International Forest Industries Dec JANUARY 2024

International Forest Industries Dec JANUARY 2024

International Forest Industries Dec JANUARY 2024


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Planers & Edgers


Steep Slope


Felling Heads




Maximized Throughput, Precise Results

Introducing the Peterson 5710E tracked horizontal grinder, the

latest in high-capacity grinding technology. The 5710E offers

increased grinding power in a lighter package to help you

leverage efficiency and reduce material handling costs.

See the newest horizontal grinder.










Ponsse’s cut-to-length forest machines

have proved to be excellent harvesting

solutions, also on steep slopes.

Dec / JANUARY 2024


From small stems to big timber, softwood

to hardwood, level or sloped ground, John

Deere has a disk saw felling head that’s

designed for your job.


Vermeer launches new generation of

horizontal grinding equipment.




The SA 6 is a unique chain sharpening

machine that is the only one in the world

to utilise the concept of two individually

adjustable sharpening motors.

The user therefore has the option of

adapting the chain to the respective

application. The machine is completely

designed, manufactured and serviced in

Germany (Eifel). Everything from

a single source.

Highest quality standards combined

with maximum customer benefit.

Recommended by Stihl, Prinz, Holtec

and Mafell.



Planers & Edgers


Steep Slope


Felling Heads

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 1







Gilbert continue a successful 2023 with

installations of a Roll Planer & Splitting

module at Acon Timber - Argentina.



Sculpting Excellence: BID Group’s Miller

Planer and Comact EdgExpert TM Optimizer.



Adapting to the dynamic needs in the

softwood industry, MiCROTEC offers

enhanced efficiency, precision, and a

whole new level of defect detection.



Time is money !

This is where the Franzen SA 6 comes

into play.


RemaSawco AB has signed an agreement

with Moelven Wood A/S to upgrade three

of the group’s sawmills in Norway.


This year, USNR released two robust new

Log Turning and Profiling solutions.

MiCROTEC partners with EU’s SINTETIC Project

Forests are substantial for meeting EU biodiversity

and climate goals. So, this year, the EU-funded project

SINTETIC was launched. The core objective of SINTETIC

is to set up and demonstrate a traceability system for

trees, logs, and boards based on Information and

Communications Technology (ICT) innovations.

MiCROTEC is the only

company offering

scanning and

optimization solutions for the

complete wood processing

industry and is pleased to

partner with the project

SINTETIC. We are excited to

work together with 20 partners,

such as universities, research

institutions, and industrial

companies, to give a complete

solution that starts from the

forest and to consider all data

analysis for different purposes

The key feature of this

project is MiCROTEC Connect,

the fingerprint system

based on CT Log scanned

logs. Through integrated

and innovative scanner and

software solutions each

product can be traced from

virtual boards to real boards.

Likewise, the individual

boards can be traced back to

their original logs. With the

help of MiCROTEC’s expertise

and capabilities, the project

SINTETIC will soon enable

the precise tracing of the final

wood product back to the

individual tree in a designated


We look forward to working on

this project and contribute to a

more sustainable future.

2 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024







VIDA to invest in Bruza Sawmill in

Hjältevad, Sweden.


Leading Sawmiller Junnikkala chose

Jartek to oversee their new Oulu sawmill



Log and board optimization with smart

3D/2D laser profiling.





The Future of Wood Processing: BID

Group’s Three Innovations Leading the



Do you have measurement problems in

your planer line ?


Video monitoring has become an essential

tool in modern sawmill operations.


Springer‘s proven screw technology provides smooth, optimum efficiency, high speeds and low noise when feeding to downstream

systems. The functions of separation, alignment and acceleration are combined in one system.

Springer‘s merchandizing system ensures an optimized and efficient cutting process, even with crooked stems.

Springer USA Inc. | 550 Brookshire Road, Suite A | Greer, SC 29651, USA

Phone: 864 908 3822 | E-mail: office@springer-usa.com | www.springer-usa.com

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 3


Dec / JANUARY 2024



























£160, €


































































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Can Amazon save

the Amazon?

I explored some ideas in Editors Comment

about how to save the rainforest in the

June July 2023 issue – (How much money

is needed to save the rainforest? ) and Oct

Nov 2023 – (The rich can go a Iong way to

saving the planet).

Researching for this article I came across

the relatively new ‘The Earth Fund’ which

was created by a commitment of $10 billion

from Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon. After

what appears to be relatively quiet start

they have recently bounced into action

timed to coincide with COP 28 in Dubai.

They announced – WASHINGTON, Dec.

7,2023 /PRNewswire/ – A new data

dashboard launched today tracks the

collective progress countries have made

toward their commitment to halt and

reverse forest loss and land degradation

this decade. The new platform – the

Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration Dashboard

– was developed by the Bezos Earth Fund,

Systems Change Lab, and the Forest

Declaration Assessment Partners, and

finds countries are falling woefully short

of their commitments to end deforestation

by 2030.

Recently published reports, including the

Forest Declaration Assessment and the

State of Climate Action 2023, find that

deforestation increased by 4-7% between

2021 and 2022. The permanent loss of 5.8-

6.6 million hectares (Mha) of forest means

that the world is far off course from halting

deforestation by 2030. Global efforts to

protect other ecosystems aren’t faring

much better, with peatland degradation

occurring across an area roughly the size of

Kenya (57 Mha) and mangrove losses once

again ticking upward.

The Earth Fund led by Bezos could be

a starting point for serious collection

of funds from rich individuals and

Governments alike to go towards saving

the Amazon and Congo Rainforest.

Referring to Fobes rich list: The United

States still boasts the most billionaires,

with 735 list members worth a collective

$4.5 trillion. China (including Hong Kong

and Macau) remains second, with 562

billionaires worth $2 trillion, followed by

India, with 169 billionaires worth $675

billion. The amount of money in private

hands is staggering. Just as the earth is

staggering to a doomsday scenario.

If forest fires continue unabated in 2024

reforestation will never catch up. The earth

as we know it could fail by as early as



Robin Peach


Lula’s bid to style himself climate leader

at Cop28 undermined by Opec move

Brazilian president’s plans to approve

new fossil fuel projects sit awkwardly with

pledge to meet 1.5C target.

Read this excellent article which in part

relates to the Amazon by Jonathan Watts

in the Guadian. (We will run in full in our

Digital magazine Dec JANUARY 2024)



Next year we plan to attend the

following shows:

Timber Processing & Energy Expo (TP&EE)

September 25-27, 2024, Portland, Oregon

Demo International 2024

September 19-21 Ottawa

FinnMETKO, Jamsa 29th – 31 August

KWF Tagung Schwarzenborn

19th – 22nd June

See you there!

4 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Södra’s test run of new planting machine

shows promising results

Södra’s venture in a new

advanced technique for better

seedling survival was recently

field tested with promising

results. Södra’s ambition with

the in-house developed BraSatt

01 planting machine is to

accelerate technical advances

in forest regeneration, which

could potentially lead to

considerable improvements for


Södra’s mission is to help

refine and renew the value

of family forestry. Improved

seedling survival will

create conditions for higher

profitability for family forestry,

while also contributing to more

sustainable forestry.

“There haven’t been any

major technical breakthroughs

in forest regeneration since

the planting tube. With Södra’s

venture, we are giving the

forest regeneration method

a real boost and using a

technique that is unusual in

forestry. I hope this will have

a ripple effect, so that forest

owners can continue to benefit

from more new techniques as

we move forward,” said Anna

Wallner, project manager.

Södra has been running a

project called BraSatt since

2020, which is based on

the development of a new

method for scarification and

planting seedlings to ensure

the survival of the seedlings.

Seedling survival is a problem

for all forest companies today.

Södra’s current rate of seedling

survival is 70–75 percent,

which means that only three of

four seedlings survive longer

than three years.

“In the project, we have

created a concept and fieldtested

a new scarification

method and a self-propelled

planting machine. BraSatt

has covered the whole chain –

from planning to planting the

seedling in the soil,” said Anna


The autonomous planting

was developed from the

BraSatt 01 prototype. The

aim is that the proposed

machine will follow an overall

route, find an accessible path

through the terrain, select

good planting spots, feed the

seedlings through the system,

scarify the soil and then

plant successfully. Södra has

collaborated with companies

with experience from various

industries to find new

solutions. The participating

companies are Axelent

Engineering, Bit Addict, Boid,

Chalmers, CIT, DB MakerLab,

Ebeaver, LUE Engineering and

the Forestry Research Institute

of Sweden.

“In the project, we used

a proven technique as far

as possible and adapted it

step by step in order to get

closer to tomorrow’s planting

machine. We’ve used a lot of

techniques that are unusual

for forestry, such as industrial

robots, which are more likely

to be found indoors on a

concrete floor. In the BraSatt

01 machine, the seedlings are

handled automatically by a

robot. We are therefore making

a new technique available

to forestry, and to forest

regeneration specifically,” said

Anna Wallner.

The project also developed

a new method of scarification

that is optimal for the seedling

and energy-efficient, while

also leaving a relatively even

clearing behind. This method

affects a considerably smaller

part of the surface compared

with the current method.

Another important part of the

development process was to

account for the human-machine

Anna Wallner,

Project Manager,

på Södra

interaction and factor in the

operator’s role in creating a

positive work environment.

The operator’s new role will

be to work together with the

machine, to provide support

when it asks for help, plan

the work on the clearing and

to work with plant care. Now

that field testing has ended,

documentation and analysis

will follow to find a possible

way forward.

“Even though the test

results are promising, the

machine is not ready for use.

What we want to show with

this development is that this is

possible to achieve. In the next

step, we need to decide what

parts of the development that

we need to prioritise and run

ourselves here at Södra, where

we can find partners and where

there are technical advances

happening that we don’t need

to push,” said Anna Wallner.

Founded in 1938, Södra is

Sweden’s largest forest-owner

association, with 52,000 forest

owners as its members.

6 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024




The Tigercat 180 swing yarder

combines the speed and stability of

conventional yarders with the advantages

of increased mobility and modern joystick

controls. The purpose-built undercarriage and

blade lend to powerful line pull and increased stability.

The hydraulic driven winches offer great efficiency.

Each winch can be run independently in either direction,

contributing to easier operation and increased production.


Scan to watch the Tigercat

180 Swing Yarder in action.


Biffa & Timberpak partner to create a circular,

recycling wood solution for John Lewis

Biffa, the UK’s leading

sustainable waste

management company, has

joined forces with waste wood

recycling company Timberpak

Ltd to offer a circular recycling

scheme for the UK’s largest

employee-owned business,

the John Lewis Partnership.

Timberpak Ltd is one of the

largest processors of recycled

timber in the UK. The material

it sources is used by its sister

company, EGGER (UK) Ltd,

to produce carbon-negative

Eurodekor Faced Chipboard for

the furniture, interior design

and building industries.

As part of the innovative

scheme, Biffa will collect and

sort waste wood from John

Lewis’ Milton Keynes facility

and transport it to Timberpak

Ltd’s site in Leeds. After being

processed, it will be turned into

Eurodekor Faced Chipboard at

EGGER (UK) Ltd’s production

site in Northumberland.

Containing over 40% recycled

wood, this versatile product is

used to create kitchen cabinets

that will re-enter John Lewis’

supply chain, completing the

closed-loop cycle.

Timberpak Ltd aims to

maintain wood waste within

the supply chain with the

guarantee that nothing goes to

landfill. Thanks to Timberpak

Ltd and EGGER (UK) Ltd’s

commitment to make more

from wood, less virgin fibre

is required to create the

finished chipboard product.

The combination of wood

ingredients to create Eurodekor

Faced Chipboard provides

a carbon-negative solution

as more carbon is absorbed

during the growth of the

wood than is required during


Joshua Jolliffe, Corporate

Account Manager at Biffa,

commented: “A key part of

our sustainability strategy is

enabling a successful circular

economy, and we want to help

businesses become part of this

by prioritising reduction, reuse

and recycling to help combat

the UK waste challenge. This

initiative with Timberpak Ltd

and John Lewis encompasses

these values, transforming a

common waste stream into a

valuable resource, reducing

its environmental impact and

carbon emissions. We very

much look forward to working

together towards a successful

and long-term partnership.”

