Southern View: January 16, 2025

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<strong>16</strong> th March <strong>2025</strong><br />

THURSDAY, JANUARY <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2025</strong><br />

connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Pop-up hubs to open<br />

as South Library closes<br />


to begin on the earthquakedamaged<br />

South Library and<br />

customer service hub, the city<br />

council is opening two new<br />

pop-up facilities to serve the<br />

community.<br />

The temporary library, South<br />

Colombo, will open at The<br />

Colombo shopping centre on<br />

Monday, February 24. The<br />

temporary customer service<br />

hub will open at Pioneer<br />

Recreation and Sport Centre on<br />

Monday, February 10.<br />

The last day for the current<br />

customer service hub will be<br />

Friday, February 7, and the<br />

last day for the library Sunday,<br />

February 9.<br />

“The south building<br />

was badly damaged in the<br />

2011 earthquakes, and the<br />

community has been very<br />

patient while we’ve worked to<br />

get a new, rebuilt facility in the<br />

pipeline,” said city council head<br />

of libraries and information<br />

Carolyn Robertson.<br />

• Turn to page 4<br />


Entries now open<br />

www.city2surf.co.nz<br />

Appeal<br />

for help<br />

finding<br />

missing<br />

plaques<br />

A RESIDENT is asking for help<br />

tracking down missing plaques<br />

stolen from historic sites.<br />

Leslie Gilder told<br />

chrislynchmedia.com she was<br />

shocked to discover the plaques,<br />

including one bought by the<br />

citizens of Christchurch in<br />

December 1963 for Ashgrove<br />

Reserve in Somerfield, had gone<br />

missing.<br />

Gilder told chrislynchmedia.com<br />

an Addington Cemetery plaque<br />

commemorating the lives lost to<br />

deadly diseases like typhoid in the<br />

1880s was also missing, as<br />

was a drinking fountain<br />

at Dickens Street Reserve,<br />

Addington, and another plaque in<br />

Ruskin Reserve, Addington.<br />

Gilder said the plaques were<br />

likely stolen but she believes scrap<br />

metal dealers in the city would<br />

recognise them.<br />

Gilder is part of a global<br />

treasure-hunting group called<br />

“Geocachers” where people use<br />

GPS or smartphones to find<br />

hidden containers.<br />

Landmarks and historic sites<br />

are often included in the clues to<br />

find the geocaches.<br />

Gilder told chrislynchmedia.com<br />

the plaques hold key information<br />

vital to the game.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

Te Puna Wai o Waipapa<br />

Hagley Senior College<br />


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Please join us from 9.00am - 3.00pm<br />

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2<br />

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong><br />


Are you honest, reliable and over<br />

the age of 11? Why not earn money<br />

and get fit doing it. Get in touch<br />

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Please include your name, address and contact details<br />

Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Spreydon • Hoon Hay • Hillmorton • Cracroft<br />

Cashmere • St Martins • Somerfield<br />

Sydenham • Addington • Waltham • Opawa<br />

Beckenham • Huntsbury • Woolston<br />

22,300 readers every week<br />

NEWS<br />

Jack Ward<br />

Ph: 021 913 566<br />

jack.ward@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Annabel Judd<br />

Ph: 021 457 469<br />

annabel.judd@starmedia.kiwi<br />

what’s on<br />

JP Clinic<br />

Thursdays, 10.30am-1pm<br />

South and Spreydon Libraries<br />

A Justice of the Peace will be on site for<br />

services including: Witness signatures<br />

on documents, certification of document<br />

copies, taking oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations, applications for<br />

the dissolution of marriage or civil union,<br />

citizenship applications, sponsorship<br />

applications, and rates rebate applications.<br />

Free, no appointment is required.<br />

Knit ‘n’ Yarn<br />

Thursday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />

Opawa Baptist Church<br />

During South Library’s rebuild,<br />

our knitting group has found a<br />

temporary home at Opawa Baptist<br />

Church. Bring your current WIP,<br />

share your fibre art hopes and dreams<br />

and meet like-minded people.<br />

For more information contact<br />

Kaylene 021-1134819 or Bronwen<br />

022-0850<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Technology Help Drop-In<br />

