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In observance and honor of the
late Dr. Martin Luther King
and his committent to equal
rights, The Westside Gazette
office will be closed on
Monday, January 20, 2025
VOL. 53 NO. 50 $1.00
As Dr. King once asked,
“Where do
we go from
By Charlene Crowell
The year 2025 marks the nation’s
39th observance of a national holiday
honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ironically, the still-beloved minister
and martyr was only 39 years old age
when an assassin’s bullet took his life
on April 4, 1968.
While many will rightly recall
his valiant civil rights activism, his
equally vigilant call for economic
justice remains as urgent today as it
was decades ago.
Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos
or Community?, Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s fourth and final book was
published in 1967 after a decade of
activism that led to the enactment of
federal laws on civil rights (1964), and
voting rights (1965). Despite notable
and significant victories, he wrote of
the unfinished journey that America
still faced, and was morally-bound to
“There is nothing to prevent
us from paying adequate wages to
schoolteachers, social workers and
other servants of the public to ensure
that we have the best available
personnel in these positions which
are charged with the responsibility of
guiding our future generations,” wrote
Dr. King.
“Let us be dissatisfied until
America will no longer have
high blood pressure of creeds
and an anemia of deeds. Let
us be dissatisfied until the
tragic walls that separate
the outer city of wealth and
comfort from the inner city
of poverty and despair shall
be crushed by the battering
rams of the fires of justice.”
Multiple and recent
research reports highlight
in precise terms many of the
ways Black America remains
economically shortchanged.
Across the country,
local communities continue
to struggle with the stillrising
costs of housing and
homelessness. In 2024,
about 23 of every 10,000
(Cont’d on page 2)
Special Counsel’s Report Details Systematic Efforts by
Trump to Overturn 2020 Election
Following a rigorous
investigation, the
Special Counsel’s office
found “substantial
federal interests in
prosecuting Mr. Trump,
citing the paramount
importance of
protecting electoral
integrity and the
peaceful transfer
of power.”
By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent
Special Counsel Jack Smith during a statement regarding the
indictment of Donald J. Trump. (Wikimedia Commons)
Special Counsel Jack Smith, in a comprehensive
174-page report submitted to Attorney General Merrick
B. Garland, concluded a thorough investigation into
former President Donald J. Trump’s actions aimed at
overturning the 2020 presidential election results, and
the report concluded that there was sufficient evidence
to not only convict Trump but withstand any higher
court challenges to such a conviction.
The damning report meticulously documents
attempts by the now-incoming president to disrupt the
lawful transfer of power and manipulate the electoral
The investigations delineated two principal areas:
the direct manipulation of
election results through
pressure on state officials
and the unlawful retention
of classified documents
post-presidency. Despite
significant public and
personal attacks, Smith’s
team strictly adhered
to fairness and nonpartisanship,
the report
Smith details specific
incidents and revealed that
Trump applied intense
pressure on several state officials, leveraging baseless
claims of electoral fraud to alter the outcomes. Notably,
on January 2, 2021, Trump explicitly requested Georgia’s
Secretary of State to “find 11,780 votes,” precisely the
number required to overturn Biden’s victory.
The report also exposed a coordinated scheme to
submit fraudulent electoral certificates from seven
states where Trump lost. This was part of a broader
strategy to obstruct the January 6, 2021, Congressional
certification. Smith said Trump and his associates
orchestrated this plan, despite clear indications from
numerous officials, including Republicans, who affirmed
the election’s integrity and resisted these subversive
Following a rigorous investigation, the Special
Counsel’s office found “substantial federal interests
Continue reading online at:
Carver Ranches: Historic, Beloved and Honored
By Nunnie Robinson
The article you are about to read had its origins at
my friend, Dr. Augusta Clark’s house, located in the
very community, Carver Ranches, the primary focus of
this piece. My college teammate, Thomas Ballard, and
I have developed a lasting friendship with Dr. Clark or
Gussie as she is affectionately known by many. When
she comes home, it is a foregone conclusion that we have
lunch together while simultaneously taking a nostalgic
peak down memory lane as Broward educators,
Gussie and Ballard at Hollywood Hills and I at South
Plantation. It was following one of those gatherings
that I had the privilege of meeting Audrey Warren,
the creator and founder of The Legacy Ball 2024. As
an occasional contributing columnist and sports editor
with the Westside Gazette, Broward County’s oldest
African American owned newspaper, I was extended
an invitation to both attend and cover this auspicious
event, honoring the legacy of the Carver Ranches
States Leading the Way in
Racial Progress Ahead of
Pictured L-R: Stephanie Bevel, Cynthia Strachan-Saunders,
Augusta Clark and Audrey Warren, Carver Ranches Sheroes
(Cont’d on page 5)
The report identifies regions with the highest
and lowest disparities, noting that Hawaii has the
smallest median annual income gap, while the
District of Columbia has the largest.
By Stacy M. Brown
As the nation prepares to celebrate Martin Luther
King Jr. Day, significant disparities remain between
the income and employment rates of white and Black
Americans. In response, WalletHub has released its
comprehensive report on the “States That Have Made
the Most Racial Progress,” evaluating 22 key indicators
of equality across all 50 states and the District of
Columbia, including median annual household income,
standardized test scores, and voter turnout.
Texas tops the list as the state that has made the
most racial progress, particularly in reducing health
disparities and closing gaps in the business sector.
Wyoming and Mississippi also show significant income
levels and poverty reduction improvements, respectively.
The report identifies regions with the highest and lowest
disparities, noting that Hawaii has the smallest median
annual income gap, while the District of Columbia has
(Cont’d on page 5)
LIFE and
don’t raise
By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.
The dream of inclusion,
of appreciating another’s
history, culture, and
choices—where voting rights
are protected, and equality is
celebrated—is the dream of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
It is a dream where everyone
is accepted, so long as their
actions do not seek to kill the
dreams of others.
Dr. King once said,
“Everybody can be great
because anybody can serve.
You don’t have to have a
college degree to serve. You
don’t have to make your
subject and verb agree to
serve. You only need a heart
full of grace. A soul generated
by love.”
However, on January 20,
2017, as Donald Trump was
inaugurated President of the
United States on the eve of
Dr. King’s holiday, many of us
were reminded of how far we
are from fulfilling the dream.
That moment, rife with racial
overtones, underscored a
dangerous shift in our nation’s
values—a shift that seemed
to target Black and Brown
communities, Jewish people,
LGBTQ+ individuals, and
other marginalized groups. It
was a stark reminder of the
work yet to be done.
As we celebrate the hopes
of a dream deferred, let us
remain mindful that we
cannot realize its fulfillment
until we rid our temples—our
communities, organizations,
and collective bodies—of
A temple, traditionally,
is a sacred space set aside
for spiritual connection,
Jan 16 TH
Partly Cloudy
Sunrise: 6:48am
(Cont’d on page 11)
Sunset: 5:28pm
Sat Sun Mon Tues
The Westside Gazette Newspaper
National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA)
Southeastern African-American Publishers Association (SAAPA)
Florida Association of Black Owned Media (FABOM)
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B-CU Celebrates Day of Service with
Home Depot’s From “Retool Head Start Your to HBCU School” to Harvard: #1One Man’s Story
PAGE 2 • JANUARY 9 - JANUARY 15, 2025
Submitted by B-CU
Bethune-Cookman University
celebrated a significant day of unity
and service on Thursday, Jan. 18,
at the Michael and Libby Johnson
Center for Civic Engagement
(CCE). This momentous occasion
brought Kaalijah together Lollar, students, a 16 year faculty,
staff, alumni, old sophomore and student friends at to
Miami Central
a wealth of talents. Her
recent accomplishment
gift of writing, singing,
– securing
the fourth dancing, position and acting in is Home
Depot’s beyond prestigious measure. Now “Retool she Your
School” competition has unleashed her and gift receiving of a
substantial $60,000 grant dedicated
to campus enhancement.
Despite cooler temperatures and
overcast skies, the collective spirit
prevailed as almost 135 participants,
led by Home Depot Daytona Beach
Store Manager Therese Watson-
Murray, joined forces in yesterday’s
successful effort. Their mission
was ambitious, involving projects
ranging from assembling bookcases
and indoor-outdoor dining sets to
constructing arcade games, foosball
tables, basketball hoops, hockey
sets, and table tennis tables. Even
adverse weather conditions couldn’t
deter their dedication, with the only
Go inside their rooms
being at rest; inactive or
essentially presentin the opposing viewpoint to
motionless; challenge the quiet; original claim. still: a
quiescent HOW TO USE IN A SENTENCE: mind.
concession being the postponement of painting and
stripping the basketball court – a minor hiccup until
more favorable weather prevails.
Dr. William Berry, Provost and Acting President,
expressed excitement and gratitude, stating, “We are
excited about this project and grateful to all those who
NNPA NEWSWIRE — Know that your child’s involvement in
Head Start will be the best investment in their educational
experience that you can offer them. The holistic approach
to learning — physical care for self, care for your peers, and
learning how to exist in the world around you
By National Head Start Association
participated in the vote for B-CU. These enhancements
will NSAL help Florida create Ignites more vibrant and engaging spaces for
our students to retreat on campus for a brain break or
Artistic Dreams with New
find inspiration through the downtime.”
Season Home of Scholarships
Depot’s “Retool Your School” program,
established and Competitions in 2009, has been a beacon for positive change,
providing over $9.25 million in campus improvement
grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs). Beyond the competition, the Office of Alumni
BOCA RATON, FL– The National talent,” says Kirsten Stephenson, NSAL
Continue reading online at:
Word of
the Week
By Kaalijah Lollar
Victor Jones graduated from Head Start over 30 years ago.
Since then, Victor has built a career around his dedication to
you love your kids and your kids love you
fighting for children, a passion he credits to his early education
but everything being fine is simply something you assume
in Head Start. He has translated the Head Start mission into his
behind the curtains of their smiles there’s a stench of certain doom
work, first as a kindergarten teacher and today as an accomplished
for the love of God please go inside their rooms
Sandy hook had 26 deaths
And Parkland high had 17
Parents understand your children may not be all they seem
As a parent the one thing that might hurt the worst
Before Adam Lanza killed at that school he killed his mother first.
There’s depression and thoughts so deep tugging on their sanity
There’s a story ten miles deep behind that messy vanity
Poor souls lost by the snap of a finger
Though they may be gone, that grief will forever linger
We could’ve had scientists, astronauts, actors, actresses, and so much more Submitted by Kay Renz
But all those chances became worthless once the bullets shot through the
classroom door
I feel for the little girls who never knew of danger and threats
Society of Arts and Letters (NSAL) Florida President. “We take immense
Only Barbie dolls, and colorful barrettes
Florida proudly announces its exciting pride in our program’s alumni who have
I feel for the little boys who never again felt the warmth of their mother’s embrace
new season of scholarships and gone on to grace stages worldwide.”
Because have leaving for earned school that morning forgiveness would be the last after time they would see Biden
the success
young artists
their little boy’s face
a decade of dedicated service. of these across relief the state. efforts Applications to the are now
As an Ode and a favor to the Children who could never grow and bloom
I beg of you Additionally, please go in their roomsclose to 30,000 corrective open in instrumental measures performance, taken voice,
visual art, writing, and the national
individuals who have been to address broken student
spotlight competition – ballet. For full
in As Dr. repayment King once asked for from at Front least Pageloan
programs. details and guidelines He please asserted visit www.
the United 20 States years – experienced without homelessness receiving in an emergency that these fixes have removed
safe haven,
transitional housing
program, or unsheltered
barriers preventing
“NSAL Florida
locations across the country, according to the most recent report by artistic growth and inspires
the Department repayment of Housing plans & Urban will Development now see (HUD). from Further, accessing
future generations
the relief
although their Blacks debts comprise forgiven.
just 12 percent of the nation’s population, were entitled recognizing to exceptional under the young law.
and 21 percent of the country’s poor, we bear a disproportionate
32 percent of all people experiencing
In times past, America’s homeless
were frequently veterans. But in the
past year, children under the age of 18
represented a 33 percent increase in
homelessness, the single largest surge,
while that of veterans dropped by eight
percent, according to HUD.
“Sadly, we know exactly how we got
here”, said Congresswoman Maxine
Waters in reaction to the disturbing
findings. “For decades, a lack of
investment in affordable housing has
forced countless families out of their
homes and onto the streets. This is a
crisis in every county and city across
America, whether they be rural, urban,
or suburban communities.”
For generations of Black Americans,
higher education has long been viewed as
a ladder away from poverty. But today,
millions who dedicated time and energies
an argument that directly opposes another argument,
The author has tried to be fair in his analysis and presents a
balanced thesis, a counter-argument, on a very contentious topic.
Takes Center Stage:
outlined the
broader Each year, achievements NSAL National selects of his
administration a discipline for a major in supporting
In 2025, ballet takes center stage, with
students and borrowers,
talented dancers aged 16-22 from across
including the country vying achieving for a chance the to win most
significant $15,000 in prizes. increases Entry to Nationals in Pell is
Grants in over a decade, aimed
Continue reading online at:
[ kwee-es-uhnt, kwahy- ]
It’s possible that other volcanoes with
long quiescentperiods may also have
subtle but protracted warning periods
as well.
social justice attorney. Victor’s commitment to lifelong learning
and his everyday efforts to make the world a more equitable
place for children make him a true inspiration for the Head Start
community. Victor shared his story with the National Head Start
We are excited to learn about your Head Start story, Victor!
When and where did you attend Head Start?
I’m a 1989 graduate of West Tampa Head Start, located in
Tampa, Florida. My mother and I only lived in Tampa for two
years, and these were the two years I attended Head Start.
Thereafter, we returned to where I was born and raised, in
Pascagoula, Mississippi.
Do you have any memories from your time in Head Start?
Favorite activities, classmates, teachers?
I remember my class was always out and about — going on
field trips to Busch Gardens to see the animals, going to the park,
taking trips to the grocery store, and learning about fruits and
vegetables. I also remember the times when doctors would visit
us and check our eyes, ears and hearts, and I’ll never forget the
day a giant toothbrush walked into our classroom, and we learned
about the importance of dental hygiene. I still remember a few of
my classmates’ names, though this was 30 years ago.
I can also still picture the uniform we had to wear on field trip
days — it was a red shirt with an image of a panda bear hugging
a bamboo tree, with black shorts or pants, and a black visor. And
for the strangest reason, I remember that my classmates and I
had to learn the song “Shower Me With Your Love” by an R&B
group named “Surface,” as part of our graduation ceremony.
The few times I’ve heard that song, I immediately think of my
Continue reading online at:
through the local competition.
Florida’s young stars can
compete for cash prizes awarded
to the top three dancers. The
first-place winner receives a
$2,000 award, an all-expense
paid trip to the National
competition in Pittsburgh,
PA, and a professional photo
shoot with Warner Prokos
Photography valued at $1,400.
“We’re excited to host Florida’s
most talented young dancers at this
year’s competition,” said competition
chair Shari Upbin. “Boca Ballet
Theatre has graciously agreed to
host this prestigious event, and
we’re grateful to our esteemed
panel of judges. We look forward to
Continue reading online at:
Words compiled by KamarJackson,
Sophomore at Dillard High School
Leia’s Mathematics
+ 25
- 78
Word Search
List Compiled
by Kamar
at Dillard
High School
Created by Leia Palmer 3rd grader!
Photo: Getty Images
California wildfires serve to remind what’s really
By Chuck Hobbs
(Source: Hobbservation
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 3
‘Racist’: Black Men Face False Accusations
of Looting Amid LA Wildfires
Two Black men were falsely
accused of looting after video
circulated of them carrying
items out of a home amid the
Los Angeles wildfires, an act
by social media users rooted in
apparent racism.
The false allegations
stemmed from a video that went
viral on social media of two men
carrying bags of items and a TV
away from a home as wildfires
in southern California continue
to devastate communities.
In a now-deleted post on
X, formerly Twitter, a user
wrote alongside the viral
video: “The usual suspects are
looting again.” A community
note quickly shut down the
looting allegation, providing
context that the people in the
video, obtained by KTLA News,
were friends and family of the
The homeowner told KTLA
that her brothers were trying
to save belongings from her
property amid the wildfires.
“They told us to leave and
we got what we could,” the
homeowner said. “We have dogs,
we have animals ... We just got
what we could get, that’s all
we could do. We’ve got to start
The homeowner added that
her son got “everything that was
of value to his mother” amid
Social media users reshared
the now-deleted post and called
out those who falsely accused
the men of looting.
“These degenerate online
suspected white supremacists
are falsely accusing Black
people who are HELPING
their neighbors move their
possessions to safety, as being
‘looters,’” one X user wrote.
“MAGA out here lying about
Black people looting during
these California fires, just
like they LIED about Haitian
immigrants eating pets!”
another user said.