Connor Paterson, Business

Development Manager,

Timberpak Ltd, commented:

“We are delighted to be

working alongside Biffa to

provide a sustainable waste

wood recycling solution for

John Lewis. The waste wood we

process is used to produce the

high-quality chipboard kitchen

cabinets that John Lewis

supplies, so it is the perfect

partnership, and extends the

closed-loop cycle we operate

across our sites.”

Marija Rompani, Director

of Ethics and Sustainability at

John Lewis Partnership said,

“We are proud to launch the

Biffa and Timberpak recycling

scheme which is designed

for more efficient use of

resources while embracing

business models that support

circularity. Avoiding waste

and minimising the resources

we take from nature to create

our products, extending the

life and use of raw materials

is critical to moving towards

a circular economy. We are

looking forward to developing

this partnership and working

together to achieve our net

zero ambition.”

Connor Paterson,

Business Development

Manager EGGER Timberpak

Josh Jolliffe,

Corporate Account

Manager, Biffa

8 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


36” Capacity Whole Tree Chipper


» 36” capacity

» 48” diameter x 48” wide drum

» Slide box feed system

» C27 or C32 Caterpillar engine options

» Forestry style discharge

» Available with Rotobec cab and loader

Watch clips of the 3590XL fill a

full-length van in under 8 minutes!






FAE BL0/EX forestry

mulcher for 2 to 4 ton


FAE has introduced the

new BL0/EX forestry

mulcher for 2 to 4 ton

excavators, bringing

Bite Limiter technology

to even the smallest


The BL0/EX is one of the

smallest fixed-tooth

mulchers on the market,

capable of shredding light

vegetation, shrubs, and trees

up to 8 cm in diameter. It

can be used for vegetation

maintenance along roadsides,

railroad tracks, canals, rivers,

and lakes, for managing and

protecting wildlife habitats,

and for maintaining commercial

green areas and sporting


The head is designed for

high-productivity, durability,

and easy maintenance.

Bite Limiter technology

is ideal for high-productivity

vegetation management,

designed with reliable and

efficient shredding in mind.

The rotor with Bite Limiter

technology comes with

special wear-resistant steel

profiles that limit the reach

(bite) of the teeth. This

reduces power demand and

promotes a consistent working

speed, ensuring excellent

performance when mulching

any type of wood. Bite Limiter

technology also minimizes

rotor stalling and optimizes

fuel consumption.

The BL0/EX’s Direct Drive

motor minimizes maintenance

and enables a more

compact body size for better

maneuverability. The head’s

clean profile and compact

design are also made possible

by the hydraulic block with

a flow regulator valve built

into the motor, along with the

thumb bracket in the frame.

The new BL0/EX can

be equipped with BL/MINI

blades or C/3/MINI teeth and

is available in two working

widths: 56 and 80 cm.

Cuting new dimensions: the new Woodcracker® c650

Fourteen years ago, the Upper

Austrian machinery company

Westtech Maschinenbau

GmbH introduced the first

felling grapple to the market.

Technical finesse and in-house

know-how led to a product

series that sets new standards.

But that’s not all! Just in time

for Agritechnica 2023, a new

flagship was introduced:

The largest felling grapple

to date, the Woodcracker®


In this field of machinery,

the cutting diameter is not the

only crucial factor. Since this

type of felling grapple was

designed, for example, for road

safety measures, the grapple

also plays an important role.

Accordingly, it has been

further developed, and the

gripping force has been

significantly increased.

This allows for a secure

grip on the cut material during

the cutting process and

enhances worker safety. The

3-finger grapple also closes

synchronously and offers a

wide opening.

At Westtech, the robustness

of the machines is always one

of the highest priorities in

development – as is the case

with the new Woodcracker®


Given the ability to cut trees

with a diameter of up to 70cm,

the rest of the machine must

be designed to handle the

corresponding weight of the

cut material.

Therefore, only very

high-quality and strong bolt

bearings have been used to

further increase robustness.

This felling grapple is also

made of durable and wearresistant

Hardox® steel, and

the body is cathodic dippainted

(KTL primed), as is

customary in the automotive


The advantage of this type

of primer is good corrosion

protection and an even coating

in all cavities. A powder coating

is baked onto this primer,

making it ideal for outdoor use.

Naturally, this felling head

The Woodcracker® C650 presents itself with

unprecedented dimensions, such as a very high cutting

diameter of 70cm. The required operating weight of the

carrier vehicle should be between 28 and 40 tons.

An optional Power Tiltator is available. This makes the

felling head more powerful when removing large trees,

with double rotation and holding torque at a consistent


also possesses all the excellent

features found in the entire

product series.

The cutting unit consists

of a high-strength blade that

is easy to sharpen. If the

blade needs to be replaced

due to significant wear, it

can be quickly disassembled

and exchanged thanks to the

patented blade attachment.

Only two double-acting

control units on the carrier

vehicle are required for all

functions of the Woodcracker®

C650, including all expandable

options. The hydraulic lines

are protected, well-sized,

and lead to a well-positioned

attachment frame.

10 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024










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See the website for all our global sales locations and more info about the products and applications




Carl-Henrik Hammar,

Managing Director Ponsse

AB and Ponsse AS

Ponsse manufactures its

20,000th forest machine

The 20,000th PONSSE

forest machine has

been completed at

Ponsse’s factory in

Vieremä, Finland. After

the celebration on 11

December, the PONSSE

Bear harvester with

PONSSE H8 harvester

head will go to a

Norwegian customer,

Lågen Skogsdrift AS.

It’s great to see that machine

number 20,000 is coming to

Norway and to a customer

with whom we have good and

long cooperation. Our market

here in Norway is growing, and

this year will be a new record

year. The Bear harvester is

an impressive machine – and

now even more so with its

new H8 harvester head. This

contributes to our strength

in the most demanding

harvesting operations in

Norway,” says Carl-Henrik

Hammar, Managing Director

Ponsse AB and Ponsse AS

Lågen Skogsdrift AS

entrepreneurs have decades of

experience in forestry

Lågen Skogsdrift AS is

owned by brothers Harald and

Gunnar Evju. The company

is in Svarstad in the south of

Norway. The Lågen Skogsdrift

AS operation area is Lågen

valley and parts of Vestfold,

Telemark and Buskerud

Counties. Harald and Gunnar

Evju operate in the forest one

week and rest the next.

The brothers are long-term

Ponsse customers – this is their

eighth Ponsse machine. Harald

bought his first Ponsse HS 15

in 1996. He already started

working in the forest with a

chainsaw in 1978, and his

first harvester was a Logman,

bought in 1993. In 2001, the

brothers bought their first

forest machine together. It was

a PONSSE Ergo with 6 wheels

and an H73 harvester head.

“Thank you for your

trust from my side, too. We

delivered the first PONSSE

Bear harvester to Harald and

Gunnar in January 2008, and

this machine we are handing

over today is their fifth PONSSE

Bear,” says Tom Sundby,

Ponsse AS salesman, south

and west Norway. “I think

12 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Brothers Gunnar and Harald Evju, Lågen Skogsdrift AS with

their new Ponsse Bear with H8 unit.

Harald could be the person in

Norway who has cut the most

timber in his working life. He

has cut something between 1.1

and 1.2 million cubic metres so

far,” Sundby continues.

PONSSE Bear – A specialist in

heavy-duty harvesting

PONSSE Bear is the strongest

harvester in the model series.

The powerful engine, sturdy

crane, two powerful work

pumps and strong H8 harvester

head make it an agile giant for

large trees and stands. The new

PONSSE H8 harvester head is

the next generation’s harvester

head equipped with the Active

Speed function, which raises

effectiveness and productivity

to a whole new level, no matter

what the tree diameter is. The

combination of Bear and H8 is

a profitable solution with low

lifecycle costs.


FAE PT LINE is the ideal mulching equipment for your forestry management. Available in 3 sizes: PT-175 with

CAT 173 HP engine, PT-300 with CAT 302 HP engine and PT-475 with CAT 475 HP engine.

Contact us to find the perfect FAE product for you: info@fae-group.com


International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 13

Jordan and Jean-Benoit,

Gilbert’s service technicians

with the Acon Timber team

Gilbert continue a successful 2023

with installations of a Gilbert Planer

& Splitting module at Acon Timber -


in South America. The mill will

mainly saw pinus taeda, a fast

growing conifer.

The installation was in

October. Gilbert’s service team

developed strong relationships

with the staff on site. Lucky

them, they got invited to a

special Argentinian Asado

barbecue dinner!

Gilbert has been quick

to thank HS Timber and the

entire team for their trust and


The Gilbert service team

flew to Argentina at the

end of October to finalize

the mechanical and

electrical installation of

a Gilbert 6 Roll Planer

and Splitting module

in Virasoro, Corrientes,


HS Timber, an Austrian

owned company, was

in charge of the entire

new sawmill project. The

Gilbert Planer was installed

in conjunction with Springer,

a global leader of innovative

solutions in the woodprocessing


HS Timber already have one

Gilbert Planer in one of their

mills in Europe. They were

happy to get to work with them

Restoration Forest Products,

Bellemont, AZ

Restoration Forest Products in

Bellemont, AZ is located just

south of the Grand Canyon


Gilbert delivered a High

Speed 8 Roll Planer. Their

service team was on site early

October for installation.

It was important for the

customer to have the best

Jordan and Larry, Gilbert’s service technicians with the New Life team

14 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Gilbert 8-roll planer

finish on the market and get

around 10 knife marks per inch

with a high speed operation.

Gilbert cutterhead design

will fit 42 knives on 16’’ cutting

circle. With VFDs on heads

they will run 4500 rpm, for

approx. 10 kmpi at 1500 feet

per minute.

Gilbert have overseen a

successful start-up and thank

Restoration Forest Products for

their trust!

Roger’s Lumber Company,

Camden, AR

This summer, Gilbert delivered

a Gilbert S Series Planer and

Splitting Module to Roger’s

Lumber Company in Camden,

Arkansas, the Razorbacks state

! It was great working with

Jake, the son and Joe Rogers,

the father and their family

owned business remarked


Being a hardwood mill, this

was Roger’s first experience

with the Southern Yellow Pine


Both companies

collaborated well during

the installation with Gilbert

wishing the Roger’s family

many successful years to come.

Many other projects in

Southeastern USA

Gilbert have many other

new start-up projects in the

Southeast USA for this winter/


Holden, LA.

They recently started up a

Gilbert 6 Roll Planer at in

Holden, LA.

Thomaston, GA

They are currently installing

installation of a Gilbert 6 Roll

Planer in Thomaston, GA, which

should be ready for start-up in

Spring 2024.

Pollard Timber

Pollard Timber Lumber in

Appling GA is presently

installing Gilbert’s 6 Roll

Planer, which should be ready

to run lumber shortly.


A major mill in Russellville is

adding a splitting module to

their existing Gilbert Planer.

With its sawblade and saw

tool configuration Gilbert offers

the fastest splitting module in

the world!

While a part of the team

is on the road, a whole other

team is working hard on new

features to continue building

the future of the industry !

Stay tuned!

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 15


The Miller Planer

In the evolving landscape

of wood processing,

two groundbreaking

innovations from

BID Group,

the Miller Planer,

and the Comact

EdgExpert TM Optimizer,

stand as exemplars

of excellence.

Sculpting Excellence:

BID Group’s Miller

Planer and Comact

EdgExpert TM Optimizer

Propelled by a profound

understanding of the

challenges within planer

mills and sawmills, these

technologies encapsulate

inventive design, top-tier

materials, and cutting-edge

technology. The Miller Planer,

engineered for efficiency

and continuous operation,

redefines the standards

for planer mills, while the

EdgExpert TM Optimizer, a

harmony of automation

and artificial intelligence,

transforms edging into models

of precision.

The Miller Planer, Engineered

for Unrivaled Efficiency and

Continuous Operation

The design of BID Group’s

Miller Planer is a direct

response to a deep

understanding of the needs

and challenges within the

planer mill environment.

The outcome is a blend

of innovative design, topquality

materials, and

advanced technology aimed

at simplifying operation,

streamlining maintenance, and

ensuring maximum uptime.

