Super Lawyers 2025

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Awards Magazine



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Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine

Super Lawyers 2025

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine is recognised all over the world for our

comprehensive awards programs we run, taking votes from countries all over

the world to recognise the most prestigious professionals in their specialised

areas of practice.

The 2025 Awards recognises a select number of leading professional firms

around the world working both nationally and internationally in their field of


Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine selects the best professional & financial

institutions from around the world and showcases there work ethic and skills

within their area of expertise.

The Awards Magazine is aimed at not just the large corporations but the

smaller companies of the advisory business sector.

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine is currently being read by Lawyers,

Advisers, Consultants and corporate executives.

We aim to showcase every company individually and to its full potential.

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine

Super Lawyers 2025


Akuğur Law Firm

Real Estate Law Firm of the Year – Turkey

Andrioli, Giacomini e Porto Advogados

Energy Law Firm of the Year - Brazil

António Falé de Carvalho Advogado Criminal

International Criminal Law Firm of the Year – Portugal

Basilio Advogados

Civil & Commercial Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Brazil


Energy Law Firm of the Year – Azerbijan

BST Studio Legale

Criminal Law Firm of the Year – Italy

Camden Assocaites

Mid-Market Investment Advisory Boutique Firm of the Year – UK

Consortium Legal

Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year – El Salvador


Foreign Trade Law Firm of the Year – Germany

De Gaulle Fleurance Avocats Notaries

Tax Law Firm of the Year - France

DR.HOSSER Rechtsanwalt

Inheritance Law Firm of the Year – Germany

Ernst & Young

Tax Advisory Firm of the Year – Venezuela

Fenton, Smith Barristers

Business Criminal Defence Law Firm of the Year - Canada


Compliance Consulting Firm of the Year – UK

Fortitude Law Associates

M&A Law Firm of the Year – India

Frashëri Law Firm

Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Albania

Glikmann Alvin Advokaadiburoo

Arbitration & Litigation Law Firm of the Year - Estonia

GSK Stockmann + Kollegen

Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor of the Year – Germany

Hanol Law Offices

Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year - Korea

Ligan & Uy

Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

Lorenz Bishkek

Labour & Employment Law Firm of the Year - Belgium

Karanjawala & Co

Commercial Litigation Law Firm of the Year – India

Kolster Oy

Trademarks Law Firm of the Year - Finland

Meilin International Law Firm

Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year – Japan

PCK Intellectual Property

Trademarks Law Firm of the Year - Canada


Trademarks Law Firm of the Year – France

SAVI Advokatanpartsselskab ApS

Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year - Denmark

SAXINGER Rechtsanwalts GmbH

PPP Law Firm of the Year – Austria

Sudath Perera Associates

Corporate & Commercial Law Firm of the Year – Sri Lanka

The Hechanova Group

Trademark Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

Watson Farley & Williams

Private Equity Law Firm of the Year – France

White & Case

Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year – Czech Republic

Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Albania

Commitment to excellence

Frashëri Law Firm is one of the most prominent law firms in Albania. Frashëri Law Firm is a

multidisciplinary consulting and international service company in the fields of advocacy,

taxation, audit and accounting. They are established with a strong international dimension,

well known in Albania and abroad for its excellent practice in professional legal services in

domestic and foreign cases, immigration practice and as a Corporate Services Provider and

SME. Its core focus is on rendering comprehensive services in litigation and dispute

resolution, serving as a one-stop office for individuals and easy national or foreign

company incorporation.

Legal Services

The firm has a successful track record in immigration, labour, corporate, finance and

capital markets law, as well as tax, business formation, real estate and litigation services,

including consulting and mediation.

The firm’s legal team offers services in several foreign languages and reflects the

importance it places on personalized service, tailored to clients’ needs.

The Frashëri Law Firm exercises its judicial practice in a variety of legal matters such as in

the field of Immigration Law, Family Law, Business Law, Corporate Law, Civil and

Administrative Law, Labor Law, Public Procurement Law, Business Formation and

Litigation services etc.

Founded by The Rt Hon Lawyer Kastriot Frashëri, Frashëri Law Firm is a Recommended

Firm in Albania by Global Law Experts and has been evaluated with several international

awards for its services.

The Frashëri Law Firm, is the first and only law office in Albania that offers services through

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the handling of client documentation. With exclusive ownership

of the Artificial Intelligence Platform in the Legal Profession from Luminance, UK, its clients

save 85% of the operational time you would need available and you will save up to 80% of

financial costs in money.

One of its main services is the broad field of Litigation and legal representation in court. Its

legal team assists all Albanian or foreign citizens who wish to be represented in court by

their firm before the Albanian courts. Their professional services include, but are not limited

to: Drafting the Power of Attorney, assisting in the Collection and Check of all

documentation, Drafting the Claim, drafting procedural requests in court, Hearing in Court

and questions for the expert, drafting of submissions in court, final conclusions until the

decision is made by the court, Appeal against the decision in the Court of Appeal or the

Appeal before the Supreme Court and full representation before them.

Also, The Right Honorable Attorney at Law Kastriot Frashëri has been authorized by the

Royal Court of Justice – Queen’s Bench Division to serve outside the jurisdiction of the Court

Ordre (SOL – Service Outsider of Jurisdiction) in Albania.