“Because they’re Black, they
must be looting? This isn’t an
honest mistake,” a third person
I wish that my first
post of the year was on
a happier note, but the
wildfires in Southern
California this week
remind me of the critical
need for those of us in
the journalism business
to provide real facts—and
real hope—during perilous
Anytime a natural disaster occurs,
it is normal for those of us outside of
the zone of impact to be moved with
compassion for those who are coping
with the devastating effects of the
latest fire or storm, and while I joined
the chorus of millions by using my
Facebook platform to check on my
family members and friends living in
Southern California yesterday, while
most noted that they were “safe” from
harm, several close friends that I met
during our collegiate years—each
hailing from the Pasadena/Altadena
areas in California—indicated via
social media that their homes and
hometowns were being razed in real
time ?.
In August of 1990, on the very first
day of our freshman year at Morehouse
College, I met Akil Grant, Derek
Ferrell, and Eric Brown—three from
among a very large contingent of “Cali Boyz”
who would become (and remain) close to my
crew, the “Florida Boyz.”
Years later, I would meet Ferrell/Grant’s
high school teammate, Jason Mitchell, a FAMU
alumnus who I met within the Fraternal Bonds
of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Each time that I checked my Facebook page
yesterday, these four Brothers kept all of
their family and friends updated on the latest
reaches of the deadly fires and the impact
that the same was having on their families
and their individual states of mind. By early
evening, I admit that my eyes welled up with
tears when Brother Brown wrote a comment on
my page that the home that he grew up in was
no more—one of many thousands of residences
lost to this calamity.
Cognizant that the end of this tragedy is not
near, it is my sincere hope that our collective
prayers and efforts are given to assist those in
need out in Southern California. While there
certainly are those who will use this tragedy
Nupe Jason Mitchell (to my right)
to settle political scores against old
ideological foes (yes, I mean you, Donald
Trump), most Americans are rational,
caring, and empathetic enough to
understand the dire straits that those
who have lost their loved ones and/or
their homes will face in the days ahead!
Thus, my humble request that each of you reach out to the
charity of your choice and give whatever you can to help our
fellow Americans TODAY. In ages past, I have patronized
individual Go Fund Me accounts as well as the American Red
Cross (1-800-RED CROSS).
As always, if nothing else, please continue to send your
prayers or positive vibes to our neighbors on the West Coast!
Black Man
from Ohio
Fights to
Keep Street
He Bought
at Auction
for $5K
Submitted by
Black News.Com
Fauntleroy, an African
American man from Butler
County, Ohio, is battling the
city of Trenton to keep a street
he unintentionally purchased
at an auction for $5,000,
as officials try to reclaim it
through eminent domain.
In 2019, Fauntleroy
bought a vacant lot at a Butler
County Sheriff’s auction,
but to his surprise, he also
gained ownership of an entire
street, including five homes,
according to WCPO.
Now, the city of Trenton is
claiming ownership of the
street, stating that it needs to
be turned into a public road.
Fauntleroy, however, argues
he hasn’t been offered fair
According to Ohio law,
individuals whose properties
are taken by eminent domain
should receive fair market
value, but Fauntleroy says
he’s only been offered the
amount he paid for the vacant
lot, not the entire street.
Fauntleroy said that city
officials have ignored his
calls. He said, “They shut me
out. They blocked my calls.
It’s hard to even get through anybody.”
Trenton City Manager Marcos Nichols
acknowledged the confusion about how
Fauntleroy ended up with the street. He
explained that it was originally a private
drive maintained by a homeowners’
Continue reading online at:
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and
Instagram, has decided to end its third-party
fact-checking program in the U.S., claiming this
change will promote free speech. Mark Zuckerberg
stated this move is meant to reduce censorship
and errors but calling it a “relaxation” of content
moderation is misleading. This isn’t about
$125 Toilet
Check eligibility and apply at
Call 8002709794 for additional details.
loosening the reins—it’s about purposefully allowing harmful
and hateful content to flourish under the guise of free expression.
As someone who worked as a content moderator for Google’s
YouTube, I’ve seen the real impact of these policies. While I worked
in the CSAM (child sexual abuse material) department, we often
encountered content so violent, racist, and hateful that it could
only be described as soul-crushing. Social media platforms are
anything but free speech havens. Governments under different
presidential administrations set the guidelines these companies
Continue reading online at:
The Broward County Supervisor of Elections would like to
inform electors that the Voter Registration Books for the
Municipal Election, to be conducted on Tuesday, March 11,
2025 will close on February 10, 2025.
El Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Broward desea
informar a los electores que los Libros de Registro de Votantes
para las Elecciones Municipales, que se llevarán a cabo el
martes 11 de marzo de 2025, se cerrarán el 10 de febrero de
Biwo Sipèvizè Eleksyon nan Konte Broward la ta renmen
enfòme tout Votè yo, ke Liv Enskripsyon Votè pou Eleksyon
Jeneral la, ki gen pou fèt nan jou Madi 11 Mas 2025 la, ap gen
pou’l fèmen nan jou 10 Fevriye 2025.
PAGE 4 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Westside Gazette
Calendar of Events
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+ WATCH episodes of the 2-Minute Warning via YT or FB
2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebrations
Friday, Jan. 17 at 6 pm at E. Pat Larkins Center. FREE
Join the MLK Committee and the City of Pompano Beach
staff as we unite the community together to watch the
monthly movie | Sound Of Hope: The Story Of Possum Trot
and enjoy some fresh fried fish. Under 18 require supervision.
Friday, Jan. 17 at 8 am at Pompano Beach Golf Club
The tournament will feature 4-person teams playing a
scramble format with a 8:30 am shot-gun start on the
Palms Course. The cost per team is $300.00, which includes
18-holes of golf, complimentary food and drinks on the
course, a post round luncheon, and trophy presentation
at Galuppi’s.
Monday, Jan. 20 from 9 am to 5:30 p.m., at Mitchell Moore
Come out and enjoy the 9 am parade with the route ending
at Mitchell Moore Park for a festive, fun filled day of
live entertainment, music, a kids zone and so much more.
Food trucks and merchandise vendors will be available for
individual purchase. For more info call (954) 786-4111.
The City’s 2025 celebration of the legacy of Martin Luther
King, Jr. will feature FREE events on Saturday, January 18th
and Sunday, January 19th:
“Write Your Dream: A Poetry Workshop for Teens”
Saturday, Jan. 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Sunrise Civic
Center Art Gallery, 10610 West Oakland Park Blvd.
This writing workshop for students age 13 to 18 will be facilitated
by teaching artists from the Omari Hardwick bluapple
Poetry Network. Each poet will receive breakfast,
lunch and writing supplies.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Call (954)
747-4646 to sign up or REGISTER HERE.
FAMILY FILM: “The Color Purple”
Saturday, Jan. 18 at 2 p.m., Sunrise Civic Center Theatre,
10610 West Oakland Park Blvd. *Seating is limited: Up to
four free general admission tickets are available per family.
For more info cll (954) 747-4646 for details.
Sunday, Jan. 19 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at Sunrise Civic
Center Art Gallery & Rotunda, 10610 West Oakland Park
Opening Reception in the Art Gallery at 5:30 p.m.
David German’s exhibit, “Futuristic Echoes,” pulls from the
artist’s interest in music and Hip-hop culture and is conveyed
through his use of acrylic, oil, and graphite in his
mixed media works. Meet the artist, enjoy live entertainment,
and light refreshments.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade and Celebration 2025
The City of Deerfield Beach is excited to announce the
special birthday celebration of the great Civil Rights Leader,
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Monday, January 20, 2025,
from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM!
MLK Parade
We invite all parade enthusiasts to our annual Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Parade, starting at 10:00 AM from Pioneer
Park to Oveta McKeithen Recreational Complex. Parade
applications are now available by emailing
Come and showcase your
business, service organization, band, or even your own
creativity with the best float!
MLK Celebration
Immediately following the Parade, the City will host an MLK
celebration at Oveta McKeithen Recreational Complex
on the backfield. This free community event will include a
picnic lunch, activities for kids, and live entertainment.
MLK holiday festivals, live music & other events in Broward
MLK events in 2025 in Broward include
Live music
7 p.m. – 1o p.m. Friday, Jan. 17 at ArtsPark at Federal Highway
and Hollywood Boulevard. Entertainment includes
Fushu Daiko taiko drumming, ReaXion Band and others
with free entry. Parking is $1.50 per hour. Garage Parking is
$1 per hour.
Garage locations are:
• 251 S. 20th Ave., between Harrison and Van Buren streets
• 251 N. 19th Ave., between Tyler and Polk streets
Parking information is online.
Parade and Fest
The parade is 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 20 from Ely High School,
1201 NW 6th Avenue, Pompano 33060, to Moore Park.
The fest is about 11 a.m. -5:30 p.m. January 20 at the
park, 901 NW 10th St, Pompano Beach 33060. The festival
includes kids area, entertainment, and food trucks
Gospel Extravaganza
Gospel and other entertainment are featured at Gospel
Extravaganza from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at
Lincoln Park, 600 NW 19th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale.
Deerfield Beach
MLK Parade and Event Monday, Jan. 20 at McKeithen
Recreation, 445 SW 2nd St., Deerfield Beach.
Event with entertainment and free food is 10:30 a.m. –
2 p.m. at Pioneer Park, 217 NE 5th Ave, Deerfield Beach
Other MLK Holiday events
Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025 MLK Day of Service from 8:00 to 12
p.m / FREE | Pullman Miami Airport Hotel
MLK Parade at 8 a.m. & Celebration 1-3 p.m., Riviera Beach
8:00 am to 3:00 pm | FREE | Dan Calloway Park, Riviera
Beloved Community Public Market & Resource Fair
9:00 am to 2:00 pm | FREE | 6205 NW 27 Ave.
Family Fun Day for MLK holiday in Tamarac
10:00 am to 12:00 pm | FREE | Tamarac Park
Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025
Celebrating the Legacies of Brahma Baba and Martin Luther
King, Jr.
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm | FREE | Pullman Miami Airport Hotel
Monday, Jan. 20, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, Royal Palm Beach
8:30 am to 12:00 pm | FREE | Royal Palm Beach Cultural
MLK ceremony & celebration, Boca Raton
10:00 am to 3:00 pm | FREE | Mizner Park in Boca, Saturday,
Jan. 18, 2025 from 10 am to 12 p.m.
Family Fun Day for MLK holiday in Tamarac
Tamarac Park
Submitted by Katia Hetter
If you have a primary care
provider, start there if you or
a loved one are feeling sick
and aren’t sure about the next
Welcome to winter virus
Cases of acute respiratory
illness, Covid-19 and seasonal
flu are increasing in most
parts of the United States,
according to the US Centers
for Disease Control and
Emergency department visits
for flu and the respiratory
syncytial virus, or RSV, are
very high. While Covid-19
cases leading to emergency
department visits are still
low, they are increasing, with
wastewater testing already
revealing high coronavirus
How can you know
which infectious disease you
have? Does it depend on the
illness, the symptoms or the
characteristics of the person
who is ill? And how can people
find out what to do — should
they go to their primary
care provider, urgent care
or the hospital’s emergency
backdrop, norovirus cases
causing gastrointestinal
upset also have been surging.
Several other infectious
illnesses are making the
rounds, too, including the
viruses that cause the common
cold and bacteria that lead to
strep throat.
To help us with these
questions, I spoke with
CNN wellness expert Dr.
Leana Wen. Wen is an
emergency physician and
clinical associate professor
at the George Washington
University. She previously
served as Baltimore’s health
CNN: How should people who
are sick decide when they
need testing to figure out
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 5
Sniffling, sneezing, coughing: What infectious disease do you have?
what illness they have?
Dr. Leana Wen: I would
approach this question by
thinking about whether what
you would do for yourself or
your sick loved one would
change if you knew the specific
pathogen. Your actions would
depend on the pathogen in
question and the person’s age,
underlying medical conditions
and type of symptoms.
Let’s begin with
respiratory illnesses. Most
healthy people who have mild
symptoms like runny nose,
congestion and fatigue do not
need to seek medical care.
More than 200 viruses cause
the common cold, which is
more than likely the cause of
these symptoms.
Even if these healthy
individuals with mild
symptoms have Covid-19
or influenza, they probably
wouldn’t be eligible for
antiviral treatment. They
could choose to take home
tests for Covid-19, influenza
or both if they want to
know if they have these two
viruses, but this knowledge
wouldn’t really change their
clinical management. The
recommendation would be
symptomatic treatment,
meaning rest, lots of fluids and
over-the-counter medicines
like acetaminophen and
ibuprofen to relieve symptoms
of fever and body aches.
Testing remains important
for some people though.
Individuals at higher risk
for developing severe disease
from Covid-19 and influenza
should get tested as soon
as their symptoms start so
that they can begin prompt
antiviral treatment. People
at higher risk for severe
disease from Covid-19 include
older individuals and those
with chronic underlying
medical problems. These are
also individuals at higher
risk of serious outcomes
due to influenza. For
instance, pregnant women are
considered especially
vulnerable to complications of
the flu.
Severity of illness also
plays a role for two reasons.
In the case of flu, antiviral
treatment is recommended
for those people who are very
sick with influenza, even
if they don’t have risk
factors for severe illness. In
addition, if someone is very
ill, they could have another
disease. Perhaps what they
have isn’t a simple cold but
rather a bacterial pneumonia
requiring antibiotics. Or
maybe they started with a
cold, but then they developed
Someone who has
worsening cough, persistent
high fevers and other
concerning symptoms like
chest pain, abdominal pain
and trouble catching their
breath needs to seek medical
care to treat these symptoms
and to seek the underlying
cause. If symptoms are
not improving after five to
seven days, it would also be
reasonable to contact your
health care provider.
CNN: What about people
with other symptoms, such as
stomach upset? Do they need
Wen: The majority of people
with diarrhea, vomiting and
stomach cramps have viral
gastroenteritis caused by the
very contagious norovirus.
This illness comes on abruptly
and is very uncomfortable,
but the vast majority recover
fully within a few days. No
specific treatment exists,
and generally testing is not
recommended to confirm the
There are exceptions.
If someone has persistent
symptoms of diarrhea and
vomiting, if they develop
fevers, if they have severe
abdominal pain, the concern
is that what they have isn’t
run-of-the-mill norovirus.
Maybe they have a bacterial
infection and need antibiotics.
Maybe what they have isn’t
an infection at all and could
be appendicitis. They should
consult with a doctor to see
if additional evaluation and
testing is needed.
Severity of illness,
especially in vulnerable
individuals, is another red
flag. Babies and other young
children, as well as the elderly
and people with chronic
kidney and heart problems,
need to visit the doctor sooner
rather than later to make sure
they are keeping hydrated.
CNN: What other symptoms
should people look out for
when it comes to whether
they need testing?
Wen: If your kid has a sore
throat and fever, seek care to
see if they have strep throat.
They will need antibiotics
to prevent complications
that come with the group A
streptococcal bacteria that
causes strep throat. Many
cases of sore throat are due to
viruses and do not need specific
treatment, so it’s important to
distinguish between viral and
bacterial causes of sore throat.
Clinicians can sometimes also
distinguish between them
based on symptoms, though
sometimes a strep test is
CNN: How should people
think about when they go
to which setting — primary
care provider versus urgent
care versus the emergency
Wen: I would think about
three factors here.
First, if you have a primary
care provider, what access
do you have? Some people
can reach their physician or
another clinician in the same
practice 24/7. That’s terrific,
and in most circumstances,
it’s worth calling that person
to seek their counsel on next
steps. Perhaps they could even
do a same-day appointment
in person or virtually. When
possible, it’s always best to
see the provider who knows
you and your medical history.
If you cannot easily reach
your provider or don’t have
one, you will have to set a lower
bar for going to an urgent care
or emergency department
setting. I encourage everyone
to have a plan before getting
ill. Know what your insurance
covers and how crowded the
settings may be. It’s possible
that an urgent care visit is
significantly cheaper than the
emergency department, and
the wait is likely shorter.
Second, how severe is
the illness? If someone is
experiencing very concerning
symptoms, like chest pain,
trouble breathing, numbness
or weakness in an arm or
leg, they should go to the
emergency department right
away. On the other hand,
someone who isn’t feeling well
but their symptoms have been
going on for some time can
call their primary care office
for next steps. If they cannot
easily reach the provider and
don’t want to wait, they can
go to an urgent care facility.
Third, are you in a group
of individuals considered to be
especially vulnerable? Babies,
pregnant women, older
individuals and those with
underlying medical conditions
face additional risks of severe
illness. Patients and families
should have a plan. For
instance, pregnant women
should know if their first call
is to their obstetrician and
where they can access care.
Parents of newborns and young
babies should also know how
to reach their pediatrician.