Session (BYO Device)<br />

Tuesday, 10.30-11am<br />

Spreydon Library<br />

Do you need help using your<br />

smartphone, iPad, or tablet? Come<br />

along to our drop-in sessions with<br />

one of our librarians for help with<br />

email, searching the internet, using<br />

the library catalogue, eBooks, and<br />

general computer queries. Bring your<br />

laptop, tablet, or smartphone for help<br />

with anything digital.<br />

A Walk Through Time – The South Library Story: Timeline<br />

Exhibition, Saturday, all day at South Library. We invite you to visit South<br />

Library and walk along our South timeline showing events from 2003<br />

right up to today. There are photos, articles and information about South<br />

Library, community events, programmes, and familiar staff faces. There<br />

are many wonderful memories and opportunities for reflection as we<br />

consider what an important role South Library has played in people’s lives<br />

over the past 20+ years. This is also an opportunity for you to learn more<br />

about Ōmōkihi, our new South Library which will connect the building<br />

back to its riverside site. The timeline will be in place to view until<br />

Waitangi weekend.<br />

Mahjong Group<br />

Wednesday, 2-3pm<br />

Spreydon Library<br />

Learn to play Mahjong at Spreydon<br />

Library. For beginners and advanced<br />

players alike. Come along and join in<br />

a friendly game every Wednesday. You<br />

are welcome to bring your own set.<br />

Mirrored Monster Mayhem<br />

Friday, 9.30am-3pm<br />

South Library<br />

Cut out your own cute creature! This<br />

is an unsupervised activity.<br />

Picnic in the Park<br />

Friday, <strong>January</strong> 24, 11am-12.30pm<br />

Spreydon Library<br />

Bring you blankets, bring your<br />

whānau, and come and join us at<br />

Barrington Park for a picnic in the<br />

summer sunshine! There will be fun<br />

and games with a Storywalk, giant<br />

board games, crafts and a delicious<br />

sausage sizzle! You can join the<br />

Summertime Reading Challenge and<br />

be in to win!<br />

Brick Your Book – International<br />

Lego Day<br />

Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 28, all day<br />

Spreydon Library<br />

Do you love Lego? Come to the library<br />

to build and play with giant Lego and<br />

celebrate International Lego Day at<br />

the pop-up Imagination Station. Not<br />

sure what to build? Why not Brick<br />

Your Book and be in to win! Get the<br />

whānau together, use our Lego or yours<br />

to recreate a scene or character from<br />

your favourite book. Take a photo of<br />

your creation and enter online or at<br />

the library. Entries can be submitted<br />

between <strong>January</strong> 27 and February 7.<br />

RARELY<br />


Spacious one-bedroom apartment with<br />

access to your own garden space.<br />

Designed to make living easy<br />

Contact either Rhonda on 027 507 0521<br />

or Russell on 03 332 6343 at Chatswood<br />



throughout the village<br />




Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong> 3<br />

Threat of fire and traffic issues<br />

on the agenda for this year<br />

• By Jack Ward<br />

THE THREAT of fire<br />

and roading issues are key<br />

priorities for the Westmorland<br />

Residents Association this<br />

year.<br />

Chair Ryan<br />

Brinch said<br />

the fire risk<br />

was lower<br />

than in the<br />

past, due to<br />

fewer grassy<br />

areas as a<br />

result of<br />

more houses<br />

being built<br />

Ryan<br />

Brinch<br />

and a wet summer to date,<br />

but caution still needed to be<br />

taken.<br />

“The pine trees up on<br />