Frashëri Law Firm is a successful firm who has massively won all the cases he has


Contact Details:

Frashëri Law Firm

Rruga “Abdulla Keta”, Nr. 5, K.3,




Tel: ++ 355 4562 8544

Mob: ++ 355 68 60 00 067

The Rt Hon Kastriot Frashëri

Managing Partner

Trademarks Law Firm of the Year – France

PROMARK IP Law Firm was founded the firm in 1991 by Alain Berthet and today has 7

attorneys-at-law who advise and litigate in all IP matters (trademarks, designs, patents,

copyright and unfair competition). Only a few law firms in France include 7 attorneys

dedicated to IP.

Alain Berthet has postgraduate degrees in IP Law from the University of Paris-Pantheon.

He started to advise clients in IP matters (trademarks, design, copyright and unfair

competition) 40 years ago.

Alain Berthet is the managing partner and his partner, Elisabeth Berthet, leads the

litigation department. She has a strong experience in contentious matters and notably in

patent litigations. All the files are handled by 3 people: a partner, an associate and a

paralegal in order to guarantee a constant responsiveness.

We have one selling point located in the heart of the business quarter of Paris, close to the

Champs-Elysées and the Elysée Palace.

Due to the tough economic downturn some clients prefer to differ their investment and

new project. They also hesitate more and more to sue counterfeiters because of the low

quality of some decisions and the weak damages decided by the judges. We have recently

advised and assisted two companies in the choice of their new company names and

brands: CCR Re and KPMG pulse.

Usually, when the clients have less new projects to launch, they defend more strongly their

IP rights. Our challenge is to offer a good price for an excellent quality. Responsiveness and

quality are the most important points for us.

Promark plan to recruit a new partner specialized in IT in order to become a firm covering

all the aspects in IP and IT. When the economic context is bad, taking care of our clients is

again more essential and in such context, we may have only good news!

Contact Details:

36, rue de Penthièvre F-75008 Paris

Tel.: + 33 (0) 156 596 080



( Your brand is an invaluable le asset

requiring tailored services from dedicated experts )

36, rue de Penthièvre F-75008 Paris

Tel: + 33 (0) 156 596 080

PROMARK_DL_DIAMANT.indd 1 15/02/11 10:47

International Criminal Law Firm of the Year – Portugal

Antonio Fale de Carvalho Advogaods specializes in Criminal Law, with more than 30 years

of uninterrupted experience. Their main focus is defending the rights of prisoners, whether

they are pre-trial or sentenced.

António Falé de Carvalho has more than 33 years of uninterrupted experience. He is a

lawyer for INMATES, preventive and sentencing.

Antonio Fale de Carvalho represents inmates in Preventive Prison and Convicts across all


“The Importance of the criminal lawyer: The legal system in Portugal is based on the

adversarial principle, in which the prosecution and defense present their arguments before

the court.

Full-time lawyers throughout the territory Mainland Portugal, Azores and Madeira.

Electronic Surveillance (bracelets), Change in Preventive Detention, assisted by the Applied

and Forensic Criminology Institute (evidence).”

Contact Details:

Mid-Market Investment Advisory Boutique Firm of the Year

– UK

Camden Associates is a boutique investment banking firm. They specialise in International

financing. The market has changed a great deal in the last few years and a number of

transactions just do not get done because market segmentation does not permit it.

They offer various services from pure advisory to financing to private and public company

alike. The firm started in 2003 under the name Camden Partners. In 2006 after a change

of shareholders they became Camden Associates. Initially focusing on Eastern Europe and

on large groups (Bouygues, Rosatom, Gazprom, Lukoil, Rushydro), they changed their

focus to smaller, more innovative deals and broadened their scope on a sectors basis.

Technology and biotech are worldwide sectors. So is mining.

Camden Associates are project driven and believe that behind the specifics of a sector there

is a unique management with unique abilities and specific problems.

They strive to help clients solve the particular problem they have at one point in time. They

do not follow investment fashions; we just try to make sense of them.

Camden Associates overall mission is to get deals done, and then they take all the

necessary steps to make the deal a success. As such it does not make their leaders in

innovation but it keeps them focused on what the latest technologies can bring to a

particular deal. They are working beyond usual boundaries most firms focus on. They are

not visionaries they just try and stay focused. It is sometimes pretty challenging, and even

more so at present.

Contact Details:

Company: Camden Associates

Name: Jean-Claude Gonneau

Email: jcg@camdenassociates.co.uk

Web Address: www.camdenassociates.co.uk

Address: 27 Hill street London W1J 5LP

Telephone: 020 72909812 & +336 7498 4104

Criminal Law Firm of the Year – Italy

The law firm provides legal assistance in criminal matters all over the Italian territory, also

making use of a capillary and established network of correspondents, as well as through

the support of technical expertise.

It actively participates and collaborates in judicial activities forward the judicial authorities

of foreign countries, Europe and beyond.

The competence of the law firm is mainly focused on commercial criminal law (corporate

crimes, financial crimes and bankruptcy), environmental criminal law, crimes against

property, Public Administration crimes, medical professional negligence, job security,

intellectual property crimes and related crimes.

The main purpose of legal advice on criminal law given to private citizens, public entities

and firms concerns the risk management related to the activity of the criminal enterprise,

in the several field of economic criminal law.

The law firm offers, systematically, advice and assistance regarding ‘Corporate

administrative liability’ (D.lgs 231/01), prevention of accidents, environmental protection,

‘Voluntary Disclosure’ and ‘privacy’.