In an emergency, they need
to know which specific place
they should go to, since not
all urgent care or emergency
departments have specialists
trained to treat babies. And
individuals with specific
conditions, such as cancer
patients on chemotherapy or
people who have received an
organ transplant, need to be
especially on guard and know
where they can access medical
assistance tailored to them.
CNN: What are some
preventive measures that
people can take to reduce
their risk of catching and
transmitting infectious
Wen: It’s not easy to avoid
infections during winter
virus season, but people can
take steps. Everyone should
wash their hands regularly
with soap and water, and,
if soap and water are not
available, use hand sanitizer.
People who are especially
vulnerable to severe illness
should consider limiting
their interactions with
others. They should consider
wearing a high-quality mask
in indoor, crowded settings,
and they should ask family
members and friends who
have symptoms to stay away
until symptoms resolve.
Carver Ranches: Historic, Beloved and Honored
pioneers while celebrating the current beneficiaries and their continuing, impactful
contributions to and on this amazing community. In addition, I met Ms. Cynthia Strachan-
Saunders, a multi-talented singer, author, historian and founder of the Bowles-Strachan
House. Immediately I recognized the passion and commitment deeply held by these
phenomenal women for their beloved Carver Ranches community.
The Legacy Ball, which honored several successful business owners, community leaders/
activists, entertainers and educators, i.e., Dr. Clark, occurred as planned, flawlessly executed.
The problem: this writer failed in his commitment to attend and cover the ball. I must confess
that on the night of the ball I was cruising along the Broward intercostal waterways with
my fraternity, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Eta Nu Chapter, completely unaware
of my previous commitment to the event organizers. So the remorse, contrition and selfpersecution
only occurred after seeing the ladies later when their disappointment of my
absence was benevolently articulated.
Given a reprieve, I was extended an olive branch, a second chance, you might say, to get
it right. I was even afforded the privilege of setting the time of the meeting, date previously
and firmly established. We agreed to meet at Gussie’s house at 10:30 A.M. This time
reinforcements were brought in for an additional historic perspective, while assuring that
they could depend on me to render befitting coverage of a deeply abiding living monument
known as Carver Ranches.
I must capture the setting: four passionate, devoted women of grace and class who love and
appreciate their community, its legacy and history, sitting around a table adorned with devil
eggs, pecan pie, coffee, water and wine but mostly resolve, resolve to tell the magical story of
the origin of Carver Ranches.
The only constraint was time based on obligations that we all had such as doctors’
appointments or picking up grandchildren from school. So is the life for many of us in our
60s and 70s. Once we began with introductions and opening comments, it almost felt like we
were back somewhere in the past, just sitting around, chatting, listening intently, taking it
all in. Time almost became irrelevant.
There was Dr. Clark, a wonderful host and friend, Stephanie Yearby Bevel, the
reinforcement and diehard Carver Rancher, Audrey Glover Warren, the Legacy Ball’s
Founder, teacher and event planner and Cynthia Strachan-Saunders, Bowles-Strachan
Continue reading online at:
States Leading the Way in Racial Progress
Ahead of
MLK Dayfrom
the largest.
Expert commentary within the report
points to historical discrimination in housing
and lending as significant contributors to
racial wealth gaps. Dr. Rodney Coates of
Miami University suggests that state and local
authorities can help reduce these disparities
through equitable funding for education
and incentives for businesses to operate in
economically disadvantaged areas.
WalletHub Analyst Chip Lupo stated,
“Wyoming has closed the racial income gap
by 42 percentage points since 1979, and
Mississippi has decreased disparity in poverty
levels by 27 percentage points since 1970.”
Dr. Edlin Veras of Swarthmore College
adds, “The major causes of the racial wealth
gap are undoubtedly tied to the legacies
of slavery and white supremacy. Black
people’s concerted and systematic exclusion
from politics, business, education, and land
ownership in the United States has long-term
effects that are still evident today.”
For more detailed findings and expert
insights, visit the full report on WalletHub.
This Week in Health: Recommendations for Physical Activity
FITNESS A 2025 GOAL? If you have made
improved fitness a personal goal for 2025,
celebrate! The journey can begin modestly,
with exercises that increase aerobic activity
levels without risking physical injury. The
American Heart Association (AHA) has
recommendations for safe, physical activities.
• Get at least 150 minutes per week of
moderate-intensity aerobic activity or
75 minutes per week of vigorous
aerobic activity.
• Spend less time sitting. Even lightintensity
activity can offset some of the
risks of being sedentary.
• Increase amount and intensity
gradually over time.
Aerobic (or “cardio”) activity gets your heart
rate up and benefits your heart by improving
cardiorespiratory fitness. When done at
moderate intensity, your heart will beat faster
and you’ll breathe harder than normal, but
Westside Health Brief
Marsha Mullings, MPH
January 13, 2025
you’ll still be able to talk. Examples of
moderate-intensity aerobic activities:
• brisk walking (at least 2.5 miles per
• water aerobics
• dancing
• gardening
• biking slower than 10 miles per hour
It’s clear that being more active benefits
everyone and helps us live longer, healthier
• Lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type
2 diabetes, high blood pressure,
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
• Better sleep.
• Improved cognition, including memory,
attention and processing speed.
• Less weight gain, obesity and related
chronic health conditions.
• Better bone health and balance.
• Fewer symptoms of depression and
• Better quality of life and sense of
overall well-being.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get
PAGE 6 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Bobby R. Henry, Sr.
Sonia Henry-Robinson
Tawanna C. Taylor
Pamela D. Henry
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NoRegret Media
Carma T. Taylor
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Ron Lyons
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CREDO -The BlacPress
beieves that American best
lead the world away from racial
and national
antagonisms when it accords
to every person, regarless of
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and legal rights. Hating no
person, feaing no person, the
Black Press strives to help
every person in the firm belief
that all are hurt as long as
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“Life is the greatest gift to humankind. Yet there are
those filled with racism determined to ruin this gift
with misinformation rather than add joy with simple
John Johnson II…01/15/25
By John Johnson II
The American people must urgently
realize that weaponizing misinformation
is not just a threat but a pervasive
danger that infiltrates every aspect of
their lives. It impacts our social fabric,
political decisions, economic stability,
health choices, and climate. The status
of those who spread misinformation
only serves to amplify this threat, no
matter how seemingly insignificant. The
Oxford Dictionary defines misinformation
as disseminating false information, whether knowingly or
Contrary to widespread belief, the danger of misinformation far
surpasses that of radicalization. Weaponized misinformation,
often intertwined with racism, can be as deadly as radiation.
This usually leads anti-democratic voters to intentionally
seek misinformation to validate their prejudices and racism.
In contrast, pro-democratic voters tend to seek facts to reach
informed decisions.
Weaponizing misinformation, like radicalization, is not
inherently illegal. However, both tactics can quickly become
problematic when they lead individuals or groups to resort to
violence. This constitutes a clear and present danger to society.
Given the advancements in media technology, the creation
of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and government hesitation to
establish regulations, America’s existence as a republic may
disappear. Voters, who are bombarded daily, every minute,
and every hour, need to apply critical thinking to protect
themselves from becoming hooked on misinformation and
radical ideologies.
Recently, Facebook and other media giants have scrapped
their ‘Fact Checkers’ in response to threats and awareness
that less scrutiny increases revenue. This trend raises critical
problems that will challenge political elections at the federal
and state levels and even court decisions.
Instead of dismantling the Department of Education, the
government could impose curriculum requirements instructing
students who struggle to distinguish between facts and lies.
This would dissuade individuals from quickly becoming antidemocratic
or hooked on a single media.
Rescuing democracy from a population lacking critical
thinking skills is necessary if we’re to save our “republic.”
Resoundingly, it’s a call to arms to sharpen our critical thinking
and be vigilant against misinformation.
Using your critical thinking skills readers, rate the following
statement as Misinformation or Fact using a check mark ( ):
President-elect Trump has stated on Day One, he will end the
Russia – Ukraine war.
_____Misinformation _____Fact
Submit Answer to:
The Gantt Report
Above The Law
By Lucius Gantt
The American phrase “no one is above the
law”, now has zero validity.
Recently, a criminal court in New York
City, found President Trump guilty on a total of 34 charges of
falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to his
alleged sidepiece.
The President-elect had a lot to say via video in his sentencing
hearing, but he was quiet as a mouse in an evangelical church
in other court proceedings, and Congressional proceedings held
to investigate his alleged wrongdoings.
The so-called Babayka, as always, suggested his felony
convictions were politically motivated witch hunts that were
designed and prompted to keep him from winning the 2024
election that he claimed he won by a “landslide”.
Well, Trump has been found liable in civil court for his past
behavior and his misrepresentations about his acts with a
woman, he has been indicted for election abuses in more than
one state, he was once associated with refusing to rent housing
to Black renters in New York, he has been sued by contractors
but he managed to get away without jail time in every instance.
How? Billionaires can lie their way out of almost any legal
Most of the President-elect’s comments about his felony
convictions were comical.
He’s said governmental employees orchestrated his judicial
proceedings but “the government” didn’t convict Trump, he
was convicted by New York citizens in a jury of his peers, some
of whom were selected by his attorneys.
Black Americans couldn’t be convicted of 34 felonies and
stay out of jail in a Hollywood movie!
Don’t act like injustice in America is a secret. Black men
and women in the United States have never been above the
law, alongside the law, or protected by the law
Donald Trump’s video rumblings at his sentences were far
from a court pleading, Trump delivered a message to his base
of nationalists and supremacists.
If you get a chance, read Bruce Wright’s book, “Black
Robes, White Justice”, the book details the differences in how
Americans of color are treated in the judicial system and how
others are treated in the courts.
The launch of is near.
We Coming!
-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Deeply Rooted
The Westside Gazette, under the Management of BI-ADs, Inc., reserves
the right to publish Views and Opinions by Contributing Writers that
may not necessarily reflect those of the Staff and Management of
The Westside Gazette Newspaper and are solely the product of the
responsible individual(s) who submit comments published in this
To Be Equal #1
Trump Is Poised To Launch An Unprecedented Attack On Racial
Justice. The National Urban League Is Ready To Fight Back
Marc H. Morial, President and
CEO National Urban League
“Every nation’s history includes
unsettling truths that many would prefer to
forget or deny. But true patriotism demands
confronting the truths of our history—no
matter how embarrassing or dishonorable—
and undertaking the difficult work of
learning from the lessons of our past in order
to move forward. For the United States, that
work requires reckoning with our shameful
legacy of racial subjugation of Black people
in this country—from slavery and Jim Crow
to mass incarceration and police violence—as well as our long
history of express discrimination against other people of color,
women, and LGBTQ persons.
Without uninhibited discussion and examination of that
legacy, we are ill-equipped as a nation to address its ongoing
manifestations in present-day forms of discrimination and
bias.” — National Urban League v. Trump
At the current rate of progress, it will take between 100 and
300 years for Black Americans to achieve parity with white
First annually and now biannually, the National Urban
League publishes the Equality Index, a calculation of the social
and economic status of African Americans relative to whites.
Rooted in the Three-Fifths Compromise of 1787, which counted
enslaved African Americans as “three-fifths” of a person, the
Index would be 100% under full equality. Currently 75.7%,
the Index has moved less than 3% in 20 years, indicating a 180
year wait to achieve parity.
That squares with the findings of a McKinsey study showing
it will take between 110 and 320 years for “Black Americans to
reach a level of economic prosperity and quality of life that’s on
par with that of their White neighbors.”
President-elect Donald Trump and his allies are determined
to make sure that it takes even longer.
At the end of his first term, Trump issued an executive order
banning policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
for federal agencies, contractors, and grant recipients. The
National Urban League immediately filed a lawsuit; Trump
lost reelection and President Biden overturned it immediately
upon taking office.
This time around, Trump isn’t waiting to start stamping
out racial justice initiatives. He’s vowed to rescind President
Biden’s Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity, issued
on his first day in office.
Seizing on the widely-accepted myth that increasing
diversity is synonymous with “anti-white discrimination,”
the Trump administration plans to use civil rights laws to
reinforce white privilege in every facet of society, public and
private. Pete Hegseth, Trump’s nominee for Defense Secretary
has promoted the racist fallacy that the long-overdue elevation
of Black officers to senior leadership positions compromises
military readiness.
In fact, Trump’s proposed cabinet includes only one Black
member, a former NFL player whose only qualification to
head the Department of Housing and Urban Development is
his history of opposing affordable housing, protection for poor
tenants, and aid for the homeless.
Trump will eliminate federal funding for any school that
promotes racial equity or confronts the reality of racism in the
nation’s history. He has even vowed to direct the Department
of Justice to pursue federal “civil rights cases” against them.
He plans to resurrect the failed 1776 Commission, which
historians reviled as a plot to “elevate ignorance about the past
to a civic virtue.
Hoping to avoid attacks from the incoming administration
and its most fanatical defenders. many private corporations
are retreating from their commitment to DEI. The board of
Costco, in contrast, recently rejected an anti-DEI shareholder
While post-election surveys show that Trumps’ election was
largely a misguided reaction to the cost of groceries, Trump
and his allies have taken it as an endorsement of their every
vicious and bigoted policies. Americans overwhelmingly
support corporate diversity policies. President Biden’s
administration — like most diverse institutions, was more
innovative, adaptable, resilient, and able to solve problems
more quickly because of its diversity.
If the incoming administration doesn’t realize the benefits
of DEI early on, the National Urban League and our civil rights
allies are on hand to hold it to account.
The Blueprint King Has Left Trump: Lessons
in Leadership and Integrity
By Wim Laven
On January 20 th , 2025, the Presidential
Inauguration will fall on Martin Luther King
Jr. Day. Reflections on King reveal truths on
the progress and challenges that have faced the
American public: reminding people of the central
role of unity (not necessarily agreement) in civic
life, and hopefully inspiring future generations
to do the work of serving their communities and striving for
a just and equitable world. One could imagine the advice he
would give Trump about his role as a leader; one could then
contrast King’s wisdom with the vision and administration
that Trump has promised.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. remains one of the most powerful
moral voices in American history, known for his unyielding
commitments to justice, equality, and moral high ground. He is
revered in large part for his leadership during the Civil Rights
Movement, which transformed the nation by advancing civil
rights, challenging systemic racism, and calling on Americans
to live up to the highest ideals and promises of the founding
fathers—”all men are created equal.” Today, America continues
to grapple with division, inequality, and polarized politics.
King’s vision is as relevant in 2025 as it was when the Civil
Rights Act passed in 1964.
Continue reading online at:
Dr. Martin
Luther King’s
Denouncing the
Merchants of
By Kathy Kelly
Over the
past three
years, a
collective of
volunteer researchers,
lawyers, and
created The
Merchants of Death War
Crimes Tribunal, dedicated
to holding accountable four
weapon manufacturing
corporations based in the
U.S. Their tribunal amassed
copious evidence to prove that
Boeing, Lockheed Martin,
RTX (formerly Raytheon),
and General Atomics (a
company which manufactures
weaponized drones) are guilty
of committing war crimes.
On January 15, 2025, as the
world marks the birth of
the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, a press conference will
announce the Tribunal’s
verdicts and release the
report of 10 international
jurors who have weighed the
evidence submitted to them.
Of necessity, the evidence
was culled from examining a
limited range of devastatingly
criminal U.S. “forever wars,”
of brutal and needless wars of
choice. The Tribunal focused
on specific U.S. war crimes
and crimes against humanity
in the invasions, occupations
and aerial assaults which
followed the “9/11” attacks in
What if we could enlarge
the Tribunal, bringing before
it war crimes occurring
right now, the U.S.-assisted
massacres we watch in
real time on our phone and
computer screens?
Continue reading online at:
How Mass
Harms All
Working People
By Andrew Moss
D o n a l d
Trump vowed to
begin deporting
migrants “on
day one” of his
and day one is
rapidly approaching.
If Trump’s workingclass
voters believed that
deporting 13.3 million people
will somehow improve their
economic lives, many will soon
learn that mass deportation
harms all working people,
not only migrants, and will
help exacerbate a growing,
oppressive inequality.
Consider first the
anticipated labor shocks in
agriculture and construction.
Almost three-quarters of
agricultural workers are
immigrants, and 40 percent
of them are undocumented.
About one-fifth of workers
in construction are
undocumented. Because these
undocumented immigrants
make up such a significant
proportion of workers in these
key industries, deporting
them will lead to critical
labor shortages that will
Continue reading online at:
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4360 W. Oakland Park Blvd Email:
Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 7
Meet the Founder and CEO of the First
Black-Owned Global Solar Franchise
NATIONWIDE — Gridmaster
Solar One, founded by industry
veteran Michael Henry who is
also the company’s CEO, has
achieved a historic milestone
as the first Black-owned solar
franchise globally. With 45
franchises already on board,
the company is on a mission
to expand to 2000, redefining
renewable energy solutions
across diverse sectors.