Worsleys Rd, if there are any<br />

embers we don’t want them<br />

blowing down to lower areas,”<br />

he said.<br />

Vice-chair Lindsay Richards<br />

echoed Brinch, saying the<br />

residents’ association was<br />

“very conscious of our<br />

vulnerability to fires on the<br />

Port Hills”.<br />

Last year’s 650-hectare<br />

Port Hills fire brought back<br />

unwanted memories from the<br />

2017 fires, which burned more<br />

than <strong>16</strong>00 hectares of land<br />

and claimed the life of pilot<br />

UP IN SMOKE: Last year’s Port Hills Fire burnt about 650 hectares.<br />

and war hero Steve Askin.<br />

Askin had been a member<br />

of the SAS and was wounded<br />

in a firefight with the Taliban<br />

in Kabul, Afghanistan, in<br />

2011.<br />

Last year’s fire was a “vast<br />

improvement” in terms of<br />

management, Brinch said.<br />

“It was well handled and coordinated<br />

by FENZ, and the<br />

community was constantly<br />

informed – a lot of anxiety<br />

was alleviated from the<br />

shambles of 2017.”<br />

Brinch said roading accessibility<br />

is also on the agenda<br />

for <strong>2025</strong>, given Westmorland’s<br />

lack of services, such as gas<br />

stations and retail stores, and<br />

its dependence on arterial<br />

route Penruddock Rise.<br />

“There is another exit on<br />

Worsleys Rd, but that takes<br />

you away and increases the<br />

drive, so more consultation<br />

with council on roading<br />

issues on Cashmere Rd (too),”<br />


he said.<br />

Brinch also said pedestrians<br />

and cyclist access to the<br />

Sparks Rd Wetland was something<br />

to address this year with<br />

the city council.<br />

“Access on Henderson Rd,<br />

you run a bit of a gauntlet at<br />

the moment because there<br />

isn’t a path,” he said.<br />

Meetings are held bimonthly<br />

in the homes of<br />

elected members and at least<br />

one elected representative.<br />

Introducing<br />

Annabel<br />

Judd<br />

Annabel lives and works locally, she<br />

is passionate about working with<br />

South Christchurch and Canterbury<br />

businesses offering print and digital<br />

media solutions to help promote their<br />

companies products and services in<br />

the local <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>View</strong> and Star Media<br />

publications. She has a longstanding<br />

association with the media industry and<br />

has been with Star Media, a division of<br />

Allied Press, for many years.<br />

The <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>View</strong> is delivered FREE<br />

each Thursday, covering the latest local<br />

news and information, and is delivered<br />

into residential households across South<br />

Christchurch. Digital editions are also<br />

available to view online at<br />

www.starnews.co.nz.<br />

CALL Annabel TODAY to discuss<br />

how she can help PROMOTE YOUR<br />

BUSINESS to local readers, or to the<br />

entire Canterbury district.<br />

Contact Annabel<br />

Mobile: 021 457 469<br />

Email: annabel. judd@starmedia.kiwi<br />




BY YOUR<br />

LOCAL<br />

EXPERT.<br />













Do you enjoy cards? Keep mentally active by<br />

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• Starts Monday 27th <strong>January</strong> 7.30pm – 9.45pm<br />

• 12-week course with 3 FREE introductory lessons<br />

• Then a $20 fee to cover teaching material<br />

• Make new friends and socialise after lessons<br />

• NZ Representative teachers<br />

• Caters for all levels of bridge knowledge and learning<br />

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• (Second set of lessons commence<br />

