces need
the lifting industry and vice
versa in terms of elevating the
profile of the annual awareness
day. Already in circulation are
two immediately recognisable
#GLAD2024 graphics that
share the slogans:
• ‘You Need the Lifting
• ‘The Lifting Industry Needs
Moloney explained: “There
are kindred spirits at both ends
of the supply chain. The lifting
industry needs equipment
users to spread our message,
central to which is that the safe
application of our technologies
and solutions is their lifeblood
too. Where would construction
be without cranes, or wind
energy without height safety
equipment, or wet logistics
without all kinds of lifting gear?
You Need the Lifting Industry;
The Lifting Industry Needs
This year’s campaign trail
is already advanced, with
the two pillars of earlier
announcements being that
LEEA will focus its strategy on
skills and employment and do
so under a new #GLAD2024
logo. It is encouraging
everyone to contribute by using
graphics and the hashtag to
celebrate their involvement
with the industry, at all levels
of the supply chain.
Industry representatives
are reminded to share their
content so LEEA can add
it to the website — www.
com — where information
about apprenticeships,
military recruitment, diversity,
sustainability, and technology
has been posted during
previous years.
• Celebrate the lifting industry
on Thursday 18 July —
include the #GLAD2024
Works with IP PoE
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Coax Analog
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6 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
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Offering a vast variety of radio remote control products, adaptable to a multitude of applications, throughout
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See the website for all our global sales locations and more info about the products and applications
New FAE STCM stone crusher
for tractors up to 280 hp.
FAE updates its line of midsize
stone crushers with the
introduction of the new STCM
line. The new head — which
will replace the current STC line
— can crush stones up to 30
cm in diameter and 20 cm deep
and has a working width of up
to 230 cm. The STCM works
with 80-280 hp tractors.
FAE’s STCM stone crusher
is the perfect solution to clear
stony land and prepare fields
for farming.
Compared to the previous
version, the STC, the STCM
features significant technical
improvements. The opening
has been enlarged to allow
for the intake of more
material from the surface and
underground. The adjustable
counter blade is now hydraulic
for added granulometry control
during processing.
In addition to these
upgrades, there are a number
of other features. The internal
Hardox® counter blades help
to produce uniform results
for all the material entering
the crushing chamber. The
sturdy protection chains limit
material output to a minimum,
protecting the drive motor.
Finally, the ultra-strong, wearresistant
steel used for the
frame, the interchangeable
internal and external guards,
and the heat-treated, forgedsteel
tooth holder together
guarantee a robust structure
that can stand up to even the
most challenging tasks.
The STCM is available
in seven models and five
widths. The line includes three
different types of teeth that
can be selected based on the
working conditions.
New PML/EX: FAE renews its
line of flail mulchers for 2–7.5
ton excavators
FAE expands its line for small
excavators with the new
PML/EX family for 2–7.5 ton
excavators. The new line
replaces the PML/HY and
PMM/HY lines and the previous
version of the PML/EX.
The new PML/EX can mulch
light vegetation, shrubs, and
trees up to 5 cm in diameter.
Light and compact, it’s the
perfect tool for managing and
protecting wildlife habitats and
maintaining commercial parks
and sports grounds.
The head is designed for
high productivity, durability,
and easy installation and
The PML/EX’s Direct Drive
motor minimizes maintenance
and allows for a smaller
machine body for better
maneuverability. With a flow
regulator valve built into the
motor and a thumb bracket
integrated into the frame, the
head maintains a clean profile
and compact build.
The hydraulic motor is
compatible with excavators
that do not have a drainage
line, making the head easier to
install. This feature makes the
head a plug-and-play piece of
The new PML/EX can be
equipped with PML hammers
or Y-flails and comes in an
operating width of 75, 100, 125,
or 150.
8 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
New Triangulated Harvesting Head
Tigercat adds fifth model to
harvesting head line-up with
the new three-wheel drive 573.
In late September 2023,
visitors to the PLC live demo
event held in Washington state
got a sneak peak of the new
Tigercat 573 harvesting head
National Show Manager • 506.333.1064
Produced by:
Exhibit Sales • 506.649.0025
processing logs on the end of
a Tigercat 875E logger. Since
then, multiple units have been
testing in far flung regions
from Alberta to Australia and
the results are in. The 573
is shaping up to be a high
performing, reliable head
for roadside processing and
Best suited to medium and
large tree profiles, the 573 has
a 800 mm (31 in) maximum cut
capacity and offers optimal
performance in 400-600 mm
(16-24 in) diameter timber.
The feed rollers close down to
60 mm (2.4 in), allowing the
573 to smoothly delimb and
process smaller diameter trees
and thus achieve higher value
fibre recovery.
The compact frame design
deftly handles poor stem
form and contributes to tidy
delimbing performance. The
triangulated feed wheel arm
configuration operates in
locked three-wheel drive. This,
combined with timed knife
arms, provide the operator with
fast picking and positive stem
control for high productivity
in roadside processing
applications. Independently
mounted, trailing-arm length
measuring ensures reliable
tracking and accuracy.
The top knife and lower/
back knife pivot on the same
side of the chassis frame,
aligning the position and flow
of each stem centrally through
the head. This arrangement
promotes positive contact
with all three feed rollers
and the measuring wheel
at all times. The result is
better quality and accuracy,
reduced fuel consumption, and
greater processing speed. The
orientation also provides the
operator with a clear sightline
to the measuring wheel.
The 573 is standard
equipped with continuous
rotation for ease of use and
superior hose routing and
protection. Quick, stable WiFi
connectivity between the
cab and attachment modules
reduces wire routing along the
boom and provides excellent
command response.
The Tigercat D7 control
system is available with Priority
or Optimization levels and is
fully compatible and compliant
with StanForD Classic and
The 573 is a great fit for
the H250D, 850 and 875E
for roadside processing
applications and the H822E
and H855E carriers for in-stand
10 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
With near zero tail-swing, the LX830E is a powerhouse in a compact
package. Stable and responsive, it’s well matched to tough terrain
and steep slopes in selective cut or final fell.
Scan to learn more
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 11
Modern forestry
applications must first
and foremost reduce
fuel consumption and
minimize emissions.
No matter the power
source, conventional
or alternative
fuels, hydrogen, or
electrification: ZF
is contributing to
reducing emissions
from less to zero.
From Less to Zero
ZF cPOWER – CVT technology
High loads, continuously
variable speeds, and therefore
comfortable maneuvering
– the cPOWER power-split
CVT technology combines
these characteristics with
improved fuel consumption of
up to 25 percent. It operates
at low engine speeds, thus
increasing efficiency and
driver comfort in forestry
equipment like forwarders and
skidders even more. The gain
in tractive power through the
innovative transmission system
is particularly beneficial for
the user when driving on
challenging terrain types, like
steep slopes, soft ground, or
deep snow.
Whilst the Group´s
transmission is already being
well-established in the North
American full-tree skidder
market for several years now,
the technology is recently
also finding its way into the
cut-to-length forwarder market,
mainly to be found in the
European area.
Heavy loads, continuously
adjustable speed, and easy
maneuverability – the fully
power-split CVT transmission
cPOWER combines these
characteristics with improved
fuel consumption of up to 25
percent (image: ZF)
Being in series production
for forwarders since more
than three years now, the
fully power-split, continuously
variable transmission offers
significant fuel consumption
benefits and productivity
increases for the vehicle owner.
Because of rising fuel prices
and a growing awareness of
CO²-emissions, the market
demands more efficient drive
In Off-Highway applications,
hydrostatic power-split
transmissions ensure
significant consumption
benefits compared to
hydrodynamic transmissions
and purely hydrostatic
Take advantage of the professional performance of the FAE UMH/S/HP forestry mulcher. Hydraulic third point,
Spike PRO counter blades, Poly Chain belts, hydrodynamic couplings, gearbox cooling: all standard equipment
for tractors from 350 to 500 hp.
Contact us to find the right FAE product for you:
12 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
The end of the
road is where
we get started.
Efficient, clean and safe: this is how we envision future
off-road operation with intelligent system solutions.
As a full-range supplier, we supply comprehensive drive systems for off-road
machinery from one source. We develop axles and transmissions with advanced
software functions and combine them with state-of-the-art braking technology,
connectivity and safety solutions. Our answer to meeting the industry’s challenges:
comprehensive and intelligent system solutions, thoroughly matched to each other.
In doing so, we always keep an eye on reducing emissions and remain on our path
to Vision Zero.
The continuously variable
transmissions clearly
demonstrate their benefits
in all ranges of the typical
forestry operating cycle, i.e.
transporting, or loading.
In this process, the
percentage of hydrostatic
power is kept low whereby; an
optimal degree of efficiency
can be achieved.
Already in the start-up
process there is a power split
between mechanical and
hydrostatic drive. The share
of the mechanical power
increases with the vehicle
speed up to 100%.
The application of
an elaborate hydraulic
transmission-control unit and
transmission-integrated onboard
electronic unit optimally
completes driving functions.
The application of these units
is done with reference to
sensitivity and driving comfort
and realizes an aligned power
The cPOWER series deploys
well-known and -proven
construction kit modules and
benefits from ZF competence
in transmission and vehicle
system engineering.
Main features:
• Continuously variable drive
over the whole drive range
• Hydrostatic-mechanical
power splitting in all driving
ranges, including the
frequently used range up to
10 km/h
• Reduction of diesel motor
speed independent of driving
• No wear through heavy loads
as there is no mechanical
connection between engine
and driveline
ZF eTRAC – electric driveline
For the future, technology and
innovation leader ZF is up to
many more projects in the field
of forestry, seeking into electric
drive solutions already today.
The eTRAC electric drive
system satisfies all
the expectations for
performance and
productivity found
in traditional drivelines
and combines them with
the extensive benefits and
opportunities that electric
systems have to offer. Thanks
to its modular design this new
range of electric central drives
can easily be adapted for
various vehicle applications.
A newly launched system
for forestry applications
consists of a 2-speed
powershift transmission,
electric motor, and inverter.
It can be scaled up to peak
torque 850 Nm and continuous
power of 80 kW. Three power
classes of the electric central
drive system eCD50, eCD70
and eCD90 are available to
cover different vehicle sizes in
the targeted applications.
To complete the customers´
demand, not only in regards
of traction drive, ZF also offers
the so called ePTO, e.g., to run
the working hydraulic.