Gridmaster Solar One
is revolutionizing the solar
energy industry by combining
cutting-edge technology with
a sustainable franchising
model. The company provides
comprehensive support to its
franchisees, including product
knowledge, ongoing training,
established brand recognition, a global network, marketing support, and in-house financing options.
“Our vision extends beyond simply selling solar solutions; we are committed to empowering underrepresented communities
and contributing to the global shift towards renewable energy,” stated Michael Henry, founder of Gridmaster Solar One. The
company’s innovative Solar Tower technology is adaptable for a wide array of applications such as hotels, schools, stadiums,
event centers, airports, churches, farms, apartment buildings, and gas stations.
With my team we have over 78 years of combined experience in the industry, Gridmaster Solar One is poised to lead significant
advancements in the renewable energy sector. “We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional solar energy solutions that meet
and exceed our clients’ expectations, transforming energy landscapes and paving the way towards a brighter, more sustainable
Gridmaster Solar One offers a range of innovative solar energy solutions tailored to meet the needs of both residential and
commercial clients. The company ensures that all clients receive the highest quality service and support.
Discover how Gridmaster Solar One’s cutting-edge solar solutions can transform your energy landscape. For more information,
visit us at
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PAGE 8 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
First Baptist Church Piney Grove, Inc.
4699 West Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313
(954) 735-1500 - Fax (954) 735-1999
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Church Website:
Dr. Ezra Tillman, Jr. Senior Pastor
Sunday ..... 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM In Person Virtual
Sunday School.......9:30 AM In Person
Bible Study on Wednesday.......11:30 AM & 7:00 PM In Person & Virtual
"Winning the World for Jesus"
Harris Chapel Church, Inc.
Rev. Stanley Melek, M.Div
2351 N.W. 26th Street
Oakland Park, Florida 33311
Church Telephone: (954) 731-0520
Sunday Worship........................10:30 AM
Church School................................................9:00 AM
Wednesday (Bible Study).........11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Living Waters Christian Fellowship
Meeting at Central Charter School Building #5
4515 N. St. Rd. 7 (US 441)
(954) 295-6894
SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 AM (Church) (Pastor)
Rev. Anthony & Virgina Burrell
Jesus said, ‘‘let anyone who is thristy come to Me and drink.” (John 7:37)
Mount Hermon A.M.E. Church
Reverend Henry E. Green, III, Pastor
401 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Phone: (954) 463-6309 Fax: (954) 522-4113
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Worship Service....................................9:00 AM
In person/www.mounthermonftl.or/YouTube Live/FaceBook
Church School.............................9:30 AM
BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday........................10:00 AM
Bible Study Wednesday ...............7:00 PM via Zoom
Meeting ID: 826 2716 8390 access code 55568988#
Daily Prayer Line.............................6:00 AM
(716) 427-1407 Access Code 296233#
(712) 432-1500 Access Code 296233#
New Mount Olive Baptist Church
Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor
400 N.W. 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Office (954) 463-5126 - Fax: (954) 525-9454
Monday- Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday Services: In Person
8:00 AM and 10:45 AM
Virtual..................9:00 AM
Sunday School....................9:30 AM
Wednesday Encountering Truth
Noonday Bible Study...........12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
Where the Kingdom of God is Increased through:
Fellowship, Ledership, Ownership and Worship
As we F.L.O.W. To Greatness!
Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church
2251 N.W. 22nd St., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
P.O. Box 122256, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
(954) 733-3285 - Fax: (954) 733-9231
(In Person)
Sunday School ..........................8:30 A.M.
Sunday Worship ....................10:00 A.M.
Tuesday Night Bible Study..............7:00 P.M.
Celebrating 100 Years of Service!
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Dr. James B. Darling, Jr., Pastor/Teacher
1161 NW 29th Terrace; Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310
(954) 581-0455 - (FAX) 581-4350 -
Tuesday - Friday 11:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Sunday Worship...................................................10:15 A.M.
Communion Service (1st Sunday) .........................10:15 A.M.
2nd & 4th Tuesday Night Prayer Workshop/Bible Study................7:00 P.M
Wednesday Night Prayer Service.......................6:30 P.M.
Wednesday Night Church School ............7:00 P.M.
New Birth Baptist Church
Catheral of Faith International
Bishop Victor T. Curry, M. Min., D. Div. Senior Pastor/Teacher
Sunday Worship.............................9:30 AM
Sunday School ..............................8:30 AM
Tuesday Bible Study...................7:00 PM
Wednsday Bible Study..................10:30 AM
(305) 685-3700 (0) * (305) 685-0705 (f)
Deeply Rooted
Have Your Church Announcement Placed
In Our Church Directory
New Creation Baptist Church In Christ
Drive-Up Sunday Worship - 10 AM
4001 North Dixie Hwy.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33064
(954) 943-9116
Williams Memorial CME Church
644-646 N.W. 13th Terrace
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311
Office: (954) 462-8222. Email:
Reverend Errol Darville, Pastor
In person, Zoom; 646-558-8636 ID: 954-462-8222, Stream: Facebook Live @ WMCMECHURCH
Sunday Church School..................... 9:00 AM
Sunday Worship Service ................10:00 AM
Tuesday Prayer Meeting...............7:00 PM
Tuesday Bibke Study................7:30 PM
"Celebrating over 100 years of SERVICES"
St. Ruth Missionsary Baptist Church
145 NW 5th Avenue
Dania Beach, FL 33004
(954) 922-2529
Wednesday (NOON DAY PRAYER.......................12- 1 PM
Sunday Worship Service ...................................10:00 AM
"Celebrating 115 Years of Service"
Victory Baptist Church Independent
Pastor Keith Cunningham
2241 Davie Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Church: (954) 284-9413
Sunday School .................................................9:45 AM
Worship Service Sunday Morning..................................11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service.........................................6:00 PM
Bible Study...................................................7:30 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer ........................7:00 PM
Saturday Morning Soul Winning/Visitation..............10:00 AM
Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd & last Tuesdays)................6:00 PM
Ladies Fellowship (the last Saturday of each month)..........................5:00 PM
Youth Fellowship (Every Friday)...............6:30 PM
Discover GOD Let Us Help You Find The Way To Jesus Christ
We STRIVE to PROVIDER Ministries that matter Today to Whole Body of Christ,
not only the Believers, but also for those stranded on the “Jericho Road”!
“Celebrating over 85 Years of FAITH and FAVOR!
Come to the WILL.....We’ll show You the WAY: Jesus the Christ”
Shaw Temple A.M.E. Zion Church
Rev. Dr. William Calvin Haralson, Pastor
522 N.W. 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Church: (954) 647-8254
Sunday School.................................................10:15 AM
Sunday Morning Worship.................................11:00 AM
Bible Study.....................................................7:30 PM
“Reaching beyond the four walls touching lives, touching communities”.
Jesus Christ Ministry Of Faith, Inc.
Jesus Loves You
Join Us Sundays
at 9 AM
477 NW 27 Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Mrs. Avis Boyd-Gaines,
Owner, Funeral Director
& Embalmer
Mr. Bon M. Boyd,
Chief Executive Officer
The New Beginning
Embassy of Praise
The Most Reverend
John H. Taylor, Bishop, Sr. Pastor
Dr. ML Taylor, Executive Pastor
4035 SW 18th Street, West Park, FL 33023
Sunday Worship Service ..................... 11:00 a.m.
Conference Line - 848-220-3300 ID: 33023
Bible Study - Tuesdays......................... 7:30 p.m.
Noonday Prayer Wednesdays..........- 12:00 noon
Come Worship With Us For Your New Begnning!
Mrs. Alexis Gaines-Sullivan,
Funeral Director,
Insurance Agent
& Preneed Counselor
Pastor David Deal, Jr.
Every Christian's Church
SUNDAY @11:00 am
Phone (313) 209-8800 Conference ID 1948-1949
Bible Trivia
‘Test Your Bible Knowledge'
1) ‘God knows how much we can bear’ is a misquoted scripture.
What does the scripture actually say?
2) According to scripture the duration of a marriage should
last how long?
3) Is marriage an eternal thing?
4) According to scripture are abortions approved by God?
5) What is the meaning of the word ‘propitiation’?
6) What is the meaning of ‘Shekinah Glory’?
7) What type of word is ‘ABBA’ and what does it mean?
8) Complete the following: He will ________ those who have fallen
asleep in him.
9) Concerning “ End Time prophecy” what is the preterist
Answers - 1) 1st Corinthians 10:13; 2) Matthew 19:3-9; 3) Matthew
22:30; 4) Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17; 5) 1st John
2:1-2; 6) Exodus 40:34-38; 7) Galatians 4:6 ‘ Aramaic, Father;
8) 1st Thessalonians 4:13-14; 9) Suggest that the Book of Revelation
was fulfilled before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70
and there will be no millennium at all.
The Alphas Celebrate At New Mount Olive Baptist Church
The 2025 Celebration Service To Honor
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
New Mount Olive Baptist
Church, 400 Northwest Ninth
Avenue, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, will host the 49 th Annual
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Celebration Service on Sunday,
January 19, 2025, at 4:00 P.M.
The service is sponsored by the
Zeta Alpha Lambda Chapter of
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
This year’s celebration will
include a musical extravaganza
with selections from The Men’s
Chorus of New Mount Olive
Baptist Church and Director
Kenny Smith. Reverend Dr.
Ezra Tillman, Jr., will be the
honored guest speaker.
Rev. Dr. Ezra L. Tillman, Jr.,
is a proud native of Detroit,
Michigan. He accepted Christ at
Rev. Dr. Ezra Tillman,
a young age and was spiritually nourished under the Pastoral
leadership of the late Dr. John L. Webb of the New Mt. Vernon
M.B.C. He humbly accepted the call of God into the Gospel
Ministry and is currently the proud Pastor of First Baptist
Church Piney Grove of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. A Godly man
who supports the members with prayer and spiritual guidance.
This man of God conveys his love of God through his dynamic
and anointed approach to gospel preaching, sound teaching,
and soul stirring singing. A compassionate man of God shows
love and respect to the young, the elderly irrespective of race,
sex, color, creed or culture.
Pastor Tillman began his studies and has earned multiple
Degrees; a Doctorate in Theological Studies, a Master’s Degree
in Organizational Leadership (M.A.O.L.), a Master of Ministry
(M. Min.) in Biblical Counseling Degree, and a Bachelor of
Religious Education Degree (B.R.E.).
Pastor Tillman started his pastoral ministry as Assistant
Pastor of Greater Middle Missionary Baptist Church, in Royal
Oak, Michigan, in 2009. His knowledge of God’s Word, having a
servant’s heart, and understanding of others allowed him to be
effective in leading lost souls to Christ. Since then, he has been
called to Pastor in Cleveland Heights Ohio, Flint Michigan,
and now serves as the Pastor of First Baptist Church Piney
Grove of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida.
Within Dr. Tillman’s first year of serving as Pastor at First
Baptist Church Piney Grove, he launched the 700 Debt Free
Campaign in efforts to becoming a debt free congregation.
Within six months, over $300,000 was raised by the membership
resulting in the Burning of the Church Mortgage on May 15,
2024! To God be the Glory!
Additionally, new ministries have been birthed such as the
Women of C.L.A.S.S. (Christian Ladies Appointed to Serve
& Support) and the C.H.A.S.E. Ministry (Connecting Hearts
and Souls Effectively) developed to create a safe, spiritual
led environment for youth with special needs that includes
Christian education and development.
Pastor Tillman is no stranger to public service. While serving
in Flint he impacted the community at large during the Flint
Water Crisis. When government did not have a solution, Pastor
Tillman provided The Water Box in partnership with actor
and philanthropist Jaden Smith. The Water Box is a portable
water filtration system that can fill up a five-gallon jug of water
in 30 seconds. Due to his leadership, Pastor Tillman was
awarded the Key to the City of Flint in 2020, making him the
youngest pastor to receive this prestigious recognition to date.
In recognizing the uncertainties surrounding health as a result
of the water crisis, Pastor Tillman alongside his wife Catrine,
founded the Revive Community Health Center. Revive aids
in decreasing maternal/infant mortality and low birth weight
in the African American population in Flint/Genesee County.
He’s a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Pastor Tillman has a heart for family and has been married
to Catrina Tillman; a God fearing, spirit filled First Lady in her
own right, for sixteen years. Together they have been blessed
with four sons: Ezra III, Micah, Isaac and Luke.
The annual celebration service is in recognition of the
magnificent works of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. King’s noble precepts and ideals regarding equal rights,
privileges and love for all humankind led to the Congressional
Declaration of January 15 th as a National Holiday in his honor.
The public is invited and the Divine Nine is encouraged to
attend this inspirational and educational program.
For further information, please contact Sister Sandra James
at the Church at (954) 463-5126 or Brother Michael A. Robinson
at (954) 831- 7258.
Legendary Soul Singer Sam Moore, Half of
Sam & Dave, Dies at 89
Moore was best known as half of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
soul duo behind “Soul Man” & “Hold On, I’m Coming.”
By Melinda Newman
(Source: R&B Hip-Hop )
Sam Moore, half of the
seminal duo Sam & Dave,
died Friday (Jan. 10) in Coral
Gables, Fla. The cause of
death was complications from
surgery. He was 89.
Moore, who was revered
by artists including Bruce
Springsteen, Phil Collins,
Garth Brooks and Jon Bon Jovi,
had an instantly recognizable
tenor, first heard on such calland-response
classics as Sam
& Dave’s 1960s hits “Hold On,
I’m Coming” and the Grammywinning
“Soul Man,” both of
which reached No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot R&B Singles chart, as well as “I Thank You” and “When
Something Is Wrong with My Baby.” The duo, who performed at
Martin Luther King Jr.’s memorial concert at Madison Square
Garden following his assassination in 1968, was inducted into the
Continue reading online at:
Actress Dalyce Curry Dead At 95 After
Home Burned In LA Wildfire
By Jovonne Ledet
(Source: Black Information
Deeply Rooted
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 9
Acknowledgments/ Announcements:
In Memoriam * Death Notices * Happy Birthdays
Card of Thanks* Remembrances
Death and Funeral Notices
Casey Myers
Love And Grace
Funeral And
Cremation Service
Benoit - 78 .
Camille N. Cianca –
Rubye Lee
was held
January 10th
at First Baptist
Piney Grove.
Elaine E. Bent
was held
January 11th
at McWhite’s
Funeral Home
Albert G. Wilson
Funeral Service
was held
January 11th
at McWhite’s
Ivon L. Wright
was held
January 9th
at McWhite’s
Funeral Home
Roy Mizell & Kurtz
Funeral Home Services
Blues Brothers actress Dalyce
Curry has died, per TMZ. She
was 95.
According to reports, Curry’s
remains were found after
her home burned down in
Altadena amid the severe
wildfires devastating the Los
Angeles area.
Curry’s granddaughter
confirmed the actress’ death
in a Facebook post, saying
she last saw her grandmother
after dropping her off at her
Altadena home on Tuesday
(January 7). Later that
day, the Eaton Fire broke
out east of Los Angeles,
destroying buildings and
(Photo credit:
forcing residents to evacuate
in Altadena and Pasadena.
The granddaughter said
she went back to check on
Photo: Facebook
Curry the next day but was
turned away by authorities,
Continue reading online at:
Remembering Reality Star
Christopher “Big Black” Boykin
(Source: BlackDoctor+org)
Reality TV ‘Rob & Big‘
star Christopher “Big Black”
Boykin made everyone smile,
laugh and say “do work, son”
for over five seasons in new
shows and reruns on MTV.
In 2017, the loveable Boykin
passed away. But what made
it even more heartbreaking
was that he was only 45 years
If you ever watched the
MTV reality series Rob &
Big, then you knew how
unpredictably funny he and
the show was.
The reality series follows
professional skateboarder Rob
Dyrdek and his bodyguard,
Big Black. The two live
together in the Hollywood
Hills and hatch crazy plans.
One week they decide to
teach Meaty the bulldog to
Continue reading online at:
James C. Boyd
Funeral Home Services
Judith Ann
Kent - 70
was held
January 8th
at James C.
Chapel with Brother Reginald
Lewis officiating.
Lula Roland - 71
Funeral Service
was held January
11th at James C.
Boyd’s Memorial
Chapel with
Rev. Ernest King
Davida Lanae
Sewell – 37
Funeral Service
was held
January 11th
at James C.
Boyd’s Memorial
Chapel with Rev.
Joyce Wright
McWhite’s Funeral
Home Services
Lynette Edwaina & Vincent
Lloyd Burrell Funeral service
was held January 11th at Church
of God of Pembroke Pines.
Fannie Princess
was held
January 7th
at McWhite’s
Home Chapel.
Deloris Dyer
was held
January 11th
at McWhite’s
Funeral Home
Vernon Eugene
Hampton, Sr.