Wednesday April 30th 7.15pm)<br />

• Back to Bridge refresher course<br />

commences Wednesday February<br />

12th at 7.30pm for 6 weeks.<br />

Call 0800 454 654<br />

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Franchises<br />

Available<br />

Friendly members of all<br />

ages, spacious playing<br />

rooms, ample parking,<br />

excellent bar facilities,<br />

great learning environment.<br />

Phone: 366-15<strong>16</strong><br />

21 Nova Place,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Email: office@chchbridge.co.nz<br />


4<br />

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong><br />

Temporary<br />

facilities for<br />

library, hub<br />

• From page 1<br />

“We’re set to start<br />

construction on Ōmōkihi,<br />

the new library and customer<br />

service hub, in <strong>2025</strong>. Because<br />

we’re retaining the same<br />

picturesque riverside location<br />

that our customers know and<br />

love, we first need to demolish<br />

the existing building – and<br />

unfortunately, that means<br />

displacing our much-loved<br />

library and customer services<br />

for the duration,” Robertson<br />

said.<br />

Both temporary facilities will<br />

operate until December 2026,<br />

when Ōmōkihi is expected to<br />

open.<br />

The South Colombo library<br />

will offer a collection of about<br />

10,000 items, an area for children’s<br />

sessions and spaces for<br />

people to relax and study. It will<br />

be open seven days, 9am–5pm<br />

weekdays and 10am–4pm Saturdays<br />

and Sundays.<br />

The pop-up customer service<br />

hub will be near the pool front<br />

counter at Pioneer Recreation<br />

and Sport Centre.<br />

To help fill the gap during<br />

construction, hours will be<br />

extended at Spreydon Library<br />

and the mobile library van<br />

will service locations such as<br />

schools, community hubs,<br />

the Cashmere Club and She<br />

Chocolaterie.<br />

Stitching for a cause part of<br />

healing journey for Heather<br />

• By Jack Ward<br />

HEATHER SMITH has been<br />

through dark times during her<br />

life.<br />

But those days have passed<br />

and sewing has been a big part<br />

of the 68-year-old’s recovery.<br />

On Saturday, the St Martins<br />

resident will lead a sewing bee in<br />

a bid to make 120 sensory mats<br />

for students at Ferndale School<br />

– a specialist school for students<br />

with varying levels of special<br />

needs.<br />

“Sewing helps me keep the<br />

mental demons away. It gives me<br />

something to focus on and it is<br />

therapeutic,” said Heather.<br />

Her mental demons stem from<br />

four years of domestic abuse<br />

she suffered while living in<br />

the Australian Outback before<br />

returning to Christchurch three<br />

years ago.<br />

Heather had been based in<br />

Australia for 28 years working<br />

as a music therapist performing<br />

for dementia patients in<br />

hospitals and rest homes, which<br />

gave her an idea – making<br />

sensory mats.<br />

A sensory mat is an interactive<br />

surface that engages the senses<br />

through different textures,<br />

colours, and patterns. They can<br />

GOOD CAUSE: Rachael Okey (left) and Heather Smith with<br />

a completed sensory mat from their first sewing bee.<br />

deliver a calming effect for users<br />

and help to relieve tension.<br />

“I started making sensory<br />

mats for dementia patients at<br />

Christchurch Hospital as a way<br />

to keep people calm,” she said.<br />

Heather made 80 mats herself.<br />

From there, she put out a<br />

call for help and people started<br />

offering donated materials.<br />

This is where Rachael Okey<br />

joined in.<br />

Okey has 35 years of sewing<br />

experience and runs Sew Far<br />

Sew Good studio in Hoon Hay.<br />

“I saw on a local community<br />

page that Heather was looking<br />

for bits and pieces so I reached<br />

out and said ‘let’s get together to<br />

do some sewing and education at<br />

the same time’,” Okey said.<br />

“It is pretty cool. I’m a firm<br />

believer that if you learn a skill<br />

you should share it. There is a<br />

huge amount of joy from making<br />

something for someone else.”<br />

The first sewing bee in<br />

September yielded 28 sensory<br />

mats with up to eight people<br />

working at any one time.<br />

Heather said the team wanted<br />

to do more.<br />

Her daughter-in-law Sharon<br />

de Garnham, a teacher aide<br />

at Ferndale, saw the mats and<br />

suggested making some for the<br />

students there.<br />

“She thought they would be<br />

wonderful as a learning aide<br />

for (teaching) how to dress,”<br />

Heather said.<br />

The mats will be equipped<br />

with zips, clips, button-holes,<br />

and laces to tie, which will help<br />

the students learn important<br />

skills.<br />

Going forward, Heather has<br />

two full bookshelves of donations<br />

to keep her busy long after<br />

the sewing bee as she continues<br />

her focus on supporting others.<br />

“Sewing gives me structure<br />

and helping other people helps<br />

me.”<br />

• The sewing bee is on<br />

this Saturday with sessions<br />

at 1.30, 3.00 and 4.30pm.<br />

Bookings can be made<br />

via the Sew Far So Good<br />

Facebook page<br />

Bin good with recycling<br />

These are the only items that can go in the yellow bin<br />

Lids in<br />

the red<br />

bin<br />

Clean cardboard and paper<br />

(now including empty pizza boxes)<br />

Clean food and drink<br />

tins and cans<br />

Clean plastic bottles and containers<br />

(4 litres and under, numbered 1, 2 and 5)<br />

Clean glass bottles<br />

and jars<br />

Remember to rinse your containers before putting them in the yellow bin. All lids go in the red bin.<br />