Main features:
• One supplier for
transmission, eMotor and
• “Best in class solution“ for
power density
• Zero emissions without
compromising on
• Low noise level
• Efficient electrical
• Robust and reliable
mechanical driveline
• Compact installation space
Zero emissions without compromising on performance –
the electric drive system eTRAC eCD50/70/90 from ZF
Key Figures electric central
drive eTRAC eCD50/70/90
• Modular platform for 650 V
• Up to 80 kW continuous
• Liquid cooled PSM e-motor
• 2 speed powershift
• Integrated park brake
• Optional axle disconnect
To complete the range
of electric drives for larger
construction vehicles, ZF is
offering the eTRAC eCD110-
210 series, consisting of an
electro-mechanical powershift
transmission and one e-motor
for traction and ePTO each. An
electric drive control unit for
overall system performance
and power management
completes the system. With a
650 V operating voltage, the
system can be scaled up to
120 kW continuous power; the
ePTO ranges from 30 to 70 kW
continuous power. Thanks to
its modular design, the system
can be integrated in various
other vehicle applications
as well and can be driven
independently from the
power source. The company´s
solutions fit in both batteryelectric
vehicles and fuel-cell
battery electric vehicles,
which will also play a big role
in the future of construction
Key Figures electric central
drive eTRAC eCD110 - 210
• e-drive: 650 V (50-120 kW
continuous power)
• ePTO: 650 V (30-70 kW
continuous power)
• eDCU: Drive Control Unit for
overall system performance
and power management
• Drop-In replacement for
current conventional
ZF eTRAC eCD50-90 –
electric central drive
14 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
BMH Technology to supply a biomass handling
system to NAVIGATOR Pulp Setubal in Portugal
BMH Technology has signed a
contract with NAVIGATOR Pulp
Setubal for the delivery and
installation of a wood fines
handling system in Portugal to
convert one of the gas burning
kilns into biomass.
The main driver for the
project is to reduce the
consumption of natural gas
which is a major source of
emissions and represents
a significant portion of
production costs. The project
aims to convert the normal
operation of the existing
Lime Kiln 1, making it entirely
independent from fossil fuels.
This solution aims to eventually
make the lime kiln operation
100% fossil free.
The delivery includes the
design, manufacture, erection
and commissioning of an
external fuel handling system
for wood fines biomass. The
system consists of receiving
station, storage silo, grinding
mill and pneumatic piping to
feed the powder silo.
“We have seen an Increased
demand for these solutions
which will help to decarbonize
Industries and BMH is
taking a lead on this to set
a valuable reference for the
whole Industry” says Marcos
Arizti, Sales Manager of BMH
Technology Oy.
The system will be delivered
and installed in 2024 and the
facility will be taken over in
We offer a wide range of:
• Tractor driven PTO Chippers
• Truck driven chippers “Hack-Truck”
• Diesel engine driven chipper units
KWF Tagung Schwarzenborn
19th – 22nd June
Follow us
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 15
Veisto delivered the world’s
most modern sawing line
to Oulu
The cooperation between
Junnikkala Oy and Veisto
Oy first started in 2008,
when Veisto delivered
a sawing line
to Junnikkala’s
Oulainen sawmill.
An agreement between
Junnikkala and Veisto
to supply the sawing
line to Oulu was signed in
early summer 2021. After
signing Veisto and Junnikkala
worked closely together for
two years, discussing issues,
such as the length of the line
and equipment compatibility.
Project Manager Timo Mäkelä
and Plant Manager Antti
Kyröläinen took lead of the
project. When all details
were finalised, Junnikkala
started construction work
on the site and Veisto
began manufacturing the
machines. Installation began
in September 2023, and
commissioning took place in
December, according to the
pre-agreed schedule. The line
is expected to operate at 100 %
capacity in July 2024.
The world’s most modern
sawing line
Veisto Oy is a Finnish familyowned
company founded in
1964, with a production plant
in Mäntyharju. The company,
which has grown rapidly in
recent years, and currently
employs approximately 300
Junnikkala and Veisto have a
lot in common; both are Finnish
family-owned companies of
roughly the same age that have
grown over the decades to
become major players in their
respective fields.
Marko Järvinen, Technical
Director of Veisto Oy, tells us
about the sawing line delivered
to our sawmill in Oulu, the
process and our cooperation.
The Oulu line represents
“the latest and greatest in
sawmill technology”. Sawing
is done in three stages with
three main machine units,
optimization takes less than a
second and the 101-metre line
has a speed of 60–180 meters
per minute.
The sawing line uses
technology, that takes into
account Junnikkala’s wish
to have the option to add
DX-units, which would allow
two-stage through-sawing at
a line speed of 250 metres
per minute. To improve
energy efficiency, we have
done product development
especially in the hydraulic
system, which is as energyefficient
and quiet in operation
as possible, says Järvinen.
A multi-year process
For the last couple of months
we have been practising sawing
and matching equipment from
different suppliers. We have
also been training Junnikkala
staff to use and maintain the
line to get it up to speed before
it goes into full production
— and to avoid unnecessary
breakdowns,” says Järvinen.
We have a great sawmill on
the way and we are looking
forward to its completion. We
haven’t had a chance to test all
the variations yet, and there
are bound to be challenges
ahead, but I believe that by
working together with Veisto,
we can always find a solution
to any problems,” says
At Veisto, the Oulu project
has kept sales, design, and
production teams busy. During
the field installation, there
were up to thirty Veisto staff
and their subcontractors
working simultaneously
on site. In the current
commissioning phase, there
are still 1–5 Veisto employees
present, mainly in training
roles. For Junnikkala, the
project has also employed
a wide range of people
including production planning,
operational management,
operators, and maintenance.
Long and smooth cooperation
Junnikkala has a good team
and realistic goals. They have
been very well-planned and
well-managed, which is why
the cooperation has gone
extremely well and without any
major surprises. Our project
manager has especially praised
Junnikkala’s performance
Marko Järvinen, Technical
Director of Veisto Oy
Plant Manager
Antti Kyröläinen
during the most critical phase,
the installation, when the
company stuck strictly to
the schedule and enabled
everyone to work efficiently
and safely. The cooperation
with our customers will
always continue throughout
the 25–30 year lifetime of
our equipment, including
developing and upgrading new
functions for existing lines. In
this way, they remain at the
highest technological level for
decades,” says Järvinen.
Kyröläinen has also been very
happy with the cooperation.
‘Veisto has had enough
competent staff on site at
all times. The company has
also shown flexibility and
patience with other equipment
suppliers, who we have
sometimes had to wait for to
proceed. Our cooperation will
continue, to ensure we reach
and maintain full capacity, as
well as warranty maintenance
and inspections.’
16 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
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Metsä Group and Sweco have signed an agreement for
the design of Kerto LVL mill in Äänekoski
Metsä Group and Sweco,
a specialist in the built
environment and industry,
have signed an agreement for
the implementation planning
of the new Kerto LVL mill in
Äänekoski, Finland.
“We have strong confidence
in Sweco’s expertise and
resources from our previous
collaboration projects. It is
therefore natural that we
continue our cooperation in
this project to develop the
Äänekoski mill area,” says
Jaakko Anttila, Executive Vice
President at Metsä Wood.
Sweco is responsible for
the complete implementation
planning of the mill project,
including structural, process
and plant design. Sweco was
also responsible for the design
of Metsä Group’s Äänekoski
bioproduct mill, which started
operations in 2017, and the
planned wood product mill
will apply the synergy benefits
offered by the mill area.
“For example, the steam
needed in the production
process of Kerto LVL will be
produced at the Äänekoski
bioproduct mill, and the
condensate generated in the
process will be utilized for
heating the building. It is great
to be involved in designing a
resource-efficient production
plant whose material-efficient
wood products store carbon
and reduce the carbon
footprint of construction,” says
Tuulamari Helaja, Business
Unit Director, Industry and
Energy at Sweco Finland.
Construction of the Kerto
LVL mill in Äänekoski has
progressed according to plan.
Land construction works and
the main frame installations
are currently underway in the
The mill will have an annual
production capacity of around
160,000 cubic metres of Kerto
LVL and is expected to start
production in the second half
of 2026. When completed, the
mill will employ around 150
people directly and 200 people
in its value chain.
Jaakko Anttila, Executive
Vice President at Metsa
Opticom Tech releases upgraded CC04 Industrial
Camera with 5MP resolution & AI capabilities
Opticom Tech, a leader in
industrial video monitoring
solutions, announces its new
CC04-IP5MV3 camera, an
upgrade to the CC04-IP3MV
The new CC04 camera offers
a higher resolution than its
predecessor—5 megapixel
compared to 3 MP. It also
supports artificial intelligence
(AI) functions such as object
detection, intrusion detection,
line crossing, object counting,
and more.
“We’re excited to offer
these upgrades to new and
existing customers,” said Heidi
Schmidt, Global Sales Manager
at Opticom. “High-resolution
video is vital for operations
monitoring and security in
industrial facilities. And AI is
becoming a reality of our world,
so having cameras equipped
to support that emerging
technology puts facilities
ahead of their competition.”
The CC04 camera is NDAA
compliant, utilizes the ONVIF
protocol and can withstand
high-vibration, hazardous and
controlled environments. It can
also withstand direct hits by
logs, boards, rocks, and other
objects, making it an ideal
video monitoring solution for
industrial facilities.
For more information, visit
About Opticom Tech
Founded in 1973, Opticom
Tech provides integrated
video monitoring solutions
for industrial applications,
including sawmills, mines,
food processing facilities,
and more. Built to withstand
harsh environments,
Opticom’s rugged cameras
and equipment stand the test
of time. For more information,
Heidi Schmidt, Global Sales
Manager at Opticom
18 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Koskisen chooses MiCROTEC
Lassi Santala,
Production Director,
Timber Industry at
Koskisen Oyj
Established in Finland
in 1909, Koskisen is
a forerunner in the
mechanical wood
industry with over 900
employees. The Koskinen
group processes Finnish
wood into sawn goods,
plywood, veneer and
chipboard with customers
over the world.
Koskisen has invested in a
new log sorting line with
a Logeye for their state
of the art sawmill in Järvelä.