Funeral Service
was held
January 7th at
Funeral Home
Elder Shaun C.
Funeral Service
was held
January 11th
Mt Hermon
A.M.E. Church.
Carroll Major Bannister – 85
Funeral service was held January
11th at Roy Mizell & Kurtz
Funeral Home.
Frances A.
Blocker – 87.
John Lewis
Williams, Sr.
- 77
Funeral Service
was held
January 11th
at Roy Mizell
Gloria Jean Berry, Birmingham
Times Copy Editor, Dies at 76
Gloria Jean Berry, a copy editor for The Birmingham
Times, died on January 4. (Provided)
By Birmingham Times
(Source: Birmingham Times)
Continue reading online at:
PAGE 10 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Deeply Rooted
NAACP Urges Biden To Deliver On ‘Critical Promises’ Before Leaving Office
NAACP President Derrick
Johnson is urging President
Joe Biden to deliver on
“critical promises” before the
end of his administration.
On Wednesday (January
8), theGrio released an oped
by Johnson in which he
called on Biden to take action
on key promises, including
police accountability,
clemency for drug offenders,
and eliminating student loan
“Since the beginning
of his administration, the
Department of Justice
has also opened more
Florida – Jamaican-Born
Nesta Leeloo, 108 Years
Old, Second Oldest in US
(Source: nycaribnews)
Oliver Mair, Jamaican
Consul General, lauded
Nesta Leeloo, who celebrated
her 108th birthday on
January 6, 2025, as a brilliant
example of love, family
values, and perseverance.
Born in Mandeville, Jamaica,
and lovingly referred to as
“Mama,” Leeloo immigrated
to the US following her
marriage. In the United
States, she is the secondoldest
living individual.
At 114 years old, Naomi
Whitehead is the oldest
person living in America.
She currently lives in
Greenville, Pennsylvania,
but was born on September
26, 1910, in Georgia.
In the company of her
huge family and community,
Leeloo recently celebrated
her birthday in Tamarac,
South Florida, and thought
NAACP President Derrick Johnson
(Photo: Getty Images)
than a dozen pattern-orpractice
investigations of law enforcement
systemic misconduct with
back on the extraordinary
life she led.
She pondered at her
birthday party, saying, “I
had a wonderful life, I had
wonderful parents, I could
not ask for more.” Her
family and community are
still motivated by her life
philosophy, which is based
on morality and reverence
for her upbringing.
Her current lineage
consists of five great-greatgreat-grandchildren,
great-grandchildren, 23
19 grandkids, and six
children. She was one of
twelve kids.
She said, “They are my
life,” demonstrating the close
relationship she has with
her descendants. Tamarac
Mayor Michelle J. Gomez
proclaimed January 6th to
be “Nesta Leeloo Day” in
honor of her extraordinary
journey, and Mair joined the
festivities to offer birthday
congratulations and a
Johnson wrote Wednesday.
“We are urging President
Biden to include the findings
of those investigations in the
public database, delivering
on his promise to bring about
more transparency and
accountability in policing.”
Johnson’s comments
By Leonard Greene
(Source: Daytona Times)
We can’t have it both
ways. We can’t. When
the Democratic nominee
for president hails from a
historically Black college or
university, we want to puff
out our chests and swell with
“Kamala Harris is a
to limit qualified immunity
for police through the George
Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
The NAACP president has
also recommended clemency
for thousands of cases and the
elimination of student loan
debt ahead of President-elect
Trump’s inauguration.
HBCU band unfairly scorned for accepting
Trump inauguration invite
Even at her advanced
age, Leeloo is quite active.
She still hems jeans for her
daughters and plays the piano
occasionally. She used to be
a seamstress. Additionally,
her enthusiasm for life and
feeling of independence have
not diminished despite the
fact that she recently began
using a walker.
come after Biden signed an
executive order in 2022 that
created a database to track
law enforcement misconduct.
Johnson pushed for the
Biden administration to offer
more transparency on data it
shares publicly. Lawmakers
are still seeking legislation
Bison,” we bragged. “She’s
reppin’ Howard U.”
Some of us had never even
stepped on a Black campus,
but we were as proud as
parents of a newborn baby.
But when the marching
band at Mississippi Valley
State, an HBCU, accepts an
invitation to perform at the
presidential inauguration,
we want to treat them like
a bunch of Uncle Toms who
snitched on a runaway slave.
The harsh backlash
Why? Because the man
being sworn in as president
will be Donald Trump.
“This is not just a moment
of pride for our university
but for the entire state of
Mississippi,” said university
president Jerryl Briggs.
“It is an opportunity
to showcase our legacy,
celebrate our culture, and
invest in the future leaders
of our community. This
participation allows students
to engage in the peaceful
transition of power and
gain global exposure while
celebrating the university’s
75th anniversary.”
German Coast Uprising – 1811
It’s as simple as that.
Yet, when the band went
on social media to raise money
for the trip, some detractors
— let’s just call them haters
— acted like Mississippi
Valley State was betraying
the Black race.
“That is not an excuse to
step and fetch for the most
heinous person in modern
AmeriKKKan history,” one
user on X wrote in response to
the fundraising request.
“No Valley.. Hell Nawl..
This ain’t it..,” another critic
cried on social media. “Not
raising money to go before the
Klan Rally. Raise money for
the betterment of Valley but
not to entertain the MAGA
C’mon. Really? Did the
tuba player raise money for
Donald Trump? Did the guy
on trombone promote Project
It doesn’t help that this
year’s Jan. 20th inauguration
falls on what is also the
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
national holiday.
Excellence in Service
“The Broward Sheriff ’s
Office honors the legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
by providing excellence in
service to our community and
upholding the principles of
justice, equality and peace.”
By Don Valentine
The German Coast
Uprising, also known as
“Andry’s Rebellion”, was
the largest revolt of Black
slaves in the United States.
The land was initially settled
by Germans, and dubbed
“The German Coast. It
began on Manual Andry’s
plantation, near New Orleans.
The leader was Charles
Deslondes, a slave who
worked as a driver (overseer)
on a plantation. The blog
described a “Planter,” as
usually a White man but
sometimes a promoted slave
hand. Charles, a mulatto
enslaved by Manuel Andry,
was a Haitian inspired by the
Haitian Revolution of 1791.
Originally he was owned
by the Deslondes family who
fled Haiti in the wake of the
1804 revolution. Black Past
recorded, “Following months
of secretive plotting, Charles
led a group of enslaved
Headstones for Deterrence
people from the surrounding
plantations toward New
Orleans. The group included
enslaved people born in the
US, the Caribbean, and those
newly brought from Africa.
They left the plantation with
a few guns, pikes, shovels, and
other rudimentary tools, but
most importantly, with the
courage and determination
to free themselves from the
shackles of slavery.”
US History Scene
annotated, “Witnesses
stated that Deslondes united
slaves on his plantation with
runaways who formed a
maroon society in the nearby
swamps. The rebellion also
occurred during harvest,
when slave owners in the
South often gave slaves more
free time. This brief period of
relative autonomy for slaves
is believed to have provided
Deslondes an opportunity to
Charles led his squad
of rebels to kill Master
Andry with an ax. They
scavenged the plantation
for fighting equipment that
included: pikes, axes, and a
few firearms. A remarkable
achievement was organizing
over 500 African people who
spoke 50 different languages.
All the early planning came to
fruition; the fighters, carrying
banners, marching to the beat
of drums, were broken into
sub-units with leaders on
horseback. For two days they
wreaked havoc on the region,
setting plantations on fire as
they marched towards New
The governor called for
army forces, and General
Wade Hampton, leader of
the militia, assembled two
companies of volunteers
and navy sailors to crush
the uprising. Nearly 700
soldiers—more men than the
number of rebels—crushed the
rebellion. A fierce punishment
followed a brief tribunal.
Smithsonian Magazine wrote,
“Their heads were cut off and
placed on poles along the river
to frighten and intimidate
other slaves…” This display of
heads on spikes stretched for
over 60 miles. A dismal side
note: several slaves, imitating
Judas Iscariot, gained
their freedom by providing
information. Apparently,
treachery was the guaranteed
key to emancipation.
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 11
Florida A&M University Students Express Concerns Over
Impacted Race Education Amid Legislative Changes
(Source: Tallahassee
The students at FAMU,
aware of the potential
implications of the new law,
are expressing apprehensions
about how it might impact
the teaching of topics related
to race and American history.
The concerns are rooted in the
fear that political constraints
could interfere with the
university’s core mission of
providing a comprehensive
education, especially in areas
vital to the understanding
of African American
The law’s prohibition on
the use of taxpayer money
for diversity programs and
its constraints on certain
theories related to systemic
issues have sparked a campus-
Howard University Cinema Legends
Honored with NAACP Image Nominations
By Shaun White and
Sholnn Z. Freeman
(Source: HBCU News)
The nominations
for the 56th NAACP
Image Awards have been
announced, spotlighting
Submitted by
Ramon Robinson
Command Sergeant Major
(CSM) Clyde Mitchell, Jr., a
decorated U.S. Army veteran
and influential community
leader, has been recognized
with a custom trading card by
Positivity Pays. This tribute
celebrates his extraordinary
military career, his dedication
to community service, and
his enduring legacy as a
role model. His remarkable
journey is also highlighted
in the acclaimed book, 100
Sergeants Major of Color:
Black Americans Who
Paved the Way for Others
to Follow, which honors
military leaders of color who
have broken barriers and
inspired future generations.
two celebrated Howard
University alumnae, Taraji P.
Henson and Lynn Whitfield,
a third-generation Howard
Both actresses graduated
from what is now Howard
University’s Chadwick A.
Boseman College of Fine
Arts and say Howard inspired
the positive representation of
Black women they bring to
their roles. The NAACP Image
Awards’ mission to honor
outstanding achievements
and performances of people of
color in arts, entertainment,
and culture.
Whitfield (BFA `75)
is a double-nominee this
yer. She in contention for
“Outstanding Supporting
Actress in a Motion Picture”
for her performance in Albany
Road. In the film, she takes on
the role of a mother who has
to work through challenging
family dynamics during a
road trip with her son’s exfiancée.
She is also nominated
Continue reading online at:
Honoring the Legacy of Command
Sergeant Major Clyde Mitchell, Jr.
Continue reading online at:
Congressman Maxwell Frost, Florida Congressional
Democrats Release Statement on Gov. DeSantis
Denying Food Assistance to Vulnerable Children
Submitted by
Samantha Ramirez
— Recently, Congressman
Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-
10) and Florida Congressional
Democrats released the
following statement after
Governor Ron DeSantis opted
out of the Summer Electronic
Benefit Transfer (EBT, or
“Sun Bucks”) summer grocery
benefit program for the
second consecutive year. The
program provides parents
of school-aged children
assistance buying groceries
during the summer, when
school-provided and reducedcost
meals are less available.
“It is sad and alarming
that, for the second
consecutive year, Florida
has once again declined to
participate in the federal
Summer Electronic Benefit
Transfer (EBT) program—a
vital resource that helps fight
hunger among low-income
children and teens. Summer
EBT provides families with
a prepaid card to purchase
food during the summer
months when school is out
and children are no longer
receiving free or reducedprice
meals,” said Frost and
the Members.
“In 2024, approximately
2.2 million children in Florida
were eligible for Summer EBT
benefits, but the Florida State
Legislature and Governor
Ron DeSantis chose not to
participate, denying families
$259 million in essential
support. This is not just a
missed opportunity—it’s a
direct refusal to help those
who need it most,” continued
Frost and the Members.
“Governor DeSantis and
the Republican led Florida
Legislature once again failed
to prioritize the well-being
of our children and families.
Our state has the resources,
the infrastructure, and the
capacity to do better—and yet,
we continue to fall short when
it matters most. Florida’s
families deserve better.”
On January 1, 2025,
Florida officially missed its
final opportunity to receive
Summer 2025 benefits for
families in need, despite
ongoing pleas and the USDA’s
willingness to work with the
State to opt in.
wide conversation. Students are
closely monitoring developments
and seeking assurance that the
guidance stemming from the
legislation will not compromise the
integrity of their education.
This legislative shift reflects
broader discussions and actions
taking place across the country
regarding the boundaries of
diversity and inclusion initiatives
in educational institutions.
Critics argue that such laws stifle
academic freedom and limit the
exploration of critical topics in
the curriculum, particularly those
addressing historical and systemic
issues related to race.
FAMU’s contribution to
African American education is
at risk.
FAMU has a rich legacy and
has played a significant role in
advancing African American
education. The concerns raised
by students indicate the
tension between preserving the
institution’s commitment to
comprehensive education and
navigating the evolving legislative
As the FAMU community
from the Front Page
reflection, and peace. But metaphorically, the “temple”
represents our families, our organizations, and
society itself. And R.A.T.S.—Resentment, Animosity,
Treachery, and Selfishness—are the forces that
threaten to destroy these temples from
Rats, in the literal sense, are
creatures that infest, gnaw, and
devour. They leave destruction in their
wake, spreading disease and chaos.
Metaphorically, R.A.T.S. infest our
society with behaviors and attitudes
that breed division, hatred, and
inequity. They force financial collapse,
annihilate unity, and devastate entire
communities. But worse than material
destruction, they destroy the human
spirit—they destroy dreams.
When R.A.T.S. infest the temple,
people go to war with one another,
driven by selfish desires and unchecked
animosity. As James 4:1 reminds us,
“Where do wars and fights come from
among you? Do they not come from
your desires for pleasure that war in
your members?”
We cannot allow these forces to
fester in our temples. The inauguration
of Donald Trump, marked by divisive
rhetoric and policies that undermined
inclusion and equity, was a wake-up
call. It reminded us that the dream Dr.
King fought for is not inevitable—it
grapples with these concerns,
it adds to the ongoing national
dialogue about the balance
between legislative directives and
the academic freedom necessary to
provide a well-rounded education.
The impact of such legislation
on HBCUs, which often serve
as crucial centers for promoting
diverse perspectives and histories,
underscores the broader challenges
faced by educational institutions
in addressing systemic issues
and ensuring inclusivity in the
must be actively protected and pursued.
To cleanse our temples, we must choose
L.I.F.E.: Love, Introspection, Forgiveness, and
• Love: “He who does not love does not know
God, for God is love” (1 John 4:8). Let love be the
foundation of all our actions.
• Introspection: Examine our own hearts and
actions to ensure we are not harboring R.A.T.S.
within ourselves.
• Forgiveness: Let go of past hurts to move
forward as a united people.
• Endurance: Commit to the long and often
painful process of building a more inclusive and
just society.
Dr. King’s dream was rooted in hope—a hope
that transcends hatred, fear, and division. But
the fulfillment of that dream depends on our
willingness to choose L.I.F.E. over the destructive
forces of R.A.T.S.
Let us honor Dr. King’s legacy by working
to cleanse our temples and rid our society
of Resentment, Animosity, Treachery, and
Selfishness. Only then can we truly celebrate his
dream and ensure its realization for all people,
regardless of race, faith, orientation, or identity.
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day! Let us recommit to the work of
keeping the dream alive.
PAGE 12 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2024
Deeply Rooted
Los Angeles’s Historic Black Community
Devastated by Eaton Canyon Fires
unincorporated community in
the San Gabriel Valley, home
to 42,000 residents, has long
stood as a beacon of Black
homeownership and middleclass
stability. With 18% of
its population identifying
as Black, Altadena also
hosts a diverse community
that includes Latino and
Asian American residents.
Tragically, the Eaton Fire
alone destroyed over 1,000
structures, killed at least five
residents in Altadena and
displaced thousands.
By Stacy M. Brown,
NNPA Newswire Senior
National Correspondent
As flames tore through
the picturesque foothills of
Altadena and Pasadena on
January 7, 2025, the Eaton
Canyon fires left a historic
Black community—rooted in
9 10 12
40 83 101
106 109
the Civil Rights Movement—
nearly wiped out. Among
the hardest-hit areas in Los
Angeles County, Altadena has
seen its many Black-owned
homes, churches, businesses,
“40 For 40 Art Experience” Transforms
Lives at Ali Cultural Arts Center
Written by Willie Brown
The recent “40 for 40 Art Experience”
at Pompano Beach’s Ali Cultural Arts
Center successfully brought together art,
wellness, and community engagement in a
groundbreaking two-hour program. With
support from the Community Foundation
of Broward, 40 students from the Broward
community participated in this innovative
three-part experience combining wellness
activities, outdoor art creation, and personal
Licensed therapists led participants
through yoga, breathing exercises, and sound
meditation during the wellness segment,
focusing on mental and emotional wellbeing.
In the open-air art session, students created
nature-inspired pieces under the guidance
of local artists, exploring various mediums
including drawing, painting, and photography.
The final segment empowered participants
through public speaking exercises where they
shared their reflections and expectations.