Download our free Christchurch Bins app<br />

to keep up to date with your rubbish and<br />

recycling information.<br />

Thanks for bin good.<br />

Find out more at<br />

ccc.govt.nz/yellowbin<br />

INF7535 – Oct 2024

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong> 5<br />

Elephant slide brought<br />

to life in children’s book<br />

FIFTY YEARS after it was built,<br />

the elephant slide in Bishopdale<br />

Park has been immortalised in a<br />

new children’s book.<br />

Elephant Park tells the story of<br />

Elly the elephant, who is feeling<br />

a bit tired and run down. A little<br />

boy invites her home for the<br />

weekend and with his dad’s help,<br />

Elly receives a makeover and a<br />

new lease on life.<br />

Author Melanie Koster was<br />

inspired by the way renowned<br />

writer Margaret Mahy often<br />

blurred the line between fact and<br />

fiction in her books.<br />

“My early childhood was spent<br />

on the West Coast but when<br />

we came over to visit family<br />

in Christchurch, my sister and<br />

I would meet our cousins at<br />

Bishopdale Park and spend<br />

hours playing on the elephant<br />

slide.<br />

“When we moved to<br />

Christchurch, I was delighted<br />

our new home was a quick bike<br />

ride from both the Bishopdale<br />

Library and ‘Elephant Park’ as<br />

we called it. Having spent many<br />

happy hours playing on the slide<br />

as a child, I had fun imagining<br />

what this inanimate object<br />

might do or say if it had a voice,”<br />

Koster said.<br />

Twenty-one months after the<br />

idea was seeded the finished<br />

book was published with<br />

SLIDING INTO HISTORY: Author Melanie Koster in front of<br />

the elephant slide that inspired her children’s book.<br />

Scholastic NZ. It is illustrated by<br />

Jenny Cooper.<br />

It wasn’t until after publication<br />

that Melanie discovered the<br />

origin of the famous slide. It was<br />

the brainchild of Alida Pickard,<br />

who had come second in a local<br />

schools’ competition.<br />

Said Pickard: “In the<br />

1970s my family and I were<br />

living in Stretton St and<br />

attending Burnside High<br />

School. Bishopdale was a new<br />

subdivision back then, so they<br />

were developing a sports ground<br />

and a playground.<br />

PHOTO: CCC<br />

“There was a competition for<br />

children in the area to submit<br />

ideas for what they wanted,<br />

and as I have a passion for<br />

elephants, I decided to make<br />

a paper mâché elephant with<br />

the idea of it being a slide or for<br />

climbing on.<br />

“I was delighted when they<br />

picked my elephant as second<br />

place. I received a Canterbury<br />

Savings Bank Account with $5<br />

as my prize – plus my elephant<br />

got built, with a slide going up<br />

and over top of her. I was very<br />

proud,” she said.<br />

GONE: Some of the missing historic plaques.<br />


Missing plaques ‘robs<br />

us of shared history’<br />

• From page 1<br />

“I’m also a huge fan of plaques,<br />

and I absolutely love history,”<br />

Gilder told chrislynchmedia.com.<br />

“Losing these plaques robs us<br />

of pieces of our shared heritage<br />

and makes it harder for others to<br />

connect with the past.”<br />

Said Christchurch City Council<br />

head of parks Rupert Bool: “The<br />

. . . council shares the community’s<br />

concerns about the disappearance<br />

of historic plaques,<br />

which commemorate significant<br />

events and individuals that have<br />

shaped our city.<br />

“We take these incidents<br />

seriously, recording all reported<br />

thefts and allocating an annual<br />

budget for plaque renewal or<br />

replacement to preserve our<br />

shared heritage,” Bool told<br />

chrislynchmedia.com.<br />

“To address the rise in thefts<br />

targeting plaques for scrap<br />

value, the council is exploring<br />

alternative materials that<br />

deter theft while maintaining<br />

historical integrity.”<br />

The plaque at Ashgrove<br />

Reserve has also been<br />

removed. PHOTO: FRIENDS<br />


Consider Chatswood<br />

for your forever home<br />

Brand new care suites available now at<br />

Chatswood Retirement Village.<br />

Contact either Rhonda on 027 507 0521<br />