The law firm provides legal assistance in criminal matters regarding the criminal risk

management, focusing on the legislative updating and the fulfillment of the legal


The firm organizes and provides training courses in criminal matters (about substantial and

procedural rules) with a focus on economic criminal law. On demand of customers, they

can be arranged seminars addressed to the management or technical operators.

It is a member of INDICAM (Istituto di Contromarca per la lotta alla contraffazione –

institution against counterfeiting) and it is registered since 2004 with the American

Chamber of Commerce in Milan.

Mario Brusa, Sergio Spagnolo, Paolo Tosoni and Mauro Carelli, criminal lawyers members

of the Milan Bar, carry out their professional activities within the associated Law Firm

“Studio Legale Associato Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni Carelli”, established in 2001.

The competences of the law firm include judicial and extrajudicial activities, mainly

focusing on commercial criminal law, with particular specialization in corporate crimes (i.e.

white-collar crimes, corporate crimes, financial crimes and bankruptcy), environmental

crimes, intellectual property crimes and related crimes, Public Administration crimes,

culpable crimes and medical professional negligence.

Practice Areas:

Criminal law

Financial and Corporate crimes

Public Administration crimes

Intellectual property crimes

Culpable crimes related to professional negligence (i.e. medical liability)

Work accidents

Corporate administrative liability

Environmental legislation

Privacy violation and protection of sensitive data crimes

The firm has taken part to the International Prize Le Fonti, winning the award Boutique of

the Year in Criminal Law with the following reason: “the ability to grant a rigorous and

timely advice, especially in business criminal law”.

Contact Details:

Studio Legale Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni Carelli

Viale Piave, 11, 20129 Milano

Tel: 02/796498 Fax: 02/76000670


Inheritance Law Firm of the Year – Germany

DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt was established by Dr. Marcus Hosser, TEP, in 2011 in Frankfurt am Main

/ Germany. As it comes to the consultation in said law firm’s core-fields of law, DR. HOSSER

Rechtsanwalt was kind of a one person-spin-off from two of the very well respected large German

law firms, for which he had worked, each in the private client-teams, before he established his own

law firm. Two of Dr. Hosser’s professional focal points always were international successions and

private clients, amongst others because of his expert knowledge about private international

inheritance law.

Not long after the Frankfurt am Main-office’s establishment in 2011, DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt

opened-up a branch office in Karlsruhe in the southwest of Germany, in order to offer his services to

private clients from the southwestern middle-class, as well as to small and medium-sized businesses.

Initially, the law firm had offered legal advice about corporate law and corporate litigation, on top

of the core-business German and international inheritances. In 2013, the law firm relocated its head

office to Karlsruhe, but kept Frankfurt am Main up as a branch-office, also to allow the firm to

offer their international customers meetings not far from the Frankfurt international airport.

In Spring 2020, DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt opened up a second branch office in

Mannheim/Germany which lies between Karlsruhe and Frankfurt and at the same time is the city

in which Dr. Hosser studied law and where he had earned his doctorate in law from the University

of Mannheim in 2007. Since 2020, DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt has strictly focused on inheritance

law consultation, with an emphasis on and also vast experience with international succession cases

and international estate planning.

DR. HOSSER Rechtsanwalt is a specialist inheritance law firm and at the same time a law firm for

international inheritance law and inheritance tax law. The law firm’s practice focuses on succession

matters, estate planning, estate litigation and German inheritance tax-issues, with a special

emphasis on international cases with connections to Germany or to German inheritance law,


The law firm is managed by its founder, Dr. Marcus Hosser, TEP, who has – different from many

other advisors in the field of inheritance law – the ability to provide high-end legal advice about

inheritance law aspects as well as being able to advise about inheritance tax and can represent his

clients in estate litigations in Germany, too. Dr. Hosser is a very dedicated advisor, the expertise of

which can also be seen from his relevant two German Certified Lawyer-titles in the fields of

inheritance law and tax law, his being a Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner a certified advisor,

for company succession zentUma registered association and – last but not least – an executor for

last wills (Testamentsvollstrecker, accredited by the DVEV registered association). Another specific

ability of Dr. Hosser is to clearly explain for his clients what their chances are and which risks they

must take into consideration, in order to allow them to make well-informed decisions about how to

proceed. Our recommendations show this.

In 2021 Dr HOSSER Rechtsanwalt counselled in one large German-Canadian succession case,

amongst others the team prepared the complicated application for a German certificate of

executorship in a constellation in which the testator’s ability to make up a valid last will and

testament had been doubted and – on top of that – a different substantial law than German

inheritance law was the relevant one. Besides the correspondence with the German probate court,

Dr Hosser had coordinated with the client’s Canadian advisor what the criteria for said ability of

the testator are, under the foreign law rules so the certificate of executorship could be finally issued

in time.

In the field of estate-planning, the team of DR HOSSER Rechtsanwalt have assisted a high networth

individual with structuring her estate planning about how to transfer her shares in a large

company, possibly by making use of a tax-exempt German civil law foundation.

DR HOSSER Rechtsanwalt has assisted with a contentious German estate, for which the heirs fought

with each other during multiple probate proceedings before German courts, in order to obtain

German certificates of inheritances for the deceased parents’ respective German estates, with a

special procedure of appeal against one court decision, for which the Higher Regional Court was

competent. In another large and also long-term estate litigation in Germany, their major task was

to argue in favour of their client’s position as the sole heiress based on an inheritance contract, the

revocation of which was declared, but invalid because of the testator’s missing right to revoke said

inheritance contract.