The impact of this unique program extends
beyond the event itself, as the artwork created
by participants will be showcased in a 40-day
Image from satellite sources / Google Maps.
public exhibition at the Jan Moran Collier City
Library starting on January 23, 2025, located
at 2800 NW 9 th Ct, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
with a public reception starting at 4:00pm.
This initiative was made possible in part to
the Community Foundation’s 40 th Anniversary
“Spread the Love” grants which exemplifies
their 40-year commitment to fostering arts,
wellness, and nonprofit empowerment in
The program’s success relied on strong
community partnerships, including
collaboration with Kappa Foundation of
Pompano Beach, Go Eminent Foundation,
Ace Hi Records, Major Visibility Productions,
United Way of Broward, NAMI Broward
County, local mental health organizations,
and the Ali Cultural Arts Center itself, which
serves as a vital platform for celebrating
African American culture and enhancing
access to the arts in Pompano Beach.
Through participant feedback surveys and
comprehensive documentation, the program
demonstrated its effectiveness in fostering
self-awareness and strengthening community
bonds while making a lasting impact on
Broward’s cultural landscape.
For new schedules: • Wi-Fi available
and landmarks reduced to
The unincorporated
community in the San
Gabriel Valley, home to
42,000 residents, has long
stood as a beacon of Black
homeownership and middleclass
stability. With 18% of
its population identifying
as Black, Altadena also
hosts a diverse community
that includes Latino and
Asian American residents.
Tragically, the Eaton Fire
alone destroyed over 1,000
structures, killed at least five
Continue reading online at:
The Broward County Canvassing Board will convene at the Supervisor of Elections’ Office, located at 4650 NW
21 st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 at the dates and times listed below for the purposes of preparing for
canvassing the Municipal Elections to be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The times and dates, as well as any
amendments to the Canvassing Board schedule and agenda, will be posted online at the Broward County
Supervisor of Elections website at
Wednesday, 2/19/25
10:00 am to conclusion
Thursday, 2/20/25
through Monday,
8:30 am – 9:00 am
(Monday through Friday
unless noticed otherwise)
Thursday, 2/20/25
through Tuesday,
9:00 am until conclusion
(Monday through Friday
unless noticed otherwise)
Wednesday, 2/26/25
through Friday, 3/14/25
(To be noticed as needed
with at least 48-hour
public notice)
Tuesday, 3/11/25
8:30 am – 9:00 am
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, 3/11/25
after 7:00 pm
Friday, 3/14/25
2:00 p.m. to conclusion
− Canvassing Board to convene for the public Logic & Accuracy Test of the voting
and tabulating equipment to be used for Vote-by-Mail, and Election Day
ballots; and to authorize opening, processing, duplicating, and tabulation of
Vote-by-Mail ballots after the conclusion of testing.
− Canvassing Board to consider procedures regarding the conduct of meetings,
signature and ballot material inspections, and the participation of the public
and authorized observers.
− Canvassing Board to review standards and procedures for determining voter
− Candidate, Political Party, and Political Committee inspection of Vote-by-Mail
ballot envelopes (voter certificates) and signatures prior to daily processing,
opening, and tabulation.
− Inspection of tabulated Vote-by-Mail ballots and ballot materials (by
authorized observers).
− Duplication of Vote-by-Mail ballots (if any).
− Canvassing Board member(s) or alternate(s) to observe the opening, tabulating,
and duplication of Vote-by-Mail ballots (daily unless noticed otherwise).
Canvassing Board to continue canvassing and convene (as needed) to
• Voter/Ballot Challenges/Protests
• Determinations of Voter Intent
• Duplicated ballots
• Duplicated Overseas & Military
• Blank ballots, undervotes,
• Provisional ballots
(Photo: Getty Images)
Step Afrika! to Wow Audiences at The Parker
Setting the Stage for Black History Month
– Audiences won’t want to
miss the opportunity to see
Step Afrika!, the world’s first
professional dance company
dedicated to the tradition of
stepping and one of the top
10 African American dance
companies in the U.S. Step
Afrika! will to kick off Black
History Month, performing
Step Afrika (Photo Credit: Keith Major)
in the Lillian S. Wells Hall
at The Parker on January
29 at 7:30 p.m. as part of
the Broward Center’s Mosaic
Step Afrika! is comprised
of 17 full-time dancers—all
college graduates—many who
attended Historically Black
Colleges and Universities
(HBCU) and are members
of Historically Black Greek
Fraternities and Sororities.
Founded in 1994, as an
exchange program with the
Soweto Dance Theatre of
Johannesburg, Step Afrika!
is the first professional
Dance Company in the world
dedicated to the tradition of
stepping and is the largest
African American-led arts
organization in Washington,
DC, and Washington, DC’s
only cultural ambassador.
As part of the world’s first
interactive stepping exhibit,
thousands experience Step
Afrika! at the Smithsonian
National Museum of African
American History and
Culture each day as part
of the museum’s Explore
More! interactive gallery. In
addition, Step Afrika! engages
50,000 college students across
the nation, teaches teamwork
and discipline to 100 kids as
part of the Summer Steps
with Step Afrika! summer
camp, and expands culturebased
arts education for more
than 20,000 Washington,
DC, Maryland, and Virginia
Continue reading online at:
• Cure Affidavits
• Ballots without a voter
• Envelopes with multiple ballots
• Envelopes without a ballot
• Deceased voter ballots
• Any other relevant matter
− Candidate, Political Party, and Political Committee inspection of Vote-by-Mail
ballot envelopes (voter certificates) and signatures prior to daily processing,
opening, and tabulation.
− Inspection of tabulated Vote-by-Mail ballots and ballot materials (by
authorized observers).
− Announce preliminary results of Vote-by-Mail and Election Day.
− Order recount(s) if necessary and identify dates/times for recount(s).
− Conclude any machine and manual recounts
− Certification of Official Election Results.
− Conduct Post-Election Automated Independent Audit, if no manual recount is
Call Customer Service at 954-357-8400 • TTY 954-357-8302, Florida Relay: 711
Coconut Creek, Deerfield Beach, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, and Sea Ranch Lakes
Deeply Rooted
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 13
Dr. Myron Rolle’s journey from NFL player to neurosurgeon
By Stephanie Claytor/
Florida Courier
(Source: Florida Courier)
Remember the star Florida
State football player Myron
Rolle, who decided to postpone
entering the NFL Draft to
pursue a Rhodes Scholarship?
Well, his pursuit of academic
excellence has led Dr.
Rolle to the completion of a
neurosurgery residency program
at Harvard Medical
School/Massachusetts General
Hospital in June, and
now, a pediatric neurosurgery
fellowship at Johns Hopkins
All Children’s Hospital in St.
According to Johns Hopkins
Medicine, there are only about
300 pediatric neurosurgeons
02/06/2025 at 09:00 AM the following vehicles(s)
may be sold at public sale art 3759
33311 for the amount owed on each vehicle
to satisfy the lien for repairs, services and
storage charges and any administrative fees
allowed pursuant to Florida Statute 713.585.
4JGDA5JB7HA835798 2017 MERZ 7728.52
The name, address and telephone number
and public sale location of the repair shop
claiming the lien for unpaid charges is:
Lienor Name: HAM 73 LLC
Lienor Address: 3759 NW 16TH ST #2,
Liemor Telephone #: 954-822-5624
Location of Vehicles: 3759 NW 16TH ST STE
2, LAUDERHILL, FL 33311-4136
The customer or person claiming an interest,
or a lien may redeem the vehicle by satisfying
the amount due in cash on or before the
sale date and time. The customer or person
claiming an interest in or lien on a vehicle may
file a demand for a hearing with the Clerk of
Court in the BROWARD County where the
vehicle is held to determine whether the vehicle
has been wrongfully taken or withheld
from him or her. At any time before the date
of sale a customer or person of record claiming
a lien on the vehicle may post a cash or
surety bond in the amount stated on the invoice
with the Clerk of Circuit Court where
the disputed transaction occured.
January 16, 2025
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practicing in the United
States. Influenced after
reading the autobiography
of Ben Carson, at 11 years
old, Rolle knew he wanted to
become a neurosurgeon.
The pursuit of two dreams
But Rolle also desired to
be a star football player in
the NFL. Upon graduating
from high school, and rated
by ESPN as the number
one football recruit in the
United States in 2006, Rolle
ciphered through 83 football
scholarship offers, according
to a news release, to select
Florida State University.
A star defensive back for the
Seminoles, he was projected
Petitioner/Former Wife
Respondent/Former Husband
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for
been filed against you and that you are required
to serve a copy of your written defenses,
if any, to the Attotnry of the Petitioner,
Edward A. Lopez, Esq., whose address is
3440 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 415, Hollywood,
FL 33021 on or before FEBRUARY
27, 2025 and file the original with the clerk
of this Court at Broward County Courthouse,
201 Southeast Sixth Street, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33301. If you fail to
do so, a default may be entered against you
for the relief demanded in the petition.
Copies of all court documents in the case,
including orders, are available at the Clerk of
the Circuit Court’s office. You may review
these documents upon request.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
Court’s office notified of your current address.
(You may file Notice of Current Address,
Florida Supreme Court Approved
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in
this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on
record at the clerk’s office.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family
Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain
automatic disclosure of documents and information.
Failure to comply can result in
sanctions, including dismissal or striking of
Dated January 13, 2025
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Marilyn D. Robinson, Deputy Clerk
January 16, 23, 30, February 6, 2025
Office Space
for Rent, Good
Location, Across the
Street from the Sheriff
Office, 245 N.W.
27 th Avenue, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
$1500 per month,
First and Last Security to enter.
Call Mrs. Francis (754) 214-1386.
to be drafted in the first round
of the NFL Draft, the release
Rolle decided to accept the
prestigious postgraduate
Rhodes scholarship in 2009,
where students from around
the world are chosen to study
for a year at the University of
Oxford in England.
According to the Rhodes
Trust, fewer than 2 percent
of American applicants
are chosen; some famous
recipients include former
President Bill Clinton, U.S.
Senator Cory Booker, U.S.
Secretary of Transportation
Pete Buttigieg, and NBA star
and U.S. Senator Bill Bradley.
Upon heading to England,
Rolle worked out and hoped
that he’d still be selected
high up in the draft when he
returned. But that’s not what
The Tennessee Titans drafted
Rolle in the sixth round of the
2010 NFL Draft.
“It was definitely a blow to
my athletic career by spending
that time in Oxford,” Rolle told
the hospital’s communication
staff in the news release.
Rolle played the position of
safety and was assigned to the
practice squad, while playing
for the Titans for a season;
the Titans released him from
the roster in September 2011.
Then he was cut from the
Pittsburgh Steelers in 2012.
Rolle recalled being asked
by coaches about meeting
Clinton or traveling with
celebrities on a humanitarian
trip to Africa, instead of
defensive schemes or recovering
from injuries like
they asked other players.
JANUARY 16, 2025
ARIES-At work, some matters have been on
hold but now you will get the green light.
Continue to work as diligently as you have
been in the pass to ensure success. Have faith
that your plans are on target.18, 53, 54
TAURUS-A message this week may necessitate
travel on your part, and you may feel obligated
to do something you don’t want to. Let the
energy flow past you and do what you think
is best. 9, 22, 41
GEMINI-Use better judgment with regard to
financial matters. Stop rationalizing. Money
is important. Do something about the fact
that you might find yourself broke more often
than you wish. 1, 22, 51
CANCER-This week make your spiritual
interest pay off in cash. Enough of goodness
for goodness sake. You’ve got bills to pay.
People expect generosity from a big hearted
person like you.1, 3, 8
LEO-Compromise to get what you want this
week. You’ll want to meet others half-way,
and in the long run, you’ll get what you want
anyway. 6, 17, 43
VIRGO-Money matters may seem a little
unstable this week; postpone a shopping trip.
On the plus side, however, your friends are
unusually supportive and wonderful. You’ll
enjoy conversations and being with another,
especially after dark!19, 30, 50
LIBRA-Personal goals are important to you
this week, and you’ll want to budget some
time to spend on formulating plans for your
brilliant future. Something that happens
without your knowledge is going to prove to
be a huge benefit. 7, 40, 43
SCORPIO-Your straight-up attitude is going to
come in handy this week. Plain talk is favored;
keep it simple so others will understand
where you’re coming from. 1, 29, 31
SAGITTARIUS-This is a good week to think
about long-term plans. Your mind is clear and
your vision of things to come will be lighted
by your razor-sharp instincts. 17, 18, 20
CAPRICORN-The clever way you think could
expose you to an experience for you unlike
any you’ve had recently. Move forward. Get
into it. Don’t doubt your ability to handle it.
Don’t let your mind get crowded with too
much useless information. 6, 21, 34
AQUARIUS-If someone has told you that you
are more mental than emotional, believe
them. This week especially your mind will be
working a mile a minute to make sure that
what you feel is good for you to feel. 3, 45, 51
PISCES-Usually you’re not much for gambling.
You like to investigate and make sure before
you make your move. This week you are
lucky. Move on impulse. Follow your heart.
Pay close attention to the love needs of your
mate this week. 12, 32, 53
Rolle believes the NFL treated
him differently because it was
afraid of him getting hurt and
what that would do to the
league’s image, according to
the release. His stint in the
NFL came simultaneously
with the rise in awareness
of the dangers of concussions
and chronic traumatic
encephalopathy or CTE, a
neurodegenerative disease
believed to be caused by
repeated injuries to the head.
“If something had happened
to me where I was no longer
able to fulfill that dream, then
it would be a terrible media
hit for the NFL,” Rolle stated.
“It’s a league that wants to
protect its image at all costs.”
‘The 2% Way’
After being cut by the
Steelers, Rolle decided to no
Continue reading online at:
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1 1
Pick 2
38 39
57 58 59
89 99 00 02
09 11 12 13 14 15
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Dr. Myron Rolle is a pediatric neurosurgery fellow at Johns Hopkins All
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PAGE 14 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Deeply Rooted
For the Week oF January 14 - 20, 2025
2 0 2 4 - 2 5 B L A C K C O L L E G E B A S K E T B A L L (Men's Standings and Weekly Honors)
Spring Hill Sports Photo
point guard has led Norfolk
State to 16-4 start, 4-0 in the
MEAC. and to Top Ten Mid-
Major ranking.
Virginia State 0 0 5 0 10 4
Lincoln (PA) 0 0 5 0 11 5
Bluefield State 0 0 2 2 9 5
Elizabeth City State 0 0 2 4 8 6
Virginia Union 0 0 1 2 7 8
Bowie State 0 0 1 4 8 8
Shaw 0 0 3 2 8 7
Fayetteville State 1 0 3 3 10 6
Claflin 0 0 3 3 9 7
Johnson C. Smith 0 1 3 2 7 6
Livingstone 0 0 1 5 9 8
Winston-Salem State 0 0 0 1 2 10
Rell Williams, 6-3, Jr., G, BLST - 24 points on 9
of 13 FG, 1-3 3s, 7-9 FTs, 9 assists, 5 rebounds,
1 steal vs. King (TN).
Peter Sorber, Sr., F, LINCP - Averaged 14.5
points, 8.0 rebounds in two wins with 12 points,
10 rebounds vs. WSSU, 17 points, 6 rebounds
vs. FSU.
Jahmire Brewer, 6-7, Fr., F, LINCP - Had 7
points, 7 rebounds, in win vs. WSSU Monday.
Howard 3 0 8 9
S. C. State 3 1 9 10
Norfolk State 3 1 12 8
N. C. Central 2 2 9 12
Morgan State 2 2 8 12
Delaware State 1 3 8 10
Coppin State 1 3 2 16
Md. E-Shore 0 3 4 15
OFFENSIVE PLAYERS Kameron Hobbs, 5-10,
R-Sr., G, MSU - Led Bears with 24 points Sat. in loss
at Howard and then led with 23 points, 8 rebounds
in handing NSU its first MEAC loss Mon. Marcus
Dockery, 6-2, Sr., G, HOW - Back-to-back 25-point
games in wins over MSU and CSU hitting (9-15, 3-5
3s, 4-6 FTs) and 8-11, 6-8 3s, 2-3 FT)
Blake Harper, 6-2, Fr., G, HOW - Had 23
points (7-12 FG, 8-11 FTs), 7 rebounds, 6
assists in win over MSU Sat., 25 points, 12
rebounds in win over CSU Monday. Leads
league in scoring (19.1 ppg.) and rebounding
(6.9 rpg.)
Daniel Akitoby, 6-9, Sr., C, MSU - 10 rebounds,
six blocks in 2 OT win vs. NCCU, 17
points, 10 rebounds, 2 blocks in loss to HU.