or Russell on 03 332 6343 at Chatswood<br />

Best value care suites in<br />

Christchurch with all the<br />

amenities you need for<br />

supportive care.<br />




6<br />

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong><br />

continuing education<br />

It’s never too<br />

late for music<br />

Are you an adult who learned an<br />

rock bands – something for everyone.<br />

instrument in your childhood but gave Our adult students tell us that getting<br />

up because it got too hard or life just got involved in music experiences in their later<br />

busy? Or have you always wanted to learn years has been life changing. Learning<br />

a musical instrument but never had the something new is good for the brain,<br />

opportunity? Well , it’s not too late! activating neural pathways, strengthening<br />

The Christchurch School of Music, Te motor skills and and bringing about a sense<br />

Kura Puoro offers tuition in a wide range of of well-being. New and lasting friendships<br />

instruments and has lots of ensembles that are formed and there is always lots of<br />

adults of all ages and stages can join. There laughter.<br />

are orchestras, wind ensembles, a string Find out more at csm.org.nz or contact<br />

ensemble, concert band, jazz bands and us on office@csm.org.nz<br />

Make <strong>2025</strong> your year<br />

to discover the Bible!<br />

Why read the Bible? It’s such an old<br />

book, it’s outdated with no relevance today.<br />

But is it? What if it turns out to be the<br />

most important book you will ever read?<br />

Courses run during term times on<br />

Thursday evenings at the Rolleston<br />

Community Centre. These are entirely<br />

free (you will never be asked for money)<br />

and are run by volunteers from the<br />

Christadelphian community. No pressure<br />

is ever applied, as we believe in freely<br />

providing everyone with the tools to begin<br />

reading the Bible for themselves and so to<br />

discover a real treasure!<br />

Term 1 – Discover the Bible<br />

Term 2 – New Testament Unpacked<br />

Term 3 – Practical Lessons from<br />

New Testament Characters<br />

Term 4 – God’s Promise for the Earth<br />

Enrol now:<br />

bibleeducationnz@gmail.com<br />

Need more information?<br />

Phone Alan on 021 105 3544<br />





The Christchurch School of Music offers a<br />

wide range of opportunities for adults to<br />

learn a musical instrument and play in an<br />

ensemble. Come along and join us – you<br />

won’t regret it!<br />

Enrol now for 2024!<br />

office@csm.org.nz<br />

csm.org.nz/enrol<br />

or (03) 366 1711

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong> 7<br />

continuing education<br />

Focus on learning for fun<br />

Do you seek intellectual challenge in<br />

history, philosophy, science or politics?<br />

Does the idea of a new hobby, like<br />

photography or drawing appeal to you?<br />

Would you like to explore cuisines from<br />

other cultures or health through your diet?<br />

This year why not make learning part of<br />

your life through a course at the WEA?<br />

Participants describe WEA as:<br />

• a fun and friendly environment<br />

• with highly qualified tutors, eager to<br />

share knowledge<br />

• excellent value for money<br />

• having improved their knowledge, skills<br />

and confidence.<br />

CWEA has successfully provided<br />

community-based education, in a central<br />

location, for over 100 years. Whatever your<br />

Papanui High School is one of the<br />

longest standing providers of Community<br />

Education Courses in Christchurch and<br />

New Zealand. Our proud history of catering<br />

for the lifelong learning needs of Adult<br />

Students started in 1937.<br />

The sight of our beautiful,<br />

historic main building lit<br />

up at night has greeted<br />

our Night Class students<br />

for over 87 years. Papanui<br />

is renowned for offering<br />

a diverse array of quality<br />

evening courses and<br />

weekend workshops,<br />

and Term 1 <strong>2025</strong> is no<br />

exception.<br />

Along with our ever<br />

popular Watercolour<br />

interest we are sure to find classes that suit<br />

your timetable, budget and style of learning.<br />

Term 1 begins 29th <strong>January</strong> <strong>2025</strong>. Discover<br />