On top of that, DR HOSSER Rechtsanwalt has assisted many customers from abroad and from

Germany with their inheritances’ winding-up, in Germany or in a foreign country. For it’s customers

from abroad the team provided legal assistance with the German estate or a share in a German

inheritance’s settling. Whenever German real property is part of the German estate, a number of

complicated questions must be answered, which the law firm can help with.

The Corona-crisis had hit the law firm hard, especially in the first nine to ten months of 2020, with a

significant decrease of new assignments, but already in 2021, it has had more than enough new

assignments, again. On top of that, the continued support from the firm’s clients and their

majorities´ wish to proceed with the succession matters in spite of the Corona-crisis, was very

helpful. As it comes to inheritance disputes, contentious estates, or even to estate litigations, any

economic downturn through a crisis generally only results in a slightly more reluctant “investment”

by the customers in their requesting high-class legal advice, but their need for our legal assistance

with the succession cases persists, even in difficult times.

The significant decrease of new assignments for the law firm in 2020 (until autumn or winter)

actually was challenging, but the law firm´s policy to provide legal advice to domestic customers as

well as to clients from abroad on the one hand and on the other hand our full-service-approach in

the field of succession matters (with German inheritance tax-consultation included) was a good and

solid economic basis. Nevertheless, DR HOSSER Rechtsanwalt is very grateful to it’s loyal clients´

and their majorities´ support and decisions to pursue the respective succession matters further

together with the law firm´s team. One additional benefit of that is that in many cases, the

attorney-client-relationship has become even closer than it had been before the Corona-crisis.

Contact Details:

Dr. Marcus A. Hosser, TEP

Bismarckstr. 61

D-76133 Karlsruhe

Postfach (P.O.B.) 11 06 04

D-76056 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 / 46 719 044

Fax: +49 721 / 46 719 045

Email: anwalt@dr-hosser.de


Tax Advisory Firm of the Year – Venezuela

At EY, our purpose is Building a better working world. The insights and quality services we

provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world

over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all our

stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our

people, for our clients and for our communities.

Through our four integrated service lines — Assurance, Consulting, Strategy and

Transactions, and Tax — and our deep sector knowledge, we help our clients to capitalize

on new opportunities and assess and manage risk to deliver responsible growth. Our highperforming,

multidisciplinary teams help them fulfill regulatory requirements, keep

investors informed and meet stakeholder needs.

We believe a better working world is one where economic growth is sustainable and

inclusive. We work continuously to improve the quality of all our services, investing in our

people and innovation. And we’re proud to work with others – from our clients to wider

stakeholders – to use our knowledge, skills and experience to help fulfill our purpose and

create positive change.

We work with more than 200,000 clients in 150 countries, from start-ups to multinationals

across all sectors, helping them meet their most pressing challenges.

Our clients include 84% of the Fortune Global 500 and 73% of the Forbes Global 2000. We

have a long legacy of working with owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs leading private and

family enterprises. We’re world leaders in recognizing and supporting entrepreneurs and

help them bring their products and ideas to market through tailored services and

programs, such as Entrepreneur of The Year®. We also advise government and publicsector

organizations worldwide. Our work focuses on helping them increase their resilience,

strengthen their economies and communities, and improve the lives of their citizens.

Contact Details:

Saul Medina | Socio / Partner | Asesoría Tributaria / Tax Advisory

EY VENEZUELA - Mendoza, Delgado, Labrador & Asociados

Av. Francisco de Miranda. Centro Lido. Piso 13. Torre A. Ofic. 131-A Caracas, Venezuela

Office: +58 212 905 6716 | Cell: +58 424 162 0836 | saul.medina@ve.ey.com

Website: http://www.ey.com

Business Criminal Defence Law Firm of the Year – Canada

Fenton, Smith Barristers* is one of Canada’s leading criminal law firms with offices based in

downtown Toronto. Our firm provides best-in-class professional legal advice and legal services to

individuals, corporations, and governmental clients in a broad range of criminal, quasi-criminal,

regulatory and professional disciplinary matters. Our professional services range from private

consultative and advisory retainers to attending on all forms of criminal, quasi-criminal, and

regulatory trials, tribunal proceedings, reviews and appeals.

Fenton, Smith Barristers* Practice Areas:

•Criminal litigation

•Competition law

•Corruption of foreign public officials

•White collar crime

•Professional discipline matters


•Judicial Review

•Securities enforcement litigation

•Occupational Health & Safety, Environmental Law, and other Regulatory matters

Scott Fenton is a senior criminal defence lawyer experienced in criminal, quasi-criminal,

constitutional and special prosecution matters. He has appeared as counsel on numerous trials,

argued many appeals in the Court of Appeal for Ontario and has had multiple appearances in the

Supreme Court of Canada, including R. v. Stillman, R. v. Goldhart, R. v. Silviera, R. v. Farinacci, R. v.

Jarvis, R.v. Ling, R. v. Harrison, and R. v. Wallace.

Scott Fenton is experienced in all types of criminal cases, including individual representations and

corporate/commercial crime, white collar crime, cross-border investigations, foreign corruption, tax

evasion, anti-trust/competition, securities, Elections Act, administrative monetary penalties (AMPs),

policing (Special Investigations and Police Service Act matters), internet gaming, professional

disciplinary matters, proceeds of crime and provincial regulatory prosecutions.