Mounted on the industry’s

sturdiest frame and sub-base,

the Miller Planer is built to

withstand the most demanding

applications, ensuring longterm

durability. Every planer

component is crafted from

materials that minimize wear

and metal fatigue. Cost or

complexity is not a barrier

because the primary goal is to

guarantee the planer delivers

maximum uptime, the fastest

speed, and unparalleled


Capable of processing

pieces exceeding 8 feet

in length (with no length

restrictions) and ranging from

1x3 to 6x12 in width, the Miller

planer boasts speeds of up to

3,000 feet per minute. With

several automated functions

and easily adjustable settings

on the exterior of the machine,

the Miller planer is designed

for operational convenience.

The Miller planer’s

splitter module

16 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


The revolutionary Integrated

Force Position (IFP) technology

enables the planer to handle

thick, thin, and wavy lumber—

even when partially covered

with snow or ice. Featuring

industry-leading set-works for

repeatability, anti-backlash

jacks, hydraulic locks, and

servo-driven mechanisms, our

planer ensures efficient lumber


The new Profiling Splitter

module, installable postplaner,

efficiently splits pieces

across a full range of board

sizes while finishing edges and

corners. For instance, splitting

a 2x8 into two 2x4s allows for a

processing speed of up to 1,200

feet per minute, effectively

achieving a production rate of

2,400 feet per minute of 2x4s.

Dashboards can also be

provided with the planer.

They have been designed

to provide comprehensive

visibility into all operating

conditions, facilitating

efficient troubleshooting

and maintenance. Recent

enhancements include features

such as machine asset health

monitoring, vibration analysis,

and temperature analysis.

The EdgExpert TM Optimizer:

Maximize Your Yield and

Product Quality

BID’s Comact-branded

EdgExpert TM optimizer

revolutionizes sawmills by

combining automation and

artificial intelligence. The

optimizer also maximizes

efficiency by visually assessing

defects, all while being easy to

maintain, clean, and calibrate.

As you integrate the

EdgExpert TM into your sawmill

operations, you’ll experience

a seamless combination of

automation and advanced

AI. The optimizer’s in-house

developed artificial intelligence

algorithms set it apart by

reliably identifying and

addressing defects in both

hardwood and softwood,

ensuring that every piece of

processed wood meets highquality


What makes the

EdgExpert TM truly stand out is

its ability to conduct a visual

evaluation of defects, offering a

comprehensive understanding

of the wood’s characteristics.

This feature not only enhances

the overall quality of your

products but also contributes

to the optimization of the

production process.

Maintenance, cleanliness,

and calibration are often

concerns when implementing

new technology. However, with

the EdgExpert TM , these worries

are minimized. The system is

designed to be user-friendly,

allowing for easy maintenance

and calibration, ensuring that

your operations remain smooth

and efficient.

One of the key advantages

of the EdgExpert TM is its

high-speed simulation

tools, providing you with

the capability to test various

product baskets. This feature

allows you to explore different

production scenarios, identify

optimal configurations, and

ultimately maximize your

production potential.

The technological

components integrated into

the EdgExpert TM are state-ofthe-art,

including 4K color

cameras that capture intricate

details, LED lighting for

optimal visibility, and 3DPro

laser heads for precise defect

detection. This sophisticated

combination of technologies

ensures that your sawmill

operates at the highest level of

efficiency and accuracy.

By leveraging automation,

artificial intelligence, and

cutting-edge technology, you

not only enhance product

quality but also achieve

unmatched efficiency in your

wood processing operations.

Comact EdgExpert, powered by Artificial Intelligence

Pioneering Excellence in

Wood Processing Efficiency

BID’s Miller Planer and

EdgExpert TM Optimizer

emerge as beacons of

efficiency and excellence in

the wood processing realm.

The technologies showcase a

commitment to elevating the

standards of planer mills and

sawmills. As we navigate the


Rugged Industrial HD

IP Networking Camera




Works with IP PoE Networking,

HDTVI and Coax Analog


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Industrial Flat Screen Monitors


21.5” - 32” - 43” - 55”

future of wood processing,

these advancements from

BID Group signify not just

products but transformative

solutions that enhance sawmill

operational efficiency. For

further details and to embark

on a journey of innovation,

reach out to your sales

representative or contact us at




800.578 .1853




International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 17

Navigating the North American Softwood

Sector with AI-Powered Solutions:

MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye and Lucidyne

Adapting to the dynamic

needs in the softwood

industry, MiCROTEC offers

enhanced efficiency,

precision, and a whole

new level of defect


While North America is

well-acquainted with

the high-performance

and high-speed lineal scanning

of Lucidyne for planer mills,

the arrival of Goldeneye for

low-speed green, dry, and

planer mills marks a pivotal

moment in the softwood sector.

As technology continues to

advance, these solutions are

poised to revolutionize mill

operations, introducing a new

era of precision, optimization,

and profitability for green, dry,

and planer mills.

Goldeneye: Changing the

Game in Softwood Scanning

Operating at speeds up to

1500 feet per minute (FPM),

Goldeneye’s cutting-edge

multi-sensor quality scanner

answers the industry’s

demand for an efficient yet

high-precision solution.

Enhancing yield and delivering

precise scanning, Goldeneye

maximizes efficiency without

compromising on quality.

For the past decade,

Goldeneye has operated

sucessfully in North American

secondary processing mills.

With developing technology,

Goldeneye now meets NGR

standards in green, dry, and

planer mills as well. What truly

distinguishes Goldeneye is its

efficient scanning technology

without compromising on

quality. By streamlining

processes and automation,

Goldeneye minimizes waste,

optimizes resource utilization,

and ultimately propels the

softwood industry towards a

more sustainable and efficient


Lucidyne: A Trusted Pioneer

in Lumber Grading

A trusted pioneer in lumber

grading, the Lucidyne scanner

is MiCROTEC’s answer for

high-speed lineal scanning.

Bolstered by the capabilities

of MiCROTEC Ai, the Lucidyne

is engineered to grade lumber

with high precision and is

tailored to high-speed planer

mills at speeds up to 4500

FPM. What sets the Lucidyne

apart is its unrivaled uptime

in the industry, ensuring

maximum fiber recovery

and value. The uptime of

Lucidyne translates to minimal

production disruptions,

resulting in reduced downtime

costs and optimized

operational efficiency.

MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye

and Lucidyne are set to propel

the North American softwood

sector to unprecedented levels

of efficiency and quality. By

embracing these AI-powered

solutions, and specifically

MiCROTEC’s proprietary

technology, MiCROTEC Ai, the

softwood industry stands at

the forefront of a future where

precision, sustainability, and

profitability meet innovation.

QC Assist: Enhancing Quality


QC Assist, designed to further

improve the efficiency and

quality of lumber grading

seamlessly integrates

with the Goldeneye and

Lucidyne, supporting overall

grading performance. The

tool facilitates smooth

communication with the

scanners, empowering users

to easily verify and document

boards of interest during the

quality control process. It

also serves as a link to the

MiCROTEC grading support

team, which optimizes the

defect detection process.

Originally introduced with

the Lucidyne, QC Assist has

now become an integral part

of the Goldeneye as well,

ensuring that the softwood

industry benefits from

advanced quality control

and defect detection while

optimizing operational

efficiency. As the industry

embraces AI-powered solutions

like MiCROTEC’s proprietary

technology, MiCROTEC Ai,

it sets new standards for

softwood production.

Goldeneye and Lucidyne

are supported locally by

the MiCROTEC grading

support team.To learn more

about MiCROTEC’s scanning

solutions, support, and

proprietary technology, visit


18 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Time is money!


Therefore it is crucial to

use it carefully. This is

where the Franzen

SA 6 comes into play since it

was developed to save time

- as recommended by Stihl,

Prinz, Holtec and Mafell.

Especially in sawmills,

the maintenance and care

of equipment takes up a lot

of time. This includes the

sharpening of saw chains.

Franzen Maschinen has set

itself the task of optimising the

latter and making it profitable.

We strongly recommend

deburring the chain on the

Franzen TGE beforehand. All

types of saw chains can then

be automatically sharpened

on the SA 6 automatic chain

sharpener after a minimum

set-up time and in accordance

with the manufacturer’s

specifications. Only as much

material as necessary is

removed in order to maximise

service life and guarantee

best performance. Grinding

discs specially developed for

the SA 6 enable a coolingfree

sharpening process

without annealing the chain.

For carbide chains, as well as

high removal rates on heavily

damaged chains (up to 2 mm

in one stroke!), the special

cooling nozzle offers the

option of precise cooling with

air and/or the finest spray

mist. The three-part scanner

head recognises right, left,

missing and broken teeth.

Two independently operating

sharpening motors ensure a

high degree of flexibility. The

operator decides for himself

whether and how the depth

gauge should be sharpened,

which guarantees maximum


All in all, this means

less time spent on chain

sharpening, with the best

possible end result and more

time for really important

work! Sharpening by hand,

which is still widely used in

the commercial sector, is not

lucrative and is particularly

uneconomical for sawmill


With Franzen, you are not

just buying a machine, but

above all expertise and lifelong

support. Anyone involved in the

sharpening of high-quality saw

chains should be concerned

with this subject and cannot

ignore Franzen’s automatic


Franzen also supports

you with the pre-cleaning of

chainsaws and chains. Because

only a clean chain can be

sharpened correctly.

Our specially developed RK1

and RK2 cleaning cabins have

two large openings and a petrol

and oil-resistant disc. A blowoff

gun and lamp make work

easier. The dirt falls directly

into the bucket supplied via

a large funnel and can be

disposed of easily. A device for

an extraction system is preinstalled

as standard.

Both cabins are quickly put

into operation via “plug and

play”. Please contact us for

further cleaning solutions.

Development, production

and service at one location

enable the highest quality,

maximum customer-orientated

support and short distances.

Stop wasting money!

Get in touch with us!

SA 6 with a

diversion for

longer chains.

The cleaning cabin one and two

RK1 / RK2


International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 19

Koskisen invests in thin plywood

production in Hirvensalmi

The wood products

company Koskisen is

investing in a new thin

plywood press at its thin

plywood production unit in

Hirvensalmi. The replacement

investment will increase the

pressing capacity of thin

plywood by approximately a

quarter, enable an increase

in the product offering and

improve product quality.

“With the new press

investment, production

productivity will improve

significantly, because at

the same time we are able

to rationalize the entire

production process and its

various work phases. The press

investment will also improve

the energy efficiency of

production and enable the use

of renewable energy,” says Unit

Manager Miikka Lehtinen.

The installation of the new

press is currently underway,

and it will be taken into

production use at the turn

of August and September.

In addition to the press

investment, several small

investments have been made to

improve energy efficiency and

increase the use of renewable


“A new steam pipe has been

drawn from the biopower plant

for production, allowing us to

increase the use of thermal

energy produced by our own

bioenergy power plant. The

number of heat pumps in

different spaces has also

been increased. With these

measures, depending on

the time, we save 25–50 per

cent of the electrical energy

purchased. Electricity is only

needed for the operating

electricity of production

machinery, lighting and other

household electricity, for

example in office premises,”

says Lehtinen.

The Hirvensalmi production

unit produces high-quality thin

plywood and birch veneer, the

most common applications

of which are various design

products, such as lamps,

jewellery and scale models, as

well as various craft products.

Thin plywood and birch veneer

are also widely used in the

furniture industry and, for

example, in the manufacture of

small aircraft.

Unit Manager Miikka


RemaSawco AB has

signed an agreement

with Moelven Wood

A/S to upgrade three of

the group’s sawmills in

Norway; Soknabruket,

Granvin bruk and Trysil.

The agreement is a

framework agreement

with separate call off

contracts for each sawmill

and the total value

amounts to a maximum

of SEK 11.7 million,

excluding any additional


RemaSawco receives order

from Moelven Wood

The agreement basically

means that older systems

and installations at

the three sawmills are now

replaced with more modern

systems and technology

that give the sawmills better

conditions to meet the

market’s demands with, for

example, higher reliability and

availability. Modernization

also means future-proofing

the systems and maintaining

or increasing maintenance


The three sawmills’ green

sorting, dry sorting and planing

mills will, among other things,

be equipped with RemaSawco’s

smart system RS-ProSort and

two of the sawmills will also

be equipped with the board

scanner RS-BoardScannerD.