more at www.cwea.org.nz. Also onsite is<br />

our newly opened second-hand Bookshop:<br />

WE Are Books. Browse the shelves and<br />

find some book bargains! Monday-Friday,<br />

10am-3pm. Saturdays 11-3pm<br />

Italian Singers performing at the<br />

North West Branch Christmas function<br />

Term 1 Night Classes at Papanui<br />

Painting, Sewing, Cooking and Woodwork<br />

courses, new in Term 1 are Wine and Food<br />

Matching, Strength2Balance Exercise, and<br />

Small Business Set-up and Skills. Weekend<br />

Workshops include our popular Barista<br />

Weekend Workshop,<br />

Basket Weaving, An<br />

Introduction to Genealogy<br />

and Making Beeswax<br />

Wraps.<br />

Term 1 courses begin<br />

the week of 10 February.<br />

For a complete list of<br />

courses and to enrol,<br />

visit our website, https://<br />

www.papanui.school.nz/<br />

adult-education phone<br />

03 3520701 or email<br />

ace@papanui.school.nz.<br />

New Year and New<br />

Courses at Risingholme<br />

Enrolments are open for Risingholme’s<br />

<strong>2025</strong> courses. Take a look at what’s on offer<br />

and come learn with us!<br />

The new programme offers an extensive<br />

array of courses designed for individuals at<br />

all stages of life. Whether you’re seeking to<br />

enhance your professional skills, explore a<br />

new hobby, or engage in creative pursuits,<br />

our diverse range of courses cater to a variety<br />

of interests and can help enhance your<br />

overall wellbeing.<br />

Some of the new courses on offer next year<br />

include:<br />

• Budgeting Tips: The current cost of<br />

living crisis has contributed to financial<br />

stress for many people. In this 3-week course<br />

you’ll dive into your money goals, find<br />

strategies to manage debt, reduce expenses,<br />

and make a financial plan that you can<br />

implement straightaway.<br />

• Printmaking for Beginners Workshop:<br />

Make your own stamps and stamp pads<br />

with recycled materials, try monotype<br />

printing and more! With an emphasis on<br />

experimentation and fun, this course will<br />

be a friendly introduction to printmaking<br />

without the need for specialist equipment.<br />

• The Art of Smocking: Smocking is<br />

used in everything from babies’ clothes,<br />

floaty summer dresses, and home décor<br />

like cushions. This course will teach you<br />

basic smocking stitches to help you make a<br />

decoration or item of clothing.<br />

• Introduction to GarageBand for Mac:<br />

Great for those interested in podcasting<br />

and sound editing! Learn to put audio and<br />

sound effects on to a video clip, record and<br />

edit yourself or a friend singing or playing<br />

an instrument and create a multi-track<br />

recording.<br />

• Plaster Mould Making 101 Workshop:<br />

This 2-week workshop will teach you to<br />

make a model for a mould using sculpture<br />

construction methods and make moulds<br />

using readymade objects.<br />

• Creative Visual Story Workshop: Have<br />

you got a poem you’ve wanted to expand on<br />

and colour in? Do you have delicious recipes<br />

that need illustrations? Or a short story to<br />

illustrate? This 2-week workshop will teach<br />

you to translate the written word into hand<br />

drawn pictures using the French ‘aux trois<br />

crayon’ technique to bring your ideas to life.<br />

Reflecting on the importance of adult<br />

education, Risingholme’s Director, Lynda<br />

Megson, notes that “lifelong learning is not<br />

just a buzzword for us, it’s a mission we are<br />

deeply committed to realising and is part of<br />

our purpose as an organisation to exist at the<br />

heart of wider learning communities. For<br />

many of our learners, lifelong learning is a<br />

pathway to personal and professional growth<br />

that is deeply rewarding. It provides people<br />

with new knowledge, experiences, and a<br />

social connection which enriches not just<br />

the individual but our communities too.”<br />

If you’re feeling inspired to try<br />

something new you can browse all our<br />

courses and enrol by heading to<br />

www.risingholme.org.nz or see the<br />

Risingholme team in person at their<br />

Opawa office.