The Logeye is a multi-sensor
scanner that utilizes laser,
colour, and X-ray channels to
provide a high-precision real
360° shape of the log with a
wealth of data for log sorting
and cutting optimization. The
Logeye has a high precision
both in over and under bark
detection, as well as log
inner properties, making it a
great choice and a successful
product for the northern
Koskisen Production
Director Lassi Santala explains
that the long and successful
cooperation with MiCROTEC
Espoo on the Finscan product
line as well as the technical
features of the Logeye was a
big impact on their decision.
The Logeye from MiCROTEC
stood out from the competition
with the technology of the
advanced hardware of the inhouse
crometic color cameras
within the multi-sensor
approach. We see brightly
on our future needs with the
innovation and technology
at MiCROTEC as well as the
Juha Ropilo, MD of
cooperation going forward
continues Santala,
Installation will take place in
Q4 of 2024. Juha Ropilo, MD of
MiCROTEC Espoo comments on
the investment from Koskisen.
“With this partnership we
are even further strengthening
our position as a provider on
the Finnish market, not only
within lumber products but
also with our wide known log
scanners. We look forward
to a continuous successful
collaboration and installation
together with Koskisen.”
Successfull underbark measurement
with Logeye at Karl Segerström AB
Located in the woods
of Fagersta, Sweden,
Karl Segerström AB is
a fourth-generation familyowned
sawmill with a yearly
production of 60 000 m 3
sawn products each year. Karl
Segerström is specialized in
spruce, with export mainly to
the European markets.
When investing in a new
measuring system in the
logyard, Karl Segerström
AB evaluated different
manufacturers and decided
on MiCROTEC based on the
technical features and benefits
of the Logeye.
The Logeye multi-sensor
scanner utilizes laser and
colour to generate a highprecision
real 360° shape
of the log, based on very
accurate measurement data
for Log Sorting and cutting
The Logeye has a high
precision both for over and
under bark detection, even in
the presence of ice and snow,
making it an excellent choice
for the northern market.
The features we were
looking for, that MiCROTEC
was able to provide, were the
combination of color cameras
and laser triangulation
that provides an underbark
measurement that has
worked very well says Björn
Segerström , CEO Karl
Segerström AB.
The Logeye was installed
in 2023 and is used for
measuring, payment grading
and sorting. After installation,
the Logeye at Karl Sgerström
has been producing since day 1.
“The installation of
the Logeye went very well
according to schedule and we
were running on the scheduled
date.” continues Björn
For a smaller sawmill like
Karl Segerström, Logeye is
an ideal investment because
of its cost efficiency and high
20 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Fully automatic
wrapping and stapling
machine for lumber packages
Innovative solutions for the North American
wood-processing industry
Western completes kiln
upgrade at Saltair Sawmill
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Local government
representatives joined Western
Forest Products employees to
celebrate the completion of the
first continuous dry kiln on the
coast of B.C. at the Company’s
Saltair sawmill. The Company
also plans to continue
accelerating its transition to
higher value products with
approximately $35 million of
investments for two additional
continuous dry kilns.
First Continuous Dry Kiln on
B.C. Coast
The newly installed $12 million
continuous dry kiln at the
Saltair Sawmill increases the
mill’s capacity for continuous
drying of lumber, and also
provides environmental
benefits by reducing energy
consumption. The new kiln
adds to the three existing kilns
on site for drying lumber. The
Saltair sawmill is the largest
single-line sawmill on the
coast of B.C. following previous
multi-phase strategic capital
investments of over $42 million
to modernize the sawmill since
also doubles the workload
capacity of the kiln.
Moreover, Wallace
highlighted the incorporation
of sensors every 20 feet within
the kiln, enabling adaptive
control of the drying process
based on the moisture content
of the lumber. He underscored
the environmentally conscious
approach by mentioning the
collection and treatment of
steam condensate to prevent
discharge into natural water
In terms of performance, the
kiln is designed to facilitate the
drying of lumber at a rate of
approximately three and a half
feet per hour. This translates
to a drying cycle of a little over
three days for a full kiln load
of cut lumber. Anticipated
production figures indicate a
capacity to dry 72 million board
feet annually, operating at
190°F with a natural gas burner.
Ribbon-cutting at Saltair to celebrate a $12 million continuous
dry kiln upgrade. (L-R) Mayor Aaron Stone; CEO Steven Hofer;
Plant Chairman Dan Gabrielson; Capital Project Manager
Jarrad Astren; Kiln Operator Chris Walling, Chargehand
Electrician Cory Wilson
The newly installed $12 million continuous dry kiln at the
Saltair Sawmill supplied by Wellons Canada, increases
the mill’s capacity for continuous drying of lumber, and
also provides environmental benefits by reducing energy
Wellons Canada
Wellons Canada, based in
Surrey, spearheaded the design
and construction of the project,
with John Wallace, Capital
Sales Representative with
Wellons, present to showcase
the innovative production
enhancements. Wallace
explained the operational
mechanics, emphasizing the
utilization of an alternating
track system to enhance energy
efficiency. This system not only
reduces gas consumption but
John Wallace Capital Sales
Representative at Wellons
Additional Investment in B.C.
Coastal Operations
Following the successful
completion of its first
continuous dry kiln, Western
is pushing ahead with two
additional continuous dry
kiln projects. One of the kilns
will be constructed at the
Company’s Duke Point sawmill
in Nanaimo, B.C. and the other
one at its Value-Added Division
in Chemainus, B.C. Each of the
new kilns will have an annual
capacity of approximately 70
million board feet.
The additional capacity will
support increased volumes of
kiln dried products, including
lumber used to produce glued
laminated timber for mass
timber applications.
Western has made
significant investments in its
B.C. Coastal manufacturing
operations to modernize
its primary manufacturing
facilities, increase kiln drying
and planing capacity and
expand its engineered wood
products and remanufacturing
capacity. The approximately
$35 million investment in two
new continuous dry kilns is
on top of the $29 million in
investments announced in
The previously announced
projects are in various stages
of advancement, with the
Company most recently having
completed the installation
of a machine stress rated
lumber grader at its Duke
Point sawmill to support
increased production of higher
Cont’d on Page 48
22 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2023 23
In recent years, many
machine suppliers in the
sawmill industry have
thrived, and Jartek is no
exception. While nearterm
investment levels
may taper off, the outlook
for the distant future
appears promising, with
investment levels poised
to rise once again.
The utilization of renewable
materials continues to surge,
with lumber standing out as
one of the most favorable
options. Throughout these
prosperous years, Jartek has
experienced growth while
remaining true to its origins
as a family-owned company,
placing a strong emphasis on
cultivating partnerships.
The ThermoWood ® business
has enjoyed global success for
years, and the lumber handling
sector is gradually following
suit. Jartek maintains openness
to all markets, though its
primary focus remains on
European countries, with a
few select markets outside of
“We’ve received a warm
reception in Germanspeaking
countries,” notes
Kari Puustinen, Sales and
Marketing Director of Jartek.
“We’re introducing some
innovative, out-of-the-box
concepts to the market,
which is always beneficial,”
Puustinen adds.
Despite Jartek’s
emphasis on
constructing sorting
lines with lifespans of up
to 50 years or more, our
on-site commissioning
typically spans only up
to two years, depending
on project size,”
Our after-sales objective
is to collaborate with
customers on both minor
and major investments
to further enhance line
Kari Puustinen, Sales
Director of Jartek
Jartek doesn’t operate any
web shops or after-sales
platforms. “We might lean
towards traditionality, but
to us, human connections
are paramount for fostering
enduring partnerships,” states
Kari Puustinen.
How does the ethos of
“More than Mechanics” align
with this? While proficient
mechanics form the foundation,
they’re not the sole requisite.
We also prioritize top-notch
automation and continual
line development. Jartek
strives to provide cutting-edge
automation solutions, which
have been warmly embraced
by our customers. These
solutions perfectly match
industry needs, boasting userfriendly
interfaces, exceptional
diagnostic capabilities,
and seamless integration
with third-party systems
like reporting tools, whose
significance continues to grow.
Looking ahead, rather than
focusing solely on modern
platforms, we’re enhancing
our after-sales support
through more traditional
24 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
investments to further enhance
line productivity. Finnish
sawmills, renowned for their
efficiency despite their age,
have taught us the significance
of even small enhancements.
Hence, we prefer to use terms
like “service” or “partnership”
instead of “after-sales,”
emphasizing the continuous
nature of our relationship.
As a key supplier to Finnish
sawmills, Jartek encourages
them to engage with our sales
team to explore how we can
collectively maximize line
Roughly one year ago, Jartek
commenced the installation of
its largest project in Finland.
means. Our aim is to better
assist customers postproject
handover, fostering
discussions on optimizing
line output. Despite Jartek’s
emphasis on constructing
sorting lines with lifespans of
up to 50 years or more, our
on-site commissioning typically
spans only up to two years,
depending on project size,”
notes Kari Puustinen.
Our after-sales objective is
to collaborate with customers
on both minor and major
This mill stands as one of
the most advanced sawmills
globally. Logs are seamlessly
fed into the saw infeed by
forklift, and the point at
which the forklift touches
the lumber marks the
readiness for shipment to the
customer. Jartek provided
a comprehensive supply
package, encompassing green
and dry sorting, along with
stick and drying load moving
systems and lumber feeding
from sawline to greensorting,
all of which operate fully
The layout was meticulously
tailored to suit the site’s
specific requirements, given its
compact nature, making a fully
automated process the only
viable option. Collaboration
with the Junnikkala team has
been exceptionally fruitful,
particularly in the conceptual
planning phase. The production
lines feature a blend of
standardized working solutions
complemented by customized
fittings to adhere to the
overarching concept.
This fusion ensures both
high capacity and functionality,
alongside an excellent layout.
Currently undergoing startup
procedures, the mill is poised
to serve as a benchmark,
showcasing our capabilities
to customers worldwide with
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 25
JoeScan’s newest Z8
Super Snapshot scan
head delivers twice
as much data for your
Super Snapshot Scanning for Sawmills
Or How to Prevent the Waney Board Blues
By Joey Nelson, President, JoeScan
Joey Nelson,
President, JoeScan
Unique Requirements
We all know that sawmilling
is a special type of
manufacturing. Instead of
assembling products from a
variety of known components,
we produce goods by breaking
down logs into finished lumber.
The logs we start with are not
standardized components
with known sizes and shapes
(wouldn’t that be nice?), but
complex organic structures that
can vary wildly from one piece
to the next. Even within the
same species, no two logs are
exactly alike. It’s this variability
that makes scanning a mission
critical part of the lumber
manufacturing process. It’s
also this difference that makes
sawmill scanning equipment
so unique when compared
to other industries. For
example, consider the sawmill
snapshot scanner–a device so
specialized for breaking down
wood that you won’t find it
used in any other industries.