Various adaptations and

additional products are

included as well as options and

training of the customer’s own


Delivery, installation and

commissioning will take place

during 2024-2025

“It is very gratifying to see

that brave and forward-looking

sawmills dare to invest, despite

the uncertain market situation.

Together, we have found a good

solution that will give Moelven

clearly better conditions when

the market turns again.”

Says Emilien Saindon, CEO of


For further information,


Johan Friberg, CEO,


Emilien Saindon,

CEO, RemaSawco

Image Systems is a

Swedish high-tech company

and a leading supplier of

products and services in highresolution

image processing.

The company caters to a

large number of industries

globally and operations are

conducted in two business

areas RemaSawco and Motion


20 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024



Proven smart 2D+3D scanning solutions for log and board optimization

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 21

visit www.lmi3d.com/wood-IFI/


USNR’s newest log

profiler increases the

volume through the

mill without sacrificing

recovery and produces

higher-quality finished

products than other


USNR is on the leading

edge of efficient

lumber manufacturing

technology and offers a

wide range of sawline

options to meet the

specific needs and

applications of sawmill

operations worldwide.

USNR’s systems are

highly capable, reliable,

and easily serviceable,

consistently meeting

production targets.

From large to small logs,

whether your operation

requires circle saws,

bandmills, profiling,

horizontal or vertical

shape sawing, USNR

offers sawlines to meet

your goals.

USNR Sawlines –

Constantly Innovating

This year, USNR released two robust new log

turning and profiling solutions.

The Sidewinder Log Turner

The first stand-alone Knuckle

Log Turner, the Sidewinder,

was recently displayed at the

SFPA Expo in Nashville, TN.

This unique new log turner

offers a high degree of turn

accuracy, with lower operating/

maintenance costs, and it

requires less infrastructure

than other designs which

reduces installation costs.

The Sidewinder accepts

logs from the A/R conveyor

and consists of two pairs

of turning rolls mounted to

shifting carriages. As the log

proceeds through the rolls, the

four rolls tilt in unison to rotate

the log. The Turner optimizer

determines the amount and

duration of the tilt.

During rotation, the

Precision Geometric Log

Rotation scanner (PGLR),

located between the two

pairs of rolls, compares cross

sections of the log in

real-time to provide true

closed loop turning control.

The Sidewinder can be used

in the same applications as a

Quad Roll or Ring Turner and

features industry-leading log

positioning accuracy while

using less energy than other

systems. The Sidewinder can

handle logs from 3” to 24” in

diameter at feed speeds up to

700 FPM and is designed to

handle heavy logs found in the

Southern US and short, knotty

logs from Canada.

The most advanced primary

breakdown Log Profiler

USNR’s powerful new Log

Profiler is the world’s most

advanced primary breakdown

log profiler. The new profiler

design reduces the bottlenecks

USNR’s Sidewinder log turner can be used in the same applications as a Quad Roll or Ring Turner and

features industry-leading log positioning accuracy while using less energy than other systems.

22 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

The Sidewinder log turner consists of two pairs of turning rolls mounted to shifting carriages. As the

log proceeds through the rolls, the four rolls tilt in unison to rotate the log.

at the edger, allowing more

volume through the mill

without sacrificing recovery.

The new profiler produces

higher-quality finished

products than other profiler

designs via smart anvils on

each profiler head that reduce

manufacturing defects and

improve chip containment. A

lumber guide nestled closely

to the profiler heads eliminates

lead and trail-end defects

commonly found on profiled


A newly designed Vertical

Feed Module (VFM) pairs

seamlessly with the state-ofthe

art profiler. The new VFM

uses rolls with a specially

developed fine knurl pattern

scientifically proven to provide

more holding force than

conventional knurls. A new

air cylinder/slewing bearing

arrangement supports the

knurled rolls, offering greater

holding forces on missed-face

logs and ensuring unmatched


USNR’s log scanning and

optimization systems are

renowned for capturing the

absolute maximum value

from every log and are found

on more types of machinery

than any other system. Any

log breakdown system can

be optimized with USNR’s

Lasar2 or Bioluma lineal

sensors. The BioLuma 3900L

sensor delivers the highest

speed UHD laser profiling for

the most demanding lineal

applications and is perfect

for lineal bucking, log lines,

shape sawing gangs, and lineal


Contact us to inquire about

our other unique solutions

to significantly improve

cutting accuracy and recovery.

Millwide. Worldwide.

VIDA to invest in Bruza Sawmill in Hjältevad, Sweden

VIDA AB, owned 70%

by Canfor Corporation

(TSX:CFP), has

announced that it will

invest approximately

700 million SEK

(CAD$85 million) at

its Bruza Sawmill in

Hjältevad, expanding

production from 175

million board feet to

240 million board feet.

This major investment

includes a new high

capacity planing mill

equipped with the latest

technology, a new boiler, wood

drying kilns and warehouse.

“I’m very happy that

we’ve made this decision to

increase our capacity in eastern

Småland, together with our

sawmills in Vimmerby and

Mörlunda. This investment

clearly demonstrates that

we believe in wood as the

material of the future, and in

Hjältevad as a place to grow

our business,” said Måns

Johansson, CEO of Vida AB and

President, Canfor Europe.

Construction of the planing

mill, which is being designed

to efficiently process lumber

for all of Vida’s markets, will

commence in spring 2024

and is expected to be in full

production in 2026. Due to

the increased capacity, Vida

will grow its Bruza team as it

introduces a second production

shift. The planing mill will be

supplied by C Gunnarssons

Verkstads AB from Vislanda,

Sweden which has been

supplying the European

sawmill industry for over 60


About Canfor Corporation

Canfor is a global leader in the

manufacturing of high-value

low-carbon forest products

including dimension and

specialty lumber, engineered

wood products, pulp and paper,

wood pellets and green energy.

The Company has a 70% stake

in Vida AB, Sweden’s largest

privately owned sawmill


Måns Johansson, CEO of

Vida AB and President,

Canfor Europe

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 23


Junnikkala’s new

production facility

being built in Oulu

contains extensive

sets of equipment.

By far the majority of

equipment and machine

deliveries come from

domestic companies,

so the multiplier effects

of the investment are


Leading Sawmiller Junnikkala chose

Jartek to oversee their new Oulu sawmill


When looking for an

experienced partner

for their major Oulu

project Junnikkala chose Jartek.

Operating in Lahti, Jartek

already has half a century of

experience in supplying sorting

and packaging plants.

“Jartek has come to make

a functioning facility. This can

be seen in the flexibility of the

design and adaptation on the

job site. They really understand

the whole sawing process.

Working with Jartek is very

smooth, because it’s not the

first time the workers are at the

sawmill,” says Antti Kyröläinen,

Junnikkala’s Oulu factory


The sorting equipment

is always tailored to the

customer’s needs. Juhani

Pohjantähti, who works as

Jartek’s project manager, says

that Jartek has been able to

bring all of its current knowhow

and the latest available

technology to this project.

Juhani says that the Oulu

production facility is the fourth

“greenfield” project in his

career. “The interesting thing

about Greenfields is that you

get to influence the solutions

right from the start.

Of course, this is also the

case with small projects – all

are equally important. This way

we get the best possible end

result for the customer”, Juhani


Project planning began in

the spring of 2022, and the

first installations began a year

later. It is a turnkey delivery

that includes everything from

planning to the aftercare of the


“Even though the project

books are closed, we don’t

leave the customer alone, but

we provide comprehensive

equipment maintenance, spare

parts and software updates,”

says Juhani.

Cost efficiency, especially

during the start-up phase, is

increased by comprehensive

remote connections, through

which Jartek’s experts can, if

necessary, help with the use

of the equipment, for example

from Lahti.

24 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 25

400 truckloads of steel

One number describing the

scale of the project is the

weight and quantity of the

equipment to be delivered.

be made quickly. If there is a

problem in the morning, there

is already a solution in the


The project named

“Christmas project” aims to

Jartek is supplying the

sawmill in Oulu with

conveyors for the saw

line, fresh sorting,

trimming, dry sorting

and packaging, including

package handling. The

automations for the lines

also come from Jartek

Even though the project

books are closed,

we don’t leave the

customer alone, but we

provide comprehensive

equipment maintenance,

spare parts and software


Juhani Pohjantähti

Project Leader


Working with Jartek is

very smooth, because

it’s not the first time

the workers are at the


Antti Kyrolainen,

Junnikkala’s Oulu factory


The delivery includes

more than 1,500,000 kg of

equipment and about 400

truckloads of goods have

arrived at the Oulu production

facility delivered by Jartek.

“Junnikkala organized

the storage in an exemplary

manner when the project’s

deliveries were started at

the end of last year in winter

conditions. The load maps and

storage areas were up to date

and everything went logically.

Now the truck rally is already

coming to an end and all the

equipment belonging to our

delivery is on the lot,” says


The saw turns the logs into

a product, Jartek takes it all the

way to the package.

Jartek is supplying the

sawmill in Oulu with conveyors

for the saw line, fresh sorting,

trimming, dry sorting and

packaging, including package

handling. The automations for

the lines also come from Jartek.

Although the whole project

is extensive, Pohjantähti

describes it as being on

schedule to the minute. This

has been facilitated by good

cooperation with Junnikkala

and all the contractors.

“We have weekly contractor

meetings, and every two or

three weeks all the contractors

together refine their schedule

for three weeks ahead. At

Junnikkala, you don’t mess

with things, but decisions can

ensure that before enjoying

the Christmas porridge, the

installations and tests are

included in the package. In

order to achieve what was

planned, the entire supply

chain must be brought

together. At the best of times,

there are up to 30 different

contractors on the site with

more than 200 employees ─

so things and schedules have

to work together seamlessly.

A maximum of 40 people work

at Jartek in Oulu at the same

time. The focus is currently on

mechanics’ tasks, but we will

gradually move to the testing

and programming phase.

“We are excitedly waiting

for the challenges of the

implementation, where

everyone can challenge

themselves professionally,”

says Antti.

Education and safety above all

One important phase in the

fall is the training of Oulu’s

new personnel. First we get

to know the main processes

and step by step we delve

deeper into things. Operating

the equipment safely is at

the heart of everything, and

we have invested in this

with many different means,

such as safety fences, light

curtains and service levels.

The devices must be easily and

safely serviced, in ergonomic

condition and the workstations

must be functional.

“We build workplaces

together with Junnikkala with

the idea that it’s nice to go

to work together with good

colleagues”, Pohjantähti sums

up and thanks Junnikkala’s

Project Management - Anttia

Kyröläi, Timo Mäkelä and

Vesa Hyrkä of Pohjolan

Rakennusvalvonta Oy and

all the contractors involved

and their own installation

teams for the good and about

professional cooperation.


Junnikkala is a Finnish familyrun

business incorporating the

third generation; “Junnikkala

Bros”, ie CEO Kalle and

Veli-Matti as sales director,

together with other top

professionals in our company.

Junnikkala operates with the

aim of reliable delivery and

great flexibility of it’s services.

They produce up to 360.000 m

of different kinds of redwood

and whitewood products in a

year in Finland.

Management Systems -

Producing world beating

quality products requires

investment in management

systems. Junnikkala

has applied high-level

management standards for

decades. Their management

systems cover quality

(ISO9001), environment

(ISO14001) and safety and

wellbeing at work.

26 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024




Log and board optimization

with smart 3D/2D laser


Company Overview

Established in 1993 in Salmo, British

Columbia, Porcupine Wood Products

manufactures Western Red Cedar logs into

decking, fencing, sidings and trim board

products of the highest grade. Porcupine

cuts slow-growing second growth logs

with less than 20″ butt diameter. These

logs produce exceptional lumber with tight

grain and small knots. This fiber is ideal for

decking, dimension, fencing, and sidings.

The mill produces cedar products that are among the best, if not the very best available

on the market. Porcupine is certified under Program for the Endorsement of Forest

Certification (PEFC) in the spring of 2009.

The Challenge

The primary challenge Porcupine mill operators face is updating their lumber optimization

systems to continuously improve the reliability and increase the grade and value of wood

products produced.