8<br />

Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2025</strong><br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

9 10<br />

383<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />

WordBuilder<br />


283<br />

6<br />

B E D<br />

N L O<br />

11 12<br />

13 14 15 <strong>16</strong> 17<br />

18 19 20<br />

How many words of three or more letters,<br />

How including many plurals, words can you of make three from or the more six<br />

letters, using each letter only once? No foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

once?<br />

TODAY<br />

Good 17 Very Good 26 Excellent 36<br />

Solution 282: bel, berm, blue, bluer, blur, bum,<br />

bur, burl, elm, emu, lemur, leu, lube, LUMBER, lure,<br />

mule, rub, rube, ruble, rue, rule, rum, RUMBLE,<br />

word.<br />

umbel, umber.<br />

letters, including plurals, can you make<br />

from the six letters, using each only<br />

No words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There’s at least one six-letter<br />

Good 17 Very Good 26 Excellent 36<br />

21 22 23 24<br />

25 26<br />

27 28<br />

Across<br />

1. Green vegetable (7)<br />

5. Female line (7)<br />

9. Bitter or pungent (5)<br />

10. Custom (9)<br />

11. Clement (9)<br />

12. Surmise (5)<br />

13. Vomit (5)<br />

15. ‘Don’t look a __ __ in the mouth’<br />

(4,5)<br />

18. Capitulate (9)<br />

19. Gradually reduce (5)<br />

21. Aromatic spice (5)<br />

23. Silly or superficial (9)<br />

25. Devoted (9)<br />

26. Fight (5)<br />

27. Postponed (7)<br />

28. Neither here nor there (7)<br />

Decoder<br />

Down<br />

1. Section of a book (7)<br />

2. Weather gauge (9)<br />

3. Mix up, confuse (5)<br />

4. Alienated (9)<br />

5. Male duck (5)<br />

6. Catapult (9)<br />

7. Nimble (5)<br />

8. Flair (7)<br />

14. Public clamouring (3,3,3)<br />

<strong>16</strong>. Prohibited (9)<br />

17. Unprincipled (9)<br />

18. Broke away (7)<br />

20. Determination (7)<br />

22. Prototype (5)<br />

23. Foul-smelling (5)<br />

24. U-shaped bend in a river (5)<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 1. Cabbage, 5.<br />

Distaff, 9. Acrid, 10. Tradition,<br />

11. Temperate, 12. Guess,<br />

13. Retch, 15. Gift horse,<br />

18. Surrender, 19. Taper, 21.<br />

Cumin, 23. Frivolous, 25.<br />

Dedicated, 26. Brawl, 27.<br />

Delayed, 28. Nowhere.<br />

Down: 1. Chapter, 2.<br />

Barometer, 3. Addle, 4.<br />

Estranged, 5. Drake, 6.<br />

Slingshot, 7. Agile, 8.<br />

Finesse, 14. Hue and cry, <strong>16</strong>.<br />

Forbidden, 17. Reprobate, 18.<br />

Seceded, 20. Resolve, 22.<br />

Model, 23. Fetid, 24. Oxbow.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

bed, bel, ben, bend, bled,<br />

blend, blond, BLONDE,<br />

bode, bold, bole, bond,<br />

bone, boned, den, dob, doe,<br />

dole, don, done, ebon, eld,<br />

end, eon, led, lend, lob,<br />

lobe, lobed, lode, loden,<br />

lone, neb, noble, nod, node,<br />

ode, old, olden, one.<br />

Sudoku<br />


Each number represents a different letter of the alphabet. Write the<br />

given letters into all squares with matching numbers. Now work out<br />

which letters are represented by the other numbers.<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />


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