Clark Atlanta 7 1 10 5
Edward Waters 6 2 10 5
Morehouse 6 2 8 7
Albany State 6 3 9 7
Fort Valley State 3 4 4 10
Savannah State 4 6 6 8
Benedict 3 6 3 12
Allen 1 6 3 8
Miles 9 1 12 3
Kentucky State 5 5 8 7
Tuskegee 4 4 6 8
Central State 4 6 7 9
Spring Hill 3 6 5 9
LeMoyne-Owen 3 7 3 13
Lane 2 7 2 12
PLAYER Alvin Miles, 5-11, Sr., G, MILES
- Scored 28 points with 8 rebounds and 5
assists and 2 steals in 2 OT win vs. CSU
Monday, 11 points, 3 boards in win over
KSU Sunday.
DEFENSE Blaise Wallace, 6-7, So., F,
ALB - Averaged double-double of 16.0
points, 12.5 rebounds in two games with 18
points, 14 rebounds in win Sav. State, 14
points, 11 rebounds in loss vs. EWU.
Southern 4 0 9 8
Jackson State 3 0 3 13
Prairie View A&M 3 1 4 13
Bethune-Cookman 2 1 5 11
Texas Southern 2 1 5 11
Alcorn State 2 1 2 14
Alabama A&M 2 2 6 11
Alabama State 2 2 6 11
Grambling State 1 3 4 13
Florida A&M 0 3 3 11
Arkansas-Pine Bluff 0 3 3 13
Miss. Valley State 0 4 2 15
Tanahj Pettaway, 6-2, Gr., PG, PVA&M -
Averaged 27.5 points, 9.0 rebounds in two
wins with 33 points, 11 rebounds vs. UAPB,
22 points, 7 rebounds vs. MVSU.
Daeshun Ruffin, 5-11, Jr., G, JSU - 11
points, 2 rebounds, 5 assists vs. ALST, 17
points, 4 rebs., 4 steals in 3 OT win vs.
Dorian McMillan, 6-3, Fr., G, JSU - Led Tigers
with 23 points with 7 rebounds, 2 steals
in win over ALST, 5 pts., 2 boards vs. AA&M.
Langston - 1st 9 2 13 2
Florida Memorial - 3rd 4 2 11 4
Lincoln (Mo.) - T5th 4 3 12 3
W. Virginia State - 7th 3 4 6 7
Hampton - 9th 1 2 8 7
NC A&T - 11th 0 5 4 14
Tennessee State - T8th 2 4 6 11
6-2, Jr., G, LINCM - Averaged 17.0 points
and 6.5 rebounds in two wins with 12 points,
7 rebounds vs. SW Baptist, 22 points, 6 rebounds
vs. Drury.
Ryan Forrest, 6-4, So., G, NC A&T - In 0-2
week, averaged 26.5 points, 4.5 rebounds,
2.5 assists with 26 points, 3, rebounds 3 assists
vs. Delaware, 27 points, 6 rebounds, 2
assists and blocks vs. W&M.
Raleigh, NC – On Tuesday of last week, Shaw
University announced that Lamar
Manigo would be returning to become
the Bears' new head football coach.
He returns to Shaw where he
previously served as the offensive
coordinator from 2016 to 2021,
leading the Bears to some of their
best offensive statistical seasons in
program history.
Most recently, Manigo served as the assistant head
coach, offensive coordinator, and quarterbacks coach at
Virginia State University, where he played an integral role
in the Trojans' resurgence as a powerhouse most recently
winning the CIAA regular season title and appearing
in the 2024 CIAA championship game. Known for his
innovative offensive strategies and ability to inspire his
players, Manigo is widely regarded as one of the brightest
minds in college football coaching today.
"I am honored and excited to return to Shaw
University as head football coach," Manigo said. "This is
a homecoming for me, and I look forward to working with
our talented student-athletes to build a program that makes
our university and alumni proud.
Shaw will host an introductory press conference for
Manigo on January 21, 2025, at 11 a.m. inside historic
Estey Hall on campus.
Shawn Gibbs, the new football head coach at North
Carolina A&T, and Michael Vick, the new head coach
at Norfolk State, have released their much-anticipated
coaching staffs.
"I hired guys with experience and mental toughness
who understand the game of football," Vick said. "The one
thing I know is that they are going to put these guys in a
position to win. We all have the same mindset, and I felt it
was only right to hire guys who thought like me and want
to lead like me. I'm extremely proud of these guys, and I'm
excited for them."
"I'm excited about the staff we have assembled here,"
Gibbs said in a statement released by the university.
"We have several guys who have ties to A&T and have
accomplished many things as players and coaches in the
HBCU world and in the pros as players."
Michael Vick, Head Coach, Norfolk State
Terence Garvin (Defensive Coordinator); Elton Brown (Offensive Line); Jabo Smith
(Defensive Backs); Izaan Cross – Defensive Line); LaRoy Reynolds (Linebackers);
Darryl Bullock (Asst. Head Coach); Steve Adams (Special Teams / Recruiting
Coordinator); DeMarcus McMillan (Director of Football Operations)
Shawn Gibbs, Head Coach, North Carolina A&T
Denzel Jones (Defensive Coordinator); Tony McRae (Defensvie Backs); Ron Mattes
(Offensive Line); Nate Poole (Receivers); Keith Henry (Running Backs); Terry Lantz
(Linebackers); Stephen Barnette (Tight Ends); Alex Purviance (Asst. LBs); Greg
McGhee (Offensive Coordinator); O. C. Williams (Defensie Line); Theric Holt (Director
of Football Operations).
Javonnie Gibson, - 6-3, 205, R-So., WR Ark.-Pine Bluff Oklahoma
70 rec. (T1st), 1,215 yds. (1st), 9 TDs (2nd), 17.4 ypc. (6th), 5.8 rpg. (T1st), 101.3 ypg. (1st)
1st team all-SWAC
Reginald Vick, Jr., 6-3, 185, R-Jr., WR Virginia Union Wake Forest
48 rec. (2nd), 1,164 yds (1st), 12 TDs (1st), 24.2 ypc. (2nd), 4.0 cpg. (4rh), 97.0 ypg. (2nd)
1st team all-CIAA
Caden High, 5-10, 160, So., WR S. C. State Stanford
62 rec. (1st), 908 yds. (1st), 7 TDs (1st), 14.6 ypc.(9th), 5.2 cpg. (1st), 75.7 ypg. (1st)
1st team all-MEAC
Nathan Rembert, 5-9, 170, So., WR Miss. Valley State Jackson State
70 rec. (T-1st in SWAC), 1,038 yds. (2nd), 4 TDs (T6th), 14.8 ypc., (12th), 5.8 cpg. (T8), 86.5 ypg. (2nd)
1st team all-SWAC
J'Mari Taylor, 5-11, 200, R-Jr., RB NC Central Virginia
196 car. (1st in MEAC), 1,146 yds. (2nd), 5.8 ypc. (3rd), 15 TDs (1st), 104.2 ypg. (1st)
1st team all-MEAC
Andrew Jones, 6-2, 220, R-Jr., LB Grambling State South Carolina
122 tackles (1st in SWAC), 57 solos (1st), 65 assists (1st), 20.5 TFL, 1.71 tpg. (2nd), 10.2 tpg., (1st), 3 sacks
1st team all-SWAC - Co-Defensive Player of the Year
William Davis, 5-10, 195, Jr., DB Virginia Union West Virginia
56 tackles, 39 solos, 17 assists, 11.5 TFL, 2 ints., 1 sack, 1 FF (CIAA)
1st team all-CIAA
Karon Prunty, 6-2, 180, R-Sr., DB N. C. A&T Wake Forest
27 tackles, 23 solos, 4 assists, 10 TFL, 1.0 sacks, 1 int., 4 BU (CAA)
3rd team all-CAA
Malachi Bailey, 6-2, 180, R-Sr., DB Alcorn State Arizona
19.5 TFL (3rd in SWAC), 9.5 sacks (3rd), .79 spg. (3rd)
1st team all-SWAC
Women hoopsters leading the way
BCSP Editor
Unbeaten ladies teams in conference play are leading the way in the early
The Lady Panthers of Virginia Union are off to a 4-0 start in conference
play. Preseason all-CIAA six-foot grad forward Taniyah Greene is leading
VUU in scoring at 15.7 points per game. Five-seven grad guard Rori Cox
(11.4 ppg.) and 5-5 senior point guard Nevaeh Reaves (10.3 ppg.) are the
other double-figure scorers. Greene also pulls down 7.6 rebounds per game,
fifth best in the conference.
Bowie State (5-1), with its only loss to Fayetteville State in league play,
is right behind VUU in the N. Div. race. Five-three senior guard Destiny
Ryles (18.6 ppg.) is the scoring leader, third in league stats. Five-eight junior
guard Mia Smith (10.4 ppg.) also scores in double-digits and is tied for the
lead in assists (3.8 pg.).
Virginia State (3-1) is just behind VUU. Six-foot junior forward Carmen
Kweti is averaging 7.2 points and a league-best 12.2 rebounds per game.
Three VSU players selected to the preseason all-CIAA team lead in scoring.
Five-nine senior backcourt ace Anil Harris (13.9 ppg.) is the Trojans' scoring
leader followed by 6-1 senior frontcourter Amesha Miller (13.1 ppg.) and
5-5 junior point guard Mihjae Hayes (9.7 ppg.). Hayes is tied for first in the
league at 3.7 assists per game.
VUU is at VSU Saturday (1:05 p.m.) in a key N. Div. match-up and is
at Bowie State Wednesday. VSU hosts Winston-Salem State Thursday (5:30
Norfolk State (4-0), and Howard (3-0), teams that have met in the last
two MEAC Tournament finals (both wins by NSU) are setting the early pace
in the MEAC.
The start for Larry Vickers' NSU ladies has included wins over two
SEC schools (Auburn and Missouri) and has been led by the dynamic duo of
Diamond Johnson and Kierra Wheeler. Johnson, the 5-5 grad senior point
guard is leading the league at 18.6 points per game and is second at 4.2 assists
per game. Johnson is shooting fourth in shooting (.342) from behind the arc.
Wheeler, the 6-1 senior forward is posting a near double-double of 15.1 ppg.
(5th) and 9.1 rebounds per game (2nd) while leading the MEAC in blocks at
2.7 pg.
The Lady Spartans were up to eighth last week in the College Insider's
Mid Major Top 25, the only black college team to make the poll.
Howard head coach Ty Grace's Lady Bison have been buoyed by the
return of 6-foot senior guard Destiny Howell, the 2022-23 MEAC player of
the year who sat out the 2023-24 season with a knee injury. She has returned
to form scoring at 15.4 points per game. Howell also connects on 84.1% (2nd)
at the line. Five-seven freshman guard Saniyah King has been a revelation
scoring 11.2 points per game and dishing out a league-best 5.0 assists per
game. Six-two junior forward Zennia Thomas checks in at 9.5 ppg., a teambest
7.1 rpg. (6th) while shooting .459 (2nd)from the field.
Howard and Norfolk State are headed for a showdown on Sat., Jan. 25 in
Norfolk's gym (2 p.m.)
Jackson State and Texas Southern, both at 3-0 sit atop the early SWAC
women's standings.
New JSU head coach Margaret Richards is continuing the Lady Tigers
recent success that included the 2023-24 tournament title under departed head
coach Tomekia Reed. Five-eight senior guard Taleah Dilworth, a Kentucky
State transfer, is leading the league in scoring at 14.6 points per game. She
is currently the only Lady Tiger scoring in double digits. Dilworth's .473
shooting percentage is also best in the SWAC.
Third-year head coach Vernette Skeete has TSU off to a 3-0 start with
home wins over Grambling (85-74) and Southern (55-51) and a road win
at Miss. Valley State (80-54). Five-eight grad guard Courtlyn Loudermill
has been setting the pace scoring at 13.5 points per game, fourth-best in the
SWAC. Five-eleven sophomore guard Aylasia Fantroy is getting 10.9 ppg.
and 5.3 rebounds per game.
JSU is at TSU Thursday in a the match-up of SWAC leaders.
The SIAC is the only black college conference without a team with an
unblemished conference record. The best records are currently held by Clark
Atlanta (6-2) in the East and Miles (7-2) in the West.
CAU has won five consecutive SIAC games after losing to Central State
(66-64) and Lane (77-67) in December. Five-nine sophomore wing Atreonia
Garner (15.3 ppg.), 6-foot grad student Corianna Evans (11.9 ppg.) and 5-6
grad point guard Trinity Jones (11.0 ppg.) lead the Lady Panthers in scoring.
CAU is second at 68.3 ppg. in league scoring while Clark leads in field goal
percentage (.563).
Miles head coach Pete Asmond has only senior swing Feliah Greer
(10.7 ppg.) scoring in double digits. Senior guard Iemyiah Harris leads the
SIAC canning 2.8 3s per game while making 30 of 85 attempts (.315).
CAU is at Savannah State Thursday (2 p.m.) and at Edward Waters
Monday (5:30 p.m.). Miles hosts LeMoyne Owen Monday (6:30 p.m.).
Florida Memorial (6-0) in the Sun Conference and North Carolina
A&T (4-0) in the CAA are on top of the standings in their conferences.
FMU has a balanced line-up with three double-figure scorers led
by senior point guard Kamesha Moore's 12.7 ppg. Seven others average
between 10.8 and 7.1 ppg. Five-eleven center Agar Farres-Garcia pulls
down a league-best 11.2 rebounds per game. Five-nine do-everything senior
guard Jordyn Dorsey is scoring 15.7 points per game, third-best in the CAA,
to lead the Lady Aggies while shooting .792 from the line, second-best. Sixfoot
soph forward Paris Locke (10.5 ppg.) and 6-4 redshirt junior center
Chaniya Clark (9.5 ppg., 6.8 rpg.) are key contributors.
2 0 2 4 - 2 5 B L A C K C O L L E G E B A S K E T B A L L (Women's Standings and Weekly Honors)
Virginia Union 0 0 4 0 10 3
Bowie State 0 0 5 1 11 7
Virginia State 0 0 3 1 10 3
Elizabeth City State 0 0 4 2 7 7
Lincoln (PA) 0 0 4 2 7 8
Bluefield State 0 0 0 4 6 8
Fayetteville State 1 0 3 2 7 6
Claflin 0 0 3 3 7 6
Livingstone 0 0 2 2 4 9
Shaw 0 0 2 3 5 9
Johnson C. Smith 0 1 0 5 3 8
Winston-Salem State 0 0 0 4 3 9
Anyssa Fields, 6-0, Sr., G, LINCP - 24 points, 13
rebounds in win vs. FSU.
Carmen Kweti, 6-0, Jr., F, VSU - In two wins
averaged 15.0 points, 13.0 rebounds, 4.5 blocks
with 20 rebs., 12 pts., 3 blks. vs. Livingstone, 10
pts., 14 rebs., 6 blks., 3 steals vs. WVSU.
Kanyah O'Neal, 5-8, So., G, FSU - 6 points, 4
steals, 3 assists, 1 rebounds in loss vs. LINCP.
Norfolk State 4 0 16 4
Howard 3 0 10 8
Coppin State 2 2 11 9
Morgan State 2 2 9 10
N. C. Central 2 2 4 14
Md. E-Shore 1 2 6 12
S. C. State 1 3 2 18
Delaware State 0 4 3 14
Kyla Bryant, 5-8, Gr., G, NCCU - Averaged
27.0 points, 4.0 assists and 6.5 rebounds with
22 pts., 3 assists, 6 rebs. vs. DSU, 32 pts., 7
rebs., 5 assists in 2 OT win vs. UMES.
Diamond Johnson, Gr., G, NSU - In 2-0
week, averaged 22.5 points, 3.5 assists, 3.5
rebounds and 4.5 steals. Had 24 pts., 5 rebs.,
7 assists vs. MSU, 21 vs. CSU.
Saniya King, Fr., G, HOW - 23 pts., 4 assists,
4 steals, 3 rebs., in win over MSU, 17 pts., 5
rebs., 6 assists vs. CSU.
Kierra Wheeler, 6-1, Sr., F, NSU - Averaged
21.5 pts., 13.5 rebs., 1.5 blks., in two wins with
24 pts., 13 rebs.,, 1 steal, 2 blocks vs. MSU,
19 pts., 14 rebs,. 1 blk., 2 steals vs. CSU.
Clark Atlanta 6 2 12 4
Allen 4 3 9 5
Edward Waters 5 4 8 5
Albany State 4 4 7 7
Benedict 3 5 5 8
Savannah State 3 6 7 8
Fort Valley State 3 6 6 9
Miles 7 2 10 3
Central State 6 3 7 7
Lane 5 3 9 5
Spring Hill 4 4 5 10
Tuskegee 3 4 6 8
Kentucky State 3 5 4 10
LeMoyne-Owen 2 7 5 12
Atreonia Garner 5-9, So., G/F, CLATL
- In 2-0 week averaged 17.5 points, 4.0
rebounds, 2.5 steals with 19 points, 5 rebounds,
2 steals vs.SHC, 16 points, 3 rebounds,
3 steals vs.Benedict.