Cant Optimization

The Solution

To optimize value recovery and maximize product quality, Porcupine turned to leading mill

automation provider Raptor Integration to design and deploy a custom wood optimization


Raptor implemented three secondary-breakdown machine vision solutions, including

(1) a 360° cant scanner, (2) flitch scanner, and (3) board scanner. These systems leverage

LMI’s chroma+scan and Gocator scan technology to generate precision raw data that is

communicated to Raptor’s software and used to optimize cutlines and achieve the highest

value recovery and quality for every piece of lumber:

(1) At the cant scanning station, a multi-sensor network of 4x Gocator 2180 laser

profilers are mounted to a scan frame at the infeed of the gang saw to provide 360°

scans of cants traveling from the upstream process. This Gocator sensor network is

synchronized to within 1μs and generates a stitched 3D point cloud of the entire cant

(top, bottom, sides) for optimal board-cutting decision logic and 100% defect detection.

At the outfeed of the gang saw flitches are sorted to a transverse edger queue and

boards are sent to the transverse trimmer queue.

(2) Mounted above the edger queue, a bank of Gocator 250 multi-point scanners paired

with Gocator 210 bolt-on light modules generate geometric, 3D color vision, and

tracheid detection data of flitches. Gocator provides a complete 2D/3D image profile

that is used to identify defects and produce the best cut decisions based on grade of

the finished lumber.

(3) Raptor’s traverse board scanner leverages a bank of Chroma+Scan 3155 multi-point

scanners to generate a full 3D geometric profile of each board, which is then used to

calculate optimal trim decisions. Scan data is used to calculate wane, thickness and

width thresholds.

28 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


Board Scanning

UI Interface

chroma+scan 3155

Furthermore, because LMI’s sensors produce very high resolution data, mill operators

are able to detect subtle anomalies in downstream processes (e.g., wedge) that can

ultimately help diagnose and fix errors in upstream cutting machinery.

The Gocator Advantage for Wood

• Web Browser-Based User Interface - Easy Setup and Control

• 2D+3D Data Generation for Profile Geometry, Color Vision, and Tracheid Measurement

• Multi-Sensor Networking for 360° Scanning Capability

• Standard Communication with PLCs (EtherNetIP, Modbus, PROFINET)


Porcupine has seen a 15% increase in value recovery since implementing the Gocatordriven

Raptor Integration scanning system.

Next Steps

In the future, porcupine plans to install optimization in the planer mill to further take

advantage of the technology available today. Currently they rely on lumber graders for this


Gocator 2180

Gocator 250 + 205 (lightbar

for color vision)

With scanning automation we have increased

our output of goodgrade material by more than

15%. The sky is the limit. And it’s not just this

type of scanning automation, it’s robotics, it’s

everything. When it’s viable economically to

me, as a small producer, this is something I

want to jump into.

Craig Upper, General Manager, Porcupine Wood Products

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 29

BID Group’s

New Beltless

Profiler Design

The Primary Breakdown

Closed Loop System:

Transforming Wood

Processing Efficiency!

The Future of Wood

Processing: BID Group’s

Three Innovations

Leading the Way

Embark on a journey of transformation in the wood

processing industry with BID Group’s innovative

technologies. This article delves into three cutting-edge

solutions that redefine efficiency, precision, and reliability

in sawmills. From the Primary Breakdown Closed Loop

System’s automation prowess to the AI-Powered Smart

Vision’s continuous monitoring, and the beltless profiler

design’s revolutionary approach, witness a paradigm shift

that promises to elevate wood processing to new heights.

Revolutionizing the wood

processing industry, the

Primary Breakdown Closed

Loop system stands out

as a game-changer with

its advanced automation

capabilities. Ideal for sawmills

looking to streamline and

optimize primary breakdown

operations, this system

ensures optimal recovery and

offers significant benefits.

Operating seamlessly,

the Closed Loop system

automatically makes realtime

adjustments, alleviating

the workload on your team

members and allowing them

to focus on other critical tasks.

Leveraging data from existing

Comact scanners, the system

provides comprehensive

information about the

log’s shape, guaranteeing

unparalleled accuracy.

A standout feature is

the innovative Multi-offset

Adjustment function, which

accelerates adjustments

and corrects offsets swiftly,

promoting a more efficient

workflow. The Pattern

Deduction function sets a

new standard for closed loop

reaction time in defining

cutting patterns, delivering the

fastest response on the market.

Moreover, the system

automatically corrects

offsets to cutting tools and

infeed modules, instantly

identifying mechanical

breakdowns or problems.

Real-time dashboards display

issues for prompt attention,

minimizing fiber and value loss

and ensuring uninterrupted


30 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


The Primary Breakdown

system monitors and adjusts

as needed and it also oversees

the scanner’s cleanliness.

Regular dimension readings

enhance accuracy, consistently

executing optimized cant

cutting patterns to maximize

each log’s value.

Installation of the Primary

Breakdown Closed Loop

system typically requires

a brief downtime period,

usually over a weekend. Once

installed, production can

swiftly resume after calibration,

testing, and adjustment

of parameters. Monitoring

the system’s performance

is simplified with real-time

dashboards displaying primary

breakdown operations, and

a comprehensive adjustment

history is available for


Thoroughly tested and

improved since its development

in 2020, the technology

ensures maturity and reliability.

The BID team provides support

at every step, offering quick

start-up and technical training

backed by the renowned 24/7

service and reliability program.

BID’s AI-Powered Smart Vision

In its unwavering commitment

to constant innovation and

better service delivery, BID

Group is expanding its digital

transformation offerings with

the introduction of its AI-

Powered Smart Vision.

The applications of BID’s

Smart Vision extend accross

all stages of primary wood

processing, utilizing Artificial

Intelligence to analyze images

from cameras for continuous

process monitoring and the

identification of production

anomalies. This results in

increased productivity and

reduced downtime, in addition

of increasing the safety of the

work environment.

BID’s Smart Vision and its

applications optimize wood

processing operations by

delivering the following

benefits and technologies:

• Immediate alerts for timely

action when a problem


• Identification of production

anomalies that typically

necessitate mechanical and/

or human intervention.

• Reduction of major

production stoppages and

equipment breakdowns.

• Ongoing management

and monitoring of one or

more stages of the wood

transformation process with

a large surface area vision.

• Continuous measurement

of quality control and

optimization of equipment


• Decreased reliance on

photocells for a smoother

flow of operations.

The user-friendly nature of

BID’s Smart Vision eliminates

the need for AI-specific


The startup process is

seamless, facilitated by BID’s

extensive team of wood

specialists and data scientists.

BID’s Smart Vision for Gap


The Smart Vision for gap

control is a cutting-edge

addition to BID Group’s AIpowered

suite, focusing on

optimizing the monitoring

of the Wave Feeder TM and

efficiently managing gap

control. This innovative

application ensures a

seamless process flow with

smart and optimal gap

control, maximizing efficiency

throughout the wood

processing stages.

Without the Smart Vision

for gap control, traditional

methods rely on a scanner

mounted downstream to detect

logs that are too short, leading

to significant productivity

losses and unnecessary

interruptions in the production

line. BID’s Smart Vision

for gap control, leveraging

artificial intelligence, precisely

identifies too short logs,

minimizing disruptions and

enhancing overall operational


Dashboard of the primary breakdown closed loop system

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 31

Benefits for incorporating

BID’s Smart Vision for gap


• Optimized process flow,

ensuring smart and optimal

gap control.

• Minimized productivity loss

by accurately identifying and

rejecting undersized logs.

• Enhanced precision

through the application’s AI

capabilities for precise gap


• Improved overall efficiency

by reducing downtime and

enhancing wood processing


BID Group’s commitment

to continuous innovation is

evident in the development

of the Smart Vision for

gap control, representing

a significant stride in

revolutionizing the wood

processing industry. As

part of an ongoing series of

applications, BID’s Smart

Vision continues to lead the

way in increasing productivity,

reducing downtime, and

optimizing operations in

sawmills and planer mills.

BID Group’s New Beltless

Profiler Design

BID Group has taken a

significant leap forward with

its beltless profiler design,

setting a new standard for

precision and reliability in

wood profiling.

Unlike the traditional

design, where profiler heads

are driven by a serpentine

belt, the beltless profiler

design boasts a streamlined

approach. Each profiler head

is individually powered by an

inline motor with a driveshaft,

offering unparalleled control

and adaptability. With 150

HP per head, totaling an

impressive 300 HP per profiler

unit, this design ensures

a robust and powerful

performance that meets

the demands of the wood

processing industry.

One of the standout

advantages of the beltless

profiler design lies in its ability

to eliminate the risk of belt

failure, a common concern in

the standard design. By doing

away with belts, BID Group

has mitigated the potential for

costly repairs and downtime,

providing operators with a

reliable and low-maintenance


Furthermore, the beltless

profiler design allows for

precise adjustment of RPM

without the need for a Variable

Frequency Drive (VFD). This

flexibility enables operators to

fine-tune chip production and

finish quality to meet specific

requirements, offering a level

of customization that was

previously unavailable in the


With its forward-thinking

approach, BID Group’s beltless

profiler design is a testament

to the company’s commitment

to pushing the boundaries

of what is possible in wood


As we conclude this

exploration into BID Group’s

advancements, it’s evident that

the wood processing landscape

is undergoing a profound

evolution. The Primary

Breakdown Closed Loop

System, AI-Powered Smart

Vision, and beltless profiler

design collectively represent

a commitment to innovation,

efficiency, and reliability. BID

Group’s unwavering dedication

to pushing boundaries ensures

that the wood processing

industry is not only keeping

pace with technological

advancements but is boldly

stepping into a future of

enhanced productivity, reduced

downtime, and optimized


For more information,

contact us at info@bidgroup.ca

BID’s Smart Vision for Wave Feeder gap control management

32 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

“as stand alone”. The system

uses LIMAB 1D PreciCura SR or

ProfiCura 2D sensors placed

across the line as the picture

and they will help you to sort

or reject all boards with wrong


Do you have measurement problems

in your planer line ?

The BoardProfiler 3D-TC is

a system that will classify

boards and send a reject

signal when out of tolerance.

A normal problem infront of

the planer or in sorting lines is

to not have control of the cup,

width or wane in the process.

The encoder is normally the

source of the problem as

when it cannot provide the

correct information when the

conveyor, shakes or with slack

chains. LIMAB ProfiCura Dim

2D sensor is the helping hand

for this, as it is independent on

vibration or bouncing boards.

The sensor will also always

transmit correct data of the

cup, width or wane. This will

help you when sorting with

sharp tolerances (+/-1mm) and

give you a correct cup signal


The BoardProfiler 3D-TC is

the master of the line even if

you can use the sensor

LIMAB Edger for transversal

or lineal process

LIMAB BoardProfiler 3D edger

is a modern flexible system

using our ProfiCura and

PreciCura sensors for accurate

edging. All installations in

Sweden have been harp tested

with 98-99% accuracy. It is

easy to install and for the

operator to use.

Contact use for more

information on sales@limab.se.

GreenFirst appoints Joel Fournier as CEO

GreenFirst Forest Products

Inc. (TSX: GFP) (“GreenFirst”)

recently announce the

appointment of Joel Fournier as

its new Chief Executive Officer.

Mr. Fournier will be taking over

operations from Interim CEO

Paul Rivett, who will continue

to serve as Executive Chair of

the Board of Directors.

Mr. Fournier is a seasoned

executive with over two

decades of hands-on

experience in lumber mills

in both Eastern and Western


Mr. Fournier grew up

in a lumber mill town and

studied Wood Science at Laval

University. Additionally, he

obtained his Master’s degree

in Business Administration

from Moncton. He began his

career at JD Irving as a co-op

student and steadily rose up

the ranks to become Director,

Lumber Mill Optimization and

New Product Development. Mr.

Fournier is well-known for his

expertise in manufacturing,

quality control and process

improvement, with a track

record of achieving operational

excellence and driving growth

through strategic business

approaches and employee


Mr. Fournier also has a

strong background in the

entire forest products value

chain, including finance,

sales and strategy. Before

joining GreenFirst, he served

as the Vice President, Coastal

Operations at Western Forest

Products, a forestry company in

British Columbia. Prior to that,

he held the position of Chief

Operating Officer at Sinclair

Group Forest Products, also in

British Columbia.