Contact Details:

Fenton, Smith Barristers*

Registered business name of Scott Fenton Professional Corporation

Address: 235 King Street East, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON, M5A 1J9

Tel: 416-955-1611 | Fax: 416-955-1237

Compliance Consulting Firm of the Year – UK

FMConsult is an independent regulatory, product development and

operational risk consultancy committed to assisting clients in aligning

financial services processes with regulatory requirements.

They provide risk and compliance solutions that enable senior

management of financial services firms to demonstrate that they and

their firm are currently, and will continue to be, aligned with

regulatory requirements.

They major on the wholesale firms and funds industry but also have

the capacity and experience to assist retail and market infrastructure


Established in 2004, FMConsult is a specialist compliance, collective

investment schemes and operational risk management consultancy that

services a whole host of financial services firms. They have made it their

mission to provide solutions to our clients so that they can continually

meet regulatory requirements.

Headquartered in London, their highly experienced team have first-hand

experience in asset management, wealth management, financial

regulations and broking which provides them with the all-round

expertise you would require from a consultancy.

FMConsult has recently been engaged in a 4th Money Laundering

Directive documentation remediation project for a large asset

management firm that has included up to sixteen employees involved

in the project. FMConsult are well placed to assist firms, large or

small, who in light of the tough stance being taken by the FCA may

want to review their current AML arrangements and look to remediate

documentation or assess internal control weakness in their CDD.

As we know from the allegations in the FINCEN files, UK financial

services are not exempt from being used for Anti-Money Laundering

(AML) purposes.

In the latest news regarding AML, the Financial Conduct Authority

(FCA) announced that it has commenced criminal proceedings

against National Westminster Bank Plc (NatWest) in respect of

offences under the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 (MLR 2007).

In particular these offences relate to the regulations requiring firms

to determine, conduct and demonstrate risk sensitive customer due

diligence (CDD) and ongoing monitoring of its relationships with its

customers for the purposes of preventing money laundering. This is

the first criminal prosecution under the MLR 2007 by the FCA and

the first prosecution under the MLR against a bank. This comes

despite NatWest working with the FCA.

Dallas McGillivray:

An experienced international regulatory and business manager.

Previous Global Head of Compliance and Operational Risk at a major

asset management company for all business outside the Americas with

circa 30 plus years of experience in UK and global regulatory issues,

covering both retail and institutional.

Andrew Hicks:

An experienced compliance monitoring and advisory; audit; and

operational risk manager in the UK with circa 20 plus years of

experience in European regulated businesses, covering both retail

and institutional clients. Specialist in providing financial regulation,

internal audit, compliance monitoring, regulatory advise, corporate

governance and operational risk services to asset management and

investment companies.

Ross Revell:

Ross is an experienced regulatory professional who has held

regulatory positions at both a leading Insurer and separately at an IFA

Network and has also worked at two of the Big Four Accountancy

firms. He has previously worked at the FSA and started his career in

financial services in the

Banking sector 28 years ago. His experience covers Banking,

Mortgages, Life & Pensions, General Insurance, Wealth Management,

Private Banking, and Stock Broking.

Contact Details:

Mob: 07905 357790 / 07905 266950

Email: dmcgillivray@fmconsult.co.uk / ahicks@fmconsult.co.uk

Address: Minster Building, 21 Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7AG

Website: www.fmconsult.co.uk

M&A Law Firm of the Year – India

Fortitude Law Associates is a full-service law firm where lawyers from diverse backgrounds have

integrated their intellectual capital to provide clients with well-rounded and effective legal advice.

The firm focuses on representing clients having business interests in India on all aspects of Indian

laws and regulations affecting their industries and specializes in strategic legal and regulatory

advice coupled with industry expertise in an integrated manner. Fortitude Law Associates focuses

on niche areas in which the firm provides significant value and is invariably involved in select highly

complex, innovative transactions.

Mr. Mahajan has been ranked as a leading practitioner in the Corporate (Merger & Acquisition)

area by Chambers Asia, 2009. He was recognized as regulatory counsel in the Telecommunications,

Information Technology and Media Industries, Who’s Who Legal, 2007, 2008 and 2009; as well as

being noted as a Communications and Financial Services specialist, Legal 500, 2008.

Mr. Mahajan's practice focuses on the corporate and commercial laws of India with emphasis on

cross-border transactions. Mr. Mahajan advises on mergers and acquisitions, securities laws,

financing laws, telecommunications and IT regulations, investment regulations, entry strategies for

multinationals and general advice on corporate and commercial laws.

Mr. Mahajan has negotiated and advised on multi-jurisdictional joint-venture and shareholder

agreements, technology transfer agreements, financing documents, investment agreements,

corporate due diligence matters, assisted on public tender offers, and advised on corporate and

commercial laws. He has also represented companies in various industries, including aviation,

banking, entertainment media, software technology, satellite, telecommunications, textiles and

venture capital funds.

Mr. Mahajan is admitted with the Bar Council of India and New York Bar Association as a Legal


Fortitude Law Associates has strong relationships with various international law firms – which has

enabled Fortitude Law Associates’ to provide legal counsel carefully nurtured to their clients’ global

requirements and because of which Fortitude Law Associates, today has key clients which include

marquee repeat Fortune 500 clientele, of which more than 60% are US corporations.