Snapshot Scanning 101
A 3D laser scanner uses lasers
and cameras to define the size
and shape of an object. In a
sawmill, this object can be a
stem, log, flitch, cant, or board.
Optimization software uses this
measurement to determine the
best cutting solution for each
piece. “Best” usually boils
down to “maximizes profit”,
but there are many complex
decisions made at each step of
the breakdown process.
In most machine centers,
the log or board moves through
the lasers, allowing the
scanner to capture its size and
shape hundreds of times per
second. These measurements
are combined to generate a
very accurate and dense 3D
model of the wood.
However, in certain sawmill
systems, it’s impractical to
move the piece in order to scan
it. This commonly occurs with
end doggers, C-frames or other
very short-coupled machine
centers. Here, a snapshot
scanner combines many lasers
together in one package to
take many measurements
simultaneously, at each
laser cross-section on wood.
Multiple snapshot scan heads
are arranged end-to-end to
cover the entire length of the
pieces being scanned.
Laser Spacing
A true snapshot scan–one
that does not move the
piece at all–leaves gaps in
the measurement, basically
anywhere there isn’t a laser.
The closer the lasers are
to each other, the smaller
those gaps are. This distance
between lasers is referred to as
the laser spacing of a snapshot
The industry standard for
laser spacing has been around
six inches for many years.
However, as you’ll see below,
a lot can happen in those
six-inch sections between
The Bottom Line
So, why should a sawmill care
about missing data in their
snapshot scans? Because it
costs them money!
Timber Processing & Energy
Expo (TP&EE) September
25-27, 2024, Portland, Oregon
26 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
When faced with gaps in the
data, optimization software
typically uses a method like
“linear interpolation” to fill
them in. This is essentially
connecting the dots between
known data points using
straight lines. The problem
occurs when the linear
interpolation inaccurately
represents the scanned wood.
For example, the optimizer may
think it’s providing the solution
for a square-edged board, but
the machine puts out a waney
board instead.
So, how does this happen?
Wherever a log or flitch narrows
within a 6 inch section between
lasers, as in the example
above, the scanner will not
see it. Remember, it can only
see where the laser touches
the wood. Consequently, the
optimizer assumes there is
good wood where there is
none, resulting in a solution
that doesn’t reflect reality.
Errors like these end up costing
you in the form of lower-quality
boards and unusable waste.
Fortunately, there’s a simple
The Next Generation of
Snapshot Scanning
By reducing the laser spacing
to three inches, JoeScan’s
newest Z8 scan head can see
twice as much as before. This
leads to fewer and smaller
undetected areas, reducing
unexpected wane in your cuts.
Your optimizer, like you, wants
as much relevant information
as possible to make an
informed decision.
Beyond the Snapshot
Snapshot-style scanners
are also found in machine
centers that don’t require a
true snapshot. Places like the
carriage headrig and shortcoupled
edgers also benefit
from the tight laser spacing. A
six-inch laser spacing allows
for scanning an entire log or
board’s length in just six inches
of travel. This allows for faster
scan speeds, affording more
time for optimization, while
also significantly reducing the
length of infeeds when space is
limited. Further reducing laser
spacing will let you operate
even faster without sacrificing
The modern automated
sawmill is a unique kind of
factory requiring specialized
equipment. Scanning hardware
is no exception, and we’ve
spent the last 20 years
designing scanners specifically
for sawmills. JoeScan’s new
Z8 is just the latest iteration
of doing what we do best:
making scanners that improve
sawmills. For more information
about other scanning
applications in sawmills, we
invite you to check out our
website at
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International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 27
ResawExpert integrated
into the merry-go-round
Resaw Process
Smart Resaw for
Superior Products
In the ever-evolving landscape of wood processing,
a groundbreaking innovation from BID Group,
the ResawExpert by Comact, emerges as a
transformative solution set to redefine operational
efficiency in sawmills. Guided by a thorough
comprehension of the intricacies in the wood
processing sector, this innovation embodies
creative design, premium materials, and state-ofthe-art
technology, signifying a notable progression
in the field of resaw optimization. Its main benefits
include maximizing recovery and product value,
setting a new standard for efficiency in the industry.
The ResawExpert by Comact:
Pioneering Vision and AI
Traditionally, wood processing
has seen the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in various stages, such as
grading, trimming, edging,
and breakdown. However, the
resawing process has remained
a crucial focal point where
the right decisions are vital to
prevent costly consequences.
The ResawExpert by Comact
steps into this critical role
as the first resaw optimizer
powered by both vision and
AI, addressing challenges in
decision-making precision and
dimensional accuracy.
At the heart of the
challenge lies the pivotal
role of the resaw, a step
of wood processing that is
common for the production of
softwood specialty products
and hardwood. A wrong
decision at this juncture can
potentially reduce the quality
and value of the products
as well as increase wastes.
Ensuring precision in reading
dimensions and identifying
defects becomes imperative to
optimize the cutting process
28 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
effectively. The conventional
approach relies on basic
scanners to measure block
sizes, with operators manually
deciding the cutting strategy
based on visual inspection.
Once a cut is completed,
altering the decision becomes
The ResawExpert
introduces a revolution
in resaw optimization,
employing precise geometrical
measurement and AI-driven
visual defect detection,
ensuring the maximization
of recovery and product
value. Unlike the traditional
approach, where operators rely
on visual cues, this innovative
system utilizes AI to assess
different combinations of
cuttings based on the grade of
each face, and the downstream
operations like edging and
trimming. The optimization
logic considers the total
surface value, introducing an
innovative approach to resaw
ResawExpert accommodates
both manual and automated
turning solutions. Thanks
to the integrated rotation
scanner, the system validates
the execution using an end
camera, ensuring accuracy and
accountability in the process.
If rotation is not executed
properly, the system will rotate
around the block again to send
the right face to the resaw.
This integration of vision and
AI not only enhances decision
precision but also introduces
a level of consistency that is
unattainable through manual
Designed for practicality, the
ResawExpert can be seamlessly
added to existing production
lines. Its installation between
two sets of rolls requires only
10 to 12 feet of space, with no
significant speed limitations
imposed by the scanner, as it
can optimize up to 450 feet
per minute. It is compatible
with various types of resaws,
whether horizontal or vertical.
Block sizes can vary from 3
to 30 inches, with no length
limitation. The scanner
measures the block with a
precision of 0.030 inches for
the thickness and width, and
0.125 inches for the length,
offering a scan density of 0.125
The optimization
parameters align with industry
best-in-class, utilizing the same
software and platform as other
successful Comact scanners
like the TrimExpert, EdgExpert,
and GradExpert. The system
optimizes based on industry
grades like NHLA ones, but
also based on clear wood
cuttings and any in-house
grade, allowing the flexibility
required to manage a broad
basket of products to maximize
yield and value. Comact’s
proven AI engine leverages the
images coming from 4K colour
cameras, which are integral
to the ResawExpert’s success
and form the backbone of all
Comact optimizers. Developed
in-house, the AI deep learning
models for hardwood are
specifically tailored for wood
processing, derived from
extensive data analysis and
a deep understanding of the
unique characteristics of
Maple Block Optimized by the ResawExpert
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 29
Integrated scanner to validate
an executed rotation. Sends a
signal for additional rotation if
it was not executed properly
This in-house approach to
our AI development not only
ensures high performance but
also allows BID and its Comact
brand to continually refine and
enhance its models based on
real-world wood processing
challenges. The utilization of
AI in wood processing is not
merely a trend; it is a proven
strategy that delivers tangible
results, as evident by the
success of BID’s AI-powered
solutions across the industry.
Transforming Resawing for
the Future
The ResawExpert by Comact
emerges as a trailblazer in
the wood processing industry,
introducing a transformative
solution to the critical process
of resawing. By seamlessly
integrating vision and AI,
it addresses longstanding
challenges in decision
precision and consistency.
Not only does this innovation
enhance operational efficiency
as well as maximize recovery
and product value, but it
also marks a significant step
towards a more intelligent and
automated future for wood
As sawmills navigate
the complexities of wood
processing, embracing
technologies like the
ResawExpert becomes crucial
for staying at the forefront
of efficiency, productivity,
and quality. BID Group’s
commitment to excellence
shines through in this
pioneering solution, offering
a glimpse into the future of
resaw optimization. For further
details and to explore the
transformative capabilities
of the ResawExpert, reach
out to your BID Group sales
Scan this QR code to
see the ResawExpert
in action
Interior of the ResawExpert while scanning a block
30 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
The Metsä Fibre
Rauma control
ABB control room, power
distribution & robotics
technologies help Metsä
Fibre Rauma mill excel in
productivity & efficiency
ABB’s control room
environment, power
distribution and
robotics have been a part of
Metsä Fibre’s technologically
advanced sawmill’s pioneering
levels of productivity and
efficiency. The customer’s
Rauma mill is Finland’s largest
ever sawmill investment at
€260 million and uses machine
vision, artificial intelligence
(AI) and integrated information
systems for consistent quality
and cost efficiency.
Building on a long-term
relationship with parent
company Metsä Group,
ABB provided Extended
Operator Workplace
(EOW) tables for maximum
ergonomics, visualization and
communication, as well as
electrical power distribution,
transformers and robots.
Since the technologies were
commissioned a year ago the
sawmill has turned out 40 logs
per minute on a 130-meter
sawline with a maximum
sawing speed of 250 meters
per minute, all managed from
an ABB-designed central
control room. The sawn pine
timber is exported worldwide
and can be used in construction
– including windows, doors and
general joinery, woodworking,
furniture and packaging.
“With the support of
partners, including ABB, we are
achieving productivity that is
at least three times higher than
what is possible across the rest
of Europe,” said Jaakko Vierola,
Technical Director of the Rauma
sawmill project, Metsä Fibre.
“The durability of components
and the service ABB provides
exactly when we need it are
The electrical distribution
system with medium voltage
and distribution transformers
was designed and delivered by
ABB. ABB’s robots, motors and
drives were connected to other
equipment, with 1,000 variable
speed drives considered
to be crucial to automation
optimization. The overall speed
of the process is also due to a
group of six robots equipped
with machine vision.