Mr. Fournier will be a

hands-on leader in our lumber

mill operations and has

committed to be based out of

GreenFirst’s offices in Timmins,

Ontario which is very close in

proximately to all of our lumber


“We are very excited to

have Joel join us. He is a

proven leader with decades

of experience in lumber mill

operations,” said Paul Rivett,

Executive Chair of GreenFirst. ”

Joel brings his leadership and

experience to optimize and

grow our business at GreenFirst

as we begin a new phase in

the maturation of our young,

focused and entrepreneurial

company. “

About GreenFirst

GreenFirst Forest Products

is a forest-first business,

focused on sustainable forest

management and lumber

production. The Company

owns four sawmills located

in rich wood baskets proudly

operating over 6.1 million

hectares of FSC® certified

public Ontario forestlands

(FSC® C167905). The Company

believes that responsible forest

practices, coupled with the

long-term green advantage

of lumber, provide GreenFirst

with significant cyclical and

secular advantages in building


International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 33


An Opticom CC04

camera was speared by

a board and still works

Video monitoring has

become an essential

tool in modern

sawmill operations. By

leveraging advanced

camera technology

and data analytics,

sawmill managers can

improve safety, optimize

production, and enhance

overall efficiency.

By: Heidi Schmidt,

Global Sales Manager,

Opticom Tech

Best Practices for

Sawline Video Monitoring

However, when you put

sensitive electronic


cameras—in a dusty, highvibration

environment, that

equipment needs to be able to

stand up to the harsh sawmill


Three Reasons You Need

Sawline Video Monitoring

Sawline video monitoring goes

far beyond security. Per our

clients’ feedback, the number

one reason to invest in a good

system is the safety of your


Sawline equipment can be

very hazardous, especially

when misused or without

the proper safeguards. A

video monitoring system can

help you notice these issues

remotely and address them

before they turn into big


Second, a remote operator

watching your sawline feed can

help prevent costly downtime.

If a machine slows down or acts

erratically, this can be spotted

by someone with a bird’s-eyeview

if they have the right

monitoring equipment.

Third, a video monitoring

system can help you improve

operational efficiency. You can

spot improper procedures or

processes by watching the feed

and analyzing what happens on

your sawline.

You can then use this

information to enhance

your training, improve your

procedures, and overall

streamline your operations.

Video monitoring is akin

to the machinery in your

sawline: used properly, it’s

a productivity and safety


Best Practices

Get the Right Cameras

Cameras are everywhere, so it’s

very easy to think you can just

grab an off-the-shelf kit from

a big box store, install it in 30

minutes and that’s it.

However, regular cameras

cannot withstand the debris,

dust, humidity, splinters, and

vibrations in a sawline. At best,

you can expect them to last

for a month until they need


Ruggedized cameras, on the

other hand, can last for years in

the harshest of environments.

Opticom cameras, for instance,

can even continue working

after being hit by a log. I mean

this quite literally: several of

our CC02 cameras have been

hit by a log in a sawmill and

kept working just fine.

In the long run, ruggedized

cameras have a lower cost of

ownership. Since you don’t

have to replace them so often,

you won’t keep paying for new

cameras and shutting down the

line to install them.

34 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Use Vibration Mounts

While cameras are the most

visible part of video monitoring

systems, they aren’t the only

relevant thing. Especially in

high-vibration environments,

mounts can extend the life of

your cameras.

The inner workings of

cameras are very delicate and

very sensitive to vibrations.

This is where mounts come

into play: The right ruggedized

mounts absorb vibration and

prolong the camera’s life. In our

“log versus camera” incident,

the camera survived precisely

because the mount absorbed

most of the shock.

An Opticom CC04 camera

was speared by a board and

still works

Find the Right Video Feed


While some cameras have

to be mounted in the rafters

to keep them safely away

from debris of a sawmill line,

rugged sawmill cameras can

be placed right on machinery.

This flexibility for placement

allows you to get the best

view angles—up close, if

needed—to monitor the entire

production process.

Ensure Network Security

It’s easy to think that sawmills

don’t need to worry about

network security in their

internal video monitoring

system, but that’s not advised.

We recommend using only

NDAA compliant electronics

to protect assets, ensure

safety, and safeguard sensitive


Work With a Sawline

Monitoring Expert

There are plenty of video

monitoring experts out there,

but there aren’t many who

specialize in sawmills. Find a

partner like Opticom that can

walk into your mill and serve

as a partner in setting up your

entire video monitoring system

from cameras and placement to

networking and storage.

Final Thoughts

You wouldn’t choose food

processing equipment to use

on a sawline, right? The same

goes for the video monitoring

equipment—choose cameras

and accessories that are

specifically designed for your


If you have questions or

unknowns, then before you

buy your system it’s worth

talking to a consultant. They

can advise on which features

to consider and which are

irrelevant to you. This way, you

won’t spend too much on a

sophistication level you don’t

need and you won’t ignore

relevant features that you need

in a sawmill.

With the right system in

place, sawmill video monitoring

can be your go-to resource for

improving productivity and

safety and streamlining your


About the Author

Heidi Schmidt

Global Sales Manager

Opticom Tech


Heidi has worked in the

video technology space for

almost 20 years, building

expertise in CCTV, industrial

video applications, new

product development, video

network solutions, and more.

As a sales leader at Opticom

Technologies, she helps

customers implement robust

video monitoring solutions for

unique and harsh industrial


Contact info:

Author: Heidi Schmidt,



Media contact:

Megan Horn,


HALCO AD:Layout 3 3/8/10 17:22 Page 1

Optimise your

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Optimise your


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International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 35

PONSSE solutions

for steep slope


Ponsse’s cut-to-length

forest machines have

proved to be excellent

harvesting solutions,

also on steep slopes.

Environmentally friendly

and safe harvesting

solutions for slopes

are in high demand,

especially when

harvesting takes place

in areas with varying

terrain and steepness.

Our solutions are

always based on our

customers’ needs,

and our forest machines

designed for steep slopes

are no exception. We test and

develop them together with our

customers in truly demanding

conditions, for example, in

China, Brazil, North America

and in Central Europe,”

says Marko Mattila, Chief

Sales, Service and Marketing

Director at Ponsse. “We have

invested in the testing and

research equipment required

for the development of slope

harvesting solutions at our

Vieremä factory, and we have

even built an artificial slope for

testing and studying in detail

how our products operate in

slope conditions.”

PONSSE Synchrowinch is

one of the most important

optional equipment required

for cut-to-length (CTL) forest

Our solutions are always based on our

customers’ needs, and our forest machines

designed for steep slopes are no exception.

We test and develop them together with our

customers in truly demanding conditions, for

example, in China, Brazil, North America and

in Central Europe

Marko Mattila

Chief Sales, Service and Marketing Officer at Ponsse Plc

machines when working

on steep slopes. It helps

the forest machine remain

highly productive in an

environmentally friendly

and safe way compared to

alternative manual methods

also in demanding conditions.

Working on slopes is no

novelty globally but, as the

environmentally friendly cutto-length

logging method is

36 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

becoming more common, it will

develop in a safer and more

effective direction, minimising

any damage to the terrain.

Ponsse’s solutions for

working on slopes

• Eight-wheeled harvesters

and forwarders, combined

with balanced bogies, offer

tractive force, stability and

comfort for the operator

• Engines, brakes and

tanks developed for slope


• PONSSE Synchrowinch and

other options designed for

working on slopes

• Efficiency and productivity

of cut-to-length (CTL) forest

machines – no need to pull

cables or wires manually.

• Smooth working – by using

the winch, the machine can

be moved smoothly, even in

demanding locations

PONSSE Synchrowinch is

available for PONSSE Cobra,

Ergo 8W and Bear harvesters

and Buffalo, Elephant and

Elephant King forwarders.

The winch is optional

equipment installed in

forest machines during the

installation stage.



PONSSE traction assistance

winch helps achieve high

productivity in steep ground

operations. It allows operating

the same machines in flat

and steep work sites with no

need for additional machinery

or methods. PONSSE

Synchrowinch preserves soil

from rutting and erosion, saves

fuel and reduces stress in drive

transmission components.

PONSSE Synchrowinch

allows effective logging in

areas where previously only

expensive and slow special

logging methods have been

used. The winch speed is

automatically synchronized

to the machine driving speed

so the operator doesn’t need

to operate or adjust it during

normal work. Cable tension

can be set and winch can be

operated from a remote control

unit, making it easy to hook the

cable to e.g. a tree or a stump

uphill. Tiltable crane base

options makes harvesting and

forwarding more efficient on



1. Traction assistance winch

helps to maintain high

productivity also in steeper

terrain because of:

• Forwarding is possible to

both directions (no need

for separate route with full


• Due to the tiltable seat the

driver can keep a relaxed

sitting position while

working on steep slopes.

This makes the work

ergonomical and less tiring.

2. Traction assistance winch

helps to widen the area of

operation - same machines

can handle also steeper

places. No need to employ

additional machinery or

other harvesting methods

(like cable skidders, manual

felling) in the same logging


3. Harvesting on steep slopes

with traction assistance

winch decreases the fuel

consumption compared

to steep slope harvesting

without traction assistance.

No slipping means mitigated

impact to soil and lower

erosion risk by reducing

track formation. Lower

fuel consumption and

decreased transmission part

wearing are pros of traction

assistance compared to

operating without winch in


4. Investment cost compared

to fully mechanized

cable yarding systems is

remarkably lower. Traction

assistance logging has

lower transporting costs

(two machines vs. four

machines) and system

involves only two operators

at the same time.

5. Automatic Steep Slope

Brake (ASSB) monitors the

machine speed and enables

the brakes automatically

when the machine speed

changes abnormally.



Installation in front of the

engine of the harvester.


Fixed installation inside the

forwarder’s rear frame


Cable type: ø14.5 mm, 350

m length, high compacted


Min. required tensile strength:

200 kN (20 tons)


Harvesters 0 up to 70 kN

(0-7 tons),

Forwarders 0 up to 100kN (0-10

tons), continuously variable

and consequently constant

tensile force

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 37


Combi Yarder

Advantages of the

Combi Yarder

• Off-road mobility through

crawler tracks

• Fast and safe rigging up

• Simple operation

• Simultaneous operation of

cable yarder and harvesting


• Universal use

• Big tower height

• Cable crane detachable

• Comfortable and safe

working place

• Optional with telescope arm

Cable Yarding

A leading manufacturer of

cable yarding systems

Konrad has over 20 years of

experience in cable yarding

systems. The machines work

with a skyline cable that is tight

up between the tower yarder

and a strong tree in the forest.

A carriage (Liftliner or E-liner)

is hauling the complete trees

from the forest to the yarder.

All the operations are

remote controlled, either from

the machine operator, or from

the ‘chocker’ attaching the

trees in the forest. The third

man in the working team is

the feller, who fells trees to

be hauled to the yarder. Most

of Konrad’s yarding systems

can do uphill and downhill



The Combi Yarder is a

combination between an

excavator with a fitted Woody

Harvesting head and a Yarder

system attached at the rear of

the machine. It is built to work

on smaller timber as a thinning

unit, as we have limited power

and oil supply on this unit. The

big advantage of this machine

is, that she can go to areas

inaccessible by big machines.

There are two versions


The Combi Yarder 2500 is fitted

on a compact excavator from

14 to 18 tons with a levelling

shield, and the Combi Yarder

3500 fitted on a compact

excavator from 20 to 24 tons

also with a levelling shied.

The Tower has a height of

11m and is folded over the

cabin during transport. The

pulling force of the machines

is respectively 2,5 tons and 3,5

tons. All the functions on the

unit ate remote controlled and

up- and downhill operations

are possible.

In most cases the Combi

Yarder is operated with a

E-Liner (electrically controlled)

as carriage system, but the

Liftliner is also an option.

• Can be fitted on all excavator


Steep Slope Harvester

Mounty – The professional

all-round solution for the

sleep slopes

This yarder is built up on a truck

and is combined with a Woody

harvesting head. Complete trees

come from the forest and the

machine operator on the Mounty

delimbs them and cuts the logs to

length. The logs are stored behind

the Mounty on the forest road, from

where they must be evacuated

daily by a self-loading timber

hauling truck. Uphill and downhill

operation is possible.