Faith Bland, 5-10, Gr., G/Fd, CLATL - 11
pts., 9 rebs., 4 stls., 2 blks. vs. Benedict, 5
pts., 4 rebs., 2 steals, 2 blocks vs. SHC.
Greene Wheeler Dilworth Garner Dorsey
DURANT ON DARNOLD!! Los Angeles defensive back COBIE
DURANT (#14, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE) flew off the Vikings right edge
to bring down Minnesota QB Sam Darnold (#14) for a sack in the second
quarter of the Rams’ 27-9 thrashing of the Vikes Monday. It was one of nine
sacks for the Rams in the game. Durant also had an interception in the quarter.
For Wildcard playoff games of January 11-13, 2025
– #14 COBIE DURANT, DB, LA Rams (3rd season, SOUTH
CAROLINA STATE) - In the Rams’ 27-9 win Monday over Minnesota,
Durant had an outstanding game with two tackles, one solo, a sack
where he came off the edge and took down Vikings QB Sam Darnold
for a 12-yard loss in the second quarter. Durant also had a secondquarter
interception while playing 44 defensive snaps (59%) and 11 on
special teams (46%).
– #71 TYTUS HOWARD, OL, Houston (6th season, ALABAMA
STATE) - In Houston’s 32-12 win over the Los Angeles Chargers
Saturday, Howard started at left offensive guard as the Texans
rushed for 168 yards on 34 carries with one TD and passed for 282
yards and one TD while the Texans’ line gave up three sacks for -21
yards. Howard was in on all 73 offensive plays (100%) and six on
special teams (21%) in the first round playoff win.
– #19 XAVIER SMITH, WR/KR, Los Angeles Rams (3rd season,
FLORIDA A&M) - In the Rams’ 27-9 win Monday over Minnesota,
Smith had one punt return for 8 yards while getting in on two plays
on offense (4%) and 17 on special teams (71%).
Jackson State 3 0 5 9
Texas Southern 3 0 4 10
Alabama A&M 3 1 10 6
Southern 3 1 5 12
Alabama State 2 2 4 12
Grambling State 2 2 5 10
Florida A&M 1 2 4 10
Bethune-Cookman 1 2 4 11
Alcorn State 1 2 3 11
Miss. Valley State 1 3 2 13
Prairie View A&M 1 3 4 9
Arkansas-Pine Bliuff 0 3 2 11
Taleah Dilworth, 5-8, Sr., G, JSU - KSU
transfer avgd. 16.5 points, 3.0 boards, 2.5
steals in two wins with 14 pts., 3 rebs, 2
steals vs. ALST, 19 pts., 3 boards, 3 steals
vs. AA&M.
Treasure Thompson, 6-2, Sr., F, TSU - 15
points, 11 rebounds, 4 blocks, 1 steal vs.
NA photo
Florida Memorial - 1st 6 0 13 1
NC A&T - 1st 4 0 8 7
Hampton - 9th 0 2 4 9
Langston - 2nd 10 1 14 1
W. Virginia State - 9th 2 5 6 6
Tennessee State - T10th 0 6 4 12
Lincoln (Mo.) - 15th 0 7 1 12
Chaniya Clark, 6-4, R-Jr., C, NC A&T
- In two wins averaged 12.5 points, 9.0 rebounds
with 8 points, 8 rebounds vs. Delaware,
17 points, 10 rebounds vs. Towson.
Mikayla Woods, 5-7, Gr., C, LANG - Averaged
double-double of 11.5 points, 11.5
rebounds in two wins with 11 points, 11
boards, 5 assists, 9 steals vs. Science &
Arts, 14 points, 12 rebounds, 3 steals vs.
SW Christian.
© AZEEZ Communications, Inc. Vol. XXXI, No. 24
Nunnie on the Sideline
By Nunnie Robinson, Westside Gazette Sports Editor
The critics and naysayers, specifically
sports writers and pundits, are
unleashing their verbal assaults at
the Steelers’ continuing saga of losing
first round playoff games with specific
vitriol directed toward head coach
Mike Tomlin and quarterback Russell
Wilson. After enjoying early success
with a 10-3 start, Pittsburgh has
suffered 5 consecutive losses including
this week’s WildCard defeat at the
hands of the rival Baltimore Ravens
28-14. Closer scrutiny of their recent
tailspin reveals an average to good
team incapable talent wise of defeating the best AFC teams.
Losing to the 2 inferior opponents in regular season - the Colts
and Browns - left no room for error. Their 4 regular season
consecutive defeats came against the Eagles, Ravens, Chiefs
and Bengals, all highly seeded and playoff bound except for the
Bengals, a hot team on a winning streak fighting for a playoff
spot along with the Dolphins and Broncos. The Steelers are a
well coached but flawed team needing improvement in several
areas: offensive line, receiver, and secondary. Name a starting
quarterback who could have done better with this Steelers
team as presently constructed. And Mike Tomlin is a coaching
guru, an icon, who has the right to write his own ending in
Pittsburgh. Besides, half of the NFL teams didn’t even make
the playoffs. The studio experts need to temper their bias and
righteous indignation. We all realize that the NFL is a bottom
line business.Two reporters on Around the Horn picked the Los
Angelas Chargers over the Houston Texans Saturday because
the coach and quarterback were better. Demeco Ryans and CJ
Stroud proved otherwise.
The Rooney Rule, designed to ensure minority inclusion in
interviewing/hiring, is a useless and hypocritical sports concept.
Why do you think that way Nunnie, you may be conjecturing.
The Patriots interviewed 2 minority coaches, then summarily
hired Mike Vrabel, former New England SB winning player
and Tennessee Titans coach. It was foregone conclusion!
My pick to win the Super Bowl is Lamar
Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens. They are on a collision
coarse with the Buffalo Bills en route to the AFC Championship.
My ambivalence in the semi final contest between Penn St.
and Notre Dame left me twisted, knotted up and exhausted.
I thought the Fighting Irish’s Marcus Freeman could survive
a loss, while James Franklin was under much more scrutiny
because of his abysmal record in big games. Though his junior
quarterback failed him, the head coach always gets the blame.
Franklin suffers another heartbreaking, devastating defeat,
leaving the historic first CFP championship to be played
between 2 storied programs -Ohio State and Notre Dame.
Go Irish!!!
Angel Reese, Gabby
Thomas Cover
‘Vogue’ Winter Issue
By Jovonne Ledet
(Source: Black Information Network)
Basketball star Angel Reese and Olympic sprinter Gabby
Thomas are gracing the cover of Vogue’s Winter Issue.
On Wednesday (January 8), Vogue released its Winter Issue,
“How Sports and Fashion Fell in Love,” featuring stories from
Reese, Thomas, and other athletes highlighting the intersection
of sports and fashion.
“Now the stadium is the runway: The “tunnel ’fit,” the pregame
looks athletes wear ambling from team bus to locker room, has
turned NFL and NBA players into tastemakers, with stylists
pulling items straight from Paris shows and millions following
fan accounts like @leaguefits,” Vogue reports.
Reese, who just finished her rookie season on the Chicago
Sky, said: “It’s always been both: basketball and fashion.”
While she grew up around basketball, Reese said she also loved
fashion as a young girl. The WNBA star earned the nickname
“Bayou Barbie” as she glammed up for games during her college
basketball career at LSU.
“I was always in my mom’s closet, putting on her stuff. I liked
to carry a purse. Hair done. I wanted to look put together. I still
do,” Reese said.
Thomas, who earned three gold medals during the Paris
Olympics, said she’s been enjoying taking on fashion shows
and modeling during her free time.
“I’ve been so in athlete-world, I feel like I’m just starting
to get a sense of what I like,” Thomas told Vogue. “Not that I
don’t have my own style. I do, but then I put on something like
that white Carolina Herrera dress that I wore to the show, and
it’s like, Oh, oh-kaay. Since then I’ve been doing more ‘pretty’
looks. And more polished. Same with the hair and makeup, I’m
growing with that too.”
Top-ranked tennis player Frances Tiafoe also covered Vogue’s
Winter Issue, sharing his love for the intersection of fashion
and sports.
“If I’m in the city during Fashion Week, I’m not not going,”
Tiafoe, who headed to IB Kamara’s Off-White show after
dazzling at the US Open, said.
Tiafoe said he considers himself an athlete and an entertainer,
Continue reading online at:
Photo: Getty Images
Deeply Rooted
FAMU football recruiting: NCAA
Transfer Portal additions, key
returners bolstering trenches
Florida A&M football is landing commitments on the
offensive and defensive lines through the NCAA Transfer
Portal to assist its key returning players in the trenches.
By Gerald Thomas III
(Source: Tallahassee Democrat)
Football games are won at the line of scrimmage.
And Florida A&M wants to ensure it’s on the right side of that
statement more often than not during the 2025 football season.
So, the Rattlers are beefing up their trench mob.
After weeks of not having an offensive line commit from the
NCAA Transfer Portal, FAMU finally landed one, with former
Rutgers Scarlet Knight Mozell Williams announcing his
decision to join the Rattlers on Jan. 11.
Williams, a rising junior from Gainesville, comes to the
Rattlers standing at 6-foot-6 and weighing 307 pounds. He
didn’t see any action for the Scarlet Knights in his two seasons.
Following Williams’ commitment was fellow offensive
lineman Gozy Okeke, who will join FAMU out of Iowa Central
Community College. The Tampa native also formerly played
for Division II powerhouse West Florida in 2022 and 2023.
Okeke is 6-foot-4 and 293 pounds.
Williams and Okeke join FAMU’s offensive line that’s headlined
by All-Southwestern Athletic Conference First Teamers
Charles Davis and Ashton Grable. This past season, Grable
was also an NCAA All-HBCU selection.
But that’s not all.
FAMU head football James Colzie III said he also wants to
recruit defensive linemen to the Rattlers.
The Rattlers have two commitments from the Power 4 football
ranks: DJ Jones from Virginia and Xavier Perkins from Florida
State. Other FAMU defensive line newcomers are Alijah
Alexander from Stetson and Sammy Mitchell IV from Western
High School in Davie.
Key returners to FAMU’s defensive line are James Ash, an
All-SWAC second-teamer, Davion Westmoreland, and James
Gardner Jr.
How FAMU offensive line helped impact the Rattlers in
FAMU’s offensive line makes everything go.
Especially when establishing a rushing game.
For example, the Rattlers went 7-2 whenever they rushed
for over 100 yards. When finishing under 100 rushing yards,
FAMU went a winless 0-3 record.
In 2024, FAMU didn’t outgain an opponent on the ground
until its Week 9 game versus Southern when the Rattlers
edged out the Jaguars 126 to 122 in the 24-6 victory.
FAMU was 3-1 when outgaining opponents in rushing.
The Rattlers’ offensive line stepped up big during FAMU’s
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By Jovonne Ledet
(Source: Black Information Network)
Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman has made college
football history.
On Thursday (January 9), Freeman’s Fighting Irish team
defeated the Penn State Nittany Lions 27-24 in the Orange
Bowl semifinal, securing Notre Dame a spot in the College
Football Playoff National Championship game.
The win makes Freeman the first Black coach to lead a team
into the FBS title game, which is set to kick off on Monday,
January 20 in Atlanta, Georgia. Freeman, whose father is
Black and mother is South Korean, will also be the first coach
of Asian descent to compete in the national championship.
“I’ve said this before: I don’t ever want to take attention away
from the team,” Freeman said following his Orange Bowl win.
“It is an honor, and I hope all coaches -- minorities, Black,
Asian, white, it doesn’t matter, great people -- continue to get
opportunities to lead young men like this. But this ain’t about
me. This is about us. We’re going to celebrate what we’ve done
because it’s so special.”
The CFP National Championship game was guaranteed to
feature a Black head coach with James Franklin at the helm
of the Nittany Lions. Earlier this week, Franklin spoke about
making history with Freeman and the impact that seeing other
Black coaches like Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith face off in
Super Bowl XLI had on him.
“I remember thinking that, as a coach, how significant
that was in the profession and how significant that was for
young coaches coming up in the profession to see those guys
in that role,” Franklin said ahead of the Orange Bowl. “I also
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Photo: Getty Images
Marcus Freeman
Becomes 1st Black Coach
To Reach FBS National
JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025 • PAGE 15
By Nunnie Robinson, Westside Gazette Sports Editor
The Miami Heat currently sit in second place in the Southeast
Division of the Eastern Conference with a 20-17 record,
a half game behind the Orlando Majic and just ahead of the
Atlanta Hawks in 3 team race for the division. The Charlotte
Hornets and the Washington Wizards appear to be in a perpetual
rebuilding mode as they sit at the bottom of arguably a
weak though competitive division.
Southeast W L PCT GB L10
ORL 22 18 .550 0.0 4-6
MIA 20 17 .541 0.5 6-4
ATL 19 19 .500 2.0 5-5
CHA 8 27 .229 11.5 1-9
WAS 6 30 .167 14.0
The Jimmy Butler saga has created a palpable disruption
in the Heat season coupled with the regression in play of Bam
Adebayo, Terry Rozier and until recently Jamie Jaquez, Jr.
Butler’s trade request and 7 game suspension has also forced
a youth movement as several young players have seen increased
playing time: Kel’el Ware, Haywood Highsmith, and
Nikola Jovic. The one constant has been Tyler Hero, who has
drawn comparisons to Steph Curry. Hopefully, any trade involving
Jimmy Butler will benefit the team personnel wise and
financially. One possibility involves the Heat, the Sun and the
Rockets. Jimmy Butler goes to Phoenix, the Heat get Fred Van
Fleet and Ryan Dunn from Houston and receive Bradley Beal
and a first round draft pick via the Sun.
The defending Stanley Cup champion Florida Panthers have
positioned themselves to challenge for a repeat based on team’s
standings. They currently are in second place behind the Toronto
Maple Leafs who lead the Atlantic Division by 3 points.
The Tampa Bay Lightning and Florida Panthers have been involved
in the playoffs the pass 5 years, the Lightning in’20-‘23
and the Panthers in ‘23 ‘24. Playing the Winter in Miami versus
the New York Rangers may prove to be a PR nightmare
Nevertheless, the same players that propelled the team to a
Stanley Cup title are making an impact this season including
Alexander Ekblad, Mathew Tkachuk, Gustav Forsling, Evan
Rodriguez, Carter Vehaeghe and Sergei Bobrovsky.
After losing a hard fought game to the Boston Bruins 4-3, ending
the Bruins 6 game losing streak, the Panthers travel to
New Jersey to play the Devils on Tuesday night. Go Panthers
Atlantic GP W L OTL Pts
TOR 44 27 15 2 56
FLA 43 25 15 3 53
TB 41 23 15 3 49
BOS 45 21 19 5 47
OTT 42 21 18 3 45
DET 42 20 18 4 44
MTL 42 20 18 4 44
BUF 43 16 22 5 37
Michael Vick
coaching staff
is revealed.
It includes
former NFL
By HBCU Sports
(Source: HBCU Sports)
Norfolk State head football coach Michael Vick announced
eight additions to his HBCU football coaching staff.
“I hired guys with experience and mental toughness who
understand the game of football,” Vick said. “The one thing I
know is that they are going to put these guys in a position to
win. We all have the same mindset, and I felt it was only right
to hire guys who thought like me and want to lead like me. I’m
extremely proud of these guys, and I’m excited for them.”
The prestigious group of individuals includes four former NFL
Terence Garvin – Defensive Coordinator
Elton Brown – Offensive Line Coach
Jabo Smith – Defensive Backs Coach
Izaan Cross – Defensive Line Coach
LaRoy Reynolds – Linebackers Coach
Darryl Bullock – Assistant Head Coach
Steve Adams – Special Teams Coach / Recruiting Coordinator
DeMarcus McMillan – Director of Football Operations
Who are Michael Vick assistant coaches?
Gavin comes to the Michael Vick staff at Norfolk State from
DII HBCU Florida Memorial, where he held the role of codefensive
coordinator. The Lions forced a SUN-conference-best
13 fumbles last season, ranking second in the league with 13
interceptions as well. Prior to coaching, he played in the NFL
for six seasons including stints with the Pittsburgh Steelers,
Washington Redskins, Seattle Seahawks, and Miami Dolphins.
Brown spent the last seven years at the Apprentice School as
the team’s offensive coordinator. The Builders enjoyed historic
success on that side of the ball during his tenure, scoring a
school-record 37.8 points per game in 2022 on the path to a 9-1
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Photo: Norfolk State/YouTube
PAGE 16 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Deeply Rooted
Dr. King’s beliefs stand
strong today.
From his unwavering commitment to equality to his pursuit of a
more compassionate world, Dr. King has inspired generations to
lift each other up and be the love in their community. In honor of
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we reflect on his teachings and find
inspiration in those who carry his ideals forward.