Metsä Fibre and ABB
specialists have worked
together to maximize
automated data collection
through a third-party
automation system. The
strategy has been to use high
levels of monitoring for quality
and performance, minimize
wood waste through sawing
and sizing optimization and
eliminate manual handling
through robots and automatic
loading at the 24/7 mill. The
sawmill’s by-products such as
wood chips, sawdust and bark
Esa Kivioja, Industry Segment Lead, ABB, and
Jaakko Vierola, Technical Director, Metsä Fibre, at
the mill.
ABB electrical power distribution
equipment set up
are used to produce pulp
and bioenergy.
“The Rauma sawmill
operates much like a
process industry plant,
where equipment cannot
be maintained at night or
on weekends, but electrical
devices must always be
reliable,” said Esa Kivioja,
Industry Segment Manager
for ABB in Finland. “Here, we
implemented the sawmill’s
power distribution with the
same quality standards as we
did in Metsä Fibre’s bioproduct
mills in Äänekoski and Kemi.
This is a whole new concept
in mechanical forest industry
“The energy efficiency of
motors and other electrical
equipment also plays a role.
The impact of ABB’s deliveries
is even more evident in the fact
that production can continue
without disruptions, and
there is no idle time for the
To support the Metsä
Fibre team and the installed
technologies on site, ABB also
offers its spare parts and spare
equipment services, as well as
technical support.
ABB’s Process Automation
business automates, electrifies
and digitalizes industrial
operations that address a wide
range of essential needs.
32 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
The VAB-brand Lineal
Autograder uses measurable
dimensions along with AI
for exceptional accuracy
in managing standard and
custom grades
Lineal scanning and
optimization at USNR
be sent through a planer to
meet consistent dimensions
and construction grades that
are specific to markets around
the world. A lineal scanner
installed after the planer like
the LHG or the VAB-brand
Lineal Autograder will provide
a complete scan of each board,
analyze the make-up of the
board including all defects, and
then measure that against a
list of grades and the monetary
values associated with the
dimensions and grades to
maximize the value and
volume of the finished product.
For decades the lumber
industry has been using
lineal scanning and
optimization in both hardwood
and softwood production.
Much like other industries,
the technology being used by
sawmills to maximize the value
and volume of high-quality
products produced from each
log is evolving and becoming
more precise. Scanners have
moved from images taken at
frequencies from 6 (six) to 12
(twelve) inches of laser lines
that are used to construct
three dimensional models, to
systems today that integrate
vision and artificial intelligence
along with the 3D scans every
0.01 (one hundredth) of an
inch to identify, construct, and
classify natural and mechanical
defects found in wood.
At USNR today, there are
lineal scanners available for
log positioning, primary and
secondary breakdown, as well
as for edgers. There is also the
AddVantage scanner for chop
and rip saw applications, and
in the planer mill, where the
highest degree of precision and
consistency is necessary, USNR
manufactures and supplies the
Lineal High Grader (LHG) and
the most recent addition to the
family, the VAB-brand Lineal
Autograder. Optimization is key
in every step in the processing
of logs to lumber. Note that
USNR also manufactures
transverse scanning systems
for a variety of applications.
For the first cut into any log
that will take the round log and
create flat surfaces, positioning
of that log in reference to the
saw blade or canter heads
is critical. For softwood, this
will determine a successful
or potentially low material
yield, (# of cubic meters of
logs to produce 1 (one) cubic
meter of finished product)
and in hardwood, where the
high value fiber is determined.
In the sawmill, the goal is to
produce the most volume with
the least defects that reduce
The next step in the
processing of wood is kiln
drying. This puts stress on the
fibers and can amplify defects
such as splits, cracks, and
checks. Because of the high
cost of kiln drying and dressing
building materials and finished
materials, any defects that
can be removed before drying
increase the potential for profit.
For high value building
materials that are graded
on visual criteria such as
flooring, interior and exterior
sidings, and window and
door components, defects
that appear in the middle of
a board, such as unsound
knots, can be identified by
the AddVantage optimizer, a
high-speed precision scanner
that identifies the defects and
controls rip and chop saws
to maximize production and
In the softwood industry,
once boards have been dried,
the rough-sawn material must
An astounding fact
about USNR planer mill
scanners is that they can
read 100% of each board
in high definition at
speeds surpassing 4,000
feet per minute or 1,219
meters per minute
The algorithms created to
determine and combine such
characteristics as coloration
(dark versus light colored) and
surface holes allow for very
good identification of basic rot,
but when it comes to specific
defects such as white spec or
dry rot, a new technology was
needed. Artificial Intelligence
has been found to be that tool.
The way deep learning
artificial intelligence works
is quite simple. Physical
examples containing a specific
defect are identified, agreed
upon by quality control and AI
technicians, and accumulated
then run through the lineal
scanner. Each board scan
is then reviewed by both
technicians and quality control
34 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
The Lineal High Grader
classifies and verifies all the
important lumber defects as
well as MSR/MEL strength
classification, wane evaluation,
and skip control in a very
small footprint
specialists at the mill, and the
specific defect is isolated and
becomes a part of the initial
database. Once a sufficient
number of specific defects are
added to the database, the
database is brought online as
a baseline comparison with
new board scans. The AI then
establishes each board to
the database of samples and
establish grade accordingly.
After 2 to 4 weeks, a review
is done by the AI technicians
and QC to determine whether
the AI model is complete or
needs to be slightly adjusted
with new samples added to the
database. It is the AI technician
and Quality Control specialist
who determine the parameters
of what constitutes a defect
and what does not. The AI will
not go beyond the parameters
established. To date, AI is
being used to determine the
species of wood in productions
containing multiple species. It
is being used to detect knots,
establish their construction
through the actual board, and
classify them accordingly. AI
is also being used to read the
number of growth rings to
estimate the density of the
board as well as identify wood
that has signs of compression
and very specific types of
An astounding fact about
USNR planer mill scanners is
that they can read 100% of
each board in high definition at
speeds surpassing 4,000 feet
per minute or 1,219 meters per
For more information
on how USNR optimization
can help with your specific
scanning needs, please visit and go to
the Contact Us section to be
directed to the representatives
in your area. We look forward
to working with you soon.
Millwide. Worldwide.
The AddVantage chop
and rip saw optimizer
can classify most wood
characteristics and
optimize for the highest
value cut solution.
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 35
Overview of a complete robotic cell with two robots sorting trim blocks. One robot is doing the layer stacking of the trim blocks and three
robots are sorting and stacking boards
BID’s New AI-Powered Robotic Automation:
A complete solution to intelligently pick,
sort and stack trim blocks and boards.
In the ever-evolving
landscape of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), BID
stands as a pioneer in
robotic automation,
transforming the trim
block production
handling process for
sawmills worldwide.
With unrivaled
precision, efficiency, and
profitability, BID’s AIpowered
robots continue
to revolutionize the way
trim blocks are picked
and sorted, ensuring no
valuable piece
goes to waste.
This innovation comes
just at a perfect time
where industries face
daily challenges around
the workforce attraction
and retention, safety, cost,
control, sustainability and
growth. People do not want
to do dull and dangerous
jobs anymore, especially the
younger generations. Robotic
automation, especially those
that are AI-powered, eliminates
the need for employees to
perform unfulfilling or dirty
jobs and addresses challenges
arising from low unemployment
rates and an aging workforce in
remote locations.
The Pick & Place Process
At the heart of this innovation
lies a sophisticated AI-powered
system that employs cuttingedge
scanning and tracking
capabilities. The first step in
the trim block line involves
presorting, where sawdust and
undersized trims are efficiently
removed, ensuring the purity
and quality of the blocks.
BID’s system then arranges
the blocks into a single
layer, setting the stage for
subsequent steps with ease
and accuracy.
The true brilliance of
BID’s technology lies in its
AI-powered robots, which
swiftly identify valuable blocks,
separating them from the reject
ones destined for the chipper.
This advanced technology
enables the robots to make
precise decisions, guaranteeing
that each piece meets the
desired grade. However, BID’s
AI-powered system goes
beyond mere identification.
It utilizes AI scanning,
optimization, and tracking to
fine-tune each block’s solution
thus maximizing its potential
value. Depending on the
mill’s production, the system
will either have one pick and
place robot with a pace of up
to 30 blocks per minute, or
two robots with a capacity of
up to 48 blocks per minute.
Three or more solutions are
also available for higher piece
Scan this QR code
to watch video
count. 6-axis robots are used to
allow better reach and freedom
of movement.
The process continues with
stamping and tier generation,
ensuring an organized and
efficient workflow. Notably,
BID’s robotic solutions excel in
stacking not only trim blocks
but also boards, enhancing
overall production capabilities.
At BID, each solution layout
is specific to the customer’s
needs. The robotic system can
handle wood products that are
up to:
• Thickness: 8’’
• Width: 12’’
• Cross section: 8x8’’ or 2x12’’
• Length: 12’
• Species: engineered for both
softwood and hardwood
The robotics system can
be smartly connected to BID’s
digital platform, OPER8 TM , to
provide real-time feedback on
the trim block line’s operations.
36 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Installation, Training and
BID’s robotic system is built
for durability and safety, with
concrete bases providing
stability in case of an
emergency stop. The robotic
system area has a lock door
switch on all doors, a push
button box to ensure safe
access, and a push button to
restart the line.
Installation and start-up
are hassle-free, requiring no
specific expertise. Training on
the global process is provided
by BID, while robotic training
is handled by specialized
partners. BID’s PLC standards
enable programming without
the need for internal robotic
The advantages of an
AI-powered robotic
There are various advantages
of choosing BID’s robotic
automation. Firstly, it
surpasses traditional laborbased
methods by operating
at a faster rate, delivering
results with remarkable speed.
During BID’s research and
development phase, it has
been assessed that yield could
be increased up to 50% in
comparison to human sorting
and stacking which often leads
to inaccurate categorizing and
high-quality blocks sent to
Secondly, BID’s system
leverages sophisticated AI
algorithms to analyze data
and boards, making informed
decisions based on real-time
information. By identifying
and handling blocks more
efficiently than standard
robotic applications that use
photocells only, BID’s vision
scanner and grading rules
ensure precise decision-making
for higher-quality and yield
Moreover, BID’s robotic
automation operates
continuously without breaks,
maximizing production
output and efficiency. With
precision and consistency,
businesses can streamline
their operations, reducing
labor costs while increasing
profits. Thanks to its strategic
partnership with Yaskawa
Motoman, BID Group robotic
systems are supported 24/7
ensuring peace of mind and an
uninterrupted workflow.