Contact Details:

Rahul R Mahajan


Phone: 91.22.49151116

Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor of the Year – Germany

GSK Stockmann + Kollegen is one of Germany's leading independent commercial law firms focusing

on real estate, corporate, banking/finance and projects & public sector. GSK concentrates on

handling projects and advising national and international businesses, banks and financial

institutions, corporations and public bodies as well as governments and ministries.

GSK was established in 1997 as a coalescence of lawyers from leading German and international

commercial law firms. Today, more than 140 lawyers and tax advisors, acquainted with

international projects and transactions are at our clients' disposal in our offices in Berlin, Frankfurt,

Hamburg, Heidelberg, Munich, Brussels and Luxembourg. We regularly advise our clients on crossborder

transactions in conjunction with our alliance partners of the Broadlaw Group. The exclusive

network includes more than 1000 lawyers, based in 28 cities, covering the most important financial

and economic centres of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. For further information

please visit www.broadlawgroup.com.

Practice Areas:

Employment Law


Corporate Real Estate

Company Law


Capital Markets / Initial Public Offerings / Delistings

Antitrust / Merger Control

Groups and Affiliated Companies

Mergers & Acquisitions

Private Equity / Venture Capital


Restructuring and Insolvency

Reorganizations and Changes of Registered Office (Seat)

Corporate Finance

Company Succession / Estate Planning

Distribution Systems / Contract Law

We understand our business and that of our clients. Our core competences have always particularly

included the structuring of businesses and corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions and assisting

with strategically important projects.

We not only advise businesses and their owners, but we lend them support until the best solution

has been reached.

Contact Details:

Dr. Andreas F. Bauer

Tel: +49 89 288174-0

Mail: andreas.bauer@gsk.de

Litigation Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

Ligan & Uy is a full-service law firm positioned to provide legal services observing the most exacting

standards. The Firm represents the integration of vast experiences and practices of two professional

lawyers. James Russel D. Ligan and Jessamyn H. Uy possess professional qualifications in the practice

of law. They achieved experience and expertise in their respective practice areas by having worked

with top-tier and established law firms of international stature.

Ligan & Uy has a diverse clientele, which includes, multinational corporations, BPOs, emerging and

medium enterprises, start-ups, real estate developers, manufacturing companies, health care

professionals and hospitals, distribution and logistics companies, professional services firms, financial

sectors, retailers and wholesalers, and those engaged in telecommunication, media and technology,

and restaurant and food industries.

They have a thorough understanding of the industries in which their clients operate. The Firm is well

placed to service the requirements of its clients across the Philippines in all fields of law and also

adequately equipped to handle cross-border transactions. Particularly, the Firm has extensive

experience in the areas of corporate law and specializes in representing major foreign and domestic

corporations. They handle labor law, wills and estate, immigration, insurance, real estate, family

law, and intellectual property issues.

They also offer their proven capabilities in litigation and dispute resolution, representing their clients

in high courts and various quasi-judicial tribunals, including the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals,

National Labor and Relations Commission, National Privacy Commission, Intellectual Property

Office, Securities and Exchange Commission, and other adjudicatory bodies.

The Team:

James Russel D. Ligan

Jessamyn H. Uy-Ligan

Ligan & Uy have a very strict policy regarding the confidentiality of their clients.

Due to the pandemic, most of the clients had to lay off their employees. Consequently, there were

so many illegal dismissal cases filed against their clients. Nevertheless, all of these cases were decided

in favour of their client notwithstanding the fact that their labor laws tilt in favour of the


There were also a lot of immigration cases involving the deportation of their foreign clients for

failure to extend their visas due to the COVID-19 situation. Ligan & Uy are glad that they were able

to assist our clients and cleared their records with the Bureau of Immigration without being


Ligan & Uy was not immune to the negative impacts caused by the pandemic and current

inflation. Some of their clients, unfortunately, closed their business, which consequently terminated

the legal services being provided. Nevertheless, they took this opportunity to expand their skills and

office. During the pandemic, they took the opportunity to expand their office while the rental fees

were low. Some of their lawyers undertook further studies. In fact, their Atty. Jessamyn Uy-Ligan

studied at the University of California – School of Law and finished her Master of Laws with a

Certificate of Specialization in Business Law in 2021. She was also awarded Best in Legal

Memorandum. The Firm also actively ventured into new areas of practice such as arbitration and

settlement of taxes.

Practice Areas:

Corporate & Commercial Law

Foreign Investment

Labor & Employment Law

Immigration Law

Real Estate Management

Intellectual Property

Estate Planning

Family & Marital Law

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Notarization, Legalization, Apostilzation

Ligan & Uy’s goal is always to be one of the leading law firms in the Philippines. They are very

optimistic that the market for their legal services will constantly grow, especially considering now

that the economy is opening. They can see that there are new foreigners investing in the


Contact Details:


9/F High Street South Corporate Plaza Tower I

9th Avenue corner 26th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

Metro Manila, Philippines 1634

Telephone No.:

+ 63 (2) 8290 3364

E-mail address:


Commercial Litigation Law Firm of the Year – India

Karanjawala & Co. is an exclusive full-service boutique litigation firm, founded in 1983 by Mrs.

Manik Karanjawala and Mr. Raian Karanjawala. The firm operates today out of three offices in

New Delhi.

The Firm, over the years, has come to dominate the litigation landscape of the country and has

serviced a wide variety of clients from Prime Ministers to captains of industries and from the largest

corporate and media houses to royal families. Notwithstanding its elite client list, the Firm is also

equally at ease handling the day-to- day cases of ordinary litigants.