There is a Mounty 3000, 4000,

and 5000 – the numbers stand for

the relevant pulling force of the

machine (3, 4 and 5 t). Contractors

appreciate these machines

because the ease with which they

can be changed from one work side

to the next.

38 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

KMS 4000

There is a Mounty 3000, 4000, and 5000

The KR40-2 is a self propelled, remote controlled skyline crane

KMS/KMR: the compact

yarding systems

The KM40-2 is a remote-controlled

skyline crane that is mounted on a

tandem trailer. The operation of the

installation is remote controlled.

To increase the productivity, an

automatic drive function of the

carriage is standard. The rigging

up of this installation is described

as “very comfortable” by the


All the functions are remote

controlled. This installation

connects the highest standards of

working safety with outstanding


The essential difference

between the KR40-2 and the KM40-

2 is the hydrostatic chain drive

system. In terms of tractive force,

performance data and variety of

options, the KR40-2 is identical to

its brother, the KM40-2.

one step further!


We will be happy

to assist you!

KONRAD Forsttechnik GmbH

Oberpreitenegg 52, 9451 Preitenegg

Phone +43 4354 2432

Mail office@forsttechnik.at


Franz Buchsbaum

Phone +43 664 8032202

Mail buchsbaum@forsttechnik.at

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 39

Tigercat 6-wheel skidders are available with the through blade tethering system

Tigercat continues to

lead the industry in steep

slope technology in both

track and rubber tire

machines. With continued

focus on safety when

logging on steep terrain,

Tigercat machines are

proving to be stable,

productive, efficient

and comfortable.

Leveling track machines

Tigercat’s leveling track

machines use innovative

technologies optimized for

a wide range of steep slope

applications including shovel

logging, felling and harvesting.

Tigercat’s super-duty leveling

undercarriage is longer and

wider, providing exceptional

stability on steep slopes.

The patented leveling design

uses two massive hydraulic

cylinders and heavy steel

sections for a solution that is

simple, robust and reliable.

Unlike competing systems, the

Tigercat leveling system leans

into the hill when leveling

to the side, which further

improves machine stability and

operator comfort.

To further enhance the

ability of Tigercat’s track

machines to work on slopes,

an optional cable assist mount

has been developed. The

tether anchor bolts firmly to

the main carbody structure of

the undercarriage and allows

either single or double cable

tethers to be attached to the

track machine. The tether can

then be connected to a variety

of different third-party winch

system that can assist the track

machine up or down slopes.

LS855E and LH855E

The LS855E shovel logger is

an important evolution of the

well-proven 855 series track

carrier platform and a powerful

solution for steep slope

logging. Often equipped with

a live heel and grapple or the

5195 directional felling saw, the

LS855E is suited to felling, prebunching

and shovel logging in

challenging terrain.

LH855E is designed to

achieve maximum performance

and minimum fuel consumption

in harvesting and processing

applications. A dedicated

attachment pump supplies oil

to the primary head functions,

delivering flow and pressure

to match the demands of the

head without interference

from other machine functions,

while delivering maximum fuel


Both the LS855E and

LH855E come equipped with

the switchable, 3-way ER

boom control, which allows the

operator to choose between

ER, semi-ER and conventional

operation. The new semi-ER

function allows the operator

to extend the boom on a

horizontal plane using a single

joystick, but retracts the boom

with the increased power of

both cylinders, doubling the

pull force.

Harvesters and forwarders

Tigercat also builds harvesters,

and forwarders with unique

innovations to enhance

productivity on steep terrain.

The drivetrain components

including the pump drive,

transmission, and straight and

bogie axles are engineered and

built by Tigercat for extreme

forest duty, long life and high


The 1165 harvester is

a strong, mid-sized wheel

harvester that excels in

thinning, select cut and final

fell applications. With strong

swing and levelling capabilities

that exceed or surpass the

competition, the 1165 is well

suited for steep slopes. The

strong upper turntable and

swing components give the

1165 strong swing torque on

steeper slopes.

The hooked boom design

along with large cab windows

provide unparalleled operator

40 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

visibility. The Tigercat ER

boom provides same action

as a parallel boom, but with

simplified construction

resulting in less maintenance.

9.0 m (30 ft.) crane comes

standard, with optional 11.0

m (36 ft) telescopic crane


Tigercat has developed the

new 1085C tilt crane option - a

steep slope solution for the

powerful 1085C forwarder that

will expand its capabilities

when working on hilly terrain.

The tilting crane system

allows the crane pillar to tilt

up to 25 degrees rearward,

allowing the operator to keep

the pillar nearly vertical when

on a downhill slope. The result

is the ability to use full slew

torque to manipulate grapple

loads while on steep slopes

instead of swinging uphill

against gravity.

Tethering lugs are installed

in the rear frame with bronze

greaseable bushings and have

a 21 tonne (46,300 lb) capacity.

rotation, the swing boom

increases the working envelope

of the skidder, which means

the operator spends less time

manoeuvring the machine.

Tethering device set-ups are

reduced due to the wider

working range. Dual rotate

motors and a large swing

bearing make gathering and

moving bunches effortless on

steep slopes.

Tigercat’s cable routing and

mounting system for skidders

is offered as a factory-ready

cable assist package. The

clever concept routes the

cables through the blade and

attaches to the frame structure

behind the front axle, closer

to the payload. With other

systems that route the cable

underneath the blade, there is

always the danger of damaging

the cable with the blade.

Not only is this possibility

eliminated, but the operator

can raise the cable if required,

say to clear an obstacle, merely

by raising the blade.

6-wheel skidders

Tigercat builds the most

advanced, efficient and

refined skidders, as well

as the only six-wheel drive

skidders on the market.

Tigercat six-wheel skidders

are field proven with over two

decades of development and

real world applications in the

most demanding extraction

operations on the planet.

The 625H is a medium sized

high capacity six-wheel drive

skidder. The combination of

pulling power and agility make

the 625E best suited to steep

slopes and tough terrain.

Tigercat’s highest capacity

skidder. With six-wheel drive

and a massive grapple, the

machine is built for extreme

duty and super high production

logging operations.

The 635H is a Tigercat’s

highest capacity skidder.

With six-wheel drive and a

massive grapple, the machine

is built for extreme duty and

super high production logging

operations. The new 635H

swing boom skidder is the

newest addition to the skidder

line up. With a 210-degree

The Tigercat 1085C with tilting crane and steep slope package

Tigercat levelling undercarriages provide stability on steep slopes

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 41

Astec 5710E

The New Peterson 5710-series horizontal grinders

The Peterson 5710-series horizontal grinders

by Astec have stood as an industry benchmark

for biomass producers since 2007. Boasting

1050hp (or an optional 1125hp Caterpillar C32

engine), this machine offers ease of transport.

The four readily configurable sizing grates

ensure industry-leading high output at the

lowest cost per ton. Peterson’s earlier model,

the 5710D, made its debut in 2014. Recognizing

the opportune moment for innovation in 2021,

the company initiated a two-year development

program to usher in the next generation of

horizontal grinders.

We spent an extensive

amount of time

interviewing both

existing customers as well

as owner’s of competitive

machines—the resounding

answers we kept hearing was

the need for more throughput,

and making the machine easy

to transport as these guys

are often on the move” said

Michael Spreadbury, Product

Manager for Forestry and

Environmental Equipment for

Astec. “We took that feedback

and went to work, keeping the

key features that customers

love about these machines,

as well as features that they

wanted to see—the result is

the new 5710E”.

Launched at Conexpo

2023, and currently touring

the country to demonstrate

its capabilities, the 5710E

horizontal grinder offers a

new benchmark in efficient

throughput capabilities. At

the center of this innovation

is a larger rotor with an 8%

increase in size compared to

the 5710D. This enhancement,

coupled with the addition of

two extra bits per rotor (now

42 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

totaling 22 bits), results in a

rotor with 19% more mass.

This increased mass translates

to unparalleled grinding

power, making the 5710E an

indispensable workhorse in

waste wood processing.

This additional power pairs

up with increased throughput

with a larger screening area,

providing an 8% expansion

compared to its predecessor.

In biomass processing,

throughput is key, and the

screening area ensures a

higher volume of material

can be efficiently processed,

maximizing overall productivity.

Astec has prioritized userfriendly

features in the 5710E,

streamlining maintenance

processes and optimizing

operational efficiency. The

grate change process has

been simplified, thanks to the

introduction of a larger grate

access door and a dedicated

maintenance platform. This

platform not only facilitates

easier access to Grate 1 on

top of the machine but also

enhances safety during grate

changes with a dedicated work


The 5710E is now equipped

with a “one tool” system for

raising and lowering grate

retainers, saving valuable time

for operators. Additionally, the

machine’s configuration has

been enhanced with an extra

7 inches of clearance in the

grinding chamber, providing

better access for various

operational tasks. An optional

ground level fueling option is

also available, for safer and

swifter machine maintenance.

Similar refinements

are found throughout the

machine. The new compression

roll cylinders offer better

downforce to help process

material​while providing more

clearance for an anvil flip.

While the patented Impact

Release System (IRS) has

undergone improvement,

featuring a simpler linkage in

the 5710E that not only ensures

ease of use but also provides

better clearance for machine


While the drum size and

screening area has increased,

the overall weight of the 5710E

is lighter overall than the

5710D. Astec engineers looked

at the overall machine weight,

carefully analyzing each

component, and optimizing

the design to hit their target

weight goals. The results

were a machine with a lighter

transportation weight that

still is over-built in the areas

where it needs it the most. This

reduction in weight enhances

the machine’s mobility, making

it easier for operators to move

between job sites and respond

to varying site conditions.

Horizontal grinders, like

the 5710E, play a crucial role

in the wood waste processing

industry. Peterson horizontal

grinders range from 580 to

We took that

feedback and went

to work, keeping the

key features that

customers love about

these machines, as

well as features that

they wanted to see—

the result is the new


Michael Spreadbury, Product

Manager for Forestry and

Environmental Equipment

for Astec

1125hp, making them capable

of catering to a spectrum of

needs, from logging residuals

to composting and land

clearing. The adaptability of

Peterson horizontal grinders

ensures they can accept all

feedstock types, including

chunk wood, stumps and oddshaped


Horizontal grinders

find application in various

industries such as asphalt

shingle grinding, demolition

reduction and mulch

operations. The versatility of

horizontal grinders makes

them an attractive investment

for businesses seeking

a robust, multifunctional


The Peterson 5710E

horizontal grinder stands at

the forefront of innovation,

promising enhanced efficiency,

productivity and sustainability.

With its array of improvements

and user-centric features, the

5710E is poised to be a gamechanger,

supporting end-users

in their efforts to transform

seemingly low-value wood and

waste into high value products.

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 43

Tigercat 6500 Chipper

The 6500 is a heavy-duty drum chipper designed

for high production and maximum flexibility. The

versatility of the 6500 makes it the perfect solution for

anything from forest management and fuel chips, to

demolition debris. The rotor speed can be adjusted

based on chip length 12 to 60 mm (½ to 2 ½ in) and

material density to maximize throughput. Current

applications are primarily in biofuel production using

a variety of feed materials such as forest debris, scrap

sawmill material, and full logs and stumps.

The rotor is belt driven

and uses and tensioner

system to engage the

drive belt. This eliminates the

need for a clutch. The tensioner

system is hydraulically

controlled and can be lowered

while in service mode, so

that the rotor may be turned

manually when changing tips

or knives.

Another unique feature of

the 6500 is the pivoting frames.

The upper frame pivots on the

undercarriage, allowing the

operator to adjust the infeed

angle or discharge height,

depending on the material

Tapered infeed walls assist in directing feed stock into the hog box

44 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


The infeed on the 6500

pivots down 4 degrees for

feeding long material

lengths. The infeed pivots

down 4 degrees for feeding

long trees and allows the

discharge to clear large piles.

Pivot the infeed up 7 degrees

to act like a hopper which

helps in feeding branches

and brush. With the infeed in

the up position, it also brings

the height of the machine to

under 3.6 m (12 ft) for shipping,

eliminating the need for a

folding discharge.

The durable infeed walls are

tapered to assist in directing

the feed stock into the hog

box. The discharge uses a 510

mm (20 in) head pulley that is

available as magnetic or nonmagnetic.