Why robotic automation is
key for the future
The decision to embrace
robotics in manufacturing is
driven by several key factors.
One of the most crucial
considerations is safety.
Robotics eliminate the need
for employees to engage in
dangerous tasks, ensuring
a safer work environment.
Additionally, with a scarcity of
available skilled labor, robotics
offer a solution by taking
over repetitive and physically
demanding tasks.
Cost-effectiveness and
reliability are other significant
advantages of using robotics.
BID’s complete solutions,
which are fully integrated with
AI-Robotic Board stacking
AI-Robotic Board picking and sorting for trim blocks
mechanical, PLC, optimization,
and robotic elements enhanced
by Artificial Intelligence,
handle complex problems
with efficiency and precision.
Consistent decision-making
and maximized production and
revenue make BID’s system a
superior choice.
BID’s AI-powered robotic
automation has ushered
in a new era of trim block
production. Its precision,
efficiency, and profitability
are unmatched, making it the
ultimate choice for sawmills
looking to stay ahead in
the race for progress. By
integrating the transformative
power of BID’s technology,
businesses can revolutionize
their operations and secure
a competitive edge in the
Contact BID today to
experience the future of trim
block production and take
your business to new heights.
Do not miss this opportunity
to shape the future of your
Layer stacking of trim blocks
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 37
Ponsse solutions
for thinning sites
Growing a productive forest requires
hard work and commitment. Correctly
timed thinning improves the forest’s
growth conditions and makes trees grow
sturdier more quickly.
“Thinning can also be called
improvement felling, as it ensures the
productivity of the forest, and the high
quality and health of trees,” says Tuomo
Moilanen, forest specialist at Ponsse.
“The better a forest grows, the better it
sequesters carbon. Thinning ensures
that trees can be processed into highquality
products that sequester carbon
for dozens or even hundreds of years,”
says Moilanen.
In cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting,
trees are already processed up to the
intended length in the forest, enabling
thinning to be ecological. When the
harvester operator plans trails so that
they can be driven by the forwarder,
trees can be both felled and forwarded
without needing to move around
unnecessarily in the forest.
“At thinning sites, the distance between
trails is roughly 20 meters, and trees
remaining by the side of the trail will
grow in Finnish conditions 20–25 per
cent more quickly, because they will
have room to grow, both above and
below,” Moilanen says.
38 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 39
The six-wheeled PONSSE
Beaver, Ponsse’s harvester in
the smaller size category, is
ideal solution for first thinning.
At heavier thinning sites, the
PONSSE Cobra and Scorpion
harvesters, combined with
the H5 or H6 harvester head,
are the best choices in terms
The Ponsse Beaver
The Ponsse Scorpion
of productivity. In PONSSE
Scorpion, the unobstructed
visibility in all directions,
together with cabin and crane
levelling, makes working
smooth even at dense thinning
sites. As eight-wheeler
machines, both models are
also excellent in soft terrain.
At thinning sites, the
harvester head should be
selected according to the
dominant tree species.
However, it should be
considered that damaged
trees and other trees in
poor condition must also be
removed from thinning sites,
calling for sawing and feed
force from the harvester head.
The harvester head must be
agile at thinning sites because
a large number of trees are
produced quickly during each
The profession of a forest
machine operator is both
responsible and demanding.
Operators must be skilled in
forestry, machine operation
and technology, as well as work
planning. They must also have
knowledge of the Forest Act,
the Nature Conservation Act
and other criteria presented
by forest certifications, all
of which guide harvesting
Thinning plays a significant
role in forest productivity.
This is why forest machine
operators need to know what
trees to leave standing and
what to remove. Technologies
are being developed to
help operators make these
selections and decisions.
In 2022, we presented the
Thinning Density Assistant, a
technological concept which is
not yet commercially available,
but is being studied and tested
Thinning Harvesters
says Markku Savolainen from
With the technology being
developed, the number
of standing trees can be
measured for the first time in
addition to felled trees. The
data collected helps operators
achieve the correct and best
possible thinning density for
forest management, which is
also documented.
“A stand-specific stem
density –stems per hectare
– is given for the system,
which the system then starts
to teach the operator. As the
system operates in real time,
no calculations are made
afterwards, and the operator
sees the situation as it is.
The thinning density can be
checked on the Opti screen
during normal operations,”
says Savolainen.
When the operator drives
the machine forward on
the trail, the view will be
updated with new stems. If
there is another trail next to
the machine, the Thinning
Density Assistant shows its
location and the exact distance
between the two trails. As a
result, the system also guides
the operator if the distance
between trails is too long or
The Ponsse Cobra
The concept uses lidar
technology to identify trees
around the machine and
generate a tree map of the
logging site. The technology
draws an image of the exact
location of the machine relative
to trees and the adjacent trail
on a computer screen.
“As the system does
not select any stems for
processing, the forest machine
operator’s expertise will still
be needed in the future,”
As the system does not
select any stems for
processing, the forest
machine operator’s
expertise will still be
needed in the future
Markku Savolainen,
Product Manager,
Equipment Automation
at Ponsse Oyj
40 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Rottne H8 E
Rottne’s smallest harvester in a large package. The well-known stand-operated
harvester has now been improved in several areas. The machine will feature the
newly developed joystick panels that were previously introduced in Rottne’s new
forwarder series. These provide a much more modern impression as well as better
ergonomics for the driver with more adjustment options. The panels have a much
higher safety rating due to more redundant functions and high-quality components.
The cabin is painted
blue instead of being
wrapped in foil. This is
partly for visual design but
also to keep it looking good
during many hours in the
forest. H8E has completely
unique characteristics for
stand-operated thinning.
The machine’s narrowest
configuration is only 205cm.
The wheels are mounted on
pendulum arms which always
ensure that the machine
remains equally wide despite
side slopes or obstacles to be
passed. With a combination of
the driver’s commands and the
machine’s smart pendulum arm
system, good ground contact
can always be achieved. The
machine is very easy to operate
within the stand to extract
timber to the forwarder’s skid
With this thinning method, it
is always possible to maintain
a slightly longer distance
between the skid trails, thus
reducing the road area and
providing a larger area for the
production forest remaining
after thinning. The driver also
always sits upright and thus
works much more efficiently.
The machine’s substantial
pulling force is automatically
distributed to the wheels
with the best grip using an
active flow divider, thereby
minimizing slippage with
damage to the ground and
roots as a result. The machine’s
low weight and wide tires
provide good load-bearing
capacity, which is a major
advantage when harvesting
in areas with poor bearing
Despite its small size, H8E
has the same cabin as Rottne’s
larger harvesters. This provides
the driver with a spacious and
quiet driving environment
with good climate control. The
machine also has a generously
sized diesel engine with the
latest exhaust emission control
technology. Despite its small
size, the serviceability of the
machine is fantastic with easily
removable protective covers
and good storage of tools and
spare parts. It is easy to refill
fluids using electric pumps
with overflow protection.
The 7-meter-long crane
is developed for H8E and
provides superior performance
in both strength and speed. It
can, of course, be equipped
with RCA as an option. A good
support for both the beginner
and the experienced driver.
The driver determines the
direction and speed at which
the grapple should move. The
system then performs the task
using robust sensors on the
crane and software developed
for the purpose. As the name
suggests, the system assists
the driver in operating the
crane with good precision and
the right speed throughout
the work shift. The system
optimizes the crane’s functions
in a better and more energyefficient
way, saving both time
and money.
The driver receives better
support during operation
and will thus maintain higher
production throughout the
shift. RCA also provides
an easier path for the less
experienced driver to achieve
higher production. The system
can, of course, be individually
customized with different
speeds, smart features in the
machine’s control system.
The machine has a welladapted
attachment, EGS406.
The attachment is designed
exclusively for H8E, with
weight and performance
completely tailored to the
base machine’s conditions and
performance. This allows for
the best possible harvesting
of thinning forests and smaller
final fellings, both for the forest
and for economic benefit. The
maximum limb diameter is
33cm and the maximum cutting
diameter is 43cm. EGS406 can
be equipped with multi-tree
handling, color marking, and
stump treatment if desired.
If the market demands
sprinkler equipment, it is also
integrated into the machine’s
control system. Work lighting
is continuously updated with
the latest technology; we have
chosen lamps with less risk of
reflection in those positions.
Lamps that illuminate the crane
are of that model. The software
in the harvester is continuously
updated to the latest forestry
standard. RCA also allows for
crane position to be saved in
the harvester’s production
file for later analysis by
third-party programs, such
as thinning monitoring. It
is possible to display realtime
information about
the harvester’s production
calculated according to a
piecework price list and hourly
cost that can be entered in the
machine’s menus, yet another
improvement in Rottne’s
smallest harvester in a large
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 41
Access to timber stand
supporting single and dual
tire installations to maximize
performance in tough terrain.
A large attachment pump
provides high flow to the
mulching head, all important
in mulching applications.
The optional multi-function
hydraulic package with a quick
attach boom adapter allows the
M726G to be quickly converted
from a mulcher to a feller
buncher by swapping out the
mulching head for felling saw.
The cross-flow cooling
system delivers optimal airflow
to a high-capacity cooling
package -- essential in dry hot
regions with high dust levels.
The Tigercat 480B
mulching in Brazil.
Tigercat mulching
products are used
across many industries
including land clearing,
silviculture, and forest
management, including
fire mitigation —
wherever highly mobile,
durable and reliable
carriers are required
for rugged terrain, high
duty cycle applications,
extreme temperatures
and high levels of
airborne debris.
Tigercat Mulchers
480B mulcher
The 480B is a powerful,
robust mulcher, able to
tackle the toughest terrain
with ease. Tigercat heavy
duty build quality provides
superior durability with high
uptime for large-scale, timesensitive
right-of-way and site
preparation projects.