The Firm began its legal service with a predominant focus on cases in the Supreme Court and High

Court, but over the years, has expanded its legal vision, ensuring that it has a presence in all the

subordinate courts and tribunals of the National Capital Region (NCR). The Firm’s services are

often availed by clients to handle litigation on a pan–India basis.

Recognized as one of India’s top litigation firms with close to 250 awards and recognitions,

Karanjawala & Co. features in over 625 reported judgments only in the Supreme Court itself. The

Firm has filed and dealt with approximately over 25,000 matters till date. The Firm remains at the

disposal of litigants who come up with myriad issues and complex legal problems. Over the years,

the firm has grown to be a one-stop solution for litigants from not just within the country, but also

the ones located abroad. We’ve set best practices by remaining unfazed by the media frenzy

surrounding the high-profile cases handled by the firm. We’ve only tries to better ourselves with

each case handled, without seeking credit or moment of fame while handling sensitive matters.

Client confidentiality and awareness of sensitivity surrounding every high-profile matter are

engrained in the DNA of the firm.

The Firm’s criminal practice has grown substantially in the last five years, with the Firm appearing

in a number of high stake and high profile matters. The Firm has also received acclaim in respect of

its white-collar crime practice particularly for its ability to handle sensitive cases with a quick

turnaround time. In the last four to five years, the Firm has also carved out a niche practice for itself

in the fields of consumer protection and RERA litigation. The Firm’s practice focuses not only on

general consumer litigation but also on medical negligence and real estate, with the Firm

representing a wide range of clients before various tribunals, ranging from the District fora to the

National Commission. The Firm’s consumer team has filed over 1,000 cases in the National

Commission, with a high success rate. The Firm has extensive experience in dealing with high profile

matters under the recently enacted Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 providing advisory

services and appearing for corporations and financial institutions, in relation to issues pertaining to

their restructuring and insolvency.

The Firm’s high profile client list includes the Tata Group, DLF, Arcelor Mittal, the Birlas, the Adani

Group, Google, Astro, Hindustan Unilever, P&G, Colgate, Coca Cola, Vodafone, PWC, GVK,

Mafatlal Industries, Piramal, Ambuja Cement, GMR, Morgan Stanley, Star TV, BCCI, Coffee Board,

Bombay Dyeing, Hindustan Times and MSD Pharmaceuticals among many others. Some of the

renowned individuals who have turned to the Firm for legal representation in the past include, (i)

late Mr. V.P. Singh, former Prime Minister of India (ii) Mr. Ratan N. Tata, former Chairman, TATA

Group (iii) Mr. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman, Fox Corporation (iv) Ms. Karisma Kapoor, Film Actress

(v) late Mr. Jaswant Singh, former Defence and Finance Minister of India (vi) Mr. Sharad Pawar,

former Defence and Agriculture Minister of India (vii) Mr. Jyotiraditya Scindia, former Minister of

State (Independent Charge) for power (viii) Mr. Goolam Vahanvati, former Attorney General of

India (ix) Mr. Gopal Raheja (x) Mr. Suresh Nanda (xi) Mr. Karim Morani (xii) Mr. Tarun Tejpal (xiii)

Mr. M.J. Akbar (xiv) Mr. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and many others

Key awards and accolades achieved by Firm in various practice areas over the years:

Corporate Intl Magazine Global has awarded Karanjawala & Co. the "Alternative Dispute

Resolution Law Firm of the Year in India - 2021" award.

India Business Law Journal’s 2021 Indian Law Firm Awards has awarded Karanjawala & Co.

the "Anti- corruption & White-collar crime Law Firm of the year" and "Litigation Law Firm of the

year" award.

Forbes Legal Powerlist 2020 has awarded Karanjawala & Co. the "Top Law Firms of the

Country Award" for Litigation practice.

IBLJ has recognized the firm for its Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice ten times in

the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Chambers & Partners has ranked the firm for its “Dispute Resolution/Litigation” Practice

eleven times in the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Chambers & Partners has ranked the firm for its “White Collar Crime” Practice consecutively in the

years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

The Legal 500 has ranked the firm for its “Dispute Resolution/Litigation” Practice 13 times

in the years 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

Asialaw Profiles has included the firm in the list of outstanding firms for its dispute

resolution practice for the years 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Benchmark Litigation has recognized the firm amongst top firms for the following practices

in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 - International Arbitration, Commercial & Transactional Disputes,

Competition/antitrust practice, Insolvency practice and Government and regulatory and White-

Collar Crime. Benchmark Litigation has also ranked the Firm in Tier 1 for Commercial &

Transactions disputes for the Year 2020.

Legal Era has recognized the firm as Best Litigation Firm in the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,

2016 and recognized the firm as Best White-Collar Crime Practice Firm in the year 2019.

ACQ5 Country Awards has recognized the firm for its Litigation Practice in the years 2013,

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020. Further, ACQ5 Country Awards 2020 has recognized the firm for

its Alternate Dispute Resolution Practice in the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. It also recognized the

firm for its aviation practice in the years 2015 and 2016 and as Client Care Law Firm of the Year in

the year 2017.

Contact Details:

Mr. Raian Karanjawala, Managing Partner

Email: raian@raian.in

Wealth Management Law firm of the Year – Japan

Masatoshi Tanaka is an Attorney at Law (registered in 1999), Patent Attorney (registered

in 2001), Managing Partner/ Founder of Meilin International Law Firm

Expertise: Cross-Border Investment, Intellectual Property, Contracts, M&A, Corporate. Have

extensive experiences of International Arbitrations and Cross-Border Disputes.