The large magnetic

head pulley holds onto the

tramp metal longer so that it

drops away from the discharge

pile. For increased metal

removal, an optional over band

magnet is available. The entire

underside of the discharge

is open to prevent buildup of


The split hog box design

on the 6500 opens fully for

easy servicing of the rotor and

grates. The grate assembly

consists of 2 separate liner

sections that interlock and

are reversible for extended

wear life. The grate frame

hydraulically retracts for easy

removal and installation of

the liners. Liner options are

available for a variety of chip

sizes, as well as grinding


The 6500 features an

impact detection system

that is designed to mitigate

damage to the machine in the

event that tramp metal enters

the hog box. When a foreign

object enters the hog box,

an accelerometer detects a

change in rotor speed. When

this occurs, the feed chain and

feed wheel reverse direction,

and the grate frame retracts.

If the foreign object remains,

shear pins will break, allowing

the grate frame to open further.

A large enclosed control

panel located on the side of

the 6500 houses the machine

computer control display,

start/stop switch, diagnostic

ports and remote control

with charging cradle. When

operation is transferred from

the computer control display to

the remote, operation from the

display is removed. A tethered

control is stored in the toolbox

and allows the machine to be

moved forward and reverse,

and pivot the discharge up and


Rotor speed can be adjusted based on chip length and material density, to maximize throughput

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 45

John Deere introduces new FR27 Disc Saw Felling Head

From small stems to

big timber, softwood

to hardwood, level or

sloped ground, John

Deere has a disk saw

felling head that’s

designed for your job.

The recently introduced

FR27 boasts their highest

single-cut-capacity, with

over 16 percent more

accumulation area than

the FR24B, making it an

excellent choice

for large timber

• The new FR27 Disc Saw

Felling Head offers increased

cut and accumulation

capacity compared to

previous models.

• The FR27 is now standard

on the 953M and 959M

models and is available as

an optional enhancement on

the 853M, 859M, and 903M

with special boom and track

option configurations.

John Deere recently

announced its newest forestry

attachment offering with the

FR27 Disc Saw Felling Head.

Now standard on the John

Deere 953M and 959M feller

buncher models, and available

as an upgrade on the on the

853M, 859M and 903M feller

bunchers, this felling head

attachment has a larger cut

capacity compared to previous

felling head models. Building

upon the success of the FR24B,

John Deere has successfully

designed the durable FR27 as

a solution aimed to increase

productivity on the job.

“We are always looking

for ways to enhance operator

efficiency and machine

capacity. By introducing a

larger felling head solution to

our line-up with the FR27, we

are providing our customers

with a larger, more durable

attachment to help increase

their bottom-line,” said Jim

O’Halloran, global product

marketing manager, tracked

feller bunchers and harvesters

& disc saw felling heads, John

Deere. “The newly designed

FR27 enables loggers of all

experience levels to tackle

even the most ambitious jobs

with confidence knowing

their machines are built to

endure larger timber and

excel in a variety of forestry


The FR27 Disc Saw Felling

Head is designed to take on a

variety of timber applications,

from large single stem cutting

to mid-sized accumulation,

and boasts an all-new design

and overall rebranding from

previous John Deere felling

head models. In addition, this

robust, high rotation felling

head features excellent cut

and accumulation capacity,

offering top-of-the-line

productivity compared to

previous models. The FR27

features an impressive cutting

capacity of up to 27.2 in. and

an accumulation capacity of up

to 7.5 ft, improving capability in

the woods.

Building upon the success

of the field proven FR24B,

the FR27 features an updated

frame and wrist design,

which includes a tall horn,

long harvesting arms and

continuous hose routings

that promote easy machine

we are always looking

for ways to enhance

operator efficiency and

machine capacity. By

introducing a larger

felling head solution

to our line-up with the

FR27, we are providing

our customers with a

larger, more durable

attachment to help

increase their bottomline

Jim O’Halloran, global

product marketing manager

clean-out. The hardened saw

housing wear plates are now

standard and offer improved

saw housing wear resistance.

Additionally, the FR27

offers bolt-on saw housing for

improved serviceability, with

three separate saw housing

sections with integrated skis

getting you back on the job

sooner. The incorporated

large side chip exhaust

chute minimizes build up

and plugging, keeping your

machine up and running. The

side chip exhaust chute also

includes a cover that can be

added or removed depending

on application.

Starting now, the FR27

are available for purchase on

the 800 and 900 M-Series

Feller Bunchers models. To

learn more about the FR27

Disc Saw Felling Head or the

full line-up of John Deere

forestry solutions, contact an

authorized John Deere dealer

or visit www.JohnDeere.com/.

46 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024

Introducing the


Vermeer® HG4000

Horizontal Grinder

PELLA, Iowa — Vermeer

continues to innovate

with the introduction

of the redesigned HG4000

horizontal grinder. This new

generation of the HG4000

delivers powerful performance

in a variety of wood waste

recycling applications. It’s

equipped with a 399.7-kW

(536-hp) CAT C13B Stage V/

T4F diesel engine, a Series III

duplex drum, improved infeed

to better accommodate a

variety of materials, and many

performance and durability

upgrades. It’s quieter, too, with

a working sound level of 112


Vermeer launches new

generation of horizontal

grinding equipment

According to Vermeer

Product Manager for

Environmental Equipment

Jeff Bradley, the HG4000

horizontal grinder is a popular

model in Europe because of

its powerful performance,

transportability and versatility.

“This new generation of the

HG4000 builds upon those

qualities with more robust

components and a powerful

engine to produce an even

better on-the-job performance

and enhanced serviceability.

The new HG4000 is optimized

for compost operations, biofuel

producers, land-clearing crews,

tree service specialists and

municipalities alike.”

The HG4000 has a feed

table capacity of 3.5 cubic

meters (4.6 yd3). It features

the proven cutting performance

of the Vermeer patented

Series III duplex drum with

reversible hammers and tips

for nearly double the wear life

of single-sided designs. The

new hard-faced anvil on the

HG4000 delivers impressive

cutting action with the drum,

and a redesigned anvil-mount

structure helps simplify

the hard-faced wear edge

replacement process.

The HG4000 benefits from a

new feed roller with aggressive

teeth and down pressure to

maintain control of the fed

material. A fully enclosed feed

roller drive planetary provides

protection and a tighter

clearance between the roller

This new generation of

the HG4000 builds upon

those qualities with more

robust components and

a powerful engine to

produce an even better

on-the-job performance

and enhanced

serviceability. The new

HG4000 is optimized

for compost operations,

biofuel producers, landclearing

crews, tree

service specialists and

municipalities alike.

Jeff Bradley, Vermeer

Product Manager for

Environmental Equipment

and mill housing to improve

material feeding.

A wireless remote control

comes standard with the

HG4000, allowing operators

Continued on Page 48

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 47


UK, Europe, South Africa,

US East Coast

CONTACT: Robin Peach

International Forest Industries Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 777

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Astec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Bandit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9



Demo International 2024 . . . . . . . . . 6


FAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Franzen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F/C & 27


Halco Software Systems . . . . . . . . . 35


Jartek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Joescan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Konrad Forsttechnik GmbH . . . . . . . 39


LMI Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


Opticom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Ponsse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Rawlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Tele-Radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Tigercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


USNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC


Wood Transport & Logistics . . . . . . . 8



Western USA (MT, ID, OR,WA) & Canada

CONTACT: Kevin Lapham

J.P.Media Inc

Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752

Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763

Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com

US Mid-West, Central & Mountain

CONTACT: Kevin Lapham

J.P.Media Inc

1163 E.Ogden Ave, Ste. 705-359 Naperville

IL 60563, USA

Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752

Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763

Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com

Continued from Page 47

to run most machine functions from up

to 91.4 meters (300 ft) away. “With the

remote, operators are able to adjust infeed

settings, engine speed droop, conveyer

height and more, which means more time

grinding throughout the day,” explained


The redesigned Vermeer HG4000

incorporates several services and

maintenance enhancements, including

a drive belt tensioning system that does

not require the engine to be moved when

adjusting, large hinged side shields for

better maintenance access, added power

rotation to the screen hoist for changing

screens, and a CAT engine with worldwide

support. It can also be outfitted with an

optional cross band magnet and magnetic

head pulley to pull metal from the top and

bottom of material on the conveyor after

it’s gone through the machine for cleaner

finished material.

The HG4000 has a transport width of

2.5 meters (8.2 ft), height of 4 meters

(13 ft), 5th wheel hitch trailer length of

9.7 meters (32 ft), and weight of 24,000

kilograms (52,910 lb), or a pintle hitch

trailer length of 11.3 meters (37 m) and

weight of 25,000 kilograms (55,155 lb).

For more information about the new

Vermeer HG4000 horizontal grinder,

contact your local Vermeer dealer or visit


48 International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024


30/36 Track Whole Tree Drum Chipper

Morbark Drum Chippers for Biomass

Morbark offers a full

line of whole tree Drum

Chippers in a range

of sizes and in several

configurations – with

cab and loader (WCL)

or no cab and loader

(NCL), on tracks or

tires, diesel or electric


Add to these choices a

wide variety of available

options, and you’ve got

the flexibility to customize

the perfect chipper for your

particular needs. With their

rigid structural frame and

powerful internal-drive, singlefeed-wheel

infeed system,

Morbark chippers are the

best you can get. They can

chip small, unmerchantable

material, giving you access

to more markets – and higher

profits. These are just some

of the reasons that Morbark is

the largest and most respected

name in chipping.

50/48x whole tree drum


The Morbark 50/48 whole tree

wood chipper is the largest,

most productive drum chipper

on the market.

The 50/48X was updated

to a similar design layout as

Morbark’s other industryleading

industrial drum

chippers with a sloped infeed,

externally adjustable anvil

and large work platforms

for easy access for routine


The reverse pivot yoke

produces more down pressure

than the conventional style

yoke for aggressive feeding of

a variety of material.

Morbark’s Advantage

3 Drum produces more

consistent chips, while the

heat-treated, AR-450 steel

drum skin provides longer

wear life for lower replacement

costs and less downtime. The

Advantage 3 drum assembly

can come as 10-knives for fuel

chip or 20-knives for micro-chip

application .

40/36 Whole tree drum chipper

The Morbark 40/36 Whole Tree

Drum Chipper is a compact,

affordable, productive drum

chipper designed with the

biomass industry in mind.

Equipped with the same

internal drive perfected on

Morbark horizontal grinders,

along with an extra wide

feed opening, the 40/36

aggressively feeds brushy

tops and limbs, quickly and

effortlessly filling a chip van to

maximum legal load capacity.

Morbark’s Advantage

3 Drum produces more

consistent chips, while the

heat-treated, AR-450 steel

drum skin provides longer wear

life for lower replacement costs

and less downtime. The feed

system is more efficient due to

a staggered knife configuration

and contains fewer moving

parts, reducing maintenance.

With low fuel consumption

per ton produced, this unit is

economical. At 8’6″ (2.59 m)

wide this compact unit is easily

transportable and requires no

permits to move.

30/36 Whole tree drum chipper

The Morbark 30/36 Whole

Tree Drum Chipper’s high

production rate lowers

operating costs by increasing

fuel efficiency.

The aggressive live floor

feeding system with two

strands of durable WHD-120

chain and a large top and

bottom feedwheels ensure

positive feeding of material,

including brushy tops and


Morbark’s Advantage

3 Drum produces more

consistent chips, while the

heat-treated, AR-450 steel

drum skin provides longer wear

life for lower replacement costs

and less downtime.

M20R forestry whole tree

drum chipper

The hard-working, aggressive

M20R Forestry chipper

provides optimal performance

for in-woods chipping.

Easily filling a 53′ (16.15 m)

trailer and sustaining up to four

to five loads per day, this hardworking,

aggressive chipper

is the perfect option for those

looking to enter the biomass

market with low startup costs.

This machine features

the Advantage 3 Drum and

electronic flow control to

control feed speed from the

remote. Tough, abrasionresistant

AR-450 steel is used

for the drum skin, replaceable

belly band, discharge chute

and wear strips beneath the bed

chain, providing strength and

long wear life.

International Forest Industries | Dec / JANUARY 2024 IBC

Millwide. Worldwide. +1.360.225.8267 usnr.com

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