The 480B is equipped with
an efficient, high-capacity
cooling system with a variable
speed fan and automatic
reversing cycle, a dedicated
attachment pump, and an
efficient closed loop track drive
system. The Tigercat FPT C13
engine provides 411 kW (552
hp. Inside the cab, the operator
has ergonomic electronic
joysticks and excellent
470 mulcher
Utilizing the same Tigercat
build quality and superior
durability, the smaller design
of the 470 makes it well
suited to right-of-way and
site preparation projects
where a narrow, agile machine
with extremely low ground
pressure is required. Zero tail
swing, even with the optional
recovery winch allows the 470
to manoeuvre in tight areas
without disturbing surrounding
The Tigercat FPT C87 engine
provides 275 kW (370 hp)
and has a closed loop drive
system, providing the optimal
balance of speed and tractive
effort, with performance and
The one-piece high lift
boom, along with the stability
of the long track frames, gives
the 470 an advantage when
working on sloped terrain.
With the counter-rotate
function (CRF), the 470 and
480B can pivot about their
center axis effortlessly ‘on a
dime’ for easier turns at the
end of a row. The heavy-duty
steel engine enclosure and
precleaner guard eliminates
the requirement for a
rear canopy. All structural
components are designed
for full time forest duty. LED
lighting along with front and
rearVIEW camera systems are
standard equipment on the
track mulchers.
M726G mulcher
The M726G is a 275 kW (370
hp) class mulcher well suited to
vegetation management, land
improvement and silviculture
Tigercat built forestry-grade
axles provide tough off-road
durability, and come in a
wide variety of configurations
760B mulcher
The 760B is a 411 kW
(552 hp) class mulcher
carrier designed primarily
for silviculture applications.
Forestry companies require the
capability to efficiently clean
up residual post-harvest
forest debris and grind stumps
to ground level for quicker
replanting and thus shorter
In stable, well-drained
soil types, a high horsepower
wheel driven machine has
many advantages over track
driven mulchers including
quicker travel speeds, lower
operating costs and the ability
to run a wide mulching head for
improved coverage and wider
swaths, increasing quality and
The 760B is standard
equipped with boom float,
ground level fueling and
Tigercat’s WideRange
transmission. The operator’s
station was designed with
operator comfort in mind,
with a climate-controlled seat,
Bluetooth audio connectivity
and ergonomic controls. The
rearVIEW camera system is
standard on both wheel driven
All Tigercat mulchers
feature a boom float system
that allows the mulching
attachment to automatically
follow the contours of
undulating terrain, increasing
production and efficiency.
42 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Seppi M E20 Direct
SEPPI M. introduces a new piece of
equipment for excavators weighing
from 12 to 25 tons – the forestry
mulcher head E20 direct.
This revolutionary forestry mulcher
head for excavators marks a
breakthrough in green management
technology, promising increased efficiency,
reduced maintenance costs, and improved
performance for forestry and earthmoving
Recognizing the diverse applications of
forestry mulchers, SEPPI M. has designed
“E20 direct” to excel in construction site
clearing, vegetation management along
highways, railways, and power lines, as
well as in watercourse maintenance and
agricultural field reclamation.
The heart of “E20 direct” is the rotor
with fixed tools featuring the CUT CONTROL
system, driven by the innovative DIRECT
DRIVE hydraulic transmission.
The machine can mulch vegetation up to
20 cm in diameter where the cutting-edge
design partially integrates the hydraulic
motor into the rotor, eliminating belt
transmission and reducing power losses
due to friction by approximately 50%.
The result is improved efficiency, reduced
energy consumption, and increased
available power – all contributing to
enhanced productivity.
With 4 different working widths, ranging
from 100 to 200 cm, “E20 direct” offers
versatility and performance in a variety
of applications and its compact design
and reduced weight, thanks to the use of
durable materials such as AR400 steel,
make it more universal and easy to use and
mount on various excavators.
“With the introduction of ‘E20 direct,’
we achieve a significant milestone in
vegetation management technology,”
stated Lorenz Seppi, the president
of SEPPI M. “We are committed to
revolutionizing the industry by providing
innovative solutions that not only increase
productivity but also reduce operational
costs and environmental impact.”
Steep Slope Advancement
At the 2024 Oregon Logging Conference,
Tigercat debuted a prototype machine
that will further advance steep slope
harvesting. Based on the immensely
popular and successful 855E platform,
the LS857 shovel logger represents a
reimagining by Tigercat designers of what
a steep slope carrier should look like.
The result is a machine with more
leveling capability, superior cable
management in winch assisted
applications, and a series of design
enhancements including increased boom
lift and improvements to service access.
The switch to in-tank hydraulic filters
improves filtration and extends service
intervals, and the shape of the fuel tank
increases useable volume.
The LS857 will also be equipped with
Tigercat’s new live heel feller-director
boom set. This new boom system is the
best of all worlds with nearly 11 m (36 ft)
reach, a live heel for added utility, and
the versatile and highly productive 5195
directional felling saw pinned to the end
of it.
2024 Oregon Logging
for hydraulic and
PTO operated carriers
Seppi M. - mulching equipment specialists
Tel. Europe: +39-0461 178 75 00
Tel. USA & CA: +1 513-443-6339
Cont’d on Page 48
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 43
The infeed on the 6500
pivots down 4 degrees for
feeding long material
The 6500 is a heavy-duty
drum chipper designed
for high production and
maximum flexibility. The
versatility of the 6500
makes it the perfect
solution for anything
from forest management
and fuel chips, to
demolition debris. The
rotor speed can be
adjusted based on chip
length 12 to 60 mm (½
to 2 ½ in) and material
density to maximize
throughput. Current
applications are primarily
in biofuel production
using a variety of feed
materials such as forest
debris, scrap sawmill
material, and full logs
and stumps.
Tigercat 6500 Chipper
The rotor is belt driven
and uses and tensioner
system to engage the
drive belt. This eliminates the
need for a clutch. The tensioner
system is hydraulically
controlled and can be lowered
while in service mode, so
that the rotor may be turned
manually when changing tips
or knives.
Another unique feature of
the 6500 is the pivoting frames.
The upper frame pivots on the
undercarriage, allowing the
operator to adjust the infeed
angle or discharge height,
depending on the material
lengths. The infeed pivots
down 4 degrees for feeding
long trees and allows the
discharge to clear large piles.
Pivot the infeed up 7 degrees
to act like a hopper which
helps in feeding branches
and brush. With the infeed in
the up position, it also brings
the height of the machine to
under 3.6 m (12 ft) for shipping,
eliminating the need for a
folding discharge.
The durable infeed walls are
tapered to assist in directing
the feed stock into the hog
box. The discharge uses a 510
mm (20 in) head pulley that is
available as magnetic or nonmagnetic.
The large magnetic
head pulley holds onto the
tramp metal longer so that it
drops away from the discharge
pile. For increased metal
removal, an optional over band
magnet is available. The entire
underside of the discharge
is open to prevent buildup of
The split hog box design
on the 6500 opens fully for
easy servicing of the rotor and
grates. The grate assembly
consists of 2 separate liner
sections that interlock and
are reversible for extended
Tapered infeed walls assist in directing feed stock into the hog box
wear life. The grate frame
hydraulically retracts for easy
removal and installation of
the liners. Liner options are
available for a variety of chip
sizes, as well as grinding
The 6500 features an
impact detection system
that is designed to mitigate
damage to the machine in the
event that tramp metal enters
the hog box. When a foreign
object enters the hog box,
an accelerometer detects a
change in rotor speed. When
this occurs, the feed chain and
feed wheel reverse direction,
and the grate frame retracts.
If the foreign object remains,
shear pins will break, allowing
the grate frame to open further.
A large enclosed control
panel located on the side of
the 6500 houses the machine
computer control display,
start/stop switch, diagnostic
ports and remote control
with charging cradle. When
operation is transferred from
the computer control display to
the remote, operation from the
display is removed. A tethered
control is stored in the toolbox
and allows the machine to be
moved forward and reverse,
and pivot the discharge up and
44 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Enhance your operation with
a Bandit whole tree chipper!
Bandit has manufactured
whole tree chippers since
1988 and was the first to
develop a self-propelled model.
In 2005, Bandit expanded the
product line by producing a
drum-style chipper, called
the Model 2090. Since then,
a complete line of highly
productive drum-style chippers
have been engineered. In
2021, Bandit announced
the purchase of the Trelan
company. Trelan has produced
quality disc-style chippers
since the seventies.
How will a Bandit whole tree
chipper make your operation
more efficient?
When original founder Mike
Morey Sr. formed Bandit, he
was determined to build a
quality, heavy-duty chipper
reducing customer downtime.
Since 1983, this philosophy has
not changed as each chipper
is constructed utilizing the
highest quality components
and steel. The drum inside
each Bandit whole tree chipper
is extremely durable. These
drums feature reinforced
knife pockets and thick drum
skins to provide years of
dependable service. Each wear
area is built with thick steel
ensuring longevity and reduced
downtime. To complement this
durable design, each Bandit
whole tree chipper is standard
with a 5 year or 3,000 hour
“GUTS” warranty covering
the Bandit manufactured
components of the feed system
and drum.
All Bandit drum-style
chippers feature a slide box
feed system. This system is
known for providing unmatched
pulling and compressing
power, reducing the need
to reposition material, and
simplifying feeding. The slide
box feed system allows the top
feed wheel(s) to travel straight
up and down providing direct
down pressure as material is
fed into the chipper drum. The
standard hydraulic lift creates
an abundant amount of down
pressure compressing stubborn
limbs and branches into the
feed system.
All Bandit chippers are
known to throw chips at a
tremendous velocity fully
loading chip vans to their
maximum capacity. Each
Bandit 2290 Track
discharge transition is
designed to provide maximum
airflow allowing for more
chips in the truck, reducing
transportation costs and
spillage wasted on the ground.
Due to the strong throwing
action, auxiliary blowers are
not needed when producing a
smaller chip size.
Each model is equipped
with a wide profile, heavy-duty
infeed hopper. The 20XP, 2090,
and 2290 track are standard
with a 30” weld on tray and can
be ordered with an optional
5 ½’ infeed conveyor. The
remaining drum-style models
are standard with a 7 ½’ infeed
conveyor. Each conveyor
assists with loading material
and further simplifies the
process when feeding shorter
pieces into the chipper.
Producing a variety of chip
sizes is easily done with a
Bandit whole tree chipper. Dual
edge or Babbitted style knives
are available on most models.
For those not needing a
consistent chip size, dual edge
knives are recommended, and
if a consistent specific chip size
is needed then Babbitted style
knives will need outfitted on
the machine. The standard chip
size is 5/8” with additional
chip sizes of ¾” 7/8” or 1”
options available. Bandit
chippers also are very efficient
at producing a 3/16” microchip
for pellet production. A special
drum with additional knives is
needed to produce a microchip.