I have been practicing on international business-related matters and providing full-legal

services to approximately 200 companies including public companies each year.

Meilin International Law Firm has its main office in Fukuoka, Japan with other domestic

branch offices in Tokyo and Nagoya, overseas in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, and

Vietnam. We are available in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

With regard to businesses between Asia, EU, USA and Japan, we provide a wide range of

full-service to companies on, including but not limited to, cross-border disputes resolution

and business expansions.

Established in Fukuoka, Japan in 2010. Currently we have 22 lawyers in our firm.

Areas of Expertise:

Corporate: Contracts, Start-ups, Support for Structure of Internal Control and Compliance,

Business Consulting, Finance, IPO and Capital Markets, M&A, Labor and Employment,

Debt Collections, Tax, Entertainment and Sports, Antitrust, Corporate Crises Management,

Restructuring, Insolvency, Venture

International Matters: Research on Overseas Laws and Regulations, International business

expansion consulting, Contracts, Comply with Administrative Agency, Cross-Border M&A,

International Litigation

Intellectual Property: IP Prosecution, Drafting and Negotiation for IP Agreements,

Protection of Trade Secret, Dispute Resolution, Strategic Exploitation

For Individual: Inheritance and Will, Wealth Management, Traffic Accident, Divorce and

other Family Law Matters, Parent-Child Relationship, Real Estate and Construction-related

disputes, Medical Malpractice, Debt-related disputes, Consumer Law, Labor and

Employment, Workers’ Compensation, Insurance claim, Criminal Cases and Juvenile Cases.

We are proud of our professional teams specialized in each practice area to deliver highskilled

legal services such as on International Business Legal issues, Contracts, Incorporation,

Intellectual Property, M&A, Corporate and Individual Asset Management.

We have been delivering premier quality legal services for the large enterprises and public

companies in Japan, EU, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and Singapore in relation to

international business issues.

We are eager to expand and improve our overseas branch offices as well as our domestic

offices, and based on delivering legal services by introducing IT, we are willing to improve

our legal services with a wide range of our expertise and geographical coverage as well.

Additionally, We are targeting to successfully resolve diverse legal needs mainly in the

areas of Content Business (Content Marketing), Business related to AI, Big Data Use

Business and Intellectual Property.

We have grown significantly and passionately to deepen our knowledge and expertise. We

are here for our clients to deliver truly reliable services for their businesses in Japan and

other countries as well.

Contact Details:

Meilin International Law Firm

Address: Tenjin Twin Building 7F,

1-6-8 Tenjin Chuo-ku, Fukuoka JAPAN

TEL: +81 92-736-1550

FAX: +81 92-736-1560

E-mail info@meilin-law.jp

URL http://www.meilin-law.jp

Trademark Law Firm of the Year – Philippines

The Hechanova Group – Hechanova & Co. and Hechanova Bugay Vilchez & Andaya-Racadio – is

based in Manila, where the former firm focuses on prosecution matters and the latter on litigation

work. The group advises on matters related to trademarks, patents, copyright, domain names,

utility models, designs, litigation, licensing and franchising. The Hechanova Group is very strong in its

patent and trademark practice. The law firm has been recognized by ASIA IP Magazine as winner

for 2017 for trademarks, and copyright in 2019. The total complement of the HECHANOVA Group

is 48 with 12 lawyers, and 22 engineers/science professionals. Partners/Principals Editha R

Hechanova, Maria Gladys Vilchez, Brenda Rivera, Noemi Rivera, Chrissie Ann Barredo and Joy

Marie Gabor-Tolentino concentrate on IP. All its 5 senior associate lawyers can lead enforcement

actions and have an average of 8 years in IP litigation work. In September, 2020, Hechanova

Bugay Vilchez & Andaya-Racadio was able to prevail in a landmark trademark infringement case

Zuneca vs. Natrpharm (G.R. No. 211850) by proving Zuneca as a prior trademark user in good faith,

and hence, non-infringing. Just recently this June, 2021, despite the pandemic, the law firm was

able to conduct a raid action led by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and seized about

168,000 pairs of counterfeit Havaianas slippers and its colorable imitations with estimated value of

US$3.6 Million.

Atty. Editha R. Hechanova

President/Managing Partner

Editha R. Hechanova is the President and CEO of Hechanova & Co., Inc., member of the

HECHANOVA Group is an IP consulting firm handling patent and trademark prosecution,

copyright, domain name, plant variety, product registrations, consulting on IP creation and

protection, and all other non-contentious IP services. Hechanova Bugay Vilchez & Andaya-

Racadio is a full service law firm offering a complete range of legal services such as general

counseling, commercial transactions and special projects, corporate/M&A; intellectual property

enforcement, litigation and other contentious IP matters; regulatory compliance, corporate

governance; litigation and dispute resolution, tax advisory and tax compliance, labor and

employment, immigration, commercial disputes including civil, criminal, administrative, and

regulatory issues; dispute resolution and arbitration matters, corporate secretary and directorship


Contact Details:

Editha R. Hechanova, Esq.


Ground Floor Salustiana D. Ty Tower

104 Paseo de Roxas Avenue

Makati City 1229


Tel. Nos. (632) 8888-4293;

Fax Nos. (632) 8888-4290;



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