If the micro-drum option
is ordered, and a standard
chip size is needed, then the
additional knife pockets can
be blocked off. Bandit chippers
are often the preferred
solution for this application as
microchips can be produced
using less fuel and the chipper
does not need a separate
auxiliary blower to assist with
chip throwing.
All Bandit whole tree
chippers come standard with a
wireless radio remote control
with tether back-up. These
remotes will control all chipper
functions including the feed
system and discharge. If the
machine is a track unit, the
remote will control all track
drive functions. Each remote
features an Engine E-Stop to
shut the machine down.
What chipper is right for
you? With the most diverse
line in the industry, Bandit has
you covered with a variety of
The Trelan line of disc-style
chippers has enhanced Bandit’s
line of whole tree chippers by
giving the ability to produce
a high-quality paper chip.
These machines are simple and
economical to maintain and
feature large throat openings
giving them the ability to
process larger diameter
material. Two models are
currently available, the 686 or
786. The model 686 is available
with a Caterpillar C18, 800 or
C27, 875 horsepower while the
786 is available with a C27,
875 or 1,050 horsepower. 3 or
4 knife chipper disc options
can be ordered with chip sizes
ranging from 5/8” to 1”.
For additional questions or
to learn more about Bandit
equipment please contact your
local authorized Bandit dealer
or visit
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 45
Log Max 5000V:
The ultimate Harvesting
Head for unparalleled
logging performance
The logging industry demands reliable and efficient
equipment to tackle the toughest challenges in
harvesting operations. Introducing the Log Max 5000V,
a state-of-the-art harvesting head that combines
durability, agility, accuracy, and intelligence to
revolutionise logging worldwide. With its reinforced
design, advanced features, and improved servicing
capabilities, the Log Max 5000V sets a new standard
for modern and powerful harvesting heads.
Durability and Cutting
The Log Max 5000V boasts a
reinforced frame designed to
withstand the most demanding
logging applications. The
slimmed-down saw box
enhances performance in
snowy conditions, ensuring
optimal cutting efficiency.
Equipped with the new 318
MK2 - 30cc saw, this harvesting
head delivers fast and troublefree
cutting up to 74cm,
guaranteeing exceptional
cutting performance.
Measuring Precision and
Simplified Maintenance:
Accurate measurement results
are crucial in today’s harvesting
operations, and the Log Max
5000V meets this requirement
with its redesigned measuring
unit. The length measuring unit
incorporates smart features,
including a contactless sensor,
easier lubrication, and durable
tapered bearings. Furthermore,
the harvesting head’s
improved accessibility, wellorganised
hoses, and grease
nipples facilitate simplified
maintenance and servicing.
Enhancements and Updates:
To enhance the Log Max
5000V’s durability and
longevity, several updates
have been implemented. The
design of the measuring wheel
hole has been improved,
reinforcing the stoppers for
the feed roller arms inside the
frame, thus increasing strength
and stability. The length
measurement function has
been significantly improved
through the introduction of
a new measuring wheel unit
with a larger wheel, ensuring
superior measurement
Advanced Saw Unit:
The Log Max 5000V
incorporates the enhanced saw
unit 318 MK2 19 cc (True-Cut)
or 30 cc, carefully designed
to optimise work processes.
Upgrades include a more
robust saw bar mount with
protective covers and rubber
seals, ensuring protection
against dirt and moisture. The
saw bar holder now utilises
premium-grade Hardox 450
material, offering increased
strength and longevity.
Additionally, the placement
of the “saw bar home” sensor
has been optimised for easy
access during maintenance.
On the 30cc version the saw
valve is mounted directly to the
motor which greatly increases
Improved Multi-Stemming
Unit MK2:
The Log Max 5000V’s multistemming
unit has undergone
a redesign, resulting in reduced
weight, increased lifespan,
and simplified serviceability.
The relocation of cylinders
and improved hose protection
increase durability and
minimise the accumulation of
snow and dirt.
Enhanced Four-Point
Measuring MK2:
The Log Max 5000V’s fourpoint
measurement MK2
features new components and
functions to excel in harsh
conditions. The introduction
of a contactless encoder in
the lower delimbing knife
enhances its lifespan and
simplifies maintenance. The
lower delimbing knife now
incorporates an “Active Lower
Knife” function, increasing
lifting power and optimising
tree holding capability.
Additionally, the design
modifications, such as a new
axel nut and improved cable
routing, enhance durability and
reduce the risk of snow and ice
The Log Max 5000V represents
a groundbreaking advancement
in the logging industry. With
its unparalleled durability,
cutting performance, precise
measurement capabilities, and
simplified maintenance, this
harvesting head sets a new
benchmark for productivity,
efficiency, and reliability.
Experience the power of the
Log Max 5000V and unlock its
potential to revolutionise your
logging operations.
46 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Thinning Harvester Heads
A forestry industry leader
Since being founded in
1980, Log Max has been
a dependable supplier of
harvesting equipment for
mechanised forestry.
They design and
manufacture modern,
high-tech, reliable
harvester heads for
forest machines including
a complete range of
Thinning heads
Highly productive
The hydraulics maximize the
power of the head and provide
good conditions for really high
productivity.The hydraulic
blocks and hoses of the head
are designed to give the feed
unit on the head a powerful
flow to the feed roller motors,
which gives higher traction and
faster response.
Smart design
The hole for the measuring
unit is placed higher up on
the frame to reduce debris
and bark getting stuck there.
This also leads to better
measurement and fewer
unplanned stops.
Logmax 4000T
The wood quality will also
be high, as neither knives
nor feed wheels need to
use unnecessary force that
damages the wood during
Log Max 3000T is a new
generation thinning head best
suited for long reach booms.
This head features a new
frame geometry, bringing
forward the top part of the
frame to prevent bark from
clogging the measuring wheel.
Lightweight, compact and
impressive traction makes this
head the obvious choice for
operators who have a longrange
crane carrier.
Log Max 3000T is one of
their smaller heads and is
tailored for thinning.
Logmax 3000T
Log Max 2000T is a compact
head that offers excellent
performance and reliability.
Developed for compact
harvesters, the 2000T is
the newest addition to their
thinning heads series, T-series.
Log Max 2000T has increased
performance and drivability
compared to its predecessor.
It feeds at 4 m/s, which is
an improvement of 30%. The
2000T’s feed roller motors have
a power of 280cc, which is less
than its predecessor, which
had 365cc. The pressure is also
adjusted, from 210 bar to 280
The smaller motor
improves the feed speed while
maintaining its traction thanks
to the increased pressure. The
raised pressure also gives 30%
more power to the saw.
You can see the full range of
Heads and specific features at
Log Max 4000T is a thinning
head that is both powerful and
It has an entirely new frame
construction where the saw box
has been moved backwards
and outwards, the higher part
of the frame inched forward
reducing friction and clogging
in the measuring wheel. The
new hydraulics layout greatly
improves power and feeding
speed making this 833 kg*
harvesting head the ultimate
choice for thinning and lighter
final cuts.
Mechanical stop in saw box
Log Max 4000T has an
adjustable mechanical stop in
the saw box to minimise wear
on the saw cylinder.
The mechanical stop has
a damping function to reduce
wear and strain on the saw
cylinder. It also spares the
frame and the components of
the saw, all for better durability
and longer life.
Active friction control - AFC
The AFC system is Logmax
head´s key technology and
allows their heads to harvest
trees with high precision and
minimal friction. The goal of the
AFC is to minimize the friction
between the trunk and the
frame, which leads to minimal
wear on the unit and lower
operating costs because the
head doesn’t use more power
than necessary.
Logmax 2000T
International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024 47
BID Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mus-Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
UK, Europe, South Africa,
US East Coast
CONTACT: Robin Peach
International Forest Industries Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 777
Fax: +44 (0)1442 870 617
CONTACT: Shigeru Kobayashi
Japan Advertising Communications, Inc.
Star Bldg., 3-10-3 Kanda Jimbocho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051
Tel: 81-3-3261-4591
Fax: 81-3-3261-6126
Western USA (AZ, CA, NV, UT)
Australia, & New Zealand
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham
J.P.Media Inc
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763
Bandit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Demo International 2024 . . . . . . . . . 10
Franzen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
FAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) . . . 6
Halco Software Systems . . . . . . . . . 27
Jartek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Joescan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
LMI Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Logmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC
Microtec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Opticom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Rawlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rottne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
seppi m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Tele-Radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Tigercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Timber Processing and Energy Expo . . .OBC
USNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F/C IBC
Wood Transport & Logistics . . . . . . 48
ZF Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Western USA (MT, ID, OR,WA) & Canada
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham
J.P.Media Inc
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763
US Mid-West, Central & Mountain
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham
J.P.Media Inc
1163 E.Ogden Ave, Ste. 705-359 Naperville
IL 60563, USA
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763
Cont’d from Page 22
value lumber destined for mass timber
applications. All remaining projects are
expected to be completed by mid-2024. The
two new continuous dry kilns are slated to
be completed over 2024 and 2025.
Western is the largest private employer
on Vancouver Island with six sawmills and
two remanufacturing plants, sustaining
3,500 jobs that support nearly 20 healthy
and vibrant communities across the
province. These operational upgrades
are an extension of the Company’s
Steven Hofer, President and CEO,
Western Forest Products
unparalleled investment in value-added
manufacturing on the B.C. Coast.
Over the past ten years, Western has
invested over half a billion dollars in
its B.C. operations to meet demand for
sustainable, specialty building products
in markets around the world.
48 International Forest Industries | APRIL / MAY 2024
Millwide. Worldwide. +1.360.225.8267
APRIL / MAY 2024
Thinning Harvesters • Chippers
International Forest Industries Magazine (IFI) stands as a premier
forestry publication globally, delving into timber harvesting, forwarding,
haulage, and sawmill operations. From timber handling to cutting-edge
technology and logistics, IFI provides comprehensive coverage. We also
address biomass collection and processing, bridging the longstanding gap
in forest-related industries for suppliers in timber harvesting, sawmill operations,
and biomass management.
Planers & Edgers
Lifting & Loading
Planers & Edgers
Steep Slope
Felling Heads
& Grinders
& Optimisation
JUNE / JULY 2023
Head Launch
CVT Technology
New Harvester
APRIL / MAY 2023
Access to the
Timber Stand